Where it rises. Does the sun set in the west?

The interaction between Planet X and Earth results in its N Pole being pushed away. Each day when the Earth's Magnetic N Pole appears over the horizon so that it is in front of the Sun and the powerful magnetic Planet X, the Earth receives a push from Planet X that moves its Magnetic N Pole away.

This occurs around 8:00 UTC, which is why many people notice that the Sun is too far south or north during the day. The fact that the Sun is much further south was recently reported on message boards, with many people in the US reporting the same abnormality during their sunrise. The figure-8 Earth wobble has placed the Sun much further south.

I didn’t believe the talk that the Sun was out of place. Now I believe. This morning I went out to see and the Sun was rising in the Southeast. My house faces South. Every morning for years, my friend and I have had coffee on my covered back deck, which faces North. Every morning, summer or winter, we had to move our chairs as the sun got higher because it would shine in our faces. I went out to look. It wasn't even close to where it used to be and didn't illuminate my deck. I walked around the house, and it ended up in the Southeast. The sun's rays shine through my front door. I'm shocked.

That's for sure. I have lived in this house for 23 years. I'm an avid moon and sun watcher, and the Sun has never been so far south in the eastern sky. I've mentioned this many times over the past month to my husband.

In the last few years I have found him in a place where he had never been before in his life. This is not difficult at all, since I have been sitting in the same place in the kitchen at the same time in the morning for the past 14 years. Regardless of what it may be, or what the reason for it is, it is definitely being ignored by the Mainstream Media for some reason. I wonder what the reason is.

I was also a skeptic. But now I know for sure that it has shifted. I noticed this when I was driving to work at the same time as every morning for 25 years, on the same highway. At this very time of year, driving to work, the sun must blind my eyes. Now it stands a few degrees further south. Who do you believe? To those who say that this is not true or that your eyes lie?

I live east of the river, and the sun always sets across the river, in the west. Last night around 4:30 pm I was driving south and the sun was setting directly in front of me, in the south, not the west. I looked west across the river and back to the south where the sun was setting. I can’t explain it, but I know it’s true, and the old system of measures no longer works.”

Observations in Moscow 06/10/2009: The sun begins to rise at 03.45 (it gets dark at 22.45 - the night is only 5 hours) almost in the North (!), rises above the horizon and moves towards the East, by 8 it comes out to the East and only then begins to rise.

Here it is dawn over Moscow: if you orient Luzhniki on the map (along the main arena), you will get north (north) east. The summer night in June is 6 hours, so the Sun should rise in the northeast (at 45°), but the duration of the night has decreased by an hour less, so the angle of deviation from the north has decreased to 37.5° (approximate estimate, of course). This is approximately the 8° shift to the north that I observed from my window and which was recorded by the photograph.

And this is dawn on the Yenisei near the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

The river (according to the map) flows strictly to the North. Then the Sun rises there generally in the north(north)-west!

And in Hong Kong, the sun rises in the northeast (the observatory's webcam looks directly to the East).

By the way, in 2008, hundreds of web cameras around the world were turned off, and the remaining ones provide one picture per day.

Nice illustration from Tanzania (East Africa) - sunset: Webcam looking at the Indian Ocean! This camera was also turned off, and in mid-2009 the site also disappeared.

Here is an interesting message from the forum confirming these observations: all winter (and spring) the sun was noticeably shifted to the left, to the north, at sunrise, and to the south, respectively, at sunset. But recently the sunset has shifted noticeably to the right (to the north) by several degrees in a few days. I have lived in the same house for 30 years, the connection to neighboring houses and trees is clear. Previously, in the evening the sun from 7 to 8 o'clock came through the window into the TV, reflected and glared on the screen, now instead of it (in the same place) there is plasma, and the sun does not hit the screen! Although the screen has become larger. To the north, to the left (if you stand facing the sun, of course) the sunrise was shifted a week ago. Now the sun has moved to the right, more or less as it has for many years. With sunset - a week ago it was still setting much to the left, to the south (if you stand facing the sun). Now it has moved to the right, to the north, approximately as it was before. The changes happened literally in 3-4 days. I live in Tula myself. The connection to houses and trees is clear. I don’t know how else to explain it (except for changing the angle of inclination of the Earth’s rotation axis).

And here is another message from the forum: The sunrise point has sharply shifted 10 degrees to the east. That is, most likely, the Earth has still turned.

Photos of several sunrises, including today's. They are superimposed on one photo, the coordinates are combined. For ease of analysis and clarity. The normal situation observed in summer and autumn. It's surprising that the media is silent about this! And yet, all this is strange. Why does the Sun stand and stand (near perihelion), and then suddenly, on one of the not so close days, it shifts sharply.

