Japanese village of Ainocar. Valley of the gingerbread houses. Japanese Russian village Japanese villages

I could see the whole month in Japan in one place, and stay as satisfied. But I decided: if you travel, it is necessary to plan everything so that the trip was the most diverse. Therefore, in my route and was such a: first, it is mountains, secondly, it is Gassno at home. From such, it was possible to go back to several places, for example, in the famous village of Shiracawago and the largest rope road in the world, but bus routes turned out to be refreshingly expensive. Of course, I was aware of Japanese prices for trains, they scare, but there are ways to save, and there are no ways to save on buses. Ticket there and back to the route, which lasts only an hour, costs 5000 yen. Kid cableway, More precisely, for the sake of the species, with it opening, I would pay so much plus about so much for the tickets to the road itself, but it was closed on the annual inspection of exactly those 5 days that I was in such a day, literally day.

Therefore, I had to be satisfied with the walks on the wrong one and the local village of Gassno, more precisely the museum, which was done by its motives, collecting all old houses on one territory. The name "Gassno" comes from the word denoting the hands folded in prayer. Those. In Nepali, it can be said that this is Namasthe \u003d) the reasons for the choice of such a form are not religious, just in this region of Japan in the winter falls a lot of snow.

All these houses were built during the Edo period, which means that they can be from 400 to 150 years. Wow! Something, of course, was weakened, but it's vseravno, it's hard to believe that a simple tree could simply have so much.

Spring, icicles on the roof.

Each house belonged to some family, and so called and called. You can wander inside and visit different rooms.

There is mostly very dark, and I have a camera without an outbreak, so only one photo.

You can wander among the trees and feel in ancient Japan. I still additionally catch Flashback Indonesia and Bakak houses on Lake Toba. I traveled all these mountains South-East Asia And collected in his mind a collection of what I like in every country most of all. And then I came to Japan and I found it all here. Even improved my favorite houses for winter! And the lake here is also there, the truth is small.

Pure truth about a lot of snow. On the street mid-April, and still how much!

Straw roofs.

And again icicles on the roofs.

How beautiful here!

The structure of the Japanese village is completely saved. There is also the temple at the very top, and the old statues of Buddha in the front.

And other religious facilities.

There are gardens.

Shed for firewood.


And the cast iron kettle is sleeping on coals.

If it were not for the lack of people, museum exposures and signs on every corner, it would be possible to imagine that I got into the distant past.

It is possible to take pictures in clothes near the cart, and for free, but wander in a costume around the village, probably already it is impossible.

Museum of dolls. These dolls put at the entrance to the houses in which there were children-girls, in order to grow well and were healthy. The doll was not one, but a whole set. Dolls for this museum presented local residents.

Sudden Retro Hightec. Something souvenir for tourists.

Today I will completely get a beauty, because Immediately after the village, I still rose to the top of the mountain. At neat steps.

Okay, I will not exaggerate. And on the road, in the snow, I had to wade, and on the forest trail.

But in the most dangerous and complex places there were all the steps, and the railing. This is a Japanese care for neighbor and love for details.

Handsomely. And the bench to admire this beauty is.

Something like this.

Or without unnecessary objects in the frame.

It would be possible to take a walk in different small tracks to get back in several temples, but snow dumps on the road and total emptiness caused certain doubts about me. And my sneakers are already wicked, despite the whole Japanese care for the near.

To return here with good shoes, a bike and a bunch of time to wander and ride and ride. Mountains in Japan are not worse than the Himalayas.

