The legendary "thirty" - a route through the mountains to the sea. The legendary route “thirty” or through the mountains to the sea Route thirty hike

Hiking in the Caucasus "Thirty" is the most popular hiking route in the former Soviet Union, stretching from Khadzhokh to Dagomys. All along we will be accompanied by the stunning beauty of the Caucasus mountains, mountain rivers with clear water, boundless alpine meadows, dense forests and warm subtropics at the finish line. The route lasts 9 days and is perfect for both experienced tourists and those who are going to the Caucasus for the first time .

Duration campaign: 9 days (8 nights).

Length: 70 km.

Complexity: Average (not categorical)

Tour cost: 9000 rub.

Start location: Krasnodar until 11 am or Hadzhokh (until evening)

The hike ends: Dagomys in the morning or in Adler at 13:00 in the afternoon

Hiking dates in 2019:

  • 07.07 - 15.07
  • 18.07 - 26.07
  • 29.07 - 06.08
  • 09.08 - 17.08
  • 20.08 - 28.08
  • 31.08 - 08.09
  • 11.09 - 19.09

Hadzhokh (Kamennomostsky) - White River- Rufabgo waterfalls - Azish Tau - Tsitsa river - Lagonaki plateau - Lake Psedonakh - Oshten (2804 m) - Maykop pass - Pshekho Su - Fisht - Cherkessk pass - Lunnaya Polyana - Vodopadisty stream - Dagomys.

1 day. Khadzhokh - Belaya River Canyon - Rufabgo Waterfalls

We begin our journey in the Caucasus resort town of Khadzhokh Kamenomostsky, which is located in Adygea. We will get here in the evening, and after examining the town, we will go to the canyon of the Belaya River (another name is the Khadzhokh Gorge). Here the beautiful Belaya River roars, polishing the polished stones of the canyon to a shine. This is where we will stay for the night. In the meantime, let's go for a walk to the most beautiful and revered by tourists Rufabgo (Evil Wizard) waterfalls, where we will admire the noisy Cascade, Lace and other waterfalls. And of course the tallest and most beautiful Big Lace. The waterfalls are especially beautiful after rains, when streams of water rush noisily over the rocks.

Day 2. Abadzesh Pass - Lagonaki Plateau - Chopped stream - Tsitsa River

In the morning we will move to the Abadzesh Pass, located on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, where our hike through the Caucasus Mountains begins. There is snow in the karst sinkholes here even in summer, and alpine herbs bloom wildly all around. We have to go to the mountain river Tsitsa, and along the way we will cross the Lagonaki plateau, from where we have stunning views of Mount Oshten, rising like a granite bastion above the plateau. And we will have to spend the night at the Tsitsa, which originates here.

Distance covered - 10 km

Day 3. Mount Oshten (2804 m)

Lightly, leaving our backpacks in the camp, we will make a radial exit to the beautiful Oshten, covered in places with snow. And upon your return you can swim in a cold mountain river. The water temperature here does not exceed four degrees in the hottest summer, and therefore only the bravest will be able to plunge into the water.

Radial up and back 800 meters, distance covered - 12 km

Day 4 Lake Psedonakh - Mount Pshekho-Su

The mountain lake Psedonakh, which we are about to see today, stretches from north to south like a crescent, its depth does not exceed half a meter. Scattered in the vicinity of the lake, the Oshten, Fisht and Pshekho-Su mountains look like each other like siblings, and many local legends and beliefs are associated with them. We will climb Pshekho Su and admire the stone Fisht and the white silence of the Great Glacier lying nearby.

Up - 800 meters, down - 650, distance traveled - 10 km

Day 5 Shelter Fisht

In the afternoon we will make the trek to the shelter located under Mount Fisht. From the shelter you can walk lightly to the glacier sliding down Fisht. This mountain has several glaciers encircling the rocks and slowly flowing down. Here, under Mount Fisht, there are almost half a hundred caves, which are constantly visited by speleologists.

