An unusual manifestation of life about animals and birds. Interesting facts about animals: The most outstanding

We rarely think that another life is in full swing around us. Fluffy, feathered, growling, meowing creatures live their amazing lives. Scientists have discovered so many interesting facts about animals! Here are some of them.


The dog's tail is a mood barometer

Everyone's favorite - dogs don't wag their tail chaotically, as some people think, but quite consciously. Scientists confirmed this by examining 30 dogs. It turns out that the dog, being in a complacent mood, waves its tail to the right. If the dog’s day is “not going well”, if the dog is sad, then the tail swings are more directed to the left.

Cat is a doctor

Scientists have confirmed that the owners of “murkas” live 10 years longer than people who do not have these fluffies at home. A person stroking a cat's pulse decreases and their headache goes away.

Animals of Belarus

Wise hare

The saying “trembles like a hare’s tail” is very far from the truth. The fluffy ball of fur on the long-eared tail is not shaking out of fear. This is a cunning strategic maneuver that a chess player would call a gambit (sacrifice a little to gain an advantage).

The quivering tail distracts the attention of the pursuer, who tries to paw the runner precisely by this white mark. However, along with the skin, the tail fur is easily separated, helping the hare gain such important minutes for salvation.

Badger - designer

Badgers live in large families. There's no room for everyone in a small hole. So smart animals have to build underground burrows-palaces. The underground dwellings of badgers turn into complex labyrinths, which have many “rooms” for different purposes: bedrooms, living rooms, storage rooms.

Beavers are builders

Beavers build their underwater dam houses in the middle of the pond - away from predators and prying eyes. The height of their houses is more than a meter, and the longest beaver dam reached 0.7 m. But no matter how securely the animals hide their shelters, they can be seen from... space! Yes Yes! Beaver dams are the only animal structure visible from space.

Shy bison

This huge bull has practically no enemies. But he doesn't like to graze in open places, on public display. Therefore, he eats hastily, filling his stomach with practically unchewed grass. The bison learned to make chewing gum from it. After grazing, the bull goes to a secluded place, regurgitates hastily swallowed grass and chews it. The herbal chewing gum is swallowed again, but now into a different part of the stomach.

Thrifty mole

A mole hole can have up to 6 floors, which are connected by many storage rooms with different goodies!

Animals of Africa

Rhino is a poor fellow

Rhinos are very unlucky because of their horns. For some reason, it has long been believed that these horns have miraculous powers and are capable of not only healing diseases, but also bringing good luck and wealth. The deepest delusion! A rhinoceros horn is not even a horn at all, but a long tuft of tightly fused hair.

Giraffe - sprinter

The long-necked animal giraffe is completely wrong to be considered clumsy and clumsy. If necessary, it is capable of accelerating to “car” speed - 50 kilometers per hour.

Tiger and lion. Who is stronger?

People consider the lion to be the king of beasts, although this title is more suitable for another representative of the cat - the tiger. It is much larger than a lion: it weighs more than 300 kilograms, while lions weighing over 230 are rare.

In a fight between a tiger and a lion, the striped giant will most likely win: of all predatory animals, it has the most powerful teeth, and it has more experience in hunting alone than a lion accustomed to living in a pack. The tiger rarely misses its prey: thanks to its good camouflage (striped skin) and silent, soft gait, it sneaks up on its prey unnoticed and delivers a crushing blow with lightning speed.

Elephant is a neat guy

The clumsiness and clumsiness of the elephant are greatly exaggerated. If he suddenly happens to wander into a china shop, then, contrary to popular belief, he will not cause the slightest harm to its contents.

A cautious and clumsy elephant by nature, before taking a step, it feels the space in front of it with its sensitive trunk - and only then puts its front leg on the ground. Taking the next step forward, he steps with his back foot exactly in the footprint left by the front. And the giant’s trunk is so flexible and dexterous that it can even accurately lift a pin! What can we say about a porcelain cup or saucer?

More facts

Miracle filter

It was not people who invented drinking purified water. Seagulls learned to filter undrinkable salty sea water much earlier. The tonsils of these birds are designed in such a way that they filter and desalinate sea water, making it quite suitable for drinking.

Fish with legs

There are fish that feel great on land. This is a tropical creeper fish, the Pineapple. If hard times come in its native reservoir (the river becomes shallow or there is too little food), the slider climbs ashore and goes to hiking to other, more fertile places.

