How to relax at home on weekends. How and where to spend your weekend

The work week is over These are the long-awaited weekends! It's time to rest! A nice question arises: how to relax so that it’s interesting and most useful? Where to go? Where to go for the weekend? Or maybe it's better to stay at home? WITHhow much money do you need to organize a cool weekend program?? There are questions and there are answers, but the main thing is to have the right attitude and There are two whole days off ahead! Here is a list of ideas on how to make your vacation wonderful...

Of course, you can figure out how to spend the weekend yourself, BUT...

Before you announce your list of ideas (options), I want to answer the question of my friend, who noted: compiling such a list is a useless exercise; everyone knows how best to spend their free time. Agree, everyone can come up with a bright weekend for themselves , I make a list in order to pay attention to the weekends, you can organize and plan and the return in terms of rest and energy increases many times over!

That's it, enough talk, let's move on to generating ideas, how and where to spend your weekend:

1. Introduction to culture, theater, museum, concert, exhibitions.
2. Internet – blogs, forums (accepted as an option)
3. Traveling or going out into nature - forest, dachas (Only: “Take care of nature - your mother!”)
4. Travel! To another city, neighboring village, state.
5. Photo hunt!
6. (possible remotely) and decisively change your life for the better
7. Visit! To friends, parents, work colleagues, enemies.
8. To the gym, swimming pool, fitness club.
9. Read books.
10. Hiking: backpacks, tents alone or with a group.
11. Movie marathon! Pick up discs, online, cinema and... all the way.
12. Carry out some kind of action.
13. Get your friends together to figure out how to spend the weekend.
14. Have a feast!
15. Watching TV is stupid.
16. Play Encounter (International network of active urban games)
17. Visit a temple, mosque, church...
18. Complete a car, bicycle, or moto run.
19. Amusement park - rides.
20. Grand shopping.
21. Participate in all kinds of sweepstakes, lotteries, and competitions!

22. Enjoy the air element! Fly on a plane, hang glider, jump with a parachute, take to the skies in a hot air balloon... Bungee.
23. Plunge into the water element. Sail, boats, scuba gear, walks on the seashore, rivers. Bathroom? Well, it is also accepted, and then write down the basin. (Watch a video: )
24. Earth! Climb the mountains, hills and steppe. Get drilled underground!
25. Animals! Zoo, farm, stables, circus, terrarium.
26. Start earning money doing what you love. Here about that
27. That's it. I went to the bathhouse (also an option)

For starters, I think that’s enough, we can of course continue. A little trick - the options can be successfully combined and make the weekend program very rich. (combinations will turn 25 ideas into 100!). Fool around, invent and discover new types of recreation, share ideas and joy with others. Enjoy your holiday!

Do something you've never done, listen to your feelings, What ideas seem attractive to you, which excite and attract you? What do you want?

How do you relax? And I don't stress...

The ability to rest is the most important skill of a successful person; is there any point in becoming a millionaire or a genius if you deprive yourself of rest? Stop underestimating the potential of relaxation. Stop sleeping until lunch, drinking beer and sitting for hours in front of the TV or monitor. You give a multifaceted Life!

Enjoy life, look for opportunities, expand your horizons of experience. Stop putting off joy until later. The deceptive “later” may never come. Make your weekend busy!

Live Now!

Ideas generated by: Dmitry Poslavsky
Author of the photo: Lazichev Andrey

Don't know how to spend your weekend? What to do and where to go on your legal day off? - We'll tell you!


Attractions, music, nature, children's laughter, cotton candy... How this all reminds us of the distant past... Immerse yourself in it, forgetting everyday life and everyday problems.

Nearby town

Going to unfamiliar places is a super mega offer! It is unlikely that anyone will refuse it.

Sea, rivers, lakes

Hint: there are a lot of photos here geo-locally people “come out” in the photographs. Check it out too!


Everyone dreams of going there. Especially those who did not have time to “enjoy” circus performances in childhood.


Dance, dance, dance! It’s good with them! And it doesn’t matter that the person dances unprofessionally and bizarrely.

Beauty salon, hairdresser

Dedicate the whole Saturday only to your appearance, only to your most adored self! After all, only a woman who takes care of herself, who likes herself... - will never have a complex and grieve that she has no fans and admirers.

How to spend your weekend in an interesting way?

  • At home

Buy pizza, light candles, prepare a bottle of wine or champagne... And then the evening itself will indicate its “development”! Pizza (like everything else) can be ordered online if you don’t have time to prepare it properly.

  • At his home

Anything you need…. It looks beautiful! He is obliged and forced to take care of the rest himself.

  • At the dacha, in a village house

Romance! It's good where there is a lot of nature! Especially in the warm season...

