How to hitchhike everywhere without any problems. Choose the right places to catch cars. What is hitchhiking and who does it?

17.02.2017 Maria Glazunova

3.5 years ago our lives changed dramatically. Until this moment, life had developed according to the classic scenario: “kindergarten -> school -> university -> office work.” Most of the time we did what our parents, teachers, lecturers, bosses, etc. told us to do.

We lived according to a schedule and within the limits set by someone from the outside. Of course, at a conscious age we have the opportunity to independently choose who will set these boundaries and even the opportunity to independently manage our time. Free. Those few hours after work, a couple of weekends a week and a few weeks a year were completely at our disposal! And we traveled! We tried to fill in any free time trips somewhere to other countries - where the sun is brighter, the sea is warmer, the sky is bluer, and the fruits are sweeter.

And it didn’t even occur to us that we could live differently. Please note that I am not saying that working in an office is bad. If work brings pleasure and satisfaction, that’s great, and it doesn’t matter where you are – at an office desk, at a machine, or at a construction site.

Another thing is bad - if you come to a job you hate every day, sit out your legal 8 hours, and at the same time, every free minute you dream about distant countries And warm regions. You read blogs about travel, dreaming of one day leaving everything and leaving, but every time there are a thousand reasons - incredibly weighty and completely valid. And the most significant and respectful of them is financial.

Let's skip now the question of the expediency of life while traveling; this is the topic of a separate article. Of course, there are both pros and cons here, but we’re not talking about that now. This article is not for those who do not want to, but for those who want, but think that they cannot leave an uncomfortable environment for more than 2 weeks.

In this article, I want to systematize the ways in which you can earn money while outside your country. I recommend turning off your “inner critic” while reading and looking at each point not from the perspective of “ pfff, what nonsense, this is definitely not for me, I can’t do that", etc., and from the position " hmm, how can I apply this to myself?»

All examples are given based on the opportunities that we came across during our travels in Southeast Asia. They are not taken from my head, but mainly from the experience of our friends and acquaintances, but for obvious reasons, I will not cite almost any names in the text.

So, I propose to start with the simplest and most accessible option for everyone.

Freelancing is an intermediate option between working for hire and working for yourself, combining both the pros and cons of both methods.


  • There is no connection to place of residence. This is perhaps the most important advantage for traveling - to work you only need a laptop and the Internet, you can work from almost anywhere in the world.
  • Free schedule. Most often, freelancing is project work, where the customer pays not for hours, but for the completed order, so you are free to complete it at any time, the main thing is to meet the deadlines.
  • Having a choice. You are free to choose which orders to take and which not, which customers to work with and which to refuse.
  • More opportunities for self-development and growth. Your advancement up the “career” ladder depends only on yourself. There is no boss who can improve your mood, or maybe not, there is only you. If you work well, take on more complex orders, you will develop successfully.


  • Less stability. There may be too much work or there may not be any work at all, and this cannot always be predicted in advance.
  • High competition and difficulty in finding a customer. At first, while there is no good portfolio and reputation, you will need to “dig the ground” in search of good orders.
  • It's difficult to organize yourself. For many of those who have left the office for freelancing, at first they are “mind blown” by the fact that they don’t have to live according to a schedule and it turns out that organizing yourself is much more difficult than sitting at the office from 9 to 18

There is an amazing paradox in freelancing - with a huge number of employees in any specialty, there are very few normal freelancers. The competition is huge, but find good man It's incredibly difficult for an employer.

We recently talked with one businessman who said that he was ready to pay 1.5 times more to someone who would work efficiently and do everything on time. But there are very few of them - performers take an order, then disappear, do not do what they were asked to do, do not want to listen to the wishes of the customer, and so on, so simply by becoming a responsible performer you already significantly increase your chances of success.

Another advantage of freelancing is the fact that here you can start from scratch, in almost any field and, with due diligence, grow quite quickly. Of course, at first you will need to take on cheap projects, but skill only grows with practice

By the way, we ourselves are far from freelance professions; for the last few years we have worked in IT sales. We wanted to go traveling for a long time and were very envious of designers/programmers who could work without being tied to an office, and we had no idea how to earn money outside the usual format.

When traveling, we often meet people who try to work as a freelancer, but at the same time earn pennies. They create a profile, place an ad and wait for an avalanche of orders to fall on them, but for some reason this does not happen.

In general, income from freelancing is potentially unlimited, but in reality, of course, it is very are tied to 2 factors:

  1. Your skills as a specialist
  2. Your skills as a person who knows how to present yourself to an employer

Almost a year ago, we met guys who took a course at the Remote Employee Training Center, where they help, firstly, to understand the variety of online specialties, and secondly, and no less important, they teach how to work competently with customers and present yourself, earn a reputation, and therefore more money.

Many of them still live in Bali, most of them came from small towns where average salary– 15,000 rubles and not very many prospects

Well, if you don’t know where to start in freelancing, we recommend that you first download the book “”

Remote work

I think that many of you have read Timothy Ferriss, but few have tried to use the simplest method he talks about, namely:

Make an agreement at your current job that you will perform your duties remotely.

First of all, this, of course, also applies to initially freelance specialties - designer, programmer, etc., but we have friends who remotely perform completely different work - from designers to customs clearance specialists. Of course, you won’t be able to work remotely as a doctor or hairdresser, but with today’s communication capabilities, many tasks can be solved remotely.

At first glance, it may seem that no leader would agree to such conditions, but real examples our friends show that this is quite possible.

In my opinion, in order for a manager to agree to your remote work, you need to fulfill only one condition - to become an ESSENTIAL employee for him. And believe me, this is much easier to do than it seems.

Of course, in an ideally configured structure there are no irreplaceable people, but there are so few such companies that this is not significant.

I myself was recruiting personnel for my team and during my work I conducted dozens, if not hundreds of interviews and guess what? Finding an adequate employee is EXTREMELY difficult. Everyone thinks they are brilliant, but no one wants to work hard. So just put yourself in the boss's shoes and give him a little more than he expects from you.


