When was Tutankhamun's tomb found? The tomb of Tutankhamun - the greatest falsification or curse from the darkness of centuries


After Akhenaten, a transition period was introduced in Egypt.

After Akhenaten, Pharaoh ruled Egypt for 2 years. Tutankhamun(Tut-Ankh-Amon or Amon-Ankh-Toth). He was only 18 years old when he became ruler. He was married to one of the daughters of Nefertiti and Akhenaten. Tutankhamun was given the opportunity to rule only for two years. He ruled during the transitional time between Akhenaten and the next ruler. Tutankhamun communicated telepathically with Nefertiti, and in fact she ruled the country during this year. She had to hide.

By Willis Budge, Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities, British Museum, December 1st. In the letter, Carnarvon claimed to have found a certain document of great historical significance in the pharaoh's crypt. The existence of the papyrus was also confirmed by one of the official bulletins that came out daily from Luxor during the excavations.

As is known, in the case of an important archaeological discovery, the discoverer avoids making official statements until he can verify from below to the end the authenticity of his own discovery. Therefore, it is unlikely that 4 days after opening, not a single member of the team had yet taken care of the checks.


Ankhesenamun was the 3rd of 6 reliably known daughters of the reformer pharaoh Akhenaten and his “main wife” Nefertiti. She was born in the old capital of the state - Thebes (ancient Egyptian. Ne, Ne-Amon, Uast) in the 5th year of her father's reign. Carrying out religious reform, Akhenaten built a new capital, Akhetaten (modern Tell el-Amarna), where the princess spent her childhood. She probably lived either in the main or in the Northern Palace, which belonged to her mother Queen Nefertiti. The essence of Akhenaten’s transformations was to replace the old gods with the cult of the solar disk of Aten, therefore, like her older sisters, the princess was named after Aten - Ankhesenpaaton. This name meant “She lives thanks to Aten.”
Born before the completion of the capital, Ankhesenpaaton appears on many Amarna reliefs and bears the traditional title for a princess: “The daughter of the king from his flesh, beloved by him, Ankhesenpaaton, born of the great wife of the king, his beloved Nefer-neferu-Aten-Nefertiti, she lives forever, forever (ancient Egyptian nsw-sn.t h.t-f mr.t-f ˁnḫ-s-n-itn-rˁ ms-n nsw-tḫm.t-wr.t mr.t-f nfr-nfr.w-itn-nfr. t-jty ˁnḫ-ti ḏt-nḫḫ)".

The “scandalous” history of Israel

We also know that Howard Carter never denied Lord Carnarvon's statements, and both the inventory and the first version of the facts were only changed after the latter's death. These findings confirm rumors that at the time the same Howard Carter admitted to some witnesses in a lively discussion that the real secret of the hidden history of Israel.

The most recent research conducted in this area shows that, in all likelihood, the people of Israel derive their origins from a racial combination between the Semitic Hyksos tribes and other ethnic minorities who followed the heretical Pharaoh Akhenaten with his Yahud priestly caste.

Ankhesenamun in the image of the goddess Serket. (Gilded statue of one of the 4 guardian goddesses from the tomb of Tutankhamun, XIV century BC)

On the monuments of the last years of Akhenaten’s reign, Princess Ankhesenpaaton appears with a girl named Ankhesenpaaton-Tasherit in her arms. The inscriptions say that this is the child of the pharaoh.
Apparently the princess was betrothed to Tutankhamun while her father was still alive in Akhetaten.

Already during the Napoleonic occupation of Egypt, the scholar Jean-François Champollion suggested the existence of a close connection between the Old Testament and the Egyptian period of El Amarna and its monotheistic pharaoh. Therefore, this is a hypothesis widely spread in the past by the famous Egyptologist and even confirmed by Sigmund Freud.

The father of psychoanalysis, who was a Jew, carefully studied the sacred texts in search of the true origin of the Israelites, and at the end of his studies he wrote. “I would venture to conclude that if Moses was an Egyptian, and if he transmitted his religion to the Jews, it was the religion of Akhenaten, the religion of the Aten.”

Tutankhamun receives flowers from Ankhesenpaaton. Fragment of a wooden chest

Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun. Fragment of the back of the golden throne of Tutankhamun, XIV century. BC.