The transition to the Fisht shelter is 8 km, the descent is 1 km.

Day 6 Moonlight Glade. Waterfall stream.

And then we have to walk along the presidential megastructure ski resort, scattered on the slopes of Mount Fisht in Moonlight Glade. After passing the ski lifts, we will go down to the Vodopadisty stream, which gives rise to one of the most high waterfalls Caucasus.

Elevation gain - 300 meters, elevation loss - 700 meters, distance traveled - 9 km

Day 7 Mount Mavrikoshka, Circassian Pass. Babuk Aul

We continue our journey and by lunchtime we will reach the Cherkessky pass, from where we will admire Mount Mavrikoshka, towering above the surrounding valleys. At the pass there is a stele to those who died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. A little lower than the Circassian Pass there are many shepherd's shelters, sometimes we spend the night in one of them in case of bad weather, but usually we go down the Vesyoly Descent towards Babuk Aul and the Shakhe River. We will be in Babuk Aul in the evening.

Ascent - 400 meters, down - 800 meters, distance - 12 km

Day 8 Dagomys. Uch Dere.

From the Babuk Aul shelter we walk down the forest road. A few kilometers along the forest road and soon we will reach the village of Solokh Aul. Here we board the bus and go to Dagomys. By evening we will arrive at a nice and cozy place - semi- wild beach in the Uch Dere gully, where we will spend our last camping night. We will spend the night on the beach, listening to the music of the waves and the sound of the night surf.

Distance - 23 km

Day 9 Home.

Today is our final day, we get on the train and go in different directions. From our overnight stay it takes 25 minutes to get to Sochi train station. If you travel by train, take a return ticket from Sochi. If you are traveling by plane, it takes 1.5 hours to get to Adler by train. See you again!


Depending on the situation regarding the construction of the road to Babuk Aul (the passage and passage were closed for two years, but in August 2015 they were allowed to walk along it - for how long is unknown) therefore, there are two possible finish options for this route - the description shows a route ending in Dagomys, the backup option is Tuapse and overnight on the Kiselyov rocks. From here to Sochi it takes 3 hours by train, to Tuapse - 15 minutes, to Krasnodar 3 hours.

It's beautiful and . We carry everything we need with us. Depending on the state of the group and weather conditions, the instructor may make

The guide gathers the group in the morning in Krasnodar and together we move to Khadzhokh (Kamennomostsky).
Starting a trek through the Caucasus from mountain resort Hadjokh, we will devote the first day to preparation. Without backpacks, we will go around the outskirts of Khadzhokh - the White River Canyon - the Khadzhokh Gorge.

Walking along the banks of the canyon, we will admire the roaring and raging river twenty meters below. Then, a short walk leads to famous waterfalls Rufabgo.
The Rufabgo cascade consists of seven waterfalls: the six-meter “Noise”, “Cascade”, “Heart of Rufabgo” encircled by two branches of the river, the fifteen-meter “Lace”, the thirteen-meter “Maiden’s Braid” aka “Rufabgo’s Sword”, “Bowl of Love” and the “Lelkin” waterfall "

After the rains, the picturesque Rufabgo waterfalls turn into streams of raging water. Hence the Circassian name of the stream - the Evil Wizard. At the waterfalls on the banks of the White River we will settle down for the night, ready to conquer the peaks tomorrow.

Day 2: Abadzesh Pass and Lagonaki Plateau

We are getting closer to the peaks. In the morning we move to the Caucasus Nature Reserve to the Abadzesh Pass. Now we begin a full-fledged hike through the highlands, rising into the subalpine zone: karst sinkholes covered with grasses and mountain flowers, snow-covered peaks of the surrounding mountains and very clean mountain air. From the Abadzesh Pass we head to the Rublennoye stream.
We will have lunch on the colorful Lagonaki plateau with a view of one of the famous peaks of the Main Caucasus Range and the goal of tomorrow's hiking day - Mount Oshten (2,804 m).
Today we will stop for the night on the bank of a mountain stream at the foot of Oshten, and tomorrow we will go on an assault.