  • On the roof

At this place they are used to celebrating unusual celebrations (bachelorette party, graduation) and taking photographs from different angles. Spend the evening admiring the clouds and horizon.

  • Balcony

You can take a blanket so that the wind doesn’t scare you. It’s even cooler to keep each other warm by rolling around in a rocking chair (many people now have it on their balcony).

  • Motorcycles

Drive together if you know how and are not afraid. If you are afraid, choose bicycles. They are safer. Although you need to be able to manage them.

  • “Travel” to places in your city

You walk, stroll, talk..... And then go to your favorite bed. Together! After shower! You can't help but dream about this...

  • Nature

Spend your weekend in the forest, with a barbecue and a tent. Take a “sweet couple”, for example, to make it more fun.

  • First meeting place

Nostalgia is calling... Please respond! Dedicate your weekend to the very place that brought you together.

  • "Circles" of the Registry Office

Who knows…. It is quite possible that a young man will invite you there without hesitation. When to see the “magic building”!

  • Slot machines

And you don’t have to disappear near them around the clock! If you win a toy (or other prize), you leave the “territory of excitement.” It will be difficult to do, but love can conquer everything! Love each other!

Continuation. . .

How to spend your weekend? -

What to do?

“If you start dreaming about Friday evening on Wednesday, then you won’t have a good weekend,” says psychologist Shane Wayne from Sydney (Australia) and explains: “If you hate your job, your boss, every weekday, then from this level of stress, it is simply impossible to immediately switch to joy and relaxation.” Such guys live according to the same scenario: hard drinking on a Friday night, a completely hungover Saturday, a dull Sunday at the mall.

What to do: If you cannot change your job, at least change your attitude towards it. How? Resign yourself, or find something good in it, or come up with new incentives. Not an easy task, but you created this problem for yourself, right?

2. Don't expect too much

The bad news is that dreams of complete liberation must be forgotten. If during the week you work hard from morning to night, like a Kuzbass miner at the coal face, then you can only fill the refrigerator with food, visit your parents and dust off your favorite plasma only on the weekend. Of course, these matters can be ignored, but then the list of unfulfilled obligations (including to yourself) will catch up with you in the form of a feeling of guilt, like a parachute - a landing paratrooper.

But even if you are a lonely rich man with a housekeeper and you don’t have a list of worries for the weekend, you shouldn’t seriously expect that these two days will turn into a shining whirlwind of pleasures. You're not little anymore. “The higher the expectation bar on Friday, the greater the disappointment will be on Monday,” explains Anthony Grant, founder of the Department of Applied Psychology at the University of Sydney.

What to do:“Human happiness is somewhere between freedom and discipline,” said the great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Think of the weekend as a time that will give you episodes of joy, rather than 48 hours of celebration. And if you’re busy with business, change your work routine a little: for example, don’t fuss, move around the city with a relaxed gait and look around. And also: completely free yourself from worries at least one weekend a month.

3. Create rituals

Our ancestors didn’t worry about what to do on the weekend. In the morning - to church, then family dinner, then conversations at the samovar. And everyone was happy. Psychologists say: you can completely relax on the weekend only in a familiar environment, receiving familiar pleasures. Start some good traditions: going to a museum with a friend on Saturdays, playing football with friends on Sunday mornings, hosting guests on Friday evenings. “Besides, it’s much easier to manage your time when there are some key points in it,” adds psychologist Grant, who is already familiar to you. “And too many options are a powerful stressor.”

What to do: Even if you know for sure that the first half of Sunday is always busy with classes in the aquarium club, it would also be a good idea to plan the remaining time on the weekend in advance. Otherwise, you risk wasting time on TV, social networks and other nonsense.

4. Look for contrasts

“I work during the week, but not on weekends,” - only your brain will notice the difference. What about the body? It will understand that today is not an ordinary Tuesday if you occupy your hands and feet with something unusual. You sit in front of the computer from Monday to Friday, and run on the weekends. Whether you are standing at a machine or working as a loader at Auchan, swim. If you are a triathlete, well, after a week of training, go to the lecture “How the Human Brain Works” from the magazine “Popular Mechanics”. You can sleep to your heart’s content in a soft armchair.

What to do: British physiologists say that after a sports weekend, additional energy in your body will bubble up until Wednesday inclusive. What's next? For example, go to the gym on Wednesday evening.

5. Look at the people

Even if you are tired of squabbles at work, spending the weekend with your beloved dog is not the best idea. “A proven way to take a break from communicating with some people is to communicate with others,” advises psychologist Shane Wayne. You’ll change the picture, hear new gossip, and at the same time, maybe you’ll find out that all your problems are like kindergarten compared to the everyday life of your friend from the Pskov Airborne Division.

What to do: Communicate with positive companies, this is the best remedy for stress. Evidence from neuroscientists: when someone smiles at you, the so-called mirror neurons in your brain trigger a response.

