Charles Bridge: description, history, excursions, exact address.

(Czech: Karlův most) - a functioning stone bridge from the 14th century (across the Vltava River), one of the main ones. The structure, 520 meters long and 9.5 meters wide, is supported by 16 pillars and decorated with 30 sculptural compositions. Next to the bridge there is a bridge of the same name, dedicated to the process of its construction.

Charles Bridge is considered the most important landmark of the capital of the Czech Republic, which is why it is constantly “crowded” with noisy tourists. If you want to be in silence and enjoy the medieval atmosphere, we advise you not to be lazy and visit the bridge at night or at dawn. The city worker works around the clock, and you also don’t have to worry about the crime level in dark time days. Prague is a safe city.

The first stone bridge across the Vltava was Yuditin Bridge, which has been in operation since 1172. In 1342, it collapsed due to a sharp melting of snow and ice (at first, huge ice floes blocked the space between the supporting bulls, and then new ice floes created too much pressure on them). New bridge decided to build 20-30 meters downstream.

History of the construction of the Charles Bridge

Every The order, next to its part of the bridge, received large plots of land for the construction of monastic complexes. The first built an entire district, the center of which was modern, and the second built up a quarter around.

Since the end of the 19th century, the line of the first public transport, known today as horse-drawn. Then it was replaced by a tram with a lower current collection, but after a couple of years the city authorities came to their senses and stopped testing the bridge for strength. It should be noted that until 1870 it was called Prague Bridge, but was renamed only on the wave.

Charles Bridge Towers

(Staroměstská mostecká věž) - eastern tower of Charles Bridge; is a symbolic gateway to the area. It began to be built simultaneously with the bridge under the leadership, but was completed in 1380. The Old Town Tower is considered the most beautiful medieval tower in Europe (extant). And this despite the fact that in 1648, the sculptural decorations of the eastern side of the tower were destroyed by Swedish artillery shelling, when the bridge, as the only crossing to the right bank of the Vltava, became a place.

In the Middle Ages, the roof of the Old Town Tower was covered with gilded sheets. Also golden were the most important elements sculptural compositions. Nowadays, the facade of the tower is decorated with the coat of arms of the region, above which there is a horizontal row of coats of arms of the lands of the Czech kingdom during the reign. Above them rise statues of the kings under whom the Charles Bridge was built - and. Between them (on a small hill) there is a statue of the spiritual patron of the bridge. At the level of the third tier of the tower there are sculptures of the patrons of the Czech land - saints and. In addition, on the facade of the tower (in four different places) can see bas-reliefs birds kingfisher, symbol of Wenceslas IV.

At the beginning of the 17th century, 12 severed heads of leaders executed on the Old Town Bridge Tower hung for ten years. Nowadays the tower operates observation deck and a small historical gallery. There is a location next to the tower.

(Malostranská mostecká věž) - the tall western tower of Charles Bridge. Of all three towers, it was the last to be built - in the middle of the 15th century during the reign of King George of Poděbrady. In the very first building from the tower (Mostecka str., 1) there is Klub Za starou Prahu, a civil association that has been working on the protection of monuments in Prague since 1900.

Judith's Tower(Juditina věž) is the smallest, but at the same time the oldest tower (dating back to the 12th century). It was built during the time of the first in the Romanesque style, and in 1591 it was rebuilt in the likeness of the other two towers. The city chronicle contains a record of a tragic incident associated with the Judith Tower. It is reported that in 1250 a broken piece of stone fell on the head of a knight named Pertolt. The unfortunate man, fully dressed in armor, but having taken off his helmet, fell dead.

Lesser Town Bridge Tower and Judith's Tower are connected by gates, which depict the coats of arms of the Prague districts and, as well as the region of Bohemia.

Sculptures on the Charles Bridge

Along the Charles Bridge there are 30 sculptural compositions dedicated to famous Catholic saints. Most of them were created from 1683 to 1714, a few more - in the 19th century. In the 20th century, in order to protect valuable works of art from the harmful effects of nature, many were replaced with exact copies, and the originals were placed in and.

The Charles Bridge sculptures were created with deep ideological and political meaning. The Austrian dynasty, which ruled Bohemia and Moravia (the main regions of the modern Czech Republic) at that time, with the help of Catholicism, tried to eradicate dangerous views among the Czechs, leading to the manifestation of national self-awareness and the desire for independence. Therefore, all the individuals on the Charles Bridge are ideological missionaries and spreaders of the Catholic faith. Among them there are no real defenders of Czech interests. Even the kings and the kings, during whose reign the construction of the structure was carried out, are absent, since they pursued a policy aimed at creating a strong national state.


