Who built ancient cities on artificially created islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean? The unusual city of Ollantaytambo Built a city on the Neva

About forty kilometers northwest of Cusco, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is located Ollantaytambo town. It has well-preserved ancient stone buildings, despite the passing centuries (modern science has not been able to date the time of construction of the object).

The ruins of the town attract historians, antiquity lovers and, of course, tourists. The construction of this valley is also attributed to Lemurians and aliens. And people attribute its destruction to the global flood. According to the official version, it was built Pachacuti, and was destroyed by the Spaniards.

The most interesting building in the city "temple hill" located on the outskirts, a wide staircase leads there. The buildings are made of untreated stone blocks.

Besides the temple "Ten Niches", it consists of various stones, and the far wall ends in a step of granaries. Behind is the Platform in an open space, there is a carved throne and two unfinished monumental walls.

Center Temple Hill- these are the remains of a huge structure on a rock, it was called - "Temple of the Sun". This building, like many others, was destroyed; only the front wall, made of six huge vertically elongated monoliths, remained. They are about four meters high. There are stone inserts between the blocks that close the gaps between them; this technology is not found anywhere else among the Incas.

City blocks Ollantaytambo fitted with amazing precision, it is impossible to even insert a sheet of paper between them. There are also fountains and several buildings in the center. Many buildings are unfinished or dismantled for rebuilding, so huge stones are scattered here and there in disarray.

Close to Temple of Ten Niches Terraces are located. They are surrounded by higher walls. There are point-shaped projections on the stone blocks of the terraces. They were lined up like this in case of an attack by the Spaniards. The terraces were used for agricultural purposes and were built from hewn stones, and not from rough stones, like other structures.

The ancient Incas did not provide stairs to this structure, apparently getting into it in some other way. There are several granaries in the surrounding hills. The reserves in them were well preserved due to excellent ventilation. Traces of cut stones are clearly visible on the rocks around; this is where the builders took the material for the structures. As such There are no quarries in Ollantaytambo. There are slopes around which stones were cut down to build the city. You can see how huge the blocks were cut from the rock.

Who built the city

Ollantaytambo considered a miracle of technology and architecture. How it was built is still unknown. Humanity is not familiar with the construction methods that were used.

Painted stones are also of interest; there are several stones in different parts of the city. It seems as if they could not be brought to the construction site or did not have time for some reason.

Ollantaytambo shrouded in mystery, imbued with the energy of the ancient Incas and dusted with modernity. For many years, scientists have been arguing about construction technology and the cause of such large-scale destruction. Many believe that it was impossible in those days to move and install multi-ton megaliths. This means that someone brought them or teleported them. Maybe they did it aliens.

Nan Madol is an artificial archipelago with a total area of ​​79 hectares, consisting of 92 islands connected by a system of artificial canals. Also known as the "Venice of the Pacific". Located near Temwen Island, southeast of Ponape Island, part of the Caroline Islands, and before 1500 AD. e. was the capital of the ruling dynasty of So Deleur at that time.

Scientists have discovered a new prehistoric city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Satellite images show giant square blocks located off the coast of Pohnpei island. These square stone structures are remarkably identical and geometric in shape.

Many people know about Nan Madol, but very little is known about the ruins that were recently discovered there on the island of Pohnpei. Pohnpei, a small (345 square kilometers) volcanic island in the center of the Pacific Ocean, in Micronesia: it is far from here to continental Asia, and to island Southeast Asia, even further to Australia and America.

The remote island of Pohnpei is located within the Micronesian island chain. Not far away is Nan Madol, a small archipelago southeast of the island of Pohnpei in the Pacific Ocean, consisting of more than a hundred artificial islands of basalt monoliths and coral blocks, connected by a system of canals and it is the site of archaeological excavations.

On the island of Ponape, lost in the Pacific Ocean, civilization developed and died long before the first European appeared there. During the era of great geographical discoveries, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English sailors, returning from long voyages, told many incredible stories about the wonders of the Pacific islands.

Scientists, as a rule, considered these stories to be ordinary sailor's tales and therefore did not believe the story of the Spanish captain Alvaro Saavedra, who in 1529 told about the amazing island of Ponape, lying between the Hawaiian archipelago and the Philippines. The captain claimed: on the island there are ruins of temples, palaces, incomprehensible large structures, stone embankments. According to him, the abandoned city vaguely resembled Venice.

For a long time, geographers considered the mysterious city on Ponape a legend, until the island was visited by the Russian navigator Fyodor Petrovich Litke during his circumnavigation of the world in 1826–1829 on the sloop Senyavin. He was the first to map the island, describe the mysterious ruins of Ponape and map the neighboring islands.

Ponape is a volcanic island with a diameter of only 15 kilometers, surrounded by a barrier reef. It is part of the Caroline Archipelago of Micronesia near the equator. The shores of the island are severely destroyed by tropical typhoons, and in its center there are impenetrable dense thickets. In the east of the island there is an artificial lagoon, and here the reef barrier has been destroyed by human hands. Inside the shallow lagoon are the ruins of the ancient city of Nan Madol, located on more than a hundred small islands.

Examining the ruins, Litke became convinced that the inhabitants had long left the city, and only on the opposite side of the island a handful of natives lived in primitive conditions. Unfortunately, all the information about Ponape collected by Litke was lost in the archives of the Russian Geographical Society and was never fully published. In 1857, the ruins of Nan-Madol were superficially examined by the American L. Gyulik, and a little later the Pole I. Kubari, who settled on the island, drew up the first detailed plan of the ruins.

In 1896, the Englishman F. Christian, an unceremonious and dishonest explorer, appeared on Ponape. Guided by Kubari's plan, he subjected the ruins of Nan Madol to real robbery and himself almost died at the hands of local residents after plundering several ancient tombs revered by the natives.

The most serious archaeological study of Nan-Madol was undertaken at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries by the German scientist Paul Hambruch, who established: all the islands inside the lagoon are of artificial origin!

Unknown builders brought basalt slabs from the north of the island, laid them in rows lengthwise and crosswise, and if the blocks were irregular in shape, the gaps between them were filled with coral rubble. The tops of most platforms were flat, convenient for constructing buildings.

During strong tides, the space between the platforms was flooded, and the town was covered with a network of canals, reminiscent of a small Venice. Hambruch mapped ninety of these artificial islands. He also discovered artificial reservoirs, foundations of palaces and temple buildings.

In 1908, Hambruch's book dedicated to the research of Nan-Madol was published. In it, the scientist suggested that a religious and cult center of Micronesians operated on Ponape for several centuries, where residents of other islands in Oceania made pilgrimages.

This was also evidenced by the legends recorded by Hambruch from the words of the aborigines. According to these legends, the island was once ruled by the prince Sau Deleur, whose name gradually became a title and meant king-priest. There were fifteen such Sau Deleurs, and then the dynasty died out. It is this dynasty that is responsible for the construction of stone buildings on artificial islands.

The scientist determined the beginning of the construction of the holy city around the 5th century AD. In 1958, this was confirmed by an examination conducted by researchers from the USA. A German archaeologist recorded the islanders' legend about the main goddess of Nan-Madol, the turtle Nanunsunsan. A palace with a pool was built for her, and the goddess herself was decorated with mother-of-pearl. On holidays, the priests took her on a boat along the canals and shouted prophecies on her behalf. Then the goddess was fried and ceremonially eaten. In 1958, Americans found thousands of shells of such goddesses at the bottom of a swampy reservoir inside the temple.

By 1914, Hambruch and other researchers had established that there were about eight hundred stone structures at Nan Madol, including fortress walls and port buildings. The main temple was built from megalithic blocks. Under this temple a network of tunnels and canals was discovered through which people and boats could penetrate there.

