Federal Law on Responsibility for the Treatment of Animals. Human approach: the State Duma prepared amendments to the bill on the treatment of animals

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Relations regulated by this Federal Law
1. This Federal Law regulates the treatment of companion animals, service animals and animals used in cultural and entertainment events.

2. Property relations regarding the treatment of animals are regulated by civil legislation, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

3. This Federal Law does not apply to relations related to the treatment of wild animals living in a state of natural freedom, animals related to natural resources continental shelf and exclusive economic zone Russian Federation, productive animals, synanthropic animals.

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law
For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) stray animal - an animal that does not have an owner or whose owner is unknown or, unless otherwise provided by law, the right to which the owner has renounced;

2) owner of the animal - the owner of the animal or another person who maintains the animal;

3) shelter volunteers - individuals who voluntarily, free of charge, regularly visit animal shelters to provide assistance with care, including feeding, walking, finding new owners for animals, performing other work related to the arrangement of animal shelters, organizing veterinary care animals;

4) animals - companion animals, service animals and animals used in cultural and entertainment events, as well as stray animals of these categories;

5) cruel killing of animals - killing of animals without the use of drugs intended for veterinary use (including narcotic drugs), registered in the prescribed manner, by other inhumane physical or chemical methods;

6) companion animals (pets) - non-productive animals to which a person feels affection and which are kept at home, in nurseries, in shelters to satisfy the need for communication, for aesthetic and educational purposes. The list of companion animals permitted to be kept at home and in nurseries is given in Appendix 1 to this Federal Law;

7) animals used in cultural and entertainment events - animals used in zoos, circuses, traveling menageries, in sports, in the field of recreation and entertainment for the population, at animal exhibitions and in other cultural and entertainment events;

animal feed - a food product used to feed animals and ensuring the satisfaction of the natural physiological, nutritional and behavioral needs of animals;

9) responsible treatment of animals - a humane attitude towards animals, presupposing conscientious fulfillment of duties for their maintenance and upbringing, breeding, use, provision of veterinary care to animals, ensuring the satisfaction of their basic natural needs based on the biological and individual characteristics of the animal, avoidance of cruelty and other inhumane handling of animals;

10) animal nurseries - buildings, premises and territories specially equipped and intended for keeping animals with breeding value or special purpose;

11) potentially dangerous dog breeds - dog breeds that pose a potential danger to human life and health, listed in Appendix 2 to this Federal Law;

12) animal shelters - buildings, premises and territories specially equipped and intended for keeping animals, stray animals or animals to which the owner has renounced the right;

13) productive animals - animals that are kept by a person in a house or household for the purpose of making a profit or satisfying various needs, including obtaining food, raw materials of animal origin, and transportation. Productive animals include, but are not limited to, farm animals traditionally used in the Russian Federation to produce livestock and other agricultural products;

14) treatment of animals - keeping, breeding and use of animals, making transactions the subject of which are animals, providing veterinary care to animals, regulating the number of stray animals;

15) synanthropic animals - wild animals not kept by humans, but living in conditions wholly or partially created by human activity;

16) service animals - animals used for search, guard, patrol, protective guard, search and rescue and other service purposes.
Article 3. Basic principles of legal regulation in the field of treatment of animals
Legal regulation in the field of animal treatment is based on the following principles:

1) humane treatment of animals, the criterion of which is the well-being of animals and humans within the framework of generally accepted ethical values;

2) attitudes towards animals as sentient beings capable of experiencing fear and pain;

3) ensuring the satisfaction of the natural physiological, nutritional and behavioral needs of animals;

4) protecting animals from cruel treatment, suffering and death, preventing the cruel killing of animals;

5) participation of citizens and non-profit organizations, including public organizations, associations and unions, in the preparation of decisions regarding the treatment of animals, in the manner and in the forms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) prohibition of the use of animals for educational, scientific and medical purposes in ways that cause death or pain to animals;

liability of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, officials and legal entities for failure to comply with this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies operating in the field of treatment of animals;

9) implementation and development of educational activities among the population, starting from preschool educational institutions, in the field of responsible treatment of animals with the participation of non-profit organizations, including associations and unions, as well as other legal entities and individuals with special knowledge.
Article 4. Legal regulation in the field of treatment of animals
Legal regulation in the field of treatment of animals and protection of them from cruelty is carried out by this Federal Law, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the treatment of animals.
Article 5. Participants in relations in the field of treatment of animals
1. Participants in relations in the field of treatment of animals are the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities.

2. Federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies within their competence, with the involvement of individuals and legal entities with special knowledge, participate in activities to comply with the requirements of this Federal Law.

3. Non-profit organizations, including public organizations, associations and unions, take part in educational activities in the field of responsible treatment of animals, in the discussion of draft federal laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, state programs on issues related to the treatment of animals.

Non-profit organizations, including public organizations, associations and unions, take part in the implementation of public control over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state programs on issues related to the treatment of animals, and also participate in the implementation of other activities in the field of responsible treatment of animals.

4. Self-regulatory organizations may be created to regulate activities in the field of responsible treatment of animals. The legal status of such self-regulatory organizations, the procedure for carrying out their activities and exercising state control (supervision) over their activities is determined in accordance with civil legislation, including Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 315-FZ “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”.
Article 6. Termination of property rights to animals in case of improper treatment of them
The purchase of animals that are treated improperly is carried out in accordance with civil law.

Chapter 2. Requirements for handling animals
Article 7. General requirements for handling animals
1. Animal owners are obliged to provide animals with conditions that correspond to the biological and individual characteristics of the animal, to satisfy their needs for complete food, taking into account all the nutritional needs of the animal, as well as water, sleep, movement, and natural activity.

2. When handling animals it is prohibited:

torture of animals, beatings, mutilations, injuries, causing other harm to animals;

cruel killing of animals;

Carrying out veterinary and other procedures on animals without anesthesia that can cause unbearable pain in animals;

use of equipment and other devices that injure animals, with the exception of cases of providing veterinary care;

destruction of animal homes, resulting in their death;

setting animals against humans or other animals;

other actions contrary to the principles of morality and humane treatment of animals.

3. It is prohibited to trim the ears and tails of animals without the assistance of veterinary care and pain relief, which causes pain, suffering to animals or creates risks for the life or health of animals.
Article 8. Requirements for handling animals used in cultural and entertainment events
1. Carrying out cultural and entertainment events with the use of animals is permitted only if there is permission to organize and conduct this event, in the manner established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. Education (training) of animals for cultural and entertainment events and the use of such animals are allowed subject to ensuring safety, compliance with zootechnical, zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary norms and rules established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with biological and individual characteristics of animals, as well as subject to compliance with the general requirements for the treatment of animals provided for in Article 7 of this Federal Law.

4. When teaching (training), it is prohibited:

the use of cruel methods of taming and training animals;

forcing animals to perform actions that systematically lead to injury;

placing animals that cannot tolerate captivity in closed rooms or confined spaces.

5. It is prohibited to use substances and techniques that increase or decrease the natural capabilities of animals at the time of their use for cultural and entertainment events (anesthesia, drugs, stimulants or sedatives).

6. If the use of an animal for cultural and entertainment events is no longer possible for any reason, its owner is obliged to provide the animal with living conditions in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law until the natural death of the animal, or find a new owner for the animal, or transfer it to a shelter that has conditions for keeping such animals that meet the requirements of this Federal Law.
Article 9. Requirements for handling service animals
1. Preparation (training) of service animals must be carried out in compliance with the general requirements for handling animals provided for in Article 7 of this Federal Law.

2. Preparation (training) of service animals is carried out by specialists who have received permission to carry out this activity in the manner established by the authorized government body of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. Upon completion of preparation (training) of service animals, tests (commission inspection) are carried out in the manner established by the authorized government body of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. When preparing (training) service animals, it is prohibited to force animals to perform actions that systematically lead to injury.

5. If the further use of animals as service animals is no longer possible for their intended purpose, the owners of the animals are obliged to ensure the maintenance of these animals in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law.
Article 10. Prohibition of propaganda of cruelty to animals
1. Propaganda of cruel, inhumane treatment of animals and calls for cruelty to animals are prohibited.

2. The production, display and distribution of film, video and photographic materials, printed, audiovisual and Internet products that promote injury and mutilation to animals, the killing of animals, accompanied by their suffering, including death agony, and the use of other animals to kill animals are prohibited. , animal fighting, as well as other forms of propaganda of cruel and inhumane treatment of animals.

Article 11. Prohibition of fights and other spectacular events, including the infliction of injuries and mutilation of animals
1. It is prohibited to organize and conduct animal fights, including those with human participation, as well as passive participation (presence) at such fights.

2. It is prohibited to organize and conduct other entertainment events, including the infliction of injury and mutilation to animals, the killing of animals accompanied by observation of their suffering, including the death agony, the killing of animals using other animals, the feeding of predatory animals with other live animals in places open review.

