Animation service in 3 star hotels. Animation services within the structure of the hotel product. Personal qualities of an animator

Concept and functions of animation

The word “animation” is of Latin origin (anima – wind, air, soul; animatus – animation) and means inspiration, spirituality, stimulation of vitality, involvement in activity. The term “animation” first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. in France in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various associations and was interpreted as an activity aimed at provoking and enhancing a keen interest in culture and artistic creativity.

Animation is a kind of service that aims to improve the quality of service, and at the same time it is a kind of advertising, a form of re-attracting guests and their friends, with the goal of promoting a tourism product on the market to increase the profitability of the tourism business.

Animation in tourism represents a holistic process of interaction between animators and tourists in the leisure sector based on the combination of formal leadership and informal leadership of the specialist performing the interaction. As a result of such interaction, the relaxation, health, cultural, creative, educational needs and interests of the participants in this process are satisfied, conditions are created for the formation of a socially active personality, capable of transforming the surrounding reality and oneself in it.

Animation is a type of tourism activity carried out at a tourist enterprise (tour complex, hotel, cruise ship, train, etc.), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs.

Animation has character traits: carried out in free time; characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of both one person and various social groups; due to national, religious, regional characteristics and traditions; characterized by a variety of species based on the different interests of adults, youth and children; has a deep personality; is of a humanistic, cultural, developmental, health and educational nature.

In order to fully understand the essence of animation activities, it is necessary to consider the content, goals and objectives of the animation process, since each animation service represents a special process of activity, the essence of which is determined by specific patterns (thematic, emotionality, activity, determination, etc.) . The animation process, the goals and objectives facing it, can be expressed as follows (Fig. 8.1.):

Rice. 8.1. Animation process

During the animation process, the animator helps tourists see objects of action, promoting visual perception of a specific given topic (first task); hear the necessary information or, for example, musical accompaniment that complements what is seen (second task); try to do something like this yourself(third task); feel involved in the ongoing process(fourth task); get involved in the process, acquire practical skills(fifth task).

Analysis of the essence of animation activity reflects the presence of interaction in it of various elements that define three unique levels, which can be classified as: creative– the predominance of creative moments in activity; reproductive– simple reproduction of ready-made, previously worked forms and methods; reproductive-creative- a person’s discovery of something new for himself that is not objectively new.

Based on everything said above, we define animation as stimulating full-fledged recreational, socio‑cultural, leisure and other activities of a person by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality. Tourist animation is a tourist service, in the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action. Tourist animation is based on personal human contacts between the tour animator (animator) and the tourist, on human intimacy, on the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex.

Animation hotel services are one of the most effective means of attracting guests to the hotel, influencing the tourist’s positive assessment of the hotel’s work as a whole. These are peculiar Additional services to the hotel client, allowing him to be occupied in such a way as to awaken positive emotions in him, to feel satisfaction from his stay at the hotel and the urge to return to this hotel again.

Tourist animation is the most important part of the overall activity at a tourist enterprise (in a hotel, restaurant, on a large ship, etc.). This is not just fun, but an expression of a high degree of professionalism in tourism activities, an important component of the tourism product. Therefore, like any other activity in a tourism enterprise, animation must be a planned, clearly regulated and organizationally managed activity, provided with material, financial and human resources.

The ultimate goal of tourist animation is the tourist’s satisfaction with his vacation, his good mood, positive impressions, restoration of moral and physical strength. This is the most important recreational function of tourist animation. The importance of tourist animation lies in improving the quality, variety and attractiveness of the tourism product, increasing the number of regular customers, increasing demand for the tourism product, increasing the load on the material base of the tourism enterprise, and, consequently, increasing the efficiency of its use, and, finally, increasing profitability and profitability of tourism activities.

Of the three main recreational functions (therapeutic, health-improving and educational), tourist animation directly performs two functions - sports and recreational and educational. Indirectly, under appropriate conditions, the therapeutic function is also performed. In the practice of animation, for the targeted design of animation programs, the following functions of tourist animation can be distinguished:

adaptation function, allowing you to move from an everyday environment to a free, leisure environment;

compensation function, freeing a person from physical and mental fatigue Everyday life;

stabilizing function, creating positive emotions and stimulating mental stability;

health function, aimed at restoring and developing a person’s physical strength, weakened in everyday work life;

information function, allowing you to get new information about the country, region, people, etc.;

educational function, allowing you to acquire and consolidate as a result vivid impressions new knowledge about the world around us;

improving function, bringing intellectual and physical improvement;

Typology of animation

The variety of functions of tourist animation has also led to the variety of types of animation activities, types of animation programs and events. The difference in interpretation of the concepts “animation”, “hotel animation”, “tourist animation” is associated with the variety of existing forms and programs of animated leisure activities. This diversity affects both the formation of tourist routes and hotel business, and in general in organizing leisure time for people in modern life: in countries, cities, city governments and municipalities, parks, clubs and associations, organizations and educational institutions. Here we will talk about tourist, resort-recreational and hotel animation, so we will distinguish between these concepts (Fig. 8.2.).

