Waterfall is the heart of rufabgo. Rufabgo waterfalls - descriptions of the waterfalls of the Rufabgo gorge, photographs, routes to the waterfalls. Photos of waterfalls, beautiful pictures of Rufabgo waterfalls.

Y. Nikolaeva and I. Bormotova

"In the land of mountains and waterfalls."

With permission from the authors.

No other place is as popular among tourists as the Rufabgo River gorge with its waterfalls. Hundreds of tourists on crowded trains travel to Hadzhokh on weekends. To take a break from the bustle of the city and everyday life, admire the surrounding beauty, and stock up on energy from the great Nature.

The path, carved by thousands of feet, leads to a huge overhanging rock. Tourists called it “Bring it, Lord!” And this is no coincidence. Under the canopy of the rock is a huge grotto. Here, both in winter and summer, it is always dry and windless. Immediately behind the grotto, a narrow path clinging to the rock leads out into a beech forest filled with freshness and coolness.

The first Rufabgo waterfall can be heard from afar. Dropping from a height of more than 6 meters, the water falls into the lake. This waterfall has the most tourists. The convenient clearing in front of the waterfall was inhabited by people several thousand years ago. Here tourists set up tents, relax, and play volleyball.

The second waterfall is not so big and you can pass it without noticing it. But the third one will stop anyone. A huge block of stone, forged by nature in the shape of a giant heart, blocks the riverbed. On the right side, a narrow stream of water breaks into a picturesque deep gorge. The rocks of the gorge, composed of horizontally lying slabs of limestone, are overgrown with mosses and fill the space with a mysterious echo. Tourists call this waterfall “The Heart of Rufabgo.”

Behind the third waterfall, the gorge widens and an amazing view opens up. From the height of a five-story building, water falls in a narrow and long ribbon. There is a small lake under the waterfall. This waterfall is nicknamed “Lace”.

Many tourists end their tour of the waterfalls here, not realizing that the most beautiful cascade of waterfalls is ahead.

Weekend tours

At the confluence of the Rufabgo and Bachurin streams there is a high rock. On three sides it ends with a monolithic wall. On flat top An ancient fortress was located on the rocks. The remains of fortifications allow us to judge its former inaccessibility. Nearby, at the foot of the cliff, nature has created a pile of huge rocky fragments. Particularly impressive is the Parus rock, covered with a thick carpet of Colchis ivy.

Overcoming piles and labyrinths of boulders, the trail leads to a two-tiered cascade of “Maiden’s Braids” waterfalls. This place is marked by special beauty.

There are no sad people at waterfalls. Here all pressing problems are forgotten. Crystal streams of falling, thundering water carry the cosmic energy of the sun and wind, the coolness of mountain glaciers and the freshness of forests. The waterfalls are beautiful at any time of the year. In summer, penetrated by the rays of the sun, they shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. In spring they are full of water, muddy, and their continuous roar can be heard from afar.

In autumn they are quiet, thoughtful, shallow. The waterfall lakes are covered with fallen golden leaves, creating amazing multi-colored patterns of a mirror kaleidoscope. Winter is the kingdom Snow Queen. Bastions of ice made of huge icicles. Giant crystal organ. Water, pulsating in the ice labyrinths, produces divine sounds of different tones.

The waterfalls of the Meshoko stream and the Aminovsky gorge are no less beautiful. Located in the vicinity of Hadjokh, they are visited much less frequently.

Routes visiting Rufabgo waterfalls

Weekend tours in Adygea- excursion, combined, walking, horseback, jeep tours to the most beautiful places in mountainous Adygea with inspection of the most significant natural monuments
"To the land of mountains and waterfalls" all year round- week tour, one-day tours hiking and excursions combined with comfort (trekking) in the mountain resort of Hadjokh ( Krasnodar region). Tourists stay at the camp site New and visit numerous natural monuments: Rufabgo Waterfalls, Aminovskoe Gorge, Lago-Naki Plateau, Meshoko Gorge, Khadzhokh Pillars, Big Azish Cave, Belaya River Canyon, Dolmen, Guam Gorge. Program without age restrictions

Last year we began to explore Adygea, visited many unusual places, but we didn’t get the chance to visit the Rufabgo waterfalls. But famous waterfalls Rufabgo is one of the main attractions of Adygea and Lago-Naga! This summer we corrected the omission and one wonderful weekend we got together and went to Adygea from Krasnodar specifically to the waterfalls.

How to get to Rufabgo waterfalls from Krasnodar

If you are heading to the waterfalls from Krasnodar, you need to go towards Maykop, in. I wrote in detail about the village, follow the link, read - Kamennomostsky or Khadzhokh are definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in those parts! But if your goal is the Rufabgo waterfalls, the village itself can be left for another time. The entrance to the waterfalls is located about two kilometers from Khadzhokh. There is only one road and there are signs acheter cialis 5mg france. There is a fairly large parking lot at the entrance and ticket office; you can leave your car there. Parking is free.


Entrance fees to Rufabgo Falls

In 2015, prices for the pleasure of seeing the famous waterfalls are as follows:

  • 300 rubles - adult ticket
  • 150 rubles - child ticket (up to 14 years old)

You can also buy magnets, postcards and brochures at the checkout. The ticket office is open from 9 am to evening.

My advice to you is to arrive at 9 o’clock, no later. At this time there are still very few tourists and you can calmly walk along narrow paths, take pictures at places you like, relax right next to waterfalls - there is enough space for everyone in the morning. In addition, in the summer the morning is not yet as hot as it is during the day. And you can easily park your car, there are plenty of places. But around 12 noon, pandemonium begins at the waterfalls - heat, screams, a lot of people at each waterfall. This season is so much fun. In autumn and spring there are, of course, much fewer people.