Chapter 3. Keeping Animals
Article 12. Obligations of animal owners
1. When keeping animals, their owners are obliged to:

1) comply with the requirements of this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies regulating relations in the field of keeping animals, including zootechnical, zoohygienic, veterinary and sanitary norms and rules, sanitary norms and rules, hygienic standards;

2) provide animals with conditions that correspond to their biological and individual characteristics, satisfy their needs for complete food, taking into account all the nutritional needs of animals, as well as water, sleep, movement, and natural activity;

3) carry out registration of animals in cases provided for by this Federal Law;

4) ensure the timely provision of qualified veterinary care to animals and the timely implementation of mandatory preventive veterinary measures in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies regulating relations in the field of veterinary medicine;

5) take measures to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring in animals through the use of temporary isolation, contraceptives, sterilization (castration);

6) provide animals at the request of specialists from government bodies authorized to carry out state control in the field of treatment of animals for examination, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and other mandatory treatment and preventive measures;

7) immediately report to the state authorities authorized to carry out state control in the field of treatment of animals about all bites inflicted by an animal belonging to the owner on a person or other animal and deliver the said animal that inflicted the bite to the specified authorities for inspection and quarantine;

bury animal corpses in places determined by local government bodies, or transfer animal corpses to organizations authorized for burial or disposal in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

human safety;

the space required by animals, temperature and humidity conditions, lighting, ventilation, protection from harmful external influences, the possibility of contact of animals with the natural environment;

conditions that prevent the animal from leaving its place of detention on its own.

3. In case of renunciation of ownership or other property rights to an animal, the owner of the animal is obliged to find a new owner for the animal or transfer it to a shelter that has conditions for keeping animals that meet the requirements of this Federal Law.

Shelters that are state or municipal property are required to accept an animal from the owner or person who has found a stray animal and wants to hand it over to the shelter, and provide it with maintenance in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

The procedure for transferring an animal to a shelter that has conditions for keeping animals is established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 13. Registration of animals
1. Registration of animals is carried out for the purposes of:

1) formation of responsible ownership of animals and humane treatment of them;

2) prevention of especially dangerous and contagious diseases common to humans and animals;

3) regulating the number of animals, searching for lost animals and returning them to their owners;

4) formation of a unified database of animals at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Registration of animals is a set of measures aimed at determining the number of animals in the Russian Federation, collecting information about each animal, identifying the persons responsible for their maintenance, use and protection from cruelty.

3. Registration of animals is carried out at the request of their owners. Mandatory registration Dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are subject to this.

4. Registration of animals is carried out by specialized non-profit organizations, including public organizations, associations and unions, in the manner established by the authorized state body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A list of specialized non-profit organizations that register animals is published on the official websites of municipal districts or city districts.

5. Registration of animals may be refused in cases where:

a) the owner does not present the registered animal;

b) preventive veterinary measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on veterinary medicine have not been carried out in relation to the animal submitted for registration;

c) the owner of a dog of a potentially dangerous breed has not provided evidence of special training.

6. Information containing personal data of the animal owner is handled in accordance with federal legislation on personal data.

7. The main document certifying the fact of registration of an animal is the registration certificate. The form of the registration certificate and the procedure for its issuance are established by the federal government body.

8. At the request of the animal owner, when registering the animal, he is given an electronic storage medium (microchip) with the personal data of the animal owner recorded on it and a description of the individual characteristics of the animal.

The list of data recorded on electronic storage media entered into the animal, as well as the procedure for recording such data, is determined by the authorized federal government body.

Article 14. Keeping companion animals
1. Animals specified in Appendix 1 to this Federal Law may be kept as companion animals in homes and nurseries.

a) not listed in Appendix 1 to this Federal Law;

b) in entrances, basements, attics, landings and other common areas of multi-apartment residential buildings and local areas without the consent of all persons living in such an apartment building, registered in the prescribed manner.

3. It is prohibited to keep dogs of potentially dangerous breeds that are not registered in accordance with the established procedure.

4. The number of companion animals kept is determined by the possibility of providing them with appropriate living conditions and may be limited if it is impossible to provide them with living conditions in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, compliance with zoohygienic, veterinary and sanitary-hygienic norms and rules and systematic violation of rights and legitimate interests third parties, in the manner established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

a) satisfy their needs for sleep, movement, natural activity;

b) satisfy their needs for a complete balanced diet (feed) that corresponds to the physiological and age stage (phase) of animal development, and also does not have a harmful effect on the health of animals, and provide access to clean water;

c) take measures to prevent companion animals from leaving their places of detention on their own.

d) prevent companion animals from violating sanitary rules regarding noise levels in residential premises;

e) prevent contamination of public places and territories with waste products of animals. In case of contamination of public places and territories with waste products of animals, animal owners are obliged to ensure their immediate cleaning;

f) prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring in companion animals through their temporary isolation, use of contraceptives or sterilization (castration).

8. It is prohibited to obtain products of animal origin from companion animals, with the exception of those obtained as a result of caring for these animals (haircut, combing, plucking wool, and other similar actions).

10. The owner of a dog of potentially dangerous breeds older than 18 months is required to have a certificate confirming that the dog has completed a general course of education (training).

Article 15. General rules dog walking
1. Walking dogs can be carried out with the use of accessories (leash, muzzle) that ensure the safety of other animals and people, or without the use of such accessories (free walking).

Walking dogs of potentially dangerous breeds without a muzzle and without a leash, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited.

2. The dog walker must fulfill the following requirements:

a) take dogs out into public places on a leash that ensures the safety of humans, animals and the dogs themselves, and with a muzzle. The requirement to walk dogs in a muzzle does not apply to puppies under three months of age and decorative dogs up to 25 centimeters tall at the withers;

b) lead the dog on a leash when crossing the roadway, when moving along the sidewalk, road;

c) do not allow dogs to bathe in places of public recreation for citizens;

d) prevent dogs from causing harm to the environment;

e) walk a dog wearing a collar that contains the owner’s contact information;

f) immediately remove dog waste products in case of contamination of public places and territories.

a) walk dogs on playgrounds, in the territories of healthcare, educational, cultural institutions (except for urban forests, public gardens, parks) and sports;

b) walk dogs by persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances;

c) walking dogs of potentially dangerous breeds by persons:

who do not have a certificate of completion of special training issued in the manner established by the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

who are minors or have been duly recognized by a court as incompetent or with limited legal capacity,

persons with limited mobility.

Article 16. Requirements for keeping animals in educational institutions
1. Keeping animals in educational institutions as companion animals (with the exception of aquarium fish and shellfish) is permitted with the permission of the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, provided that the conditions for keeping the animals are provided in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Article 17. Transportation of animals
1. Transportation of animals in public transport is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the use of modes of transport established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport, subject to ensuring the safety of surrounding people and animals, if this does not interfere with the use of public transport.

2. Transportation of animals in public transport is permitted if there are documents containing notes on the registration of animals and mandatory preventive vaccinations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on veterinary medicine.

3. In public transport, dogs must be on a leash and muzzle. Small animals must be transported in special containers (cages), bags, baskets. Special containers (cages) intended for transporting animals must ensure the safety of surrounding people and prevent the possibility of animals escaping.

4. Vehicle used for the transport of animals must be equipped in such a way as to prevent injury, injury or death of animals during their loading, transportation and unloading, as well as their escape.

5. When transporting animals, their needs for food, water, air and other physiological needs must be met, and the animals must be protected from external influences harmful to them. Ventilation and volume of space must be appropriate to the species being transported.

Article 18. Treatment of stray animals
1. Stray animals are subject to capture. Catching is carried out in order to prevent:

a) uncontrolled reproduction of stray animals;

b) causing harm to the health and (or) property of citizens, property of organizations;

c) the occurrence of epizootics and (or) emergency situations associated with the spread of infectious diseases common to humans and animals, the carriers of which may be animals;

d) damage to wildlife and their habitat.

2. Treatment of stray animals must comply with the requirements for humane treatment of animals established by this Federal Law.

3. In order to catch stray animals, state authorities and local governments place orders for work to catch stray animals in accordance with federal legislation on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs on the basis of written applications from state bodies, legal entities and individuals.

4. Legal entities and individuals are prohibited from regulating the number of stray animals on their own initiative.

5. The capture of stray animals is carried out for the purpose of placing them in a shelter for registration, vaccination, sterilization (castration), isolation of sick animals, subsequent transfer to ownership, as well as in order to prevent the potential risk of such animals causing harm to life and (or) health and ( or) property of individuals, property of legal entities.

Catching stray animals for the exclusive purpose of killing them is prohibited.

Regulation of the number of stray dogs and cats is carried out through mass sterilization (castration) of animals with their subsequent return to their former habitats in the manner established by the authorized federal government body.

It is prohibited to return animals captured from the territory of children's and children's homes to their former habitats. medical institutions, biologically redundant (flocking in flocks of more than 4 individuals). Such animals remain in the shelter, where they are kept in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

6. When catching stray animals, it is prohibited to use methods, preparations, or technical devices that lead to injury, injury, or death of stray animals or that are dangerous to their life or health.

7. The organization for catching animals is obliged to promptly inform the population in printed publications, other media or in any other accessible way about planned activities for catching stray animals, the location of shelters where captured stray animals are transferred, keep records of captured stray animals and provide them to interested individuals and legal entities information about these animals.

Article 19. Animal shelters
1. For the purpose of keeping animals, including stray animals or animals to which the owner has renounced the right, shelters are created. Shelters can be federally owned, owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipally owned, and privately owned.