  • You can live where you like good climate, there is a sea, etc.
  • Shifted schedule - the working day in Russia starts 4-5 hours later, so in the morning you can have time to do a bunch of things, or sleep longer)


  • It’s still the same job, and if it was unloved, then from a distance you won’t love it anymore

Placement in a company on site

This option does not eliminate the need to live according to a schedule that someone sets for you, but it is one of the most simple ways move to another country. Of course, finding a job is not so easy and, most likely, it will not be a position high level, although there are exceptions.


  • Stability
  • Salary in foreign currency (very relevant now)
  • Legality (this is not always true, however)


  • All the same as during normal work in Russia

Popular areas for employment:

  • Hotel business (sales, customer service, advertising and PR managers)
  • Tourism (sales managers, tour guides)
  • Catering business
  • Skills training (languages, yoga, dance)

At this point, two directions can be distinguished.

Employment in a Russian (or international) company:

  • The most famous example is the company Aviasales, whose office is located in Phuket.
  • Another company is the advertising agency Mevix, with an office in Samui, we know about it firsthand, a friend of ours worked there for some time.
  • Other acquaintances moved the entire office to Bali and also worked there as a team for several years.
  • Another friend of ours (from Syria) worked at Microsoft in his country, and then transferred to an office in Malaysia and now lives there.
  • A girl I know in Bali works part-time as a florist in a company that organizes weddings, designs arches and bouquets

  • Recently, in Vietnam, we met a girl who worked for some time in a casting agency in Mumbai, recruiting girls for filming in advertising and as backup dancers.
  • We ourselves were there when we were there, but they pay pennies for it, so it's just for fun. And if you, for example, dance well, you can earn completely different money. But be especially careful with this, there are plenty of scammers in this area

Employment in a local company

Here the scope for creativity is limited by knowledge of languages. If you know some local language (Indonesian/Thai) and English, then your chances of finding a job are much greater. If you are only Russian, then you should go to where there are many of our tourists (Pattaya, Phuket, Nha Trang).

Directions for employment:

In principle, this can be absolutely any field of activity.

  • For example, one of our friends got a job as a programmer in the office of a payment company (like our qiwi) in Jakarta. At the same time, his English is far from perfect, and at that time he barely knew Indonesian at all. Now he is the only foreigner in the company, he earns a good salary and is in good standing with his colleagues and management.
  • Yoga studio, dance lessons - in such places there are often many teachers from Australia, Europe, Canada, so if you have the appropriate skills, then this is quite good opportunity demonstrate them.
  • Another acquaintance got a job as a DJ in a restaurant in Boracay - it was, admittedly, more of a part-time job, but nevertheless it also brought in some money.
  • A couple of our friends travel around Asia, and when the money runs out, they settle somewhere in a tourist place and get a job in a travel agency, she as a sales manager, he as a guide

In general, if you are interested in the topic of local employment and want to study this area in more detail, watch the webinar by Olesya Novikova, she worked in Asia for several years and she has detailed material on this topic, which includes:

  • Review of vacancies;
  • job search technology;
  • RFP negotiation strategy;
  • pitfalls, etc.

This is generally very popular destination. Again, we know guys who teach English to the Chinese, in the Philippines we met a Latvian who taught English to Filipinos and Thais, another friend teaches Russian to the Japanese, another works in Hong Kong at a university

Animator. For this vacancy, you don’t even need any skills at all, the main thing is that you like communicating with people.

Instructor. An instructor certificate in any sport also opens up a lot of opportunities. So, for example, we have a friend who teaches kiting, he works at a kite school in Boracay

There are a couple of diving instructors I know - one works in Lembongan (a small island near Bali), the other comes to Phuket every winter. We also have friends who work at a surf school in Bali, and in Nepal we met some guys who teach paragliding – in Europe in the summer and in the Himalayas in winter.

Work on a liner/yacht. This is another direction that can also be very interesting. You can read more about vacancies and salaries, for example, or.

Programs for students. For those still studying at university, there are plenty of opportunities to combine travel with work. The most famous Work program and Travel- this is a great way to live in another country, earn money, improve your language, and in general, a very cool challenge. At one time, we missed this opportunity and regretted it very much. In general, there are other programs for students, look on the Internet.

Fruit picking. There are regions where this type of activity is very popular. For example, picking strawberries in Finland, but this is more of a seasonal trip, for several weeks. But farm work in Australia, taking into account their salaries ($12-20), is a very good opportunity for part-time work. We have more than once met Europeans returning from working in Australia via Southeast Asia.

There are many different vacancies there - work on farms, in gardens, as tractor drivers, shepherds, etc. The work is hard and there are many nuances, but with due diligence and luck you can find very good options and earn an impressive amount in a few months.

In general, Australia is also open to more qualified employees, although mostly in intermediate specialized professions (electrician, cook, etc.). A list of in-demand specialties is available on the consulate’s website, and if you have the appropriate profession, you will have access to a simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit.


Typically, volunteering is a form of charity, working in an orphanage, hospital, in disadvantaged areas and developing countries. There are various agencies that organize volunteer trips; you can read more, for example,.

But sometimes this simply means “work for room and board”, when the employer provides room and board in exchange for your time - there can also be a lot of vacancies here: work in a guesthouse, school, on a farm, etc.


Organization of tours

In addition to getting a job as a guide, you can organize tours on your own - this is one of the clear ways to combine travel with income.

