Having become Vietnam the order of application. Vietnam: the land of dragons that has become fashionable. How to become

Most people who have been choosing popular resorts for their vacation for years have no idea how much they are missing by not coming to Vietnam.

Many of us still have stereotypical images of this small Asian country. When you mention “Vietnam”, images of rice fields immediately appear in your head, where tanned, short Asians in peasant cone-shaped hats – nolas – work. If you delve into your memory, you can remember that Vietnam was a French colony for a long time, and then it fought with the Americans and took over the communist regime from us. This is, perhaps, all that is known to the general public about this ancient country. However, today Vietnam is unrecognizable. From an unremarkable state, constantly suffering attacks from its larger neighbors, it has turned into a picturesque resort region with excellent service and a developed tourism sector. Against the backdrop of ancient temple complexes and the natural beauty of national parks, premium hotels with advanced infrastructure have sprung up.

Every year, more and more tourists travel to Vietnam to sunbathe on heavenly white sand beaches, swim in the turquoise sea, look into the French colonial quarters, and see Buddhist pagodas and tombs of emperors. This area is especially popular with divers. And it’s not surprising, because diving in Vietnam is one of the cheapest in the world, well organized and really interesting. In the crystal clear waters of the coastal zone you can meet clown fish or sea mice, see more than 400 species of corals and even a real pearl plantation.

Vietnamese cuisine with French accents will be an excellent addition to your vacation. Over the centuries, it has been influenced by Chinese and Indian cuisines, but still it has managed to retain its originality and unique bouquet of tastes and aromas. In all dishes, the Vietnamese maintain balance, according to the principles of Yin-Yang. It manifests itself in the ideal proportions of sweet and bitter, salty and spicy, and in the play of contrasting textures (soft and crunchy). Fresh herbs, interesting seasonings (such as lemongrass, coriander, Thai basil) and a variety of sauces complement the original taste of the dishes. You should definitely try the hallmark of Vietnamese cuisine - Pho soup. It is based on the most familiar elements for Asians - noodles and pieces of meat or fish. The zest and rich taste of the dish is given by lime, chili, soybean sprouts or sweet and sour sauce, which are added after cooking. In Vietnam, Pho soup can be tasted both in expensive restaurants and in street eateries, where it is cooked in large pots over hot coals.

The Vietnamese are generally a very friendly and welcoming nation. They are also in no hurry and always maintain Buddhist calm. It is rare to hear them raise their voice, get angry or quarrel. There is liveliness only on the streets, where, to the European eye, some kind of chaos is going on: cars and motorcycles drive according to some bizarre and incomprehensible rules and honk their horns. But a pleasant surprise will be the Vietnamese respect for pedestrians. As soon as you step onto the roadway, the entire stream of cars stops, allowing you to pass.

Prices in Vietnam are not high; tourists love to take away a variety of national souvenirs and exotic fruits. You can bring home rare varieties of tea (which are sold here much cheaper than on the popular island of Bali), snake wine, pearl jewelry and silk clothes.

You can begin your acquaintance with this country, striking in contrasts, from the southernmost island, which is located in the Gulf of Thailand. If you are in the mood for a beach holiday surrounded by pristine nature, this option is ideal for you. You can get comfortably from Moscow to Phu Quoc with a direct flight from the largest airline in the country – Vietnam Airlines. Vietnam Airlines is renowned for its excellent service, and in 2017 it won two prestigious international World Travel Awards: “Leading Airline for Cultural Preservation” and “Leading Airline with Best Premium Economy Class”.

Phu Quoc Island

In this piece of paradise, time flows very slowly. Here you will not find noisy parties or crowds of foreigners with cameras. People often come to Phu Quoc with children to enjoy a relaxing holiday away from the bustle of the city and polluted cities. More than half of the island's territory is occupied by a tropical reserve. However, lovers of active recreation will also find something to do here. This is the most popular resort in Vietnam for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. On the coast or nearby small islands, which can be reached by boat, they offer scuba diving in clear sea waters for both professional divers and beginners. If you are just dreaming about diving, then experienced instructors, including those who speak Russian, will teach you all the intricacies of diving.

The territory of the island is large (it is almost equal in size to Singapore), so if you want to see it in its entirety, you can rent, for example, a motorbike. The roads are almost clear, so getting to the next point on the route is not difficult.


Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

One of the most popular places in Phu Quoc is the Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc amusement park. People come here for the whole day to have time to get on all the attractions, go to the aquarium and dolphinarium, take part in a real safari, ride all the slides in the water park and watch the fountain show at sunset. As a pleasant bonus, there is no crowd of people and huge queues.

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Safari at Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc Amusement Park

Also on the island you can stop by the dog kennel to see a unique hunting breed of dog that was bred in Fukuoka - the Ridgeback. If you cannot resist their charm and definitely want to take the red dog home, this option is also provided. For one puppy they will ask about 200 dollars.

In fact, the main attraction of Phu Quoc is its natural beauty: a huge waterfall, protected areas and a large pearl plantation. At the pearl factory, you will be shown how real pearls are removed from shells, and you will be offered a huge selection of jewelry in the pearl shop at the factory. Here you can buy products made from white, pinkish and the most expensive black pearls at reasonable prices. And most importantly, there are no fakes in this store.

In order not to worry about accommodation and accommodation, it is better to choose the proven Vinpearl hotel chain. There are a total of 5 separate complexes on the island, so you have the opportunity to choose the option that best suits your budget and other parameters. You can book both standard rooms and luxury villas. In addition to comfortable accommodation, guests have at their disposal convenient conference rooms, large spa complexes, premium golf courses, restaurants, bars and swimming pools. And the largest hotel on the island, Vinpearl Resort & Golf Phu Quoc, even has a huge casino.

Fukuoka also has a stunning sunset. Unlike the rest of Vietnam's east-facing coastline, only on the western tip of this island can you see the sun slowly setting below the horizon, dissolving into the sea waves. Come to the beach in the evening to spend the day and watch the bright colors of the sunset spread across the darkening sky.


If you are interested not only in beach holidays, but also in cultural and historical monuments, a seaside resort located in the eastern part of the country awaits you. Many travelers go to Da Nang for the Marble Mountains. They consist of five stone hills, each of which represents one of the five elements of the universe (water, wood, metal, fire, earth). Caves, pagodas and temples are hidden on their slopes, and on the tops there are observation platforms from where Danang is visible in full view. You have to climb long stone stairs to the top, but there is an alternative for those who want to save their energy and time - a beautiful transparent elevator that will take you straight to the top. The entire area is literally strewn with Buddhist temples, altars and statues. We can say that this is a place with truly powerful energy: the power of ancient religions, multiplied by the power of nature.

To visit the Marble Mountains, it will be useful to remember a few travel life hacks. Firstly, you should arrive early in the morning. In the afternoon the heat begins to be intense, and dozens of buses full of Chinese tourists arrive. Secondly, you need to dress in something comfortable: sneakers, shorts or sweatpants will do. And thirdly, take water with you. Otherwise, later you will only be able to buy it at the top and not very cheaply.

Lovers of antiquities should check out the historical museums in the city. For example, to the Cham Museum, where there is a large exhibition of stone sculptures, photographs and texts, as well as the Ho Chi Minh City Museum and the Museum of the 5th Militarized Zone. This will help you understand the history of Vietnam even better, learn about the life of the great leader and get acquainted with the features of military equipment (tanks and aircraft) left over from war times.

Linh Ung

With all the richness of the cultural program, do not ignore the beaches of Da Nang. At a minimum, it’s worth going to China beach, which is included in the list of the most luxurious beaches in the world according to Forbes. The swimming season here is long - from April to September.

In the evening, you can stroll around the city, which is all illuminated with lights, and admire the beautiful bridges that have already become a symbol of Da Nang. Each of them is built according to an individual project. Just look at one bridge, pierced by an eastern dragon (“Dragon Bridge”). At night with the lights it looks really grandiose.