1 - Madonna and Saint Bernard

Details of the sculptural composition: Bernard, on bended knee, addresses the Madonna. The angel holds the saint's headdress and a beehive (symbol of the gift of eloquence). The left side depicts the image of Jesus Christ and the attributes of his torture (cross, hammer, pliers and nails).

1A - bearded man

Next to the sculptures Madonna and St. Bernard there is a discreet bas-relief of the Bearded Man (Bradáč), which symbolizes all the workers who built the bridge. The bas-relief appeared in the 12th century, but then it was moved and walled up in the steep wall of the embankment, where it became the first water gauge sign. It was believed that if the water level rises to Borodach, then a flood is inevitable.

2 - Saint Ivo

Ivo Breton (1253–1303) - judge known for honesty and incorruptibility. Provided free legal assistance to the poor and poor. The saint is the patron saint of all those who work in the field of law and jurisprudence. According to legend, the reason for Ivo’s canonization was the story of how he miraculously fed several hundred people with one loaf of bread. The sculpture was built with funds from the Faculty of Law (Ivo studied there, although he is French by birth).

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint is depicted as a spiritual judge. Behind him is an old man and a widow and child asking for help, and on the other side is a blindfolded figure of Justice.

3 - Saints Barbara, Margaret and Elizabeth

Details of the sculptural composition: Saints Margaret and Barbara are depicted in martyr's crowns, Elizabeth - with attributes of royal power (scepter), giving bread to a beggar. On the pedestal there is an inscription: “Pray for us now and at the hour of death.”

4 - Madonna, Saint Dominic and Thomas Aquinas

Details of the sculptural composition: Madonna and little Jesus stand on the globe. She hands the rosary to the kneeling Saint Dominic, who is depicted in an abbey's cap and with a symbolic watchdog carrying a torch (the emblem of the monks of the Dominican Order, who were called “dogs of the Lord”). On the right side of the sculptural composition there is a statue of St. Thomas Aquinas - a book in his hand and a chain with a medallion in the form of the sun characterize his scientific and educational activities.

5 - Crucifixion of Christ

Details of the sculptural composition: the holy crucifix is ​​depicted on Golgotha. On the sides are the Virgin Mary and the Apostle John the Theologian. The inscription reads: “holy, holy, holy Lord Savior.” The work of making gold letters was financed from the amount of a fine from a Prague Jew (there is a sign about this with an inscription in Czech, Latin and German languages). The other part of the sculpture was paid for by Baron Karel Adam from Žičany, so his coat of arms was placed at the base of the cross.

6 -Pieta

  • Pieta (or Pietà) is a scene depicting the mourning of Jesus Christ.

Details of the sculptural composition: Madonna (Virgin Mary), John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene mourn the Savior.

7 -Saint Joseph Saint Francis

  • Francis Xavier (1506–1552) - co-founder, known for missionary work in India, Japan and other Asian countries. It is believed that it was he who converted the largest number of people in the world to Christianity. The saint's tomb is located in Goa.

Details of the sculptural composition: an Indian prince is depicted in front of Francis, wishing to be baptized. On the left hand of the saint, a young man sits thoughtfully with a book in his hands. This is a self-portrait of the sculptor himself. The pedestal is supported by a Tatar, a samurai, a black and a pagan ruler.

10 -Saints Cyril and Methodius

  • Cyril (827–869) and Methodius (815–885) were brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), reformers of the Slavic alphabet, creators of the Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity. They translated many church books into Old Church Slavonic and obtained permission to conduct services in this language (previously they used Hebrew, Greek or Latin).

Details of the sculptural composition: the brothers read a sermon to Czech and Slovak pagans.

11 - Saint Christopher

Details of the sculptural composition: the scene is depicted of Reprev carrying little Jesus Christ on his shoulder across the ford.

12 - Saint John

13 - Saints Norbert, Wenceslas and Sigismund

Details of the sculptural composition: in the center is Norbert, to his right is Vaclav with a banner in his hand, to the left is Sigismund with a sword on his belt.

14 - Saint Francis Borgia

Details of the sculptural composition: Francis is depicted in the clothes of a priest. To his left is an angel holding an image of the Holy Gifts, to his right is an angel holding an image of the Virgin Mary.