We have a lot of friends/acquaintances who earn money in this way, both on an ongoing basis and occasionally:

  • For example, - Shamil began to conduct non-standard tours around Bali on his own, and now he has many interesting routes around the world and the guides who conduct these tours
  • Samlowry conducts original tours of Thailand, which allow you not only to see the country as a tourist, but also to take part in a real adventure.
  • There are also many friends who periodically earn extra money in this way - even without a website or any advertising, they simply recruit a small group of 5-6 people through social networks and take them around interesting places in one country or another.
  • There are also friends who lead tours around Bali. For example, you can register on the website, rent a car and drive tourists around the island, showing them your favorite places.
  • In India, on a train from Chennai to Calcutta, we met a man who had been living there for 15 years and worked as an individual escort - they were traveling together with a girl who wanted to travel around India, but was afraid alone, so such a service exists.
  • A separate direction is photo tours. If you know your way around a certain area well, know unusual places to shoot, and at the same time understand photography, this is also in demand. For example, we have a photographer friend who periodically goes on tours with famous photographers to learn from them, but sometimes he’s willing to pay just to be brought to a good place and he didn’t have to think about hotels, route, food, transport, etc.

Well, in general, a huge number of amateur photographers have appeared recently, so if you know how not to overwhelm the horizon, you are already a guru for many of them :)

Organization of outdoor events

Trainings. Nowadays it is popular to conduct on-site trainings, both open and corporate, but the trainer, most often, is not involved in the organization, and many of them will be happy to cooperate with a person who will take over the entire organizational process.

Weddings. Organizing symbolic weddings is also very popular. All large quantity people want an original wedding, somewhere by the sea/ocean, it’s not for nothing that every tourist region already has wedding organizers, but nevertheless, there are places where the level of competition is quite acceptable. Well, or you can occupy less developed markets, for example, the Russian team organized the wedding for them

Business on site

If the previous point is a partially virtual business, which essentially does not require offices, rental premises, etc., then a separate direction is the organization of a classic business. Here, in general, everything is clear, so I won’t dwell on this too much.


  • Motorbike rental
  • Spa salon
  • Surf schools
  • Russian bath

Work with children

  • Organization of kindergarten
  • Outdoor children's camps
  • Organization and holding of children's parties

Recently we read an interview with guys who bought a small guesthouse in Pattaya and now rent out rooms in it. A simpler option is a realtor. Many people find it easier to pay 2-3 thousand for an agent’s services than to look for housing on their own for several days.

True, the Russians have noticed a love for excessive profit from their compatriots - instead of receiving a standard commission, some “black realtors” re-let housing at 2 times the price, and thereby greatly spoil the market; looking at this, the locals also begin to raise prices inappropriately.

Another option is to rent out rooms through airbnb. Since many local residents not very friendly with the Internet, you can negotiate with several owners and present their housing online, receiving a commission from this.

If you don't know what airbnb is, read our detailed article.

Well, don't forget to register and get first booking bonus

Public catering

Well, of course, we can’t ignore this topic. In any place where there is a flow of Russian tourists (or many expats live), there is a demand for Russian cuisine.

We met especially many Russian restaurants in Thailand (Phuket, Koh Samui, Phangan and Krabi) and Vietnam (Mui Ne and Nha Trang). In Bali, by the way, there is an excellent one. In some places, Russian food delivered to your home (dumplings, charlotte, pasties, sour cream) is popular.

Your own project or monetization of talents

Here, again, the scope for creativity is limited by your imagination and abilities. By and large, this includes much of the “work for hire” item, but only in the form of self-employment.

Photoshoot. One of the most common ways to make money is photographing weddings, love stories, surfers, and so on.

Shooting for stock photos. We have at least 2 pairs of friends who earn their living from this. The funny side of this activity is to meet your work used in advertising somewhere in an Asian airport =)

Making jewelry. We have a friend on Koh Phangan, she makes amazing things from semi-precious stones that sell like hot cakes). This also includes the creation of souvenirs, for example, paper dolls that Masha Dubrovskaya makes.

Yoga. You can organize outdoor tours or conduct yoga for “donation” - according to the experience of friends, people often pay the same amount, but more people come.

Any trainings and master classes. Voice training, culinary master classes, dancing, learning to play instruments (guitar, piano), and all sorts of arrangements, slats and other isoterics - we regularly encounter all this where Russian expats live

Beauty services. Makeup, manicure, hairdresser - all this is in demand in any country, but often a Russian person wants to turn to a master who will definitely understand his desires, so this area is also popular.

In general, you can teach almost anything, even riding a bike =)

Monetization and packaging of knowledge (infobusiness)

The information business has recently developed a not very positive reputation, due to the fact that unscrupulous information businessmen are not such a rare phenomenon. Indeed, in order to open an offline business, you need to invest much more time and resources, and “regular” business is more regulated by law.

Promoting an information business and bringing it to a good level is also not such an easy task, but at least you can start it much easier and faster; in fact, all you need is a computer.

But in my opinion, due to the fact that there are dishonest businessmen in this industry, it is extremely unwise to write it off completely. This is similar to the infantile behavior of a teenager who, after a failed first love, believes that all members of the opposite sex are bastards.

In any case, taking into account developing technologies, the information business has already gained enormous momentum and continues to develop, but at the same time, as elsewhere, there is a place for beginners.

In essence, information business is packaging and selling your knowledge, and it can be either unique or simply structured information collected in one place. Most of teaches how to make money, but there are also more non-standard topics, for example:
The same goes for route development. Some people enjoy it, while others don’t want to go on a tour, but they don’t have time to develop a unique route, so we help with that.

Many of those who value their time understand that it is much more profitable to order a ready-made route than to spend many hours searching for information on the Internet.

Online store (VKontakte group, etc.)

When traveling around Asia, many people, sooner or later, come to the thought that most goods that are cheap there are sold many times more expensive in Russia

Accordingly, organizing the purchase of goods in one of the Asian countries and selling them in Russia is a good model for making money.

Of course, like many others, it requires detailed analysis and elaboration, but nevertheless, several of our friends make their living this way, selling, for example:

  • Balinese sarongs and various souvenirs.
  • Decorations.
  • Indian shawls.
  • All kinds of goods from China

The main task, of course, is distribution, so it is necessary

  • Find a person who will do this in Russia,
  • or negotiate with an existing store about supplies

You can also take the opposite route - while in Russia, find someone who will send goods from Asia.


