We are piloting a large jet. Wing mechanization Structure of an aircraft wing

The term “wing mechanization” in English sounds like “high lift devices”, which literally means devices for increasing lift. This is precisely the main purpose of the wing mechanization, and where are the planes related to the wing mechanization and how to increase the lift force, as well as why this is needed - this article will tell you.

Wing mechanization is a list of devices that are installed on the wing of an aircraft to change its characteristics during different stages of flight. The main purpose of an airplane wing is to create lift. This process depends on several parameters - the speed of the aircraft, air density, wing area and its lift coefficient.

Wing mechanization directly affects the wing area and its lift coefficient, and also indirectly affects its speed. The lift coefficient depends on the curvature of the wing and its thickness. Accordingly, we can conclude that the mechanization of the wing, in addition to the wing area, also increases its curvature and profile thickness.

In fact, this is not entirely true, because increasing the thickness of the profile is associated with greater technological difficulties, is not as effective and leads more to an increase in drag, therefore this point must be discarded; accordingly, the mechanization of the wing increases its area and curvature. This is done with the help of moving parts (planes) located at certain points of the wing. Based on location and function, the wing mechanization is divided into flaps, slats and spoilers (interceptors).

Airplane flaps. Main types.

Flaps are the first type of wing mechanization invented, and they are also the most effective. They were widely used even before the Second World War, and during and after it their design was refined and new types of flaps were also invented. The main characteristics that indicate that this is indeed a flap are its location and the manipulations that occur with it. The flaps are always located on the trailing edge of the wing and always go down, and, moreover, can be extended back. When the flap is lowered, the curvature of the wing increases, and when it extends, the area increases. And since the lift of a wing is directly proportional to its area and lift coefficient, then if both quantities increase, the flap performs its function most effectively. According to their design and manipulation, flaps are divided into:

  • simple flaps (the very first and simplest type of flaps)
  • shield flaps
  • slotted flaps
  • Fowler flaps (the most effective and most widely used type of flap in civil aviation)

How all of the above flaps function is shown in the diagram. A simple flap, as can be seen from the diagram, is simply the trailing edge of the wing deflected down. Thus, the curvature of the wing increases, but the low pressure area above the wing decreases, therefore simple flaps are less effective than shield flaps, the upper edge of which does not deviate and the low pressure area does not lose in size.

The slotted flap gets its name from the gap it creates after deflection. This gap allows the air stream to pass to the low pressure area and is directed in such a way as to prevent stall (a process during which the amount of lift drops sharply), giving it additional energy.

The Fowler flap extends back and down, thereby increasing both the area and curvature of the wing. As a rule, it is designed in such a way that when it is pulled out, it also creates a gap, or two, or even three. Accordingly, it performs its function most efficiently and can provide an increase in lifting force of up to 100%.

Slats. Main functions.

Slats are deflectable surfaces on the leading edge of the wing. In their structure and functions, they are similar to Fowler flaps - they deflect forward and down, increasing the curvature and slightly the area, forming a gap for the passage of air flow to the upper edge of the wing, thereby increasing the lift force. Slats that are simply deflected downwards and do not create a gap are called deflected leading edges and only increase the curvature of the wing.

Spoilers and their tasks.

Spoilers. Before considering spoilers, it should be noted that when creating additional lift, all of the above devices create additional drag, which leads to a decrease in speed. But this occurs as a consequence of an increase in lift, while the task of spoilers is specifically to significantly increase drag and press the aircraft to the ground after touching down. Accordingly, this is the only wing mechanization device, which is located on its upper surface and deflects upward, which creates downforce.

Those people who have flown on airplanes and paid attention to the wing of an iron bird while it lands or takes off, probably noticed that this part begins to change, new elements appear, and the wing itself becomes wider. This process is called wing mechanization.

general information

People have always wanted to drive faster, fly faster, etc. And, in general, this worked out quite well with the airplane. In the air, when the device is already flying, it develops enormous speed. However, it should be clarified here that a high speed rate is acceptable only during direct flight. During takeoff or landing, the opposite is true. In order to successfully lift a structure into the sky or, conversely, land it, high speed is not needed. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that acceleration will require a huge runway.

The second main reason is the strength limit of the aircraft's landing gear, which will be passed if it takes off in this way. That is, in the end it turns out that for high-speed flights you need one type of wing, and for landing and takeoff - a completely different one. What to do in such a situation? How to create two pairs of wings that are fundamentally different in design for the same aircraft? The answer is no. It was precisely this contradiction that pushed people to a new invention, which was called wing mechanization.