Other evidence:
07.07.12. Today I decided to take a walk in the morning and watch the sunrise. It was slightly unusual for the Sun to rise in the north rather than in the east or northeast. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Observation point: 51° 30′ 0″ N, 31° 18′ 0″ E.

7.07.10. I have long noticed that the sun sets 15-20 degrees from west to north. I even showed it to my friends...using a compass.... And today I was completely out of it when I woke up early in the morning and saw that the sun was shining directly into our windows, which faced northeast. I wasn’t even lazy and brought a compass. THE SUN RISED EXACTLY IN THE NORTHEAST. TOTAL SHOCK. Or maybe I don't understand something at all.

3.02.11. One can argue for a long time, but comrades say that the polar night in Murmansk ended 4 days earlier than planned.

07/06/11. Jokes aside, but I always knew perfectly well where the Sun is at its zenith in June-July-August. Previously (6-10 years ago) I could calmly see the star at its peak point without going closer than half a meter to the window. Now I have to stand close to the window and look vertically up, pressed against the glass. So, I personally have no doubts about the shift of the poles over the past 10 years. Plus, it rises 15-20 degrees to the left than usual for this time of year and goes sharply upward.

I’m not a very smart or educated person, I come to this forum to read the statements and opinions of people more competent and knowledgeable than me, but on this matter I think I can say something: I’ve been living in one place for 30 years, the same I watch sunrises and sunsets, the fact that the Sun is now out of place is unambiguous, by the way, the Moon is also out of place.

06/11/12. The sunset point has shifted to the north. I've lived in the same house for 40 years. There can be no mistake. The sun has now set behind another house. From childhood I remember very well that we used to enter strictly according to the map, but now it turns out that it’s in the north-west. What the hell is this? It's a pity I can't say when it all started. I came across similar observations on the Internet. They say glitches started in 2008. I live in Chelyabinsk.

01/15/11. I live in Moscow, I’ve been watching the sky for a long time... I measure sunrises and sunsets with window frames, since I’ve lived for a long time and just look out of this window, and so, since April 2010, the sun began to set a little in the wrong place, about 8-10 degrees more north and got higher. I was worried, I even looked at the data on the computer, but the data can be corrected, but my frames are unchanged. In December the sun went to set very close to the south, which is a bit far, this has never happened before in 15 years!!

Although many people already notice that the Sun is too far south or north during the day, this is more obvious in the Arctic, where people experience a lot more sunlight. Due to the wobble of the earth and the shifting points of sunrise and sunset, the Earth's North Pole turns out to be more directed towards the Sun than usual, so extremes of weather are observed - abnormal heat replaces abnormal cold, and the number of temperature records goes off scale. Last winter was no exception, here are just a few cases of such anomalies:

03.12.12. Last weekend, new absolute maximums were set in many localities. So, for December 2 they are now +8.1 in Yelets, +8.4 in Tambov, +9.0 in Penza, +5.0 in Samara, +7.0 in Saratov, +12.0 in Volgograd, +12.7 in Rostov-on-Don, +12.7 in Krasnodar 19.0, in Stavropol +15.7, in Vladikavkaz +22.3.

05.12.12. There are abnormally cold temperatures in Eastern Siberia, the average temperature is 8-14 degrees below the climate norm. In Turukhansk, the air temperature dropped to -43.8C, this is the absolute minimum in the entire history of observations. Abnormal heat reigns in the south of the European part of Russia, the temperature is 10C higher than the climate norm. In Penza +5.7, in Saratov +7.7, in Volgograd +11.3, in Krasnodar +22.9, in Sochi +23.4C.

12/13/12. Record cold weather has arrived in the south of Western Siberia. The average daily temperature remains 15-22 degrees below normal. In the Altai Territory, absolute minimum temperatures were exceeded, in some places by several degrees at once. In Barnaul the air cooled to -41.2 degrees, breaking the 1984 record. In the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions the frost reached -44 degrees, in the Tomsk region up to -45, in the Omsk region up to -43.

12/15/12. Temperature records are shown by the Russian land from Chukotka to the Ob. According to meteorologists, the current frosts are 20 degrees stronger than the last fifty to sixty years.

12/18/12. The countries of Central Asia are experiencing abnormally cold weather. The average daily air temperature is 8-10 degrees higher than the climate norm. On December 17, new minimum air temperature records were set: in Dzheskazgan, -35.5, at Balkhash station, -32.2, in Kyzylorda, -27.6, in Tamdybulak -23.7, in Turkmenbashi, -9.1 .

12/20/12. The most severe frosts occur in Altai and adjacent regions of Kazakhstan. The average daily temperature there is 20-25 degrees below normal! 40-degree frosts have been observed for a long time now. On the morning of December 19, in Pavlodar the air cooled to -44.7 degrees, in Novokuznetsk - to -39.6, in Barnaul - to -42.5. All of these are new cold records for December 19th.