2. The creation of animal shelters in residential premises is not allowed.

3. The owners of the shelter or their authorized persons, when keeping animals in an animal shelter, are obliged to:

a) ensure proper living conditions for animals established by the authorized federal government body;

b) take measures to prevent the reproduction of animals in the shelter;

c) provide each animal with equal opportunities to meet the animal’s needs for sleep, movement, natural activity, receiving complete balanced nutrition (feed) and timely provision of qualified veterinary care.

4. The activities of state and municipal shelters are financed from the corresponding budget, as well as charitable contributions from individuals and legal entities and other sources.

5. Animal shelters have the right to provide paid services to legal entities and individuals for the temporary or lifelong maintenance of animals.

6. Upon receipt of a stray animal, the shelter is obliged to:

a) ensure a veterinary examination, and, if necessary, quarantine and treatment of the incoming animal;

b) within ten days, notify the specialized non-profit organization that registers animals at the location of the shelter about the arrival of the animal at the shelter and its characteristics.

7. The shelter is obliged to keep records of received animals with mandatory recording of the date of receipt of these animals, from whom and how they entered the shelter, their type (breed), color, weight and approximate age, visual characteristics of the condition of the animals, as well as other data allowing identify the animal and provide interested parties with the specified information.

8. If the animal is returned to its owner, the shelter has the right to reimbursement by the owner of the animal for expenses incurred to maintain the animal in the animal shelter, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. The owner of an animal shelter is obliged to freely allow into the territory of the shelter volunteers who, in addition to their direct responsibilities for caring for animals and arranging the shelter, perform the function of public control over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law in animal shelters.

The procedure for volunteers to visit animal shelters is established by the owners of the shelters. At the same time, requirements for volunteers and restrictions (days, hours, objects allowed for visiting) should be minimal.

10. The procedure for operating state shelters, as well as the standards for keeping animals in them, are established by the federal government body.

Article 20. Killing of animals
1. The killing of animals is permitted in the following cases:

1) identifying animals with rabies, except those that have bitten people or animals, which are isolated and left under observation for the quarantine period;

2) the need to stop the suffering of a non-viable animal, if it cannot be stopped in any other way;

3) the need to kill unwanted newborn offspring under the age of ten days from the date of birth and offspring with congenital physical defects incompatible with life;

4) infliction of injury by an animal on a person, with the exception of cases when the animal performed official functions, guarded the territory, protected a person from an attack on him, or defended himself from cruel treatment;

5) a state of necessary defense or in a state of extreme necessity when protecting the life and health of a person from an animal attacking him;

6) the need to prevent harm to human life and (or) health.

2. The killing of an animal is carried out using humane methods and should not cause pain or suffering, or feelings of anxiety or fear.

The killing of the animal is carried out by a veterinarian using painkillers for veterinary use (including narcotic drugs) registered in the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation, except for the cases specified in paragraphs 1, 5 of part 1 of this article.

3. Animals are killed by methods and in the manner established by the authorized federal government body. It is prohibited to kill animals in open view areas.

4. The veterinarian who killed the animal provides information about the killing of the animal to the specialized organization that registers animals at the location of the veterinary clinic within 30 days.
Chapter 4. Powers of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies in the field of treatment of animals

Article 21. Powers of federal government bodies in the field of treatment of animals
The powers of federal government bodies in the field of treatment of animals include:

1) establishing standards for keeping animals used in cultural and entertainment events and in educational institutions;

2) establishing the procedure for exercising state control (supervision) over compliance with legislation in the field of treatment of animals;

3) approval of rules for handling stray animals;

4) approval of the procedure for handling dogs of potentially dangerous breeds;

5) establishing the procedure for operating state shelters, as well as standards for keeping animals in them;

6) establishing methods and procedures for killing animals;

7) other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of treatment of animals.

Article 22. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of treatment of animals
The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of treatment of animals include:

1) approval of rules for keeping companion animals at home;

2) approval of dog walking rules;

3) approval of the rules for the transfer of animals to the shelter in the event of the owner’s refusal of ownership or other proprietary rights to the animals;

4) establishing a procedure for issuing permits for cultural and entertainment events using animals, as well as permits for keeping animals in educational institutions as companion animals;

5) approval of the rules for issuing permits for the preparation (training) of service animals;

6) approval of the rules for issuing a certificate of completion of special training;

7) approval of rules for disposal of animal corpses;

establishing requirements for carrying out mandatory preventive veterinary measures;

9) establishing a procedure for registering animals by specialized non-profit organizations;

10) other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of treatment of animals.
Article 23. Powers of local government bodies in the field of treatment of animals
The powers of local government bodies in the field of treatment of animals are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the organization of local government in the Russian Federation and this Federal Law.
Chapter 5. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law
Article 24. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law

1. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out within its competence federal body government authority authorized to exercise control and supervision over the treatment of animals (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

2. Officials of the authorized body exercising state control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law, when exercising their powers, have the right:

1) receive complete and reliable information regarding the keeping of animals;

2) draw up acts based on the results of inspections and protocols on administrative offenses;

3) bring the guilty persons to administrative responsibility in the prescribed manner;

4) carry out other actions within the competence of executive authorities exercising state control (supervision).

Chapter 6. Final and transitional provisions

Article 25. Liability for failure to comply with the requirements of this Federal Law
1. Responsibility for the maintenance of animals lies with their owners.

2. Officials and citizens guilty of violating this Federal Law bear disciplinary, administrative, criminal, and civil liability in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. The imposition of fines and other penalties does not relieve the guilty persons from the obligation to compensate for damage in the manner established by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 26. Entry into force of this Federal Law

2. From the moment this Federal Law comes into force, regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, until they are brought into compliance with this Federal Law, are applied to the extent that does not contradict this Federal Law.

3. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation, before January 1, 2012, to develop and approve regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of the provisions of this Federal Law, and to bring its regulatory legal acts into conformity with it.

4. Owners of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are required to register their dogs no later than July 1, 2012.

The president

Russian Federation

Appendix No. 1

to the Federal Law

List of companion animals

3. Horses (kept as companion animals and not used by the owner as a productive animal)

4. Dwarf pigs (mini pigs)

5. Domestic ferrets (ferret)

6. Small rodents (squirrels, decorative rats, Guinea pigs, decorative mice, hamsters, gerbils, degus, chinchillas, chipmunks, decorative rabbits)

8. Birds (mallards, pheasants, pigeons, parakeets, finches, weaverbirds and buntings, sparrowhawks and goshawks),

Small non-poisonous reptiles (chameleons, snakes, turtles, lizards, iguanas)

9. Arthropods

10. Small non-venomous amphibians (frogs, newts, tree frogs, axolotls)

11. Aquarium fish and shellfish

Appendix No. 2

to the Federal Law

"On the Responsible Treatment of Animals"

1. American Pit Bull Terrier

2. South African Boerboel

3. Karelian Bear Dog

4. Anatolian Karabash

5. American Staffordshire Terrier

6. Caucasian Shepherd

8. Mixed breeds of the specified breeds

Abuse is not just beatings

The State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection has prepared amendments to the bill “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” (the document is available to RT).

One of the key provisions of the document is a clear definition of the concept “ cruel treatment with animals". This is an action (or inaction) on the part of a person, expressed in the systematic torture of animals, including violation of the rules and conditions of their keeping, beatings, mutilations, injuries and causing other harm to animals. Such actions include deprivation of food, water and exercise, as well as failure to provide timely veterinary care.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection Vladimir Panov told RT that such changes in the law will help instill in citizens a humane attitude towards pets.

“The bill is aimed primarily at changing society’s attitude towards animals. Now they can be treated as certain things,” Panov said. — If we approach it objectively, then this regulatory act is historic in Russia in terms of treatment of fauna representatives. And it is not the end, but marks the beginning of the journey in terms of regulating the interaction of citizens and smaller brothers.”

  • Komsomolskaya Pravda/Global Look Press

In addition to the amendments, legislators are working on introducing relevant articles into the Code of Administrative Offences. These include responsibility for cruelty to animals and for promoting inhumane treatment of them. The fine for these offenses will reach several hundred thousand rubles. The issue of strengthening sanctions under the already existing Article 245 of the Criminal Code “Cruelty to Animals” is also being considered.

Seven years to discuss

The draft law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” was submitted to the State Duma back in 2010, however, after passing the first reading, it was never adopted. Last year, after a number of incidents related to animal cruelty, including the case of the Khabarovsk knackers, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the State Duma to speed up work on a bill regulating the treatment of animals. Until March 24, other representatives of the Federal Assembly and the Russian government will be able to submit their proposals. The second reading will take place in April - it is planned that the document will be adopted by the end of the month.

  • RIA News

Every dog ​​has a home

The bill introduces new rules for the treatment of stray animals. It is proposed to use the “CAVV” protocol (capture-sterilization-vaccination-return). Stray dogs and cats will be caught, vaccinated and sterilized, and then sent to a shelter or returned to their original habitat, but wearing individual collars or with special tags.

It is proposed to oblige shelters to accept animals from the owner or another person who has found a stray animal.