Rice. 8.2. Types of recreational animation

Recreational animation– a type of leisure activity aimed at restoring a person’s spiritual and physical strength. Leisure programs implemented for recreational purposes can be carried out both by tourism and resort enterprises with tourists, vacationers and guests, and by leisure enterprises with local residents. This gives us the right to assert that the concept of recreational animation is broader than the concepts of tourist and hotel animation. As for tourist and hotel animation, they are closely related to recreational, since the main role of animation programs both in hotels, tourist complexes and sanatoriums, and specialized animation tours is to improve the health of vacationers, to distract them from everyday worries, to improve their mood, etc. etc., in other words, in restoring vitality and energy.

Tourist animation– a type of tourism activity carried out at a tourist enterprise (tour complex, hotel) or on a vehicle (cruise ship, train, bus, etc.), or at the place where tourists stay (in a city square, in a theater or city park, etc.). d.), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. In other words, tourist animation is a tourist service, during the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action.

When preparing tourist animation programs, many features are taken into account that allow the program to be carried out in the most interesting way, namely: the nationality of tourists; their age (childhood, youth, adulthood, third age, combined); gender (female, male, joint); number (individual, group, mass); activity of tourists’ participation (active, passive). In addition, tourist animation is divided into three main types according to the importance, priority and volume of animation programs in the overall travel program (in the tourist product):

1. Animated tourist routes- targeted tourist trips for the sake of one animation program, or a continuous animation process deployed in space in the form of travel, moving from one animation service (program) to another, carried out in different geographical locations. In this case, the animation program is targeted, priority and dominant in the tour package of services, not only in terms of physical volume, but also in terms of “spiritual”, stimulating mental strength.

Such an animation program is a pricing factor in the tourism product. Typically, these programs are intended for individuals or homogeneous tourist groups united by one spiritual interest (professional, hobby). Let us list the main types of such animation programs: cultural, educational and thematic; folklore, literary, musical, theatrical, art history, scientific, festival, carnival, sports. Or, for example, tours organized for fans of casino games to casino centers located in different countries.

2. Additional animation services– animation programs designed to “support” the main tourist services specified in the tour package, during technological breaks caused by travel, delays en route (ship, train, bus, hotel, station, etc.), in case of bad weather (when organizing sports and amateur tours, on beach resorts), lack of snow in ski resorts and etc.

3. Hotel animation– a comprehensive recreational hotel service based on personal human contacts between the tour animator and the tourist, on human intimacy, on the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex, pursuing the goal of implementing a new philosophy of hotel service, improving the quality of service, the level of tourist satisfaction with the vacation and used in the hotel's marketing strategy as one of the main attractive services.

Hotel animation is the narrowest concept of the three considered, since it only involves the organization of leisure at tourist enterprises: tourist complexes, hotels, inns, tourist centers, etc. In other words, hotel animation is a leisure activity offered by hotels, hotels, tourist complexes. This is part of tourist animation, although the most significant. Moreover, animation programs differ in club recreation, in hotel chains and in hotels of different purposes and of different sizes.

Table 8.1Typology of animation activities

L. V. Kurilo in his work “Theory and Practice of Animation. Theoretical foundations of tourist animation" provides a slightly different typology of tourist animation, presented in Table 8.1. She adds the prefix “health” to all types of animation, thereby emphasizing the performance of health and recreational functions by animation. Accordingly, the targets of each type of animation will be tourism and tourist competitions, sports competitions and sports, entertainment events, educational and excursion activities.

8.3. Types and technologies for implementing animation programs

Types of animation. WITH from the point of view of a systematic approach, tourist animation is the satisfaction of specific tourist needs in communication, movement, culture, creativity, pleasant pastime, and entertainment. The range of these needs is very wide, since people going on vacation put completely different meanings into this concept, namely: for some, vacation is traveling, for others, reading books, for others, a walk in the forest, for others, fishing, etc. etc. According to this demand, the following types of animation have developed in the practice of tourist services, satisfying the various needs of tourists (vacationers).

Animation in motion– satisfies the modern person’s need for movement, combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences.

Animation through experience– satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when overcoming difficulties, during discoveries, during communication.

Animation through communication– satisfies the need to communicate with new and interesting people, with the discovery of people’s inner world and self-knowledge through communication.

Animation through calming– satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calm, solitude, contact with nature, the need for peace and “idle laziness.”

Cultural animation– satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of the individual through contact with monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation.

Creative animation– satisfies a person’s need for creativity, for demonstrating one’s creative creative abilities, for establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity, co-creation.

Real animation programs are most often complex in nature in relation to these types of animation, and the listed types of animation are the constituent elements of these programs, like the bricks of the building that the animation program is. As a rule, animation programs, along with purely entertainment events, include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. This combination makes animation programs more intense, interesting and healthy, therefore, in the relationship between tourist animation and sports, the greatest restorative and health-improving effect is most often achieved.

Animation technology. Technology should be understood as a set of techniques for an animator’s work, the organization of this work, and the use of tools and devices. The technology for creating and implementing animation programs is a complex and multifaceted process, since it solves the following problems:

creation of animation programs, economic calculation of the cost of the program, advertising of programs, their implementation and, finally, creative implementation of programmed animation events with subsequent analysis. This technological process is an integral system in which all components interact.