12/24/12. An unprecedented wave of warm air hit Western Europe after snowfalls and frosts. In Munich it is plus 21. In France it is already plus 24. On the coast of the Bay of Biscay, vacationers wear shorts, T-shirts and swimsuits, some of them swim in the ocean. Spring weather prevails in most of Italy. In the south of the country, many Italians decided to celebrate Christmas on the beach, as temperatures reached 20 degrees Celsius. It is also hot in Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria and even Rome. Three positive temperature records were recorded in the mountains of Bulgaria within 14 hours. The temperature in the mountains was higher than in the lowlands. Unusually warm weather set 33 temperature records in the Czech Republic today.

12/25/12. The negative anomaly on the European territory of Russia has reached its apogee; The average daily air temperature was 16 degrees below the climate norm! Which did not make us wait for the next records of minimum air temperature. On December 24, records were set: in Vologda, -31.0, in Cherepovets, -33.9, in Rybinsk -31.6, in Vladimir -30.3, in Ryazan change -27.9.

12/27/12. Antarctica has warmed by a record 2.4 degrees. The temperature record shows an increase of 2.4 degrees Celsius in average annual temperatures since 1958 - three times faster than the global average.

12/27/12. New temperature records continue to be set in Japanese cities and villages. To date, in 44 locations, mainly in the northern regions of the country on the island. Hokkaido, old winter records broken.

12/27/12. In Rio de Janeiro, an absolute temperature record was recorded in the entire history of observations. According to the National Institute of Meteorology, on December 26, the thermometer rose to a level of 43.2º Celsius.

12/28/12. A cold record has been recorded in China. At the end of December, for the first time in 30 years, in Xinjiang, far from the center of the county, thermometers dropped to -49ºC. In Jilin, extreme temperatures of -38 degrees have snarled traffic and forced parents to keep their children away from school. During these frosty days, the number of calls to doctors became the highest.

01/03/13. In northern India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, at least 114 people became victims of record cold weather. Forecasters reported that the day before, the capital Delhi recorded a record low temperature since 1969 - at plus 9.8 degrees Celsius.

01/04/12. Australians are experiencing the worst heatwave in 10 years. In some cities the temperature reaches 47 degrees. Extreme heat affects 80 percent of the continent. According to weather forecasters, a drop in temperature is not expected soon. The record was recorded in the city of Eucla - 48.2 degrees.

01/09/13. The past year brought the United States eleven natural disasters and many weather anomalies. In the United States, the average temperature in 2012 was 12.9 degrees, breaking the previous record set in 1998. The hottest month, July, also broke all records: its average temperature was 24.9 degrees, this is the highest figure in the entire history of meteorological observations.

01/09/13. Extremely cold weather remains in the south of the Korean Peninsula this winter. Thus, on the morning of December 31, after heavy snowfalls over the weekend, the air temperature in Seoul was minus 14 degrees. And on January 3, another temperature minimum was recorded in the central regions. The morning temperature in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province was minus 22 degrees, in Seoul and the capital region - minus 16 degrees. Even in Busan, where the air temperature almost never drops below 0 degrees, it was minus 7 degrees. Due to strong winds, the actual temperature was even lower - minus 23 degrees in the capital region. Such cold weather, as forecasters note, has never been recorded in the entire history of climate observations in Korea.

01/09/13. Much of central and southern Australia is currently under the influence of an intense heat wave, which has resulted in a number of new temperature highs. The extreme heat began in late December 2012 and continues to this day. The number of temperature records goes into the dozens. Met Office spokesman Neil Plummer said the heat had set several national records.

01/10/13. This winter in China has become the coldest in the last 30 years, with hundreds of thousands of people suffering from severe frosts. According to the Xinhua agency, about 250 thousand Chinese are in need of urgent assistance.

01/10/13. Record cold for Greece is in the north of the country; the thermometer dropped to 11 degrees below zero. According to Greek media, in Thessaloniki the air temperature dropped to minus 5, in Florina - to minus 9, and in the northern regions in the morning it was minus 11 degrees. Epiphany frosts in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace are minus 3 in Kavala and minus 4 in Alexandroupolis. Newspapers call the cold polar.

01/11/13. 90 people became victims of abnormally cold weather in Bangladesh. The country has been experiencing unusual weather for the region for a week now. The day before, the thermometer dropped to its lowest point in 45 years - plus 3 degrees Celsius.

01/11/13. Meteorologists recorded a record temperature anomaly in the Arctic; for the first time in the Arctic Ocean, a deviation of the average annual temperature from the climate norm by 7 degrees was recorded. “An anomaly of 5 degrees was recorded, but 7 degrees - such a deviation in the average annual temperature was recorded for the first time, there is no comment,” said the head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

01/11/13. The heaviest snowfall in 20 years has hit the holy city of Jerusalem, paralyzing traffic and causing widespread power outages. Due to the snow, public transport flights were canceled, and citizens were advised to stay at home. The day before, heavy snowfall hit eastern Syria; In the area of ​​the Syrian capital Damascus, the thickness of the snow cover reaches one meter.

