Organization of water control on a ship. Portable means of combating sea water. Maneuvering a damaged ship

In general, the fight for unsinkability includes two main sets of measures:

1) Elimination of water leakage (fight against water).

2) Restoring stability and straightening the damaged vessel.

Elimination of water leakage is a measure of the crew's struggle for the unsinkability of the vessel under the leadership of the captain in accordance with the ship's operational plans for the struggle for survivability and information about the stability and landing of the vessel.

The general organization of the fight for unsinkability includes the following algorithms of crew actions:

1. Detection of water entering the vessel.

This is possible based on obvious or indirect signs. As a rule, it is not possible to detect obvious signs (water entering through a hole), but by indirect signs it is possible to detect an emergency situation associated with the flooding of a ship (sweating of bulkheads, decks; noise of air escaping through air pipes, measuring pipes, through bulkhead seals of electrical cables ; noise of water entering the compartment; filtration water in the emergency compartments adjacent to it; deflection of bulkheads; dull sound made by a bulkhead or deck when struck by a metal object, etc.).

2. Notification and report.

The first person who notices the indicated obvious or indirect signs of water on the ship must first of all report to the Main Command Post (main command post) by all possible means, using communications, alarms or messengers. Announce "Emergency Alarm" by voice if there are people nearby.

3. Declaration of a general ship alarm.

Having received information about the emergency situation on the ship, the officer in charge of the watch is obliged to declare a general ship alarm with a possible explanation of the area of ​​water inflow.

4. Identification of the location, size and nature of damage.

For this purpose, reconnaissance of the damaged area is carried out (if possible).

The premises are examined to determine the location of water ingress, the scale and nature of damage to the ship’s hull, and the boundaries of the flooded area are established.

In this regard, it is advisable to take into account the classification of holes.

Classification of holes

Repairing any damage to the ship's hull begins with determining the nature of the damage and the degree of danger to the ship, its size, and location relative to the waterline. Holes are classified according to the following criteria:

A) By size:

small holes, including side holes, with an area of ​​0.05 m 2 (diameter 25 cm);

medium holes, as well as other holes, with an area of ​​0.10-0.50 m2;

large holes, including manholes, neck doors with an area of ​​up to 2 m2;

very large holes with an area of ​​more than 2 m 2.

B) According to the nature and degree of danger for the ship:

significant damage (large holes in the underwater part of the vessel - flooding of the compartment within a few seconds or minutes);

minor damage (cracks, fistulas, corrugations - filtration, slow spread of water, damage to systems, violation of the tightness of decks, bulkheads).

B) According to the location of the holes relative to the current waterline:

underwater holes;

surface holes well above the waterline;

surface holes near the waterline.

5. Determination of the amount of water entering the vessel (Table 1).

Table 1

The amount of sea water (m3) entering the vessel compartment through holes of various sizes at various depths in 1 hour

Hole depth m (ft)

Hole area, m2

Small holes

Medium holes

Large holes

A water hole is characterized by two main quantities: the area (size) of the hole and the hydrostatic pressure of water (the distance from the surface of the water to the center of the hole). Based on these values, they judge the possibility of sealing the hole, determine the amount of water that has flowed in and the rate of flooding of the compartment, and also calculate the time during which the emergency room will be filled with water.

The amount of water entering the compartment at constant pressure is determined by the formula:

where Q is the amount of water entering through the hole, m 3 /s;

m - outflow coefficient, taken equal to 0.65-0.75 (for large holes the coefficient values ​​are higher);

u - area of ​​the hole, m 2;

g - gravity acceleration (9.81 m/s 2);

H - depth of the hole center from the water level, m.

With variable pressure, the amount of water entering the compartment is determined by the formula:

where h is the backwater, that is, the distance between the center of the hole and the water level in the compartment, m.

The time it takes for the compartment to flood to the seawater level in minutes can be approximately determined by the formula:

where V is the actual volume of the compartment, m3;

Q is the amount of water entering the compartment, m 3 /s;

K is the permeability coefficient of the compartment.

Permeability coefficients for different rooms are different, but it is generally accepted that:

for rooms occupied by machinery, it is equal to 0.85;

for residential premises - 0.95;

for empty refrigerator holds - 0.98;

for holds with bulk cargo - 0.60;

tanks filled with liquid cargo - 1.0;

double-bottom and side compartments - 0.97;

rooms loaded, for example:

barrels - 0.3;

canned food in boxes - 0.2;

oil in boxes - 0.29;

flour in bags - 0.6.

6. Stopping or limiting the flow of water into the hull and preventing it from spreading throughout the vessel.

Here it is necessary to take into account that it is not initially possible to seal a hole, even a small one, dry, but it is possible to limit the flow of water into the emergency compartment so that drainage equipment can handle the pumping.

Repairing holes or damage on a ship is carried out using emergency supplies available on domestic ships in accordance with the supply sheet. The presence and complete list of such property is determined on ships of the Russian Federation by the requirements of the Register and depends on the type of ship. Emergency equipment is stored at survivability control posts; the distinctive coloring of posts and emergency equipment is blue. The storage conditions for various types of emergency equipment (ASP) must ensure their safety and accessibility; the use of ASR is permitted only for its intended purpose (for training, it is necessary to have training emergency equipment) and, when used, must be replenished at the first port of call to the required standards.