Archaeological discoveries on Ponape have given rise to many fantastic and incredible hypotheses. Some scientists claimed: the remains of the legendary Lemuria were discovered on the island; others saw in the Cyclopean stone buildings the fruits of the activities of the Incan colonizers, who allegedly arrived on the island from Peru. It was also hypothesized that Ponape was an outpost of the Egyptian pharaohs on the Pacific Ocean.

American archaeologists were able to begin serious research on Nan-Madol only in 1958. From the stories of the natives, they learned that during the occupation the Japanese carried out excavations in many parts of the island, found something and took it away. They talked about some metal objects, sculptures and sarcophagi. The Americans sent an official request to Tokyo, but the Japanese authorities replied that they knew nothing about it.

The city of Petra, built thousands of years ago in the desert of Jordan, its majestic facade hidden behind huge rocks still holds all the magic and mystery that its builders left behind.
, the reason for the emergence of a city in such a place, began with water - the most necessary component in the desert. With only six inches of rainfall per year, the builders of this strange city managed to harness the water with expertly designed technical pipelines that supplied water to 20,000 people and, in addition, was capable of supplying water to any modern city with a population of hundreds of thousands of people.

Water was collected in pools, cisterns, and waterways, distributing water throughout the city. How could the nomadic tribe that built this city, which was the richest city of its time, cope with such a difficult task? Today there is no clear answer to this question, but each new study of the city gradually brings archaeologists closer to the answer.

Petra means "stone" in Greek and also comes from the Arabic word "Al-Batra".

The city of Petra, located 250 km from the capital of Jordan, Amman, was the capital of the Nabataea Empire from 400 BC. — 106g. BC. Being at the crossroads of two important trade routes from Western Asia, and the other north of South Arabia, it provided great opportunities for rulers to collect taxes, as well as the opportunity to develop and improve trade. They traded textiles, incense, precious metals, ivory, and spices in wagons, on land, and even at sea using ancient seagoing vessels known as flatboats.

This was also possible due to the fact that Petra offered passing merchants and caravans the opportunity to rest and replenish their water supplies, of course for a certain fee.

By 100g. BC. Petra reached its peak by driving the Arab frankincense trade and its location on important trade routes, making Petra one of the wealthiest cities in the world.

Petra was first discovered in 1812 by Swiss geographer Johannes L. Burckhardt, but the mystery of the origins of the Nabatean people remains unsolved to this day. Before they arrived in this area, it was inhabited by Edomites, but those who carved and built the city in the rock were people of the Nabatean people.

These nomads, who came from southern Arabia, were just like the gypsy traders who roamed the rest of the world. So how did they manage to build such a beautiful city carved out of solid rock? Besides, how did they become such excellent city planners, engineers and skilled masons? Where did the knowledge of how to carve niches and doorways into solid rock, as well as create spectacular sculptures, come from ordinary nomadic people?

To date, no answers to these questions have been found. The reason for this is that these mysterious people did not leave written evidence of their time, which is a really strange thing, because according to researchers, most of the advanced ancient civilizations left some kind of written evidence of their culture, such as Sumerian stone tablets, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and etc. But nothing of the sort was left behind by Nabatean.

An even more puzzling fact is that these people were capable of writing, according to anthropologists and archaeologists, as established by numerous inscriptions and bas-reliefs on the walls. So, why not leave some written evidence of your fame or some record of your origins?

2000 years is a long time to make definite assumptions. But we know that they were an advanced people. The biggest proof is the way they built their city. The large capital, built in a small hole in the rocks, was 1200 meters long and only three to four meters wide, surrounded by high gorges stretching upward as far as the eye could see.

The majestic empire was shaken by several earthquakes, which led to its decline. And then, suddenly, this nomadic people disappeared from the pages of history, without any apparent reason there is no more mention of them, where they came from, and where they went, leaving such a large structure, remains another mystery today.

The ancient name of Petra was Rekiem, which is also mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. But the builders kept their secrets and all other information about themselves, leaving them a mystery to the rest of the world.

Another mystery of the Nabatean people is their most magnificent structure, which appears before the eyes as soon as one emerges from the small entrance through the mountain gap. It is a ‘Treasury’, (so called) because no other use could be found for it. There are no graves or burials near it, nor is there any evidence that caravans or carriages passed near it, or that any records were kept here, and if there were any, none were found.

So what was this cleverly designed architectural structure made for? This question is still awaiting an answer. Perhaps a line from John William Burgon's poem is the right way to describe this mysterious city: "red as a rose, a city as ancient as time itself."

Geological studies of the surrounding areas of St. Petersburg have revealed interesting facts. It turns out that several thousand years ago the sea splashed in this area. This contradicts the opinion of some researchers of ancient history, who claim that an unknown megalithic civilization could have existed on the territory of St. Petersburg in the past. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Sall claims that, despite all these facts, traces of ancient culture were still preserved in the form of huge stone blocks weighing about a thousand tons and seids, located near St. Petersburg. Historians cannot answer who created these artifacts.

St. Petersburg is a city that was dug up, not built

About one question regularly comes up - about the attitude towards those multiple publications on the network, in which the question of cities that were dug up rather than built, about some noticeable cataclysm in the relatively recent past is revealed in more detail.

About St. Petersburg, in the context of these issues.

Having walked around St. Petersburg a little, we will discuss the version that seems most likely.

Traces of Ancient Civilization in St. Petersburg

Researchers of the mysteries of antiquity have more than once drawn attention to the numerous oddities of the architecture and symbolism of the northern capital of Russia. Oddly enough, one of the youngest cities in our country leads in the number of objects whose origin raises many questions. The writer-historian and traveler Georgy Sidorov commented on the most striking of them. This is the symbol of St. Petersburg: the Alexander Column (also known as the “Alexandrian Pillar”), the Hermitage Atlas and St. Isaac’s Cathedral. “As always, Georgy Alekseevich put forward his own sensational assumptions. His stay in St. Petersburg became the starting point for a long expedition through the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

St. Petersburg has always had a mystical reputation. This city attracts mystery seekers of all kinds. Mysteries in St. Petersburg are found literally at every turn: there are houses with a bad reputation, an extensive network of dungeons, and the sign of the unfortunate Emperor Paul I, and even its own Bermuda Triangle, not to mention the countless Masonic symbols on the architectural structures of the northern capital. For a researcher of artifacts of ancient civilizations, St. Petersburg is a real treasure chest, but the writer-historian Georgy Sidorov, remaining true to himself, took a path not yet taken and presented a radically new look at the secrets of St. Petersburg.

The first object of Georgy Sidorov's visit was the famous Alexander Column. This gigantic monument, almost fifty meters high and weighing more than 600 tons, was erected about two centuries ago in 1834. According to official data, blanks for the column and pedestal were mined in the Pyuterlak quarry, then transported by water to St. Petersburg, where further processing of the stone monoliths was carried out under the leadership of the architect Auguste Montferrand. However, Georgy Sidorov’s point of view on the origin of this monument differs significantly from the generally accepted one.

Georgy Sidorov: If you look at it, what is surprising is that it is chiseled. To carve such a column from a solid block of granite, firstly, at a minimum, we need our civilization, we need electricity, we need electrical energy, we need special machines. We need a machine that can sharpen such a huge block. Well, let’s say the column itself, 750 tons, can hardly be rotated, even in our time, right now we don’t have such technology. Most likely, this huge block stood, fixed, and some mechanism moved along it, segment by segment, sharpening it to its entire length and making it cone-shaped. The fact is that if you look at it, you can see that there is one segment, the second segment, it is all cut into segments, the sharpening went like this. Now the question is - how could they do this? After all, this was done by a mechanism, because the glare of light is falling, there is not a single wave, it is made as if according to a ruler. It was made, stored somewhere, most likely, it was found and decided to be adapted for this purpose, to perpetuate the power of the Russian Empire. Montferrand brilliantly managed to deliver it, install it, but the fact that it was made in another civilization, not in our civilization, it was made a very long time ago, maybe 12-15 thousand years ago, because even now, as far as I know I managed to ask architects and builders, those who know stone, work on stone, they shrug their shoulders. Currently, there is no technology for manufacturing such a column. They simply never existed. You can stage it, you can bring it, but it’s almost impossible to do it. A lot of questions arise here. On the one hand, why were Hittite eagles needed, not Russian, but Hittite eagles, they are not Byzantine, Byzantine eagles, they are already with crowns, here a purely Hittite double-headed eagle stands, on four sides, and it is not clear where it came from here.