It is believed that Japan is the richest country of the winning Heytec and the whole life of the Japanese consists of steep gadgets, erotic comics and cartoon anime. I had the opportunity to spend a day in a traditional Japanese house in a deaf (by local standards) village in 50km from Osaka. Around rice fields, wooded hills, peasant houses and electric train, running every 15 minutes. In such places, life seemed to froze in the seventies: young people do not want to live in the village and moves to the city, and the old people gradually die. Agriculture has long been unprofitable against the background of a rapidly developing high-tech industry, a couple of decades will take place and what I will tell will turn further into the possession of history. So, listen and see how simple Japanese live in a regular village -

The station is located about a kilometer from the house of our friends, where I hold the way. In childhood, when my grandfather had a garden near Sverdlovsk, I also fought Patzanensky from the train to the house. Is that in the Soviet village did not know what the asphalt and sewage is, and everything is civilized here -

In the mass of its good rural houses -

A small poisonous monster was seen the size of the palm, called the phalanx -

Pay attention to the fire hatch -

House of our familiar Japanese and an unexpected telescope at the entrance -

Do you know what you mean these flags with carpos at the entrance? In Japan, there is a holiday, the day of boys, in honor of this hangs flags in every home where there are boys. The idea is such that carp is strong and knows how to swim against the current, at any cost to achieve the goal -

On the wall traces from a recent earthquake -

At the entrance, the Japanese shoes take off. I remember a stupid habit in the same Israel to enter the house from the street, without removing shoes. And all do not care that there may be children in the house, they are crawling on the floor and collect all the dirt and infection on themselves.

Kitchen, she is a living room -

The assembly over the crane is just a titanium warming water. Nearby, on the left, rice cooker is a mandatory gadget in any Japanese house, because rice is the main ingredient in any Japanese meal.

On the refrigerator, a map of shelters, where to run in case of earthquakes, or floods -

The whole adware scheme, how to discard garbage. For example, if you have a homemade favorite, some cat and he died - you can not go and bury him in the forest. You are obliged to cause sanitary service, which will take the damned body and utilizes it to avoid the spread of infections, and it will cost you 3000 yen (about 30 dollars), the corresponding picture in the lower right corner -

Schedule when and how garbage throwing out. For example, old furniture you can't just drag to the trash can, you should call the mayor and they will come specifically and take a large garbage. Also, not every day you can throw away the glass floor, but only 1-2 days a week. Violate the rules - you are fingered, and the neighbors will definitely report you that they say, this Gaidzin (foreigner) in the wrong day threw the glass floor in the paper trash.

Do you know what kind of an ancient gadget at the bottom?

Living room, here are sitting on the floor, as you understand -

The whole house is one common space where sliding doors. If you push everything as possible, then you are in one big room. But in the evening the house returns to its original three-bedroom condition. Pay attention to the children's railway -

In winter, the Japanese are warmed from kerosene (!) Heater. Temperatures in these places are lowered to zero degrees and without heating not to live, but there is no centralized heat supply -

Mansard, on which rabbits live -

By the way, rabbits are not at all for food, they are here Family Family -

Do you know what kind of wall plate? Who guesses?

Traditional bathroom and sad traces of a recent earthquake -

Well, respectively, restroom -

Storeroom, where washing and drying machines are located -

Also, on the street there is again a kerosene water heater for the shower, and the tank with flammable is slightly right below -

Little kindergarten in the backyard -

Right next to the house, literally at five meters the train passes. But you know what? There is noise, but minimal, in Japan with these things strictly. Nevertheless, in the morning I heard through the sleep of the rushing train. Local has long been accustomed to and do not soar on this account -

An hour later, I sit on one of these train and I am leaving to Kansai Airport in Osaka, Taiwan is waiting for me -

Well, lunch on the road and the road -

This is how the Japanese village looks like. Somewhere people live a little richer, somewhere poorer, this is a kind of averaged level. Probably, you represented Japanese life somewhat differently, but remember the saying "Do not confuse tourism with emigration." Let's say in the villages a lot of empty houses, whose owners died and they have no heirs. So stand in abandoned years and decades, no one needs real estate in such places. Here is a neighboring house, whose owners have long been alive -

Old letters in the mailbox -

Overgrown with moss bottles of beer -

Here the dofiga of their problems that the Japanese simply do not like to endure out of their society, unlike us with you, asked the whole world with complaints about our grievous life.

p.S. And you know, thanks to whom I got to Korea and Japan? But thanks these guys.

p.S 2. Since not all readers have an account in LiveJournal, I duplicate all my articles about life and travel in social networksSo join:

Japanese national House

I was somehow in the ethnographic museum under open sky Near Riga, in a picturesque place on the shore of Lake Yuglas, Latvian traditional houses, ancient mill, barns and other buildings are located. It is very interesting and informative to see, but in a similar ethnographic village in Russia never, I do not even know - is there such. If where there is, there should be two types of traditional Russian homes for completeness there. The fact is that the Russians as an ethnos have developed from two nations - Severorus and South Russian, they differ ethnographically, linguistically, genetically - they have different talk, folk costume, and other, Russian epics, for example, the fruit of the memory of Seversorus, and the Russian bath - invention Northern Rus. Even the dwelling is distinguished, in southern Russian regions - a manor type, and in the north of the house and the housekeeping were built under the same roof. The Japanese traditional house is little similar to the Russian, collected from the logs, in Japan built houses of a frame type, the walls were not supporting, but the wooden columns and crossbars, which were connected without using nails, formed the skeleton of the house, they were the carrier elements of such a house. But according to the type of planning, the Japanese dwelling can be compared with the Seversky - here, too, the residential part of the house and the housekeeping were erected under one roof. About the traditional Japanese house I want to tell.

In the country ascending sun The National House was the housing of farmers, artisans and merchants, that is, all major castes, excluding samurai, built it in several traditional styles based on geographical and climatic conditions, as well as the lifestyle of local residents. Most of these houses usually fall into one of the two main categories - farming houses and country houses, there are also subclasses of styles, such as houses in fishing villages. Such folk houses have survived to this day, now they are considered historical sights. In Japan, there are open-air museums, such as Nihon Minka-en (Nihon Minka-EN) in Kawasaki. Houses built in Gassu-Tukuri style have been preserved in two villages in Central Japan - Siracawa in Gifu and Gokaya Prefecture in Toyama Prefecture.

Two villages, Siracawa and Gokaya, the pearls of the Japanese archipelago, the value for the Japanese these houses can be compared with Kizhi for the Russians. By the way, do not everyone know what the village is different from the village in Russia, for reference - in the village there was always a church. So, these Japanese historical villages of Siracawa and Gokayama are located in the hard-to-reach mountain area of \u200b\u200bHonshu Island, who in the winter was rapidly cut off from the rest of Japan. It has developed a special school of architecture - Gasse-Tukuri. Traditional dwellings in this area are characterized by steep roofs of straw. The main occupation of the locals was the breeding of a silkworm, so the top floors of the dwellings are skillfully adapted for the needs of silkup. Gasse-Tukuri, probably the most recognizable style, houses were distinguished by high, pointed roofs. Such homes are well adapted for rich snowfall and shower, the steep pointed roof allowed the rain and fall straight from it, preventing water from entering through the roof into the house, and to a lesser extent preventing straw becomes too wet and start rotting. The villages are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as an outstanding example of a traditional lifestyle, perfectly adapted to the environment and local social and economic conditions. To illustrate the post used photos with images of houses from the village of Siracawa.

In the construction of such traditional houses, the Japanese used cheap and easily accessible materials, because farmers could not afford to import expensive materials. Such homes are made exclusively made of wood, bamboo, clay and various types of herbs and straw. Skeletal structure of the house, roof, walls and supports are made of wood. The external walls were completed often with the addition of bamboo and clay, the inner walls were not installed, and consisted of sliding doors, wooden lattices and / or paper shirms. Herbs and straw were used to cover the roofs and for tatami to the floor. Sometimes the clay tile was used in addition to the straw. The stone was used to strengthen or create the basis of the house, that is, the type of foundation, but it was not used for the house itself. The house was obtained by frame, the walls were not supporting, they left holes for windows or doors, that is, we used paper screens Sedzi, as well as heavier wooden doors.

Further, for the description of the Japanese home, I used the material from several posts of the user LJ go, you will be a guest! , wonderful blog, who has an account in a live magazine - I recommend adding to friends. So, the method of building such houses next. Solid belt Fundament There are no such houses. At the place of the future house align the surface of the soil and tightly tightly. Then the stones of suitable size with a flat and flat top surface are driven into the rammed surface. Drive in those places where reference pillars of the house should be located. About every meter and a half throughout the perimeter and along future walls. Each vertical pillar rests on a stone, as if the foundation, although not solid. Such a design protects the support poles of the house from direct contact with the soil and remove the tree from constant location in dampness and rotting.