Attack angle

To clearly explain what mechanization is, it is necessary to study another small aspect called the angle of attack. This characteristic has the most direct connection with the speed that the aircraft is capable of developing. It is important to understand here that in flight, almost any wing is at an angle with respect to the flow flowing onto it. This indicator is called the angle of attack.

Let's say that in order to fly at low speed and at the same time maintain lift, in order not to fall, you will have to increase this angle, that is, the plane upward, as is done on takeoff. However, it is important to clarify here that there is a critical point, after crossing which the flow will not be able to stay on the surface of the structure and will fall off it. In piloting, this is called boundary layer separation.

This layer is the air flow that is in direct contact with the aircraft wing and creates aerodynamic forces. Taking all this into account, the requirement is to have high lifting power at low speed and maintain the required angle of attack to fly at high speed. It is these two qualities that the mechanization of an aircraft wing combines.

Improved performance

In order to improve takeoff and landing performance, as well as ensure the safety of the crew and passengers, it is necessary to reduce takeoff and landing speeds as much as possible. It was the presence of these two factors that led wing profile designers to resort to creating a large number of different devices that are located directly on the aircraft wing. The set of these special controlled devices came to be called wing mechanization in the aircraft industry.

Purpose of mechanization

By using such wings, it was possible to achieve a strong increase in the lifting force of the apparatus. A significant increase in this indicator led to a significant reduction in the aircraft's mileage when landing on the runway, as well as a decrease in the speed at which it lands or takes off. The purpose of wing mechanization is also that it improves the stability and controllability of such a large aircraft as an airplane. This became especially noticeable when the aircraft reached a high angle of attack. In addition, it is worth saying that a significant reduction in the speed of landing and takeoff not only increased the safety of these operations, but also made it possible to reduce the cost of constructing runways, since it became possible to reduce their length.

The essence of mechanization

So, generally speaking, the mechanization of the wing led to significantly improved takeoff and landing parameters of the aircraft. This result was achieved due to a strong increase in the maximum lift coefficient.

The essence of this process is that special devices are added that enhance the curvature of the wing profile of the device. In some cases, it turns out that not only the curvature increases, but also the direct area of ​​this element of the aircraft. Due to changes in these indicators, the streamlining picture completely changes. These factors are decisive in increasing the lift coefficient.

It is important to note that the wing mechanization is designed in such a way that all these parts are controllable in flight. The nuance lies in the fact that at a low angle of attack, that is, when flying in the air at high speed, they are actually not used. Their full potential is revealed precisely during landing or takeoff. Currently, there are several types of mechanization.


The shield is one of the most common and simplest parts of a mechanized wing, which quite effectively copes with the task of increasing the lift coefficient. In the wing mechanization scheme, this element is a deflecting surface. When retracted, this element is almost flush against the bottom and rear of the aircraft wing. When this part is deflected, the maximum lift of the vehicle increases because the effective angle of attack changes, as well as the concavity or curvature of the profile.

In order to increase the efficiency of this element, it is structurally designed so that when it is deflected, it moves backward and at the same time towards the trailing edge. It is this method that will give the greatest efficiency in suction of the boundary layer from the upper surface of the wing. In addition, the effective length of the high-pressure zone under the aircraft wing increases.

Design and purpose of aircraft wing mechanization with slats

It is important to note right away that a fixed slat is mounted only on those aircraft models that are not high-speed. This is explained by the fact that this type of design significantly increases drag, and this sharply reduces the ability of the aircraft to develop high speed.


The wing mechanization scheme with flaps is one of the oldest, since these elements were among the first to be used. The location of this element is always the same; they are located on the rear of the wing. The movement they perform is also always the same, they always go straight down. They can also extend back a little. Having this simple element in place has proven to be very effective in practice. It helps the aircraft not only during takeoff or landing, but also during any other piloting maneuvers.

The type of this element may vary somewhat depending on what it is used on. The wing mechanization of the TU-154, which is considered one of the most common types of aircraft, also has this simple device. Some aircraft are characterized by the fact that their flaps are divided into several independent parts, while others have one continuous flap.

Ailerons and spoilers

In addition to those elements that have already been described, there are also those that can be classified as secondary. The wing mechanization system includes such minor parts as ailerons. The operation of these parts is carried out differentially. The most commonly used design is that on one wing the ailerons are directed upward, and on the other they are directed downward. In addition to them, there are also elements such as flaperons. Their characteristics are similar to flaps; these parts can deviate not only in different directions, but also in the same direction.