This may seem surprising, but you can also make money on a blog =) Just, please, do not start a travel blog)) Nowadays, many people travel, and every second person considers it their duty to start writing about it. At the same time, many are sure that it is enough just to start writing, and millions of grateful readers will immediately appear - unfortunately, this is not so. In order for the first income from a blog to appear, it can take from six months to several years, depending on diligence and skills.

If you don’t know where to start with blogging, you can look at the materials of Alexander Borisov, he has good courses on this topic.

How you can make money on a blog:

  • Advertising – custom articles, banners, selling links
  • Advertising in mailings
  • contextual advertising
  • Partnership programs

The last point is the most promising, but also the most difficult - in Russia, for some reason, many people do not like affiliate programs. In essence, an affiliate program is a recommendation. I know that Vasya makes a good product and I trust him. I recommend this product to Petya, he buys it, and Vasya, as a thank you, pays me some percentage of the sale, and if Petya goes directly to Vasya, he will pay the same amount.

But many, upon learning that someone will receive money for a recommendation, immediately begin to suspect a catch. That is why we never recommend on our website anything that we ourselves are not sure of. As a rule, all the affiliate programs that we publish are either services that we use ourselves or know well about the one who offers them.

  • (30 days trial, free plan available)

In conclusion

Of course, in one article it is impossible to cover all possible ways to make money while traveling, and, moreover, to reveal each of them in detail. Of course, many of these methods require certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but the main thing I want to convey is that there are an incredible number of opportunities for making money while traveling.

Behind each of the above methods there is at least one a real man, who also once doubted, did not know where to start and chose a direction for his activity. Therefore, if you have a desire, make up your mind, do not put it off, so as not to regret later about every day lived in vain.

What ways to make money while traveling do you know? Share in the comments!

Hitchhiking is more than just an opportunity to go somewhere with minimal costs, this is an entire culture that allows you to take a fresh look at the world, expand your spatial range, experience all the colorfulness and fullness of life, make unexpected acquaintances and test your own endurance and ingenuity.

I wonder when people came up with this method of transportation?

Lomonosov and hitchhiking

They say that hitchhiking in Russia has a history of 300 years. The first to experience happiness in this field was Mikhail Lomonosov, who is jokingly called the first hitchhiker. Indeed, in order to get an education, he covered a distance of almost 1000 kilometers, traveling from Kholmogory (Arkhangelsk region) to Moscow, either on foot or on someone’s cart. That's how strong the man's thirst for knowledge was.

Hitchhiking: why is it necessary?

The modern tradition of such trips was also started by students - eccentric people and ready for all kinds of extreme sports. But this was dictated not so much by lack of money (although low scholarships are also the driver of all sorts of crazy ideas), as by the desire to “have a blast” with the help of a mass of new impressions.

There is no need to deny that the money aspect is still one of the incentives for such trips. Who would refuse extreme recreation, which is possible not despite, but precisely because of such a cheap method of transportation?

Although it is extremely unwise to start your own hitchhiking trip without any preparation; The pros and cons should still be considered in advance. Enthusiasm alone will not get you far, both literally and figuratively.

Also, hitchhiking skills will come in handy when there are no tickets to the desired destination at the height of the season, when the transport schedule is extremely inconvenient, when you want to explore some area or country and immerse yourself in the reality of what is happening. It seems that every person at least once in their life must taste this smell of dusty roads in order to feel what it is like. And for some it can become a lifestyle.

Pros of hitchhiking: saving money

When we hear that someone managed to travel halfway around the world with 100 dollars in their pocket, the thought immediately arises: “Am I weak?”

It is true that drivers generally do not take money from hitchhikers. Considering the considerable cost of travel, this is a significant plus. A kind of payment for the service is simple human communication. Typically, truckers who sit behind the wheel for many hours take fellow travelers into their cabs, and they simply want to turn off the radio and listen to a living person. This is such mutual assistance.

This does not mean that you don’t need to take money for a trip, because anything can happen on the road (for example, you will have to go to the hospital), you just need to save well. It is better to exchange large bills for smaller ones.

Emotional aspect

So, from all of the above, it is clear that lack of funds and a lot of free time are by no means the main reason that forces a person to brake unfamiliar cars. A real hitchhiker is driven by the desire to see the country from the inside, get to know the locals, and listen to the stories of talkative truck drivers.

Of course, there are unspoken rules of hitchhiking regarding what kind of interlocutor you need to be. The driver basically takes a companion for his own amusement, and if he starts a conversation, it is better to support him and answer not in monosyllables, but by giving more details.

It’s not always convenient to depend on your luck or someone else’s tyranny, because you never know how long you’ll have to wait for the next ride, whether it’ll rain on the road, whether you’ll find accommodation for the night in a new city, or whether you’ll even need to spend the night in a field under a bush.

But it is precisely this, at first glance, disadvantage of hitchhiking that so attracts its adherents. If we exaggerate the essence of such trips, then we can say that a person himself creates an extreme situation for himself, heroically finds a way out of it, while simultaneously increasing his self-esteem - and voila: then he has something to brag about to his friends.

Freedom of movement

It’s nice to feel that you are not dependent on the availability of tickets, bus schedules, etc. This state is called “being your own boss.” Hitchhiking gives you the opportunity to follow your unexpected impulses, for example, having seen an interesting picture outside the window, you can, without a twinge of conscience, succumb to an inner impulse and go out to look at everything up close. Or you can spontaneously change the route or even stay for a day or two.


There is no denying that hitchhiking carries its fair share of risks. This is the most significant disadvantage of this type of movement. As for girls and women, it is extremely dangerous for them to do this alone. It’s easier for the stronger sex, but they also need to be extremely careful and not get into suspicious cars. If possible, you should never take expensive mobile phones or tablets on the road, or keep your wallet in sight.

Of course, there is still a danger of getting into an accident. It's sad but true that a hitchhiker becomes a victim of an accident on average once every 100 thousand kilometers. Although this danger equally applies to those who travel for money. But God protects those who are careful, so an experienced hitchhiker does not slow down those cars that are rushing at breakneck speed.