40 kilometers from Danang there is another ancient Vietnamese city. Hoi An was known in ancient times: European and Asian sailors used it as a trading port. The city has preserved about 900 buildings of historical significance and architectural monuments. The influence of other cultures is especially felt in urban buildings and street layouts. You can spend hours walking along the streets of Japanese and Chinese quarters, looking at buildings and soaking in the local flavor. In this city, different eras and civilizations coexist side by side: next to the old house of a Chinese merchant there is a modern European bar, and local shops of national souvenirs practically merge with MARVEL comic book shops. When you walk around the old city, you feel like a time traveler, diving from one culture to another.

For relaxation, a hotel located 15 kilometers from the old city is suitable - close enough to get to the center, but far enough to enjoy the atmosphere of solitude. Vinpearl Resort & Spa Hoi An offers not only high quality service and food, but also its own entertainment program. This integrated resort includes a spa complex, a golf course, an amusement park and the first river safari.

By the way, Hoi An is also called the “Venice of Vietnam”, because in addition to the fact that the city itself is very beautiful, it is located on the banks of the long Thu Bon River, which is actively used. Small boats, pleasure canoes and even floating restaurants float along it.

Another attraction of Hoi An are the sewing workshops. There are about 400 of them in the city. Master tailors will very quickly (usually within a day) sew unique items made of fabric or leather for you to order. They charge a reasonable fee for their work, and if you wish, you can even bargain a little.

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Kazakhstanis are looking for an alternative to Turkey and Egypt. The exoticism of Southeast Asia attracts some more than upscale hotels in the Mediterranean. If Vietnam were geographically closer, the flow of tourists would pour there with triple force.

Air premiere

Until recently, the only limiting factor was the long flight: Almaty – Bangkok – Ho Chi Minh City – Nha Trang (or via Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, etc.). As a result, almost two days were lost on the way. Since November 4, 2012 charter flights start in the very heart of the resort area - Nha Trang! “We organize the arrival directly to the vacation spot,” says Tamara Khvan, director of the company INTRAVEL. “Departure from Almaty is at night, and the arrival time is very convenient - 10 am.”

Residents of the CIS have already fully appreciated the delights of a Vietnamese holiday. A striking example of this is the number of flights from Russia. A week, 33 flights arrive in Vietnam from a variety of cities, including 17 charter flights! Domestic tour operators are also rushing to make a breakthrough.

Overseas paradise

Experienced travelers have compiled a whole list of the advantages of a trip to Vietnam: exciting excursions, excellent beaches, ample opportunities for active and family recreation, amazing cuisine, cheap shopping, impressive diving, inexpensive hotels.

Nha Trang is considered the most popular resort in the country. Here are all the “33 pleasures” for travelers, for every taste. Nightlife lovers will also find something to do.

And yet, the real Vietnam is little more than just a tourist paradise. Temple complexes of ancient civilizations, natural beauty of national parks, stunning landscapes of the underwater world. Fans of the Soviet past will be able to have plenty of nostalgia: the flag, pioneers in ties and even the leader in the mausoleum will remind you of the past... So 10 days will not even be enough for a full acquaintance.

No wonder Vietnam is one of the ten most attractive holiday destinations in the world. According to the results of a survey in the UK, the winners in the “Favorite Exotic Country” category were Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan. The surprisingly friendly climate allows you to swim in the azure sea, nap in the shade of palm trees, water ski, and dive almost all year round.

Hotel guide

The best time to visit the country is during the “velvet” months. In the south, this is the “dry season” - from December to April: soft sun, refreshing sea breeze. That is why tourists usually go to Vietnam on vacation in spring and late autumn. The rainy season falls in August-September. But even then tourists do not complain about a ruined vacation. Judging by the reviews, in 10 days it only rained there a couple of times, and then in the evenings and at night. The rains are heavy, but they last for a maximum of 20 minutes, and after an hour the sun is already shining and not a trace remains of the previous downpour.

Holidays in this country are possible at any time of the year. There is always a warm and sunny corner with excellent weather here, you just need to choose the right place and time. When one region is too damp, cold or swelteringly hot, there is always a place where it is sunny and pleasant. Therefore, even in the off-season, all hotels are filled to capacity. “Demand for Vietnam so far exceeds supply. So you need to worry about booking hotels in advance,” warns Tamara Khvan.

The choice of accommodation is small but varied: from boutique hotels to deluxe hotels. And, as a rule, on the first coastline. In most establishments, the main type of food is breakfast. There is practically no “all inclusive” that is dear to the heart of a tourist.

Most hotels provide guests under 12 years of age with free accommodation (without “extra bed”). It is distinguished by its cordiality "Vinpearl Resort 5*", "Diamond Bay" with 3 meals a day. A standard room for 1 person will cost around $1.8 thousand(the price of the tour includes airfare, accommodation, three meals a day, insurance, transfer, excursions). Agree, compared to the Maldives and Mauritius, it’s cheaper, and an island holiday is no worse! “We primarily offer Vinpearl Resort to families with children. Yes, the hotel is not cheap. But the service, cuisine and entertainment for children and adults are worth it,” the director of the INTRAVEL company convincingly assures. A stay at this hotel promises an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Exotic dishes from turtles, lobsters, octopuses, crocodile meat, ostrich - it is better to try them from the hands of professional chefs, in trusted places.

Meanwhile, in Vietnam it is quite possible to find cheaper housing. Local hotels don't chase stars. After all, the higher the category of the hotel, the more taxes its owner pays. Therefore, there are many 4-star establishments that can be given all five plus (for example "Sea Hors"). A beautiful beach, swimming pool, service and cozy rooms are a good opportunity to save money without skimping on your own comfort.

A word about cooks

Tourists praise Vietnamese cuisine for its edibility. The food is mostly light, adapted for our tourist and does not make you want to swallow a fire extinguisher. The refined taste of Vietnamese dishes is not similar to Chinese, Korean or Japanese culinary delights. Mint leaves, coriander, shrimp, ginger, black pepper, garlic and basil give Vietnamese dishes a unique, distinctive aroma.

Spices are not spicy, as in India, and not burning, as in Thailand or Malaysia, but more piquant and aromatic. The chefs focus on a variety of dishes from rice, vegetables and seafood. In a word, here sophisticated gourmets and adherents of healthy eating can bury the hatchet, since the choice is more than worthy. Good lunch for two in a Vietnamese restaurant – 130 thousand VND.

Local coffee is considered to be of quite good quality, but green tea is especially popular. In the ranking of Vietnamese dishes and spices, the leader is the “nuoc mam” sauce made from fermented fish. Believe me, it’s better not to go into details of its components, but the taste is pretty good. Don’t tempt fate by drinking tap water or buying food and drinks with ice on the street. Private traders do not burden themselves with sanitary standards and make ice from raw river water.

Local winemakers are proud of their red and white wines (a bottle of wine from 5 $ ). Wine was made in Dalat back in the days of the French colonialists. Recently, Vietnam was included in the “World Atlas of Wines” (the list of producers of worthy grape wine).

Four wheels

In large cities there are no problems with transport. For example, in Nha Trang hotels provide a free bus transfer to the center. There are also taxis ( from 5.5 thousand VND per kilometer, plus 15 thousand for boarding) and the usual moto-pedicabs ( about 15 thousand dong, bargaining is appropriate). You can only rent a car in Vietnam in conjunction with a local driver. This pleasure will cost 400 thousand VND per day. You can also rent a motorcycle ( from 60 thousand VND per day) or bicycle ( from 6 thousand VND in a day). When signing the contract you will have to leave a deposit. Due to the dominance of motorcycles on Vietnamese streets, independent travel by car is difficult. Connoisseurs prefer taxis with a driver.

Bamboo treasures

US dollar to Vietnamese dong exchange rate: 1$ = 20.5 thousand VND.