The frames of the foundation establishes a frame from the support pillars and the upper beams, the contour of the future house is obtained. The main frame of the house is erected without the use of nails and other iron fasteners. The logs are connected to each other complex system of grooves and wooden rivets-locks. The roof frame is put on this frame from above. It is put on sequentially - triangular arches, which are fastened to each symmetric pair of support pillars along the entire length of the house. Then the roof arches are connected by transverse beams. The beams and carrier log logs are bonded by rope rice straw and harms from young trees shoots. All attachments either from rope, or in space, in the grooves. The finished frame on the sides of the roof is first closed with long mats from the cane or variety of sasy bamboo, these mats and form the inner surface of the roof. On top of these mats, tightly connected beams of cane are layered. Cane knitters are stacked with even rows and are attached to the roof, too, ropes from rice straw. With these ropes of the mat, as it were, are stitched as threads, strengthened the knitting to the beams of the frame.

The roof of such houses in cross section is an equilateral triangle, its size is highly dependent on the size of the house itself. The more house, the higher the roof. Accordingly, the space formed under the roof can be divided into floors. If the house is small, then the floors are two, in a large house - three floors. Any possible gaps between the walls of the house and the roof are paved with beams of all the same cane. After installing the roof, the house is trimmed with boards outside and placed from the inside. The roof ends are also trimmed by boards, in which the ventilation windows are driven.

Usually the house has two galleries along the entire length. The front (facade) is facing the street, and the rear - to the mountains or in the gardens. The ends of the house are usually deaf or with small windows. In modern homes, additional rooms are often attached under ordinary modern roofs. But come with sliding doors - direct access to the technical premises of the house from the street, not from the inside. Galleries are usually open or curtained from the sun and immodest views with mats. Gallery closed overnight, in winter or during a storm with wooden panels on the manner of sliding doors. The panels are stored in the cabinet in the end of the gallery. In modern houses, the gallery is most often closed, especially from the back of the house. Glazed or just closed to half on the manner of the veranda.

From one of the edges of the house, rarely in the middle, there is an entrance to the house, you can, of course, enter any point of the open gallery, but it is impolite if you do not live in this house. The inner space of the house is divided into several rooms. Their number and size depends on the overall size of the house. Usually, the internal layout of the house is laid at the level of stones of foundalent, since these stones determine the position of the design and corners of the house, both external and internal. All life in the house occurs mainly on the first floor. The second floor of the worker, it is used as a workshop for small peasant fishing. The third floor, even if it is, is usually not used, except that everyone is dried here and stored all sorts of herbs useful in the household. The third floor is only a flat lattice. This is the type of technical floor, necessary to monitor the condition of the roof. The size of the room under the roof first works as a thermostat, while maintaining an approximately constant temperature inside the house. In the summer outside it is very hot, and inside the house is quite cool and comfortable, not only the air conditioner is not needed, but even the fan.

Depending on the size of the house and on the vastity of the family in the house there may be several storage rooms or recreation rooms. But the general location scheme is approximately the same. The central room of the house is a hearth, on the one hand - warehouse and utility rooms, on the other - the front, clean rooms for recreation. Sometimes the hallway Gankan is actually combined with the kitchen. At the entrance, there is a pair of utility rooms where all major items are stored, which are usually used outside the house. The floors in such subsidies are tightly rammed land or lattice flooring. The floor level in residential rooms is raised above the ground of the Earth by about 20 cm. One of the main interior premises Houses on the first floor - a common room with a hearth. Depending on the size of the house and the number of residents of the hearth, there may be one or two foci in different parts of the room. The foci is everywhere of the same design - a square hole in the floor, filled with sand and ashes from the already burnt firewood. It has one or two cast iron coasters under the boiler and the kettle. Around the hearth lie either mat, or the room itself is stuck in tatami. The room with a hearth was usually used as a dining room and a living room for the whole family, but almost never as a bedroom.