Language knowledge

There is no way without this. Pantomime and gestures will not always help. You definitely won’t be able to have a substantive conversation with the driver, but this negates almost the whole point of hitchhiking. Of course, this does not mean that you need to know the language perfectly, a conversational level is enough. It would be a good idea to take a phrasebook or a gadget with an online translator, as well as a map of the area in the language of the country you plan to travel through.

The benefits of this are significant: local residents can give very practical recommendations on where to stay, where to eat inexpensively, what else to see, and so on.


The hitchhiking gesture, known in almost all countries, is an outstretched arm with the thumb raised up.

As a rule, if the driver takes such a passenger, this implies that he agrees to free pass and is ready to give a new travel companion a ride along your route. True, in individual countries(Russia, Ukraine) it is better to clarify this delicate point, otherwise you may find yourself in an awkward situation if the driver does not even know about any hitchhiking or knows, but wants a monetary reward for his service.

Plus, it is advisable to have a sign in your hands. This is the main assistant on the road for hitchhiking around the world. It’s one thing to stand with your hand raised (especially on branched international highways leading in many directions: drivers are simply too lazy to stop to clarify), but quite another with a specific destination sign.

Just in case, you can write two or three signs (one with the final destination where you need to get, and the others with intermediate ones), because the car does not always go straight to the place we need, sometimes we have to make transfers. It’s better to take a marker and something to write on (cardboard, sheets of paper) from home, otherwise they won’t appear by themselves somewhere in the middle of a field on the road.

Studying the route

This is the key to success. You need to collect as much information as possible about possible places to stay overnight, calculate the mileage, figure out how much distance you can actually cover in a day, sift through a bunch of reviews from your peers about a specific section of the road (after all, there are points everywhere where you can get stuck for the whole day, and that’s better take into account in advance).

The navigator will be a good help in this whole undertaking. It is also advisable to find out the weather forecast or inquire about the average temperature for a specific time of year; this will determine what to take on a hitchhiking trip and what will be unnecessary.

When assessing hitchhiking opportunities in Europe, they say that the most responsive drivers are in Germany, and the most indifferent are in Spain. So if you are planning a tour of Western countries, then it is better to take a train to Berlin, and then start catching rides there.

Hitchhikers under 25 years of age (so to speak, the socially acceptable age; it is considered rude for older people to stop cars) are much more likely to catch a car.

You should always dress neatly, cleanly, but preferably taking into account certain features: you need to have bright wardrobe elements in order to make drivers friendly and fit the image of an eccentric student in appearance, and in no case resemble a potential terrorist.

Catching a car is more fun and reliable in a group, but this makes the whole event very difficult; A single hitchhiker will get anywhere faster than a couple of lovers (although they are unlikely to be very upset).

And if some of the disadvantages of this type of tourism did not become an obstacle and the decision was made to try hitchhiking, what is needed first of all is the spirit of adventurism.

Unexpectedly and unexpectedly, adventure knocked on your door, and it called you on the road. But to begin the journey, sometimes significant finances are required. But it turns out that you can go on a trip without significant financial expenses. There is such a type of travel as hitchhiking. On the one hand, everything is quite simple, but on the other, sometimes difficulties arise. With the help of hitchhiking you can travel without a penny. For many travelers, hitchhiking has become a way of life.

For those who are about to go on such a trip for the first time, here are some tips.

Plan your route

So, you have decided to hitchhike. First, you need to decide where you are going to go. An experienced hitchhiker always first decides on a route. You must clearly imagine where your route will begin and where it will end. To get started, purchase an atlas highways and mark the starting point and ending point on it. After that, carefully study what settlements will come your way. Also, research the terrain your route will cover. This will make a significant difference in the long run.

Particular attention should be paid to the category of the selected route. It is quite clear that the larger the route, the busier the traffic on it, and accordingly you will have a greater chance of catching a passing vehicle.

To begin with, it will be best if you choose a fairly simple route that will run along one of the federal highways. In road atlases they are designated by the letter E. At one time, many began their journeys on the so-called pioneer road E95 - Moscow-St. Petersburg. And if you are a resident of one of these cities, then you can safely go along this route.

What to take with you on the road

The question is, of course, trivial, but you must understand that when going on such a journey you need to take a minimum of things. After all, a situation may always arise that you will simply have to walk. And then your backpack will become your burden. And besides all this, the presence of a large number of bags will not cause happy thoughts in passing traffic, rather the opposite. And therefore, your chance of catching passing transport is reduced.

When going on a trip, you should always have documents with you that can indicate your identity - a passport, military ID, medical passport, or some document that can confirm your identity. And having a large number of different bags significantly reduces your success in stopping passing traffic. Well, as a last resort, take with you some amount of money that you may need on the road. A hidden amount of 100-200 dollars will always be a reliable support for you on the road. Also be sure to pack a first aid kit in your backpack. This will include a bandage, brilliant green, aspirin, analgin, antibiotics, as well as something for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Don't forget to put a small bottle of alcohol or cognac in your backpack.

Personal hygiene products should not be neglected. So you should have eau de toilette and deodorant in your backpack. And you should not forget about simple drinking water, and packed rations will be more than ever available on your trip, by the way. The products that you take with you on the road should not be perishable and, moreover, not take up much space, and these are chocolate, cheese, nuts, biscuits, etc.

You should also take with you matches, a flashlight, a knife, a compass, a road atlas with a planned route.

If you travel in colder times, then in your backpack a set of winter underwear, as well as warm woolen socks, even several pairs, will not be superfluous. And most importantly, you should always have a set of dry clothes in your luggage - anything can happen on your trip, so insure yourself against unforeseen circumstances.

If your route will pass through places where there is no place to stay overnight, and this always happens, then you should always have a tent with you. The size of the tent depends directly on the number of participants in the trip. But in this situation your burden will be somewhat heavier.

