The name of natural phenomena that can be observed in the summer. Unusual natural phenomena. Mystical Mirage desert

Here are the most interesting natural phenomenawho are surprised, amazing, impressive and remember for life.

Fire Raduga

The term "fiery rainbow" is a little misleading; The correct term is a rounded horizontal arc. This is a rare optical effect in the atmosphere, which manifests itself in the occurrence of horizontal rainbow on the background of lungs curl clouds. That is, the rainbow paints the clouds to the clouds - an unreal spectacle! By the way, the phenomenon is not so rare, as you might think, although it is not manifested everywhere - it all depends on the latitude. In the United States, for example, such a miracle can be seen several times over the summer, and every year in the same place, and in Central and Northern Europe such a rainbow is a high-pass guest.

That's just a reception; But the subject is no longer a phenomenon, but an eternal object, in this case the infinite object "Nature" and against me the body that internally reflects the beauty of nature, evaluates and admires. Phenomena are simply given the soul without choosing, without approval and rejection. Here, however, we make a choice, judgment, we have a certain conviction of things, and we have a novel with her. Our individual personality is aesthetic harmony. This passage explains not only the assessment as it is provided by Karel Chapek, but also the aesthetic pleasure of nature with which he opposes.


This is a funnel vortex from air and water, which is very similar to the usual tornado, but it is formed only above the surface of a large reservoir. Most often, a similar phenomenon is found in tropical latitudes and, unlike a conventional tornadow, water tornhead is no more than half an hour, the funnel is less in diameter, and the speed of rotation is two or three times. Sometimes similar talls, "resting" in cumulus clouds are formed on west coast Europe and in some areas of the Mediterranean. Moreover, such water tornadoes may be formed not only over the seas and bays - sometimes they can be seen over the lakes and rivers. For example, cases of water trenches over great lakes were recorded, as well as over the Volga in 2010.

Sound anomalies or abnormal sound phenomena in nature

In addition, we also obtain substantial information about the consumption of the subject in the process of aesthetic assessment. Unlike aesthetic pleasure and assessments, if aesthetic understanding is natural aesthetic excluded from the facts that must be solved, and therefore cannot circumvent the cause of such an output led Karl Kechka. The following paragraph summarizes the following reasons: the beauty of nature is not a problem; Perhaps no one bothered to ask that a special aesthetic reason, there is naturally one or configuration of colors, materials and structures, of which the parent stem intention of these characters, character, etc. All these questions are not possible due to the work of art.

Moving stones

Unique natural phenomenon, unsolved mystery. Sliding stones weighing up to several hundred kilograms were discovered on dried lake Resection Playa in the Valley of Death in the United States. And these stones ... move, leaving traces of up to several tens of meters and width up to 30 cm. Who moves cobblestones? One of the theories is that when strong rains are shedding over the desert, water flows down the surrounding lake in Dolomite hills, filling the lake. But due to the high temperatures (and the valleys of death are one of the hottest places of the planet) water quickly evaporates, leaving at the bottom of a layer of soft and viscous mud at the bottom. That is, strong winds move stones at this time, by the thin layer of dirt, which works as a lubricant. However, it was later proved that some stones move, and some - no. Moreover, those that move are sometimes driving around in different directions - it makes the theory of wind not quite suitable. In addition, the stones are too heavy so that air masses can move. Recent studies have proven that the ice layer in the cold nights is locally increasing around each boulder, and the rainwater flows turn the stones from the sides on the side, slowly moving them.

Day and night, light and shadow are not aesthetic problems, while gray heads and light in painting yes. The shape of the cliff is an aesthetic date, and the form of the statue is aesthetic problem. Nature is not needed and does not allow aesthetic explanation. Art also does not need interpretation; go and eat them; But as soon as he was, as soon as you start asking questions, there will be a complete answer for you. This argument is based on the different nature of the object, that is. Artwork, on the one hand, and natural phenomena, on the other hand.