01/13/13. Abnormally low temperatures, which caused a storm warning to be issued on Sakhalin last week, continue to linger in the center of the island. As reported by Sakhhydromet, the absolute record of minus 41.2 was recorded on the night of January 12 in the Smirnykhov village of Pervomaiskoe. The lowest daily temperature of 25.6 degrees below zero was shown by thermometers in the north of Sakhalin, in the village of Moskalvo, Okha district.

01/14/13. Northeast Brazil is suffering from a drought of a magnitude not seen in the last half century. The agricultural industry is in decline, as fields of sugar cane, corn and cotton do not produce a full harvest. Cattle are also dying due to pastures drying out. Farmers are horrified at the huge losses.

01/18/13. While tourists are conquering snowy slopes in the mountains, and European motorists are on the roads, spring has already begun in the United States. Primroses have appeared on the East Coast, and their time comes three or even six weeks later. This is the earliest spring on the East Coast in 150 years.

01/18/13. Yesterday in Krasnodar, meteorologists recorded a new temperature record. The thermometers stopped at +19.9 degrees, which is higher than in 1955. Then a record 13.3 degrees of heat was recorded in the shade. - Today for a moment it seemed that spring had come to Krasnodar. I don’t remember this for a long time,” said Kuban Governor Alexander Tkachev, surprised in his Twitter.

01/18/13. The absolute temperature record has been broken in Australia. This figure breaks all records in the entire 150-year history of observations, forecasters say. On Friday, the temperature in Sydney reached 45.8 degrees, half a degree higher than it was in January 1939.

01/18/13. One of the main newspapers in Mexico published a sensational article on the front page about how, thanks to a cold front, abnormally severe frosts came to the country. In Madera and Sasas Grandes the thermometer dropped to -13°C and -11°C respectively.

01/23/13. In Ukraine, new records for maximum air temperature are set almost every day. Yesterday, January 22, was no exception. Records were set: in Krivoy Rog, 11.4, in Kherson, 15.2, in Chernomorskoye, 13.8, in Simferopol, 18.0, in Donetsk, 12.8, in Lugansk, 11.7, in Zaporozhye, 12 ,2.

01/23/13. In Western Siberia, air temperatures have increased significantly. Its average daily values ​​turned out to be 8-10, in some places 12 degrees higher than the climatic norm. New records for maximum air temperature were set: in Omsk, -1.8, in Tomsk, -1.6, in Kemerovo, 0.3.

01/24/13. During the day, about 50 centimeters of snowfall fell in the northern regions of India, a similar situation was observed in 2005. In the main city of the region, Shimla, a record 60 centimeters of rain fell in one day.

01/25/13. Unprecedented frosts have arrived in the United States. Temperature records are being recorded in many regions. In the northern states the temperature dropped to minus 44. According to police, dozens of people have already become victims of the bad weather.

01/27/13. Last Saturday, temperatures in Southern Siberia rose to record levels for that day. In Krasnoyarsk it was +3.4 degrees, which is three tenths of a degree higher than the previous record in 1983. In Kemerovo, the temperature reached a new extremely high level, +3.3 degrees. In Novosibirsk it was +1.9 degrees, which can also be considered a new maximum for January 26.

Temperature records did not stand in a number of cities in the east and southeast of Kazakhstan. In Almaty, the temperature rose to +12.5 degrees; the previous record in 1987 was “moderate” by almost 4 degrees and amounted to +8.8 degrees. In Dzheskazgan it warmed up to 0.9 degrees. The previous record in Astana stood, it remained behind 2007 and is +0.8 degrees.

01/30/13. Already, at least 150,000 people have been forced to flee their homes due to increasing flooding in Mozambique, the United Nations says. The southeast African country, which is experiencing its worst flooding in a decade, has already killed 40 people.

02/04/13. The sixth temperature record this winter in Krasnodar. On February 3, against the backdrop of real spring weather, comfortable and sunny, the temperature reached +15.4.

02/06/13. Winter in Moscow is recognized as the snowiest in the last 100 years. Over the last century, for the first time in Moscow, such an amount of snow fell as in the winter season of 2012-2013. Due to the abundance of snow, the length of traffic jams in the Russian capital on the first morning of the week was 3.5 thousand km, which is equal to the distance from Moscow to Madrid.

02/10/13. Spring warmth is observed these days throughout almost the entire territory of European Russia. In the south of Russia, things have reached the point of overlapping historical highs. And this is not the first day that this has been observed here. On February 9, it was very warm for that day in Maikop, Krasnodar and Vladikavkaz, the temperature increased to +21.1, +17.5 and +14.3 degrees, respectively.