15 - Saint Lyudmila

Details of the sculptural composition: Lyudmila holds in her left hand a handkerchief, with which, according to legend, she was strangled, and with her right hand she points to the Bible, from which she teaches young Vaclav to read. The relief on the pedestal depicts the scene of the murder of Prince Wenceslas.

16 -Saint John of Nepomuk

  • (1350–1393) - priest, vicar general of the Archbishopric of Prague. The story of his death Catholic Church turned into a beautiful legend, creating the image of an innocent martyr. However, in reality, John of Nepomuk tried to wage a political struggle with the king, for which he was killed, and his body was thrown from the Charles Bridge into the river (at this place you can now see a beautiful forged grille). Read more.

Details of the sculptural composition: bronze plates on the pedestal depict scenes of the queen’s confession and the execution of John of Nepomuk. Tourists believe that if you rub them, your wish will come true.

17 - Saint Anthony

Details of the sculptural composition: Anthony is depicted with little Jesus. In his right hand he holds a lily, which emphasizes his holiness. On the sides are two vases depicting scenes from the life of Anthony of Padua.

18 - Saint Francis of Assisi

Details of the sculptural composition: Francis of Assisi is depicted with two angels. On the pedestal is carved the inscription “St. Francis of Assisi for miraculous salvation Emperor Franz Joseph in 1853" (the Hungarian revolutionary stabbed the monarch in the neck, from which he was saved by the gold collar of his uniform).

19 - Saint Jude Thaddeus

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint is depicted with the Gospel and a club. On the pedestal there is an inscription: “To the devoted friend of Christ.”

20 - Saints Vincent and Prokop

Details of the sculptural composition: Saint Vincent in Dominican vestments drives out the devil from a kneeling man with one hand, and with the other he raises a man lying in the grave from the dead. Saint Prokop holds a rod over the pacified Satan, stepping on him with his foot, which symbolizes the victory of faith, truth and goodness over the forces of evil. There are several inscriptions on the monument: “8,000 infidels to the Catholic faith,” “70 devils to pacify,” and “2,500 Jews to Christ.”

20A -knight Bruncvik

  • Bruncvik is a hero of Czech legends and tales who wanted to get the right to place a lion on his coat of arms (a symbol of valor and courage). To do this, he embarked on a series of adventures and exploits. The Knight of Bruncwick is a fictional character and symbolizes one of the kings of the family who replaced the black eagle with a silver lion on the coat of arms of Bohemia in 1172.

Details of the sculptural composition: the knight Bruncvik is depicted with a sword and shield, on which the coat of arms of the region is depicted. A lion sits at his feet. The monument is located behind the sculptural group of Saints Vincent and Prokop (No. 20), so to see it you need to look down from the bridge.

21 - Saint Augustine

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint is depicted in a bishop's robe. Under his right foot he has a heretical book (a sign of contempt for Protestants), and in his right hand is a burning heart (a sign of love for the Lord). At Augustine's left leg there is a figurine of an angel.

22 - Saint Nicholas of Tolentin

Details of the sculptural group: the saint is depicted in a monk’s robe with an angel who prepared a basket of bread for the poor.

23 -Saint Luitgarde

  • Luitgarda is a blind nun who regained her sight after kissing the wounds of Christ in her sleep.

24 - Saint Cajetan

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint holds in his hands the open Gospel of Matthew with the word of God. Behind it is a plague column symbolizing the Holy Trinity with images of clouds and angels.

25 -Saint Philip Benicius

  • Philip Benicius (1233–1285) - one of the founders of the Servite Order.

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint is dressed in the traditional white robe of members of the order. In his hands he holds a cross, a symbolic branch (or lily) and a book. A tiara (papal crown) is placed at his feet, since in 1268 he had the opportunity to become Pope.

26 - Saint Vojtech

Details of the sculptural composition: Vojtech is depicted in an archbishop's robe with the Gospel in his left hand.

27 - Saint Vitus

Details of the sculptural composition: the saint is depicted in the attire of a Roman citizen, but with a medieval headdress. The pedestal is made in the shape of a rock with a cave from which hungry lions climb out.

28 - Saints John, Felix and John of Bohemia

Details of the sculptural composition: a Turk with a dog guards Christian prisoners sitting behind bars and crying out for salvation. Felix de Valois extends his hand to the prisoner, Jean de Mata holds the shackles, and St. John silently watches them.