With the help of sharp spines, the fish can not only move quickly on the ground, but even climb tree trunks. And the special structure of the gills allows the persimmon to breathe oxygen from moist air.

Who is the biggest in the world?

The largest land predator is not a tiger at all, but a polar bear. On average, it weighs about 500 kilograms, and large specimens weigh up to 800! Moreover, half of the body weight is subcutaneous fat, which, like a warm sheepskin coat, warms the bear in the severe Arctic frosts. Even when the thermometer shows 60 degrees, the animal is not cold. Fat also helps the polar bear swim, keeping it in the water like a life jacket.

Silly butterflies

Contrary to popular belief, butterflies are not attracted to the source of light, but to darkness. They look for the most secluded, darkest corners, but choose them, focusing precisely on the illuminated areas of the surface. According to “butterfly logic,” darkness is located directly behind the light source: so stupid moths fly towards the fire, scorching their delicate wings.

The smartest bird

If the popular TV game "Smartest" were played among birds, the crow would win the top prize. She not only learns quickly, showing miracles of ingenuity in obtaining food, but also... does not mind having fun!

One of the favorite pastimes of crows is riding on the gilded domes of temples. Shiny surfaces attract these birds. After unsuccessful attempts to drag “such beauty” into the nest, the crows find another use for the inclined surface. They use it as a downhill slide and slide down on their bellies to the edge of the dome, braking with sharp claws. Of course, such games cause significant damage to domes. But the crows themselves are absolutely delighted with such an amusement park.


Amazing animals and birds! Watch them, love them and do not offend them.

The largest animal on the planet is the blue whale. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its weight reaches 190 tons.

Andean mountain cat

A sensational discovery was that dolphins have names that distinguish them from their fellows. Moreover, each baby dolphin receives its own name at birth. Experiments have proven this: the same dolphin responded to a recorded whistle signal indicating a name.

Camel haircut

How many years do turtles live?

We think that turtles live a very long time, but in reality it’s not entirely true. Only one species can live more than 200 years - giant turtle With Galapagos Islands. The average for all other species is 20 - 30 years. And red-eared turtles, when properly cared for, live an average of 30 years.

This is the fish that was caught in the Volga River in 1924.

As a result of increased radiation at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in Japan, a rabbit was born without ears.

The saiga or saiga antelope is one of the world's oldest mammals, living on Earth along with saber-tooth tigers and woolly mammoths 250,000 years ago. Although at one time they were considered extinct, they are now often referred to as living fossils.

The Red Sea is the saltiest on Earth. One liter of Red Sea water contains from 36 to 41 grams of salts, depending on the part of the sea. It is located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.

The giant crocodile that broke all records

The giant crocodile Lolong reaches a length of 6.17 meters.

He lives in captivity and is officially the largest crocodile

As reported by the Guinness Book of Records in July.

The news about this reptile became one of the 10 most popular

News this year, according to National Geographic.

A walrus hides his face in embarrassment when a zookeeper gives him a cake made from fish for his birthday, Norway.

If a kangaroo senses danger, it jumps to the nearest body of water and climbs into the water up to its chest. If the pursuer decides to approach, the animal grabs him with its small front paws and drowns him - much like what usually happens in mafia films.

There is an animal capable of neutralizing almost all poisons - even those produced by creatures that have never encountered it. Someday a person will learn to use this ability for medical purposes. The animal in question is called an “opossum”.

No, this is not the eye of the formidable dragon Smaug, this is just the eye of a non-poisonous tropical frog Agalychnis callidryas, which lives in Central America and the Caribbean Islands.

Such a golden mesh covers her eyes during sleep to protect her from light and enable her to see approaching danger.

Little sleeping otter.

In 2009, Canadian naturalists found the habitat of purple owls! These owls are under the supervision of scientists to this day. As of 2012, there are only 20 purple owls left.

One of the largest dogs in the world is the Irish Wolfhound.

This is what a flat tire looks like in Alaska.

Unusual haircut

Highest speed in water. The holder of this record is the Gentoo penguin. Its speed in water is 36 km/h.

This is the Harpy's eagle. The largest eagle in the world.

Australian pink flamingo Nicknamed Greater, he was the oldest representative of the order Flaminiformes. Due to age-related illnesses, the 83-year-old bird was euthanized.

Amazing shot polar bear. The photograph by Seattle photographer Paul Souders won the 2013 National Geographic Photo Contest.

A 140-year-old mother turtle with a 5-day-old baby turtle.

