Cathedral of Vasily blissful English name. Where is the Church of Vasily blissful. Everything comes back into circles

Majestic St. Basil's Cathedral At the edge of the Red Square in the heart of Moscow, it is rightly considered a bright symbol of not only the Russian capital, but also the whole state. The motley majesty of the domes is pararit over the Moscow-River, as if the unshakable power of the Christian faith, emphasizing the solemnity of her unity with the architectural creation of talented human hands.
The cathedral on the RBI was originally called Trinity, since he struck on the site of a wooden church dedicated to the Holy Trinity, in connection with the victory of Russian troops over Kazan Khanate. Because a significant event occurred on the festive day of the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary, the temple officially ordered Pokrovsky. The everyday name of the cathedral arose as a result of an extension of another one to the main complex of churches of the temple over the grave of whisk Vasily, whom everyone knew in the capital and treated with honor as good and able to reveal false or fake.
For more than a 450-year history of its existence, the temple has undergone multiple restoration and restoration, divided worst and resumed, but always a majestic building remained a unchanging decoration of the main square of the capital, to which thousands of tourists from around the world were striking.
A bit of history
Construction was carried out within 1555-1561. About the author of the project of the temple still does not have a single version. One of the assumptions calls the Pskov Master of the Yakovleva Postnik, the people - Barma. Some researchers argue that these are two different people. A number of historians are confident that the author of the project is an unknown Italian architect, and in certain circles it is generally considered that the sketch of the future temple is sought by a governor with an excellent Kazan structure before it was burned by the troops of Ivan Grozny. The drawing was so much liked by the Russian king, that he ordered to build a temple in the center of Moscow to commemorate his crushing victory over the long-time Russian enemy - Kazan Tatars.
Structure of the cathedral
The cathedral consists of 8 separate churches, elegantly crowded with bulbous domes, each of them is consecrated in honor of the religious holidays in which the decisive battles for Kazan took place. The 9th Major Podlovoid Church of the Interior of God's Mother of God, uniting the entire complex of the building on a general basis, towers above them. All churches are connected by arched transitions and galleries. Much later, in 1588, over the burial of the relics of Vasily of Blessed, the tenth temple, who joined the Cathedral from the north-eastern wall and giving him a modern everyday name.
Throughout its many years of existence, the Pokrovsky Cathedral was repeatedly subjected to the destruction due to fires racing in the capital, completely consisting of wooden buildings, and as a result he was rebuilt and restored with new BeautyHaving obtained with each century the next characteristic addition to architectural style. Restoration work carried out well-known architectural masters - I. Yakovlev, O. Bov, A. Zhelebawsky, S.Solov, N. Kurdyukov.
Cathedral in the Soviet period

Then, turning to the holy table, he says: "You are blessed on the throne of the glory of your kingdom, sitting on Cherubim, now and forever and forever." The reader reads poems from Psalms. Reader: Reading from. The reader reads the designated apostolic pericope.

Priest: Enlighten into our hearts, loving teacher, clean light of your divine knowledge and discover our minds so that we can understand the message of your gospel. Strengthen in us, also, reverence for your blessed commandments, so that, conquer sinful desires, we can do a spiritual life, think and do everything you want. For you, Christ, our God, there is the light of our souls and bodies, and we pay fame along with your father who has no beginning, and all your holy, kind and life, giving spirit, now forever and forever.

After the October Revolution St. Basil's Cathedral It turned out to be among the first architectural buildings declared protected authorities. For several years, he was in a deplorable state - the roof flowed, snow was raised through the broken windows in winter inside the premises. On the order in the building was cared for a single person - Archpriests I. Kuznetsov.
In the 20s, the Government is decided to establish a historical and architectural museum in the premises of the Cathedral, who soon became part of the State Historical Museum. The temple was closed only once - in the days of World War II, during the remaining years of their existence, even despite prolonged restoration events, excursions were held in the Pokrovsky Cathedral.
Cathedral today

Priest: reading from the sacred gospel according to. Deacon reads the designated pericop of the Holy Gospel. Priest: The world with you, proclaiming the Holy Gospel. People: Thank you, Lord, thank you. Following the readings, the priest usually preaches the gospel.