The technology for creating and implementing animation programs as a system consists of several interconnected subsystems:

organizational subsystem– organization of joint activities of the animation team, economic, technical, advertising departments;

instructor-methodological subsystem– creation and processing of event scenarios, development of excursion texts, selection of sports games and competitions, drawing up hiking routes with the subsequent development of methodological recommendations based on generalization of experience;

director's subsystem– distribution of roles, rehearsal plan, staging;

technical subsystem– preparation of the site (stage) for animation events, props, scenery, lighting, musical accompaniment, costumes, etc.

All subsystems make up a technology system that serves as the basis for the functioning of the animation service. Animation activity is a real and completely special world with its inherent rules of action. These actions are performed by professionals in order to include as many people as possible in the process of performing them. There are specific patterns of functioning of animation activities here.

The technological process of creating animation programs includes the following elements:

Object of activity: population served, visitors (groups of people and individuals);

Subject of activity: managers, animation service specialists;

The actual animation activity (the process of the subject influencing the subject) with all its components.

All elements of the functioning of the technological process are in unity and interaction, forming a single system. The main element of this system is the object of activity, people: tourists, guests, vacationers. Everything is designed to satisfy their spiritual and physical needs. Therefore, specialist animators need to know these needs and study the audience, moods, interests and demands of various population groups on a daily basis. Without knowing people, it is difficult to count on achieving the desired result, on increasing the effectiveness of the intellectual and emotional impact on the audience.

Stages of development and implementation of an animation program. The work of preparing and conducting a particular animation program can be divided into several stages. The first stage (the largest and most important stage) – preparatory, including:

Analysis of proposed animation programs;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Choosing the place and time of the program;

Designing an animation program taking into account the age, ethnic and other characteristics of consumers of this service;

Creation or selection of scenarios for animation events included in the program;

Drawing up cost estimates for the program;

Selection of creative teams, distribution of responsibilities within the animation team;

Technical preparation: purchasing equipment, making scenery, costumes, props, etc.;

Installation of sound and lighting equipment, other technical means, stage design, production of phonograms, etc.;

Conducting rehearsals, teaching game rules, etc.;

Second phase - conducting an animation program– represents the most difficult and responsible work for all participants. It is necessary to combine the efforts of all the animators involved, overcome nervous tension and solve the assigned tasks. Third stage – summarizing, during which the following takes place: analysis of the implemented program; consumer survey with subsequent analysis; working to improve the program. So, the technological process includes three main stages: preparation; implementation of the program and analysis of the implemented program.

Advertising of animation programs. The success of an animation program largely depends on a properly organized advertising campaign. Advertising, as you know, is information about the consumer properties of goods and types of services with the aim of selling them and creating demand for them. It so happens that animation programs are advertised at a very low level, even in those tourist enterprises where these programs are available.

Advertising of animation programs is a tool with which the consumer is given information about the content, features, and attractiveness of this program in order to interest the consumer, encourage him to purchase the advertised product, and become a participant in the animation program. When starting to develop advertising for animation programs, you must:

Identify potential consumers and compile their characteristics based on demographic (age, gender), ethnic characteristics, social status, income level, etc.;

Identify competitors and determine the advantages of your own programs that you can pay attention to in advertising;

Determine channels and methods of advertising distribution.

It is very important to develop your own corporate style, which is perceived as a guarantee of the quality of the animation programs offered. When developing your corporate style, you must take into account: the main areas of activity; market segments for which the programs being developed are intended; main advertising means; advantages or features of the programs being developed.

8.4. Animation and leisure activities resort hotels

Organizing the recreation of recreationists at resorts is one of the most important tasks of resort and tourism specialists. Numerous surveys show that the main purpose of 50-70% of vacationers coming to the resort is relaxation. This percentage is slightly higher for seaside resorts and below for highly specialized ones. In any case, organizing leisure time for vacationers is a difficult task, associated, first of all, with big amount free time for vacationers in hotels during their stay at the resort.

IN last years Significant changes are taking place in the organization of leisure time for vacationers. This is due to a number of reasons: borrowing the experience of foreign resorts; growth of the educational and cultural level of the population; introduction of new technologies in the entertainment industry; changing the structure of using free time; intensification of touring and concert activities of theater, film and pop professionals.

A person, a potential consumer of tourism services, who chooses a seaside resort as the location for his vacation, certainly sets himself the primary task of resting, relaxing, distracting himself from everyday worries and problems, getting positive emotions and a charge of energy for future life. It is the psychological state, mood and emotions that determine the feeling of satisfaction from the time spent in a given hotel enterprise.

An important part of the multifaceted activities of a hotel company, an expression of its high degree of professionalism, is the organization of animation. This is a unique and very effective form of advertising, re-attracting customers and their friends, promoting this product in the hotel services market, and, consequently, increasing the efficiency, profitability and profitability of the enterprise. An indisputable factor in increasing the competitiveness of a hotel, determining the choice in favor of a particular vacation spot, can be the new emerging direction of “hotel animation” in the broadest sense of this concept.

Rice. 8.3. Forms of organizing animation and leisure activities

The choice of specific forms of animation and leisure activities presented in Figure 8.3 depends on the capabilities of the hotel’s material and technical base, its location and availability of infrastructure, the number of vacationers, and the level of professional training of leisure workers. The most traditional forms of organizing leisure time are mass sports activities, excursion activities, film screenings, and recreational evenings.

Mass sports work carried out both by the staff of the hotel itself and by professionals brought in from outside. Excursion work can be carried out both on our own and with the involvement of specialized organizations - travel agencies and excursion bureaus. Practice shows that it is most profitable to resort to the services of specialized tourist and excursion organizations rather than organizing everything on your own.