Day 3: Climbing Mount Oshten

The whole day is dedicated to the conquest of Oshten. We will climb the mountain lightly, without backpacks.
Once on the snow-covered peak, we will be transported from recent summer to winter for several hours. The snow-white mountains around will complement this picture, and the contrasting green valleys will beckon us down to the evening warmth of the fire and cozy waterfalls in which we can swim until the evening.
But how lovely it is to play snowballs at the top under the hot sun, and admire the fabulous starry sky in the valley before going to bed!

Day 4: Hike to the Fishta glacier through the Guzeripl and Armenian passes

But there is an incentive not to waste time getting ready in the morning and not to prolong the day’s journey. The most interesting thing will happen after setting up the camp. You can take a walk to the lower Fisht glacier. On the slopes of the mountain there is also the Soaring Bird cave and one of the deepest in Russia (640 m) cave system White Star (White Star, Cross, Tourist). But we won’t go to the caves, but after admiring the glacier we’ll go to bed, wrapped in warm sleeping bags.

Day 5: Crossing the Fisht-Oshten Pass, Lake Psenodakh

Goal of the day: cross the Fisht-Oshten pass (2,200 m). The pass is located above the two most high peaks in the western part of the Caucasus. And Fisht is the most western peak Caucasus, which has glaciers on its slopes of the Caucasus. The path at an altitude of more than two kilometers is not easy, but very colorful. After lunch at the pass we will begin our descent to the picturesque mountain lake Psenodakh. The lake is quite shallow - just above the knee, but in one of its sides there is a pool where the depth of the water exceeds human height.

The Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su mountains, located in the vicinity of Psedonakh, are considered by the locals to be three brother mountains. Romantic legends tell about their miraculous appearance. The oldest is Fisht (2,867 m), the middle is Oshten (2,804 m) and the youngest is Pshekho-Su (2,744 m). And from the top of Pshekho-Su there is a magnificent view of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the sharp ridge of the Great Glacier. And we will quickly descend from the Maikop Pass down to our overnight stay.

Day 6: Waterfall Stream and Moonglade

In the morning we will move to a short passage to the Circassian Pass. And our path to Moonlight Glade passes next to a huge two-hundred-meter waterfall. An incredible sight!
But you can’t always see it. The main waterfall fills only after a good rainfall or in the spring. But on the other hand, the small waterfall is always full, flowing straight from the rock, the same 200-meter height.

We will also admire the peak of Mavrikoshka and pass the Circassian Pass, where a stele was erected in memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. On this day we will have our last high overnight stay, right on the Circassian Pass.

Day 7: Balagany, Mount Mavrikoshka, Shahe River

We begin our descent to the sea. A steep descent with a drop in height of more than 1,500 m through a beech forest will lead us to the Babuk-Aul farm. The Caucasian Nature Reserve ends here and, after passing through the cordon, we will head to the Shakhe River. Let's cross the seething Shahe via an impressive pedestrian suspension bridge and find ourselves on an old dirt road. We'll spend the night right on the river bank.

Day 8: Solokh Aul, Dagomys and the Black Sea

The famous Thirty ends and having reached Solokh Aul, you can already enjoy sweets or drink beer in local shops and cafes while waiting for the bus to Dagomys. There is also an interesting tea museum in the village of Solokh-Aul.
And here we are on the shores of the Black Sea! It’s already subtropical here: figs, persimmons, banana and ficus palms, and it’s very warm. We will spend the rest of the day away from the village on a wild beach. You can sunbathe and swim in warm sea water...

Day 9: Completion of the hike

The last day of the hike no longer involves trekking. Today we are leaving for home. We will return, some to Krasnodar, and some to Sochi, and from there we will go home.