How to break away. From work

You won't get the most out of Saturday and Sunday until you learn to leave work problems at the office. Australian work/life balance expert (yes, there are some) David Hall knows how to do it.

1. Before you leave work on Friday, write down your to-dos on a piece of paper., which you need to do first on Monday. Then, on vacation, your subconscious will allow you not to constantly scroll through this list in your head.

2. Set a milestone for yourself after which the weekend begins. It could be the end of the workday, a pedestrian crossing on the way home from work, or the first glass of wine at home. Having reached this mark, solemnly announce to yourself the start of the weekend.

3. On Friday, go to bed at the same time as on a weekday. After a working week, your brain needs rest, not loud music and ethanol poisoning. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully guide you on the weekend.

4. Due to the development of technology, work does not leave office workers at peace even on weekends. If you need to check your email while on vacation, do it once a day, not more often.

WONDERZINE launches a new section on how to properly relax over the weekend in different life circumstances. Simply put, we give advice for all cases - what to do so that by Monday morning you don’t feel overwhelmed and ashamed of a pointlessly wasted weekend.

What to do on the weekend if you are alone? Not lonely, but alone and with a great desire to restore the strength spent during the week. There are a lot of plans, but every time the everyday stagnation spills over into the weekend and repeats Groundhog Day. One day it's worth trying to act according to plan. For example, like this:

Change your appearance for a short time
and social circle

When you live according to the same algorithm for years, the picture of the world becomes blurred, and the joy from every day you live goes away. Wait with the accusations of banality: psychologists have found that even clothes can completely change our mood and behavior. For example, if you ask a person to put on a white coat, he will automatically perform the assigned work more carefully. A timid girl dressed in tomboy style straightens her shoulders and feels more confident.

Dramatic reforms can be made not only in clothing, but also in behavior and social circles. If among your friends and acquaintances there is a person whom you openly or secretly admire and would like to learn something from him (for example, making connections and easily communicating with people, running a household or business) - become his partner for a day. Observe, learn and help.

Digital detox

A typical weekend scenario: as soon as we open our eyes, we go online and spend the entire day on it. Researchers talk about real addiction - every new photo, text, status update stimulates the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine, and it encourages you to log into the social network again and again. As a result, the brain feels crowded and chaotic, memory suffers, the ability to create and plan, communicate live with loved ones, friends, make new acquaintances - we become autistic, withdraw into ourselves. Mood swings, fears, phobias, depression are also the price to pay for the habit of being “stupid on Facebook.”

Digital detox (temporarily eliminating all electronic devices from life) is a proven way to protect the brain from information intoxication. The rules are the same as with food detox. Start early - reduce your time online by 15 minutes every day of the week. Don't take your phone with you when you go to lunch, and don't put it next to your bed - buy a regular alarm clock. It is better to schedule a digital detox on a day free from work, when you belong to yourself and can relax. Pick the sites or apps you spend the most time on and ask yourself: what is it about them that draws you to them? Try to find a replacement for them in real life. If you're inspired by artistic photos on Instagram, go to an art gallery. If you spend hours on fitness blogs, go jogging or skiing.

In the evening, when you turn on your phone again and are flooded with filtered photos from your friends' fun weekends on Facebook, remind yourself that social networks reflect only the most beautiful moments in the lives of others. Most of them are not so shiny and remain behind the scenes.


Most of us view exercise as a bitter medicine: hard physical labor in exchange for health and a slim figure. Few people realize that the body is initially programmed to enjoy movement (hence the expression “muscle joy”). After 40–50 minutes of intense exercise, the brain begins to produce cannabinoids, substances similar to those found in marijuana. They relieve anxiety, pain and create the so-called runner's euphoria (“runner's high”). Athletes describe it as a feeling of complete relaxation, pure delight, harmony with oneself and nature, “as if you are rocking on the waves of happiness.” Women aged from 18 to 63 years old can experience orgasm during physical training.Here is a ranking of fitness types in order of increasing pleasure: race walking, running, cycling, yoga, strength fitness, abdominal exercises.

This coming weekend, try doing your workout as if it were a reward in itself. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations while doing the exercises. Finally, one more inspiring argument from Jane Fonda in favor of sports: “Perhaps the fastest way to clear your mind is to get your body in order. Get your thoughts out of your head and take care of your body.”

Creative date

If the words “going to an exhibition” or “excursion to the theater” make your cheekbones ache, try creative dates. The author of the term, American director and screenwriter Julia Cameron, wrote a bestseller on this topic - “The Artist's Way” (by the way, a great idea for weekend reading). Choose one of your favorite activities (a visit to an art supply store, a spa, an Italian lesson, an outing, a regular walk in the park) and go on a date with him. It is important not to take anyone with you for company and not to force yourself out of control. Instead, a creative date should be about spontaneity and time for yourself and what you truly love. You don’t need to look up to anyone or look back; the more you behave like a child, the more ideas and insights come to your mind.