02/09/13. On Friday, the highest temperature in the last 100 years was recorded in Crimea. So, yesterday in the center of Simferopol at 15.00 the thermometer showed +21. Exactly a year ago, twenty-degree frosts were fierce on the peninsula at this time.

02/15/13. The Arctic coast of Yakutia is currently the leader in Russia in terms of negative temperature anomalies. The average daily air temperature is 10-12, in some places 14 degrees below the climate norm. On February 14, a new minimum temperature record was set in Tiksi, -48.6.

02/16/13. In January 2013, warmer and wetter weather prevailed across the United States, according to a report from the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration. The average monthly temperature was 0 degrees Celsius, 0.2 degrees above normal. The last time such indicators were recorded was in January 1958.

02/18/13. Abnormally cold weather remains on the Arctic coast of Yakutia and in the north of Eastern Siberia. The average daily air temperature is 12-14, in some places 16 degrees below the climate norm. On February 17, new minimum temperature records were set: in Tiksi, -49.5, in Khatanga, -47.7.

02/20/13. In Oymyakon, at the cold pole, the thermometer showed 71 °C at the beginning of the week. This is the lowest temperature ever measured in a populated area. Before this, the temperature record for Oymyakon (1933) was 68 °C degrees. The temperature record outside populated areas reaches minus 89 degrees; it was measured in 1983 at the Russian Antarctic Vostok station.

02.22.13. Athens experienced its worst flooding in half a century. Greece suffered severe flooding. Yes, so strong that local weather forecasters claim that such natural phenomena have not occurred in Athens since 1961. As a result, many basements in the city were flooded, trams and some metro stations were stopped. Cars were literally washed away by streams of water.

02.23.13. The second heaviest snowfall in a month hit the United States. A state of emergency has been introduced in 20 central states, disruptions to airport operations are occurring, and authorities are asking motorists to stay off the roads. Meteorologists believe this is the heaviest snowfall the country has seen in 100 years.

02.23.13. In China, the winter of 2012-2013 was the coldest in the last 28 years. Heavy snowfalls and low temperatures this winter have repeatedly interfered with the work of airports, disrupting the plans of tourists and residents of the country.

02.22.13. The negative anomaly of the average daily air temperature on the Arctic coast and in the north of Yakutia has been off the charts for several weeks now. It reaches 10-15 degrees. In Verkhoyansk, night frosts remain steadily at -50; last night in Verkhoyansk the temperature dropped below -55 degrees. Tiksi is already tired of recording new cold records.

02/28/13. The summer that ended in Australia became the hottest in the entire history of measurements, reports the Russian BBC service. The average temperature across the country for the season was 28.6 degrees.

Since the Earth wobble began in 2004, it has taken the form of a number 8. When describing the number 8, it causes the Earth's North Pole to tilt to one side or the other, as well as away from the Sun. The wobble increases most when the Earth's Magnetic N Pole rises above the horizon and encounters the magnetic influence of the N Pole of Planet X, which is pointing its Magnetic N Pole increasingly directly toward the Earth. As midday begins over the central Pacific Ocean, Earth's North Pole rises above the horizon and is pushed away from the Sun. This regularly pushes Alaska into colder air with less sunshine, which is why it experienced historically cooler temperatures in January 2012 when the oscillation became stronger. During the next part of the figure 8 wobble cycle, the globe tilts so that the North Pole moves in a different direction, again causing the globe to tilt, but this time in the other direction. During the wobble, when the midday Sun is over Italy, the Earth's North Pole tilts toward the Sun, causing the Sun to appear two days earlier in Greenland, Norway and Alaska recently. During the wobble, the area below experiences extremes in weather depending on where the globe is pushed, or how much sunlight it receives, or how strong the push is occurring at any given time. The Arctic is melting because it began receiving more sunlight than usual during the wobble.

What is the common denominator of tides in the UK and Europe, California and British Columbia, Australia and Indonesia at almost the same time, December 13-14, 2012? There is clearly some serious hesitation involved here. During this same time period, there were many reports that the Sun was too far south, that it rose too early, and that the sunset was somewhat delayed and late. The tilt of the Earth into opposition was responsible for this, and as the globe thrashes around trying to accommodate the stream of magnetic particles emanating from the server pole of Planet X, the oceans overflow their banks. How else could coastlines along the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans be affected at the same time?

The weather has become more extreme due to the earth shaking. All of this is in the process of transitioning to a blending of the seasons. Very soon, the mixing factor of the seasons will manifest itself to such an extent that the weather will jump from average summer to average winter during the day, and the fluctuation will create high tides on the coasts and sudden flooding due to sloshing.