Cost: 11,000 rub.

Payment is possible both in cash and by non-cash method.

Duration: 9 days
Difficulty: Medium difficulty

The route is suitable for beginners and more experienced tourists, children over 14 years old. Minimal physical training is required.

  • Region: Western Caucasus
  • Duration: 9 days
  • Complexity:
    • 75 km.
    • 25 km.
    • 2804 m. Oshten
  • Other dates
  • The legendary Thirty is the most famous hiking trip in the Western Caucasus since the times of the Soviet Union, passing through picturesque mountains Adygea. This route is unique in that it passes through all climatic zones and landscapes - from the Kuban steppes to high-altitude permafrost, from humid subtropics to glaciers. The Thirty hike is very variable. The option described below is just one of many possible paths that can be taken. Each instructor has his own favorite trails and his own vision of what is most beautiful on this route. Therefore, the thread may change depending on the weather, the condition of the group and requests and suggestions. But in any case, no matter what path you take, they are waiting for you unforgettable experience, and every hiking day will contain a little life!

    Route plan:

    1 day

    Krasnodar - Khadzhokh - Rufabgo Waterfalls - Khadzhokh Gorge

    We meet at the southern wing of the Krasnodar-1 railway station at about 11 am. We make a transfer (4 hours) to the small town of Hadzhokh, where our Thirty starts. Its picturesque brick houses and green foothills give it a resemblance to some towns in Swiss Alps. Under the USSR, Khadzhokh was called Kamennomostsky, because from ancient times industrial stonemasons lived here. We set up camp in a cozy place and go to explore the main local attractions - the Rufabgo waterfalls and the Khadzhokh Gorge (the canyon of the Belaya River). The Khadzhokh Gorge is a very narrow and deep canyon, which the stormy and noisy Belaya River carved into these stones over hundreds of years. Let's walk along the river to the Rufabgo waterfalls, of which there are 7 here. By evening we will return to camp. Bonfire, dinner, getting to know each other.

    Day 2

    Transfer to the Lagonaki checkpoint - Instructor's gap

    In the morning we will be transferred to the Lagonaki checkpoint. A slight delay for formalities at the entrance, and now we are already in Lagonaki biosphere reserve. Today we have a short and easy transition to the Instructor's Gap - the place of our overnight stay. However, if you are unaccustomed to it and with heavy backpacks, the path may seem difficult. No problem, everyone will adapt tomorrow. And the beauty of the Lagonaki Nature Reserve will be a well-deserved reward for our endurance. In the reserve, you can only cook on a burner, so, unfortunately, there will be no long cozy gatherings around the fire. If anyone has any strength left, they can walk along the Rublenoye stream along the rifts down and back.

    Day 3

    Radialka to Oshten (2804 m)

    We will devote this day to a radial (light, without backpacks) ascent to Mount Oshten. We leave our things in the same camp and go to storm the peak. Let's leave as early as possible, because in the Caucasus it is such a peculiarity that in the afternoon it often rains, and the snow-capped peaks are also covered with clouds and fog. To avoid getting lost, you need to get up at dawn. After the beautiful views of Lagonaki opening from the top of Oshten, you don’t want to go back down at all. We spend the night in the same camp - swim in waterfalls, admire the stars, and relax.

    4 day

    Crossing the Guzeripl and Armenian passes - radial to the Small Fisht Glacier

    Today we are moving to the Fisht camp site. Along the way we will need to overcome two simple passes - Guzeriplsky and Armenian. We arrive at the parking lot around 15:00, leave our things and follow a narrow trampled forest path to the radial path to the Small Fisht Glacier - one of the lowest non-melting glaciers in the Caucasus and throughout the world. We spend the night at the Fisht camp site.