Emergency supplies include:

emergency equipment: sliding stops, jacks, clamps, hook bolts, bolts with swivel heads, valve metal patches, wooden patches with soft sides, universal plugs with three grips, yokes, clamps and other special devices;

emergency materials: wooden plugs, wedges, boards, beams, cement, sand, red lead, industrial fat, tow, nails, staples, liquid glass and other materials specified by the Register requirements and, in addition to them, provided by the ship’s crew;

emergency tools: rigging and plumbing tool kits specified by the Register standards.

In addition, for the temporary sealing of large holes on ships, soft patches are provided; the type of patch for a given vessel is determined by the Register depending on the length of the vessel. The following types of patches are distinguished:

chain mail patch - designed for ships longer than 150 m, has standard dimensions of 4.5x4.5 or 3.0x3.0 m, enhanced strength and pockets for installing stiffeners;

lightweight patch -- designed for ships from 70 to 150 m, standard size 3.0x3.0 m;

stuffed plaster -- intended for ships from 24 to 70 m, standard size 2.0x2.0 m;

training plaster or Makarov plaster - used on all ships as a training plaster, but can be used in necessary cases to seal holes, size 2.0x2.0 m;

wooden patch with soft sides - designed for sealing small and medium-sized holes on flat and slightly curved areas of the plating, standard sizes 55x250x250 mm and 125x400x600 mm; if necessary, wooden patches are made on site directly on board the ship.

Preventing the spread of water into those adjacent to the emergency compartment is ensured by strengthening the strength of bulkheads and decks, that is, reinforcement using emergency timber and sliding metal stops. For this purpose, defense lines are created to combat water (ROV-1 and ROV-2 reserve).

Rice. 1. Installation of defense lines to combat water on a ship: overhead line - waterline; VNP - watertight bulkheads; ROV - line of defense against water

The first line is created along the outer boundaries of watertight bulkheads (Fig. 1), decks and platforms of flooded spaces, the second line is created along the outer boundaries of watertight spaces adjacent to flooded compartments. For ROV-1 it is recommended:

maintain the impermeability of the contour along the boundary line;

reinforce damaged watertight bulkheads, decks, closures;

prepare drainage and drainage means for operation, launching only upon orders from the control center;

establish monitoring of water tightness at the border;

turn off the power supply to equipment that is flooded or at risk of flooding and is not suitable for use under water;

disconnect damaged sections of ship systems pipelines passing through flooded compartments;

report to the State Control Committee on the progress of the fight against water. On ROV-2 it is necessary:

maintain the impermeability of the contour at the boundary line;

install reinforcements on deformed tight closures;

prepare stationary and portable drainage equipment for emergency equipment for immediate action;

remove filter water;

establish monitoring of the state of impermeability of structures at the boundary;

report to the State Control Committee on the progress of the fight against water.

7. Restoring the watertightness of the ship’s hull, its watertight bulkheads, decks, platforms and second bottom.

8. Removal of sea water from the flooded compartment (after sealing the holes) and filtration water from adjacent compartments.

Considering the design of the vessel, it is necessary to use not only drainage means to pump out water, but also use bypass and pumping of water into the lower compartments (hold).

9. Straightening the damaged vessel while maintaining sufficient reserves of buoyancy and stability.

Instructions for preventing accidents and combating the survivability of ships recommend carrying out activities in the following order:

stop moving, flowing or pouring cargo onto the damaged side;

remove water from not completely flooded rooms with large free surfaces located before the accident above the current waterline, or, as an exception, drain it to the lower rooms;

drain the damaged compartment and adjacent rooms after sealing the holes;

move down solid cargo located high, and in exceptional cases remove them overboard;

ballast the vessel.

Liquid cargo should be pumped, if possible, from tanks (tanks) with a larger capacity to tanks with a smaller capacity until they are completely filled. The remainder of the liquid cargo is pumped into tanks symmetrical relative to the centerline of the vessel. In this case, pumping liquid cargo from tanks adjacent to a flooded compartment should be avoided.

To straighten a damaged ship, it is necessary to flood tanks of minimal volume in order to create the required straightening moment, that is, to reduce the list, it is necessary to select the tanks most distant from the centerline plane, and to reduce the trim, those most distant from the midsection. In this case, the lowest bottom tanks should be selected and, first of all, heel and trim tanks should be used, if they are available on the ship.

When straightening the ship, special attention should be paid to the fact that straightening must be carried out only when the damaged ship has positive stability. The roll reduction should be carried out in stages up to 5°, in order to prevent the vessel from rolling over to the other side. Longitudinal straightening (reduction of trim) of a damaged ship should be carried out only in exceptional cases, namely to ensure the propulsion and controllability of the ship, and also if the trim is continuously increasing and there is a danger of immersing the open parts of the deck in water, exposing the propellers and rudder. During longitudinal straightening, it is necessary to monitor the roll angle, preventing it from increasing.

After straightening the damaged vessel, it is necessary to take into account the total amount of water received and estimate the remaining buoyancy reserve.

10. Ensuring the propulsion and controllability of the emergency vessel.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the main and auxiliary engines, rudders and propellers, the ship as a whole, as well as weather.

The set of actions of the crew aimed at maintaining and restoring the buoyancy and stability of the vessel is understood as a struggle for its unsinkability.

Buoyancy is the ability of a vessel to maintain vertical balance in a given position relative to the surface of the water.

Stability is the ability of a ship to return to its original position after the influence of external forces on it ceases.

When one or two adjacent compartments are flooded, each ship must be provided with information on emergency landing and stability of the damaged ship.