29 -Jesus Christ, Saints Cosmas and Damian

  • Cosmas and Damian of Arabia (III or IV century) - brothers, healers and miracle workers. It is believed that the Lord gave them the art of healing. The brothers never took payment from the patients they treated, observing the commandment of Jesus Christ “freely you have received, freely give.”

Details of the sculptural composition: two brother doctors and the Savior as “the chief healer of the world” are depicted. Behind his figure rises a cross with the inscription: “In this cross is our salvation.” On his right hand is Saint Cosmas (the inscription on the pedestal: “Hippocrates among the saints”), and on his left is Saint Damian (the inscription on the pedestal: “To our pious brother, Galen of heaven”).

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Few people, remembering their holiday in Prague, ignore such a remarkable place as the Charles Bridge. This monumental creation of medieval architecture by Peter Parler is a true calling card of the city, along with the Golem and the Cathedral of St. Witta. Charles Bridge - museum under open air, heritage of history, architecture, political and religious events and trends. It, like all of Prague, is surrounded by many legends and beliefs that have been firmly ingrained into it over more than 600 years of history.

The Vltava River, across which this 520-meter structure stretches, separates two ancient historical parts of the city: Stare Mesto and Mala Strana. Before the flood in 1342, both banks were connected by the Judith Bridge, which is now remembered only by the bas-relief “Borodach” and the Judith Tower - part of the steep wall of the bank and the western gate of the Charles Bridge. The southern gate is formed by the Old Town Tower - majestic and stern. Its main facade is decorated with the coats of arms of the lands that were part of the Czech kingdom during the reign of Charles IV and Wenceslas IV. This is the largest of the three towers in its better times struck the imagination with its majestic figures and gilded tiles. But even today it will not leave anyone indifferent: some thanks to the skillful painting of the vaults, others - thanks to the sculptures, and absolutely everyone - the stunning views that open from the building located here.

But the bridge is most famous for its sculptures. Usually they talk about 30, but an attentive and curious traveler can find two more: one walled up in the western wall, and the other behind the railing on the southern side. All sculptures and compositions are somewhat younger than the bridge itself. Most date back to the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century. Alas, over time, the majestic creations of Matthias Bernard Braun, Ferdinand Maximilian and Jan Brokoff began to crumble, and in order to preserve these priceless examples, the sculptures were moved to National Museum and Visegrad casemates. Exact copies were installed on the bridge.

Today the bridge is perhaps the most crowded place in the whole city. Numerous tourists, street performers, performers, merchants and musicians create an incredible atmosphere of an ever-bubbling holiday. If you want to enjoy beautiful scenery and feel like you are on the streets of an ancient city, come to Charles Bridge at night. Legends come to life in the sunset rays.

Charles Bridge in urban folklore and history

Charles Bridge is shrouded in many legends and beliefs. One of the most enduring is that Petr Parler made a deal with dark forces in order to create the bridge as we see it today. In the history of the construction of the bridge, there really is a place for mysticism, only of a different nature. During the reign of Charles IV, astrological predictions were very popular. So, the first stone of the bridge was laid on June 9, 1357, at 5:31. Such a strange time (according to legend, kept to a minute) was determined by a special order of numbers, creating the so-called palindrome. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say for sure, but the fact that the Charles Bridge in Prague still stands to this day in an almost unchanged condition is a fact.

There are also bright pages in the history of Charles Bridge - for a long time it was the site of cheerful festivities, the “road of kings”. Due to the fact that power over the bridge was divided between representatives of the Order of Malta and the Order of the Red Star Crusaders, two unique and architecturally distinctive districts of Prague quickly grew around it, which have preserved to this day the grandeur of the Great Prevor Square and the Crusader Square.

Charles Bridge in Prague is a unique monument of history and architecture. This pedestrian bridge half a kilometer long - a popular place for walks and meetings. It is loved by artists, musicians, souvenir sellers, as well as curious tourists.

Location of Charles Bridge in Prague

Prague - capital Czech Republic, is one of the most beautiful European cities. It combines architectural styles in an unsurpassed way - from the early Middle Ages right up to the present day. Exceptional architectural monuments and a wonderful location on the slopes above the Vltava River leave their mark on the unique charm that all its guests admire so much.

There is an expression: “All roads lead to Rome,” and the Czechs say that “all roads in Prague lead to the Charles Bridge.” Wherever you go, no matter what route you choose in Prague, sooner or later you will certainly find yourself on this bridge. Prague residents themselves admit that the Charles Bridge, built on the site of the Judith Bridge, destroyed in 1342 - main symbol.