    5 day

    Radials to the Fisht-Oshten pass and Lake Psenodakh

    We stay at the Fisht camp site and climb radially today to the Fisht-Oshten pass. It is very windy here, but this will not stop us from admiring the monument to the defenders of the Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. Also from here we can see our entire route to the camp site. After the pass we will go to the famous Mountain Lake Psenodach, located at an altitude of 1952 m in the shape of a crescent. The surrounding views are worthy of an artist's brush! And the water temperature in the lake is only +4 degrees. The bravest ones will swim in its icy waters. In the evening we will return to the camp site.

    Day 6

    Belorechensky and Cherkessky passes

    Today we leave the hospitable Fisht camp site and move on. Our path will lie through the simple Belorechesky pass (1782 m), after overcoming which we will reach the next one - the Circassian pass (1800 m). The view from here of the green valleys and sharp rocky peaks is simply incredible! We will go to the parking lot to the booths of Armenian shepherds, and spend the night in one of the authentic booths.

    Day 7

    Moonlight Glade - 200-meter waterfall

    We are moving towards Vodopadisty. On the way we pass Putin's dacha on Lunnaya Polyana. They say that when the owner is here, helicopters circle over the dacha day and night, dispersing the clouds. We will soon come to a stunning 200-meter waterfall, where we will rest and take a swim, refreshing ourselves from the road. Our trekking is almost complete, there is nowhere to rush and it’s quite possible to relax. We will spend the night near a strange river, which by August practically dries up during the daytime, and appears again in the evenings for several hours. This phenomenon can be explained simply - the river is filled with the waters of a glacier that melts during the day, and during the cold night the water freezes and by morning disappears completely. We will see such a natural metamorphosis with our own eyes.

    Day 8

    Transfer to Dagomys

    In the morning we walk another 3 km to a picturesque observation deck, admire the mountains again, and then leave for Dagomys in a custom car. We put up tents in a convenient place by the sea, swim, sunbathe, and relax.

    Day 9

    Op. Way home.

    All we have to do is get to the bus or train station in Sochi, and then go home. Our "Legendary Thirty" hike is completed. See you again in the mountains.

    Route map "Legendary Thirty"

    The cost of the trip includes:

    • Instructor-guide services
    • 3 meals a day
    • Registration of the group with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
    • Boilers, gas, burner, fire equipment
    • Group medical kit (at the conductor)

    The cost of the trip does not include:

    • Personal equipment rental
    • Medical insurance
    • Transfers, nature reserve, attractions, etc.

    Approximate price of the tour: 9000 RUB tour + 3000 RUB additional. expenses + train tickets

    helpful information

    This is a real hike. We carry food, equipment and personal belongings in backpacks on our backs. We spend the night in tents and cook over a fire (sometimes on a burner).

    The instructor has the right to change the route depending on the weather, the condition of the group and other factors.

    Payment in cash at the beginning of the hike to the instructor. When leaving the route, the money is not recalculated and is not returned.

    Groups usually have from 10 to 15 participants.

    The improvement of the camp (installation of tents, collection of firewood, cooking) is carried out by all participants of the hike. Working together is more pleasant and fun :).


    Zakalichnaya Olga
    • 09.01.2015
    Belokonev Roman
    • (34 years old) Yartsevo
    • 06.01.2015

    Unforgettable Route Thirtieth

    Legendary Thirty from September 23 to October 1, 2013

    The idea to go hiking arose quite spontaneously. The main catalyst was a report on a travel website about the Lycian Way.

    So, everything was so beautifully described there and there were such amazing photos and such enthusiastic reviews that I set myself the goal of definitely going there. After thinking carefully, I came to the conclusion: first you should gain experience of serious hiking so that during a voyage abroad you can completely immerse yourself in the contemplation of nature, and not be distracted by all sorts of nonsense - like adjusting the straps of a backpack (.

    The total duration is 9 days.
    The famous route passes through the territory of the Maykop region of the Republic of Adygea and the Dagomys region Krasnodar region and captures the Western department and the Lagonaki biosphere site of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. One of the oldest, most widespread and popular in the Soviet Union.