The ship's commander must be able to use information, quickly assess the emergency situation and take measures to straighten the ship.

The crew's struggle to ensure the ship's unsinkability should be aimed at: detecting the entry of water into the ship and identifying the locations, sizes, and nature of damage to the hull structure (watertight bulkhead, second bottom, platform and deck);

stopping or limiting the flow of water inside and its distribution throughout the vessel;

removal of water from adjacent compartments, as well as water accumulated during fire extinguishing;

restoration of water resistance of ship hull structures;

restoration of stability, buoyancy and straightening of the vessel;

ensuring the propulsion and controllability of the emergency vessel.

5. The procedure for training the crew in the fight for the survivability of the vessel

Preparation for combating the survivability of a vessel is mandatory for the entire crew and must be carried out taking into account the type and characteristics of the vessel, the type of cargo being transported and the navigation area, in combination with technical training, in accordance with the requirements of service on MRF vessels, this Manual and other guidance documents.

The crew is prepared to fight for the survivability of the vessel according to plans that are drawn up by the first navigator and mechanic for use and approved by the captain. The plan includes classes and training.

The main goal of training is to achieve the proper level of knowledge and training of the crew, ensuring proper organization, coherence, as well as the accuracy and speed of their actions in the qualified use of all means of combating the survivability of the ship and life-saving equipment in difficult emergency circumstances.

Crew preparation for combating survivability must be consistent and include:

study of the structure of the vessel, ship equipment, incl. stationary technical means of combating the survivability of the vessel and emergency and fire-fighting supplies and life-saving equipment;

study of preventive measures to ensure the survivability of the vessel;

studying the organization and methods of fighting water, fires, smoke and steam;

practicing primary measures to combat the survivability of the vessel in accordance with Appendix 7;

training command staff to lead the fight for the survivability of the vessel and practice its interchangeability, practice communication and interaction of the main command post (MCP) with emergency parties, groups and individual posts;

training of interaction and interchangeability of crew members in the fight for the survivability of the vessel;

studying and practicing methods of providing first aid to victims;

studying and practicing responsibilities for all alarms.

Crew preparation for the fight for unsinkability should include:


design features of the vessel and preventive measures to ensure its unsinkability;

documentation on the stability and unsinkability of the vessel (only by command personnel);

working off:

practical skills in making calculations to take measures against capsizing of the vessel due to loss or a sharp decrease in its stability, to maintain a sufficient reserve of buoyancy;

practical skills in reconnaissance of the place where sea water enters the ship and in preventing its spread throughout the ship, as well as in ensuring the watertightness of individual rooms;

practical skills in repairing holes and using emergency supplies;

practical skills of stationary means of combating water; practical skills in strengthening watertight bulkheads and closures;

interaction between crew members when fighting water.

Crew training to fight fires should include:


design features of the vessel and preventive measures to prevent fires and explosions;

organization and methods of fighting fires and smoke;

working off:

practical skills in fire investigation, selection of fire extinguishing agents, preventing the spread and extinguishing of fire;

practical skills in the use of stationary fire fighting equipment;

practical skills in the use of fire fighting equipment;

methods of supplying water and other fire extinguishing agents to fire sites.

Crew preparation to fight for the survivability of ship equipment should include:

study of preventive measures to ensure the survivability of ship equipment, as well as its operational characteristics and interchangeability;

developing practical skills in operating ship equipment under various emergency circumstances, as well as in eliminating its damage;

developing practical skills to ensure the reliability of the electromechanical installation to ensure the propulsion and controllability of the vessel;

studying methods for uninterrupted supply of electricity to consumers;

studying methods and techniques for correcting damaged systems and highways.

Preparation of the crew for the fight for the survivability of the ship should include classes, drills and drills with the maximum use of material (posters, films, property, equipment, etc.), as well as independent training.

The frequency of each type of drill drill is set by the captain depending on the level of training of the crew, but not less than once a month. At the same time, alarms for fighting fires and abandoning the ship on passenger ships Inland and coastal navigation must be carried out at least twice a month, and on passenger ships traveling abroad - weekly.

During drill drills, each lifeboat or rescue boat must descend and maneuver on the water with a crew assigned to it no less than three months later.

In the event of a crew change of more than 25%, drills for fire fighting and abandonment of the ship must be carried out no later than 24 hours after such a change.

The questions set out in paragraph 3.3 are studied in classes and practically practiced in training.

During the training, each crew member must firmly understand that the basis for the success of the fight for the survivability of the vessel is: unconditional implementation of all prescribed measures; everyone has an impeccable knowledge of their alarm responsibilities and the ability to confidently perform them in difficult emergency circumstances; clear interaction between the entire crew. As a result of training, all crew members must acquire reliable skills in confidently, quickly and accurately performing their duties on all ship alarms in difficult emergency circumstances.

All command personnel of the engine crew must be able to start and stop: a diesel generator, a turbogenerator, a motor pump, a fire pump, drainage, drainage, flooding equipment, stationary fire extinguishing systems and other emergency fire-fighting and rescue equipment.

All members of the navigation staff must be able to activate stationary fire extinguishing systems, the launch of which is provided from the wheelhouse or other rooms, except engine rooms.