That's it! The column glorifying Russia's victory over Napoleon actually contains symbols of completely different peoples and completely different times, which may indicate its ancient origin. By the way, you can read about some little-known details of the death of the Hittite Empire and the appearance of the double-headed eagle in Rus' in the books of Georgy Sidorov.

Walking past the building of the new Hermitage, Georgy Sidorov drew attention to the magnificent figures of Atlanteans holding a massive balcony on their shoulders. The keen eye of the researcher was attracted not so much by the artistic merits of these majestic sculptures, but by the method of their manufacture.

Georgy Sidorov: They are all one to one, all one. For fun, look, it’s all one. Do you understand? Bodies, bodies, it seems that they are simply cast from one mold, all made.

Woman: The hair is also a little different.

Georgy Sidorov: What is left for the sculptor to complete? Here, loincloths, hair, this distinguishes them. Fingers, feet, proportions - everything that concerns the body itself is all one to one, down to maybe one tenth of a millimeter. That is, it is practically one figure, it is one figure everywhere. This means that those who once made them, they owned the secret of liquid granite, they managed to make granite liquid, they poured it, then they changed some parts that caught the eye, they changed loincloths, they changed hair, that is, there The sculptor's chisel was already working. And it turns out that they seem to be the same, at the same time slightly different, but the proportions are absolute. The structure of the knees, the structure of the legs, the structure of the veins, the veins are all absolutely the same on the legs, as if they were the same shape. It's all one form. Now, how to explain this? Only in one case can it be explained that the Atlases were cast, they were not made of solid granite, granite slabs or stones, they were cast from one mold, and then finished here, the difference was made only here where the work went on the wool, that is the wool, the loincloths, the hair on the head, everything, everything else is the same.

The last point Georgy Sidorov planned to visit was St. Isaac's Cathedral. This majestic architectural structure was erected in the mid-19th century according to the design of the same Auguste Montferrand, the author of the Alexander Column. Is it possible that they have a common ancient origin?

Georgy Sidorov: This part here, the large steps are an exact copy of the May pyramids, the Aztec pyramids, they are circular, this is a piece of the pyramid. It goes there, I don’t know how deep it is, maybe it’s 20 meters deep, maybe more. And this is the temple. Here are these steps, they are already modern, they were made for the modern, that is, they were done recently. And those steps too, but they were made for people not of our race, two, two twenty, two thirty, two fifty, approximately, height. The structure was made, and these steps were made for other people, this was made for giants, for a very large four-meter man, and this was later adapted for us.

You can see that this is the same technology as the Alexandria Pillar and these columns, the only difference is that they are lighter, much lighter than a pillar. Each column weighs approximately 110 tons. This is also a huge weight, and it is not clear how these columns were delivered, it is not clear how they were installed, because everything can be described, as we say, “paper will endure everything,” but, in fact, in those times when there was no electricity, it was all done. They were carved, then they were polished, but now, if you look closely at the steps and columns, you can see that there are such ripples along the steps, and along the columns, along the polishing, that is, the process of weathering is underway. And weathering in a century, in two, cannot be at such a level, it is clear that these columns and steps are gigantic, they were not made in the 18th century, not in the 17th, or even in the 15th, that is, it was a very long time ago. All this represents a single complex.

The tour of St. Petersburg has come to an end. In the port, the Mercury boat is waiting for Georgy Sidorov, on which he and his comrades will go along the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The purpose of the expedition is to search for traces of the ancient civilization of Hyperborea, which existed on the disappeared continent of Arctida. We will tell you about what Georgy Sidorov will discover during the expedition on the “Planet Heritage” channel.

Artifacts about ancient Rus' are hidden in the Hermitage

Why is the Hermitage not exhibiting an ancient Slavic exhibition? Nothing? The director of the Hermitage answers - yes!


"Emperor Peter I and St. Isaac's Cathedral", St. Petersburg, painting by artist Maxim Vorobyov, 1844

The first person who read this article asked me a question: “What is the practical meaning of this work?”
To answer this question, I will quote the words of Pyotr Stolypin (1862-1911), who was killed in Kyiv and who in the last years of his life held the position of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire. He said this:
“A people that does not know its history is the dung on which other nations grow.”

So in order for us to stop being dung for someone, we need to finally find out our true history and reveal one secret that has been carefully hidden from century to century, connected with Peter I and the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg.

I will say right away that the first Russian Emperor Peter I (1672-1725) did not just appear on the historical stage as a reformer of Rus', and it was no coincidence that even during his lifetime many in Rus' were talking about replacing one Peter (the son of the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov family) with another Peter, foreign, from an unknown family.

By the way, disputes about the tribal origin of the “other” Peter I, who went down in Russian history as a great reformer and builder of the city of St. Petersburg, have not subsided to this day, because it is truly unclear whose blood flowed in his veins. Judging by his lifetime portraits and portraits of his family, Peter I was not definitely Russian by blood!

Portraits of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, his second wife Catherine I and daughters Elizabeth and Anna:

There are no Russes, Slavs, with such faces as we see in these portraits! Whose blood were Peter I, his second wife Catherine the First and their daughters from? - this question remains open to this day.

As for the vigorous reform activity of Peter I, today we know in detail only one thing: Peter I was literally replaced by another person or he was “as if replaced” (delve into the meaning of words in the Russian language!) after his stay abroad in the period from March 1697 to August 1698.

Contemporaries noted who had seen and known Peter I before that he had changed very much externally, but even more, beyond recognition, he had changed internally.
Even before returning to Moscow from a trip abroad, straight from London, the 26-year-old Tsar of All Rus' gave a written order to imprison his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina, Russian by birth, whom he married at the age of 16, in the Suzdal Intercession Monastery.

There is interesting information regarding the first wife of Peter I: “Evdokia Lopukhina went down in history as the last Russian wife of the Russian Tsar. And all subsequent Russian emperors also took only foreigners as wives, which is why there was less and less Russian blood in the veins of their heirs.” Source.
A very interesting touch in the history of the Russian state, isn’t it?
Now let's move on to considering the most interesting cases of Peter and the history of St. Petersburg.

It is known that on July 31, 1698, while staying in Rava (Ruska), Peter I met with the King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Augustus II. “The communication between the two monarchs, who were almost the same age, continued for three days. As a result, a personal friendship arose and the creation of an alliance against Sweden was outlined. The final secret agreement with the Saxon elector and the Polish king was concluded on November 1, 1699. According to it, Augustus II was supposed to begin war against Sweden by invading Livonia." (Encyclopedic article "The Great Embassy". Source).

Note: Rava-Russkaya was first mentioned in documents in the 15th century. In 1455, Prince Władysław of Belz and Mazovia named a small settlement on the Rata River after his Mazovian possession, adding the word “Russian” to distinguish it from Rawa Mazowiecka, now located in Poland. Source.

In other words, during that meeting with Augustus II, Peter I concluded a secret agreement with him, according to which, upon the return of the Tsar of All Rus' to Moscow, they would jointly start a war against Sweden, in order to achieve some of their interests in this war.

And shortly before this, on July 14, 1698, a meeting took place between 26-year-old Peter I and the 58-year-old Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation (also the ruler of Austria) Leopold I (from the Habsburg family). We can only guess about the details of that meeting, but the political steps that the young Tsar of All Rus' took upon his return to Moscow are interesting.