Queenie, the first elephant to ride water skiing, 1950

The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and in general Living being, in the world. According to experts, in a rapid diving flight it is capable of reaching speeds of over 322 km/h, or 90 m/s

Baby elephant drinks water. As children, they still don’t know how to use a trunk for this :)

A group of people in the Caribbean formed a living wall to help newborn sea turtles reach the water.

Pink cockatoo

They walk slowly on the ground, but fly quickly, up to 70 km/h.

Contemporary maritime art

A beluga whale paints an intricate picture at an aquarium in Tokyo.

Penguins can't fly, but they can jump 2 meters!

White kiwis are extremely a rare event. Typically, the color of kiwi feathers varies from grayish brown to light brown. Survive in wildlife An overly conspicuous white kiwi is unlikely to be able to do this.

The Cage of Death in Australia is an entertainment for the brave, guaranteeing a huge dose of adrenaline. Swimming in the same pool with a huge crocodile is something! However, despite all the apparent danger and risk, the attraction is safe for humans. The thickness of the cage walls is 4 cm - no matter how powerful and large the crocodile is, it will not be able to break through a thick layer of glass.

To produce 0.5 kg of honey, one bee needs to fly from the hive to the flower and then back again 10 million times.

Starfish are veterans of the seabed, they appeared more than 450 million years ago.

Fennec fox is a tiny fox that lives in the deserts of North Africa.

Giant huntsman spider. This giant tarantula can be found in Laos and is much larger than its Australian cousin. Mainly lives in caves

A water slide going through an aquarium. It would be nice to go for a ride, wouldn't it?

Costa Rican fisherman Chito discovered a crocodile wounded in the eye in the jungle. The fisherman loaded the huge five-meter reptile onto a boat and took it to his home. He named the crocodile Pocho and nursed him for several months. When Pocho finally recovered and gained strength, Chito released him into the wild in a lake not far from his home. However, instead of swimming away, the crocodile climbed out of the water and returned to Chito. From then on, the fisherman and the crocodile were friends for many years until Pocho died.

This opossum broke into a bakery at night and ate so much that it couldn't move anymore. This is how the bakery owners found him in the morning.

In 1995, a car accident occurred near Tolyatti, as a result of which all the people died, but the dog survived, waiting for 7 years at the scene of the accident for its owners. In 2002, he died and the city residents erected a bronze monument of devotion in that place.

Transparent fish.

In seahorses, pregnancy is a male affair. Males carry and give birth to about 200 fry in 72 hours. After which they often lose color (which, in general, is understandable - there’s no time for color here).

Tightrope walking dog

Ozzie, a border collie from England, holds the record for the fastest tightrope walk among dogs. The dog overcame a 3.5 meter rope in just 18.22 seconds

This is the cat walking along the deck of the nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great"

Albino turtle

A caring monkey lives in a Balinese forest and became a mother to an abandoned kitten.

After the death of his parents, the three-year-old orangutan fell into severe depression, stopped eating and did not even respond to treatment with antidepressants. The veterinarians had already decided that he would die of melancholy; one day, zookeepers found an old sick dog in a nearby park and brought it to the zoo’s veterinary center. It was at this time that the orangutan was there. This is how “two loneliness” met and now they are inseparable 24 hours a day. They live in Northern California and spend a lot of time at the pool. True, the orangutan is a little afraid of water and the dog helps his friend swim

Nicole Graham chose to remain in the mud next to her horse stuck in the swamp and held her head above the water for several hours so that the horse would not suffocate... Until rescuers appeared

Adorable little goat.

Japanese Serow: Wolf and Goat in One Form

Four tigers. Posing: albino, white, golden and bengal.

The Hercules beetle weighs only one hundred grams, but can lift up to eight kilograms, which allows it to be called the strongest animal on Earth.

Baby Donkey

Pack of wolves, Canada

Crocodiles' digestive juices contain so much hydrochloric acid that it can dissolve iron spearheads and steel hooks that the crocodile has swallowed.

This is how giraffes sleep



27-year-old polar bear Boris is under anesthesia. He is given a full physical examination before dental and eye surgery at a veterinary clinic in Tacoma, Washington.

A cat's jaw only moves up and down. The jaw of dogs is in all four directions.

Basenji is the only dog ​​breed in the world that does not bark.

Baby monkey, Manchurian tiger and lion walk together at the zoo Chinese city Shenyang.