A chance to hitch a ride

As life and existing circumstances show, a young man will always be given preference to girls. But you must also remember that a young girl risks ending up in unpleasant situation if she is traveling alone. Two girls who stand on the side of the road also have less chance of passing traffic, but this is, of course, a controversial issue, because Samaritans are found always and everywhere.

The best combination would be when you are a lone hitchhiker. In such a situation, a young man with a backpack on his shoulders, but dressed neatly, in a casual manner, will arouse some sympathy among drivers of passing vehicles. Young couples who hitchhike also attract sympathy on the highways - this is especially noticeable. And if a married couple is driving in a car, they will always stop to take them into their company.

You should always remember the main distinctive sign of stopping any type of passing vehicle - this is the most important gesture of all hitchhikers, at all times and for all peoples. And this will be your arm extended and your thumb raised up. This is how all drivers Vehicle are perceived by all those who hitchhike.

You should start your journey outside the city limits. Within the city limits you can only catch a taxi, which will not suit you. In such a situation, it is best to move a few hundred meters away from the traffic police post. You don't necessarily need extra attention from law enforcement officers on the roads.

Now the question is this. Walk along the side of the road or stand still? It will be best if you stand facing oncoming traffic. You still won’t get far on foot, but standing still you can notice a suitable car from afar. Any vehicle may be suitable, but it is best to pay attention to freight transport. Truckers in most cases prefer the company of travelers.

What should you say to the driver if the car you have chosen finally stops? In this situation, the main thing is to formulate the first question correctly. They usually say, “Hello, can I come with you?” You can also say that you are hitchhiking. If the driver starts asking how much you can pay for the ride, politely say goodbye immediately.

What should you do in cases where the car has stopped and you don’t like the company you have to travel with? In this case, you should ask the driver where he is going. After listening to him, you can safely say that, unfortunately, you are not on the way, and immediately try to catch another car.

Your behavior on the road

If a car stops for you and you are allowed to get into it, then you should follow some rules along the way. Try to behave decently. If you want to smoke, this is only possible if the driver smokes himself, but, nevertheless, you should ask permission before taking out a cigarette. Do not pester the driver with offers to open the window or turn on music. You are a guest, and therefore you must first of all take into account the owner of the car and his requirements.

Never ignore the driver, and if possible try to maintain a conversation with him. Very often, drivers of long routes take travel companions in order to avoid falling asleep while driving. Therefore, you should always have a few interesting stories in stock.

Under no circumstances discuss the driver’s driving style or his actions. If you are asked to fasten your seat belt, be sure to do so. If you do not behave properly, you may simply be asked to leave the car. You should always be prepared for the fact that your trip could be interrupted at any moment.

And if this happens, you shouldn’t despair too much. Once you've caught your first ride, you can do it again. After all, you have gained, albeit small, experience. Stand on the side of the road, extend your right arm with your thumb up. Your hitchhiking journey will continue.


You should get a good night's sleep before you start your trip. For those who hitchhike, overnight accommodation and shelter are not guaranteed. Such travelers can only count on endless movement. If you want to sleep in the car, you need to agree on this with the driver in advance. Truck drivers usually give hitchhikers the opportunity to sleep for an hour or two. Moreover, many trucks are equipped with a special sleeping place.

If your route will pass through several cities where your relatives and friends live, then you, of course, can stay overnight with them. But in this case, you should always warn them in advance about your visit.

If you can’t stop somewhere for the night, then you can always pitch a tent. This should be done outside the city limits, otherwise you will not avoid problems with the police. It is better to spend the night in a tent together than alone - it’s safer. It will be good if you meet along the way tent city or camping. If it doesn’t work out, then look for a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes.

You can find out what to talk about, how to behave and what you shouldn’t argue about in our latest material.

A hitchhiker girl should not dress provocatively. An immodest top and shorts, quite appropriate in the city, can evoke unnecessary associations on the highway. It is best to wear comfortable, clean and neat clothing suitable for a variety of occasions. weather conditions. In this case, the traveler has a better chance of passing transport.

In order to be noticed on the road, your clothes must contain bright elements. If you vote at night, make sure your clothing has reflective elements.

2. It’s better for a girl to travel with a man

Hitchhiking is always associated with risks, so it is better to travel together. Of course, girls traveling alone are always more likely to get a ride. However, the young girl risks finding herself in an unpleasant situation.

Don't be afraid that drivers don't pick up pairs. On the highways, young couples who hitchhike attract sympathy. And if a married couple is driving in a car, they will always stop to take them into their company.

What to do in cases where the car has stopped and you don’t like the company you have to travel with? In this case, you should ask the driver where he is going. After listening to him, you can safely say that, unfortunately, you are not on the way, and immediately try to catch another car.

3. Plan your trip itinerary

Once you have decided to hitchhike, you first need to decide where you are going to go. An experienced hitchhiker always first decides on a route.

It's best to plan your route in advance. You can purchase a road map of the area where you are going. Carefully study which settlements you will come across on your way. This will make a significant difference in the long run.

4. Immediately agree that travel will be free

It is important to agree before you even get into the car that you will not pay for the trip. The main argument is no money. No and there won't be. As an excuse, it works well that you are students, traveling for a long time, heavy backpacks, hot weather. If you do not warn the driver, unpleasant situations may arise.

5. Keep the conversation going, talk

The most important stereotype that anyone who decides to hitchhike needs to get rid of is that this type of travel is a “freebie”. The driver who picks up the hitchhiker also receives his “fee”. The price for travel is a good mood and interesting communication.

Conversation with a fellow traveler - good way dispel road boredom and avoid nodding off while driving. The luckiest hitchhikers are those who are friendly, sociable, often smile and can talk interestingly about the places they have visited.

Therefore, talk, talk, ask and tell - this is why they take you on the road. Besides, how can you miss the opportunity to replenish your knowledge with stories, useful information, advice, worldly wisdom?

6. Respect the driver

If a car stops for you and you are allowed to get into it, then you should follow some rules on the way. Try to behave decently. If you want to smoke, this is only possible if the driver smokes himself, but, nevertheless, you should ask permission before taking out a cigarette.