“Currently, institutions do not accept dogs and cats from citizens - only private shelters can make exceptions. At the moment, our smaller brothers end up in state animal welfare organizations through the trapping service. Before this, they are vaccinated and sterilized,” explained Aida Baidavletova, head of the animal protection organization “Like People.”

In addition, shelters will be required to post photographs of animals on the Internet, short description, date and place of detection, as well as other information about received stray animals. This will help owners find lost cats and dogs.

It will be possible to kill an animal only if its suffering cannot be stopped in any other way, if there is an incurable disease or an injury incompatible with life. All this must be officially confirmed by a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, the text of the bill says.

In April 2016, animal rights activists reported to the police and the prosecutor's office about the mass death of animals on the territory of the ECO-Veshnyaki shelter due to poor living conditions. During the inspection, the bodies of 29 cats and 12 dogs were found there.

Now social activists will be able to control the situation. In accordance with the draft law, they will receive a special status and will be issued appropriate certificates. Activists will be able to photograph and record facts of improper treatment of animals and send these materials to state surveillance authorities.

The dog can be dangerous

The bill also introduces the concept of “potentially dangerous dog breeds.” Their list will be approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources or the Ministry of Agriculture after the law comes into force. Pets that are on this list will not be allowed outside without a leash and muzzle. Rules for walking all other dog breeds will be administered by the subjects of the federation.

In the original version of the document in 2010, hazardous species were already listed. These then included the American Pit Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and some others.

According to the bill, pets that have bitten people must be quarantined for ten days in a special facility under the supervision of a veterinarian. However, the owner will be able to keep the dog, but only after a written commitment to keep the animal in an isolated room for 10 days, providing it for inspection by specialists. This will be done to prevent rabies, as well as other diseases dangerous to humans.

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  • Steimer, C./Arco Images GmbH

In Russia, the possibility of creating a list of dangerous and fighting dog breeds and tightening legislation regarding their maintenance, following the example of Europe, has been repeatedly discussed. In 2001, Germany banned the breeding of fighting breeds such as pit bull terriers, bull terriers, and American Staffordshire terriers. The reason for this was the incident when a pit bull mauled a six-year-old boy. Owners of dogs of these breeds were ordered to take them abroad or euthanize them. Some were still allowed to remain in the country, but the owners were obliged to send their pets for training and sterilization. At the same time, a special tax was established for owners of dogs of dangerous and fighting breeds.

In France, a pit bull terrier that escaped from its owner bit eight children to death, after which the country introduced a ban on the import and breeding of this breed.

In countries such as Australia, England, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Israel and Sweden, the breeding of fighting dog breeds is also prohibited.

Work on the law will continue

It was not possible to obtain an immediate comment on what proposals for the bill were received from the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Mikhail Shchetinin told RT that a working group has been created to prepare proposals for this bill.

“In our opinion, this regulatory act should apply to all animals, and not just domestic ones: both farm animals and wild animals. We need to talk about a responsible attitude towards the animal world in a broad sense. Therefore, there is an idea that it is necessary to include these aspects in the document being developed,” Shchetinin explained.

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Kristina Potupchik told RT that social activists have prepared their recommendations for the new law, among them - to introduce a ban on baiting stations, petting zoos, traveling circuses, and dolphinariums. She also drew attention to the need for careful control over animal breeding.

“It is necessary to introduce mandatory sterilization of pets and provide benefits for this procedure for socially vulnerable groups of citizens, as well as legislatively regulate the activities of breeders. If these measures are not introduced, then everything else will not have the desired effect,” Potupchik explained.

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Irina Novozhilova, head of the Vita animal rights center, agrees with this point of view.

“We insist that the law reflects the concept of restrictions for “divorced people.” It is necessary to apply a tax for keeping unsterilized pets in homes - those who allow offspring will have to pay it. For breeders, it is necessary to introduce licensing, quotas and a possible tax. If these measures are taken, then within five years the problem of homeless animals will be solved,” Novozhilova expressed her point of view.

Bull terrier breeder Anzhelika Stakhorskaya told RT that in order to reduce the number of stray animals, they need to be sterilized, microchipped and released, as is done in Europe. In her opinion, animals do not need to be kept in shelters indefinitely. If an owner cannot be found for a pet, the cat or dog must be released. Otherwise, this practice may give rise to financial abuse.

However, the breeder does not support the idea of ​​creating a list of dangerous dog breeds.

“I oppose the creation of a list of potentially dangerous dog breeds. They must be divided primarily according to working qualities, which are fixed by selection. Also, a lot depends on how breeding occurs. There are often cases when they breed mentally ill dogs, which create a lot of problems in the future,” Stakhorskaya noted.

Russian animals are among the most defenseless

There is a rating that allows you to evaluate government policy in the field of animal protection - World Animal Protection Index. According to it, each country is assigned a score - a letter of the alphabet. There are seven categories in total from A to G. Category A includes countries such as England, Austria and New Zealand. Animals are best protected in them. Russia is in the penultimate Group F, along with countries such as Ethiopia and Pakistan. According to the rating, the worst attitude towards our smaller brothers is in Iran, Azerbaijan and Belarus. These countries are rated G. The rating is based on the inclusion of standards in a country's legislation and policies World Organization for the protection of animal health (World Organization for Animal Health), takes into account the presence in the country’s educational system of special courses teaching the basics of communication with animals, as well as the country’s scientific research in the field of proper treatment of animals.

In Moscow, on April 5, at the Center for Social Conservative Policy, a meeting of the Social Conservative Club "Civic Platform" and participants in the project "Ecology of Russia" of the United Russia party was held on the topic: "Law as a mechanism for implementing civilized ways to solve problems related to animals ".

List of participants


  • Zubarev Viktor Vladislavovich – Member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology;
  • Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky – Member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology;
  • Tsybko Konstantin Valerievich – Member of the Federation Council Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
  • Artemenkova Irina Lelevna – Chairman of the Charitable Foundation for the Protection of Homeless Animals “Tender Beast”;
  • Bluvshtein Ilya Mikhailovich – deputy. Chairman of the Animal Welfare Society "Fauna"
  • Vlasov Nikolay Anatolyevich – Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor and Chief State Officer. veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation;
  • Zimovskaya Olga Alekseevna – coordinator of the youth movement "Alliance for Animal Rights"
  • Ivanov Dmitry Vladimirovich – head of the RADIKAL.RU project, volunteer of the Caucasian Shepherd Help Society;
  • Makov Mikhail Anatolyevich – Deputy Head of the Directorate for Organization of Inquiry of the Security Department public order Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Kopylov Evgeniy Dmitrievich – leading specialist – expert of the department of regional development and municipalities Ministry of Regional Development of Russia;
  • Goryachev Kirill Sergeevich – Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals;
  • Kazakov Yuri Evgenievich – Coordinator of the “Clean Trace” movement;
  • Tereshchenko Daniil Gennadievich – chief consultant of the apparatus of the State Duma Committee on Culture;
  • Daria Borisovna Khmelnitskaya – President of the VIRTA Foundation for Helping Homeless Animals
  • Kudryavtsev Viktor Pavlovich - People's Artist of the Circus

Transcript of the meeting

Chaired by V.R. Medinsky

V.R. Medinsky
Good afternoon
The topic of our today's meeting is “Law as a mechanism for implementing civilized ways to solve problems related to animals.”
We will discuss the bill adopted in the first reading “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals”, as you know, the main goal of our meetings is to listen to the position of the public, to listen to proposals. Which are there to interact more closely with legislators and members of the public.
Within the framework of the preliminary regulations that we have, I would like to note that we will have to complete the work with you by one thirty. We have several people signed up to speak, I will give the floor, and then as part of the “raised hand”, everyone can speak. The only thing I ask you to do is to follow the unspoken rule: speaking from a recording within three minutes, speaking from the floor, preferably shorter.
Thank you.
I would give the first word to Irina Artemenkova, the chairman of the “Tender Beast” Charitable Foundation for the Protection of Homeless Animals.

I.L. Artemenkova
Thank you.
We will explain to the press, thank you very much for coming, that we initiated such an event, because on the eve of the adoption of this bill for the second reading, we needed to show and convey to the deputies what kind of situation with cruelty is happening in Russia.
Theoretically, we all know all this, and if I had simply brought materials and shown films, then this conversation would not have been serious, it would have seemed frivolous.
I have been practicing every day for almost two years. The state doesn’t pay me a penny for this. Every week people call me, I'm working on this problem, and it's really blooming right now. If we do not now adopt those important amendments in our bill that will actually stop this cruelty, but soon crime will flourish in our state not just in relation to animals, but also in relation to children and people, because this is a pattern.
I am very sorry for these difficult shots, but we have to see all this, very, very often. Please watch the film in which we tried to convey the meaning of what we said next.

V.R. Medinsky
Irina, how long is the film?