The ceiling in the dining room as such is not - the grille flooring, which opens the direct yield through the roof. Above each focus on ropes attached to ceiling beams hanging large wooden shields, in size a little more area of \u200b\u200bthe hearth. Their task - not to give hot smoke to go up straight so that the ceiling does not catch up, and the hot air is more or less evenly dispersed through the volume of the house. From above on the shield, you can put something in need of drying - a raincoat or hat. Or some necessary things under hand. There are no chimneys, smoke rises from the hearth and, passing through the entire volume of the house, it turns out directly through the cane roof. At the same time, everything inside the house and the roof itself is frozen and dried. In these houses, insects and mice do not live in the roofs. And the roof almost does not rot on the rainy season or under the snow. The ceilings in such houses are not solid, and the lattice, so that smoke loosely climbed up. The solid flooring on the floor on the second floor there is only along the walls. If the house is large, then in those places where there is no focus, the flooring is also solid.

On both sides of the central room at home with a focus there are smaller rooms. Some of them are used as desktop workmen, the rest - like relaxation rooms and reception, the floors are covered with tatami, in one of the rooms at home there is a toconer with beautiful scrolls, color bouquets and trinkets. Here they took guests and slept. One of the rooms is used as a dressing room, it is stored here the things they needed in the house and cleaned sleeping facilities in the day - futons, pillows, blankets. In the dressing room are kept all sorts of homework, which is desirable to have at hand every day.

At the end of the gallery, the veranda is a bathroom, where there is a wooden bath of offro. A separate economic extension from the outside is a toilet type of a sorter, the secondary product drops down, in a special tailor, and then exported to the fields as fertilizers. On the one hand, the main residential building of the manor, on the other, is a small shopping building. They are connected by indoor transition. In the hospostroy, there could be small calves, there are no floor in a veal, just drowning ground, stuck straw. And the balances are suspended, on which the calf lowered the food and took the products of life (manure, in the surprise).

It is believed that Japan is the richest country of the winning Heytec and the whole life of the Japanese consists of steep gadgets, erotic comics and cartoon anime. I had the opportunity to spend a day in a traditional Japanese house in a deaf (by local standards) village in 50km from Osaka.

Around rice fields, wooded hills, peasant houses and electric train, running every 15 minutes. In such places, life seemed to froze in the seventies: young people do not want to live in the village and moves to the city, and the old people gradually die. Agriculture has long been unprofitable against the background of a rapidly developing high-tech industry, a couple of decades will take place and what I will tell will turn further into the possession of history. So listen and see how simple Japanese live in a regular village

The station is located about a kilometer from the house of our friends, where I hold the way. In childhood, when my grandfather had a garden near Sverdlovsk, I also fought Patzanensky from the train to the house. Is that in the Soviet village did not know that such asphalt and sewage, and everything is civil

In the mass of its solitarian rural houses

A small poisonous monster was selected with the palm, called the phalanx

Pay attention to the fire hatch

House of our familiar Japanese and an unexpected telescope at the entrance

Do you know what you mean these flags with carpos at the entrance? In Japan, there is a holiday, the day of boys, in honor of this hangs flags in every home where there are boys. The idea is such that carp is strong and knows how to swim against the current, at all costs to achieve the goal

On the wall traces from a recent earthquake

At the entrance, the Japanese shoes take off. I remember a stupid habit in the same Israel to enter the house from the street, without removing shoes. And all do not care that in the house there may be children, they are crawling on the floor and collect all the dirt and infection

Kitchen, she is a living room

The assembly over the crane is just a titanium warming water. Near, on the left, Rubovarka is a mandatory gadget in any Japanese house, because the rice is the main ingredient in any Japanese meal

On the refrigerator, a map of shelters, where to run in case of earthquakes, or flooding

The whole adware scheme, how to discard garbage. For example, if you have a homemade favorite, some cat and he died - you can not go and bury him in the forest. You are obliged to cause sanitary service, which will take a lifeless body and utilizes it to avoid the spread of infections, and it will cost you to be 3,000 yen (about 30 dollars), the corresponding picture in the lower right corner

Schedule when and how garbage throwing out. For example, old furniture you can't just drag to the trash can, you should call the mayor and they will come specifically and take a large garbage. Also, not every day you can throw away the glass floor, but only 1-2 days a week. Violate the rules - you are fingered, and the neighbors will definitely report you that they say, this Gaidzin (foreigner) in the wrong day threw the glass floor to the paper trash

Do you know what kind of an ancient gadget at the bottom?