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Do you think that the animal world is simpler than the human world? Interesting Facts about animals presented in this section of the children's website "Your" will destroy this stereotype!

1. To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers.

2. Breastfeeding a baby is not at all an easy task for whales. After 10-12 months, small whales are born in the womb, up to a third the size of an adult whale (and in the case of Blue whale this is 10 meters). The mother uses her muscles to splash the milk into the baby's mouth, which holds tightly to the nipple (yes, whales have them). The fat content of whale milk is about 50%, which is 10 times the fat content of human milk. Accordingly, the cubs grow, gaining up to 90 kilograms per day.

3. Pigeons can fly thousands of kilometers and still end up exactly where they were going. And the Arctic tern flies more than 40,200 kilometers a year. Many birds use ferromagnets built into them by wise nature to navigate along the Earth's magnetic fields. But a 2006 study showed that pigeons also remember noticeable features on the ground and navigate by them.

4. Research recent years showed that moles have quite acute, albeit limited, vision. And they most often do not like what they see, since the penetration of light usually means that a predator has entered the hole.

5. A giraffe's brain is located about 5 meters above its body. It is quite obvious that with such an original design of the neck, the problems of delivering blood to a vital organ must somehow be solved. Not only is the heart of giraffes twice as strong as that of cows, but the unique structure of the veins prevents a sudden rush of blood when lowering the head down. And the skin of the legs should be unusually stretched so as not to allow blood to stagnate in the legs.

6. The eyes of lizards are equipped with orange glasses, because... there are a lot of fat droplets in the retina, colored orange. This is where it turns out that these animals have light filters. This means that lizards see the world differently than we do. And not just lizards. To many birds, what we see as red appears green.

7. When Europeans first saw a giraffe, they called it a “camelback,” thinking it was a hybrid of a camel and a leopard.

8. The weight of an ostrich egg can reach 1.5 kg.

9. During the First World War, one of the South African monkeys received a medal and was even awarded the military rank of corporal.


11. Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans.

12. There are about 400 breeds of domestic dogs on Earth.

13. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

14. Moth moths have caterpillars that live in water and gnaw on aquatic plants.

15. The animal with the largest brain in relation to its body is the ant.

16. About 70 percent of living things on Earth are bacteria.

17. When young, Black Sea perches are mostly girls, but by the age of 5 they radically change sex!

18. The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.

19. The Tokyo Zoo closes for 2 months every year so that the animals can take a break from visitors.

20. Anteaters prefer to eat termites rather than ants.

21. When a giraffe gives birth, her baby falls from a height of one and a half meters.

22. Despite the hump, the camel's spine is straight.

23. Sharks are immune to cancer.

24. A starfish can turn its stomach inside out.

25. The animal that can go the longest without drinking is the rat.

26. Hippos are born underwater.

27. Orangutans warn of aggression with loud burps.

28. A mole can dig a tunnel 76 meters long in one night.

29. The snail has about 25,000 teeth.

30. The black spider can eat up to 20 spiders a day.

31. When there is not enough food, a tapeworm can eat up to 95 percent of its body weight.

32. The ancient Egyptians taught baboons to serve them at table.

33. It takes 40 minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.

34. Within a pride of lions, 9/10 of the prey is supplied to the “family” by lionesses.

35. Sloths spend 75% of their lives sleeping.

36. Hummingbirds cannot walk.

37. The moth has no stomach.

38. The Europeans, having arrived in Australia, asked the aborigines: “What are these strange jumping animals you have here?” The Aborigines answered: “Kangaroo,” which meant: “We don’t understand!”

39. The easiest way to distinguish a vegetarian animal from a predator: predators have eyes located on the front of the muzzle to see the prey. Vegetarians have them on both sides of their heads to see the enemy.

40. The bat is the only mammal that can fly.

41. 99% of living creatures that lived on Earth became extinct.

42. The blood of a grasshopper is white, the blood of a lobster is blue.

43. No new animals have been domesticated in the last 4,000 years.

44. Penguins can jump more than one and a half meters in height.

45. Chimpanzees are the only animals that can recognize themselves in the mirror.

46. The word "orangutan" means "jungle man" in some African languages.

47. Emu means "ostrich" in Portuguese.

48. Elephants and humans are the only mammals that can stand on their heads.

49. Crocodiles swallow rocks to dive deeper.

50. Polar bears can run at a speed of 40 km/h.

51. A cat falling from the 12th floor has a better chance of surviving than a cat falling from the 7th floor.

52. Goshawks are not found in just one European country- Iceland.

53. Chameleons can throw out their tongue a distance equal to half the length of their body. In addition, its eyes are able to rotate independently of each other, so the chameleon can look in all directions at the same time without moving its head.