Aya appears again in documents as a mentor to the young reigning couple.
Ankhesenamun did not give birth to heirs to Tutankhamun and after the death of the latter she became a dowager ruler. The death of her husband was a real tragedy for the queen. A symbol of her love for her husband can be a wreath of flowers left on the sarcophagus of the young pharaoh. This bouquet was preserved for 3,300 years and was discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter when opening the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Other prominent scholars of Jewish origin, such as Messod and Roger Sabbah, came to the same conclusions about the origins of the Jewish people. Therefore, new archaeological finds forced researchers to radically reconsider their positions. For Robert Pera, author of The Last Secret of Qumran, The Scrolls Dead Sea" are of Egyptian origin, and he explains in his book that most of writing of the Old Testament is located in a reality that can be attributed to the priestly caste of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, the priests of Yahd.

Treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb

The English Lord Carnarvon - heir to a huge fortune, collector and sportsman - was also one of the first motorists. He barely survived one of the car accidents, and since then he had to give up his dreams of sports. To improve his health, the bored lord visited Egypt and there became interested in the great past of this country. For his own entertainment, he decided to take up excavations himself, but his independent attempts in this field turned out to be fruitless. Money alone was not enough for such a task, and Lord Carnarvon did not have enough knowledge and experience. He was recommended to seek help from Howard Carter, who came to archeology in a completely different way.
In 1914, Lord Carnarvon saw the name of Tutankhamun on one of the earthenware cups found during excavations in the Valley of the Kings. The same name was on the gold plate from the small cache. These finds forced the lord to obtain permission from the Egyptian government to search for the tomb of the pharaoh. The same material evidence also supported G. Carter when he was overcome by despondency from a long but fruitless search. But first, members of Lord Carnarvon's expedition decided to clear the Valley of the Kings from piles of sand. They laid rails, and trolleys rolled along this narrow-gauge railway, transporting sand and rubble, ton after ton. Archaeologists searched for the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun for seven long years, but in the end happiness smiled on them.
Sensational news spread around the world in the beginning. 1923 In those days, crowds of reporters, photographers and radio commentators flocked to the small and usually quiet Egyptian town of Luxor. From the Valley of the Kings, reports, messages, notes, essays, reports, reports, articles were rushing hourly by telephone and telegraph...
For eighty-four days, archaeologists reached the inner golden coffin of Tutankhamun - through four outer arks, a stone sarcophagus and three inner coffins - until they finally saw the one who for a long time was only a ghostly name for historians. But first, archaeologists and workers discovered steps that led deeper into the rock and ended at the walled-up entrance. When the entrance was cleared, behind it there was a corridor covered with fragments of limestone, and at the end of the corridor there was another entrance, which also turned out to be walled up.
Having made a hole in the masonry, Howard Carter stuck his hand in with a candle and clung to the hole. “At first I didn’t see anything,” he later wrote in his book. - Warm air rushed out of the room, and the candle flame began to flicker. But gradually, when the eyes became accustomed to the twilight, the details of the room began to slowly emerge from the darkness. There were strange figures of animals, statues and gold - gold shimmered everywhere!
When Lord Carnarvon and G. Carter entered the first room, they were stunned by the number and variety of objects that filled it. There were chariots covered in gold, bows, a quiver of arrows and shooting gloves; beds, also upholstered in gold; armchairs covered with the smallest inserts of ivory, gold, silver and gems; magnificent stone vessels, richly decorated caskets with clothes and jewelry.

Akhenaten and the forgotten history of his people

Although the Patriarch of the Jews Abraham, if we adhere to biblical sources, came precisely from the city of Ur and therefore had Mesopotamian origin. The Hyksos were a cult people of the Semitic type with avant-garde military technologies, such as powerful Mesopotamian war chariots, with which they most likely had rapid military success.

Eventually, however, the Hyksos kings were defeated and driven out of the Nile Delta, while some of their people were captured and forced into slavery. Thus, the Hyksos refugees went from being dominated to being prisoners, and their persistence in Egypt lasted some 400 years: the same period of time identified by the Bible as the "Egyptian captivity of the Jews."