On the collage: Leopold I & Peter I (in their youth they looked like brothers) and the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire, which later became the coat of arms of the Russian Empire too.
So, having returned to Moscow from the foreign embassy, ​​Peter I considered it important for himself to immediately deal a crushing blow to everything Russian, especially to Russian history and tradition.

Why and why?
Well, Peter I didn’t like Russians, that’s why he wanted to turn Russia into a semblance of a European state, and most of all, into a semblance of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition, during a foreign tour of Europe, 26-year-old Peter I was explained (most likely by Leopold I) that he had every chance of turning from the “Tsar of All Rus'” into the “Emperor of the Russian Empire” if he took a number of the right steps.

Which ones?
Peter I, presumably, had this explained to him.
By that time, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, on the territory controlled by the 18-year-old Swedish King Charles XII, there already stood a small ancient city with stone buildings, partially submerged by icy waters, the very fact of whose existence haunted the powers that be.

For world history, this ancient city, first absorbed by water and then liberated, was the same artifact that could not be hidden anywhere, like the ancient Egyptian pyramids. What bothered the “powers of this world” most was that it stood on primordially Russian soil! It was an ancient city built by the Russians! And by its existence it proved centuries-old, and maybe even thousands of years of Russian history!

These two-century-old drawings depict part of the territory of Vasilyevsky Island adjacent to the Bolshaya Neva embankment (Lieutenant Schmidt embankment) between the 25th and 19th lines. Apparently, the draftsman documented not the new buildings of Peter the Great, but the remains of an ancient stone city, where, along with collapsed buildings, there were also relatively intact ones.

This engraving by Alexei Fedorovich Zubov (1682 - 1751), a Peter the Great artist, depicts the entry of Swedish ships into the Neva on September 9, 1714 after the victory at Gangut. The inscription on the engraving "Vasilievsky Island at St. Petersburg." The artist depicted in detail the stone embankment and numerous multi-story buildings in the engraving. At the same time, official history claims that just 11 years ago there was nothing in this place! This, they say, was all built by Peter I, who had only a 40,000-strong army for the war with Sweden...

And this century-old photograph shows the Hermitage building, the first floor of which, despite the fact that this building, as historians say, is very recent, turned out to be deep underground!

Hermitage building.

It was these “powers of this world”, interested in ensuring that all such artifacts never spoke, that the 26-year-old Russian Tsar Peter I visited on his foreign tour.

“An interesting fact is the composition of the Russian embassy that went to Europe. The number accompanying the tsar was 20 people, and the embassy was headed by Alexander Menshikov. And the returning embassy consisted, with the exception of Menshikov, only of Dutch subjects! Moreover, the embassy went to Europe with the tsar on two weeks, as expected, but it returned only after more than a year...

The Streltsy - the guards and elite of the Russian tsarist army - suspected something was wrong. The Streltsy revolt that began was brutally suppressed by Peter. But the Streltsy were the most advanced and combat-ready military units that faithfully served the Russian tsars. Sagittarius became by inheritance, which indicates the highest level of these units.

It is characteristic that the scale of the destruction of the Streltsy was more global than according to official sources. At that time, the number of Streltsy reached 20 thousand people, and after the pacification of the Streltsy rebellion by the government of Peter I, the Russian army was left without infantry, after which a new set of recruits was made and a complete reformation of the active army. A notable fact is that in honor of the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, a commemorative medal was issued with inscriptions in Latin, which had never before been used in the minting of coins and medals in Rus', but was used in the Holy Roman Empire."

On the left is the medal of Peter I "Suppression of the Streltsy revolt, 1698", on the right for comparison is the medal of Leopold I.

By the way, another interesting detail to the story of the mutiny of the archers.
“In March 1698, 175 archers from 4 archery regiments who participated in the Azov campaigns of Peter I in 1695-1696 appeared in Moscow urgently summoned by Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna (sister of Peter I and daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Sofya Alekseevna claimed that Peter I'm not her brother...

On April 4, 1698, soldiers of the Semenovsky regiment were sent against the Streltsy, who, with the assistance of the townspeople, “knocked out” the rebellious Streltsy from the capital. The archers returned to their regiments, where fermentation began.
On June 6, the archers removed their commanders, elected 4 electors in each regiment and headed towards Moscow. The rebels (2,200 people) intended to enthrone Princess Sophia or, in case of her refusal, V.V. Golitsyn, who was in exile.

The government sent the Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Lefortovo and Butyrsky regiments (about 4,000 people) and noble cavalry under the command of A. S. Shein, General P. Gordon and Lieutenant General Prince I. M. Koltsov-Mosalsky against the archers.

On June 14, after a review on the Khodynka River, the regiments set out from Moscow. On June 17, ahead of the archers, A.I. Repnin occupied the New Jerusalem (Resurrection) Monastery. On June 18, 40 versts west of Moscow, the rebels were defeated.
Participating in the battle at the Resurrection Monastery on behalf of the Government were:
Butyrsky Regiment - General P. Gordon
"Battalion" of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - Major Nikolai von Salm
“Battalion” (6 companies) of the Semenovsky regiment - Colonel I. I. Angler
Lefortovo Regiment - Colonel Yu. S. Lim
Artillery under the command of Colonel de Grage (Grange)." Source.

As we see, the names of the commanders of government troops are clearly not Russian.
It turns out that a non-Russian head in the form of Peter I and the foreigners loyal to him was placed on the body of the state-forming Russian people...

After suppressing the revolt of the Streltsy, Peter I considered it important to reform the Russian calendar, which resulted in the Slavs cutting off 5508 years of their history and the next summer of 7208 becoming 1700.
Peter I also replaced the Slavic word “new year” with the “new year” he invented ("Happy New Year!"), and he replaced the ancient Russian holiday "Christmas of the Sun", celebrated in Rus' on December 25, 3 days after the winter solstice. for the holiday "Nativity of Christ".

If you think about the words “Happy New Year!”, then these words of congratulation (and the spelling of the word “Year” with a capital letter) are nothing more than the blasphemous congratulation “HAPPY NEW GOD” invented especially for the Slavs by Peter I! In German God is Gott, in English God is God, and in a number of other languages ​​as well. So it turns out that the now widely known expression “Happy New Year!” the blasphemous meaning was originally invested - “With the New God!” (instead of the old Slavic god - Yarila!).

That’s why this word “Year” was written with a capital letter!
The logic of such a mockery of the consciousness of the Russian people is also curious. The original winter Russian holiday "Nativity of the Sun" (born from the Mother of God-Heaven and the Holy Spirit according to ancient Slavic mythology), celebrated in Rus' from time immemorial on December 25, was replaced by the "Nativity of Christ" (born from the Jewish Virgin Mary and the "holy spirit" in the form dove, according to Jewish legend).

The reformer or reformers (perhaps Peter I took this step not alone, but with the “Patriarch of All Rus'”), were guided by the following considerations: “We will assume that the legendary Christ was also born on December 25, exactly the day when the Slavs celebrate the holiday "Nativity of the Sun", but on that day he had not yet been circumcised according to Jewish tradition, as befits a Jew! Among Jews, circumcision is done on the 8th day from birth. Therefore, to December 25 it is necessary to add another 8 required days, and then The birthday of the god-man Christ turns out to be exactly January 1!”
And after Peter’s reform it became like this:

And so it was (certificate of 1865):

Almost simultaneously with these steps, Peter I, having returned from the “Great Embassy,” began preparing for war with Sweden. They had to fight both for Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea and for the future title of Emperor of the Russian Empire, which Peter I acquired in 1721 after he completed the 21-year “Northern War” with Sweden, which began in 1700.

Historical information: “In 1699, the “Northern Alliance” was created against the Swedish king Charles XII, which, in addition to Russia, included Denmark, Saxony and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, led by the Saxon elector and the Polish king Augustus II. The driving force behind the union was the desire of Augustus II to take away Sweden Livonia. For help, he promised Russia the return of lands that previously belonged to the Russians (Ingria, which was located within the borders of today's Leningrad region, and Karelia)."

