Quiet bay in Koktebel: description, how to get there, reviews. Koktebel Bay Dead Bay Koktebel

One and a half kilometers from the eastern outskirts of Koktebel is Dead Bay. A beautiful place with clear water and a narrow strip of wild beach. Getting here is not easy, and to get to the beach you have to go down a steep ravine. Due to its inaccessibility and sparse population, Dead Bay is loved by nudists.

1. From the west, Dead Bay is limited by Cape Chameleon. And right after Chameleon the more popular and crowded one begins.

2. View of Dead Bay and the village of Koktebel from the cape.

3. The beach here is sand and pebbles, there are a lot of large stones and algae at the bottom.

4. At the foot of Chameleon there is also a beach strip, but it is very narrow and with clay. This place is not at all safe, since from time to time large pieces break off from the Chameleon and slide into the sea. The Chameleon Ridge is becoming thinner and thinner, but this does not stop extreme sports enthusiasts from walking along the narrow path on the windswept top of the cape.

All the top pictures were taken in May, there is still some greenery there. And already in August (when the photographs below were taken), the grass and bushes burn out and the landscapes around Dead Bay are quite lifeless, and this is one of the reasons why the bay received such a name. And the second reason is that the water in this bay is always calm, even with a strong storm wind. When the waves crash onto the shore in the neighboring Koktebel Bay, there will still be calm here.


6. The path to the Dead Bay beach goes through this ravine, and you will also have to cross the ravine if you walk from Koktebel to Quiet Bay.

7. From Dead Bay it is very close to Mount Kuchuk-Yenishar, on the top of which is located.

8. From the high shore of Dead Bay there are excellent views of the Koktebel Bay and the Kara-Dag ridge.

Read me on Zen - https://zen.yandex.ru/a_migov. I post some texts there earlier than in LiveJournal, and I write some specifically for Zen.

At the beginning of Koktebel Bay (on the western side of Cape Toprah-Kaya) there is the famous Dead Bay - one of the main natural attractions in Crimea. It was called that for several reasons.

  • Firstly, the sea in the bay always remains calm - even with a strong storm wind.
  • Secondly, this place cannot boast of an abundance of green vegetation.
  • Thirdly, the coastal strip is covered with white sand - like in the desert.
  • Fourthly, when it’s hot, seaweed rotting in stagnant water gives off a rather strong odor, which not everyone likes.

Through the Dead Bay you can get from Koktebel to Cape Chameleon - the best way to get there is to walk along the shore.

The slopes of the bay are one hundred percent badland. Badlands (English for “bad lands”) are usually called low-mountain, complex terrain, unsuitable for agriculture and difficult to pass.

As a rule, such areas consist of ravines, gullies, which form bizarre weaves. The ravines are separated by ridges. In their own way, the badlands are very picturesque and therefore are popular with a certain tourist “contingent”. In the USA there is even a large national park with such landscapes.

Dead Bay is separated from Quiet Bay by Cape Chameleon, which protects it from winds and waves. The Dead Bay beach can be divided into two zones - covered with small pebbles and sand and rocky (at the base of the Chameleon), where there are outcrops of blue clay. Like Fox Bay, nudists love to visit these places. The most convenient way to get to the wild rocky beach is from Quiet Bay.

The bay also has a second name - Yanyshary (Yenyshary). As we know from history, the Janissaries of the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II landed on these shores in 1475. This landing of the “ancient” landing force later became overgrown with legends. One of the mystical legends that has survived to this day mentions a battle between the Sultan’s fearless warriors and a terrible monster that allegedly lived in the bay. It was a Sea Serpent or a huge Chameleon - according to various versions of the ancient fairy tale.

If we talk about “optical illusions,” then in search of them you can also go to the neighboring Quiet Bay. It was there (behind Cape Chameleon) that the Soviet “Don Quixote” was filmed. In general, these places were ideal for filming many other films. In particular – the classics of Soviet cinema – “White Sun of the Desert”. The deserted coast of Dead Bay perfectly replaced the Aral Sea in this beloved film.

Many people come to the bay for a calm, “meditative” holiday that makes one think about eternity and the meaning of life. When the wind blows from the east, the water area of ​​the bay, which is perfectly protected from it, is a completely motionless, absolutely smooth mirror. Add to this the badland landscape. There is a feeling of some special space where the laws of time do not apply.

Already from the classics of Russian literature and domestic cinema, you can even learn that Koktebel was considered the favorite resort of Russians at all times. Let us recall, for example, the work of one of the most prominent representatives of the poetry of the Silver Age, Maximilian Voloshin, or the famous Gumilyov spring in Koktebel.