The key difference, according to Cape, is that art is human creation. For this reason, art at the same time becomes clear and problematic. Without the real or alleged existence of the Creator, it does not make sense to ask the motives and intentions, and at the same time, these intentions, we can understand precisely because we are also people. According to Cappe: a person and its actions are available to us in different ways, internally and closer to nature. This is deep knowledge, draws as if inside, this understanding. Aesthetics is an area of \u200b\u200bman, therefore, if we are talking about the aesthetics of nature, and not necessarily, according to the author, it humaniates.

Morning Gloria

This is a rare meteorological phenomenon, the type of clouds, which are formed most often over the Bay of Carpenaria in the north of Australia. It is best that this phenomenon is observed from Byrktawun from September to mid-November. Similar to long cloud tubes can stretch out 1000 kilometers in length most often 100-200 meters above the ground. This phenomenon is very dangerous for air transport.

Another argument, which against the background of the chapeca solution to eliminate the natural aesthetics of the area of \u200b\u200baesthetic understanding, is the subject of an objective method, that is. Method of aesthetic understanding, aesthetic object. Aesthetic subject varies depending on the subjective impressions of perceiving, which enriches the item, which he "enriches" with its own associations and values. In order for the meaning to have an objective meaning, the subject should not be changed by any subjective impressions, so it can exist as a separate aesthetic being.

Earthquake lights

This is an unusual lighting phenomenon that happens in the sky over areas of tectonic stresses, seismic activity or volcanic eruptions. Moreover, for a very long time, these lights were something like local baakeks until they were captured by the film during the earthquake in Japan in 1965. There are at least three theories of the emergence of similar white, blue or purple overflows in the sky.

This requirement is not able to fulfill nature. According to Kapka, natural phenomena would have to have something aesthetically independent. What is "aesthetically independent", which we study in connection with the image. The artwork is aesthetic subject, independent of the user, but by the artist. The artist created, made, executed because he liked it aesthetically beautiful; Therefore, its product is its aesthetic object; If its creation lasts, it lasts and the psychological association works with the artist, takes an aesthetic object of the artist, regardless of whether someone likes or not, is the work of the metro records, long lives only in the memory of witnesses. This passage assumes that the guarantor of aesthetically independent artist who created this work.


In a different way, this phenomenon is called superhighted thunderstorm, and this is a continuously rotating upstream, which can last several hours. It can carry degrees, rain and wind, sometimes a tornado. Supersella can be formed at any point of the globe, but more often they happen in the field of the great plains of the United States.

However, the inconsistency of another chapeca, which created it, because he loved the work as aesthetic beautiful, it seems somewhat dubious. You can imagine artworks that are not intended to create something aesthetically beautiful, but, for example, cause concern that perceived. Does this mean that Kapeeke understands beauty in a much broader sense than usual, or that such works are excluded from aesthetic meaning? Or an aesthetic understanding of such power, what can it change our initial opinion?

Basalt columns

When the lava flows are cooled, they are often compressed and crackped perpendicular to the flow direction, forming a certain number of columns. One of the most famous examples is the road of giants, in the northeast Northern IrelandAlthough the largest example is the Devil Tower on the territory of Wyoming, in the USA: Monolith with a relative height of 386 meters even appears in the film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree".

If we consider natural aesthetics, it must have no need for the Creator to understand that this can not be aesthetically understood? Aesthetic subject, as depends on Kapes, really eliminates the phenomena of nature from the area of \u200b\u200baesthetic understanding, but is it necessary this step? Aesthetic understanding in the sense of an objective method of setting an aesthetic subject concerns, as shown, exclusively in the field of art. Nature should be satisfied with the concept of kappa with simple pleasure or evaluation.

According to the author, natural phenomena after their assessment cease to be of interest and do not constitute a problem for us. It is strange that the art that we have through some similarity anthropological approach to Chapure seems clear, as well as problematized and nature, which arises independently of any human intention is fragile. In my opinion, it would be more intuitive that nature is so complicated that we cannot understand it. Another possibility to interpret this stress is that the proximity of the intentions of the artist and perception creates a desire to ask.

Ice Circles

Scientists believe that these smooth circles are formed as a result of rotation of a large piece of ice. As a result, other pieces of ice are distributed relatively evenly on the edges - the perfect circle is obtained. In nature there are ice circles with diameters of more than 150 meters.