During training alarms the following are practiced:

organization of observations;

organization of communication and interaction of the State Control Committee, emergency parties, groups and individual posts;

practical skills in the use by emergency parties and groups of means of combating the survivability of a vessel;

organizing the fight for the survivability of the vessel as a whole and processing individual tasks (fighting fire, water, emergency damage, etc.);

ensuring the survivability of the vessel in the event of the most severe emergency damage;

organization and practical use of life-saving equipment;

practical skills in providing medical care.

Drill alerts are announced at the direction of the captain.

The announcement of the type of drill alarm is preceded by the word “training.”

Drill drills should be carried out as close as possible to real emergency conditions and circumstances (in different time days, simulating fire, smoke, water ingress, failure of lighting, ship mechanisms and systems, etc.).

If during training and drills an actual accident occurs or an accident occurs to a person, then all reports and orders are preceded by the word “actually”, which obliges each crew member to accept the report, report or order, not as conditional, but as real, and immediately act on them.

After each drill, the captain conducts a debriefing, during which shortcomings are noted and instructions are given on how to eliminate them. Detailed records of alarms carried out are made in the ship's log. If the alarm was not carried out within the time limits specified in clause 3.8, or was carried out incompletely (without launching the boat, supplying water to the fire system, actual use of fire extinguishers, etc.), the reason for this is indicated in the ship's log. An overdue alarm must be carried out as soon as possible.

3.6.1. The crew's struggle to ensure the ship's unsinkability is carried out under the leadership of the captain in accordance with the Information on emergency stability and landing of the ship and includes the following actions of the crew:
detecting the entry of water into the vessel and identifying the location, size and nature of damage to the vessel’s hull, watertight bulkheads, second bottom, platforms and decks; determining the amount of water entering the vessel per unit of time (approximately these data can be obtained from the table in Appendix 15);
stopping or limiting the flow of water into the hull and preventing its spread throughout the vessel;
restoration of the watertightness of the ship's hull, its watertight bulkheads, decks, platforms and second bottom;
removal of sea water from the flooded compartment and filtration water from adjacent compartments;
straightening the damaged vessel while maintaining sufficient reserves of buoyancy and stability;
ensuring the propulsion and controllability of the emergency vessel.

3.6.2. After receiving a signal or report about the entry of water into the ship, the officer in charge of the watch is obliged to immediately declare a general ship alarm, upon the signal of which the ship's crew must act in accordance with the alarm schedule.

3.6.3. Upon a general ship alarm, the heads of emergency parties (groups) are obliged to:
arrive in the area of ​​the accident and report to the State Control Committee on the readiness of the party (group) to fight for the survivability of the vessel;
establish the location, nature and extent of damage;
allocate the required number of people and means to combat water and determine their actions;
organize the removal of victims from the emergency compartment and provide assistance to them;
seal the emergency compartment;
organize an inspection of the compartments adjacent to the emergency one, and, if necessary, give instructions on ensuring the watertightness of bulkheads and closures and on their reinforcement;
report on the results of reconnaissance and the actions of the emergency party to the command post.

3.6.4. When inspecting a compartment in the area of ​​damage and adjacent rooms, the head of the emergency party prohibits opening watertight closures or loosening their fastenings until he is sure that this will not lead to the spread of water throughout the ship.

3.6.5. The presence of water in the emergency compartment or room can be checked by starting up the drainage system.
The noise of air escaping through the air and measuring pipes, the dull sound made by a bulkhead, deck, or second bottom when struck by a metal object, sweating of bulkheads, decks, or second bottom platforms also indicate the presence of water in the emergency compartment.

3.6.6. When fighting the flow of water, it is necessary:
strive to limit its spread throughout the ship; in this case, the fight should begin from the outer borders of the flooded areas, concentrating the main forces and resources on premises that are vital for the ship;
take measures to repair damage to the hull;
establish constant monitoring of the strength and watertightness of bulkheads from adjacent compartments and, if necessary, reinforce them and eliminate water leaks.

3.6.7. After stopping the flow of water into the vessel, you must: carefully check the sealing of the holes and, if necessary, reinforce it; establish surveillance of the emergency compartment and adjacent rooms, and, if necessary, set up a special watch in the most important of them; take measures to remove seawater from the vessel that entered during the accident.

3.6.8. It is recommended to reinforce watertight bulkheads, decks, platforms and the second bottom in case of dangerous flooding of the compartment, significant bulges in the metal of the bulkheads, platforms and second bottom flooring, as well as when signs of seam divergence and weakening of rivets are detected.

3.6.9. To prevent buckling or destruction of reinforced bulkheads, decks, platforms, second bottom flooring and closures, supporting places for support should be selected on their set by opening the plating and insulation.
To prevent damage to watertightness or a decrease in strength, it is prohibited to straighten residual deformations caused by watertight bulkheads, decks, platforms, second bottom flooring and covers using supports or jacks.
Reinforced watertight bulkheads, decks, platforms and enclosures should be continuously monitored.

3.6.10. To drain a flooded compartment, you must use everything, including portable drainage equipment, available on the ship.

3.6.11. The actual condition of the damaged vessel is determined by the captain. If there is a threat of capsizing of the vessel due to insufficient stability or its flooding due to the exhaustion of the reserve buoyancy, the captain of the vessel is obliged to take measures to ground the vessel.

3.6.12. The main measure to increase the emergency buoyancy of a vessel is pumping out liquid cargo from undamaged tanks (cisterns). If emergency stability is insufficient or its reduction is inadmissible, pumping is permitted only from tanks (tanks) located above the vessel’s center of gravity.