The first room was followed by others, and what was discovered in the tomb of the pharaoh exceeded the wildest expectations of the expedition members. Here were magnificent works ancient Egyptian art. Ruthless time destroys many things, in addition, thieves also visited the tomb in ancient times. Countless treasures, which were supplied to the deceased rulers, members of their families and important dignitaries, have long attracted greedy robbers. Neither terrible spells, nor careful security, nor pyramid mountains, nor clever tricks of architects (camouflaged traps, walled chambers, false passages, secret staircases, etc.) helped against them. But thanks to a happy coincidence, the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun remains the only one preserved almost completely intact.
The fact that G. Carter's expedition discovered the tomb was in itself an incomparable success. But fate smiled at him one more time, and in those days he wrote: “We saw something that not a single person of our time was awarded.”
From the front chamber of the tomb alone, the English expedition removed 34 containers full of priceless jewelry, precious stones, gold and works of art. And when the members of the expedition entered the funeral chambers of the pharaoh, they found a wooden gilded ark, and in it another - an oak ark, in the second - a third gilded ark, and then a fourth. This fourth contained a sarcophagus made from a single piece of the rarest crystalline quartzite, and there were two more sarcophagi in it. Now the treasures from Tutankhamun's tomb are on display in Egyptian Museum in Cairo and occupy ten halls there, the area of ​​which is equal to a football field.

What happened after the fall of Akhenaten? It is not yet entirely clear that the regents who persecuted him erased all traces of history. Thus, the biblical exodus is undoubtedly linked to the vicissitudes of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, who established a new monotheistic faith dedicated to the worship of the ineffable God Aten.

It was to him that Akhenaten dedicated the construction of an entire city, Akhetaten, the place where he gathered his new people around the cult of the sun. There was a lot of controversy about the heresy of Aten, a monotheism that was actually very atypical, containing, without denying it, the complex polytheism of Egypt.

Tutankhamun had two statues of Ka, which were carried in a row of honor in the funeral procession - immediately after the pharaoh's sarcophagus. In the burial chambers, these statues stood on the sides of the sealed door leading to the golden sarcophagus. Ka is the life force that the gods endow every mortal at birth. This force was invisible, but was depicted in the guise of the one it inspired. With the death of a person, Ka left his body, but still took care of her master. The well-being of Ka, in turn, depended on the condition of the body of the deceased, which is why embalming was given such importance in Ancient Egypt.
Ka Pharaoh has a youthfully handsome face with wide-set eyes looking with the dispassionate stillness of death. Ancient sculptors and artists repeated it many times on chests, chests and arks. The dimensions of the statue of the spirit-double helped scientists determine the height of the pharaoh himself, since according to ancient Egyptian tradition the dimensions corresponded to the height of the deceased. It turned out that the height of Ka and the data obtained from examining Tutankhamun’s body differ by only a few millimeters.
The human soul is Ba, and it was represented in the form of a bird with a human face. The ba of Tutankhamun was guarded by a wooden sculpture depicting the pharaoh on the funeral bed, and on the other side a falcon overshadowed the sacred mummy with its wing. Ba and the falcon represent heavenly protection. On the figurine of Tutankhamun, archaeologists saw carved words with which he addressed the sky goddess in prayer: “Come down, Mother Nut, bend over me and turn me into one of the immortal stars that are all in you!” This sculpture was among the gifts that friends and courtiers presented to the now dead pharaoh, as an obligation to serve him in the afterlife.

Therefore, many scholars prefer to use the term "henotheism", explaining that Aten would not be the only divinity, but a supreme god whose worship could replace all others as they flow from him. Among the converts to this form of monotheism were also the ethnic minorities then present in Egypt, which once gathered in the cult of the Aten, gave rise to the birth of a cosmopolitan and multiracial people, whose members of Semitic origin formed the majority.

In this new country there were also African races, such as the Ethiopian Falasha, who still claim their Jewish origins. The latter, however, after Akhenaten's reign over Egypt, returned to the African region of belonging, thereby separating his fate from the other surviving heretics.

To get to the sacred mummy of Tutankhamun, scientists had to open several sarcophagi. “The mummy lay in a coffin,” writes G. Carter, “to which she was tightly stuck, since, having been lowered into the coffin, she was filled with aromatic resins. The head and shoulders, right down to the chest, were covered with a beautiful golden mask, reproducing the features of the royal face, with a headband and necklace. It was impossible to remove it, since it, too, was stuck to the coffin with a layer of resin, which thickened into a mass as hard as stone.” The head was apparently shaved bald, and its skin was coated with some kind of whitish compound (probably a known type of fatty acid).

The two outcomes, the historical one from the monotheistic pharaoh Akhenaten on the one hand, and the biblical one from Moses on the other hand, were precisely verified during the same historical period, to the point that the two narrative events overlapped completely on the other.