I.L. Artemenkova
Films of 6 minutes, two films, all based on documentary footage, shot personally by me and my colleagues, collected from the media, there is nothing fake here.
The first film is dedicated to unpunished cruelty.
Film 6 minutes.
Sorry, but these are the kinds of things you have to deal with every week. Last Friday they called and said that the dogs had been poisoned again in North-Eastern District and the case has been open for a long time.
The situation in the country is simply critical, we tried English language via Google how to poison a dog in English, we read there not how to poison, but “dog - poisoning”. We read there how to save an animal if it is poisoned or eats something.
And when we type “dog - poisoning” into Google in Russian, it comes up, so we’ll give the deputies a pack, this is dirt, which is not punishable in any way today. We contacted the police, wrote to Medvedev, everything was sent to the police, the police said that: “We cannot punish for this, so what if these are photographs, what if these are unreal photographs, unreal crimes.” We wrote to the media of the Information Committee of Roskomnadzor, they wrote to us that this was not our business at all, but a matter of the police. This is where everything is thriving. Now Dima will tell you what is happening on the Internet, and then I will continue.

D.V. Ivanov
I must explain to you what this is. It's like a club of interests, a club to kill dogs and pets. Oddly enough, we have come to such a situation that we have clubs that like to kill animals.
There is absolutely no control over this, right down to the “K” department. Department “K” states that it simply does not have the resources to fight such sites, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Internet field, is usually incompetent and, as a rule, does not understand what is at stake.
A bunch of pathological individuals purposefully spread methods of killing pets on the Internet, poisonings, executions. He popularizes this activity and, unfortunately, does not meet any opposition on his way.
All appeals to law enforcement agencies on these topics led to virtually nothing, the site continues to operate, and all this continues to spread on the Internet.

I.L. Artemenkova
I’ll add it now, Dima, please pass on the materials for the deputies.
In the bill they read such an amendment as “prohibition of propaganda of cruelty,” but this topic will not fall under this, because these sites exist under closed sections, from people like Ilyinsky animalprotection.ru, who promotes himself as an animal protector, but in fact In fact, he is a hidden promoter of the destruction of dogs, replaces pictures, and so on. All these people will remain on the Internet. The same thing, unfortunately, with the media, here in your package you have 2 wonderful labeled pictures, color materials, “lies about being bitten” and “the problem of rabies, how to solve it.” We will touch on the topic of homeless people, but this whole hysteria, which has no real truth behind it, in our society causes such hatred of dogs that even in an ordinary person, the first reaction to dogs is associated with packs, with bites, which absolutely forgive the inconsistency . Yes, there are feral dogs, but we will touch on this topic in the problem of rabid animals.
We are proposing an amendment, but this is only in the bill, this does not apply to the Criminal Code, we are appealing to the deputies to introduce amendments to the Civil Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of punishment, which relate to bans in general on hidden forums, on open sites, it is generally easy to discuss, this does not exist in Europe, this It shouldn't be, it leads to cruelty. And also, punish the media, forgive me, dear correspondents, for the fact that they thoughtlessly name figures and numbers. Ilyinsky said that after sterilization, a dog’s aggressiveness increases 29 times, and I read this in the media.

V.R. Medinsky
Irina, I apologize, we are simply limited by the regulations, you spoke a lot yesterday, I ask you to set out the amendments that are in writing, you must persuade the deputies to make these amendments, about what we said yesterday.

I.L. Artemenkova
We have already talked about this, everything has already been written about it.
Thank you very much, we move on to the next topic.

V.R. Medinsky
Do you have another film?

I.L. Artemenkova
3 minutes of commentary and 6 minutes of film.

V.R. Medinsky
We understand what we are talking about, we don’t understand the pathos

I.L. Artemenkova
You see, everyone treats it this way, but we are dealing with this problem.

V.R. Medinsky
Irina, I offer a note on management.

V.P. Kudryavtsev
There are simply no opponents to the adoption of this law; they would not have come here.
Regarding the media, I would like to add something else, I have had repeated cases when the media come to watch my work, do a story about my work, about how animals live, how they are cared for, and there have been things when a correspondent calls...

I.L. Artemenkova
Excuse me, please, I will interrupt you, we have been preparing for two weeks, we will show 6 minutes, and another problem will become clear to you, then you will continue, let us show what we came for.

V.R. Medinsky
Okay, let's turn it on, but we must understand that we end the discussion at 13:30 anyway.

I.L. Artemenkova
Film 6 minutes.
We made these films ourselves, there is much more material, they simply cannot cover all the things that are happening here in Russia, really comments on the film, read them carefully, there are specific people behind them and specific examples, or even hundreds of examples.
Pay attention to absolutely new material. The problem of rabies and the profanation of the fight. That killing stray dogs in this case not only solves, but also harms the rabies problem. Pay attention to the “rabies” column so that you all understand what these bite numbers are. Pay attention to Payarsky’s theory, it has been forgotten, but, unfortunately, the only research within the framework of the “Animals in the City” program was carried out by world-famous scientists who represent our country in world dog communities.
There are also information sheets from specific statements; we did not expand the excerpts. Read these materials, there is a whole topic behind every word, carefully, but now I want to explain one thing to the respected Vladimir Rostislavovich, insofar as he is putting forward this bill to explain such a thing.
I know that they offer different methods for regulating the number, they say that we have a lot of dogs and they offer you the same as in Europe, but so you understand that there are no dogs in Europe, not because they are not killed, but because they are not bred there and they are not thrown away there.
I don’t know, as for breeding, in what form you will limit breeding, put everyone under control, but you know that these are the first conditions of all Conventions, restrictions on breeding, the European Convention talks about sterilization.

V.R. Medinsky
Irina, I have to stop you when all those who signed up have spoken, and if there is time left, we will give you the floor.
Thanks for the introduction.
We, who have signed up, have three experts and then we will act in the order of “raised hands”.
Vlasov Nikolay Anatolyevich – Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor and Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

ON THE. Vlasov
I will try to be brief, although it is not easy in this case.
The law is ripe, overripe, unfortunately, we were not able to insert these provisions into the Law “On Veterinary Medicine”.
What I would like to say cannot be called a remark. Based on the concept I read, I thought, this is how I would do this thing.
A very convenient concept when it is short and understandable, for example, there is the Concept of “Human Rights”, in fact there are no human rights, but there is a legal concept that regulates relations.
So I wouldn’t call this law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals,” but I would call it the law “On Animal Rights,” for example.
Everyone understands that these are not rights that are given by God, but rather the conditions of a social contract between people to support this whole situation, this is the first thing.
Three times, I would really like this law to be working, now it is dead, this is how it is written, it is dead. Why do I say this, firstly, the conceptual apparatus is simply nonsense. Declarations and things in general have been written, here is an example, paragraph 5 “Cruel killing of animals” - killing of animals without the use of medications intended for this purpose, for veterinary use. Medicines for veterinary use for killing animals, what are they, medicines for life? This means “...registered in accordance with the established procedure, by other inhumane physical or chemical means.” What is inhumane and where is it defined?
He understands that it is important that the legislative norm works, and it must be clearly defined, here we put a person who needs to kill an animal, that such a concept is inhumane. The first thing that is interesting is that you look at the glossary, and we say through the word in the Law “animal, animal, animal”, the word “animal” is not defined in the Law.
Technically, “animal,” what is it? A heterotrophic organism, including a unicellular one, and now we will extend these requirements to the treatment of these unicellular heterotrophic organisms. Companion animals are defined, but the concept of animals is not defined, and in half the cases they are not animal companions, but animals.
This is approximately the entire glossary on the quality of work, with all this. Very small for the Law, I have noted the terms. Which require definitions that you don't have here.
Closely related to the glossary is the list of companion animals; it made a very strange impression on me, as well as the second list, which is like a list of potentially dangerous dogs. So I wanted to ask the author, so I’ll give you the pictures, one of these animals according to the list is dangerous, and the other is not, so try to distinguish which one is which?
I'm going along. List of animals. Dogs. Is it clear in what sense dogs? What kind of dogs? Is this a biological definition, is this a species name?
Cats. Leopards, are they cats? - Cats, we consider them to be one of them. Again, horses, what horses? Kept as companions, what animal companions are is not defined. For example, fish are suitable as animal companions, but they are not animal companions, and also in your beloved Europe and in the USA this is called wall fish, you know, right? Wallpaper fish, that is, they were never considered companions.
There are dwarf pigs, domestic ferrets, small rodents - everything in a row, is the list closed or not? Do others that are not listed fit the definition of small rodents?
Birds, 5 thousand species of passerines, how many of them are listed here? Why? How many songbirds do we have?
This list is “nothing”, it does not define anything. Small non-venomous amphibians. For whom are they not poisonous? There are insects and snakes, lizards and amphibians that are poisonous to someone, but not poisonous to humans, or theoretically poisonous to humans, but cannot bite, there is nothing with which to bite.
That is, once again, I will not continue any longer, and there are a lot of norms, highly controversial and written in such a way that either all this will not be perceived as a serious law and will not work, or automatically, all citizens of the Russian Federation will be guilty of violating this law.
For my part, from the point of view of biology, firstly, I would like that if there is a word “dog”, then it should be written or should be defined in a glossary or there should be parentheses, and it should say “canis lupus familiaris”.
That is, by adopting a law without practice, all this will be covered, as people say, with a “copper basin”, that is, the law will not work if it is not worked out. For our part, in our veterinary department, we are ready to provide all possible assistance. Moreover, in which I completely agree with you, cruelty in society towards animals, it gives rise to cruelty towards humans. Cruelty to animals in itself is not pleasant, but in society it is simply dangerous.
We need to study this law well again and maybe think about the concept of animal rights. The concept was formulated, then people get used to it, and then in 5-10 years they will talk about these rights as immutable. This barrier is very easy to break through, you just need to lay it out correctly, but this is a branched relationship with animals, what is responsible/irresponsible is not clear.
Thank you.