Interceptors are also additional elements. This part is flat and is located on the surface of the wing. The deflection, or rather the rise, of the interceptor is carried out directly into the flow. Because of this, there is an increase in flow deceleration, and therefore the pressure on the upper surface increases. This leads to the fact that the lifting force of this particular wing decreases. These wing elements are sometimes also called aircraft lift control elements.

It is worth saying that this is a fairly brief description of all the structural elements of the aircraft wing mechanization. In reality, it uses a much larger variety of small parts, elements that allow pilots to fully control the process of landing, takeoff, the flight itself, etc.

By definition, a flap is the downward or extending and simultaneously deflecting rear part of the wing. Since there is nothing to add to this, we will immediately move on to discussing the use of flaps in flight.

Cadets flying in Russia regularly ask the question: “When and at what angle to lower the flaps?” Instructor recommendations on this topic often contradict each other, as do the “standard operating procedures” of large airlines. Attempts to find the truth in the flight manual of a small aircraft are usually unsuccessful, especially if it is a foreign-made aircraft.

I'll try to provide some clarity.

In Western flight schools, there is a uniform approach to how and when flaps are extended. It looks like this: Flaps are only deployed when flying from a short runway or soft ground, or when performing a forced or precautionary landing. Normal takeoff and landing are performed WITHOUT FLAPS. This is established practice and the flight test is based on this.

I would like to especially emphasize that in the West, for small aircraft, normal takeoff and landing (Exercise 16 and 18) is considered to be operation from such a runway, which in Russia is available only to large air hubs and military airfields. Let's say, while studying at a flying club in Canada, I flew from the 7900 and 6200 foot runways of Regina International Airport. I am sure that the runways of many Russian flying clubs and flight training centers are currently far from these characteristics. Therefore, most flights in Russia can be classified as flights from short runways or from soft ground, where the release of flaps is fully justified and perfectly correlates with the standard requirements of the Western school.

For large airliners (due to their significant mass and speed), all takeoffs and landings are “short” , and they always use mechanization. But since it is customary for large airlines to independently develop their own crew operating technologies, standard procedures, etc., we should not unconditionally accept them as a guide to action.

The universal approach is that the condition for releasing the flaps is the length of the strip or the condition of its coating. And if we fly from a short or unpaved runway, then the flaps must be lowered. The question remains “when to do this?”

However, if you are flying a low-wing aircraft, especially such as the Yak-18T with a shield UNDER the fuselage and a high-mounted stabilizer, this effect will not be fully effective. Subjectively, it may seem to you that the flap also gives a strong pitch-up, requiring correction by the steering wheel “from yourself”, but in fact, the plane simply “swells” due to a sharp increase in lift when quickly releasing the flap from 0 degrees to 50 (!) in one reception Just a few seconds after this, he flies calmly with the nose dropped quite low, which calls into question the creation of a “strong pitching moment.”

Even less pitch-up torque is expected on low-wing T-tail aircraft, such as the Diamond Katana DA-20. On them, the stabilizer and elevator are located significantly above the zone of influence of the flow slope.

Thus, if for high-wing aircraft and some biplanes it can be confidently stated that the extension of the flaps always causes a pitching moment, then for low-wing aircraft and, especially, low-wing aircraft with a “T-tail” this will not be entirely true. On such aircraft, releasing the flaps may well lead to a dive moment.

IMPORTANT: beware of releasing flaps during turns; do this strictly in level flight. The danger is that if one of them fails or freezes, the second, acting as an aileron, creates additional lift on only one wing. The resulting roll may result in a roll in a turn , and then the situation will very quickly become critical. You may never understand what happened if you turn upside down in close proximity to the ground. In horizontal flight, the roll caused by asymmetrical flap release is easier to notice, and if this happens, you need to move the flap selector to retract as quickly as possible. If one of them is stuck in an intermediate position, you need to set the second one to the same position and no longer use the flaps until the end of the flight.

Of course, since the Yak-18T is equipped with only one flap, its asymmetrical release is technically not possible. But I would recommend sticking to the same behavior pattern, regardless of the type of aircraft. Moreover, on this aircraft the flap has only two positions: “retracted” and “released,” and when released, it immediately deflects at a large angle. This requires vigorous counteraction with the helm to prevent climb. In this case, you have to navigate by the position of the hood-horizon or by the projection of the runway in the windshield, which is much more difficult to do in a turn than in horizontal flight.