Film screening with the advent of new technologies and satellite television, it faded into the background. The only exception is the broadcast of films for small audiences in halls equipped with last word technology. Evenings of rest are one of the most popular forms of leisure time and are characterized by numerous options for their implementation. These could be meeting evenings, dance events and discotheques, live music evenings, festive evenings, competitions, etc. These events are most often carried out by the hotel itself, with the frequent involvement of professionals.

Library services are one of the oldest forms of leisure activities for vacationers. The work of libraries is most often implemented in three directions: issuing books and periodicals for reading in free time; holding various thematic events; promotion of healthy lifestyles. Game forms Organizations of leisure activities are also quite popular at resorts. Vacationers are provided with both passive (without the involvement of additional staff - checkers, chess, billiards) and active gaming entertainment (with the involvement of animators and special staff).

The largest and most famous hotels allow themselves to host the most significant events, organizing concerts of pop stars of the first magnitude, creative evenings and benefit performances of theater and cinema artists, various festivals, fashion shows, exhibitions and fairs of national importance, conferences and symposiums. Thus, well-known centers for such events are Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Pyatigorsk and some other resorts.

Moving on to considering the animation service as a new direction in organizing leisure time for vacationers, it should be noted that animation and cultural activities are most fully represented in the West. Abroad, the amount of free time among the population is gradually increasing, and, consequently, there is a process of qualitative increase in leisure programs and services. The entertainment industry began to develop there more than half a century ago, resulting in a developed leisure system. The most successful in this matter are the USA, Canada, and Western European countries (Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland).

Tourist animation services are most developed in resort areas, where they help increase the attractiveness of tourist travel and the quality of recreation. In resort areas around the world, there is a clear understanding that a special role belongs to the organization of leisure time for vacationers: gaming events, active competitions, various shows and holidays, etc. In the West, the main activity of the animation sector is daily entertainment programs, which include an assortment of free services animations for adults and children.

Despite the fact that the animation base of each hotel has its own characteristics, all animation services can be structured as follows (Table 8.2.).

Table 8.2 Animation services at foreign resorts

Each tourist accommodation facility has its own daily entertainment program, the structure of which depends on the number and contingent of vacationers, the location of the facility, staff, meal schedules, excursions, etc. An analysis of the experience of countries with a successfully developing tourism industry shows that the entertainment industry requires high-quality programs, expensive and high-quality equipment, new approaches to management, highly qualified personnel.

The main characteristic of a successful holiday for tourists is their psychological state during the holiday, their mood. When organizing services for vacationers, it is important to clearly understand that the high-quality condition of a tourist accommodation facility alone will not provide full comfort for the tourist. To revive the walls of the hotel, to give vacationers the opportunity to imbue with the idea of ​​​​its organizers - this is the main task of the host party.

When developing the staffing structure of a tourist accommodation facility and analyzing the influence of staff on the psychological state of vacationers, it is necessary to take into account that the main role in creating a particular psychological climate in a hotel is played by the animation service staff - animators. Ultimately, it is their personal qualities and ability to create a special mood and feeling of comfort and coziness in tourists that determine how complete the rest of hotel guests will be.

Animator– specialist in the formation and promotion of tourism and sports products in the tourism market and the organization of sports and recreational activities for tourists. The professional team of the animation sector organizes and conducts games, competitions and sports competitions, invites you to performances, theater and dance shows, musicals, comedies, classical music concerts, movie screenings, beach parties, etc. The activities of the hotel animation sectors can smooth out minor shortcomings service and increase the profitability of the hotel.

Any way of spending leisure time is good only when it is psychologically justified. People whose work requires constant stress benefit from rest and relaxation, which relieves fatigue and stress. Some people, on the contrary, need to activate their powers. In addition, in animation activities it is imperative to take into account the gender and age characteristics of the contingent of vacationers. Hence the need to develop targeted programs that involve the involvement of cultural and leisure institutions located in the area. The more varied the recreation program, the more interesting it is. This is especially true when developing animation programs for children.

The animation service is based on several key components. Taking into account favorable external conditions, the formula for implementing an animation project is as follows (Fig. 8.4.).

Rice. 8.4. Formula for implementing an animation project

Daily animation program at the accommodation facility may include: 1) sports games and competitions for adults (aerobics on the beach or in the pool, volleyball, water polo, darts, arm wrestling, table tennis, archery and air pistol shooting, etc.); 2) children's programs (games and competitions in the children's town and swimming pool, evening entertainment programs, themed holidays); 3) evening show programs (show competitions, game shows, comic shows, discos, performances of pop groups, amateur art performances, themed parties - disco of the 80s, live music, etc.).

So, a variety of animation programs that combine all types of animation and which are brought to life by energetic and friendly, tactful and highly qualified creative employees of the animation team, help improve the image of the institution, give it a competitive advantage and guarantee the return of clients to this hotel, as the client will return exactly to the place he liked.