Charles Bridge (length 516 m, width 10 m), standing on 16 mighty supporting bulls, connects 2 parts of the city - Stare Mesto and Mala Strana, crossing the Vltava over the small island of Kampa (it is separated from the shore by a narrow channel).

In 1974, the bridge was declared pedestrian.

History of Charles Bridge in Prague

In ancient times, residents of Prague cities used numerous fords and crossings to cross the Vltava. The predecessors of the Charles Bridge were the first wooden bridge, built in the 10th century, and a stone bridge, built in 1160. Both bridges were demolished by floods.

The bridge, which is considered today almost the main attraction of the capital of the Czech Republic, was founded on July 9, 1357 by order of Charles IV, after whom it was later named. The builder of St. Vitus Cathedral, Peter Parler, was entrusted with the construction of a new bridge, which should appear on the site of the old one.

The date and time of construction were accurately calculated by court astrologers. Its laying occurred at exactly 5:31 minutes. At this time, the sun was in line with, and this foreshadowed prosperity. The magic of numbers also plays an important role: the numbers of the year, month, day, hour and minute are read equally in two directions, both from left to right and from right to left: 1357 9 7 5 31 (1357, July 9, 5 hours 31 minutes). It also promised considerable prosperity.

At the time the bridge was being built, it was very difficult to find high-quality mortar components that would ensure the stability of the entire structure. Oddly enough, the main building material from which the bridge was built was egg white. By order of Charles, thousands of eggs were brought from all over the country. True, illiterate peasants, not always understanding what eggs were used for, sent them boiled.

The bridge took more than 50 years to build, and it was finally completed only at the beginning of the 15th century. From this moment on, Charles Bridge became an important means of communication between the two main districts of the city, the center of public life. Retail outlets were located here, tournaments and public trials took place, and reprisals against thieves were carried out here - they were lowered into the Vltava on a large wicker basket.

The structure was of great strategic and military importance. There were towers on the bridge that performed guard functions. In the Middle Ages, the spacious gate of one of the towers was protected by a lowering lattice. At the end of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), the bridge saved the Old part of the city from destruction. From the bridge, cannons fired at the city. Most of nuclear weapons hit the Old Town Bridge Tower. After two weeks of negotiations, a peace agreement was signed.

In 1890, the Charles Bridge suffered from a flood: rafts that broke away from the shore blocked the flow of water between the supports, and two of them collapsed. The bridge was restored and for five centuries it remained the only bridge across the Vltava.

Only in the 30s. XIX century The construction of other Prague bridges began, and the Charles Bridge itself began to be decorated with sculptures, the number of sculptures and sculptural groups gradually reached 30, the bridge turned into an open-air art gallery. The sculpture gallery has been created for more than one century. Famous Czech masters made their contribution - Mayer, Michael Jan Joseph Brokoff and Ferdinant Maximilian.

From the very beginning of its existence, the Charles Bridge became favorite place for walks. True, for a long time it was simply called the Prague Bridge or the Bridge. The bridge began to be called Charles only at the end of the 19th century.

Features of the structure of the Charles Bridge in Prague

The length of the bridge, built of sandstone, is 515 meters and the width is 10 meters. It is a structure of 16 support pillars connected by arched spans.

On the side of Stare Mesto and Mala Strana, there are mighty towers on the bridge - all in the Gothic style, although they were made in different eras. The Old Town Tower is a massive defensive structure. It is richly decorated with sculpture, including ceremonial portraits of Charles IV, his son Wenceslas IV and an image of St. Vitus. There is an observation deck inside the tower. The Lesser Town towers are connected by a wall with a gate, and the low southern tower is a surviving part of the old Judith Bridge.

The Powder Tower, which covers Tseletnaya Street, was built in the 15th century. and served as the entrance gate to the Old City. Next to it is the Municipal Palace (“Obetsni Dum”), which is considered the most beautiful building Art Nouveau style in Prague. The bridge itself begins at two (Romanesque and large Gothic) towers on the Lesser Town bank and ends with the Powder Tower on the Old Town bank. The last tower was built at the end of the 14th century by Peter Parler and is still considered “the most beautiful gate of the Central”. The tower used to be part of a Romanesque fortification that protected the approaches to the bridge. Next to it is the former monastery of the Red Star Crusader Order and the former Jesuit College Clementinum.