The last one is an important fact!
In other words, during a long trip abroad, Peter I had the idea (a friend suggested it, but which one, Augustus II or Leopold I?) to take by force from the young 18-year-old Swedish king Charles XII that part of the lands that once upon a time, historically belonged to the Russians.
Modern geographical map indicating the border of Russia:

And when this historically Russian land was conquered by Peter I from the Swedish king Charles XII, he founded the new city of St. Petersburg in 1703 on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, supposedly from scratch.

Here's how many historians, including Wikipedia, talk about it:
“In order for Russia to enter the war, it was necessary to make peace with the Ottoman Empire. After reaching a truce with the Turkish Sultan for a period of 30 years, Russia declared war on August 19 (30), 1700, on Sweden under the pretext of revenge for the insult shown to Tsar Peter I in Riga...

The beginning of the war for Peter I was discouraging: the newly recruited army (after the mutiny of the archers), handed over to the Saxon field marshal Duke de Croix, was defeated near Narva on November 19 (30), 1700.
Considering that Russia was sufficiently weakened, Charles XII left with his troops for Livonia to direct all his forces against Augustus II.

However, Peter I, continuing army reforms along European lines, resumed hostilities. Already in the fall of 1702, the Russian army, in the presence of the tsar, captured the Noteburg fortress (renamed Shlisselburg), and in the spring of 1703, the Nyenschanz fortress at the mouth of the Neva. Here, on May 16 (27), 1703, the construction of St. Petersburg began, and on the island of Kotlin the base of the Russian fleet was located - the Kronshlot fortress (later Kronstadt)." Source.

Now I propose to delve more deeply into the description of the “Northern War”, which Peter I waged against Sweden for as long as 21, and perhaps then the reader will understand that historians are simply fooling him with their words...
Battle of Narva

“On August 18, 1700, Peter received news of the conclusion of the Treaty of Constantinople with the Turks and on August 19 (30), not yet knowing about Denmark’s withdrawal from the war, he declared war on Sweden, and on August 24 (September 3) Russian troops launched an offensive campaign. According to In the treaty of alliance with Augustus II, Russia was to receive Ingermanland (otherwise “Swedish Ingria”) - a territory roughly corresponding to the current Leningrad region.On the border between Ingermanland and Estonia there was a large city and the largest Swedish fortress in the region - Narva, which became the main target of Russian commanders .

The campaign to Narva was organized unsuccessfully in the fall: the soldiers were systematically malnourished, the horses carrying equipment were fed so poorly that by the end of the campaign they began to die, and in addition, due to the onset of rains and the poor condition of the roads, the carts of the convoy regularly broke down. Peter I planned to concentrate over 60 thousand soldiers near Narva, but the slow pace of the army’s advance towards Narva thwarted the king’s deadlines and plans. In the end, the siege of Narva began only on October 14 (25), with forces, according to various estimates, from 34 thousand to 40 thousand soldiers.

The siege of Narva was also organized unsuccessfully. The shelling of the city from cannons turned out to be ineffective due to the fact that the Russian army used too light guns; moreover, the ammunition was only enough for two weeks. Narva was actually a double fortress along with neighboring Ivangorod, and Peter I, who personally planned the siege, was forced to greatly stretch the Russian troops, surrounding both fortresses at the same time. This unfortunate disposition of Russian troops subsequently had a negative impact on their combat effectiveness during the subsequent Battle of Narva.

Meanwhile, Augustus II, having learned about Denmark's imminent exit from the war, lifted the siege of Riga and retreated to Courland, which allowed Charles XII to transfer part of his army by sea to Pernov (Pärnu). Having landed there on October 6, he headed towards Narva, besieged by Russian troops. Peter I, together with Field Marshal Count Golovin, left the army on the night of November 18 and went to Novgorod. The highest command of the army was entrusted by the tsar to the eldest in rank - a foreigner, the Duke of Croix.

On November 19 (30), 1700, the army of Charles XII, numbering 25 thousand people, inflicted a heavy defeat on the Russian army, numbering, according to various estimates, from 34 to 40 thousand people in the battle of Narva. The Duke of Croix, with his staff, also consisting of foreigners, surrendered to Charles XII even before the decisive moment of the battle.

By November 21 (December 2), the main part of the Russian army, which after all the losses still outnumbered the Swedish one, capitulated by order of the Duke de Croix. The Preobrazhensky Life Guards and Semyonovsky Life Guards regiments staunchly defended themselves from the Swedes, which not only managed to avoid a shameful capitulation, but also covered the retreat of part of the Russian army, thereby saving it from complete defeat. For the courage shown in this battle, the soldiers of the regiment in 1700-1740. wore red stockings (in memory of the fact that “in this battle they stood knee-deep in blood”).

The results of the campaign for the Russian side were catastrophic: losses in killed, mortally wounded, drowned, deserted and died from hunger and frost ranged from 8 thousand to 10 thousand people, 700 people, including 10 generals and 56 officers, were captured and lost 179 of 184 guns.

Among the reasons for the defeat of the Russian army are the following: poor preparedness for war (the Russian army was in the stage of reorganization) with a strong enemy; the troops did not know how to fight according to the rules of linear tactics, conduct reconnaissance, and were poorly armed; the artillery was outdated and multi-caliber (at that time there were more than 25 different calibers in the artillery, which in many ways made it difficult to supply the artillery with ammunition) and most importantly, the Russian army did not have its own national command staff; all the main command positions were occupied by foreign officers.

After this defeat, for several years in Europe, the opinion that the Russian army was completely ineffective was established, and Charles XII received the nickname of the Swedish “Alexander the Great.” After the defeat at Narva, Peter I limited the number of foreign officers in the troops. They could constitute only 1/3 of the total number of officers in the unit.

The defeat at Narva played a huge role in the development of the Russian army and the history of the country. As the historian M.N. Pokrovsky pointed out, all of Russia’s interests in the war boiled down to trade, to gaining access to the sea and gaining control over trading ports in the Baltic. Therefore, from the very beginning of the war, Peter took special aim at the Baltic ports of Narva and Riga, but having suffered a crushing defeat at Narva and being thrown back to the area of ​​​​present-day St. Petersburg, he decided to build a new port and city at the mouth of the Neva - the future capital of the Russian Empire." Source.

So, not knowing how to really fight, having at that time only a 40 thousand army (and what is 40 thousand people for the Tsar of All Rus'?), unable to even recapture Ivangorod from the Swedes, founded in the spring of 1492 by Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich as Once in order for Russia to have its own seaport in the Baltic, Peter I zealously began to lay out a new city from scratch and after 8 years declared it the capital of Russia!

Don't you think this is at least strange?
Don’t you think that in this intention of Peter I to certainly build a new capital of Russia on the shores of the Gulf of Finland there is some “second bottom”, “some secret” about which official history is silent...

Plan of the new city of St. Petersburg, drawn up in 1717 in Paris.
What's the secret?

Let's say Peter I wanted Russia to have access to the Baltic Sea, and therefore he deposed Moscow from the status of the capital and assigned this status to the newly built city.

Agree, it’s somehow frivolous. Well, if it were just a port city like Ivangorod, why did the capital have to be moved?!

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon: the “powers of this world”, whom the Russian Tsar visited during his foreign tour or who (according to another version) replaced the son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov - Peter I - with their own man, inspired him that he could one day become a great emperor, similar to the powerful emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but for this you need to pull off one little business related to the “northern capital of Rus'”: everyone must believe that the “king of all Rus'” built a new stone city with complex architecture almost from scratch!

Panorama of the city, compiled from photographs taken in 1861. Clickable!!!