It is also IMPORTANT that the extension and retraction of the flaps, if possible, should be done in several stages. If releasing in one go is not something particularly dangerous, but only leads to an undesirable climb (which is especially noticeable on Yaks), then a quick release leads to a significant subsidence of the aircraft. If this happens close to the ground (for example, during a missed approach), the consequences can be catastrophic.

Of course, flaps extended to 30 or 40 degrees on approach must be quickly removed to 20 during the go-around in order to reduce aerodynamic drag. As mentioned above, in this case the loss of lift will be insignificant. But you still need to do this without panic. Having given the take-off mode, you should make sure that the plane begins to pick up speed in horizontal flight. Only when the speed reaches at least Vx can you retract the flaps in one movement up to 20 degrees and begin to climb. During the climb, the flaps are retracted in two stages: first to 10 degrees, and then completely.

When performing conveyors on the Yak-18T from a short runway, the cadet may develop a motor reflex to remove the shield after landing (this happened to me). This is due to the need to always quickly remove the shield during runs and is practiced until it becomes automatic through repeated repetitions. However, in the case when, for some reason, the instructor gives the cadet the command to go around from a low altitude, this reflex can do a bad job. When the flap is retracted, this type of aircraft sinks tens of meters (up to 50!), which is fraught with a collision with the ground. My instructor caught my hand on the cleaning tap twice in these situations. Try to avoid my mistakes and take a short break before pulling the valves and flap selectors in the air. Take your time, breathe out and think again whether you are doing everything right. If you have already set the takeoff mode, then the plane will fly and even steadily gain altitude with the flap extended, so you have enough time to think. In this particular case, you must first remove the landing gear and only then, having gained at least 50 meters, remove the shield.

When you fly as a passenger on an airplane and sit at the window opposite the wing, it seems like magic. All these things that extend, rise, fall, retract, and the plane ultimately flies. But when you start learning to fly and fly the plane yourself, it becomes clear: there is no magic, but pure physics, logic and common sense.

Collectively these things are called “wing mechanization”. Literally translated into English high lift devices. Literally – devices for increasing lifting force. More precisely, to change the characteristics of the wing at different stages of flight.

As aircraft technology developed, the number of these devices became more and more - flaps, slats, flaps, flaperons, ailerons, elevons, spoilers and other means of mechanization. But flaps were the first to be invented. They are the most effective, and on some aircraft – the only ones. And if a small light-engine aircraft like a Cessna 172S can theoretically do without them on takeoff, a large passenger airliner literally cannot take off from the ground without using flaps.

Not all speed is created equal
Modern aircraft manufacturing is an eternal search for a balance between profit and safety. Profit is the ability to cover as long distances as possible, that is, high flight speed. Safety, on the contrary, is a relatively low speed during takeoff and especially landing. How to combine this?

To fly quickly, you need a wing with a narrow profile. A typical example is supersonic fighters. But for take-off it needs a huge runway, and for landing it needs a special braking parachute. If you make the wing wide and thick, like those of propeller-driven transport aircraft, landing will be much easier, but the flight speed will be much lower. What should I do?

There are two options - equip all airfields with long, long stripes so that they are enough for long takeoffs and runs, or make it so that the wing profile can change at different stages of the flight. As strange as it may sound, the second option is much simpler.

How a plane takes off
For a plane to take off, the lift force of the wing must exceed the force of gravity. These are the basics with which theoretical training to become a pilot begins. When the plane is on the ground, the lift force is zero. You can increase it in two ways.

The first is to turn on the engines and begin the takeoff roll, because lift depends on speed. In principle, for a light aircraft like a Cessna-172 on a long runway, this may well be enough. But when the plane is heavy and the runway is short, simply gaining speed will not be enough.

The second option could help here - increase the angle of attack (lift the nose of the plane up). But here, too, not everything is so simple, because it is impossible to increase the angle of attack indefinitely. At some point it will exceed the so-called critical value, after which the plane risks stalling. Changing the shape of the wing using flaps, airplane pilot can regulate the speed (not of the aircraft, but just the air flow around the wing) and the angle of attack.

Pilot training: from theory to practice
Extended flaps change the wing profile, namely, they increase its curvature. Obviously, along with this, resistance increases. But the stall speed decreases. In practice, this means that the angle of attack has not changed, but the lift has increased.