3.6.13. The main measures to increase the emergency stability of the vessel are:
pumping out liquid cargo from high-lying undamaged tanks (cisterns);
receiving water ballast into low-lying tanks (cisterns) when the emergency buoyancy reserve is sufficient;
pressing of undamaged filled tanks to eliminate free surfaces in them;
ensuring rapid removal of water from ship decks.

3.6.14. Restoring stability and straightening the damaged vessel is carried out only on the instructions of the captain.

3.6.15. In the process of fighting for unsinkability, the captain is obliged to control the reserve of stability and buoyancy, monitor changes in the vessel's draft and freeboard height, and also take into account the amount of water entering the vessel. In this case, the captain must be guided by the principle that the most important thing in the fight for the unsinkability of the ship is to restore its stability and reduce the roll and trim to a minimum.

3.6.16. The stability of the vessel should be considered insufficient in the following cases:
the vessel does not meet the standards of the USSR Register based on the results of calculations in accordance with the Information on the stability of the vessel for the captain;
when the rudder is shifted while moving, the vessel rolls from side to side and does not straighten when the rudder is brought to the “straight rudder” position
the ship, which had a constant list on one side, suddenly overturned and received a constant list on the other side;
when the flooding of the premises is symmetrical relative to the center plane, the list of the damaged vessel exceeds 5°.

3.6.17. When carrying out measures to straighten a damaged ship, it is prohibited to carry out any work until its actual stability is determined.

3.6.18. It is recommended to straighten the damaged vessel and increase stability in the following order:
stop moving, flowing or pouring cargo onto the damaged side;
remove water from not completely flooded large rooms located above the current waterline before the accident with the ship;
remove overboard the water that was present in the premises located before the accident with the vessel above the current waterline, or, as an exception, drain it into the premises located below;
drain the damaged compartment and adjacent rooms after sealing the holes;
pump liquid cargo into bottom tanks (tanks), and in exceptional cases remove them overboard;
move down solid cargo located high, and in exceptional cases remove them overboard;
ballast the vessel.

3.6.19. Pumping liquid cargo (fuel, water and oil) from double-bottom tanks (tanks) to side tanks is permitted only with sufficient initial stability emergency ship. Liquid cargo should be pumped, if possible, from tanks with a larger capacity to tanks with a smaller capacity until they are completely filled. The remainder of the liquid cargo is pumped into tanks (tanks), symmetrical relative to the centerline of the vessel. In this case, pumping liquid cargo from tanks (tanks) adjacent to the flooded compartment should be avoided.

3.6.20. To straighten a damaged ship, tanks (cisterns) of minimum volumes should be flooded in order to create the required straightening moment, i.e., to reduce the roll, it is necessary to select tanks (tanks) that are most distant from the centerline plane, and to reduce trim, those that are furthest from the midsection must be selected. In this case, the lowest bottom tanks should be selected, even if they are less distant from the center plane than the side tanks. First of all, heel and trim tanks should be flooded, if they are present on the ship.

3.6.21. When straightening the ship, special attention should be paid to the fact that pumping and pumping of liquid cargo and ballasting of tanks is permitted only during flooding with sufficient positive stability. In case of flooding, leading to a small positive metacentric height, it is necessary to first take measures to improve emergency stability, and then begin to straighten the vessel.
In doing so, you should know the following:
tanks (cisterns) must be filled and drained completely; receiving ballast or pumping liquid cargo is carried out simultaneously with only one pair of tanks;
The roll should not be reduced immediately, but in stages.

3.6.22. Transverse straightening of the damaged vessel should be stopped when the list decreases to 5° in order to prevent the vessel from rolling over to the other side with an even greater list.

3.6.23. Longitudinal straightening of a damaged ship should be carried out only in exceptional cases, namely, to ensure the propulsion and controllability of the ship, and also if the trim continuously increases and there is a danger of immersing the open parts of the deck in the water, exposing the propellers and rudder. During longitudinal straightening, it is necessary to monitor the roll, preventing it from increasing.

3.6.24. After straightening the damaged vessel, it is necessary to take into account the total amount of water received and estimate the remaining buoyancy reserve. If there is a possibility of further increasing its stability, then this should be done.

3.6.25. When sailing a vessel with a constant list remaining after straightening, it is necessary:
block the highways connecting tanks (tanks) located on different sides and in different compartments;
use liquid cargo only from tanks (cisterns) on the banked side;
to prevent exposure of water, fuel and oil receivers, do not allow the liquid level in tanks (tanks) to drop to a dangerous level;
carefully monitor the water level in operating boilers, avoiding exposing the tubes and preventing water from entering the steam lines;
Carefully monitor pumps with seawater intakes located close to the waterline.


I. Structural support for unsinkability.

Unsinkability is the ability of a vessel, after filling part of the premises with water, to remain afloat and maintain stability, as well as a certain reserve of buoyancy.

On modern ships, the flow of water is limited by metal bulkheads running from side to side and along the side. These bulkheads extend from the keel to the main deck. The length of the compartments is determined by the condition that the ship does not sink when one or more compartments are filled.

II. Classification of holes in the ship's hull.

The causes of damage to the ship's hull can be: grounding, ship collisions, ship pile-ups on other ships and coastal structures, ice damage (impact on an ice floe, ice compression), weakening of the hull due to local overloads (storm conditions), hydrodynamic impacts of the bow on the water (slamming), combat damage (war).