Therefore, for $100 you will receive more from the bank 2 million dong. That is, you will immediately become a millionaire! Luckily, local shopping has plenty of choice and some of the lowest prices in Asia (haggle, haggle, haggle!). Products made from bamboo, mother-of-pearl, pearls, mahogany and ebony, clothing and accessories made from natural silk, linen and cotton are made with high quality and in the inimitable manner of local craftsmen. It is also worth purchasing some spices, for example, Fukuoka black pepper.

The pearls here are mostly river, artificially grown. Marine is rare - its peas are larger and irregular in shape. According to experts, the best Vietnamese pearls are grown on Phu Coc Island. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers selling counterfeits, rub the peas against each other (the plastic crumbles), or bring a flame to the pearl (the plastic melts).

There will be no crime

Vietnam is one of the ten safest countries, and the Vietnamese themselves are friendly. Although hospitality also has its limits. Despite respect for foreigners, vigilant customs officers will not allow you to take national currency, antiques, art and crafts, as well as jewelry out of the country without the appropriate documents (this has nothing to do with souvenirs). The list of restricted imports is classic, as in many other countries (alcohol, tobacco, pornography). An additional ban exists on medications containing suspicious ingredients. Without a doctor's prescription, their importation is fraught with arrest, or in the worst case, the death penalty. So check your suitcase again!

Things are not going well with crime. Vietnam is considered one of the safest countries in Asia. Only petty pickpockets can cause trouble. The method of dealing with them is simple - do not display valuables, especially gadgets.

Wedding under a palm tree

A new trend among newlyweds is forcing tour operators to look for new locations for holding ceremonies. In the list of secluded tropical spots where you can hold a symbolic wedding, Vietnam has become one of the most popular places. A bright exotic event, rich in national rituals and customs, will leave a lot of impressions on both the couple of lovers and the guests. However, you will have to celebrate twice - for each side. There's nothing you can do, these are traditions!

And as a wedding gift, the newlyweds will receive (instead of material values) pumpkin seeds, as a symbol of fertility. Hoteliers, in turn, also try to make the wedding holiday unforgettable. It is better to ask the tour operator about how much all this costs. Because marriage proposals are different.

- a well-known magical practice. Combinations of Scandinavian symbols are capable of destroying any negative influence on a person.

Becoming Vietnam is a runic super-cleaning formula that helps with an infested spirit that ruins the path of life, or cleanses from damage sent by a strong magician.

Purpose of Vietnam ligature

In magical practices, a similar runic form is used because of its versatility. Elm has a wide sphere of influence:

  • super-cleaning of strong negative energy;
  • breaking through obstacles, complex barriers, multi-layered, as well as bizarre spiritual barriers;
  • destruction of harmful objects, consequences of their presence and activities.

The Vietnam runic formula is used only in complex and intractable situations. Ordinary everyday negativity and amateurish influence, as a rule, are excellently purified by weaker combinations.

When simple runic symbols do not justify themselves, in especially severe cases they carry out super-cleaning with the powerful Vietnam runic stave.

How to become

A photograph of the runic formula of Vietnam is printed on a sheet of paper and outlined. If the magician is confident in his accuracy, then the symbol can be drawn by hand, without using a stencil.

The stav is outlined or drawn from the outer edge, without deviating from the order and direction indicated below.

It is preferable to determine (stipulate) the ligaments within the formation and carry out a summary stipulation. You should not concentrate energy on individual signs; the ligature should become a whole image, whose action is aimed at a specific point.

The sequence of the outline of the Vietnam stave:

  1. The eight Soulu runes, depicted from left to right, are the most important point of energy concentration. When activated, it draws the power of operators (from the Gods, elements) and external resources, enhancing the incoming energy. The sign sorts the flow of power in the formation for the beginning/further work of the entire runic formation.
  2. Eight connections Kano, Perto, Turisaz pp. are drawn from left to right - search is performed, the negative is clarified, cleaning is carried out after identifying negative energy.
  3. Four bundles of 2 Hagalaz, 3 Kveort, as well as 6 Nautiz, 4 Uruz (the lower ends of the Hagalaz correspond to the crossbars of two large runes; between the lower part of Hagalaz and the main Kveort, in the middle of the upper and lower protrusions of Hagalaz - two small signs) - an area with a mixture , incinerating all obstacles in the area. The formula performs super-cleaning and concentrated destruction of all obstacles, especially runes aimed at destroying evil eyes, damage and evil slander.
  4. Four ligatures of Yer Northumbrian + Soulu, Soulu pp. + 3 Turikaz, Hagalaz, Hagalaz p.p. + 2 Teyvaz, 2 Uruz p.p., depicted from left to right - continuous bombardment, destroying a more stubborn/tough target that resisted the assault. Breaks down obsessions, larger barriers, deep-rooted vices.
  5. Four symbols Hagalaz + 2 Hagalaz snowflake + Kweort, 3 Nautiz + 2 Ier Northumbrian, 2 Kals Northumbria, are drawn from right to left - in the runic script of Vietnam they thoroughly erase surviving or hidden objects.
  6. Four ligatures Kano, Kano pp. + Nautiz, Hagalaz snowflake , drawn from left to right - the symbols destroy pockets of damage left after exposure to other signs.
  7. Four ligatures Eyvaz, Nautiz + Raido, Raido pp. + Hagalaz pp. snowflake + Dagaz p.p., draw counterclockwise - carry out observation, look for what could still remain in the Vietnam headquarters, and pull it out to other runes for cleaning.
  8. Four signs Stan + Kano, Kenaz pp. + 4 Turisaz, 4 Turisaz zp + Jer Northumbrian + Hegalaz snowflake + Teyvaz, Teyvaz p.p., + Uruz p.p., Uruz p.p., from left to right – specifically eliminates the effects of the evil eye or existing foci of damage.
  9. Center knitting Kano + Kano pp. + Perto p.p. + Perto + Ansuz + Ansuz pp. + Laguz reverse + Laguz pp. + 4 Ets Northum (central) - a symbol of victory and a new clean life. The most powerful part in the formation, freeing from trouble and damage.

We finish with eight ligaments of puncta letur in a clockwise direction - the symbols enhance the quality of the formula, and also connect all the individual ligaments together, ensuring the unity of the entire runic stave.

You should definitely include in the clause what the formula has the right to change and what not. If the magician has helping spirits, then it is important to indicate their immunity. Elm Vietnam destroys any otherworldly entities, so the poet should protect those creatures who serve the operator.

Bottom line

Becoming Vietnam is an ancient practice, its power has been used for centuries. The formula takes you out of really difficult situations that constantly exhaust a person with their negativity.

Elm has a powerful effect; it is used when there is no way to fight back with conventional means. The formula destroys any otherworldly influence, so becoming not only protects the magician, but can also harm him, weakening intuitive vision.

Vietnam, as I remember it, is a country of contrasts and discoveries. What struck me most was its picturesque landscapes. I had no idea that Vietnam is so beautiful. But it turned out that Mother Nature tried not to be stingy, generously gifting him with green mountains, seething waterfalls, amazing caves and azure beaches.

But its cities, with bikes scurrying back and forth, crowded markets, street cafes and crowds of tourists, are more like a huge and noisy anthill and did not leave particularly pleasant memories.

And Vietnam is so different. Traveling from city to city, we seemed to be transported in space and time - from modern Saigon to ancient Saigon, from cool mountains under a palm tree by the sea, from developed cities to small villages where not every resident can read and write. With each new place we got acquainted with the culture, history and customs of this country.

Our journey turned out to be rich in events and impressions, although not always pleasant, but it was even more interesting. Overall, the holiday was a success and I liked it. So my advice is to come to Vietnam, and you are guaranteed a bright, unforgettable and exotic vacation!

Visa and border crossing

Visa-free entry

I’ll start right away with the good news: Russia, Belarus and Vietnam have a visa-free regime. This means that citizens of these countries do not need a visa for short trips of up to 15 days. When crossing the border, it is enough to present a foreign passport, the validity of which exceeds 6 months, and a return ticket (or a ticket to another country), and the border guards will stamp the passport absolutely free of charge. In this case, only one caveat applies - visa-free entry can only be used if a month has passed since your last visit to Vietnam.