Surely, many of you have heard this unusual name of the town - Koktebel. This urban-type settlement is located east of Crimea, on the Black Sea coast, not far from the Karadag volcanic massif. By the way, this mountain is a nature reserve, and access to it is possible only with a guide. On the eastern and northern sides, the village of Koktebel is surrounded by steppe mountains with vineyards. Koktebel is surrounded by mountains with the names Malka, Tatar-Khabuga, Eger-Oba, as well as the Uzun Syrt ridge, the highest point of which is considered to be Mount Klementyeva.

The terrain of Koktebel is very convenient for gliding. Thanks to the winds from the sea, rising air currents appear on the mountain, and it becomes possible to fly paragliders and hang gliders. In addition, Koktebel is famous for many other things: a nudist beach, local cognacs, peace and quiet, as well as a unique climate that helps cure respiratory diseases. The uniqueness of Koktebel’s climate is that it is formed by a combination of steppe, sea and mountains. The nudist beach in Koktebel will help you get a lot of impressions. Photos of the beach once again make it clear that there is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary, it is intriguing. Nudists come here from various parts of Russia, and not only. Those who came here once want to come back again.

Yes, the Koktebel resort is famous for its beautiful beaches, unique landscapes, excellent microclimate, which is created by an amazing combination of two seemingly incompatible reliefs - the sea and the mountains. And the Crimean mountains are strewn with fragrant herbs. Koktebel is also famous for its incredibly tasty wines and cognacs.

This is the land of romantics, dreamers and artists. This magnificent corner is also loved by photographers: Koktebel, photos of the beaches of which depict endless expanses, a light breeze from the sea - stunning views for photography. After all, you can photograph the sea endlessly, and each time it will be different. This is where there is room for creativity! And the famous jazz festival, which regularly takes place in Koktebel, arouses interest among tourists from all over the world.

Koktebel is a small town, even more of an urban village, but with a very developed tourism infrastructure and luxury hotels that will please even the most capricious visitors. Boarding houses, hotels, holiday homes and beaches of Koktebel offer tourists a varied holiday - active and sandy.

Close your eyes and imagine the most picturesque picture - Koktebel, bay, clear water, clean seabed and hermit crabs. It should be noted that the central beach in Koktebel is covered with large pebbles, but when you come closer to the sea, you will feel soft sand under your feet. The bay is divided by a pier-pier, from where vacationers jump into the water. There are no trees or canopies, but this is not required - you will have no time to lie in the shade, because there are plenty of other entertainments here: windsurfing, water skiing, motorcycles, bicycles, slides, banana boats, delta-, para-, bi- and hydroplanes, and you can also go scuba diving, take a boat ride on the sea, visit an amusement park, what is on the shore, etc.

But we must take into account that the central beaches of Koktebel are often crowded, so you need to come to the beach early in the morning in order to “buy” yourself a place in the sun.

But if you are confused by the fact that the beaches here are crowded, you can go to Quiet Bay. The beach there is sandy and there are relatively fewer people. But there are some drawbacks - getting there, for example, takes 1 hour on foot, and because of the wild holiday lovers there is a lot of garbage.

There is another good option: take a walk to the Karadag Nature Reserve. There are practically no people here, and there are enough other advantages - clear water, snorkeling is a pleasure.

For fans of swimming in the open sea, sea excursions are periodically organized with stops near Karadag for swimming. And the most interesting stops for swimming are the bays of an extinct volcano.

Swimming among majestic rocks and pristine nature - what else is needed to make your holiday by the sea forever memorable!

A rather long arc of Koktebel Bay stretches from Kara-Dag to Cape Chameleon. Once upon a time, the beach here was almost completely covered with semi-precious pebbles, but over the course of a century and a half it was actively taken away for souvenirs, as a result of which the supply of these natural gifts dried up. Today there is an artificial beach, which rests on a concrete embankment.

Koktebel beach gradually ends at the western slopes of Cape Chameleon. The bay here is called Dead. The name most likely comes from the specifics of the local sea - it never storms. There is another explanation - the smell of rotting algae in stagnant water and hydrogen sulfide. There are several sources of blue clay here. Be sure to capture the beaches of Koktebel in photos, they will later tell you about your unforgettable trip!

Another place that you should definitely visit is Koktebel Bay. It, like an oval crescent, stretches from Cape Malchin to Cape Chameleon. This cape got its name due to its unique ability to constantly change color. It all depends on the position of the Sun: shades of color during the day change from gray-blue in the morning to golden ocher, which smoothly turns into pinkish-violet and various shades of blue and purple before sunset. This is possible because the shale here has a special configuration and reflects differently in the sun.

To the east of Cape Chameleon there are the picturesque sandy beaches of the already mentioned Quiet Bay, nearby is the French Beach, and a little further away are several cozy coves and the magnificent sandy Ordzhonikidze Beach. There are coastal paths everywhere here, and in some places they also pass through the water - mainly on rocky capes. But the water here is always very calm and gentle.