As a result, through the efforts of Peter I, and his followers, emperors and empresses, and Western historians who served them and wrote the history of the Russian State for us, RUSSIAN HISTORY WAS DISTORTED AND IZOLGANED, as the first Russian academician Mikhailo Lomonosov later wrote and said, for which I almost paid with my life.
Article: "Why was the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov sentenced to death?"
Well, Peter I, for his great zeal, received the title of “Emperor of All Russia” in 1721, as the engraving of the court artist Fyodor Zubov eloquently testifies to us:

It is not at all difficult to guess who Peter I’s “godfather” was, looking at this engraving, where the Roman commander places the imperial crown on the head of Peter I. This “godfather” could only be the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, whose coat of arms was copied for Russia by “Peter the Great”, changing only the attributes of power in the image of the Russian coat of arms:

Coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire and its ruler Leopold I.
Opinion of an independent historian and simply a very observant person, Andrei Kadykchansky:
“Peter. For me, it is mysterious not so much by its appearance as by its inexplicable oblivion. It is quite obvious that it is the same antediluvian, ancient city, like all those cities that Europe attributes to the achievements of their own ancestors.

It is incomprehensible how they managed to convince the whole world that the entire Mediterranean is antiquity, the cradle of world civilization, and St. Petersburg is only about three hundred years old?
Historians claim that Peter I thus introduced “wild, dark, uneducated, downtrodden” Russia to the achievements of the “great Western civilization.” But we now know that Russians did not always sigh with reverence at Snickers and Marlboros. This model of behavior was introduced into the mass consciousness during the years of Khrushchev’s sabotage rule, worsened during the Brezhnev decay caused by a well-fed, carefree life, took on especially ugly caricatured forms under Gorbachev, and reached its peak during the shameful period of the “reign”, the eternally drunken EBN.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the explanation is as simple as a cut glass: it’s all about the spirituality of the Russian people. In his naive faith in justice, and in his own modesty.

It never occurred to us that someone could be so impudent that they would take credit for such global achievements as ancient architecture and sculpture. Because this is absolutely unnatural for us by nature. We readily believe in the brilliant achievements of Western civilization, whose representatives only grit their teeth because St. Petersburg is not on their territory.

Meanwhile, upon closer examination, everyone who believes their own eyes is convinced that “ancient” Greece with Rome and North-West Russia are one civilization, one culture, and... not ours.

Anton Blagin:
Now let's remember the “Masonic symbols” of St. Petersburg, which are very common in the architecture of buildings.

Do you see a triangle with rays emanating from it?
Do you think this is really a “Masonic symbol”?

Here is the same symbol on a shield attached to the chest of an angel installed on the roof of St. Isaac's Cathedral. In the triangle, from which rays emanate in all directions, the “God’s eye” is also clearly visible.

The most amazing thing in our history is that a Masonic lodge called “Freemasons” had to be created and officially registered (so that everyone would know that there are such guys!) just because the city on the Neva is St. Petersburg with its amazingly rich architecture appeared on all maps of the world!

Historical information: “The modern Order of Freemasons took shape organizationally at the beginning of the 18th century. On the birthday of St. John the Baptist, June 24, 1717, the world’s first “Grand Lodge” was established in the London tavern “Goose and Spit”, uniting four “Small Lodges” , which had previously met in other city taverns.Thus, a modern Masonic organization was created, which laid the foundation for the institution of modern Freemasonry, which spread a couple of decades later throughout the European continent.

In 1723, the “Book of Constitutions” of James Anderson (1680 -1739) was published under the title “Constitutions of the Freemasons, containing the History, Duties and Rules of this Ancient and Very Honorable Fraternity,” which was approved and adopted as the fundamental law by the Masons. The Constitutions, among other things, contained the mythical history of Freemasonry from the Garden of Eden to 1717. The goal of the Union of Free Masons was designated as the desire for moral self-improvement, knowledge of the Truth and oneself, as well as love for one’s neighbor.

The main version of the origin of Freemasonry is considered to be the version of its origins from medieval building societies. Now Freemasonry is spread throughout the world and is represented in various organizational forms - lodges, grand lodges, supreme councils, chapters, Areopagus, consistories, federations and confederations. The total number of free masons in the world is estimated at 4,000,000 people." Source.

Well, who else, besides these mysterious “freemasons”, could possess the amazing secrets of artistic stone processing and create such beauty?! This question is, of course, sarcasm on my part.
Here is an example of the strikingly beautiful stone processing used during the construction of St. Petersburg:

The figures are made of stone, but it looks as if they were cast in the same mold! And they seem to be actually cast! Stone sinks for kitchens are made using this technology (or something similar) today!
"Dopetrovsky Peter":


Anton Blagin: I will now cite two old drawings made by court artists, who, with the help of painting (alas, there was no cinemagraph yet!), would convince everyone who showed interest in the technique and technology of construction of the city of Peter that the granite columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral, impeccably round in diameter and carefully polished, made in a local quarry by bast men using simple iron axes!

"Puterlax quarry near Vyborg, property of landowner von Exparre."

Well, it’s very convincingly depicted how it all happened! Well, just for the ignoramuses who haven’t even held a hammer in their hands! Like, the men tapped a granite block with axes and (lo and behold!) it became a perfectly smooth cylindrical shape! Even from the side that was lying on the ground!!!

It is on such lies, aimed at people who cannot think, that our would-be historians make mistakes! If they were silent, people would simply be at a loss! And now, after such a lie, that’s it, pipes! It is already clear that the “Isa-Kievsky Cathedral” was built in a completely different way and by the wrong people! And at a completely different time!

So who built St. Petersburg? And what do Freemasons have to do with it, given that the city on the Neva is literally filled with mysterious symbols, which many consider Masonic?

Not long ago, maybe a month ago, I published an article “The Russian Axis of the World.”
Below I want to quote it in full, because it is a continuation of this topic, just written a little earlier.

Do you know, reader, what this red line is that runs across the globe of the Earth?

Officially, this is the so-called “Pulkovo Meridian”. Various historians have recently written many fascinating stories about him, filled, as a rule, with various speculations that do not reveal the truth, but only further hide it...

The “Pulkovo Meridian” (in short and literally) is a conventional line oriented strictly in the North-South direction and passing through the center of the hall of the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory, built on the outskirts of St. Petersburg in 1839.

And unofficially (and this information is not widely promoted), this red line on the world map shows how from north to south several thousand years ago (or maybe several tens of millennia!) the movement of the most mysterious people on earth took place, whose representatives the ancient Greeks called Hyperboreans (“who lived beyond Boreas”), and the Hindus called them Aryans, Aryas, which is translated into Russian as “noble”.

Peter I, apparently, introduced an imitation of the once existing Hyperborean classification of initiates into the secrets of fire, stone and spirit! They were called Aryas - noble ones.

When in Russia and the world at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries there was a boom in fascination with the Aryan theme and Aryan symbols (the main Aryan symbol is the well-known swastika sign - a cross with curved ends, and another symbol is the “eye in a triangle”), the French philosopher and writer Eduard Shure wrote the following lines in his book about the Aryans: “If the black race matured under the scorching sun of Africa, the white race flourished under the icy blast of the North Pole. Greek mythology calls whites Hyperboreans. These red-haired, blue-eyed people came from the north through forests illuminated by the northern lights, accompanied by dogs and deer, led by brave leaders, urged by the gift of clairvoyance of their women.

Gold hair and azure eyes are predetermined colors. This race was destined to create the solar cult of the sacred fire and bring into the world longing for the heavenly Motherland...” (E. Shure. “Great Initiates”, Printing House of the Provincial Zemstvo Council, 1914).
Another writer is B.G. Tilak, who is of Indo-Aryan origin (he is from a family of Brahmans), wrote and published the book “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas” around the same time.

In the modern edition of B.G. Tilak’s book, in the annotation to it, the following is literally written: “The reader is introduced to the translation of the famous book by the famous Indian scientist B.G. Tilak (1856-1920), in which he states, analyzing the most ancient monuments of literature, Vedas and Avesta that the ancestral home of the Aryans existed in the Arctic region, and the last glaciation displaced the Aryan races from the north to the lands of Europe. The Indian scientist saw in the ancient texts an accurate reflection of not only historical, astronomical, but also geophysical realities associated with the Arctic. This discovery allowed Tilak is decades ahead of the findings of archaeologists, philologists, physicists and astronomers and contributes to the general progress of knowledge about the primordial history of the human race and the history of the planet inhabited by this race." (Source).