Damage to the hull is classified according to a number of characteristics: location, nature, size.

Based on their location relative to the waterline, they are distinguished: underwater damage, surface damage, partially underwater damage, partially surface damage. The most dangerous underwater holes are because... Through them, water enters the housing most intensively. Holes can have different shapes and different sizes. The edges of the hole are usually torn and bent; the edges can be bent both inward and outward.

Classification of hole sizes:

a. Small – up to 0.05 m²;

b. Average - up to 0.2 m²;

c. Large - up to 2.0 m²;

d. Very large – more than 2.0 m²;

In addition to holes, damage can include loose seams, cracks, holes from dropped rivets, dents, and corrugations.

III. Tactics and organization of combating water entering the ship's hull.

The crew's struggle for unsinkability is led by the ship's captain. It includes a set of measures aimed at maintaining and restoring the necessary stability and reserve buoyancy, as well as leveling the roll and trim to values ​​that ensure the ship's progress and controllability.

In the event of a general ship alarm, the following measures are taken: watertight doors that have a remote drive from the bridge are sealed; closures marked “P” (order) and “T” (alarm) and portholes; prepare stationary drainage systems for immediate action; concentrate emergency property in the area of ​​the accident; emergency parties send reconnaissance teams to establish the exact location, extent and nature of the damage.

After the actual situation in the area of ​​the accident has been established, emergency parties immediately begin to combat the influx of water and its spread throughout the ship. A liaison is sent to the bridge with a report to the captain. During the struggle to make a ship unsinkable, the main attention is paid to ensuring stability and limiting the spread of water. The main forces and resources are concentrated on compartments that have significant volumes and free water levels, and are also vital for the vessel. It is necessary to restore stability, level out roll and trim only with such measures, the implementation of which can be suspended at any time.

Measures to increase stability should not lead to a decrease in buoyancy below the permissible level.

Measures to increase stability:

1. removing water from tanks and cisterns located above the waterline;

2. removal of water from premises adjacent to the emergency;

3. draining flooded compartments after filling the hole;

4. pumping liquid cargo into double-bottom compartments;

5. removal overboard or transfer downward of high-lying solid cargo;

6. filling ballast tanks;

7. flooding or draining the compartments in order to level the roll and trim.

If the actual stability of the ship cannot be determined, it must be considered small or negative, When:

1. tanks or premises with incomplete flooding large area;

2. the presence of empty double-bottom tanks with filled compartments located above;

3. while underway, when the rudder is shifted, the ship rolls from side to side;

4. The ship's roll suddenly changes from one side to the other.

To level the list and trim of the vessel, tanks designed for this purpose are used. The trim is adjusted only to ensure greater speed and controllability.

V. Means and methods for sealing holes.

To eliminate water leakage of the hull and various damages, ships are supplied with emergency equipment and materials. The name and minimum quantity of salvage property are established by the standards of the Register of the Russian Federation, depending on the length and purpose of the vessel. Emergency supplies include: patches with rigging and equipment; plumbing and rigging tools; clamps, bolts, stops, staples, nuts, nails, canvas, felt, cement, sand, wooden beams, wedges, plugs, etc. On large-tonnage vessels, in addition, there is light diving equipment and electric welding equipment. All specified supplies must be stored at emergency posts. There must be at least two such posts on the ship and one must be in the MCO. On navy soft plasters of 4 types are used: chainmail, lightweight, stuffed, training. The most durable of them is chain mail.

The patches are applied to the hole as follows:

The boundaries of the hole are first marked on the deck with chalk. Then the patch with the equipment is brought to the place of work. At the same time, they begin to wind the under-keel ends. The butt ends are placed on both sides of the hole. Using staples, the heel ends are attached to the lower corners of the patch, and the sheets and control rod are attached to its upper luff. Then, on the opposite side, they begin to select the under-keel ends with hoists or a winch, and at the same time, the sheets are pulled until the control rod shows that the patch has been lowered to the specified depth. The sheets and keel ends, stretched at the required angle and selected tightly, are attached to bollards or cleats. The adherence of the patch to the damaged area is considered satisfactory if the ship's drainage systems are able to remove water from the flooded compartment.

Use of emergency supplies.

Beams, boards, wedges, nails, construction staples are used for temporary reinforcement of waterproof ceilings and for the manufacture of formwork when concreting holes.

Canvas, resin tow, red lead, technical fat can be used to seal cracks and loose seams in the sheathing.

Small pine plugs (except for porthole plugs) are used to seal small round holes, holes from fallen rivets and to plug damaged pipelines. In addition, boards, canvas, felt, rubber sheets, tow, special bolts, nuts and washers are used for the manufacture and placement of hard patches-shields over the hole.

Quick-setting cement, natural sand and hardening accelerators are used to prepare concrete to seal holes and other damage to the body.


2. MK "SOLOS-73/78"

3. “Life safety on a sea vessel” - Transport 2000 (Moscow)

The fight for the survivability of the vessel must include preparation, boarding, survival, signals and communications. Five aspects make it possible to create a complete rescue system. Ship life-saving equipment is an important measure to protect the life and safety of personnel on board. The operation of life-saving equipment must comply with relevant conventions, regulations and agreement requirements.

Ship hull structure - protection systems

The structure of a ship's hull is the most important factor in shipbuilding. This is also a key area where any tool requires more adaptation as the structure represents unique challenges for the shipbuilding industry. There are now dedicated solutions that allow designers to capture the entire design space and reuse knowledge and design. This significantly reduces the time required to design similar vessels.