But isn't it necessary to ask questions to your person, regardless of whether it is possible to understand this phenomenon? If we focus on developing an understanding that we remove from our internal and "We connect", this is a work of art, aesthetic object. The artist may be natural phenomena in the area of \u200b\u200bexcluded simply because they do not satisfy the condition "to be a man creating." But if you take into account another chapek to determine aesthetic understanding, that is.

What is the reason for the involvement of the viewer, nature is actually excluded? This means that the perceptor cannot understand nature, and if not, for what reason, especially when nature is easy. Regardless of the options that Chapek in this regard are open, aesthetic natural to him to stay out of purpose, in subjective judgments. Allen Carlson and the possibility of objective aesthetics of nature.


These ice entities are sometimes also called "driving snow" or "kiving monks." Calgasports are ice blades that stick out at an acute angle most often in the mountains and can reach 30 meters in height. These ice needles are formed as a result of cyclic lifting and freezing of water under conditions of low temperatures. For climbers, such natural phenomena is a difficult obstacle, although on the other hand, small calga regards can even relieve moving, because they form something like steps.

In modern aesthetics, issues relating to our natural and other medium are among the most discussed. Their goal is not only to describe and explain how the aesthetic natural phenomena can be estimated, but also to determine which consequences of ignoring the natural beauty of one part and considering the other side of the aesthetic theory. The study of the ecological aesthetics of Allen Carlson is one of the most important in this regard. The decision to compare its relationship with the capeke ratio is also motivated by other reasons.

Carlson is not convinced that natural aesthetics can be viewed aesthetic, but also that our courts are objective of this, and, therefore, he may decide on their value of truth. In the introduction to the article "Assessment and Natural Environment", Carlson is not focused on the natural environment, but on artistic work. If we get a work of art, we know what to appreciate. In particular, we can distinguish its components from what is not part of it, and we decide which aspects of work are aesthetically important, and which are not.

Ancient man respected and read the nature as a deity. Not wonder, because the primitive brain was often unable to explain some natural phenomena and perceived them as a miracle. Modern people try to find a rational explanation to all seen, but the most unusual and rare natural phenomena still amazing imagination, admire, and even scare.

In other words, we know how to handle artwork. In this sense, the situation with natural aesthetics is more difficult. The main goal of natural objects is not aesthetically appreciated by them, and, above all, natural object Not our creation. From this obvious fact, it can be concluded that the aesthetic assessment of natural aesthetics, which can be understood by analogy with an art assessment, is prohibited. However, this conclusion would contradict the conviction of Carlson when he directly declares: the fact that nature is natural, and not our creation does not mean that we cannot know about it.

Top most unusual natural phenomena

Fires of St. Elma.

A unique natural phenomenon that first noticed and described sailors. It was them from time to time they watched on masts and other vertical items of their ships beautiful glowing balls or tassels. Of course, earlier this spectacle was perceived as a miracle and promoted sailors success, because the Saint Elm is the patron saint of navigators. However, in our time, Holy Elma's lights have an explanation.

Unusual lights of St. Elma used to be observed in the sea, and now in the sky these light sources appear due to the high voltage of the electric field. Accordingly, most often you can see these lights during a thunderstorm, snowstorming or storms. Nowadays, these lights are observed on the shearing of aircraft who fell into a cloud of volcanic ash. Sometimes this phenomenon is able to deal with even various electrical appliances.

Natural objects are such that we can learn about things that do not depend on participation in their creation. Although we did not create a nature, we know a lot about it. To be able to aesthetically appreciate this, in accordance with the text of Carlson, this environment should be allocated as a prominent foreground. At the same time, it is necessary to focus only on some aspects so that we can talk about an estimate in the aesthetic sense.

Attention should be paid to those aspects that matter, and that allows us to know the types of animals and plants, ecology and other natural sciences. The ability to use natural sciences as tools similar to the history of art and criticism cannot prove that the aesthetic judgments about our environment are objective in their nature. However, at least we are approaching their objectivity. In the above article "Nature, aesthetic judgment and objectivity", Karlson is determined in the opinion of those aesthetics that occupy an objectivist position in relation to art, but relative to the nature of the relativist or subjectivist.