V.R. Medinsky
Thank you.
Makov Mikhail Anatolyevich – deputy. Head of the Department for Organization of Inquiry of the Department for the Protection of Public Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

M.A. Makov
I would like to dwell on a topic that is special to me. This is what the Law, or rather not the Law itself, but the Law proposes to amend to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses, Art. 245 on this moment, it is the only one that assumes any responsibility for cruelty to animals and, indeed, the fact that it narrows down and lists only 4 signs ( hooligan impulse, mercenary methods or in the presence of minors). This really narrows the article and takes a lot away from the responsibility of those people who do the same thing but do not fall under these criteria. Therefore, the expansion in the form in which it is written is cruelty to animals, that is, illegal actions, if the law determines which action will be taken, then a violation of this law, according to its text, is already any, no matter what it is, if it is intentional, then it will be a crime. This is, of course, a positive point, and also everything that does not fall under criminal law must be included in the Code of Administrative Offenses, because often there are even many more such offenses.
The presence of such articles in the Code of Administrative Offenses and in the Criminal Code will not only protect animals, but will also discipline the population itself, when people know that there is some kind of responsibility, even at the level of a fine, this already stops them, and secondly, it does not allow them to relax employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, who see that it doesn’t matter, they can’t do anything and bring them to justice because these provisions are missing in the legislation, accordingly, the same thing applies and looks at what Irina Artemenkova cited as an example.
This ban on disappearance is very relevant. Every week we receive a lot of complaints about the Internet. That is, on the Internet, on the website, there are videos with cruelty, again, what we saw in the films. It turns out that it is really impossible to do anything with these people. There is no such provision in the law for such people. Find the person who killed the animal and posted the video, even if we find this person that he posted this video through all the intricacies of the Internet, and he will say: “I was just filming it, I didn’t kill.”
The ban on propaganda will in itself entail a reduction in these videos. Dmitry said that this is a club of interests. Someone has interests in growing indoor plants, and someone has interests in killing animals, if this is prohibited, then many will not have the motive and desire to do this if people know.
Further, in order not to waste time, I support these amendments, the only thing is that we need to work with the wording. But the very idea of ​​introducing these articles and new provisions into Article 245 is clearly relevant and necessary.
Thank you.

V.R. Medinsky
Thank you very much for the brevity and specificity.
Kopylov Evgeny Dmitrievich – leading specialist of the Department of Development of Regions and Municipalities of the Ministry of Regional Development.

E.D. Kopylov
We considered this bill, first of all, from the point of view of a competent division of powers between government bodies, that is, if the powers of the constituent entities are assigned at the federal level and they must be financed in accordance with the Budget Code. In addition, it should not be allowed that they are simultaneously attached to at different levels.
We noted in our comments, in addition, the need to amend Article 26.3 of the Federal Law “On the general principles of the organization of legislative and executive bodies.”
We received a draft amendment from the Government, and they took this comment into account and propose to coordinate this project, in particular, it is supplemented with new powers for the state authorities of the subject, namely the organization of animal registration, the formation of a database of animals on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the bill refers to municipal property, while Law 131 “On the General Principles of Local Government Bodies” does not say that municipal property may include property intended for catching stray animals on the territory of the relevant municipalities. We also reflected this remark in the draft amendments, and it also applies.
We have everything.

ON THE. Vlasov
Can I add a little more, I’ll be brief.

V.R. Medinsky
Yes, sure

ON THE. Vlasov
Colleagues, I think that in this bill there are good standards in principle; for nurseries, it stipulates how to keep people, but they are not filled with any specifics.
According to the logic of things, we have a dog, the area of ​​the cage is individual, not individual, the cage is such and such, the height is such and such.
The law must define this.

V.R. Medinsky
Thank you, I give the floor to Viktor Vladislavovich Zubarev.

V.V. Zubarev
Thank you, dear colleagues, the topic that we are discussing, it seems to me that it needs to be translated into the category of a draft law. If we follow the path of clearly defining each point of this framework law, then we will never accept this law.
We need the law, because the law enforcement practice that Nikolai Anatolyevich spoke about will indeed provide an opportunity to discuss, to find common ground, I think that the most important thing is contained here, this is the “cry of the soul,” this is the common sense that Irina spoke about today.
If we now switch to the law and in the law, as ideally, square meters per animal should be prescribed, which will need to be determined in the nursery and probably the names of all the animals and what medications must be used to euthanize the animals, then this will be such a work that it will be impossible to finish .
Having already had 16 years of experience in legislative activity, I think that we still need to adopt the amendments that apply to them, adopt the law in the form in which it is, with the amendments that exist and then, as it comes implementation, we will carefully improve it step by step.
What Irina voiced is a “cry from the soul”, it is clear that there are pictures of older people and this is scary, so we must come to the adoption of our law in the second and third readings, this is the most important task that we are faced with today and if Nikolai Anatolyevich, we have some precise amendments to this text, let us accept them and move on, otherwise we will stay forever and will watch films and talk with you.
I agree that it is necessary to completely prohibit propaganda in those amendments, or to amend other laws, and I urge everyone here at our CSKP round table to give direct amendments to the laws that we have in place today. It’s not just to say that let’s ban propaganda, but directly to an amendment like this, to an article like this, we’ll see, there are no contradictions at all at this table of people gathered here. Therefore, from the deputy corps, as one of the developers of this law, there are a lot of questions, and indeed, the more round tables we hold, they, like a geometric progression, only increase and I become so wary about what we should do next. Therefore, at some point in time, we received a specific proposal for amendments, we reacted to them, took a step and went, the law was adopted and we began to improve it. This could be a technological technique that I propose to use in order to solve this problem with a specific law that would come into force in the near future.
Thank you for your attention.

I.L. Artemenkova
You promised to give me the floor, but I didn’t finish.
Why did we show the second film so that you understand that behind the beautiful words “pleased” there can be such horrors.
Beautiful words in the law and practice in our country are two different things, this is still happening today, and to a worse extent. I can beautifully present you with “irretrievable capture in a shelter for the purpose of killing in the event of...”, but in the end this will be the only way we have and then, if you accept these amendments, you won’t even make it worse, because it’s worse than it is , there’s nowhere to go.

V.V. Zubarev
Irina, unfortunately, we will not correct the human soul with this law. But we must make promises from here too, I agree with you on this.

I.L. Artemenkova
The most important thing is not stated here, that the only method of regulating the number should be sterilization and vaccination. I want to say this thing, don’t be afraid of this, because your law states that population regulation is prohibited for legal entities, state that catching by individuals and legal entities is prohibited, and population regulation is permitted in coordination with local authorities. People themselves will bring you to sterilize, because they themselves will not wait for their animals to breed.

V.V. Zubarev
Irina, not at your place, but behind our backs, not in your law, but in our law.

I.L. Artemenkova
I accept the comment, sorry.
Therefore, please pay attention to the innovative amendments we are making.
I said everything.

V.R. Medinsky
Tsybko Konstantin Valerievich is our colleague from the Federation Council, a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

K.V. Tsybko
I'll be very brief.
The first thing I wanted to say, first, it is clear that this law was prepared not by those people who are going to abuse animals in “interest clubs”, but precisely by those who are on the other side, who want to fight this and the appearance of this The law in any case introduces regulation in these relations.
I absolutely agree that there are some comments; you can never immediately write an ideal normative act, since life makes its own adjustments.
That is why there are some appropriate procedures, that is why there are specialists, there is law enforcement practice, which after a certain period of time will show where there are errors.
All legal acts, all have certain shortcomings and they change in the process.
The adoption of the law is accompanied by broad discussion and there is an opportunity to make your proposals, and specific proposals, we heard how very clearly representatives of government bodies spoke about the necessary amendments and all these amendments are aimed precisely at strengthening the struggle.
I also wanted to point out that even if the law is adopted, one cannot expect that the situation will change within a few days. An entire generation has grown up with cruelty to animals, which was formed by their unrequited attitude.
And creating a new attitude is precisely the task of public organizations. Of course, this is the task of educational institutions. The task of government bodies is a whole system of building relationships.
I wanted to say that now it turns out that there are black and white forces, that is, some are fighting for the protection of animals and others who create certain clubs” of organizations to abuse animals.
They have equal rights, they fight and their strengths are equal. The state must ensure that those structures that advocate for the protection of domestic animals, for the responsible treatment of animals, should have some support, and probably such a support mechanism should also be laid down in a normative manner. Because, naturally, if the regulation of the number of homeless animals is carried out by those who treat this with soul and heart and treat animals as some kind of God's creatures, they will treat it differently, these will not be such shelters, this will not there will be such an attitude.
It’s probably worthwhile to think about introducing some rules. Which will allow public structures that deal with this issue to still be in some way supported by the state.

V.R. Medinsky
Thanks a lot
We have finished the official agenda, if anyone is interested, please introduce yourself, just within a minute.