Since not all structural parts of a ship's hull are standard, the programs provide efficient, interactive tools for creating individual parts. Copy and paste allows you to reuse existing design components to quickly complete detailing. These stages may include variables such as:

  • profiles in front of body bends;
  • before the ship rolls;
  • degree of heating of individual components.

For other work, for example, cutting, a separate range of possibilities is provided so that the work is carried out according to the prototype of the designed object.

  1. On the center line of the lower structure is the keel, which is often said to form the base of the ship. This contributes significantly to the longitudinal strength and effectively distributes the local load encountered when the vessel is docked.
  2. The most common form of keel is what is called a "flat plate" keel, and is found on most oceangoing and other vessels.
  3. The keel shape used on smaller vessels is the keel bar. It can be installed in trawlers, tugs, and also on small ferries.
  4. Where grounding is possible, this type of mechanism is suitable for massive sweeps, but there is always the problem of increasing thrust without additional lifting capacity.

Channel keels are provided in double bottom vessels. They originate from the front partition of the engine room and are aimed at collision protection, used for laying double bottom piping.

The hull requires a plate in the bottom every 3.05 m and a frame every meter. For each bottom layer, 3 frames are used. They are attached to the transverse corner of the iron joint. For a peak tank stern rig or collision baffle frame, the maximum frame spacing is 0.61 m. Additionally, for a ship sight, the maximum frame spacing is 700 mm (this helps prevent damage due to collision). There is also a metal frame under the engine. The keel plate is made from a heavier section of plate and has tapered ends so that it can be welded to the normal hull cover. The space is not wasted, but is used to transport petroleum fuel and fresh water, which are necessary for the ship, as well as to provide ballast power. All structural elements of the vessel are designed according to earlier developments.

The minimum depth of a double bottom on a vessel will depend on the classification requirement for the depth of the center beam. Ballast cylinders are usually supplied straight forward and aft for trimming purposes and the depth of the double bottom can be increased in these parts if required. In addition to the other rooms, the depth of the double bottom is also increased to accommodate the use of lubricating oil and fuel oil. An increase in the height of the internal bottom always occurs with a gradual narrowing in the longitudinal direction, without sharp breaks in the structure.

Ship design - how to avoid sinking if something goes wrong?

The unsinkability of a ship depends on the choice of design and the correct assembly of parts. No matter how easy it is to create drawings, in reality there are always difficulties and controversial issues at the testing stage:

  1. Double bottoms can be framed longitudinally or transversely, but where the length of the vessel exceeds 120 m, it is considered appropriate to use longitudinal framing. The explanation for this is that with longer ship testing and experience it has been shown that the inner lower shell tends to fail if welded transverse framing is adopted. This bending occurs as a result of longitudinal bending of the housing, but can be avoided by galvanizing in the longitudinal direction.
  2. Vertical transverse tile floors are provided where the bottom is framed transversely and longitudinally. At the ends of the lower tanks and under the main bulkheads, watertight or sealed to cover any openings in the slab floor, welds are placed around any members that pass through the floors.
  3. Elsewhere, “solid slab bottoms” are installed to strengthen the bottom laterally and support the internal bottom.

The bracket floor consists of short cross-plates installed on the side of the central beam and the tank. Shell cladding forms the waterproof skin of the vessel and at the same time, in merchant ship construction, contributes to longitudinal strength and resists vertical shear forces. The internal reinforcement of the shell skin can be either transverse or longitudinal. It is designed to prevent the pavement from collapsing under the various loads to which it is subjected.

Additional reinforcement is provided in the front peak structure, with the transverse lateral reinforcement supported by any or a combination of the following:

  1. Stringers placed vertically 2 m apart, supported by posts or beams mounted on alternative frames. These elements are connected by brackets to the frames.
  2. Perforated devices located at a distance of no more than 2.5 m from each other. The perforation area is at least 10 percent of the substrate area.
  3. In the rear and lower holds of deep tank spaces, tension members are installed in accordance with each stringer or perforated plane in the foreground, extending 15 percent of the length of the vessel in the forward section.

The anchoring equipment installed on most vessels consists of two matched units, offering a degree of redundancy. These units consist of an anchor, a chain, a plaster or chain hoist wheel, a brake, a hoist motor, and various chain stoppers. When not in use, the chain is stowed in a locker; wire systems are stowed on the drum in the same way as winches. A false bottom is installed in a chain locker consisting of a perforated plate. This allows water and dirt to be removed from the space, acting as a lifesaver on the vessel. The end of the chain is attached to the body with a quick release mechanism.

Fire - the most common causes

The risk of fire on board a ship cannot be eliminated, but its consequences will be significantly reduced if the recommendations are faithfully followed. Rules fire safety on ships, this is the first thing the crew and people at risk are taught. Brief instructions can also be given to passengers before evacuation if there is a real threat to life.

  1. Usually the fire can be easily extinguished within the first few minutes. Prompt and correct action is required.
  2. The alarm must be raised immediately. If the ship is in port, the local fire department should be called. If possible, an attempt should be made to extinguish or limit the fire by any suitable means - portable fire extinguishers or oil filters.
  3. Ship personnel should be aware of the use of different types of fire extinguisher and their suitability for different types of fire.
  4. Water extinguishers should not be used on oil or electrical fires, and foam extinguishers should not be used on electrical fires.
  5. Openings to the space should be closed to reduce the flow of air into the fire area.
  6. Any fuel lines that cause fire or are at risk are isolated.