54. The electric generators of the South American electric eel can generate voltages of up to 1200 volts at a current of 1.2 A. This is enough to light six hundred-watt light bulbs.

55. Ferrets sleep up to 20 hours a day.

56. The French call the pigeon a "flying rat".

57. Jackals have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs and wolves.

58. Tigers not only have striped fur, but also striped skin.

59. The gar fish has green bones.

60. A goat has a square pupil, and in some ungulates it looks like a heart.

61. The octopus has a rectangular pupil.

62. A horse has 18 more bones than a human.

63. Giraffes have the largest heart and the highest blood pressure of any land animal.

64. Giraffes have a completely black tongue, the length of which can reach up to 45 cm.

65. The blood temperature of fish in Antarctica can reach -1.7 degrees Celsius.

66. A whale's heart beats only 9 times per minute.

67. The longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted 13 seconds.

68. The penguin is the only bird that can swim but cannot fly. In addition, it is the only bird that walks standing.

69. In the Falkland Islands there are 350 sheep (700,000) for every inhabitant (2000), and in New Zealand there are 20 sheep.

70. The leafcutter ant can lift and move loads up to 50 times its own weight.

71. The mass of an elephant's brain is approximately 0.27% of its body mass.

72. A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.

73. When the first batch of sparrows was brought from Europe to America in 1850, the Americans were so happy that they fed them all to death.

74. One ostrich egg can make eleven and a half servings of omelettes.

75. An adult whale inhales 2400 liters of air in 2 seconds.

76. If bat If she heard her scream, which she used to locate, unreflected, she would have gone deaf. Therefore, before emitting a locating cry, the mouse makes a squeak, which causes the muscles of the hearing aid to tense, and it perceives a loud cry normally.

77. Each bee hive contains 20 - 60 thousand bees. The queen bee lays almost 1,500 eggs per day and lives up to two years. Drones, whose only job is to help the queen, live up to 24 days and do not have a stinger. Worker bees (all sterile females) - usually work until death (about 40 days), collecting pollen and nectar.

78. There are 321 species of hummingbirds in the world (for example: sword-billed, ruby, ruby-headed, sappho, angel, long-tailed, topaz, racket-tailed, giant (swallow-sized)

79. An iguana can stay underwater for up to 28 minutes.

80. A zebra is white with black stripes, not the other way around.

81. There are approximately 500 zoos in the world.

82. The caterpillar's body has more muscles than the human body.

83. Belize is the only country in the world where jaguars are protected by law.

84. A rat can go without water longer than a camel.

85. A tit feeds its chicks a thousand times per day.

86. IN ancient Egypt The main pests of the fields were considered not beetles or even locusts, but... hippopotamuses.

87. The female armadillo has a unique ability. In stressful situations, it can delay childbirth for up to two years.

88. When attacking their prey, sharks close their eyes so that the struggling prey does not injure them.

89. A skunk cannot bite and smell at the same time.

90. The Mola Mola fish (or ocean sunfish) lays up to 5,000,000 eggs at a time.

91. The speed of movement of the snail is about 1.5 mm/sec.

92. A male emperor moth can sense and locate a female of his species from a distance of two kilometers.

93. A tiger has five toes on its front paws and four on its hind paws. Tiger claws reach a length of 8-10 cm.

94. A species of starfish called Lunckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body from a 1-centimeter-long particle.


96. Snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row without eating anything.

97. A flea can jump 33 cm in one jump. If people had the same jumping ability, a person could jump 213 meters!

98. There are about 4,000 species of frogs and toads known on Earth.

99. Due to a mechanism that reflects light back to the retina, tigers' night vision is six times better than that of humans.

100. Hippos, after elephants, are the heaviest mammals on Earth. Their weight can reach 4 tons.

Humanity knows about the existence of many species of animals, but some of them still remain unknown. They differ from each other in size, color, habitat, sounds made, diet, but most importantly, in the presence of unique qualities. Some animals look charming to us, while others look disgusting. Some are friends and irreplaceable helpers for us, while others are pests or pose a danger. We bring to your attention the most incredible things about animals.

Incredible about animals

1. Beavers' teeth never stop growing, so in order to control their length, animals are forced to constantly gnaw trees.

2. Humpback whales make the loudest sounds of any living organism. The sound they make can be heard at a distance of 800 meters.