The Bible itself also tells us that Moses grew up as a prince in the court of the Pharaohs after he was found in a basket that floated along the Nile. A fabulous episode that has the incomparable taste of literary invention, designed to justify the presence of the patriarch in the house of the pharaoh. A similar story is described in Sumerian tablets.

The third coffin, in which the mummy of Tutankhamun lay (the king is depicted in the image of Osiris), was entirely made of massive gold sheet with a thickness of 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters. In its shape, the third coffin repeated the previous two (the first was made of gilded wood, the second was entirely inlaid with multi-colored glass), but its decor was more complex. The pharaoh's body was protected by the wings of the goddesses Isis and Nephthys; chest and shoulders - kite and cobra - patron goddesses of the North and South. They were placed on top of a golden coffin, with each kite feather filled with pieces of gems or colored glass.
The mummy lying in the third coffin was wrapped in many shrouds. On the top veil were sewn golden hands holding a whip and a staff; under them there was also a golden image of the soul in the form of a bird with a human head. At the places of the belts there were longitudinal and transverse gold stripes with the texts of prayers.

Investigation by Messod and Roger Sabbah

Thus, it seems clear that the scribes of the Old Testament wanted to record the true origins of Moses and his people before their ancestors. Among the many pieces of evidence collected over the years, there are some that are particularly significant, such as Psalm 104 of the Old Testament: according to the loosest interpretation among lay scholars, Psalm 104 is a reworking of the "Great Hymn to the Aten", a text which was written by the heretical pharaoh himself.

Even the controversial origin of the Christian Father's Prayer, despite what it implies Catholic Church, appears, according to some scholars, to be a religious hymn dating back to ancient Egypt, precisely at the time when the Sun God was worshiped.

When Howard Carter unwrapped the mummy from the shrouds, he found a lot more precious jewelry, the inventory of which is divided into 101 groups. For example, on the body of the king, scientists found two daggers - bronze and silver. The handle of one dagger is decorated with gold grain and framed with interlocking ribbons of cloisonné enamel. At the bottom, the decorations end with a chain of scrolls made of gold wire and a rope design. The blade, made of hardened gold, has two more longitudinal grooves in the middle, topped with a palmette, above which there is a geometric pattern in a narrow frieze. The forged gold mask that covered Tutankhamun's head was made of a thick sheet of gold and richly decorated: the stripes of the scarf, eyebrows and eyelids were made of dark blue glass, the wide necklace shone with numerous inserts of gems. Tutankhamun's golden throne was made of wood, covered with gold leaf and richly decorated with inlays of multi-colored faience, glass and stones. The legs of the throne in the shape of lion paws are topped with lion heads made of beaten gold; the handles represent winged snakes coiled in a ring, supporting the pharaoh's cartouches with their wings. Between the supports behind the back of the throne there are six uraei with crowns and solar disks. They are all made of gilded wood with inlay: the heads of the uraei are of purple faience, the crowns are of gold and silver, and the sun discs are of gilded wood.
On the back of the throne there is a relief image of papyrus and water birds. On the front back there is a one-of-a-kind inlaid image of the pharaoh and his wife. The lost gold decorations that connected the seat with the lower frame are an ornament of lotuses and papyrus, united by a central image - the hieroglyph “sema”, which symbolized the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt. In Egypt, from time immemorial, there was a custom of decorating the bodies of the deceased with wreaths of flowers. The wreaths found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, of course, did not reach us in very good condition; two or three flowers crumbled into powder at the first touch. The leaves turned out to be very brittle, and scientists kept them in lukewarm water for several hours before starting their research.
The necklace found on the lid of the third coffin was composed of leaves, flowers, berries and fruits of various plants mixed with blue glass beads. All this was arranged in nine rows, tied to semicircular strips cut from the core of papyrus. By analyzing flowers and fruits, scientists were able to establish the time of the pharaoh’s burial - it happened between mid-March and the end of April. It was then that cornflowers bloomed in Egypt, and the fruits of mandrake and nightshade, woven into a wreath, ripened.
In magnificent stone vessels, archaeologists found fragrant ointments with which Tutankhamun was supposed to anoint himself in the afterlife, just as he did during life. These perfumes, even after 3000 years, emitted a strong aroma...
Two mummified human embryos were found in Tutankhamun's tomb. It is believed that these are the premature daughters of the royal couple.