Do some spring cleaning

Cold, darkness, dirt and chaos in the house, lack of sleep provoke bouts of gluttony - proven by scientific research. Moreover, on weekends, as a rule, overeating reaches its peak. Start your weight loss program not with a diet, but with spring cleaning. Give away or throw away unnecessary items. Buy beautiful bedding and try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. If you are cold, wear more soft clothes.

Listen to the music

Ten minutes of good music can play the role of the most effective meditation and, in addition, acts on the brain as cardio training: it strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of memory and imagination. Develop a sense of music - there is melody in all the sounds around us, we are just used to thinking of them as noise.

Cosmetic procedures

A day off is the ideal time for spa treatments. If the budget is very small, you can limit yourself to a massage. In a good salon, along with a massage, they offer free access to the hammam and swimming pool. You can carry out a full cycle of cleansing and nourishing the skin, relax muscles, relieve stress, reduce cellulite and swelling. To enhance the effect, on the day of visiting the salon, eat minimally (give preference to light dairy products, vegetables and fruits) and drink more water. After the massage, spend the rest of the day in relaxation and tranquility - no urgent meetings or parties.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

The long-awaited day off has arrived, and with its arrival, all ideas and thoughts regarding a useful and fruitful pastime have disappeared.

As a result, the day off passes without leaving a trace or memory, without bringing any benefit. Well, is this a familiar situation?

How to stock up on new ideas

The thing is that, getting used to the high speed of life, we do not know how to rest properly, we forget to relax and distance ourselves from stress. For example, the average person on a weekend most often:

  • does some housework
  • sits all day in front of the TV or monitor
  • completely idle.

Of course, these things are also needed, but don’t devote your precious and only day off to them! It’s better to spend at least part of this free time differently.

So what to do on a day off in order to get mental and physical rest? Surely, you yourself will be able to answer this question if you decide to write down your ideas in a separate notebook in order to restore your own plans and perspectives when free time appears for them. In this regard, you will gain a lot of time to think and will be deprived of uncertainty, which will certainly come at the most inopportune time - on the weekend.

In turn, the site undertakes to give the reader some interesting ideas about what to do on a day off. Perhaps you can supplement our recommendations and advice with your own thoughts, preferences, and personal plans, which will form the basis for a complete, quality vacation.

What to do on a day off

1. Take care of yourself. In the literal sense of the word, devote your free time to restoring your physical and mental strength. For example, you can start your morning with exercise, treat yourself to a healthy homemade breakfast, or go shopping or to a beauty salon. Finally, you can go:

  • in the pool
  • to the sauna
  • to the bowling club
  • to the billiard room
  • to a cafe or restaurant
  • to the gym, etc.

Self-development can be included in the same category of activities. For example, in your free time you can watch an educational film, read a useful book, look for useful courses or trainings. Anything to get the most out of your day off, increasing your self-confidence and raising your level of motivation for the next work week.

2. Remember your hobby. It is no coincidence that the male part of our readers is waiting for the weekend to go fishing. This is a truly high-quality, complete and useful vacation, in which physical relaxation is combined with mental relaxation. A hobby (which we wrote about in a previous article on our website) is exactly what will allow you to spend your day off with maximum benefit, gaining bright, joyful and pleasant memories for the next working week.

3. Prepare gifts. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pay attention to your loved ones on your day off. Believe me, giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving them. In addition, your long-awaited call to an old friend or someone you haven’t seen for a long time can be a gift.

If you are surrounded by small children, give them gifts. A trip to the circus, a walk in the park, ice skating or roller skating, a trip to the cinema, the zoo, etc. are guaranteed to be suitable gifts. Children's joy is characterized by special sincerity and positivity, which is transmitted to everyone around them. And you will definitely like new impressions and emotions!

4. Go out into nature or on an excursion. No one forbids spending a day off in nature, where there is fresh air and cheerful, friendly company.

5. Meet with friends. On weekdays there is so little time left to see relatives and friends. But what's stopping you from doing this on the weekend? Feel free to go on a visit, write letters and call those who are dear to you. Perhaps together you can come up with something interesting for yourself.

6. Get alone. In cases where work is connected with social activities, on a day off you really want to be alone. At the same time, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of home and solitude. Sometimes this is sorely lacking in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Write down ideas in a notepad

Thus, even these few ideas can already be used by the reader as a basis for making plans for the weekend. But the guide to action will be your personal notes and notes made during the week. The more ideas accumulate in your notebook, the more useful and fulfilling your next day off will be!