If practical, combustible materials adjacent to the fire should be removed. Boundary cooling of adjacent compartments must also be taken into account and temperatures must be controlled if spaces are otherwise inaccessible. Once the fire has been extinguished, precautions should be taken to prevent it from spontaneously igniting. Seafarers should not re-enter an area where a fire has occurred without using breathing apparatus until ventilation has been established. Such methods of extinguishing fires on ships are used wherever there is a threat to human life and health.

What is the main problem of sinking ships?

Fires are not as scary for ships as the possibility of running aground. This collision with land is dangerous, but it is possible to get out, not to mention the glaciers. On the other hand, the most terrible thing is the possibility of sinking the ship. How does the calculation of “dexterity and maneuverability” happen, and why are architectures not always confident in the reliability of ships? The struggle for the survivability of a ship involves physics and mechanics, but do not forget about precautions, because using the example of the Titanic, which was declared as the most unsinkable ship, several errors can be identified.

At an altitude of almost 275 meters with a total weight of about 42,000 metric tons, the Titanic was the largest ship ever built at the time. At its bottom there were 16 large waterproof compartments that could be closed in the event of a puncture in the hull. However, the luxury liner sank less than three hours after colliding with a massive iceberg in North Atlantic, despite some estimates that it should have remained afloat for three days after the accident.

The watertight compartments turned out to be a fatal design flaw, which James Cameron famously illustrated at the beginning of his 1997 film about a fateful April night in 1912. Then the Titanic sank, taking more than half of its 2,200 passengers. ice shackles. A 90-meter "wound" in the Titanic's hull caused the ship to fill with water, flooding six compartments.

When enough water entered the hull breach, the ship turned at an angle, causing some of the water to flow into the compartments at the front of the ship. But according to the architectural schedule and drawing, they should have remained “dry”. If the partitions were higher, the water rushing into the hull could be distributed more evenly, giving passengers more time to escape. Who would have thought that the ship would tilt, because no calculations were made at that moment. Before being “launched,” the ship underwent testing, where compartments filled with water were blown up. The ship spent 2.5 months on the water, after which it returned to port. This is what let the creator down.

Equipment on ships - what is it intended for?

As mentioned above, dealing with water entering the ship's hull compartments is not a problem if you know how to eliminate it. Drying devices are used that “fix” the flow of water into the housing, which saves time for its elimination. Otherwise, patches are used, which need to be applied and the puncture site dried. Next, there is a struggle for non-emergency compartments of the ship. On the fishing ship, soft and hard patches are used.

The first include:

  • chain mail;
  • lightweight;
  • stuffed;
  • training patches.

The latter take the form of housings, which makes it easier to work with water plugs. Semi-rigid patches that can take the shape of a cylindrical surface:

  • rake patch-mattress;
  • curtain and flexible patches - they are equipped with soft sides.

Hard ones include:

  • wooden plasters with soft sides;
  • patches with metal valves;
  • patches with a clamping bolt.

The rules established a process for using only two types of mechanisms to save a ship. If they fail, then nothing else will help save the ship. Then comes the organization of the crew’s struggle for the survivability of the ship, and only then do they save people.

Emergency equipment: rescuing drowning people is a matter for the crew

When it makes sense to escape, urgent security measures and evacuation of people are applied. Rescue operations are carried out directly by the crew. Diving work is being carried out to seal the intake openings, and water is also being pumped out of the ship’s hull using mobile drainage equipment. All equipment must be available and in good condition on board in order to fight for the survivability of the vessel.

Communication with land - signals and warnings

When it makes sense to involve additional rescue measures, it is recommended to resort to various alarm mechanisms. Each ship has devices for sending SOS signals. This is a universal method of attracting attention from sailors and others. Fire in the form of fireworks or flames is launched from a vessel to air Transport and the ships in the neighborhood saw him.

Radio communication on a ship - how does it work?

Radio technology is also used among ships. If it does not work, then the SOS signal is activated. This is a last resort. In other cases, the ship's captain communicates via radio with towers and lighthouses to transmit a signal for help. Flashlights, flashes, and bright lights are also used. The SOS notification must be of the correct form - straight lines and sharp corners, which are not found in nature, and, therefore, will be noticeable faster.

Ship collision rescue

When a ship collides with ice blocks, the same rescue operations are used. They are suitable when it is possible to dive under water. If the ship is sailing in cold waters, then there are protective suits on deck. Ultimately, the crew and passengers are evacuated by lifeboats and boats. The struggle for the survivability of the vessel stops, a distress signal is transmitted.

Evacuation from ships - what should be done first?

Since it is quite difficult to get people off the ship, you first need to make sure that all measures are in place to carry out rescue operations. First, the “holes” in the body are blocked, which saves time to free people. At the same time, the ship's emergency supplies are carefully checked, which can help save a few extra hours before the rescue team arrives. Apply:

  • tow pillows;
  • stuffed mat;
  • sliding stops;
  • clamps and special bolts;
  • beams and boards;
  • wedges and plugs;
  • cement;
  • liquid glass, sand, red lead;
  • canvas, felt, tow, nails, staples, wire, sheet rubber.

Only after using all the equipment for its intended purpose can we talk about saving people. Otherwise, time will be wasted, and the ship will sink faster than expected in terms of the architectural drawing.