One hundred years ago, Albert Churchward, a scholarly expert on mythology, said: “The canonical Gospels may be regarded as a collection of sayings taken from the myths and eschatology of the Egyptians.” The authors have carried out rigorous and careful exegetical work that has informed the authoritative hermeneutical studies of Salomon Rashi, a well-known and respected medieval Hebrew translator even within the Jewish Orthodox community, especially as he became the exclusive depository of their lost oral tradition.

Roger Sabbah, an Egyptologist, archaeologist and explorer, has made interesting discoveries. The coincidence didn't bother anyone at the time. Nothing more: on the wall of the tomb, a double “cartouche of an obscure pharaoh” Ai, whose name in hieroglyphics resembles that in the Aramaic Bible of God, was pronounced by Adonai.

For the tomb of a pharaoh, the grave looked very hastily made. The fact that it was not originally intended for a royal person was indicated not only by its modest size, but also by its sloppy decoration: there were stains of paint on the wall paintings that no one bothered to erase. Some items of utensils that so amazed the world with their sophistication, in fact, apparently were taken from a funeral warehouse, since upon careful examination they were found to contain traces of inscriptions of the names of other people. These names were erased, and in their place they put the necessary inscription - Tutankhamun. After embalming, whole buckets of balm were poured onto the mummy, which only worsened her condition. Was this part of a ritual or simply an attempt to cover up the crime? To answer this question, in 1925 Carter conducted an anatomical examination of the corpse, which was done using crude methods and was more reminiscent of cutting up a meat carcass. The balm glued the bandages that wrapped the mummy together, so the body was damaged when removed from the sarcophagus. After examining the body, the first anatomist found nothing suspicious. However, more than forty years later, in 1968, a scientist from the University of Liverpool received permission to x-ray the mummy and discovered several intriguing things: a narrow fragment of bone in the brain cavity and some kind of lump at the base of the skull, which could well be a blood clot. Such a clot could have formed as a result of a severe, possibly fatal blow to the back of the head. To find out, Cooper and King took the original X-rays and showed them to medical experts, radiologists and neurologists. Experts immediately discovered new Interesting Facts. For example, the thinned right temporal bone of Tutankhamun, covered with small cracks, which may have appeared when struck by a heavy object. In addition, Tutankhamun suffered from the so-called Klippel-Feil syndrome: he had fused cervical vertebrae. People with this pathology cannot turn their head without turning their entire body. Such an illness cannot be hidden, and it makes a person extremely vulnerable at the moment of a fall or push.

And at the entrance to the treasury room, guarding the grave lying on the chest, the dog Anubis: In Hebrew, “Nabi” means “keeper of the law.” The dog and chest were covered with a sacred cloth reminiscent of a Jewish prayer shawl. The stretcher can be akin to the “ark of the covenant” as described in the Bible.

Considering these similarities - there are many others - the Sabba brothers re-read the texts from top to bottom. They deduced from it that the Hebrew language was derived from stylized hieroglyphs. And from that moment on, everything was enlightened: the riddles of the Bible, names with strange consonances, because foreigners, characters, History.

On one of the gifts in Tutankhamun's tomb the name Maya (was treasurer) is inscribed.

During the reign of Akhenaten, Aya bore the high titles of “bearer of the fan at the right hand of the king, chief of the king’s friends,” “chief of all the horses of the ruler of both lands,” “personal scribe of the king.” Aya was a zealous supporter of Akhenaten and the cult of Aten promoted by the latter.
IN last years Akhenaten's reign, the name of Aya is not mentioned. But under Tutankhamun, he is again found in the position of the supreme dignitary - chati (vizier), who under the pharaoh concentrated all real power in his hands.

Let's leave the moment, other than the opening event, and let's briefly move on to the story. In fact, we know today that the true founder of modern Zionism was not a Jew, but a Christian dispensationalist, an American. Another curiosity about the choice of Theodor Herzl as the leader of the Zionist movement by American bankers is that it was anti-Semitic, like documentary notes in Hebrew with a subtitle in French.

Theodor Herzl continued the story as the official founder of the World Zionist Organization, a movement that based its propaganda on two fundamental issues: the concept of the "Jewish race" and its important connection with the Promised Land of Eretz Israel.