Control questions

1. Define the concept of “animation”.

2. List the main features of tourist animation.

3. What is the essence of animation activity and the structure of the animation process?

4. What functions does tourist animation perform?

5. Describe the main types of tourist animation.

6. What is included in the concept of “hotel animation”?

7. What types of tourist animation are distinguished?

8. What are the specifics of the technology for creating and implementing animation programs?

9. Describe the stages of implementation and implementation of animation programs.

10. What forms of organization of animation and leisure activities of hotels are distinguished?

11. What is the essence and significance of animation service in hotels?

12. Give examples of the most popular hotel animation programs.

When implementing an animation strategy, the chief animation manager's priority is to create a viable structure. Bringing the organizational structure of the animation service in line with its strategy and the strategy of the hotel enterprise as a whole is one of the basic principles of strategic management. This emphasizes the importance of animation activities in the overall strategy of the hotel enterprise and the need to provide these activities with resources (human, material, financial). This also indicates that animation activities are strategically important for hotel management.

When forming the organizational structure of the service of a large hotel tourist complex, consisting of several functional units, it is necessary to strive to create a communication and coordination system that:

  • 1) Maximizes the contribution of departments to improving the quality of animation services;
  • 2) Limits the costs of implementing animation services;
  • 3) Minimizes the expenditure of time and energy on contact between divisions, services and departments of the hotel.

The classic way of coordinating the activities of the organizational units of a division is to determine their place in the hierarchical structure so that the most closely related units report to the general manager of hotel animation.

In order to unite the strategic efforts of interrelated structural units, the chief animation manager can use coordination teams, groups for performing cross-functional tasks, a system of mutual formalized reporting, and emphasize teamwork and cooperation. The right to make decisions in this case should be transferred to a lower level of management or directly to animators (performers) who are at the “front line” and have the necessary information to assess the factors and consequences of implementing the decisions and actions taken.

In the process of developing animation activities, changing its concept and strategy, the organizational structure of the service must also be changed, since it is impossible to implement a new strategy within the framework of the old organizational structure.

The structure of the animation service of a tourist complex can be proposed as the most optimal tool for solving the main problems and implementing the main functions of animation management. In theory, every employee in the animation department should specialize in one area, but in practice, for budgetary reasons, this is rarely possible. However, we must strive for this.

Formation of an effective organizational structure of animation management is one of the most important tasks of the chief animator of the TC. Depending on its size, various (more or less branched) organizational structures of the animation service - departments - are possible (Figure 4).

The structure and personnel composition of the TC service also depend on its size and type, functional purpose and range of technical animation systems, geographic location, concept and animation programs and other factors. Let's consider the most common version of the regular structure of a hotel animation service, consisting of several departments (sports animation, show animation, mini-club, creative activities department, etc.).

Each department has specific responsibilities, but there are events that all members of the animation team prepare together. The smaller the animation service is, the greater the burden falls on its members, the more they must help each other and be interchangeable. Let's consider the responsibilities of each department of the animation service.

The sports department is headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most intense and active, since sports animators are in direct contact with guests throughout the day (in motion, in play), conducting most time near the pool or on the sports ground. Throughout the day, they offer guests different sports activities every 30 minutes (aerobics and rhythm classes, horse riding water skiing, water polo, beach games, darts, badminton, etc.).

In a group of sports animators, responsibilities must be clearly assigned so that their work and rest alternate, since they expend a lot of energy when carrying out their events. Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of events and must be well aware of the rules of the games and competitions being organized, as well as be able to provide the necessary safety instructions.

The main difficulty in the work of sports animators is to attract guests to their events. It is especially difficult to recruit the required number of people for sports games during the daytime, when they prefer to relax and sunbathe. In this case, animators have to show maximum ingenuity: dress up in clown costumes, hand out invitations, announce prizes on the radio, etc. It is even more difficult to maintain interest in their events so that guests want to come to them the next day. To do this, the animator has to constantly come up with some details, highlights, surprises, so that any game turns into a fun show.

Despite the fact that the main task of sports animation is to provide vacationers with maximum physical activity and involve as many of them as possible in their activities, it is important to observe moderation in everything, remembering that there is a category of guests who do not accept leisure and great physical activity. These people will find another way to have fun, so the animator can be persistent in moderation, but in no case can he be intrusive.

All sports animators must have appropriate training, always be fit, slim, cheerful and sociable.

The show animation department is usually created in large hotels, where it is possible to pay for the work of the animation team. In this case, professional musicians, dancers, and artists are recruited. But most hotels and tourist complexes do not have the opportunity to pay the work of professional artists, so all show performances are prepared by animators from other departments together.

The show animation department constantly employs a professional choreographer, who often combines the duties of a director, producer of evening entertainment programs, a DJ, a decorator and a costume designer. Other animators are involved in working in the department as needed.

If evening entertainment programs are organized frequently, then rehearsals are held during the daytime, when free from activities with guests. Typically, animation services have their own developed programs and scripts that are offered to animators for learning.

Show programs most often include humorous skits, excerpts from famous musicals, and dance performances. Depending on the financial capabilities of the hotel, professional pop and folk groups, circus performers, etc. may be invited to entertain guests. This adds variety to the program and gives the animation team the opportunity to relax.

The show animation department is responsible for holding discos (for both adults and children), teaching vacationers dance movements, performing songs and conducting other musical and entertainment events.

The mini-club is an important department of the animation service, especially for hotels and tourist complexes aimed at attracting family tourists. For them, the opportunity to relax with their family and not be burdened with constant activities with children is a very attractive factor. The main responsibility of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, good rest children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking.