D.B. Khmelnitskaya
Good afternoon, my name is Daria Borisovna Khmelnitskaya, I am the president of the VITRA Fund for Helping Homeless Animals.
I would like to say something about return catching. At the moment, what we have is plus/minus 30 thousand dogs that are in packs on the street, homeless, in Moscow. This figure does not change, whether you catch 30 thousand and put them in a shelter, whether you catch 12 thousand, there will still be 30 thousand.
The problem is that there is a food supply in the city of Moscow. The issue with garbage has not been resolved in Moscow. Therefore, irreversible catching will lead to the same number on the street - 30 thousand dogs.
This means that I live in the Meshchansky district, we have sterilized 30 packs, you can drive through the Meshchansky district and look, you won’t see dogs there, they are not there, that is, they are there, but they don’t approach anyone, they don’t touch anyone, and it takes away dog aggression. The main reason why we do this is when we say “stray dogs”, for us stray dogs are a myth that they are very evil animals that will attack you, bite you and eat you, and in general it’s terrible and they need to be removed. In order to remove the main reason why it will attack, bite and do something bad, the dog must be sterilized and returned to its place, just like male dogs, with great conviction, must also be neutered and returned to its place, and then this dog calmly stays in this place, does not guard the territory allowing other animals into this place. Therefore, reverse sterilization is the only way that can now be proposed to solve this problem, that is, if you want to remove this, then you need to return the dogs.

V.R. Medinsky
How much do budget sterilizations cost now?

D.B. Khmelnitskaya
Let me answer this question.
Medicines, all medical supplies, it’s 900 rubles, it’s just a purchase. 900 rubles one dog. Even if you put him in prison on a salary.

V.R. Medinsky
Is this done by injection?

D.B. Khmelnitskaya
This is an operation, this is catching, bringing in, sterilizing the dog and taking it back to its place, this can also be done through shelters.
Even if you put a good specialist, not some “farmer” who will do the devil knows what to do, a good doctor, pay him 60 thousand rubles a month, and he can sterilize it somewhere, it will cost 150 thousand a month for 30-40 dogs.

V.R. Medinsky
It’s clear, just different numbers appear

D.B. Khmelnitskaya
The clinic costs 4.5 thousand, this is a budget veterinary clinic, if through the clinic, as we do, it is 4.5 thousand.

ON THE. Vlasov
Two words, if possible.
Unfortunately, your first thesis is absolutely correct, it was one of the English who said that the city can feed as many dogs as there are and not one more.
And the second thesis, that sterilization relieves aggression, is not correct. And aggression does not stem from sexual factors, but from hunger - this is the main factor.

D.B. Khmelnitskaya
Maybe I agree with you, because we feed them, but I can add that in Moscow there are a lot of people who are engaged in feeding and caring for these flocks voluntarily, which can be united into one structure.

V.R. Medinsky
Nikolai Anatolyevich, another question. Yesterday, during public discussions, the topic of mandatory state registration, which is currently not in the bill, constantly arose, while everyone assumed that the veterinary service could take over this issue.
Can the veterinary service do this?

ON THE. Vlasov
We are now working on a new bill, it states that registration, we have a fairly powerful opponent, the Ministry of Economic Development, I am convinced that everything that concerns animals that are used for food, they all must be registered, another question is individually or herd.
Everything related to animals that are obvious carriers of dangerous diseases, issues of ownership, must be registered, the second question is how to do this. We have plans and the veterinary service can take care of this.

V.R. Medinsky
Technically. Nowadays, rabies vaccinations are done according to the principle “I do whoever I want, I don’t do whoever I want.”

ON THE. Vlasov
Rabies vaccinations are required by law, but there is no liability.

V.R. Medinsky
Can vaccinations be linked to registration?

ON THE. Vlasov
I think that, firstly, no, colleagues, there is no need to talk. Veterinary registration, this would be a poor approach, it is just a registration, one that will be used by veterinary medicine, breeding, establishing breeding property and so on. The federal database is being formed.
I say again, the veterinary service can do this, especially since it will still register food animals (cows, sheep) one way or another.

V.R. Medinsky
Are you not receiving data now?

ON THE. Vlasov
No, not now. Clinics, if there is rabies, then vaccinate, private clinics are required to report, reporting forms have been established.

I.L. Artemenkova
Nikolai Anatolyevich, what, from your point of view, is safer and more productive in the fight against rabies? So that in our populated areas there were sterilized, rabies-vaccinated controlled animals or that there was an irrevocable capture for the purpose of killing shelters and relocation, which allows you to attract other animals or keep them unvaccinated strays on the streets, I want you to explain this.

ON THE. Vlasov
This means that in fact, neither one nor the other will be effective; theoretically, trapping and vaccination and release into the environment will be effective, theoretically, but in practice this does not work now.

I.L. Artemenkova
This has never been done. They did it in Moscow.

ON THE. Vlasov
Why do you say that, not only in Moscow.
The only one effective method Rabies control is about keeping the human population low, or vaccinating it, dogs, whatever you do.

I.L. Artemenkova
The only method is a good vaccine

ON THE. Vlasov
She is

I.L. Artemenkova

ON THE. Vlasov
Yes, good vaccine

I.L. Artemenkova
Is Nobivak a good vaccine?

ON THE. Vlasov
There are three of them

I.L. Artemenkova
We know what other vaccine our state is purchasing, you also read the materials on rabies, how we fight it and how it spreads where more vaccine is distributed. And what we say at the same time. That the carriers are dogs and they are killed and there is no effectiveness.

ON THE. Vlasov
Nobody says that dogs are carriers. About veterinary people. You better not argue with me. In veterinary circles, no one considers dogs to be carriers of rabies.

I.L. Artemenkova
All the media say it.

ON THE. Vlasov
The media quote each other. Today they will say something stupid, but they will already pass it on.

I.L. Artemenkova
I would really like the media to write about this.

ON THE. Vlasov
We have only two cities, two cities.

I.L. Artemenkova
Give correct instructions so that there is no misconception.

ON THE. Vlasov
I cannot give instructions, the Ministry of Agriculture can, but Rosselkhoznadzor cannot give instructions, such rights have not been granted

I.L. Artemenkova
I appeal to the media, we have a completely false idea that we have rabies and bites, this is the main flag under which dogs are crushed and killed, and this is such a lie, it is a complete lie, and it turns out that there is no reason for dogs like this there would be a severe punishment and no one to intercede for them.

ON THE. Vlasov
For reference, there are only two cities in Siberia, I won’t name now because I’m afraid to lie, large ones, where there is an urban type of rabies; throughout the rest of the Russian Federation there is a purely fox type of rabies.

V.R. Medinsky
Thank you, we have five more minutes. Let's have someone else speak.

K.S. Goryachev
Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals.
I wanted to say, for the press, I may be one of the few people who has studied stray dogs, and from my point of view and according to our research, the feeding fact for the city is not limiting. That is, a certain structure of the urban environment, a certain space, is limiting.
Therefore, this bill proposes to pay attention to the responsibility of the land user for what happens on their territory.
And secondly, I would like to say that the law is still not being written for Moscow and St. Petersburg, we have large territories, including rural settlements, I would just like to say that we need to warn against the fact that the problem of street people animals does not have an elementary solution. We are always trying to offer some basic solution. Either capture and destruction, or capture and sterilization, or irrevocable capture. Only complex measures can give a certain effect.
Under the control of biologists and zoologists, with appropriate monitoring, when we will really see how this situation is changing.
Thank you.

V.R. Medinsky
Ilya Mikhailovich, please.

THEM. Bluvstwein
Since 1994 I haven’t left the State Duma, running in circles, trying to do something, such “Sisyphean work.” Therefore, excuse me if I am somewhat abstract.
I would like to start with our wonderful article. 245, it was written by Oleg Stepanovich Kolbasov, lawyer, ecologist, professor. In order to reach some kind of compromise, so that on the one hand, a demonstration, the humanization of our society would appear, and on the other hand, so that it would not work, because Oleg Stepanovich Kolbasov wrote a normally working norm together with Morgulova, he said that yes, it good, but it is unlikely to pass through all circles of the CPSU and a compromise norm appeared already in 1997. Which on the one hand is there, but it is not possible to apply it.
Therefore, naturally, it is necessary to amend this article.
I have also prepared a certain draft Federal Law, which actually introduces some changes and which, in my opinion and in the opinion of my colleagues, will make this norm work.
Here is someone from the deputies, or we ourselves will find someone who will introduce this amendment to the Criminal Code. I have it, but I won’t reveal it and detain you.

V.R. Medinsky
Ideally Gruzdev, he didn’t come, he is the first deputy chairman of the relevant committee, he will be able to control this

THEM. Bluvstwein
Now about cruelty and veterinary problems. I am currently dealing with the problem of five burned horses. I receive such wonderful messages. Well, firstly, this is certainly not cruelty to animals, it is a forced way to combat the African plague. I am now launching the anecdotal nature of this tragedy. But what is interesting is that some veterinarians write that, unfortunately, there really may not have been enough medicine that immobilizes the animal and therefore, indeed, there may have been cases when the horse was crushed with a ladle.
Now the Prosecutor General's Office will deal with this again. Because a criminal case was opened at the Kyiv station for the fourth time and it ended with the investigator receiving a certain reprimand, a presentation that was incomplete, and he was forced to open a criminal case.
Therefore, I have a big request, Nikolai Anatolyevich, you are a great expert and what you said about the name of the law gives me such an emotional uplift and full support and use of “Detilin” and various modified drugs during catches, during euthanasia, is this appropriate? What kind of idea about humanity and euthanasia, as such, it seems to me, needs to be discussed at the Council of the Ministry of Agriculture using “Detilin” as a method for catching, and animals die when the diaphragm relaxes.