After the death of Tutankhamun, his widow Ankhesenamun, trying to maintain her rights to the throne, asked the Hittite king Suppiluliuma I to send her one of his sons as a husband. The Hittite king yielded to Ankhesenamon's requests and sent her his son Tsannantsu as her husband. But the prince was killed along the way, perhaps on the orders of the commander Horemheb, who cherished far-reaching hopes that he was not able to immediately realize. It must be assumed that Aya, who was then the vizier of Southern Egypt, knew about the correspondence between Ankhesenamon and Suppiluliuma. Moreover, perhaps it was carried out on his initiative, since by marrying a young widow to a foreigner who knew neither local customs nor orders, he could have retained actual power for a long time. An attempt at rapprochement with the Hittites, apparently undertaken on the initiative of Aya, failed. Suppiluliuma, enraged by the death of his son, invaded the Egyptian territory. In Syria, in the Amka region (south of Kadesh), Egyptian and Hittite troops met, but a decisive battle did not take place, since plague broke out in the Hittite army from Egyptian prisoners. The Hittites were forced to retreat.
The disease claimed the lives of so many of the subjects of King Suppi-lulium I that he was no longer able to wage war as energetically as before in the last years of his reign.
The possibility cannot be ruled out that it was Horemheb who had to lead the reflection of the Hittites. This, naturally, to some extent, distracted him from direct participation in the struggle for Tutankhamun’s legacy. As a result, Aya came to power.

The Zionist Lobby was never a political movement, since it could be considered from the very beginning to be exclusively supported by the strong powers of the time. This explains what was said above about the influence of people who managed to hide the origin of the Jewish religion and the non-Jewish origin of the Jews of Europe.

The Congress was headed by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who put on the agenda the birth of a credit institution whose main purpose was to support the Zionist cause. The Zionists, on the other hand, despite lacking a historical and biological basis, sought with all their might to affirm and spread the concept of the “Jewish race”: an ideology that found its propaganda in the works of the likes of Vladimir Jabotinsky.

In 1322 BC. The ancient Egyptian solar cycle of 1460 years ended.

Aya and Taya

After Tutankhamun, the Limurians were allowed to rule the country Ayu And Taye. Aya was married to Tayi, the nurse of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Taya was called in the inscriptions “high nurse”, “mother who fed the divine”, “clothing the king”. Taya in official inscriptions was called “the nurse of Nefertiti, the great wife of the king.”
They ruled the country for about 30 years (1335 - 1302 BC).
Wall paintings in Tutankhamun's tomb depict Aya performing the Opening of the Gates ritual at the pharaoh's funeral, a ceremony that would have been performed by the heir to the throne.

Indeed, due to the process of integration that was actually underway at that time, the Jews believed that the ethnic purity of the Jews was in grave danger, and they argued that the only possible solution to this problem was the construction of a Jewish state.

Following the anti-Semitic propaganda of the German dictator, many Jews willingly accepted the offer of permanent relocation to Palestine, initiating this progressive immigration program that ultimately led to the birth of the Jewish state.

One must know that Hitler advocated Zionism and worked with the Zionists to create Israel, both in the Transfer Treaty and the Hawara Agreement. And he also eliminated the honest historians who still defended the Khazar origins of the Jews of Europe, and thus he completed the job of rewriting the history of the origins of the Jews of Europe begun by the Zionists.

The place of residence of Pharaoh Ai, according to the scanty data available, remained Memphis. Aya pretended to resurrect the fighting traditions of warrior kings. Under him, the permanent pharaonic title once again sounded militant, which was not observed in the previous reigns. However, apart from the name “mighty in strength, suppressing the northeast” and the image in the form of a formidable archer on a chariot, there seems to be no news about the military exploits of the elderly pharaoh.
Aya completed the decoration of the temple at Sulba in Nubia, begun under Tutankhamun, where two magnificent sculptures of a lion made of pink granite were installed.
Many records dated to the 3rd year of Ai’s reign have been preserved (in particular, on the slab of the Theban nomarch Ramose). The latest year of Aye's reign known to us is the 4th.

History has not yet clarified the various points of contact between Nazis and Zionists in this paradoxical convergence of interests. This article clearly suggests a third hypothesis, but there is no concrete evidence that would legitimize this accusation against the Zionists of the time.

There is, however, an interesting connection that is difficult to ignore: the presence of Baron Edmund de Rothschild in the circle of people who first knew the truth about the seething contents of the documents. The famous banker enjoyed a privileged information channel, being a direct relative of Alfred de Rothschild, the financier who covered the debts of the disastrous Earl of Carnarvon.