As a rule, the mini-club is located on the territory of the tourist complex, in the most beautiful, cozy and peaceful corner. It should be well equipped: at a minimum, have a relaxation room with a TV, comfortable children's furniture, a set of games and an outdoor playground. Some hotels have several playgrounds with different equipment and a children's pool. This department is headed by the mini-club chief. The number of animators employed in the mini-club depends on the size of the tourist complex. It is better if several animators work in the mini-club, because in this case they have the opportunity to work with children by age group.

For each age group, it is advisable to draw up a program in advance and select age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department have a great responsibility for the life and health of children, so they must be well aware of age characteristics, remember that children cannot stay in the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without hats, carefully monitor their behavior in the water, etc.

In addition to the entertainment function, mini-club animators also perform an educational function, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children’s questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

The department of creative activities is the department of animation services in tourist complexes that do not have sufficient material resources for organizing leisure activities. This is the organization of activities of clubs based on interests. Here they can offer guests to do knitting, embroidery, burning, modeling, drawing, beading, etc.

These departments take root especially well in tourist complexes and hotels located in the centers of any craft or folk craft. Tourists with great pleasure, under the guidance of experienced craftsmen, try to paint a nesting doll or weave lace themselves.

The departments discussed are most common in the animation service, the structure of which can be more ramified, depending on the variety of services provided. For example, this service may include swimming and hiking instructors, balloon pilots, etc.

However, most hotels and shopping centers have a rather modest animation team in terms of numbers. In this case, it is very important to properly organize the work of all departments of the animation service in order to achieve high service results and satisfy all the interests of vacationers.

The analysis is carried out in two stages: first, the entire market of hotel services of similar hotels in traditional Russian recreation areas for Russians is examined, and then an analysis of the animation activities of similar enterprises in the region is carried out.

First stage. It is also advisable to analyze the animation activities of hotel enterprises in stages:

  • - at the first stage, animation services of hotels belonging to hotel chains (with various management companies) are considered;
  • - at the second stage - the best independent hotels of the 3-5* categories, including eco-, park and SPA hotels of the 3-5* category, considered as the main competitors of the hotel based on a similar focus.

This approach allows for a more detailed assessment current state and outline the prospects for the development of animation in the hospitality industry.

Animation services for hotels in Russia (with various management companies). It is advisable to consider how the management principle (inclusion in hotel chains) affects the organization of animation services in hotels. The results of the undertaken analysis of advertising materials and website content of each hotel, as well as an analysis of reviews of the services of these hotels on various websites, are as follows.

In coastal hotels representing hotel chains in Russia, animation services form an important part of hotel services. All hotels have animation services that operate on a software basis. The personnel of the animation services in each hotel is represented by specialists (in the children's animation departments - with pedagogical education). Hotels are developing two animation areas in parallel - adults and children, actively using the hotel's material and technical base for these purposes. Animation programs generally correspond to the concepts of hotels. In children's animation programs, two different approaches can be traced: segmenting the target children's audience into groups up to 5 years old, up to 10 years old) and teenagers (10-16 years old).

Animation services correspond in quality to the level (category) of hotels and at the same time serve as a “marker” high level quality of service and are positioned as competitive advantages. These include holiday animation programs for schoolchildren and weekend programs for adults and children; sports and recreational programs for children and adolescents with an educational component. In hotels that are switching to service standards of hotel chains, animation services are planned for the coming years in the presence of standardized (for a given chain) adult and children's animation.

Despite the fact that in the hotels of some hotel chains, mainly only children's animation programs are developed (for example, in hotels included in the Rezidor Hotel Group), in general it can be said that management companies (Premier Hotels, Heliopark Group, etc.) develop hotels hotel chains, pay special attention to the development of animation, trying to make it one of the “markers” High Quality provided hotel services due to compliance with the concept, corporate identity, original software solutions, professional staffing and effective use of the hotel’s material and technical base during the off-season. This approach can generally be considered consistent with global trends in the development of hotel animation. Based on the criterion of providing animation services to vacationers, included in the main package, these hotels have clear competitive advantages over other coastal hotels in Russia. It seems logical that diving equipment rental services are provided for an additional fee; boats; photo and video support during dives, as well as excursion services with travel outside the hotel.

Features of animation in independent hotels in Russia of the 3-5* category. High-price hotels, whose basic package of services includes extensive animation programs for adults and children, position the animation service as their main competitive advantage. They not only provide animation services to hotel guests, but also publish information about them on the hotel website. The animation programs of the named hotels correspond to the concept of “ family vacation”, are highly variable in types and forms of animation, and involve reaching not only tourists, but also the local population as part of weekend animation programs (thematic days and weekend parties). The programs include a training component based on the interests of hotel guests (from salsa lessons to hand-made). It is typical that the animation programs of some hotels include family themed stylized parties that unite (within one event) adults and children, which helps ensure a complete family holiday and intra-family integration in special (recreational) conditions.

The staff of animation services is represented by specialist professionals (in children's animation departments - with pedagogical education); in some hotels, the animators are students, who are supervised by the manager of the animation service - a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere or the field of hospitality.

High-quality animation, organized on a software basis, is the core of the concept and the main competitive advantage of Russian hotels (new market participants) that are not part of hotel chains. The provision of animation services in a single complex of services for guests on an all-inclusive system allows these hotels to be recognized as the best already in the first years of their operation.