Living room, here are sitting on the floor, as you understand

The whole house is one common space where sliding doors. If you push everything as possible, then you are in one big room. But in the evening the house returns to its original three-bedroom condition. Pay attention to the children's railway

In winter, the Japanese are warmed from kerosene (!) Heater. Temperatures in these places are lowered to zero degrees and do not live without heating, and there is no centralized heat supply

Mansard on which rabbits live

By the way, rabbits are not at all for food, they are here Family Pets

Do you know what kind of wall plate? Who guesses?

Traditional bathroom and sad traces of a recent earthquake

Well, respectively, restroom

Storeroom, where washing and drying machines are located

Also, on the street there is again a kerosene water heater for the shower, and the tank with a flammable is just to the right below

Little garden in the backyard

Right next to the house, literally at five meters the train passes. But you know what? There is noise, but minimal, in Japan with these things strictly. Nevertheless, in the morning I heard through the sleep of the rushing train. Local has long been accustomed to and do not crash to this expense.

An hour later, I sit on one of these train and leave to Kansai Airport in Osaka, Taiwan is waiting for me

Well, lunch on the road and the road

This is how the Japanese village looks like. Somewhere people live a little richer, somewhere poorer, this is a kind of averaged level. Probably, you represented Japanese life somewhat differently, but remember the saying "Do not confuse tourism with emigration." Let's say in the villages a lot of empty houses, whose owners died and they have no heirs. So stand in abandoned years and decades, no one needs real estate in such places. Here is a neighboring house, whose owners have long been alive

Old letters in the mailbox

Overgrown with moss bottles of beer

Here the dofiga of their problems that the Japanese simply do not like to endure out of their society, unlike us with you, asked the whole world with complaints about our grievous life.

The Japanese village of Nagorno dies. Of course, she was never a noisy megalopolis, but not so long ago there was a factory there and lived workers with their families. They earned a living among stunningly beautiful nature. But the plant closed, and the settlement began to be allowed.

Ayano Tsukov returned to Nagorno, having lived some time in Osaka. When she arrived, the village was already in a sad state. According to a woman, she was particularly nothing to do, so she decided to create a garden. When this idea failed, she made her first scarecrow, resembling her late father.

He was the first of many, many dolls.

To date, it produced more than 350 scared. All of them symbolize any of the inhabitants, dead or left. She puts on them, sews them suitable expressions of individuals, and then places them in places that had a special meaning for these people.

Some relax on the park benches, and some sit on the trees, holding the guns in the hands of which they once hunted. Others are fishing at the river with rods. Parks are sitting, holding hands, near the houses where they once raised children.

The city buildings are now also populated with dolls. The school, closed many years ago, was once filled with students and teachers. Today at the table of the teacher, at the board, written by materials of lessons and tasks, sits scarecrow.

Dolls are disassembled by the parties: Non-fat children hold pencils, look in open books and make homework. Someone stands in the corridor, waiting for classes, and the director watches his wards.

Soon, the ceiling noticed that her dolls began to cause interest among the public. People came and photographed them - those who were sitting in the fields, cared for plants that no longer grew up, or we looked like a fish sails in the river.

Three years after the tsuk began to do these men, it made one for themselves. She says that it is not afraid to die, and knows that if something happens to her, it is unlikely to be able to take it to the nearest hospital. But she still cares about his creations.

Dolls in Nagorno - the result of a whole decade of work. Tsukov says that will continue to do them, despite the ambiguous reaction of visitors. But at the same time a woman attends the idea that someday she will remain alone, surrounded by only frogs. Nemorgant men made in memory of people who once went through the streets.