Why is it important
The lower the angle of attack, the lower the stall speed. That is now airplane pilot can increase the angle of attack and take off, even if there is not enough speed (engine power) and runway length.

But every coin has a flip side. An increase in lift inevitably leads to an increase in drag. That is, you will have to increase traction, which means fuel consumption will increase. But on landing, excess drag, on the contrary, is even useful, since it helps to slow down the plane faster.

It's all about degrees
Specific values ​​strongly depend on the model, weight, aircraft load, runway length, manufacturer's requirements and much, much more, almost the temperature outside. But as a rule, for takeoff the flaps are set at 5-15 degrees, for landing - at 25-40 degrees.

Why this is so has already been said above. The steeper the angle, the greater the resistance, the more effective the braking. A great way to see this in practice is to take a test flight in which airplane pilot He will show you everything, tell you everything, and even let you try to fly the plane yourself.

Understanding this, it is easy to understand why, on the contrary, after the transition to horizontal flight, it is vitally important to remove the flaps. The fact is that the changed shape of the wing causes not just resistance, but also changes the very quality of the oncoming flow. Specifically, we are talking about the so-called boundary layer - the one that is in direct contact with the wing. From smooth (laminar) it turns into turbulent.

And the stronger the curvature of the wing, the stronger the turbulence, and then the flow is not far from stalling. Moreover, at high speed, “forgotten” flaps can simply come off, and this is already critical, since any asymmetry (it’s unlikely that both of them will come off at the same time) threatens loss of control, up to a spin.

What else happens
Slats. As the name suggests, it is located in the front part of the wing. According to their purpose, flaps allow you to regulate the load-bearing properties of the wing. in particular, fly at high angles of attack, and therefore at lower speeds.

Ailerons. They are located closer to the wing tips and allow you to adjust the roll. Unlike flaps, which work strictly synchronously, ailerons move differentially - if one is up, then the other is down.

A special type of aileron is flaperons – a hybrid of flaps and ailerons. Most often they are equipped with light aircraft.

Interceptors. A kind of “aerodynamic brake” - surfaces located on the upper plane of the wing, which rise during landing (or aborted takeoff), increasing aerodynamic drag.

There are also aileron spoilers, multifunctional spoilers (aka spoilers), plus each of the categories listed above has its own varieties, so it is physically impossible to list everything within the scope of the article. That's exactly what it exists for summer school and courses pilot training.

Ticket No. 1

Wing mechanization is a system of devices (flaps, flaps, slats designed to control the lift and drag of an aircraft mainly to improve its performance characteristics. These same devices can be used to increase the maneuverability of light high-speed aircraft, and some of them, for example slats, for improving lateral stability and controllability of the aircraft when flying at high angles of attack, especially on aircraft with swept wings.

Here in the forward part of the wing there are slats 1 or deflectable socks 8; in the tail part of the wing - flaps (rotary-retractable 9, single-, double- or triple-slotted 5), aileron-flap 10, lift dampers (brake flaps) 2. All these means allow you to control the lift and drag of the wing, improving the performance characteristics of the aircraft . 6 - outer aileron, 3 - inner aileron, 4 - spoiler, 7 - trim tabs. Requirements for the wing mechanization: maximum increase when the mechanization means are deflected into the landing position at the landing angles of attack of the aircraft, minimum increase in the retracted position of the mechanization means, the maximum value of the aerodynamic quality during the take-off of an aircraft with a small thrust armament, synchronization of mechanization actions on both wing consoles, simplicity of design and high operational reliability.

Factors that increase load-bearing capacity: increasing the efficiency of the curvature of the wing profile when deflecting the mechanization means into the working position, increasing the wing area when using retractable flaps or retractable flaps, controlling the boundary layer to ensure continuous flow around the upper surface of the wing or delaying the stall to large angles of attack by increasing the speed of the boundary layer. The flap is the movable part of the lower surface of the wing at its trailing edge, deflected down to increase the lift of the wing and its resistance. There are shields with a fixed axis of rotation and retractable ones. The increase in lift is obtained due to an increase in the effective curvature of the profile when the flaps are released and the slope of the boundary layer from the upper surface of the wing into the rarefaction zone behind the flap. The critical angles of attack of the wing with the flaps extended and retracted are close to each other. For retractable flaps, an increase in lift is also obtained by increasing the wing area. The design of the shield consists of a frame and casing. Sheathing is attached to the frame. Fastening to the wing - using a ramrod on a special profile in the front part of the shield and on the rear wing spar.