Features of animation in recreational - eco-, park- and SPA hotels categories 3-5*. In eco-health, park and SPA hotels in Russia of category 3-5*, hotel animation services are developing poorly, with the exception of some hotels, whose animation program for adults and children is most often original and is positioned as a competitive advantage of the hotel (advertised on the website) . The staff of the animation service of such hotels is represented by specialists in physical education and rehabilitation (in the children's animation department - with pedagogical education), and animation services form part of the main package.

In general, it can be said that less than a quarter of all Russian hotels covered by the study use the potential of hotel animation to increase competitiveness, sales volumes and (ultimately) profitability of enterprises, observing the most important requirements for the provision of animation services at the level of international service standards (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1

Levels of animation development in coastal hotels in Russia

Second phase. Analysis of the animation activities of hotel enterprises in the region. At this stage, the state of the animation component of hotel services at nearby enterprises in the region is analyzed, which, to a first approximation, can be considered as likely competitors of the hotel in question. The results of the undertaken analysis of advertising materials and website content of each of the hotels in the region (A, B, G) in which the considered (selected) hotel enterprise is located, as well as an analysis of reviews of the services of these hotels on tourist sites are summarized in Table. 4.2.

Table 4.2

Organization of hotel animation in hotels in the region, considered as the main competitors of the selected hotel (example)

Characteristics of the animation program and identified competitive advantages

The animation program is provided to guests (both adults and children) of the hotel in a wide range, is updated annually, and published on the hotel website (used for advertising purposes).

In particular, animation aimed at children includes activities in the children's room, in the pool, as well as the organization of children's parties and entertainment. Carrying out children's parties "as a gift" from the hotel if a child guest has a birthday. The main children's program is included in the basic package price. Organization of excursions (for an additional fee)

Adult and children's animation does not have a declared software basis. Services of a children's room, nannies and teachers for children over 3 years old are provided for an additional fee. Activities and entertainment options for adults are also available for an additional fee. Not published on the hotel website (not used for advertising purposes)

The animation program is provided to hotel guests, but is not published on the hotel website (not used for advertising purposes). Two animation directions are developing - adults and children. The adult animation program corresponds to the concept of an “eco-hotel” - the priority of sports, recreational and recreational activities. The children's animation program corresponds to the hotel concept: it includes daytime games and entertainment in the children's room and by the pool, and educational activities. Original creative activities for children (painting T-shirts to commemorate the hotel) - a publicity stunt. Animation services are included in the basic package

Animation services are offered in a minimum amount, but at no additional charge, for example: babysitting services are offered for children; For adults, sports and recreational activities are held in the swimming pool, gym and entertainment in the disco club. Published on the hotel website (used for advertising purposes)

Animation services are offered at a minimum for an additional fee: babysitting services are offered for children; for adults, they are limited by the capabilities of the material base, for example, sports and recreational activities are held in the pool, gym, and entertainment events are held in the disco club. Not published on the hotel website (not used for advertising purposes)

Animation services are not offered. Babysitting services available for an additional fee

Animation services are not offered

Based on this table, a conclusion is drawn about the minimum required volume of animation services for the hotel in question. So, if the resources of the hotel where animation services are planned correspond approximately to the resources of Hotel B, then to ensure competitive advantages this hotel needs to provide a minimum level of animation services at the level of Hotel A. Determination of the actual volume of animation services will be determined by a more detailed analysis of the potential resources of the hotel enterprise and economic indicators of program effectiveness.

The structure of the animation service of a hotel or tourist complex can be proposed as the most optimal tool for solving the main problems and implementing the main functions of animation management.

In theory, every employee in the animation department should specialize in one area, but in practice, for budgetary reasons, this is rarely possible. However, we must strive for this.

Formation of an effective organizational structure of animation management is one of the most important tasks of the animation manager of a tourist complex. Various (more or less branched) organizational structures of the animation service - departments - are possible.

The structure and personnel composition of the tourist complex service also depend on its size and type, functional purpose and range of technical animation systems, geographical location, concept and animation programs.

Let's consider the most common version of the staff structure of a hotel animation service, consisting of several departments.

Rice. 2. Staff structure of the hotel animation service

Each department has specific responsibilities, but there are events that all members of the animation team prepare together. The smaller the animation service, the greater the burden falls on its employees, the more they must help each other and be interchangeable.

Let's consider the responsibilities of each department of the animation service.

Sports department– headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most intense and active, since sports animators are in direct contact with guests throughout the day (in motion, in play), spending most of their time near the pool or on the sports ground. Throughout the day, they offer guests different sports activities every 30 minutes (aerobics and rhythm classes, water skiing, water polo, beach games, darts, badminton, etc.).

In a group of sports animators, responsibilities must be clearly assigned so that their work and rest alternate, since they expend a lot of energy when carrying out their events. Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of events and must be well aware of the rules of the games and competitions being organized, as well as be able to provide the necessary safety instructions.

The main difficulty in the work of sports animators is to attract guests to their events. It is especially difficult to recruit the required number of people for sports games during the daytime, when they prefer to relax and sunbathe. In this case, animators have to show maximum ingenuity: dress up in clown costumes, hand out invitations, announce prizes on the radio, etc. It’s even more difficult to maintain interest in your events so that guests want to come to them the next day. To do this, the animator has to constantly come up with some exclusive details and surprises so that any game turns into a fun show.