Do not discuss the driver's driving style or his actions. If you are asked to fasten your seat belt, be sure to do so. If you do not behave properly, you may be asked to leave the vehicle.

7. Choose the right terrain

You should start your journey outside the city limits. Within the city limits you can only catch a taxi. Try to choose voting locations where it will be easier for the driver to stop and quickly discuss route details with you.

Remember that in Europe it is illegal to stop cars on the autobahn. And there are highways everywhere. Hitchhiking is prohibited in Italy, and you will also be fined there. In such a situation, it is best to move away from the traffic police post. You don't necessarily need extra attention from law enforcement officers on the roads.

First hitchhiking: how to prepare for the trip?

What is hitchhiking? This is a specific type of travel when you get to the desired location by car and do not pay anything. This method of travel is chosen mainly by people who are prone to adventures, crazy actions and adventures. In addition, hitchhiking helps you avoid travel expenses, meet new people (often local residents), listen to interesting stories and gain new experiences.

How to hitchhike in Europe?

Most young people do not dare to hitchhike to Europe for a long time. They come up with a lot of excuses: scary, dangerous, unreliable, uncomfortable, and so on. Whereas hitchhiking around Europe from Ukraine is very easy. Believe me, if you even try to drive like this once, you won’t be able to stop. Therefore, cast aside doubts and fears, and plan your trip taking into account hitchhiking. So, where to start preparing? European hitchhiking is not much different from hitchhiking in Ukraine, so if you already have some experience, planning a trip will not be difficult.

First, decide on the route. This is the most important stage, since a properly planned trip is the key to its successful completion. Look at what roads you meet along the way, which ones are large and which ones are small. Be aware of the highways, as parking on them is prohibited. Calculate your mileage to plan how much you will travel in a day and where you will need to stop.

Remember that the shortest route will not always be the fastest and most successful. Bad roads and weak traffic will mean that you will be stuck in one place for several hours, or even not leave at all. Whereas on a big road you can catch a car in a matter of minutes.

Hitchhiking in Europe is an improvisation. It doesn't always work out the way you planned. But by spending time studying the road, in any unforeseen situation you will be able to replan the route and easily navigate the area.

What things should you take with you for hitchhiking in Europe?

Once you've planned your route, researched the roads, and decided on your departure and arrival points, think about what to pack for your trip. Let's say right away - this is a minimal set of things! It would be better if they all fit into a small backpack. Firstly, you will have to carry everything yourself, and secondly, not all drivers pick up travelers with a huge number of heavy bags.

Here is a list of what you need to take with you: if you are traveling for several days:

  1. Documents and money;
  2. A travel first aid kit (bandage, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, aspirin, analgin, antibiotics, something for gastrointestinal tract disorders);
  3. Personal hygiene products;
  4. Water and non-perishable foods (chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, biscuits);
  5. Flashlight;
  6. Road map;
  7. Raincoat.

If you are going to long journey with stops in nature or you suspect that you will not always be able to find accommodation for the night, add to this list:

  1. Karemat, sleeping bag and tent;
  2. Matches or gas burner;
  3. Utensils: saucepan, bowl, spoon, mug, knife;
  4. Non-perishable products (porridge, noodles, canned food).

Everything else is individual and optional. Let us remind you once again that you need to take only the most necessary things, since while hitchhiking you will have to carry them on yourself.

Who is better to go with?

The fewer people with you, the better! More precisely, the greater the chances of stopping the car quickly. But, even if you are traveling with a group of several people, break into small groups and arrange a little competition among yourself. Below we have listed the most common options for hitchhiking:

  1. A guy and a girl are ideal. A young couple inspires trust, which is why drivers stop more often.
  2. Two girls are a less safe option, but still a good one. There are many chances to quickly catch a car. The main thing is to dress appropriately and behave decently so as not to cause unnecessary associations.
  3. Two guys are a difficult combination for hitchhiking. Drivers who drive alone are sometimes afraid to take adult guys, so if it doesn’t work, it’s better to try stopping separately (after agreeing on a meeting place).
  4. One girl is a risky option. And although there are many fascinating stories with a happy ending about girls traveling alone, it is better not to tempt fate again and find yourself a reliable company.
  5. One guy is also very a good option, because there is always a place for one person.

Where to catch a car and how to hitchhike?

Catching a car is actually not difficult. An outstretched arm with a thumbs up and a smile on your face is all that is required of you. Seeing such travelers on the side of the road, drivers immediately understand that they are hitchhiking. It is better to catch a car outside the city, immediately after the sign indicating the exit from the city. It is also not recommended to stop near police posts.

There are often some obstacles on the roads that force drivers to slow down: police checkpoints, difficult sections of the road, forks and intersections, railway crossings. It’s best to stop the cars 20-30 meters after them. Drivers will slow down and you have a good chance that at least one of them will stop.

Some hitchhikers recommend standing still, others recommend walking along the side of the road with your hand raised. Everyone chooses an option to their liking, but, as it seems to us, the second one is quite pointless. You won’t get far anyway, so what’s the point in wasting energy? Especially if it’s summer and unbearably hot outside. It is best to choose a place and stay in the shade. This way you will not overheat in the sun and will see everything that is happening on the road.

Be sure to take off your sunglasses. It is important for you to catch the driver's eye and make eye contact with him. This way there is a greater chance that he will stop and pick you up. To make the task easier and not have to explain every time where you need to get, take a piece of cardboard and a marker with you. By writing the desired city on it, you will attract more attention and will not force drivers who are not on your way to stop in vain.

Sometimes drivers show some signs to hitchhikers. What do they mean?

  • the driver runs his hand over his throat - all the seats in the car are occupied;
  • points with a finger or hand to the left/right - intends to turn soon;
  • circular movements with the hand - it will soon turn back;

When the car finally stops, use all your charm and ask the driver where he is going. If you are on the way, find out if you can go with him for free. If the answer is yes and the driver does not cause you any concern, feel free to get in. Luck is on your side! If you are not satisfied with the driver or the company in the cabin, we advise you to politely apologize and say that you are in the wrong direction.