You put us, our lowland, sinful and unworthy servants, serve on your holy altar before the holy glory of yours. Strengthen us for this service by the power of the Holy Spirit and give the Word to our senses so that we can encourage the grace of your Holy Spirit for the gifts that will be offered. A priest. And give, that always guarded by your strength, we can give glory to you, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever.

Worships resumed only since the 90s of the last century, and from that time the temple is collaborated by the church and the museum.
The most famous landmark of the Russian state is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2008 it turned out to be the winner of the project "7 wonders of Russia".

People: We, mystically representing cherubs, sing three times the sacred anthem of life giving a trinity. While the Kheruvim hymn is fulfilled, the priest prays a low voice. Nobody, connected by worldly desires and pleasures, is not worthy to get closer to approach or serve you, the king of glory. Serve to serve you and amazing even for heavenly forces. But because of your inexpressible and immeasurable love for us, you have become a person without changes and changes. You served our high priest and as the Lord of everything, and laid on us the celebration of this liturgical victim without shedding blood.

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In 1555, by order of Tsar Ivan IV Grozny, the walls of the Moscow Kremlin laid a stone cathedral - the church of the office of God's Mother of God, who today is considered one of the symbols of Russia and is a monument of world importance, entering the number of objects protected by UNESCO.

Only for you, Lord, our God, manage everyone in heaven and on Earth. You are sitting on the throne of Cheruvimov, Vladyka Serafimov and the king of Israel. You are some holy and live among your saints. You are alone good and ready to hear. For you, Christ, our God, are the Primer and the proposed, one who receives and is distributed, and you we give fame along with your eternal Father and your holy, good and life-giving spirit now and forever and centuries. Priest: We, mystically representing cherubs, sing the hymns of trichology in life; Giving a trinity.

The priest evaluates and speaks by a quiet voice. Seeing the Resurrection of Christ, bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless. We worship your cross, Christ, and we praise and glorify your holy resurrection. We do not know anyone except you, and we urge your name. Come, all believers let's worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ. For here, through the cross, joy came to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we will praise His Resurrection. To withstand the cross for us, he destroyed death with death.

Even during construction, the temple began to call the name of the blessed Muscovites of the blessed Muscovites, buried at the walls of the old church. His relics, giving healing from many diseases, were transferred to the Pokrovsky Cathedral at the end of its construction. Another name of the temple is Jerusalem, it was given in honor of one of the chassions of the Pokrovsk Church.

Priest: Have mercy, God, in the great grace of yours; And in accordance with a lot of your compassion destroyed my lawlessness. Wash me completely from my annoyance and clean me from my sin. For here, you loved the truth; You told me about the secret and hidden things of your wisdom. Make me hear joy and joy so that the affected bones could rejoice. Hurry your face from my sins and destroy all my lawlessness. Create a clean heart in me, God, and update the hard spirit in me.

Do not distracted me from your presence and do not take the Holy Spirit from me. Restore joy from your salvation and approve me with your ruling spirit. Relive me from the blood, God, the god of my salvation, and my tongue will gladly announce your righteousness.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral was built by the standards of the XIV century quickly - in just five years. It was preceded by the construction of a war with the Kazan Khanate, which Ivan the Terrible could not overcome for a long time, and therefore gave a vow on the construction of a new church, if Kazan will be taken. With each won battle on the square, a new wooden temple appeared at the Kremlin, and on returning out of the campaign, the sovereign ordered the place of these churches to build a stone cathedral and call it Pokrovsky - the final victory in a long war was obsessed with the Pokrov.

Lord, I discard my mouth, and my mouth will erect your praise. The victim of God is a broken spirit; God will not despise the broken and humble heart. Do good in his pleasure Ziona; And let the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then you will be satisfied with the victim of righteousness, with offering and binding. Then they will offer bulls on your satellite. Then the great entrance occurs.

Deacon: Let the Lord God remember all of you in his kingdom, now forever, and forever. The priest and deacon are included in the sanctuary, and people sing the end of the Kheruvim hymn. Putting the sacred gifts on the holy table, the priest evaluates them. Deacon: Let's finish our prayer to the Lord.