Despite the fact that the main task of sports animation is to provide vacationers with maximum physical activity and involve as many of them as possible in their activities, it is important to observe moderation in everything, remembering that there is a category of guests who do not accept active recreation and heavy physical activity . These people will find another way to have fun, so the animator can be persistent in moderation, but in no case can he be intrusive.

All sports animators must have appropriate training, be slim, cheerful and sociable.

Show animation department – As a rule, it is created in large hotels, where it is possible to pay for the work of the animation team. In this case, professional musicians, dancers, and artists are recruited. But most hotels and tourist complexes do not have the opportunity to pay the work of professional artists, so all show performances are prepared by animators from other departments together.

The show animation department constantly employs a professional choreographer, who often combines the duties of director of evening entertainment programs, DJ, decorator and costume designer. Other animators are involved in working in the department as needed.

If evening entertainment programs are organized frequently, then rehearsals are held during the daytime, when free from activities with guests. Typically, animation services have their own pre-developed programs and scripts that are offered to animators for learning.

Show programs most often include humorous skits, excerpts from famous musicals, and dance performances. Depending on the financial capabilities of the hotel, professional pop and folk groups, circus performers, etc. may be invited to entertain guests. This adds variety to the program and gives the animation team the opportunity to relax.

The show animation department is responsible for holding discos, teaching vacationers dance movements, performing songs and conducting other musical and entertainment events.

Mini club– an important department of the animation service, especially for hotels and tourist complexes aimed at attracting family tourists. For them, the opportunity to relax with their family and not be burdened with constant activities with children is a very attractive factor. The main responsibility of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, complete rest for children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking. As a rule, the mini-club is located on the territory of the tourist complex, in the most beautiful, cozy and peaceful corner. It should be well equipped: at a minimum, have a relaxation room with a TV, comfortable children's furniture, a set of games and an outdoor playground. Some hotels have several playgrounds with different equipment and a children's pool. This department is headed by the mini-club chief. Number of animators employed in mini-club, depends on the size of the tourist complex. It is necessary that several animators work in the mini-club, only in this case they have the opportunity to work with children by age group.

For each age group, it is necessary to draw up a program in advance and select age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department have a great responsibility for the life and health of children, so they must be well aware of age characteristics, remember that children cannot stay in the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without hats, carefully monitor their behavior in the water, etc.

In addition to the entertainment function, mini-club animators also perform an educational function, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children’s questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

Department of creative activities– department of animation services in tourist complexes that do not have sufficient material resources for organizing leisure activities. This is the organization of activities of interest clubs. Here they can offer guests to do knitting, embroidery, burning, sculpting, drawing, beadwork, photography, etc. Such departments as a structural unit are quite rare. These departments function especially well in tourist complexes and hotels located in the centers of any craft or folk craft. Tourists with great pleasure, under the guidance of experienced craftsmen, try to paint a nesting doll or weave lace themselves.

The departments discussed are most common in the animation service, the structure of which can be more ramified, depending on the variety of services provided. For example, this service may include swimming and hiking instructors, balloon pilots, etc.

However, most hotels and tourist complexes have a rather modest animation team in terms of numbers. In this case, it is very important to properly organize the work of all departments of the animation service in order to achieve high service results and satisfy all the interests of vacationers.

    Animation service specialist model

One of the main tasks facing service sector enterprises, where the object of activity is a person and meeting his needs, is the effective organization of the work of employed workers and the level of their qualifications.

It must be remembered that The tour animator must have the following personal qualities:

    communication skills;




    have acting abilities and the makings of a born leader.

To maintain a high standard of service, the hotel requires well-educated, talented, honest and disciplined entertainers who enjoy their work. They set the mood for vacationers, have the most contact with guests, play a key role in events, are the voice of entertainment programs, and are responsible for the pleasure, joy, friendship and activity of guests.

General requirements for animators: the following:

    the ability to create a family atmosphere, an atmosphere of joy and friendship;

    ability to communicate with any guest;

    knowledge of all leisure activities, English and German languages;

    education, honesty, discipline, reliability, talent, friendliness and smiling;

    ability to work in a team;

    ability to change jobs to various animation concepts of different hotels;

    the ability to enjoy work;

    be no older than 30 years old;

    absence of addiction to alcoholism and drug use;

    possession of mental and physical health, absence of chronic diseases, allergies to the sun.

The last requirement is one of the most important, since the working day of an ordinary animator in a hotel lasts from eight in the morning to one in the morning and consists of performing many functions outdoors.

Touranimator is also associated with the formation of an intellectual base (a bank of standard scenarios and programs), a description of methods and forms of working with vacationers, and a generalization of domestic and foreign experience in organizing leisure activities.

The work of highly qualified tour animators requires a lot of effort and energy, the involvement of creative potential, is associated with high responsibility for the life and health of people, at the same time, it is free, creative work that requires high qualifications and extensive knowledge.

Thus, animators must be well-rounded and skilled in organizing and conducting most types of animation programs in all their forms. To do this, animators must receive education in relevant educational institutions and constantly improve their skills.

Lecture 4. Technology for creating animation programs

    The concept of “technology for creating animation programs.”

    Compositional construction of script material in animation programs.

    Montage as the main method of compositional construction of animation program scripts.