And I

There is an ancient round building in Egypt. For a long time, this was the home of Aya and Taiya. There is a wall in the middle of this round house. To go from one part of the house to another, you need to go outside, go around the house and enter it from the other side. On one side in the middle there are images of Ay, who looks like a typical Egyptian with characteristic clothing, a beard and other Egyptian attributes. He appears to be of normal height. On the other side of the wall, Ai is depicted at 4.8 m tall. He looks completely different, but with the same face and a huge, drawn-back skull.
Ai could transform from one level of Consciousness to another, i.e. he could take on the appearance of an ordinary Egyptian and the appearance of a Limurian/Sirian.

The tomb of Tutankhamun is located in the Valley of the Kings, and this is the only almost unplundered tomb that has reached scientists in its original form, although it was opened twice by tomb thieves. It was discovered in 1922 by two Englishmen - Egyptologist Howard Carter and amateur archaeologist Lord Carnarvon. Numerous decorations were preserved in the tomb, as well as a turquoise-decorated sarcophagus weighing 110.4 kg made of pure gold with the mummified body of the pharaoh.

Inner sarcophagus

In the eyes of historians, Tutankhamun remained a little-known minor pharaoh until the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, doubts were even expressed about the reality of its existence. Therefore, the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb is considered the greatest event in the history of archaeology. However, Tutankhamun's reign was not really distinguished by anything significant other than the rejection of atonism. Howard Carter said the following about the young pharaoh: “In the present state of our knowledge, we can say with certainty only one thing: the only remarkable event in his life was that he died and was buried.”

Head of the mummy of Tutankhamun, located in the tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor

On November 4, 1922, the entrance to the tomb was cleared, and the seals on the doors were intact, which gave serious hope for the possibility of making the largest archaeological discovery of the century. At the entrance to the tomb of Ramesses VI (the builders of the tomb of this Ramesside apparently covered the path to the tomb of Tutankhamun, which explains its relative safety). On November 26, 1922, Carter and Carnarvon became the first people in three millennia to descend into the tomb (robbers who may have visited the tomb apparently descended into it during the 20th Dynasty). After lengthy excavations, on February 16, 1923, Carter finally descended into the burial chamber of the tomb (“Golden Chamber”), where the pharaoh’s sarcophagus itself was located. Among the utensils and other objects buried with the pharaoh, many examples of art were discovered bearing the stamp of influence from the art of the Amarna period. The owner of the discovered treasure, then a practically unknown young ruler of Egypt, immediately became an object of increased attention, and the phenomenal discovery not only made his name well known, but also caused another surge of renewed interest in all traces of Egyptian civilization in the modern world.

In his recent press release, Zahi Hawass announced that Tutankhamun's tomb will soon be closed for restoration work. The Supreme Council of Antiquities, together with the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), will carry out a conservation project for the tomb. The project is planned to be implemented over a five-year period.

Brown stains were noticed on the walls of the tomb, the cause of which has not yet been clarified, but it is clear that continuing this process could forever destroy the unique monument of Ancient Egypt


Tomb of Tutankhamun: canopic lids clickable

Tutankhamun's tomb. Golden Mummy Mask

Treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb

Symbol of royal power

Folding chair
In the front room, between the second and third beds, there was a wonderful folding chair. The seat is made of ebony with ivory inlay to imitate animal skin. The legs of the chair end in duck heads, and individual parts of the chair are covered with gold leaf. Such folding chairs were found in ancient Egypt often. A close analogy is found in the painting of the Theban tomb of the governor of Nubia under Tutankhamun, Amen-hotpe-Khevi, in which a chair is placed among the gifts brought from Nubia by the local prince Hecanofres.

Gold earrings
Gold earrings in the shape of a duck with outstretched wings, decorated with various semi-precious stones and colored smalt using the cloisonné enamel technique.
The lower part of the pendant consists of five low small beads ending in figurines of uraei, and four low large beads with pendants in the shape of drops. The cufflink-style clasp at the top has two discs. One depicts a pharaoh and two uraei. Found in the “treasury” in a wooden box shaped like a cartouche.