The sun is a celestial object that can be seen from anywhere on the planet. The development and preservation of living nature on earth depends on it, since it is what gives heat. Every morning it lights up the sky and many are interested in the question, where does the sun rise?

Where does the sun come from?

The appearance of the sun begins in the east, and gradually moves across the sky, it sets on the opposite side in the west. In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that all heavenly bodies revolve around it. However, this point of view has long ceased to be scientific and has been successfully refuted.

The Sun is a star and motionless, while the Earth, moving in its orbit, revolves around it. But, nevertheless, this state of affairs creates the effect that we observe every morning - the sunrise begins in the east and ends in the west.

Why do people track the movement of the sun?

With the emergence of the need to measure time, people began to look for objects that would help them with this. A long time ago, it was believed that it was possible to find out how much time had passed only by the movement of the sun or moon (at night). Why are people so attracted to this celestial object and why is it so important for some to track its movement?

  • The sunrise heralds the beginning of daylight, and its sunset the end.
  • The biological clocks and rhythms of many living organisms on the planet are oriented towards it.
  • For some, this is important to know when drawing up astrological charts and horoscopes.
  • These indicators are also used by astronomers for various purposes.
  • Changing the position of the sun in the sky allowed ancient people to create the first timekeeping system. The first stone sundial was even invented for this purpose.
  • Counting days and months is also based on the position of the sun, including the modern Gregorian calendar. Where a day is measured from one sunrise to the next, and a year is equal to a full circle around a star.

From this we can conclude that the relevance of tracking the position of the earth relative to the sun does not lose its relevance today. In addition, scientists monitor its indicators, measure activity, predict magnetic storms, etc.

What benefits does the sun have for humans?

The benefits of the sun in the life of mankind cannot be underestimated. However, scientists continue to study its effect on the body. A group of scientists from Edinburgh found that if a person spends some time in the sun, the following processes are observed in his body:

  • Blood pressure decreases.
  • The risk of developing thrombosis is reduced.
  • The body rejuvenates.
  • Metabolism improves.
  • The risk of stroke is reduced.
  • Blood circulation improves.

In addition, the sun is an excellent prevention of the formation of a heart attack, the development of cancer or other pathologies. In addition, the sun produces vitamin D, which is so beneficial for everyone, it strengthens bone tissue and removes heavy metals from the body.

You can highlight the benefits of the sun:

  • Promotes the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for blood clotting. In addition, a sufficient amount of this substance improves mood, which is why it is also called the “happiness hormone.”
  • Under the sun, biologically inert NO3 nitrite is released, which helps reduce blood pressure and eliminate the likelihood of developing heart failure or a heart attack.
  • The sun's rays have an antibacterial effect, therefore, basking in the sun, wounds and scratches will heal faster, acne and pimples will disappear.

But this, of course, is not the entire list of beneficial properties that the sun's rays have. In addition, we should not forget about the general benefits of the sun for all life on the planet.

You shouldn’t think that the sun’s rays are so useful that you need to be exposed to them uncontrollably. In addition to a lot of benefits, they can cause just as much harm if you are careless with them.

  • With prolonged exposure, a tan appears - this is a protective mechanism of the body that tries to cope with the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. If you do not take action and protect the skin at the first redness, you can easily get a serious burn. In some people, it even leads to the formation of skin cancer.
  • You cannot look at the sun without sunglasses, as its strong brightness can blind or damage your vision.
  • For those who suffer from dry skin, it is contraindicated to stay in the sun for a long time without moisturizer, as the rays can dry it out even more.
  • If you do not protect your head with a panama hat or cap, you can get sunstroke or heatstroke. Its manifestations are: increased temperature, increased heart rate, nausea. Sometimes people lose consciousness and even die if immediate help is not provided and the person is not taken to a cool, dark room, applying ice compresses.

Therefore, it is imperative that when you are in direct sunlight, you should take precautions and protect your head with a light-colored hat, drink more fluids, and wear glasses. Also try to avoid being outside when the sun is at its zenith.

The sun is a celestial body that gives warmth and light to all living things on the planet, rising in the east. But in addition to benefits, it can also cause harm, and this should not be forgotten.

Sun. A celestial object that is visible to the naked eye from our little green planet. Our world is completely dependent on the warmth and light that the Sun gives us. Today we’ll talk a little about where the Sun appears at the beginning of a new day.

A little about the Sun

Where does the Sun rise? The sun rises in the east. Sets in the west. Every day the Earth rotates around its axis. Therefore, the illusion is created that the sun is moving. In fact, it's the other way around. Our Earth moves along an oval trajectory around the Sun. The change of day and night occurs due to the movement of the Earth around its axis, and the changes of seasons occur due to the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. When night falls, it means that the Earth has turned away from the Sun. However, not the whole Earth is plunged into darkness, but only half of it. Therefore, on Earth there can be day and night at the same time, but in different parts of the planet. If you are curious and interested in why the Earth moves, we recommend that you read the material "?".