If your planned trip to mainland Vietnam will last longer than the permitted 15 days, then you will need to take care of obtaining a visa.

Visa application

Obtaining a tourist visa to Vietnam is quite easy; you can do this at the embassy or upon arrival at the international airport (Langing visa). When applying for a visa at the airport, we provided the following documents:

  • International passport (valid for more than 6 months after entry into the country and 2 blank pages).
  • Printout of visa support Visa Approval Letter (for registration through the consulate you need to make a Visa Approval Code).
  • Two 3x4 photographs.
  • A completed application form.
  • At the airport, the visa is issued free of charge (only for citizens of the Russian Federation), and when applying through the consulate, you also need to pay a service fee, the amount of which depends on the type of visa (40-100 USD).

The only unfamiliar things on the list are visa support documents, but they can be easily processed through intermediaries on the Internet. I have already talked about all this in a separate article, so for various issues related to a Vietnamese visa, I recommend visiting.

Visa-free regime for Phu Quoc Island

In addition, the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc allows visa-free entry for citizens of all countries for a period of 30 days, but using this stamp it is prohibited to travel outside the island to other Vietnamese territories.

To visit Phu Quoc without a visa you need:

  • Have a passport valid for more than six months.
  • Have proof of your return flight in hand.
  • Arrive in Phu Quoc on an international flight (direct from another country or with a transfer in Vietnam, only if the departure is from the international terminal).

Customs regulations

The following are allowed to be imported into Vietnam without paying a duty or filling out a declaration:

  • Up to 400 cigarettes/100 cigars/500 grams of tobacco (after reaching 18 years of age).
  • Strong alcoholic drinks up to 1.5 liters, or 2 liters of alcohol below 22 degrees (from 18 years of age).
  • Up to 5 kg tea/3 kg coffee
  • Personal goods, the total value of which does not exceed 230 USD (5,000,000 VND, Vietnamese dong).
  • Any foreign currency that does not exceed 5000 USD in equivalent.
  • Gifts or souvenirs worth up to 50 USD (1,000,000 VND).

As elsewhere, the import and export of drugs, weapons, explosives or toxic substances, as well as pornographic and other products that offend local traditions is prohibited. It is not allowed to transport plants, including seeds, or wild animals.
If you are importing expensive equipment (laptops, cameras) into the country, then in theory you need to fill out a declaration, otherwise, when you leave, you may be required to provide a receipt for its purchase in the country and pay a duty. But we, traveling with our modest camera and old laptop, never encountered anything like this.
If you make any large purchases in the country, especially jewelry and art objects, be sure to keep receipts and documents for customs clearance.

How to get there

The only way to get to Vietnam and Russia and the CIS countries is by plane. There are both direct flights and with transfers.

The country's main airports are in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; most regular flights fly to these cities at reasonable prices.

You can also fly to Nha Trang (Cam Ranh Airport), Da Nang and Phu Quoc, although tickets will cost much more, and mostly charters fly here, which are more difficult for independent travelers to purchase tickets for.

To save money, I advise you to fly to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, and from there take a flight from a local low-cost airline or go by train or bus, although the last two options are quite time-consuming. If you are interested in exploring the northern sights of Vietnam, then flying to Hanoi may be the best option. If your goal is a beach holiday, then it is better to fly directly to the place or to Ho Chi Minh City, from which it is very convenient to get to the country’s seaside resorts.

Tourist regions

The country's territory is divided into three main regions: northern, central and southern, each interesting in its own way. Below I will tell you in more detail what this or that region is famous for.

Northern Vietnam

As the name suggests, this region is located in the north of the country, bordering Laos and China. Here is the capital of the state - the city of Hanoi, as well as Sapa, Haiphong and the famous Ha Long Bay, which are interesting for tourists. For the most part, the terrain in the north of the country is mountainous, which influenced the formation of a special climate; in winter the temperature remains at +10-15 degrees, and in some mountainous areas even lower. It is precisely because of its cool weather, which negates the possibility of a beach holiday during most of the year, that the north is not particularly popular among our tourists, and in vain!

It’s worth coming to this part of the country not for a beach holiday, but for an interesting excursion program. I want to say that this is a great place to get acquainted with the history and traditions of Vietnam, because a large number of ancient architectural and cultural monuments have been preserved here. Also good for lovers of natural resources. Here you can see stunningly beautiful mountains, caves, rice terraces, the amazing beauty of the island in Ha Long Bay and much more. Therefore, it’s worth visiting northern Vietnam at least once; when is the best time to do this, read the weather section.

Central Vietnam

The central region is a narrow elongated strip along the sea coast. There is a transition from subtropical to tropical climate here, so within this region there are two more zones: northern and southern. The largest city is Da Nang. The central part of the country is also mountainous, making it very picturesque. In general, I can say that the region is interesting, firstly, for a beach holiday, secondly, it is suitable for lovers of history and excursion travel, and thirdly, it is famous for its rich nature and national parks. To learn more about the culture and history of the country, it is worth visiting the cities of Hue and Hoi An, which I will talk about in more detail later. To relax by the sea, it is better to go to the southern part of the central region, where the popular resort of Nha Trang is located. Good beaches can also be found in Van Phong and Cam Ranh bays in its vicinity. You won’t be left without a beach holiday in the northern part of the central region – Da Lat and Hoi An, however, you need to take climatic features into account more carefully. And in the local Phong Nha-Kebang National Park there is the largest cave in the world.

South Vietnam

Probably the south of Vietnam is of greatest interest to tourists. Thanks to its tropical climate, it is ideal for holidays throughout the year. At the same time, this part of the country is the most modern, rich, economically and industrially developed. Popular seaside resorts such as Mui Ne, Phu Quoc Island and Con Dao are located here. And the heart of southern Vietnam is the largest city and business center of the country - Ho Chi Minh City. In terms of historical and cultural attractions, the south, of course, is inferior to the two regions mentioned above, but it can boast the best conditions for beach relaxation and well-developed infrastructure.

Top cities

In this section I would like to talk about cities, and sometimes even villages, which, in my opinion, are, to one degree or another, of interest to travelers. Here I am not making a rating, but simply describing them in direction from north to south.

  • Sapa (or Shapa)- a small cozy town located in the picturesque mountains of northern Vietnam, a wonderful place for eco- and ethno-tourism. People come to Sapa to take a break from the hot tropical climate and breathe fresh mountain air. Popular pastimes here include hiking in the mountains, walking through rice fields, and getting to know the traditions of small ethnic groups. Even in summer you will need warm clothes here, but I would not recommend going in winter, it is too cold for walking, and the views are not so impressive.

  • Hanoi- the capital of Vietnam, a city with a thousand-year history and a unique atmosphere. People come here to get better acquainted with the traditions, culture and architecture of the country, and the old city with its winding streets, temples, pagodas and ancient buildings is an ideal place for this. Hanoi is perfect for various excursion programs; we can say that it is the starting point for northern attractions.

  • Hue- a city in central Vietnam, the former imperial capital, which is famous for its abundance of historical and cultural attractions, where the atmosphere of antiquity reigns. There is a citadel, a royal palace, tombs of the emperors of Vietnam, ancient pagodas and several hot springs. I recommend this place for an exciting excursion holiday and getting to know the history of the state.

  • - the third city in size and pace of development, but not spoiled by tourists. A seaport and a favorite seaside resort among locals. There are no interesting places in the city itself, but if you wish, you can find them in the surrounding area, for example, the Marble Mountains or the Michonne Ruins. But in Da Nang there are kilometers of deserted beaches, however, the sea is too cold for swimming most of the time, maybe that is why it has not become popular among our tourists. The best time to come here for a beach holiday is in the summer.

  • Hoi An- a museum city located in the vicinity of Da Nang and which has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In ancient times it was an important port, and now Hoi An, with its unique architecture, is protected as an example of a trading port city. Here, every street and every house breathes history. Hoi An also has excellent beaches and well-developed infrastructure, which makes it a wonderful place where you can combine a rich excursion program with a beach holiday.