Flaps are a profiled movable part of the wing, located in its tail section and deflected down to increase the lift of the wing. There are rotary flap - rotated around the axis of rotation associated with the wing, retractable - rotated relative to the axis of rotation and at the same time shifted back along the chord of the wing to increase its area, slotted - when deflected, a profiled slot is formed between its tip and the wing, multi-slotted flap, composed of several moving links deviating at different angles and separated by profiled slots. The rotary flap structure consists of a frame and a casing. The frame usually consists of one spar, stringers and ribs. The rear of the flap can be of a honeycomb design, which increases its rigidity and reduces weight. Such a flap is mounted using brackets. To extend it back along the chord and deflect it downwards, specially profiled guide rails are used, mounted on reinforced wing ribs and rollers resting on these rails, mounted on the end ribs of the flap on brackets. A bracket is attached to the flap spar, to which the thrust of the power drive for extending and retracting the flap is connected. The outlines of the flap toe and the rear part of the wing, the position of the fixed axis of rotation of the flap are selected so that when the flap is deflected, a profiled slot is formed, accelerating the movement of air passing through it and directing it along the upper surface of the flap. This allows you to obtain higher lift coefficient values ​​during takeoff and landing. The deflector is a profiled part of the flap, mounted motionless in front of the flap toe and forming a gap in front of it. 3-slot retractable flap design. It consists of main and tail links and a deflector. The main link is the central supporting part and the main strength element of the flap, on which the tail link and deflector are mounted. Lift dampers(brake flaps) and spoilers - moving parts of the wing in the form of profiled flaps located on the upper surface of the wing in front of the flaps and used to control the lift force. When turned on, the lift force dampers (brake flaps) are deflected upward symmetrically on both halves of the wing, and when the spoilers are turned on, the spoiler of only that half of the wing, towards which it is necessary to create a roll, is deflected upward. Therefore, spoilers are a part of the aircraft's lateral control. The use of lift force dampers during landing makes it possible to refine the approach, increasing the glide steepness, since when these means of mechanization are deflected, the lift force of the wing decreases and its resistance increases. Slats are a profiled movable part of the wing located in the nose part. When the slats are extended, a profiled gap is formed between them and the nose of the wing, providing a more stable flow around the wing at high angles of attack. When the transmission operates, its mechanisms move the slat on rails along carriages mounted on the front wing spar. Kruger's scutes installed in the root part of the wing on its toe. They provide continuous flow around the wing only up to a certain angle of attack, after which a sharp stall of the flow begins. Therefore, the earliest stall of the flow in the root part of the swept wing, in the absence of stall at its end parts, creates a diving moment to reduce the angle of attack, which increases flight safety.

2.Technological process (TP) and its structure. Classification of TP, types of documentation, unified TP .

Depending on the type of production, a technological description of production processes has been developed at various levels. In conditions of multi-item, single or multi-batch production, route TPs were developed mainly. On the march The map indicates which area is being processed, as well as the equipment and time standard. Such technology components as equipment (clamping devices, spindle equipment, chucks, supports, cutting and measuring tools) are chosen by a highly qualified worker. For parts whose parameters are more precisely 11th quality, march-oper processes have been developed, i.e. In a separate operation of such a process, the transaction cards are destroyed. These are operations in which the accuracy of the most important pairs is formed, basing, the method of setting up equipment, usually plays an important role in them, all this is indicated in the operation cards, specifying the mode of inter-transition dimensions, allowances. TP operations with filling for the entire part are developed in the case of large-scale or mass production.

Single TP– the name of the TP for the manufacture or repair of a product of the same name, type, size and use, regardless of the type of production.

Unified TP- the name of a process related to a group of products, parts, units characterized by a common design and technological characteristics.

Among the uniforms, there are standard and group TPs

Design characteristics include: shape, dimensions, accuracy, surface roughness, material, strength, hardness.

Those characteristics include: standard basic schemes, standard methods for processing electrical components.

Typical TP is the process of manufacturing products with common technological characteristics

Group TP is the process of manufacturing a group of products with common technological characteristics

Project-nyyTP– this is a process carried out according to a preliminary draft of technical documentation. TP in accordance with modern achievements of science and technology. , methods and means of implementation of which are to be mastered, called design

TP is completed according to working technical and design documentation name workers

TP used for pre-production limited period of time name temporary.

TP was established by the state standard called standard

TP which includes not only technological operations, but also operations of transfer, control, and cleaning are called comprehensive