In fact, the Sun shines with white light. However, the sun's rays are refracted in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, and as a result we get a slightly yellowish glow. The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6000 degrees Kelvin. The Sun is the central star of our solar system. Its mass makes up almost 100% of the entire mass of our solar system, including all the planets and their satellites, meteorites, comets, stardust, and so on. All this revolves around the Sun along its own trajectories. On all objects of the solar system you can watch the Sun rise. The energy that is generated in the Sun appears as a result of the synthesis of helium and hydrogen. Our galaxy contains more than 100 billion stars. We live in the Milky Way galaxy. Our Sun is brighter than many other suns in our galaxy. It belongs to the category of yellow dwarfs, when most other stars are red dwarfs.

The Sun is at a great distance from the Earth. This distance is 149.6 million kilometers. Our solar system is not at the center of the Milky Way. The central part of the Milky Way from our Sun needs to be overcome 26,000 light years. One light year is equal to more than 9 billion kilometers. Once we try to imagine all these scales, we will abandon this stupid idea. The absolutely unimaginable dimensions of the Universe, which has existed for many billions of years, amazes the imagination. Humanity is a fleeting phenomenon in the life of the Universe, which is unlikely to be particularly noticed. A human life is less than a hundredth of a second compared to the age of the Universe. The fastest speed of information transmission known to our science is the speed of light. Based on various formulas and patterns, scientists were able to determine the approximate size and age of the Universe. This is a very small step towards understanding our world, however, it has already been taken.

And does it rise in the east? Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that in the morning the Sun rises in the east and in the evening sets in the west. But is this really so?

It turns out not really. Indeed, sunrise usually occurs in the eastern sky and sunset in the western sky, but the exact position of the sunrise and sunset points varies throughout the year and depends on the time of year and the latitude of the place.

You probably know that rooms with windows facing south are usually very sunny. Why? Because the Sun rises highest above the horizon (culminates, in more scientific terms), ending up above the southern part of the horizon. That is, on any day, if the Sun appears above the horizon, it will definitely pass over the south point, and at that moment it will culminate. (Hereinafter we will only talk about latitudes north of 23.5 degrees; in the tropics everything is a little more complicated). You have also, of course, noticed that the length of daylight hours varies greatly throughout the year: in winter the days are shorter and longer in summer; above the Arctic Circle in winter the Sun does not appear over the horizon for some time, and in summer it does not set for several days , or even weeks. Does the Sun really move slower across the sky in summer than in winter? Of course not!

The Sun rises exactly at the point in the east twice a year, on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, on these same days it sets exactly in the west, and the length of the day is exactly half a day - twelve hours. After the spring equinox, the day begins to lengthen, and the sunrise and sunset points shift to the north. (Remember that the Sun must culminate above the point of the south. If it rises in the northern part of the sky, then it is clear that it will take longer than on the days of the equinoxes to reach the point of the south - this explains the increase in the length of the day.) So continues until the summer solstice - the Sun rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest, the sunrise and sunset points gradually move closer, and in the polar latitudes at some point they merge into one, at the north point. After this, the Sun stops setting below the horizon - polar day begins. On the day of the summer solstice in temperate latitudes, the points of sunrise and sunset are closest to the point of north, and the length of the day is greatest.

After the summer solstice, the sunrise and sunset points move back to the east and west points, and the length of the day gradually decreases. After the autumnal equinox (on this day the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west), the sunrise and sunset points again begin to approach each other, but in the southern part of the horizon, and the length of the day decreases. At those latitudes where there was a polar day for some time in the summer, a polar night will begin - for about the same amount of time as the Sun did not set in the summer, it will not appear above the horizon. This will happen when the sunrise and sunset points merge into one at the south point. After the winter solstice, the day begins to lengthen, the points of sunrise and sunset gradually move back to the points of east and west, and everything repeats again.

What is happening in the southern hemisphere? In the southern hemisphere, everything is the other way around: when our day length is greatest, it is shortest there; when we have the spring equinox, in the southern hemisphere it is the autumn equinox. In the southern hemisphere, the Sun culminates above the north point, but rises and sets as it does here - in the eastern and western parts of the sky, respectively.

So if they tell you that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you can safely answer that this is not true.

Alexandra Grudskaya

Each of us has repeatedly observed the majestic picture, how the sun rises and sets. In the city it is not possible to observe this phenomenon in all its beauty, since here the horizon is obscured by houses and other large structures. City dwellers see the Sun only when it is high above the horizon.

Good to watch Sunrise in a village, or even better in a field or on the open sea. In the morning, dawn gradually dawns in the eastern part of the horizon, the sky takes on a fiery purple color, and at the same time a gradual brightening begins.