Our review of Rufabgo waterfalls in Adygea with photos and videos

The waterfalls are truly beautiful! You can see the first of the Rufabgo waterfalls directly from the parking lot. It is considered zero and is called Three Brothers.

Next you need to pay for tickets and cross the bridge over the Belaya River. Everyone is delayed on the bridge. The views there are extraordinary! Rufabgo is a tributary of the Belaya River. And having crossed the bridge along Belaya, we are already walking along the Rufabgo River.

First comes the entertainment spots. There you can eat and drink, buy souvenirs, and go to the toilet.

A few meters later - the first waterfall Rufabgo - Shum. Very a nice place!

And then comes the Heart of Rufabgo. This waterfall is very picturesque. You can sit on the path and spend a few minutes just admiring the natural magic.

The fourth waterfall is the highest of all Rufabgo waterfalls! This is a girl's braid or lace. Its length is about 20 meters. Below is a lake with mountain water. You can swim there. But the water is cool!

The paths to the waterfalls are well made, in some places there are iron stairs with railings, and along the way there are bridges over the river. We went to the waterfalls with our mothers - mine and Maxim's. They endured the walk to the fourth waterfall and back quite easily. There are not four waterfalls in total, but much more. But after the fourth, wild, unequipped trails begin. The daughter really wanted to go further, but we decided that we would go to the last Rufabgo waterfall next time, when we were not such a large group.

If you decide to get to know Adygea, don’t miss Rufabgo! Nearby is Kamennomostsky, and behind the waterfalls is the village of Dakhovskaya, where you can also have a great rest and ride on the first one. In one or two days off you can calmly and without haste visit several attractions of Adygea. And you will definitely enjoy it!

Video of Rufabgo waterfalls

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Rufabgo waterfalls are one of the most famous attractions of Adygea. In general, no, the most famous! In summer, at the entrance to the waterfalls, you can see a huge concentration of buses and cars: all these people come to see the beautiful waterfalls.

It should be noted that entrance to the waterfalls costs 400 rubles per person. Is it a lot or a little? How to look. In principle, it’s not a lot for one person, but if you go as a family: with children, with grandparents, then it’s already a tidy sum. In fact, the entrepreneurs who rented the Rufabgo waterfalls take money for crossing the iron bridge over the Belaya River. This is the shortest route to the Rufabgo waterfalls: right from the road you enter the recreational area.

Waterfall Noise

We walked across the bridge several times, but then we got pretty tired of it. For three years we simply ignored the Rufabgo waterfalls and discouraged everyone from going there for several reasons. Firstly, a huge crowd of people at the waterfalls. Where there are crowds of tourists, it is usually not a very pleasant time. After all, in essence, why do we go to the mountains and hike? In order to be alone with nature, meditate, dream, relax. But how can you relax when you are constantly in a stream of people walking along iron bridges to the waterfalls? It’s even commonplace that in order to take a photo near an attraction, you have to wait in line.

But, I must admit, the waterfalls are really worth seeing at least once. This year we got to the waterfalls in a different way, not through the bridge, like all groups of tourists, but bypassing. I won’t say that this is some kind of secret trail, there is no secrecy in it, the locals know everything about it, the guides know everything about it, and every season people walk along this trail great amount tourists, judging by the good condition it is in. If you have a choice between going across the bridge or taking a detour, don't hesitate to choose the second option. And not only because it’s free, it’s really almost the most interesting part of the route to the Rufabgo waterfalls.

How to get?

The trail begins where the village of Kamennomostsky ends on the banks of the Belaya River. Do you know a parking lot near the Khadzhokh Gorge? You can leave your car here and walk a little further along the streets of the village, which are laid along the White River. We left the car right here, on the very outskirts, but there were few places there, and there were problems with local residents- house owners. And then everything is simple: The path leads along the river, here and there over cliffs, and here and there through a picturesque forest. Along the way there are such cool views that you simply cannot see from other angles. This is both an excellent view of Hadjokh Castle and very convenient sand beach at the entrance to the Khadzhokh Gorge, to which you can go down. I remember this place and liked it the most, even more than the Rufabgo waterfalls. It’s a very beautiful place, just take a look for yourself.

Then meet a few observation platforms to the canyon of the Belaya River and the Una-Koz ridge. Once you will have to ford the Mezmaisky stream, but it is not difficult.

Another cool view: the place where the Mishoko River flows into the Belaya River.

The total length of the trail from the village of Kamennomostsky to the Rufabgo complex is 2 km. From the road to the popular waterfall– Maiden’s Spit – 2.6 kilometers. In total, if you decide to walk not along the bridge, but along the path, you will walk about 10 km in a day. It would be a great walk for the whole day.

What else to see in these places?

1. Khadzhokh pillars. When we were going to the waterfalls, we were struck by the idea, which I must say is not particularly brilliant, to see what else there was interesting in the surrounding area. I was interested in such a landmark as the Khadzhokh Pillars. Before this, I had never seen photographs of the Khadzhokh pillars anywhere on the Internet, although the description said that the place was worthwhile. As often happens, the editors of travel sites have embellished the beauty of this place a little. In order to get to the Khadzhokh pillars, we climbed up the mountain somewhere without a path through branches, through windbreaks, and when, in the end, we were terribly sick of it, we found some stones sticking out of the ground. I didn’t even believe that this could be a landmark, but there was nothing else there, so here they are, the Khadzhokh pillars.

2. Beach on the Belaya River. ABOUT wonderful beach, which goes to the Belaya River, I already wrote above.

Well, there’s also a cave in the area of ​​Rufabgo waterfalls, we haven’t been to it, so just know that it’s there, and you can go there before us.