3. Elephants can smell water from about 3 miles away. They are also one of only three mammals that undergo menopause - the other two being humpback whales and women.

4. Turritopsis jellyfish is a unique inhabitant of the seas that is able to rejuvenate itself by regenerating the cells of its body. Scientists called her “immortal.”

5. Some African earthworms reach a length of more than 6 meters.

6. Rats reproduce so quickly that in just 18 months, 2 rats could create over 1 million relatives.

7. Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs, each of which helps them digest the food they eat.

8. Even when he closed his eyes, he can still see through his eyelids.

9. On average, flies live no more than 2-3 weeks.

10. Believe it or not, there are about 50,000 spiders living in small grassy areas. They are difficult to see due to their green color.

11. Bats are the only mammals that have the ability to fly.

12. Alligators can live more than 100 years.

13. Snow leopards eat not only the meat of sheep and goats. They can also consume various vegetation as food.

14. Tarantulas can live without food for more than ten years.

15. When dogs are very hot, sweat begins to secrete through the pads of their paws. Therefore, they sometimes lie on the floor to cool down faster.

16. There are different types of zebras, each of which differs in the number and location of black stripes on the body.

17. Dogs have much better vision than humans, but at the same time they do not recognize such a bright palette of colors.

18. Pigs and people are the only living creatures that can sunbathe.

19. Snails can sleep for three years without food or water.

20. The elephant is the only animal with four knees.

21. An albatross can fly all day long by flapping its wings only once.

22. All domestic cats do not like the smell of any citrus fruits.

23. Chameleons' eyes can rotate independently of each other, allowing them to look in all directions at once without turning their head.

24. Tigers have striped not only fur, but also skin.

25. About 80% of all animals on Earth are insects.

The only European country where goshawks are not found is Iceland.

Chameleons can throw out their tongue a distance equal to half the length of their body. In addition, its eyes are able to rotate independently of each other, so the chameleon can look in all directions at the same time without moving its head.

The electric generators of the South American electric eel can generate voltages of up to 1200 volts at a current of 1.2 A. This is enough to light six hundred-watt light bulbs.

In order for an ostrich egg to be hard-boiled, it must be boiled for at least 40 minutes.

Ferrets sleep up to 20 hours a day.

The French call the pigeon a "flying rat."

Jackals have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs and wolves.

Tigers not only have striped fur, but also striped skin.

The gar fish has green bones.

The octopus has a rectangular pupil.

A horse has 18 more bones than a human.

The longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted 13 seconds.

is the only bird that can swim but cannot fly. In addition, it is the only bird that walks standing.

In the Falkland Islands there are 350 sheep (700,000) per inhabitant (2000), and in New Zealand there are 20 sheep.

The leafcutter ant can lift and move loads that weigh 50 times its own weight.

The mass of an elephant's brain is approximately 0.27% of its body mass.

A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.

When the first batch of sparrows was brought from Europe to America in 1850, the Americans were so happy that they fed them all to death.

One ostrich egg can make eleven and a half omelettes.

The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.

If a bat heard its call, which it uses to locate, unreflected, it would go deaf. Therefore, before emitting a locating cry, the mouse makes a squeak, which causes the muscles of the hearing aid to tense, and it perceives a loud cry normally.

Each bee hive is home to 20-60 thousand. The queen bee lays almost 1,500 eggs per day and lives up to two years. Drones, whose only job is to help the queen, live up to 24 days and do not have a stinger. Worker bees (all sterile females) - usually work until death (about 40 days), collecting pollen and nectar.

There are 321 species of hummingbirds in the world (for example: sword-billed, ruby, ruby-headed, sappho, angel, long-tailed, topaz, racket-tailed, giant (swallow-sized:).

There are approximately 500 zoos in the world.

The caterpillar's body has more muscles than the human body.

A tit feeds its chicks a thousand times per day.

The female armadillo has a unique ability. In stressful situations, it can delay childbirth for up to two years.

The Mola Mola fish (or ocean sunfish) lays up to 5,000,000 eggs at a time.

The speed of movement of the snail is about 1.5 mm/sec.

The world's largest reptile (and most dangerous to humans) is the saltwater crocodile.

A male emperor moth can sense and locate a female of his species from a distance of two kilometers.

The front paws have five toes, and the hind paws have four. Tiger claws reach a length of 8-10 cm.