  • Nha Trang- the most popular and extremely Russified beach resort in Vietnam. In fact, a nice city with an excellent sea, a clean beach, palm trees, a beautiful promenade, several attractions, rich infrastructure and nightlife, but spoiled and spoiled by tourist attention. Unfortunately, there is little Vietnamese originality left in it; at every step there are signs in Russian, travel agencies and shops “At Vova/Dima/Misha/Masha’s”, restaurants serving Russian cuisine and crowds of package tourists. With all this, it remains a wonderful place for a fun and bright holiday.

  • - a mountain resort, often called “little Switzerland” or “Vietnamese Paris”. A town that pleases with its calm pace of life, cozy houses on the slopes and beautiful nature. In its vicinity there are beautiful waterfalls, mountain lakes, coffee, fruit and flower plantations. Tourists are often brought here on day excursions from neighboring cities, Nha Trang, for example, but I advise you to devote a couple of days to this place and walk around on your own.

  • - the second most popular seaside resort among Russian tourists. Located in southern Vietnam, it is therefore well suited for a holiday at any time of the year. The waves on the coast create good conditions for water sports; many people come to kite and surf. Quieter and less developed compared to Nha Trang.

  • Ho Chi Minh City(aka former Saigon) is a Vietnamese metropolis, economic center and the country's largest transport hub. It is not of particular interest to tourists, so it is not worth going specially for it, but if by chance, like us, you find yourself in Ho Chi Minh City, you are unlikely to get bored. The city has plenty of interesting places to visit: squares, parks, temples, museums, markets, etc. The downside is that it is very hot, dusty and there is not enough sea :).

  • is a large city in the south of the country, the closest seaside resort to Ho Chi Minh City, which, unfortunately, cannot boast of good beaches, but due to its climate it is suitable for recreation all year round. In addition to the sea, there are several interesting attractions in the city and its surroundings, so you can spend a good couple of days. For me, it’s a plus that it’s not chosen by our package tourists and you can feel a certain local flavor, but at the weekend it feels like the whole of Ho Chi Minh City is moving here, and the beaches are simply crowded, so it’s better to come to Vung Tau on weekdays.


Southern Islands

In the south of the country there are two main resort islands, Phu Quoc and the Con Dao archipelago, both indicated on the map below.

Phu Quoc

Off the coast of Cambodia is Vietnam's largest island, Phu Quoc. It is similar in size to Thai, but that’s where the similarity ends. If you are coming for all kinds of entertainment, noisy parties, vibrant nightlife, then Phu Quoc with its regularity is more suitable for a calm and secluded holiday away from noisy crowds and the bustle of the city. It is also called the island paradise for its beautiful nature, fluffy green mountains, white sandy beaches and quiet island life.

Fukuoka has good diving and snorkeling, which have become the main ways to spend leisure time. As for the tourist infrastructure, there is no need to worry about this; the island offers a sufficient number of hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops, excursions and other things.

Among its other advantages is a special visa regime. As I already said, tourists from most countries of the world are welcomed here with open arms, that is, without a visa.

Con Dao Island

Con Dao is not one island, but an entire archipelago consisting of 16 islets and part of a national park. The largest of them, where tourists settle, bears the same name.

Due to its relative inaccessibility, Con Dao is considered the wildest and most exotic of the Vietnamese seaside resorts, where there is still untouched nature, so if you want to feel like a pioneer, then you need to come before it is built up.

The islands of the archipelago offer beach holidays, snorkeling, fishing, and diving. Apart from nature and beaches, there are no special attractions here, and the tourist infrastructure is also practically undeveloped. However, you can get to Con Dao by plane from Ho Chi Minh City or by ferry from.

Northern Islands - Cat Ba

In the north of the country, the island is popular among tourists. To be more precise, it is an archipelago of 366 islands located in Halong Bay, but its largest island also bears the same name. For tourists, it is of interest not only as a starting point for excursions around Ha Long Bay, but also as an independent attraction.

On the island there is a national park of the same name with rich flora and fauna, where you can organize trekking.

In good weather, here you can relax on the beaches, walk along the embankment and enjoy the views of the mountain-islands that have grown out of the water.

There are several caves on the island that are interesting to visit, and there is also a colorful fishing village where you can see local life without embellishment.

There is no airport on the island, so you cannot get directly to the island. The nearest airport is in Haiphong city, but it only accepts domestic flights. In general, the most convenient way to get to Cat Ba Island is from Hanoi or Haiphong; travel agencies and bus stations sell a combined bus + ferry ticket. Below you can see its location on the map.

Other islands

In addition, there are many small islands along the entire coast. They can often be visited as part of various excursions. So, for example, we took a tour to the islands near Nha Trang. And we visited the famous Vinpearl on our own.

This island is famous for its amusement park and the longest cable car over the sea.

Top attractions

Of course, in almost every town in Vietnam you can find a lot of fascinating and interesting places, for example, temples, pagodas, museums, parks, waterfalls, but that’s not about that now. Here I want to talk not about the local attractions that any tourist brochure is replete with, but about the real natural and cultural treasures of the country.

  • Ha Long Bay boasts the most breathtaking scenery in all of Vietnam,
    protected by UNESCO and declared one of the 7 “new wonders of the world”. Rocky karst islands overgrown with greenery, of which there are about 3,000 thousand, cliffs, caves, and fishing villages are very pleasing to the eye and look great in the photo. When in Vietnam, I advise you not to ignore this place, because this is its calling card! You can organize a trip either independently or take an excursion, which is most conveniently done in Hanoi.
  • A place no less impressive in its beauty - Phong Nha-Kebang National Park, located in central Vietnam near Hue and Da Nang.
    An ideal place for lovers of outdoor activities and nature. There are more than 300 karst caves in the park, including the world's largest and most amazing cave, Shondong, discovered less than 10 years ago. Its unusualness is that over many millennia it has formed its own ecosystem with jungles, rivers, mountains and clouds.
    Unfortunately, visiting the most impressive cave is not a pleasure for everyone. You can only get to Shondong as part of an expedition, which will cost 3,000 USD per person. But at the same time, there are many other caves in the park that are no less interesting, but at an affordable price. Trekking with camping, rock climbing and visiting one or two caves will cost 200-400 USD depending on the route.
  • Noteworthy and recently included in the UNESCO list Changan landscape complex, which is approximately 100 km from Hanoi. The karst rocks in Changan are similar to the islands of Halong Bay, for which it is also nicknamed “Halong on land”. The complex is famous for its beautiful caves with underwater rivers and lakes, a picturesque valley with green hills, unique flora and fauna, as well as the ancient Bai Dinh Pagoda and Hoa Lu temples, which date back to the 10th century.
  • Extraordinarily beautiful ancient city, which is 30 km from Dalat. I already wrote about it in the city section, but I couldn’t help but mention it here too. I strongly advise you to come to wander through its narrow streets, look into ancient houses under tiled roofs, explore local attractions (in the city, by the way, there are more than 800 buildings of historical significance!), enjoy the evening lights and romantic atmosphere, admire the creations of local artisans and artists . It is best to come not with a tour, but on your own and for a couple of days, so that you can slowly get acquainted with all its delights.
  • To feel like Indiana Jones, go to ruins of Michonne, located near Hoi An and Dalat. The ruins are all that remains of the once important ancient temple complex of the Champa kingdom. Unfortunately, time is merciless and to this day little has survived from the vast territory, but it’s still interesting to visit there, although it’s hardly worth traveling across the entire country just to see the ruins. On the territory of the complex, tourists are offered to visit a museum and a show with Cham dances.
  • In the former imperial capital of Hue, there are a large number of important historical attractions, which are combined into the so-called Hue monument complex. These include the citadel (on its territory there is a royal palace), Thien Mu Pagoda, imperial tombs, several museums and temples.
    All these attractions are the best way to get acquainted with the history of Vietnam.
  • It is also famous for its abundance of ancient buildings. Hanoi city. In general, I always prefer to start getting acquainted with a new country from its capital, because this is its heart, so my advice is not to limit yourself to a beach holiday in Vietnam, but to travel and learn as much new things as possible. In the capital, it’s also difficult for me to single out just one thing, so I want to combine all the city’s attractions in one point. Here you should definitely visit the Thang Long citadel (under UNESCO protection), walk along the Lake of the Returned Sword, go to local temples (Temple of Literature, Bach Ma Temple), walk through the old city gates, and watch a puppet theater on the water.
  • I don’t know how much this item can be classified as an attraction, but the Sapa rice terraces are something amazing. Mountain slopes completely sown with rice, representatives of small ethnic groups in their traditional outfits, small houses of local residents, all this adds up to a simply fabulous picture. All amateur and professional photographers should definitely capture this, and even the average tourist will enjoy these views.
  • I also remember and liked waterfalls near Dalat. Of course, it is difficult to compare them with the same Halong Bay or rice fields, but not all tourists will go so far from the southern beaches. If you come not with an organized excursion, but on your own on a bike, you can get an unforgettable experience of communicating with nature. In the vicinity of this town there are several waterfalls, each with its own zest and character. The most beautiful, in my opinion, is the Pongur waterfall, which is 50 km from Dalat; it is the one shown in the photo below.