Alabaster vase
In the front room, near its western wall, a group of similar vases carved from alabaster was discovered. They are elongated vessels with a high neck, from which openwork planes extend in two directions, on one side representing a complex pattern of lilies, and on the other, of papyrus flowers, which symbolized the unification of southern and northern Egypt. The edges of the side planes of the vase are jagged, which connects them with the sign “time”, and the painted schematic figures of tadpoles on the body mean “one hundred thousand [years]”. On the lateral planes of the high leg there are two “life” signs that support the wands of power. On the high throat, the head of the goddess Gator is painted in dark blue, in front, decorated with a rich necklace and an ornament of flowers.
On the body of the vase there are two names of the pharaoh - “Son of the god Ra Tutankhamun” and “Lord of the two lands of Nebheprur”. The inscriptions and ornaments are made in dark blue paint.
Tutankhamun's tomb: incense vase

Tutankhamun's Tomb: Incense Box

Tutankhamun's Tomb: Mirror Case

Solid gold pendant depicting a scarab supporting a boat of the moon
Massive gold pendant, decorated with semi-precious stones and colored smalt. A large scarab (chalcedony), with motley outstretched wings and kite paws holding the sign of “eternity” and a bouquet of flowers, supports the boat of the moon.
In the boat there is the sign “left eye”, meaning the moon (the “right eye” - the sun), with uraei on the sides. Above it is a lunar disk with the image of a pharaoh standing between the gods Horus and Thoth. On the head of Pharaoh and Thoth there is a disk of the moon, on Horus there is a disk of the sun.
At the bottom of the large pendant there are smaller massive pendants in the form of lotus flowers and blue circles. Found in a casket that was in the “treasury”. No chain.
Tomb of Tutankhamun: pectoral with winged scarab

Fragment of the back of Tutankhamun's throne

Golden throne of Tutankhamun
Tutankhamun's golden throne was made of wood, covered with cast gold and richly decorated with inlays of multi-colored faience, glass and stones. The legs of the throne in the shape of lion paws are topped with lion heads made of beaten gold; the handles represent winged snakes coiled in a ring, supporting the pharaoh's cartouches with their wings. Between the supports behind the back of the background there are six uraei with crowns and solar disks. They are all made of gilded wood with inlay: the heads of the uraei are of violet faience, the crowns are of gold and silver, and the sun discs are of gilded wood.

Golden throne of Tutankhamun
On the back of the throne there is a relief image of papyrus and water birds. On the front back there is a one-of-a-kind inlaid image of the pharaoh and his wife. The lost gold decorations that connected the seat to the lower frame are an ornament of lotuses and papyrus, united by a central image - the hieroglyph "sema", which symbolized the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Model of a boat from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Gold pendant in the form of a kite Nekhebt
A golden figure of a kite with drooping wings, decorated with inlay of lapis lazuli, carnelian and colored smalt. On the reverse side is a cartouche with the name of Tutankhamun. The pendant chain consists of gold and lapis lazuli plates strung on threads, edged with small beads made of gold and blue smalt. Chain clasp of two gold figurines of falcons, decorated with lapis lazuli, feldspar, onyx, carnelian and colored paste using cloisonne enamel technique. The pendant was found on the king's mummy.

The legend of the "curse of the pharaoh"

Lord George Carnarvon, who financed the excavations, died on April 5, 1923 at the Continental Hotel in Cairo from pneumonia, but almost immediately hoaxes arose around his death (there was even talk of “blood poisoning due to a razor wound” or a “mysterious mosquito bite”). In subsequent years, the press fueled rumors of a “curse of the pharaohs” that allegedly led to the death of the discoverers of the tomb, counting up to 22 “victims of the curse,” 13 of whom were directly present at the opening of the tomb. Among them were such prominent specialists as the leading American Egyptologist Professor James Henry Brasted, the author of the grammar of the Egyptian language Sir Alan Henderson Gardiner, Professor Norman De Harris Davis.

However, the facts indicate that the evidence of the “curse” was adjusted to achieve a newspaper sensation: the vast majority of the participants in the Carter expedition reached old age, and their average life expectancy is 74.4 years. So, J. G. Brasted was already 70 years old, N. G. Davis was 71, and A. Gardiner was 84 years old. Howard Carter, who directly supervised all the work in the tomb, seemed to be the first victim of the “curse of the pharaoh,” but he died last - in 1939 at the age of 66. One of the popular theories trying to analyze the death of the expedition members connects it with a fungus or other microorganism located in the tomb, which explains, in particular, the fact that the asthmatic Lord Carnarvon died first.

Thus, this is a typical "newspaper canard"