Then, first, the small upper edge of the Sun's disk slowly appears from behind the horizon. This edge gradually increases until, finally, the entire shining disk of the sun appears above the horizon in all its grandeur.

At the same time, it seems as if on the very surface of the Earth lies a huge ball of fiery crimson color. This impression dissipates only when the Sun gradually rises above the horizon. It seems to us that it is gradually moving across the sky. Moving all the time from left to right, the Sun first rises higher, its color becomes more and more light yellow, and its size decreases.

Having reached its highest point, the Sun, moving in the same direction, begins to gradually decline and, finally, completely disappears behind the horizon.

But before this, again, just like in the morning, near the horizon the Sun becomes fiery purple and again seems to increase in size.

At this time, a beautiful sight is presented to our eyes. The evening is dawning. Sky in the direction sunset covered with a thick crimson. One gets the impression that this is the glow of a large fire raging somewhere far away.

Particularly beautiful colors can be observed at this time at sea; not only water, but also all surrounding objects and people acquire a special color, a special glow.

Air envelope

Why does the sky become so colored at sunrise and sunset? Our Earth, as we know, is surrounded by air envelopeatmosphere, which extends “up” to thousands of kilometers. The air shell has the greatest density at the surface of the Earth, and the “higher” it is, the more and more rarefied it becomes.

Thus, we live at the bottom of a deep and vast ocean of air, in which colossal storms often occur, accompanied by electrical discharges, various currents of air masses and precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail are observed; sometimes (after rain) a beautiful spectacle of a rainbow appears before our eyes; Often small solid bodies burst into our earthly atmosphere, and then against the background of the night sky we observe the phenomenon of a meteor.

In the morning and evening, when the Moon or Sun appears from behind the horizon or when they disappear behind the horizon, they appear to us reddish, purple. The Sun and Moon take on this color in the morning and evening because at this time we observe them through thicker layers of air than at the time when these celestial bodies are high above the horizon.

It is known that The thicker the layer of atmosphere, the more rays are retained in it. The earth's atmosphere retains blue and green rays especially easily, and least of all red, orange and yellow. Due to this circumstance, the Sun, Moon and areas of the sky close to them in the mornings and evenings (when the Moon and Sun are low on the horizon) seem to us to be of some kind of crimson, orange or yellow-red color.

Misconceptions about the Earth

In the old days, people thought that our Earth stood motionless in the center of the Universe, and the Sun and all other heavenly bodies revolved around it, and that therefore night gave way to day, and day to night.

For example, the monk Kuzma Indikoplov, who lived in the sixth century AD, believed that the Universe was like a chest of grandiose dimensions. In his book Christian Topography he writes that

“... the inhabited Earth rises from the south to the north higher and higher, so that the southern countries are much lower than the northern ones. Therefore, he says, the heavenly rivers Tigris and Euphrates, flowing from north to south, have a faster flow than the sacred river Nile, flowing from south to north. In the very north, he writes, there is a large mountain behind which the Sun is hidden. This, says Kuzma Indikoplov, causes the change of day and night.”

According to Kuzma Indikoplov, angels reside above the firmament of heaven, collecting clouds, sending rain and snow, drought and cold, wind and storm.

Science has long destroyed these misconceptions about the Earth and about the sun setting behind the northern mountain.

Daily rotation of the Earth

The true reason for this phenomenon is that the Earth does not stand still, but constantly rotates around a certain axis all the time, making a full revolution during the day.

As a result of this daily rotation of the earth, it seems to expose first one or the other side of its surface to the rays of the Sun.

The hemisphere facing the Sun is illuminated and heated by it. Here all nature is awake under the life-giving rays of the sun. It is day in this hemisphere. The other hemisphere, facing the opposite direction, is not illuminated by the sun's rays at this time, therefore, it is night there, and all nature falls asleep. Due to the constant axial rotation of the Earth, its hemispheres change their positions in relation to the Sun. Therefore, where there was night, day comes after a few hours, and vice versa.

It should be noted that on the same meridian the time is the same everywhere, but on different meridians it is different. This circumstance introduces a certain order into almost all areas of national economic life.

“It’s time to finish work,” we say, the sun has already set.”

And indeed, when night falls, work stops almost everywhere. Nature and people fall asleep. But at the same time, the working day begins on the other hemisphere.

So we alternate our rest, sleep and working time depending on the daily rotation of the Earth, and it rotates forever, without needing rest, like a “perpetual” motion machine.

Only transport, regardless of sunrise and sunset, day and night, operates around the clock. The movement of railway trains is indicated by rails, a river steamer is shown by a buoy, and sea and air ships are helped to navigate the air and water spaces by lighthouses, a compass, a radio, modern navigators and the starry sky.

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