Numerous sculptures were erected on the bridge, which brought him worldwide fame. The oldest monuments include the Crucifixion (installed in 1630) and the statue of St. John of Nepomuk (an extremely revered martyr in Prague, drowned in the Vltava at the behest of King Wenceslas IV). John of Nepomuk was the queen's personal confessor, and the king, becoming jealous, ordered his assassins to throw him off the bridge, which they did. A few days later, fishermen pulled out his body with nets. Around the head of the drowned man, 5 stars shone (after he was canonized, he is depicted everywhere with 5 stars). There is a cross at the place where it was dropped, and a figure stands on the right side a little further (towards Mala Strana). They say that if you touch this statue on the bridge and make a wish, it will certainly come true. Tourists have invented a legend that touching the dog at his feet brings health to their pets.

In addition to these traditions, there is another one, thanks to which this bridge is also called the bridge of “a thousand kisses”. It is believed that if lovers kiss in the middle of the bridge, they will never part.

On the opposite parapet from Mala Strana you can see a statue of Prince Wenceslas, a group of “Turks on the bridge” (a sculpture of St. John of Matsky and St. Felix rescuing Christian captives from Hagaryan captivity), as well as a statue of St. Adalbert. Behind the staircase leading down to Campa there is a statue of St. Nicholas of Tolentin, St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Procopius, a statue of St. Francis Xavier with a sculptural self-portrait of the outstanding Baroque sculptor Brokoff.

Today, most of the statues have been replaced by copies, and the originals are in the Lapidarium (a branch of the National Museum).

Now the bridge requires serious reconstruction. The waters of the Vltava, washing away the Charles Bridge from below, threaten it with destruction. Unfortunately, tourists cause significant damage. Thousands of people cross the Charles Bridge every day. It will cost about $6 million to completely repair the bridge. Without such a sum, the mayor of the Czech capital proposed organizing a nationwide fundraiser. It is expected that by 2010 the Charles Bridge will be completely restored.

Address: Czech Republic, Prague
Date of construction: 1380
Length: 520 m.
Width: 9.5 m.
Coordinates: 50°05"11.4"N 14°24"40.5"E

To get from the historical part of Prague - Staro Mesto to one of the best reserves of Baroque architecture in Europe - Lesser Town, you just need to cross the Vltava along the Charles Bridge. Its 16 expressive stone arches have long become one of business cards capital of the Czech Republic. This medieval bridge and the sculptures installed on it are often spoken of in superlatives - the oldest, the most picturesque and the most famous.

General view of the bridge

Predecessor of the old bridge

Initially, on the site where the Charles Bridge now stands, they built bridge structure, named after the Czech Queen Jutta of Thuringia. She was the wife of King Vladislav III. This happened in 1172.

The first bridge turned out to be quite strong and stood almost until the middle of the 14th century - the time when King Charles IV ruled the country. The Judith Bridge was destroyed by a major flood that occurred on the Vltava in 1342. Nowadays, you can look at its preserved arch in the basement of house No. 82, which is located on Lusatian Seminary Street, on the left bank of the Vltava.

History of the construction and operation of the bridge

The first stone for the new bridge was laid by King Charles IV. It is curious that the time for this ceremony, at the beginning of July 1357, was calculated for the king by his court astrologers. In the Middle Ages they attached such great importance to magic numbers!

View of the north side of the bridge

The construction of the bridge was supervised by one of the most famous representatives hereditary German-Swedish dynasty of architects - Peter Parler. Construction took a long time and ended only at the beginning of the 15th century, although the first pedestrians and carts were allowed here in 1380.

The bridge structure, more than 9 m wide and 520 m long, was originally called simply “Prague Bridge”. The bridge was renamed in honor of King Charles IV only in 1870. The road through which you can cross the river lies on 16 massive stone arches built from hewn sandstone blocks.

Previously, the Royal Road, a ceremonial road along which the rulers of the Czech Republic traveled for coronation, ran through the bridge. It started in Staro Mesto near the Royal Court and went to the bridge over the river near the Old Town Hall and through the Crusader Square. After Charles Bridge, the Royal Route went past Hradcany Square to St. Vitus Cathedral. Czech kings traveled along this road from 1438 to 1836.

View of the northern side of the bridge from the Vltava River

Ordinary citizens paid a fee to drive or walk across the bridge. IN holidays Fairs were organized here and magnificent knightly tournaments were held.