The construction was entrusted to carpenters Barm and the postnote, although many researchers tend to the version that most likely "Postnight" is the nickname of a carpenter Ivan Barma. Also, legends speak about the blinding of the architecture on the orders of the king so that he could not repeat his success more, however, this version of Truthful is unlikely. The documents of the XVI century clearly states that this master after working on the Cathedral in Moscow participated in the construction of the Kazan Kremlin.

Deacon: For the precious gifts are presented here, let's pray to the Lord. Deacon: For this, the Holy House and for those who come into him with the faith, the reverence and fear of God, will pray to the Lord. Deacon: For our deliverance from every sulfur, anger, danger and suffering, let's pray to the Lord.

Deacon: For perfect, saint, peaceful and sinless day, I will ask the Lord. Deacon: For the Angel of the World, the faithful conductor, the keeper of our shower and bodies, let's ask the Lord. Deacon: Forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and misconduct let's ask the Lord.

During its existence, the temple has undergone many changes: the adhesives were completed, the heads were changed, the large gallery was blocked by the arch and painted with the ornament, the porch was arranged over the stairs, and the facades were updated with tiles. The dome also replaced: initially they were helmet, stretched up, but at the end of the XVI century they were replaced by bulbous masters with a unique trim. The color of the head was installed only in the XIX century, before that, they, like the walls, external and internal, repainted often, changing the drawing.

Deacon: For everything that is good and useful for our souls and for the world in the world, let's ask the Lord. Deacon: To complete our life in the world and repentance, let's ask the Lord. Priest: Lord, our God, you created us and introduced us to this life. You showed us the path to salvation and endowed us with the revelation of heavenly secrets. You appointed us to this service by the power of the Holy Spirit. So, give the Lord to make us accepted as servants of the New Testament and servants of your holy secrets. Take us when we approach your saint altar, according to the many of your mercy, so that we are worthy of offering you this spiritual sacrifice without spilling blood, for our sins and for the crime of your people.

Several times the temple of Vasily bliss was restored. Restoration and updating of the building was necessary after the terrible Moscow fire of 1737, the capture of the capital by French troops and the plundering of them of the temple, while the cathedral was mined and hardly died, and at the beginning of the 20th century he demanded good repair and strengthening.

In 1918, the Cathedral officially became a historical monument, although it did not save him from a disastrous, abandoned position and withdrawal of values \u200b\u200bwith the new government. Despite the fact that the temple was a branch of state Historical MuseumAnd the worship services are now forbidden, there were attempts to demolish the building, but in life they, by the lucky accident, were not embodied.

Provide that by taking this sacrifice on the holy, heavenly and spiritual altar, as the offer of spiritual fragrance, you can separate the grace of the Holy Spirit in return. When you accepted this true worship of your holy apostles, accept also in your kindness, Lord, these gifts from our sinners who are considered worthy to serve on your holy altar without guilt, we can get the reward of faithful stewards in the terrible day of your just court. Priest: Through the mercy of the son of his own ones, with whom you are blessed, together with all your holy, good and living spirit, now forever and forever.

Today, the temple of Vasily Blessed is again painted "under the brick", as in the XVI century, the initial appearance of the gallery is restored, the inner appearance is restored. Since 1990, worship served here again. The cathedral, at the same time, remains part of the gim, is under the protection of the state and takes tourists every day from around the world.

Deacon: Let's love each other so that we can confess. The priest kisses the holy gifts, speaking. The Lord is my stone, my fortress and my ridder. At this time, it is customary to exchange the kiss of the world. People: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Trinity is one essentially inseparable.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only society of God, born from his father before all centuries. The light of light, the true God of the true God, generated by the wrong, one essence with the Father, whom everything was created. Who for us, people and for our salvation, descended from heaven and embodied in the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became a man. He was crucified for us when Pontiya Pilate. And he rose on the third day, according to Scripture. He grows on the sky and sat down his father. And he will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead.

Cathedral of Vasily blissful brief information.