    True, it looks like this only in the rainy season; it didn’t greet us with as much water, but that didn’t make us like it any less.


Vietnam stretches from north to south and is located in the subtropical and tropical climate zone. The weather in the northern and southern regions differs significantly, but in general this country is suitable for year-round recreation, the main thing is to choose the right resorts.

In most areas, the year is conventionally divided into two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season, although in the northern part of the country, like ours, all four seasons can be distinguished.

As I wrote above, geographical Vietnam can be divided into three regions: northern, central and southern. The climate in each of them is slightly different, so below I will tell you more about the weather features in each of the parts.

Climate of southern Vietnam

The south of the country (Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau) is characterized by a mild tropical climate. All year round the temperature here does not drop below +25, so you can relax at almost any time of the year. The most favorable period for visiting the south is from December to April, when the dry season begins.

The rainy season lasts from May to November. If you plan to come here during the rainy season, be prepared for the sky to be covered with thick gray clouds, and at the seaside resorts there will be strong winds and waves, although the air and water will still be warm.

Climate of central Vietnam

In the central part of the country (Hoi An, Da Nang, Nha Trang) you can also relax all year round, but the most suitable time is considered to be from May to September, when there are the greatest number of sunny and warm days (it is during this period that the rainy season begins in the south).

From September to December there is heavy rain.

But in winter, in December-February, when our people mostly like to go to tropical resorts, central Vietnam is not the best choice. We were in Nha Trang in January-February, and, in my opinion, the sea at this time is not very suitable for swimming. Despite the sunny weather and temperatures of +30, the water remains cold, with large waves and swimming can be downright dangerous. During this period, the local resorts are especially unsuitable for families with children.

Weather in northern Vietnam

Due to the subtropical monsoon climate, the north of Vietnam (Hanoi, Ha Long, Haiphong) is considered the wettest and coolest. In winter, the weather here is quite unpleasant: damp, cloudy and often drizzling, the temperature during the day does not rise above +15. In mountainous areas (Sapa) it even snows.

So winter is clearly not suitable for a beach holiday in the north of the country, and you don’t really want to go on excursions in such gloomy weather. In the summer, from May to September, the rainy season lasts and the greatest amount of precipitation falls, although the rains are rarely prolonged, and the temperature remains at +28-30. But still, the ideal time to visit this part of the country is considered to be spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November), when there is not much precipitation, the air is warm enough and the sea is warm.

Mountain Vietnam

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the mountainous regions of central Vietnam, where, in addition to seasonal changes, there are noticeable daily temperature fluctuations. For example, in winter we vacationed in Dalat, which is located at an altitude of about 1500 m.
above sea level, and during the day our clothes changed dramatically - in the morning and evening we couldn’t do without a warm jacket, and in the afternoon, when the sun was hot, we undressed to a T-shirt. We also had to sleep in warm clothes, since the hotels are not heated and as night fell the rooms became very cold. The temperature at this time ranged from +24 during the day to +8 at night.


The country's national currency is the Vietnamese dong, designated VND. The dong is considered one of the smallest currencies in the world, despite this, its exchange rate is quite stable. At the time of writing, it was something like this:

  • 1 USD = 22,559 VND (22.5 thousand).
  • 1 EURO = 24,314.50 VND (24 thousand).
  • 100 RUB = 38,343.10 VND.

So, by changing money in Vietnam, you become a millionaire even with a hundred dollars :).
What do dongs look like? Banknotes have recently been made from thin plastic rather than paper, so they are less torn and are not afraid of moisture, a practice we have seen in Malaysia and Singapore. The image of Ho Chi Minh is printed on the front side of banknotes of all denominations, and various landmarks of the country are printed on the reverse side.

Personally, it was very difficult for me to navigate local money due to the fact that almost all of them are similar in color and images, and also because the amounts are so large. To be honest, I never managed to make friends with them, and I was constantly confused, so my husband did all the shopping on the trip.

Currency exchange

The dollar is very popular in Vietnam, so when preparing for a trip, it is better to take dollars rather than euros. Although there should be no problems exchanging other currencies at popular resorts. So, for example, we handed over Chinese yuan, since our trip began in China. But the advantage of the dollar is that you can pay with it without exchanging it, for example, at a hotel or travel agency.
For exchange, you should contact not only official exchangers and banks, as we are used to. They are happy to change money here in hotels, in various shops, and in travel agencies, even if they don’t have a corresponding sign, you just need to go in and ask, you can also bargain. At the same time, you can often count on more favorable conditions on the street than in a bank. In each new city, a different exchange rate awaited us; the most per dollar was given in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and the least in Nha Trang and. Probably, this is a pattern that at beach resorts the situation is not in favor of tourists.
When exchanging money, you should be very careful and carefully recalculate the amount received, because fraud is not uncommon in Vietnam. Due to the fact that visitors are not entirely familiar with local banknotes, the Vietnamese can easily slip small bills instead of large ones. This happened to us in Nha Trang, the only thing that saved us was that my husband always carefully counts the money without leaving the cash register, and the unfortunate money changer had to pretend that he was simply mistaken.

Bank cards

In Vietnam, you can easily pay with bank cards. They are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shopping centers, and sometimes a commission is charged, which is set by the owner of the terminal. Finding an ATM is also not a problem. But withdrawing money from foreign cards is not very profitable, due to the fact that the official bank rate differs from what is offered to tourists on the street, and the commission for each bank is different.
By the way, when using bank cards in Vietnam, you should be more careful and not flash them too much, otherwise you may end up missing the money in your account; numerous stories on forums about Vietnam about scammers are proof of this.

Moving around the country

Transport links in Vietnam are at a high level; getting from one end of the country to the other is always easy and inexpensive. In fact, this is a little surprising, because when you go to Asia, you expect to see third world countries, poor and undeveloped, but in fact they are superior to our countries in many respects.

What has Vietnam pleased us with in terms of transport?

Firstly, you can move around the country without any problems by plane. Every more or less large settlement has an airport, and a ticket from one end of the country will cost 40-50 USD, or even less. To fly cheaply, you need to take advantage of offers from local low-cost airlines, such as Vietjet and Jetstar. If you buy tickets in advance (2 months in advance, or even more), you can save a lot of money.

Secondly, well developed bus network, which allows you to get to the most remote corners of the country for ridiculous money. Tickets here are the cheapest throughout Southeast Asia, however, if you decide to travel during local holidays, be prepared that prices will rise 2-3 times, as happened with us. The buses are quite comfortable, there are both regular seated ones and special sleeping buses (costing a couple of dollars more than daytime buses) for night trips, which have recumbent berths. True, a person with above average height will not be particularly comfortable there, but there is no choice.