    As you move along the route, several climatic zones change, you climb to the glacier of Mount Fisht and the route ends with access to the Black Sea. Geographically most of The route passes along the Lago-Naki plateau, located at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level through the passes of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif and captures the peaks of the two most high mountains of this area - Fisht and Oshten. The length of the pedestrian part of the route is 70 km. The highest point of the hike is 2044 m - Abadzeshsky pass.

    1 day:

    We meet at the southern wing of the Krasnodar I railway station at 11 am. We make a transfer to the small town of Hadzhokh, where our thirty begins. We set up camp and go to explore the picturesque Khadzhokh Gorge in the form of a narrow canyon of white stone, and at the same time see no less picturesque waterfalls (there are about 7 of them here). By evening we will return to camp. Bonfire, dinner, getting to know each other.

    Day 2:

    The pedestrian part of the route starts from the checkpoint of the Caucasian Nature Reserve "Lago" Nucky." The checkpoint is located at an altitude of 1750 meters on the edge of a fir forest, next to the checkpoint there is Observation deck, which offers a panorama of the alpine meadows of the Lago-Naki plateau. From here you can see the Lago-Naksky ridge, the slopes of Maly and Bolshoi Murzikal and Abadzesh. Next we go out to the observation deck to the Azishsky pass. The Azish Pass connects the Azish-Tau ridge and the Lago-Naki plateau. Coming out onto the plateau, we will find ourselves in the world of alpine meadows - tall herbs and panoramic views. Along the path we will go out to highest point route – Abadzeshsky pass (2044 m). From the pass a panorama of the city of Oshten opens, which rises right in front of the pass. Abadzeshsky pass perfect place for panoramic shots. Having rested at the pass, we will continue our way to the Instructor’s Gap pass. Along the way, the trail is crossed by numerous streams, the sources of the Armyanka River, where you can refresh your tired bodies. Having climbed the pass, you can admire the panorama of the mighty three-thousanders. At the start of the pass there is a small mountain lake, near which we will arrange our second overnight stay.

    Day 3:

    Today we will climb Mount Oshten radially (without backpacks). Along the stones, avoiding the remnants of snow, we reach the ridge and climb along it to the top. So we conquered the top of Oshten! We will see panoramas of Fisht, the Armenian Ridge and other magnificent mountains. There is mobile coverage at the top. We go down to the camp and spend the night.

    Day 4:

    We leave the camp and go to the shelter under Mount Fisht, admiring the magnificent mountain views along the way. Having passed the Guzeripl and Armenian passes, we will go down to the Belaya River with a very powerful current, it is dangerous to swim in it. Here is the Fisht tourist camp, where you can order a bath or take a shower. We put up tents, there will already be a forest here, we cook with wood. Since there is a lot of time left until the evening, there is an opportunity to go on a radial route to the Small Fisht Glacier.

    Day 5:

    Today we will make a radial trek to the Fisht-Oshtenovsky pass to Lake Psenodakh. We leave our backpacks at the camp and along the trail, crossing the sources of the river. Belaya we climb to the pass. From the pass a double panorama opens on one side to the valley of the Belaya River and the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana and Abkhazia, on the other side to the Chashka and Glavny tracts Caucasus ridge stretching out on the horizon. Having descended from the pass, we go out to the shore of Lake Psenodakh. It is located at an altitude of 1910 m. The lake is considered sacred among the Circassians because of its shape - a crescent. Water flows into the lake in several streams and leaves, seeping into the pores of the rock. After resting on the shores of the lake, we return back to the shelter. Overnight.