Until the beginning of the last century, horse-drawn horses rode across the bridge. Then electricity was installed here, and from 1905 to 1908 the bridge could be crossed by tram. The picturesque medieval bridge has been featured in feature films more than once.

Bridge towers and sculptors

standing on east coast Vltava Old Town Tower was built in 1380-1390 in the Gothic tradition. Above its passage arch you can see the image of a kingfisher. The stone building is decorated with the coats of arms of the states whose lands were covered by the Holy Roman Empire. On the second floor there are sculptural images of kings revered in the Czech Republic, as well as a monument to St. Vitus.

View of south side bridge

At the top of the tower you can see sculptures of saints who have the status of patrons of the Czech Republic - Sigismund and Vojtěch, and the passage arch is decorated with an elegant mesh vault. For its superbly executed decor and graceful proportions, this tower is considered one of the most beautiful Baroque buildings in Europe.

At the top of the Old Town Tower there is a popular tourist Observation deck. It is open to the public from June to September from 10.00 to 22.00; in October and from March to May from 10.00 to 19.00. And in the winter months the site is open until 17.00.

The towers on the opposite side west bank rivers, built in different time. The older one is the squat tower. It was originally built in the Romanesque style, but during the reconstruction carried out in 1591, the building was remodeled in the traditions of the Renaissance.

View of the bridge from the observation deck of the Old Town Tower

The high tower was founded in 1464. It is very similar to the Old Town Tower, so it is believed that its construction was carried out by architects from the workshop of the architect Peter Parler. During the reign of King Wenceslas IV, a passage gate was built between these two towers. Today, there is an observation deck at the top of the high tower. In addition, there is an exhibition on the history of the Charles Bridge.

A little later, during the heyday of the Baroque, the bridge was decorated with a gallery of sculptures created by the best sculptors and woodcarvers of their time - Matthias B. Braun, Matej Vaclav Jeckel, Jan Brokoff, as well as Brokoff's sons. Today the bridge is decorated with about 30 sculptures. Most of them appeared at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th century. All sculptures are deeply symbolic. The subjects for them were biblical themes, as well as religious traditions associated with the city and the Czech state. Some of the sculptures standing here are copies, and their originals are carefully preserved in the collection of the National Museum.

View of the Old Town Tower

There is an interesting detail in the architectural complex of the medieval bridge - a small staircase that descends to the Kampa island, located on the Vltava River. It was originally made of wood, but in 1844 a neo-Gothic stone staircase was built onto the island.

Medieval bridge today

These days there are always street artists, actors and musicians working near the bridge. Handicrafts and souvenirs are sold here all day long. Many tourists traditionally come to this place, because the old bridge is a convenient pedestrian path connecting the two historical parts of Prague, along which most excursion routes are laid.

View of the stone arches of the bridge

Every year, participants in the popular Prague Marathon run across the medieval bridge. These running competitions were first held in 1995, and now they have a very high international rating and are part of the most prestigious marathons in the world. It is curious that in more than 20 years of history, the hosts of the marathon, Czech athletes, have never climbed to the highest step of the podium. The largest number of victories in the Prague Marathon were won by runners from Russia and Kenya.

Like any historical landmarks, the old bridge has its own beliefs and traditions. It is believed that if, standing on it, lovers kiss and make a wish together, it will definitely come true. Another local tradition is to make a wish by touching two high reliefs, which are located under the monument to the Czech saint John of Nepomuk.

One of the bridge arches

Finding this monument is not difficult. The monument depicts a man standing tall. The saint holds a Crucifix and a palm branch in his hands, and above his head there is a thin halo on which five stars are visible.

The saint was destined for martyrdom. In 1393, by order of King Wenceslas IV, he was thrown in a sack from the bridge into the waters of the Vltava. According to church tradition, five stars appeared above the place where the river swallowed the martyr. That is why five stars are always depicted above the head of John of Nepomuk. The place from where the saint was thrown into the water is marked with a memorial cross with an openwork forged lattice.

There is a pier near the Old Town Tower on the Vltava. From here you can take tourist boats interesting excursion down the river.

Charles Bridge at night

How to get there

Charles Bridge is located in the central, historical part of Prague. It is convenient to get to it by trams No. 17 or 18 (to the “Karlovy lázně” stop). In addition, from the Staroměstská or Malostranská metro stations, located on different banks of the river, you can walk to the bridge in just 10 minutes.