From these points of view (official and unofficial), let’s now look at the “Pulkovo Meridian,” which until 1884 served Russian navigators and cartographers as the “Russian axis of the world.” And, perhaps, we will be lucky to jointly find and comprehend the historical truth that is still hidden from the common people.
So, what is the so-called “Pulkovo meridian”?

Encyclopedic reference: “The Pulkovo meridian, passing through the center of the main building of the observatory and located 30°19.6” east of Greenwich, was previously the reference point for all geographical maps of Russia. All Russian ships measured their longitude from the Pulkovo meridian, until in 1884 the meridian passing through the axis of the passage instrument of the Greenwich Observatory (zero or Greenwich meridian) was adopted as the zero point of longitude reference throughout the entire globe." Source.

In other words, today (and for 132 years now) the Pulkovo Meridian is located at 30°19.6" east longitude. And earlier, for almost 50 years, the Pulkovo Meridian was at zero degrees of geographic longitude and served for all Russian navigators and cartographers literally as the “Russian axis of the world,” until the initiative was seized by the “mistress of the seas,” power-hungry England.
Now is the time to ask questions:

Was it by chance that in 1827 the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (with the approval of Tsar Nicholas I) decided to create a new, Pulkovo, observatory?
Is it a coincidence that the Pulkovo Observatory and the city of St. Petersburg itself ended up on the same line with such holy cities as Kyiv, Constantinople (now Istanbul) and Alexandria?

According to the same encyclopedia, “The appointed special commission chose the top of Pulkovo Mountain, indicated by Emperor Nicholas I and lying south of the capital, 14 versts from the Moscow outpost, at an altitude of 248 feet (75 meters) above sea level. To develop a detailed For the project of a new observatory, a committee of academicians Vishnevsky, Parrot, Struve and Fuss, chaired by Admiral A. S. Greig, who had already built an observatory in Nikolaev several years earlier, was formed in 1833. The design of the building and its implementation itself were entrusted to the architect A. P. Bryullov, and the instruments were simultaneously ordered in Munich to Ertel, Reichenbach and Merz and Mahler, in Hamburg - to the Repsold brothers. The foundation stone of the observatory took place on June 21 (July 3), 1835, and the solemn consecration of the completed buildings took place on August 7 (19), 1839. Total cost construction reached 2,100,500 rubles in banknotes, including 40,000 rubles in banknotes issued to state peasants who had their own estates on a plot of 20 dessiatinas alienated for the observatory. Initially, an observatory building with three towers and 2 houses for astronomers to live was built..."

After these words, it is reasonable to be puzzled by two questions: “why did the Russian Emperor Nicholas I show Russian scientists the place, and not vice versa, they showed him the place where a new observatory should be built? And why Nicholas I chose exactly the place he indicated for the observatory, and not some -something else?"

The answer to both of these questions can be the ancient map below, compiled more than two thousand years ago by Hipparchus, on which the division of the Earth into West and East passed through the ancient Egyptian “academic town” - Alexandria, which was famous for a long time for its rich scientific library.

Here is a map of the world compiled by Hipparchus around 150 BC. The axis of the world on this map is the Alexandria meridian.

Russian Emperor Nicholas I, being a highly educated person privy to some secrets, of course knew that St. Petersburg was located exactly on the line of the Alexandrian meridian. In addition, he knew that the largest shrine of Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Cheops, was located on this line.

And we, in turn, need to know and take into account that after 1812, memorable for the Patriotic War of Russia with Napoleon Bonaparte, who led a huge coalition army that invaded the territory of the Russian Empire, the Russian emperors developed a special love for Ancient Egypt and attachment. (I'll talk about this later).

It is precisely for these reasons that Russian Emperor Nicholas I indicated to Russian scientists where a new Russian observatory should be built. The Russian emperor decided to thereby record for posterity the direct historical connection between St. Petersburg, Alexandria and the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Now, to clarify the above, I will tell you a little about something that no one has written about before.

Let's ask ourselves: why did Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, decide to make a difficult and very risky military campaign in Egypt before attacking the Russian Empire in 1812?

The official point of view on these events is as follows: “The Egyptian campaign or Egyptian expedition (French expition d’Egypte) is a campaign undertaken in 1798-1801 on the initiative and under the direct leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, the main goal of which was an attempt to conquer Egypt.

The lull that followed the brilliant successes of the Italian campaign of 1796-1797 did not correspond to the political plans of General Bonaparte. After his first victories, Napoleon began to claim an independent role. He needed another series of victorious events that would capture the imagination of the nation and make him a favorite hero of the army. He developed a plan for an expedition to occupy Egypt in order to establish communications between England and India, and easily convinced the Directory of the need for France to have a colony on the Red Sea, from where the shortest route could be reached to India. The Directory government, fearing Bonaparte's popularity, decided to get rid of his presence in Paris and placed the Italian army and navy at his disposal. The idea of ​​the expedition was connected with the desire of the French bourgeoisie to compete with the English, which was actively asserting its influence in Asia and North Africa....

Cut off from France, the struggle of the local population, who perceived the French as invaders, put the French corps in a hopeless situation. After the destruction of the French fleet by the British at the Battle of Aboukir, the capitulation of the French corps in Egypt was only a matter of time. Bonaparte, who understood the true state of affairs, initially tried with the brilliance of his victories to mask the hopelessness of the situation and the extent of the strategic mistake he imposed on France, but at the first opportunity he left his army, without waiting for the sad outcome. Operations such as the Egyptian expedition should be classified as adventurous.

However, Napoleon's Egyptian expedition led to increased interest in ancient Egyptian history. As a result of the expedition, a huge number of historical monuments were collected and exported to Europe. In 1798, the Institute of Egypt (Institut d'Egypte) was created, which marked the beginning of a large-scale rescue and study of the heritage of ancient Egypt...” (Source).

This was the official point of view of historians (so to speak, information to fill the vacuum in the heads of ordinary people, who are simply not supposed to know much, according to those in power).
The unofficial point of view, which is closest to the truth, is this:

Napoleon Bonaparte was looking in that Egyptian campaign not for glory, not for even greater love and respect for himself from the French and the army, as written above, but for the source of superpower and superpower itself, which he hoped to find and gain in the ancient Pyramids of Egypt.

The word "pyramid" has two roots, it is composed of two Greek words "fire" and "middle", and means "fire in the middle."
Why did Napoleon need to seek superpower?

Think for yourself. Napoleon was already hatching the idea of ​​making the great “Drang nach Osten”, a campaign against the Russian East. Without gaining superpower, was it possible to hope for the subsequent conquest of the Russian Empire, inhabited by numerous descendants of the ancient Aryan Hyperboreans, who gave the Egyptian pharaohs an idea of ​​the “Holy Spirit,” which is the true Creator of the World, and taught the pharaohs to build majestic pyramids in which the action of the “Holy Spirit” acquired special power and produced a magical effect on people entering the center of the pyramid.
(By the way, this is where the idea of ​​the “eye in a pyramid” symbol came from! Not in a triangle, but in a pyramid!)

"Bonaparte before the Sphinx." Jean-Leon Gerome

1899, painting by artist Maurice Orange. "Napoleon at the Pyramids"
If you, the reader, think what I have written is something incredible, some kind of conjecture of the author, I will humbly note that the initiator of the Second World War of 1939-1945, Adolf Hitler, before treacherously attacking Russia on June 22, 1941, also spent a lot energy and time to search for the source of superpower - a certain Shambhala.