In the cabin, the air conditioner is running at full power and getting sick is a piece of cake, so we always carry wide tape with us to seal the air vents, as well as warm clothes. Another disadvantage is the speed limits on Vietnamese roads; on average, a bus travels 40-50 km/h, which turns even a short journey into a long journey. The bus company The Sing Tourist (not to be confused with Sinh Cafe, Sinh Tour, etc.) has earned a good reputation; the addresses of its real offices can be found on, and tickets can be purchased there. In the screenshot below you can see the current prices for some of the routes.

The country has a well developed and railway connection However, traveling by train will cost many times more than by bus, and sometimes it’s even more profitable to buy a plane ticket. To save money, you need to buy tickets at specialized railway ticket offices, since intermediaries on websites charge up to 50%, and on the official website the order can only be paid for with a Vietnamese bank card. But, being already in Vietnam, you can place tickets on reservation and redeem them at the box office within 24 hours, which is also quite convenient. Online guides recommend the “baolau” resource, where you can purchase a ticket for a small commission using an international bank card. Fortunately or unfortunately, we did not have the chance to travel around Vietnam by train, because there were simply no tickets for our dates and we returned to the usual sleeper bass.

In general, trains in Vietnam are the same as in China; there are 4 main types of cars:

  • aircon soft sleepers, like our compartment, designed for four passengers, is the most expensive ticket;
  • aircon hard sleepers, 6 shelves in one compartment, three on each side;
  • soft seats, regular comfortable soft seats, reclining;
  • hard seats, hard wooden seats like in a train.

The screenshot below shows a map of the country's railway connections.

Within cities you can travel by public buses, taxis, motorcycle taxis, pedicabs or rented low-power vehicles. I strongly advise against renting a car without a Vietnamese license. Perhaps there is a company that will happily provide you with a car for your money, but this will be considered a violation of the law, and if a foreigner gets into an accident while driving, which is quite likely, given the local traffic, then he will face serious problems with the local police, and even The insurance company may refuse to pay. If you want to take a car, then only with a local driver, which is not cheap. I strongly advise you to bargain with any type of cab driver, negotiate prices in advance, write them down, etc., otherwise the trip with these cunning gentlemen will cost a pretty penny.


The Internet in Vietnam is everywhere, wherever tourists have set foot. During our journey, we were never cut off from the world, no matter how seemingly remote places we had to stop. Now any hotel, hostel or guesthouse provides access to wifi at least at the reception - it is difficult to find accommodation without the Internet. Also, most hotels along our route had separate computers for guests, in case any issues needed to be resolved. In resort towns, it is not a problem to connect to wireless Internet in cafes and bars. And in some tourist areas there is even public Wi-Fi in parks, on embankments, etc.

As for mobile communications, it is often unprofitable to use roaming from our operators, the prices for calls are extortionate, so it is more profitable to buy a local SIM card, although I cannot advise on this issue, since I have not used the services of local operators. I make all my calls, paid or free, through Skype or other popular instant messengers, which I advise you to do as well.

Language and communication

Vietnamese language (Viet) is the official language of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Experts distinguish three dialects: northern, central and southern, but without knowing the language, you won’t notice this difference. We drove through almost the entire country from south to north, and everywhere I heard the same meow. This is exactly how I can characterize the Vietnamese language :).

Despite the fact that Viet is quite difficult to study, a tourist can explain himself without it. Some locals speak English and French, and at seaside resorts even Russian, which is quite sufficient for the needs of a traveler.

How do the Vietnamese know Russian? Firstly, the older generation remembers well the period of communist friendship between Vietnam and the USSR, many came to us for exchange studies or studied Russian at home, and secondly, every year the flow of Russian tourists is growing rapidly, so everyone who works in the tourism business , has long mastered the basic phrases.

If you want to show off your knowledge of the local language, here are a few expressions that I took from the Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook. You can use them, but there is a high probability of remaining misunderstood. Some combinations of sounds simply cannot be conveyed using Russian transcription, and the locals use as many as six tones in their speech, which are extremely difficult for us to comprehend. Even with my knowledge of four Chinese, this turned out to be beyond my power.

  • Hello! - Xin chào!
  • Yes - vâng/wang.
  • No - không/Hong.
  • Please - Không có chì / hong tso chi.
  • Sorry - Xin lỗi/hin loy.
  • I'm sorry I did not understand). - Xin lỗi, tôi không hiêủ / sin loi, toy hong hiu.
  • How much does it cost…? - Cái này gía bao nhiêu? /kai nai gia bao nieu?
  • Bon appetit! - Chúc ăn ngon miệng/bale an ngon mieng.
  • Thank you - Cám ơn/cam he.
  • Delicious! - Rất ngon!/zat ngon!
  • Check! - Tính tiền nhe!/ tien nya!

If we compare Vietnamese with the languages ​​of neighboring countries, then thanks to their writing it was easier for me to navigate; after some time, frequently occurring words became recognizable, which cannot be said about Thai and Laotian curlicues.

Features of mentality

It turned out to be quite difficult for me to characterize the Vietnamese. After all, after visiting this country and communicating with its inhabitants, I was left with a very mixed impression. On the one hand, the Vietnamese seemed to me to be sweet, simple-minded people, I would say even childishly naive and good-natured, but on the other hand, due to the rapid development of tourism, this sincerity and simplicity are beginning to give way to the desire to make money. Therefore, I remember them as a nation of deceivers, thieves and swindlers. In popular cities, almost everyone we met tried to make money from us, and not always by honest means. I understand that in any country in the world a tourist is a source of money, and I can put up with inflated prices and all sorts of enticements, but when absolutely everywhere they try to rip off money, deceive, or even blackmail them out of money, it becomes very unpleasant.

In general, if you forget about the negative for a moment, the Vietnamese are a peaceful, calm and quite pleasant people.

They love children, both their own and others, and respect family and traditions. Young people should take care of their elders and listen to their opinions. It often happens that the whole family, starting with the great-grandmother, lives under one roof and is engaged in the same business. Families can often be seen relaxing or having lunch together.

In their free time, they like to drink and enjoy karaoke. Although they say that we are the most drinking nation, but, as for me, almost all Asians, including the Vietnamese, drink a lot, and often right on the streets. Local beer, rum, vodka - all this is in use. But at the same time, they do not row, do not conflict openly and do not start fights even if they are tipsy. In general, it is not customary for them to swear and shout at their interlocutor, so if a foreigner starts throwing a tantrum, the locals simply fall into a stupor.

In villages, people work tirelessly on their land, but city dwellers are lazy and don’t particularly like to work. Like many residents of southern countries, they live one day at a time; for them, a small profit today is better than a big one tomorrow.

Like the Chinese, they adhere to a certain daily routine, this includes getting up early, eating by the hour and sleeping during the day (even at work).

They don’t like to follow traffic rules, so the road in large cities is hell for a pedestrian. They also treat personal space without much trepidation, constantly invading a zone that is reserved only for loved ones. They also don’t know how to stand in line and be tactful.

It seemed to me that in non-tourist places the attitude towards foreigners is respectful, many will try their best to please, even too intrusively, but don’t get angry, such is the Vietnamese soul. On our journey, we met people who were ready to share their modest food and shelter with us absolutely free of charge, those who sincerely wanted to help and make friends. And how often it happens that the poorer people are, the more hospitable they are.

Tourist areas are a completely different conversation; here every foreigner is a tasty morsel for the enterprising Vietnamese. Smiles are no longer sincere, and any help is only for money, although, of course, there are exceptions.

By the way, it seemed to us that in the south the people are more friendly and smiling than in the north. In the capital, everyone walks around with gloomy and dissatisfied faces, my explanation is simple, the reason for this is the harsher climate, the sky is gray, cloudy, so they all frown :).