    Day 6:

    We leave the Fisht shelter and begin the ascent along the trail to the Belorechensky Pass. The trail passes through a beech forest that creates pleasant shade. The trail is crossed by numerous streams flowing from the Small Fishtinsky glacier, located above the forest. At the pass there is a view of the south-middle mountains of the Krasnodar Territory, covered with beech and fir forests. The mountain range of the Aibga ridge and the massif of Mount Bolshaya Chura are visible on the horizon. On the right, the rocky bastions of the town of Fisht hang over the pass. There is a coverage area at the pass cellular communication– we will be able to call our family and friends. Having descended from the pass, along the path laid along the slopes of the town of Fisht, we will go to the Circassian pass, connecting Fisht and the town of Mavrikoshka. There are shepherd's sheds where you can have lunch and relax. You can treat yourself to fresh milk from the shepherds. After rest, we will descend from the Circassian Pass into the valley of the Shahe River. The path winds through a tall beech forest along streams - tributaries of the river. Shahe. On this section of the route there is the famous Cheerful Descent (or, if you go up, the Sad Ascent), at the end of which we will go to the Babuk-Aul shelter. Overnight.

    Day 7:

    We are moving to Vodopadisty. On the way, we pass Putin's dacha on Lunnaya Polyana and soon we will come out to a stunning 200-meter waterfall, where we will relax and swim, refreshing ourselves from the road.

    Day 8:

    On this day we have to make the transition to the village of Solokh-Aul. We walk along the Shahe River along an old wheeled road passing through a boxwood grove intersected by small rivers. On the right there is a view of the deep picturesque valley of the river. Shahe, and on the left from the steep rocky slopes here and there small waterfalls pour onto the road, in which it is pleasant to cool off on a hot day. The walking part of the hike ends in the village of Solokh-Aul, which is the birthplace of “Russian tea”. In the village there is a house-museum of the first tea grower in Kuban and a tasting room. From Solokh-Aul we take a bus to the Black Sea coast (Dagomys village). The main part of our journey ends in Dagomys. Night by the sea.

    Day 9:

    Then all participants can go somewhere of their own free will. Maybe someone will already want to go home, someone to see friends and relatives, and someone will want to take a walk around Black Sea coast, swim in the sea, bask on the beach, go to the water park and dolphinarium in Sochi.

    5 - 13 June, 12 - 20 June, 19 - 27 June, 26 June - 4 July, 3 - 11 July, 10 - 18 July, 17 - 25 July, 24 July - 1 August, 30 July - 8 August, 7 - August 15, August 14 - 22, August 21 - 29, August 28 - September 5, September 4 - 12, September 11 - 19

    THERE: arrival at the railway station or Krasnodar airport, at 6:30 and 7:00, respectively, transfer (additional fee) to the camp site. Those who order a transfer will be met at the airport and at the railway with a sign “Hadzhokh”, at the main entrance to the station from the platform and at the airport in the passenger arrivals hall. For those who arrive on their own: check-in during the first day at the Novaya camp site: village. Kamennomostsky (Hadzhokh), st. Komsomolskaya 7. (next to the gorge) 15 minutes before arriving in Kamennomostsky (Khadzhokh), tourists need to call the greeter and he will meet tourists at the bus station on the White Niva.

    BACK: after 17.00, arrival in Dagomys, receipt of personal belongings deposited in Khadzhokh, departure by Adler train (plane) home.

    More information on how to get to the meeting point:

    On arrival days there is a transfer from the Krasnodar railway station at 06.30, from the airport at 07.00 - 500 rubles/person

      By train to Krasnodar, then transfer at 06.30 (500 rubles/person) or bus Krasnodar - village. Pobeda to the village. Kamennomostsky (Khadzhokh) departure at 06.50 and 16.24, meeting the bus in Khadzhokh. Bus Krasnodar - Maykop 1 time per hour. In Maykop the stop is a bus station near the market, then by bus to the village. Kamennomostsky stop in Kamennomostsky - station. Hadjokh, meet the bus in Hadjokh. Bus departures from station square Krasnodar. Individual transfer 3000 rub/car.