ON THE. Vlasov
I answer, I’ll start with a positive, that now the problem will be solved, in principle, my attention was attracted precisely by these cases with horses. Now we were talking with one company, I just asked a pharmacological company; they will now register “Propofol” and its use will give a normal effect, that is, an overdose of “Propofol” and “Detelin”, that is, at the moment of relaxation, the animal will be completely unconscious.
According to “Detelin” itself.
“Detelin”, or rather its modification, is fast-acting when used correctly, in this case, I talked with doctors who directly used it, they even gave an overdose, that is, it is clear, the mechanism of death is clear, it is not instantaneous, I am convinced that birds, I I’ll kill in a more humane way, if I break my neck, instant death and no painful sensations than using “Detelin”.
Why did the problem with Detelin arise? I answer, the Anti-Drug Committee, remember this story when veterinarians were imprisoned. Almost all we have in our arsenal that is a good pain reliever is all drugs. Not a single veterinary clinic, much less a private practitioner, will provide even a mild narcotic, which is why, I emphasize once again, there is no ban on other means of euthanasia, it’s just that no one registers it.

THEM. Bluvstwein
Let us perhaps jointly raise this issue before the committee if we are convinced that we are right.

V.R. Medinsky
Time is up

THEM. Bluvstwein
One more minute.
Regarding the amendment. Indeed, Nikolai Anatolyevich, you are right in many respects, but the trouble is that when the bill was being prepared, what was the appeal, very prominent scientists and representatives of the Ministry Agriculture and the Ministry of Sciences, they said that ballerinas, writers, artists are sitting and writing the law on animals and they are writing sheer nonsense. But when we invited outstanding scientists, biologists, experts and it turned out that the questions were so complex that this did not add to the understanding at what level irritation begins and turns into a painful sensation and which animals should be included in this volume.
Or, for example, if you can swat a mosquito, but you cannot pick a butterfly, and this is considered immoral.
Therefore, unfortunately, this is not all very simple, but I ask you, like the dog handlers, to give your qualified comments, because it was very useful.
I'm in a hurry.
Regarding the amendments, there are things that you are talking about that will continue to be a question of legal technique, linguistically, this is all correct, but there are amendments that have been agreed upon from all over Russia.
We did these, the biggest ones. Well-known organizations from all regions have focused their attention on Article 20 because they know who wrote it. For example, paragraph 6, it makes the rest of the law unnecessary, it turns into empty declarations, and any head of administration from the Altonsky district Altai Territory will say: “Muscovites have come up with the devil knows what,” and they will tell him that there is an article, clause 6, that he allows the killing of animals.
Therefore, I ask that these data from the Russian public on amendments to Articles 14, 20 be taken into account when finalizing the bill.
And lastly, literally 3 sentences, in 1976, as a 4th year student at the Pedagogical Institute, I wrote a letter to the Chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Comrade Promyslov, and there I wrote that: “Legislative support for the right of homeless people to exist, their mass sterilization, shelters for problematic, conflict-ridden, not adapted to life on the street, temporary detention centers for those who are lost or left without care for other reasons, increasing the culture of keeping domestic dogs, legal liability for leaving animals without treatment, legal, economic measures aimed at reducing the unsatisfactory breeding of animals, the formation of a humane attitude of city residents towards living nature, every living creature, these are the necessary conditions for a civilized and humane solution to the problem of stray animals in our city of Moscow, the communist capital, and so on.”
I dare to assure you that, by and large, the entire program has been curtailed, and when some animal advocates call for: “Let’s introduce this total extermination as a way of regulation,” that’s all that’s happening today, we have shelters with unlimited admission everywhere today because everywhere in our country, we have analyzed 5 thousand regulations, from the Far East to Kaliningrad, there are only different methods of killing from direct executions of illegal people to the use of this “Detilen”, therefore, today we must stop this work and indeed, then, what is proposed in the bill, this is an integrated approach, it is the only correct one, and then, unfortunately, it will not make everyone kind and compassionate at once, but it will make what is immoral today become illegal, and this is already a huge basis for our work.
Thank you.

I.L. Artemenkova
Evgeniy Dmitrievich said a very correct idea that now in society there is a confrontation between white and black forces, black forces can be even stronger than white ones.
Therefore, the task of the party and the Duma in general is to say its word to the state.

V.R. Medinsky
Irina, we are very flattered that the confrontation between good and evil is the task of the party.
I will give the final word to Viktor Pavlovich.

V.P. Kudryavtsev
On behalf of the artists, I will say that since it was said, artists and ballerinas write the law without understanding anything about it.
I want, since you always remember history, I will also remind you of the story that at the beginning of the 20th century there was such a circus artist Vladimir Leonidovich Durov, to whom many outstanding scientists came, including Ivan Pavlov, in conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, you know . And that in the instructions of the tsarist government of that time, Vladimir Durov made huge programs for the participation of animals in the confrontation of the First World War - in the fight against German submarines and mines - this is a word about artists.
Because one thing worries me about the law is that we don’t lump everything into one pile. Homeless animals and animals that are kept by people, because in principle I am concerned that we have people who professionally deal with animals, who become not just friends, but partners, associates, and so on, not only circus performers, but also sports, this includes the canine service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs, you know. Not only dogs search for mines and pigs and many other animals. For your information, there are about 10 thousand tigers in private hands, in homes, in the United States, so you know this. Here are the famous actors Sieckfried and Roy, who simply keep their tigers at home.
What worries me first is the dangerous/non-dangerous animal trend, the treatment of animals, any animal is dangerous, it doesn’t talk to you and the term “animal cruelty” can sum up anything.
I will sign under any word here, because the footage that I saw, God forbid, central television will be shown because, first of all, they will say that the government is bad, but our government is normal; it is doing everything to correct this situation.
In front of me is a letter from our little residents of the country: “We do not want to live in a country where our animals are killed.” You should know that on average, 12 million children come to circus shows involving animals every year. Today I started the conversation with the Vesti program. There was such a story, they did everything beautifully, representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the city of Moscow spoke, and in the evening they call me and say that you are so good at the circus that you can’t show this. This is built on the fact that they show the most negative, we will show rather how the house burns, and not how it is built.
Here we need to reconsider our attitude towards animals, if we follow this path, like Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov, who was a representative of the environmental service at the UN, who meets with actors, zoologists, and talks about animals, we miss this. We cannot instill in our residents a love for animals, because in the West, first of all, the morning begins with how to care for a cat, how to care for a dog, how animals live in the zoo, how animals live in circuses, and now when they showed these terrible footage in Japan, when they saved a dog that had been swimming in the ocean for 20 years, when they showed how an animal saved another animal, and if we showed how this dog saved a 4-year-old boy from an ice hole. These are the kind of shots that need to be shown, and then the love will be mutual and we won’t have homeless animals.
And lastly, with regard to the veterinary service, I am very friendly with Sergei Sereda, because when we talked about the devices, when it is necessary to perform operations on animals, not only our circus ones, but also those that are brought in, they are very worried about painkillers, there is also something here we need to figure it out, we have a serious problem with medicine in general, and even more so with animals.
The veterinary service, it seems to me, needs to be prescribed better.

I.L. Artemenkova
Can I just add to the topic about what happened, what we did wrong, what these shots showed, we need to educate, but Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov, when I invited him to my press conferences, but he told me that: “I I don’t want to see this,” you understand, I don’t want to see this either.

V.R. Medinsky
Thank you very much, Viktor Pavlovich, for your comments, I understand that the topic evokes great emotions and sincere relationships. This is a rare case when we discuss with you not financial issues, but ethical and moral issues in the State Duma, but nevertheless, if our discussion comes down to mutual screening of films - creepy, about emotions and so on, we will not accept your good Law.
I urge all interested participants, we have 450 deputies, we have 20 deputies who have signed up to the law, who are deeply involved in the topic, we have a specialized committee, so let’s organize our work in an organized manner. Don't try to embrace what is not covered, take the central idea, combine it and let the deputy introduce your amendment.
It’s clear that I can’t make amendments alone, I don’t make amendments on principle, out of 800-1000, and they are all mutually exclusive.

I.L. Artemenkova
Should the amendment be on the sign?

V.R. Medinsky
There is a special form, deputies know it, how it is formalized technically.
To summarize, what I would like to focus on can be considered the results of our discussion.
It is necessary to discuss the conceptual apparatus, once.
It is necessary to discuss, as far as possible, the responsibility for breaking the law in order for this to be effective, two.
And the optimal thing is a gradual transition to full state registration of dogs, that’s three.
Killing is not permissible, this is clear, it is now in the law

I.L. Artemenkova
As for population control, you write that all animals must be captured.

V.R. Medinsky
Regarding registration, I correctly express public opinion both yesterday and today. That is, a phased transition to state registration of dogs. A compromise solution, that is, without registration there will be no liability.
Thank you all very much for the discussion.