The Vietnamese are not religious, which could not but affect their philosophy of life. Yes, there are Buddhist temples and Catholic cathedrals here, but most of them are atheists, and this is not only the influence of the socialist system, there has never been any faith here. And you must admit that when a person does not believe in anything, he is not afraid of anything.

Food and drink

I want to admit right away that I didn’t get any particular gastronomic delight from Vietnamese cuisine, but that’s just my opinion. It’s difficult to answer the question why, but somehow it didn’t sink into my soul from the very beginning, and, comparing it with the Thai food that I fell in love with from the first dish, or the Chinese food that I’ve been eating for five years now, local food didn’t seem so interesting .

As in other Asian countries, the main dishes here are rice (both a side dish and dessert) and rice noodles (as a main dish or an ingredient for making soups and salads). By the way, the food is often not very spicy, there are not too many spices either, but a large amount of fresh herbs is used (cilantro, bean sprouts, mint, onions, parsley, fennel, lemongrass).

Beach resorts have a large selection of seafood: shrimp, lobsters, squid, cuttlefish, fish, shellfish. All this is served not only in expensive restaurants, but also in cafes for locals, and is even prepared right on the shore, all at very reasonable prices.

In general, I remember that the price tag for food in Vietnam is quite affordable, and eating is much cheaper than in neighboring countries.

Meats include chicken, beef, pork, but in certain establishments you can try snake, crocodile, turtle, ostrich, shark, etc. Prices for exotic things are also not particularly high, so if you are planning to try something like that, in Vietnam this can be done without problems. Honestly, I am against such experiments, so I was content with the usual meat and seafood.

By the way, eating outside the tourist areas was a big problem for us; the local establishments smelled bad and there was no choice, only 2 soups and a few salads (just chopped fresh vegetables and herbs).

If you get tired of local food, you can always look into a European or Russian restaurant, which in Vietnam appear like mushrooms after rain.

As for drinks, as elsewhere in southern countries, all kinds of shakes, fresh juices, juices and fresh coconuts are in demand; prices start from 1.5 USD. This is why I love Asia, that you can enjoy a variety of tropical fruits and juices all year round without breaking your wallet.

Small street stalls make sugar cane juice for pennies; local residents love to drink it. Add a little lime and sugar syrup for taste. A very refreshing and pleasant drink, which for some reason we only encountered in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, they drink locally produced tea and coffee, and are also very fond of cocoa with condensed milk and iced coffee.

As for alcohol, you can find both local and imported products, this applies not only to beer, wine, but also to stronger drinks. As the Vietnamese themselves say, the best wines are produced in the mountain town of Da Lat, where French wineries used to be located, but after trying it, we were somehow not impressed. For beer, you should try Saigon, Hanoi, 333.

Among the stronger alcohol, there is local rum, vodka and rice liqueurs, but we are not fond of strong drinks, so I can’t advise anything, I will say one thing - it’s better to buy alcohol in large supermarkets and chain stores, otherwise you can run into a fake, which can be fraught with serious consequences poisoning


Someone says that in Vietnam there is no shopping at all, someone claims that this is a real paradise for a shopaholic - both will be right in their own way, it all depends on the budget, city and requests. It’s difficult for me, as a person who is not at all fond of shopping, to judge, but I am inclined to believe that the patient is more likely alive than dead.
During my trip, I saw a huge number of markets, street stalls, shops and shopping centers, which have everything you can imagine.

Vacation with children

As the guidebooks say, Vietnam is a great country for a family holiday. Of course, it’s difficult for me to judge without having my own child, but judging by the reviews of tourists and those living there for permanent residence, there are no issues that cannot be resolved. To begin with, you need to understand that the infrastructure of Vietnam as a whole is not as developed as in neighboring Thailand, so you should not expect any special miracles, but at the same time it is not zero. There are not many interesting children's entertainment options such as amusement parks, zoos, or playlands, and children will simply find most of the available attractions tiresome. But if your goal is simply to relax at sea, then Vietnam is quite suitable.

Good hotels in 4-5 star beach resorts have everything you need for a holiday with children and offer babysitting services, children's menus, entertainment, children's rooms and playgrounds. In local stores and pharmacies you can also buy almost everything that a child might need, often cheaper than in Moscow. So don't be afraid to go on vacation together.


But this does not mean that a tourist can completely relax and not worry about anything. As in many poor countries, the big white man here is perceived as a bag of money, so everyone who is not too lazy will try to shake out as much as possible.

Theft is rampant here everywhere, so you need to always and everywhere keep an eye on your belongings, but sometimes it’s difficult to protect yourself. You need to be on guard in public transport, on beaches, when visiting attractions and in crowded places, because these are the places that attract thieves and swindlers. I know very well that jewelry should be left at home in your homeland. I usually do this, but this time I went on vacation with a gold cross on a chain, which was torn off me on the very first day in Ho Chi Minh City. Moreover, this did not happen in some gateway, but on the main street, well lit and busy, when it was not yet 8 o’clock in the evening. The thieves were not embarrassed either by the fact that I was walking hand in hand with my husband, or by the fact that there was a police post nearby. It’s just that at one moment, on a narrow section of the road, we were surrounded by a dense ring of harmless-looking locals, a pregnant woman with a child pushed me, and the next moment I felt a sharp pain and realized that I was left without my chain, by the way, immediately all the people around miraculously evaporated. Conclusion: if you don’t want to worry about losing your favorite jewelry, it’s better not to take anything at all. As I discovered later from communicating with expats, earrings, chains, and rings are torn off. It’s also better to be careful with bags and equipment, as locals can easily snatch it out of your hands, and you should be especially wary of bikes passing by.

As for health, as they say, “the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” The sun in Vietnam is biting, so you need to apply sunscreen well, otherwise you can easily get a burn and, as a result, swelling. It is a good idea to use repellents as mosquitoes can carry diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. I think all adults know that they should not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. It’s better not to take drinks with ice, because, firstly, tap water is sometimes used for freezing (not suitable for drinking if you don’t want to catch some kind of bug), and secondly, ice blocks are crushed on dirty surfaces, or even right on the asphalt. It is better to take a first aid kit from home so that all the necessary medications are at hand. Insurance will also not be superfluous.

You need to be careful on the roads, this applies to both pedestrians and drivers. Traffic in Vietnam is crazy, and rules are rarely followed, so you need to cross the road very carefully!

Thailand, Indonesia, etc.

Now I’ll tell you in a little more detail how you can get to neighboring countries.

Kingdom of Cambodia

It is considered a popular destination from southern Vietnam. Many people strive to visit the famous Wat and relax on the beaches of Sihanoukville.

From Ho Chi Minh City there are regular and tourist buses to, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. You can buy tickets at any travel agency, however, before purchasing, I advise you to first walk around and check the prices. On average, the cost of a ticket does not exceed 10-20 USD, depending on the destination. But we overpaid by 2 times, since our departure from Vietnam fell during the celebration of the Vietnamese New Year, and at this time absolutely everyone inflates the prices for their services. There are no railway connections between the countries. It is also easy to get to from Phu Quoc Island as it is closer to Cambodia than Vietnam. In travel companies you can purchase a combined boat + bus ticket. The visa is issued at the border.


From northern and central Vietnam you can get by bus to. Buses run from the capital to Luang Prabang, Vientiane, and Savannakhet.

They say there are flights from Danang, Hue and Nha Trang, but I can’t say for sure, but I definitely saw signs in Hanoi. True, the journey takes about a day, so it might be better to consider the option of air travel. A bus ticket will cost 30-50 USD, depending on the city of departure and arrival, and a plane ticket will cost at least 150 USD.


You can travel to the Middle Kingdom from Vietnam by train, bus or plane.
We traveled this route in a different order, flying from Guangzhou, China. Although initially we planned to cross the border by bus or train from Nanning, so I know a little about that too. Trains from Hanoi go to cities such as Nanning (about 40 USD, daily, overnight journey), (about 340 USD by direct train, twice a week, the train also stops in Nanning and Guilin). The Hanoi-Nanning bus costs about 30 USD, but is inferior in comfort.