Please note that hitchhiking on highways is strictly prohibited! Seeing you on the road, local residents can call the police, who will issue a fine of 85 to 125 euros for this.

What to talk about with the driver?

It’s best to get the driver talking and have him tell you everything himself. First, ask about the city or country to which he is traveling: what is interesting there, does he live there or is passing through, etc. You can ask whether he has been to the place where you are going, what interesting things there are in that case, what see and where to go. This way you won’t have to talk much, but at the same time you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information, which will be useful in the future. Tell why you decided to hitchhike to Europe, about your previous trips, ask where he likes to go and what type of vacation he prefers. Often these are irreplaceable topics that help to quickly establish contact with the driver and even establish friendly relations with him.

How to avoid dangerous moments?

  1. Be sure to wear seat belts in the car. If the driver starts to get offended, saying that you don’t trust him, say that this is a reflex. It’s as if your parents taught you this way from childhood and you don’t drive differently. And even if it’s funny, it’s safer for you.
  2. No alcohol on the road!
  3. If you know that you get motion sickness and nausea on the road, stock up on bay leaves. Yes, we're serious. It tastes good and even resembles regular chewing gum. With its help, you will quickly cheer up and feel better.
  4. If you feel like you are falling asleep or are feeling sleepy, but you can’t sleep at all (at least out of politeness to the driver), smell or eat a lemon.
    If lemon doesn't do the trick, we have a stronger recipe. It is quite harmful to health, but in such situations it will help you to be cheerful and fresh for several hours in a row. To prepare, you need one bag of instant coffee (without sugar and cream) and a bottle of cola. Pour cola over your coffee and drink. Please note that a lot of foam will be released during the preparation of the drink. It is also undesirable for people with weak hearts!
  5. If you doubt the reliability of the driver, take a selfie with him and post it to any social network(you can also add the name and make of the car). For example, “Thanks to Michel, now I’ll go with him all the way to Paris in a brand new Mazda.”

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You need to look decent and neat

Appearance is the first thing a driver will notice. Neat clothes, a well-groomed appearance, neatness and cleanliness will make it clear that you are an adequate, normal person who just needs to get somewhere. It is better for girls to dress not provocatively, wear a minimum of makeup and behave modestly, so as not to cause unnecessary associations, and the driver does not accidentally confuse you with girls of easy virtue. We also advise you to dress brightly to be clearly visible on the road!

Girls shouldn't travel alone

Of course, there are exceptions to all rules. Many girls hitchhike on their own and don’t see anything special about it. But we would still recommend taking at least someone else with you to avoid possible risks. The ideal option would be a guy. Drivers stop for these pairs most often.

Trust your intuition!

If you don't like the driver who stopped, don't sit with him! You don't owe anything to anyone, and safety comes first. Therefore, politely apologize and say that you are out of the way (if you stopped the car without a sign).

Plan your trip route

See what cities the road passes through, the features of the route, choose the best sections - all this will be useful when you find yourself on the route. We also strongly recommend that you take a printed road map or a phone with a GPS navigator with you.

Warn the driver that you want to ride for free

Some drivers stop to earn money. Therefore, immediately check whether he will give you a free ride. Say you are travelers, hitchhiker, and imply a free ride. Otherwise, at the end of the road an unpleasant situation cannot be avoided.

Be sociable, communicate with the driver

It's no secret that many drivers stop only to diversify the road, meet new people and brighten up the trip. Communication is the price for him giving you a free ride. Therefore, even if you are an introvert who finds it difficult to chat a lot and for a long time, be patient, have a good mood and interesting stories. Sometimes, however, it happens that you come across a “talkative” driver, then you will have to listen and assent a lot. If you don't understand a word of the driver's language, communicate using sign language. In half an hour you will be able to understand him quite normally :) If the driver does not make contact at all or turns on the music, you can drive in silence and not feel any awkward situations.

Respect the driver

Do not forget that you are driving for free, and therefore must adhere to all the rules set by the owner of the car. Ask if it is possible to smoke, do not make any comments to the driver about his driving style, do not indicate what music to listen to, and in general - behave decently and with restraint!

Choose the right places to stop cars

You need to start hitchhiking outside the city. Ideal place- leaving the city. Avoid descents, ascents, turns and bridges, overpasses, “No Stopping” signs, bypass roads and stops public transport. It is also illegal to stop on motorways in Europe. For this, the driver or you face a fine, so be careful and attentive.

If you can't find a car for a long time, change location

Sometimes, after walking a few kilometers, you can choose a better section of the road and catch a car faster.

Feel free to accept and give gifts

Often, good-natured drivers offer treats, water and even money. Yes Yes! We're not kidding. Almost always these are treats from the heart. To take or not to take is your choice, but, as a rule, all hitchhikers accept gifts. Also, if you want to thank the driver for giving you a ride, buy small gifts for the trip. These could be souvenirs, something for the car, or just a nice treat. This way, you will express gratitude and leave pleasant memories with the person who agreed to give you a ride.

Don't travel at night

Firstly, if you did not manage to get to your destination, it is better to rest and continue your journey in the morning with renewed vigor. Secondly, it is unsafe. In the dark you are hard to see and you can get into an unpleasant situation. Plan your route so that by evening you will end up in some city where you can spend the night. If you plan to stop at night, be sure to take a reflective vest with you, it will at least make you visible on the road.

Hitchhiking always brings new emotions, impressions and acquaintances. If you feel the urge to start traveling this way, be sure to give it a try! These are unforgettable sensations, romance and experiments. But you shouldn’t be too careless about hitchhiking. This is also a kind of risk and you always need to be careful and careful.

Remember that you can always contact us. TravelYourWay will help you plan an independent trip, taking into account hitchhiking. We will tell you how to hitchhike in Europe, where it is better to stop in a specific country, where hitchhiking is prohibited and how to get to your destination faster. Travel with us, it's easy, unforgettable and simply interesting!

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