But neither Napoleon nor Hitler were able to find and gain what they wanted, and the military invasion of Russia ended ingloriously for both aggressors. At the same time, Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign itself and the artifacts obtained by his team helped the autocrats of the Russian Empire open their eyes wide to ancient history, to religion and to the idea of ​​the Almighty God, about whom all the religions of the world speak in different ways.

Judge for yourself: here is the medal “In Memory of the Patriotic War of 1812,” issued in 1813 - 1814. It depicts an ancient Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of the Almighty inside and the “Holy Spirit” emanating from the Almighty (from the center of the pyramid). Of particular significance for us are the words embossed on the reverse side of the medal: “Not to us, not to us, but to Your name.”

In other words, for the Russian Emperor Alexander I at that time it was no longer a secret that the Pyramids in Egypt were sacred religious buildings, capable, like the domes of Christian churches, of concentrating in their focus the special life-giving power of the Creator and exuding invisible grace. For this reason, the pyramids themselves were built by the pharaohs according to the recipe of the Hyperborean-Aryans, who knew many of the secrets of the “Holy Spirit” and knew how to use His special power for good, which is why they received the nickname “noble” in India - “Aryans”.

And here is the official information that was published in the appendix to this medal. And in it, I note, not a single word explains why the medal has such a design and such an inscription.

This phenomenon can be explained in one phrase: “What an emperor, who has power from God, is supposed to know, no one needs to know!”
As chronicles testify, on February 5, 1813, a decree was issued awarding participants in the liberation of the Russian land from Napoleon’s invasion the award medal “In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812,” where Emperor Alexander I wrote:
“Warriors! a glorious and memorable year, in which, in an unheard-of and exemplary manner, you struck and punished the fierce and powerful enemy who dared to enter your Fatherland, this glorious year has passed, but the loud deeds and exploits you did in it will not pass and will not be silent: you saved the Fatherland with your blood from the many nations and kingdoms that ganged up against him. Through your labors, patience and wounds, you have acquired gratitude from your own and respect from foreign Powers. With your courage and bravery you showed the world that where God and faith are in the hearts of the people, there even the enemy forces were like the waves of Okiyan, but all of them, like a solid, unshakable mountain, will crumble and be crushed. Of all their rage and ferocity, only the groan and sound of death will remain. Warriors! In commemoration of these unforgettable exploits of yours, We commanded to knock out and consecrate a silver medal, which, with the inscription on it of the past, so memorable year of 1812, should decorate on a blue ribbon the insurmountable shield of the Fatherland, your chest. Each of you is worthy to wear this memorable sign, this evidence of labor, courage and participation in glory; for you all bore the same burden and breathed with unanimous courage. You can rightfully be proud of this sign. He reveals in you the true sons of the Fatherland, blessed by God. Let your enemies, seeing it on your chest, tremble, knowing that beneath it glows courage, not based on fear or greed, but on love for faith and the Fatherland and, therefore, invincible.”

Around the same time, new Christian churches began to be rebuilt or built in St. Petersburg, outside and inside of which the same symbol was placed that was on the commemorative medal of the war of 1812 - an Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of the Almighty inside and the radiant radiance of the “Holy Spirit” emanating from the Almighty.

The last photograph shows the interior decoration of the Kazan Church, built in St. Petersburg. As we see, in the place where it was customary to depict the symbolic “all-seeing eye” on the Egyptian pyramid, the priests literally wrote the word “GOD” for all believers in plain text (so that it was no longer possible not to understand).

For me personally, this is amazing, because the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire, thus, with the help of such temple images, openly testified that it was not Jesus Christ who gave the world an idea of ​​the “Holy Spirit”!

By this, the Orthodox priests of the Russian Empire testified that information about God the Spirit thousands of years before the birth of Christ was revealed to the Egyptian pharaohs by the Aryan Hyperboreans, according to whose design the great pyramids in Giza were built. And only then, after many, many centuries, Jesus Christ, who again lived for some time in Egypt, came to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel” to reveal to them the secret of the “Holy Spirit” and reveal His power.

Thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, who was looking for the source of superpower in Ancient Egypt, and after becoming acquainted with some secret knowledge of Ancient Egypt, which directly indicated that the roots of Christianity come not from ancient Israel, but from Ancient Egypt, the Russian autocrats developed a special interest in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"God's chosenness" and to the “Holy Spirit”, without which, of course, there can be no “chosenness of God”.
We can judge the special interest of the crowned heads of the Russian Empire in this topic from a number of artifacts:

Medal for the capture of Paris on March 19, 1814 by the Russian army under the command of Alexander I. The Russian emperor is depicted literally bathing in the glow of the “Holy Spirit” emanating from the pyramid.

A memorial sign in honor of the coronation of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The imperial crown is literally bathed in the “Holy Spirit” emanating from the center of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye inside.

Nicholas I depicted on the last memorial sign (his years of life 1796-1855) was the founder of the “Pulkovo Meridian”, which became literally the “Russian axis of the world” for half a century for Russian navigators and cartographers.

To this we must add that it was under Nicholas I that it became widely known that Palestine, located near the “Pulkovo Meridian,” was in the distant past founded by Proto-Slavic tribes, the same Hyperborean-Aryans or their descendants.

A little later, in 1866, after the death of Nicholas I, Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi, Russian orientalist and Hebraist, actual State Councilor of the Russian Empire.

Compare with the information that is disseminated today: “Christianity originated in the 1st century in Palestine, among the Jews in the context of the messianic movements of Old Testament Judaism.” Source.

So where did Christianity actually begin?
It would be correct to write this: “Christianity originated in the Jewish environment, on the ancient Slavic land of Palestine, which Jewish writers call Canaan.”

This is precisely why Nicholas I considered the “Old Testament” written by the Jews to zombify the Slavs to be false history, and this is why in 1825 he harshly suppressed the attempt of Judaizing preachers to spread it in the Russian Empire.

And that’s why “in 1847, Nicholas I issued the Highest Decree on the creation of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem. This mission had the right to purchase land plots and build on the purchased plots.” (Source).
Why did Nicholas I take this step?

And to further define the “Russian axis of the world,” dividing the Earth into West and East.

Now I simply must touch upon the fact that the “Russian axis of the world” (“Pulkovo Meridian”) also passes through the great city of Constantinople (now Istanbul), which used to be the capital of the Byzantine Empire. (I’ll just note: you need to look for the “Russian trace” there too!) Let me just briefly mention that the city of Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire in the period from 395 to 1204 and from 1261 to 1453, and in 1054 it became the center of Orthodoxy.

Official information about this city: “During the Middle Ages, Constantinople was the largest and richest city in Europe. Among the names of the city are Byzantium (Greek ;;;;;;;;, Lat. Byzantium), New Rome (Greek ; ;; ;;;;, lat. Nova Roma) (part of the title of the patriarch), Constantinople, Constantinople (among the Slavs; translation of the Greek name “Royal City” - ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; - Basileus Polis, the city of Basileus) and Istanbul. The name “Constantinople” (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) is preserved in modern Greek, “Constantinople” - in South Slavic. In IX-XII centuries, the pompous name “Byzantida” (Greek: ;;;;;;;;) was also used. The city was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930 during the reforms of Atatürk." (Source).

Now listen from the lips of the current head of the “Russian Orthodox Church” important information for us regarding the “Pulkovo Meridian” and the “Russian axis of the world”:
"Hyperborea is everything north of Byzantium!" (C) Patriarch Kirill.

Did you understand well what the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said?
Everything that is north of Byzantium, whose capital was Constantinople (now Istanbul), through which the “Pulkovo Meridian” passes, is Hyperborea, which official historians are always looking for and cannot find, wailing, where is it? Where?!

How do you, reader, like this information about the “Russian axis of the world”?!
But you can learn a lot more interesting things about the “Pulkovo Meridian”, especially about the one “north of Byzantium”...
July 31, 2016, Murmansk. Anton Blagin
"Help to the author" with a note: for the book "Between Good and Evil."