Freaky clouds

Two-cone clouds - a stunningly beautiful sight. Most often, they can be observed around the mountains and high pointed hills. At first glance, such clouds resemble huge flying plates, lenses or berets. Quite often, this phenomenon is observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountains of Shasta and Fujiima. The reason for this is a special way to move air in these areas.

Supporters of this approach are considering aesthetic judgments about art as objective, that is, those who can determine the truth. Conversely, the aesthetic judgments about the phenomena of nature can only be subjective, and therefore it makes sense to think about their truthfulness.

Carlson in his arguments relies on the concept of Kendalla Walton and his text "Art Category". The central idea of \u200b\u200bWalton article can be summarized as follows: works of art can only be assessed if we see them in the correct category. What its property is in this category, which are perceived as standard, the meter is standard and variables. Property of work with respect to the standard category only if this property belongs to those properties, thanks to which the work refers to this category, that is.

A striking biconvecake clouds over Mount Fujias. By the way, the bicon-like clouds look frozen and motionless. So they can "hang" over the mountain a few days in a row, while the wind or changed weather conditions will not make them dispel.

Polar Lights

Sometimes polar shine is called "Northern". The right is considered one of the most beautiful spectacles in the world. It is possible to contemplate this beauty exclusively in the northern regions, near the poles. As a rule, the radiance has a bluish color, it is less likely to see the radiance, which are transfused with all the colors of the rainbow.

An unusual night glow over the city occurs this effect due to the processes that occur in upper layers Atmospheric, when passing charged particles near the power lines of the earth's geomagnetic field. There is a radiance on average from several hours to several days.


This phenomenon is able to plunge even a person with a strong psyche. And this, despite the fact that the nature of mirages has long been scientifically substantiated. Nevertheless, still Mirages are attributed to mystical meaning. And in fact, it is only an area of \u200b\u200bview and a special optical effect, which is achieved due to a change in the density of heated air vertically. At the coincidence of certain conditions, "visions" appear on the horizon.

Unexpected Upper Mirage on the sea One of the varieties of Miragia is Fata Morgan. It is very difficult optical phenomenonwhich is extremely rare. Fata Morgan includes several forms of mirages, which are repeatedly distorted and quickly replaced by each other. This creates bizarre pictures that are able to drive away any traveler.


Gloria is an optical effect that can be observed if you breame a fire at night in the mountains. At the same time, the weather should be with low clouds. With the coincidence of the conditions, you will have a kind of "halo" above your head, and you can see your own shadow on the clouds.

Interesting optical effect of Gloria, they particularly trembled to this natural effect in the East. Here Gloria is called the "Buddha Light". It was believed that the appearance of color halo around the shade of a person is evidence of his proximity to Buddha.

Ball lightning

Each of us observed the usual linear zipper, which accompanies thunder. However, it is not so often you can "meet" ball lightning or fireball. Quite a rare eventOn average, a thousand ordinary lightning falls only about 2-3 balls. The ball, the color from the yellow to the scarlet, ferry in the air for a few seconds on the random trajectory and disappears.

The phenomenon of ball lightning is still not fully studied that such guests appear in homes or aircraft. Call the exact cause of the occurrence and give the characteristic of this phenomenon, the scientists have not been able so far.

The most unusual natural phenomenon in the world: Fire Torn

One of the most unusual and, at the same time, the deadly phenomenon is fiery tornado. This is the process in the atmosphere, when several scattered fires are combined into one powerful tornado. At the same time, air masses over death are heated and becomes less dense, which allows the fiery element to rise up, burning everything in its path. Tornado can reach about 5 kilometers! The head of the hot air reaches hurricane speeds, and the temperature increases to 1000 degrees Celsius. All in the district "sucking" fire.

Fire tornhead is not only an unusual, but also a deadly phenomenon to happiness, the phenomenon is quite rare. However, every appearance of fire tornads remained in the annals of history. This is the Great London Fire of 1666, a fire in Moscow in 1812, the Great Chicago Fire of the 1871th and other terrible cases of the fiery element. Beautiful can not only be natural phenomena, but also the creation of human hands. On the site site there is a detailed article about the most beautiful salutes and fireworks.