Agree, not everyone likes the whitish artificial pebbles that, until 2005, covered the beaches of boarding houses and the new Green Beach in the west of the village. And so it was significantly transformed. Along its entire length near the water there was a wooden flooring and descents to the water, and the shore was sprinkled with fine golden sand. There are small cafes and other service facilities along the shore. It must be admitted that there is little natural beauty left here, but there are excellent conditions for a comfortable stay.

Popular beaches of Koktebel

Although the holiday season has already come to an end, it’s a good idea to start making plans now about where to go on your next vacation. As they say: “Prepare your sleigh in the summer,” and we, paraphrasing a little, will say this saying: “Prepare a beach spot in the winter.”

Koktebel is a real pearl of Crimea, here you can find absolutely everything - the gentle Crimean sun, which gives a truly bronze tan, and the warm brackish waters of the Black Sea, and pebbles that are pleasant for your feet. Of course, for the most part, Crimea is famous for its wild places and the vast majority of vacationers come here precisely in search of virgin nature. However, some people prefer to relax in comfort. When choosing a coastline for vacation, they pay not the least attention to its developed infrastructure.

Perhaps one of the main advantages of absolutely all Koktebel beaches is that they are free. It has always been this way, and we hope it will remain so. Conventionally, the entire beach area of ​​Koktebel can be divided into several parts: sandy beaches equipped for recreation, beaches with pebbles and rocky beaches.

Ordzhonikidze Beach

The beach areas near the village of Ordzhonikidze are mostly sandy and reach quite impressive widths. In some places, the sandy shore of the beach can reach a width of 100-120 meters. The beach of the village of Ordzhonikidze is the easternmost beach of the Koktebel region. It is suitable for relaxation by the whole family and has a number of universal facilities for modern beaches, such as showers, snack bars and sun loungers, which can be rented for a fee.

Quiet Bay Beach

Further, moving to the southwest, you can come across a beach with the simple name Quiet Bay. It’s worth noting right away that this beach is one of the favorite places for people practicing nudist recreation. Therefore, if you are a little embarrassed by a completely naked body, you should think twice before visiting the beaches of Quiet Bay. In general, the bay's infrastructure is rather poorly developed. This, however, is one of the main advantages of the beach, making it almost a wild place to relax, while at the same time not separating the beach itself from civilization. A 15-minute walk from the bay you can find the first shops, toilets and showers. The structure of the beach is sandy, shells are only occasionally found here, and the pebbles that sometimes litter the shore of the bay are very pleasant for walking on with bare feet.

Cape Chameleon

Even further to the west of the places mentioned above, you can come across Cape Chameleon, which is simply fantastic in its landscape component. This place has gained popularity among many photographers, artists and simply connoisseurs of pristine wild nature.

Dead Bay Beach

A little to the west of this cape there are a number of bays where you can also soak up the rays of the warm Crimean sun. One of the most controversial places in this area is Dead Bay, which scares away many vacationers with its smell of hydrogen sulfide, released due to rotting algae on the hottest days of the season.

This, by the way, is a significant advantage of this beach area, because thanks to the specific smell, the beach is completely deserted even in the very middle of the holiday season, so if you are a person who is ready to perceive nature in all its manifestations, then this is the place for you. The water here is always very calm - due to the geographical location of the bay, the possibility of a storm is almost completely excluded.

Behind the Dead Bay there are also a number of quiet creeks, from the rocky shores of which you can jump into the warm waters of the Black Sea to your heart's content. It should be noted that these places are areas of increased danger due to the lack of rescue towers, and therefore are not recommended for recreation for elderly people and families with children.

Further to the southwest, passing the above bays, you can find the heart of free Koktebel - its main nudist beach. It's always quite crowded and bare. The entire coastline of this place is covered with pleasant pebbles and is also shallow enough, which will allow you to have an unforgettable vacation with small children without fear for their lives.

Beaches of boarding houses and sanatoriums

The beach areas of the Primorye and Blue Bay boarding houses are a great place for conversation. These beaches are well-equipped in terms of infrastructure, and you can always stay here for the night by pre-booking a room in a boarding house.

The central beach of Koktebel is an area fully equipped for a classic beach holiday. Here you can rent various types of water transport, as well as enjoy various inflatable slides and other beach attractions.

The shore of such beaches consists of pebbles, which, as you enter the water, are replaced by sand that is pleasant for your feet. Like the nearest nudist beach, it is quite shallow here, so it is an excellent place for a safe holiday with the whole family.

Koktebel for nudists

We recommend visiting the nudist beach, which has recently become a favorite place for young people. If anyone else doesn’t know who nudists are, then let me explain, nudists are people who sunbathe with absolutely no clothes. By the way, not only young people, but also adults, sometimes even families, including children, come to visit the nudist beach in Koktebel. By visiting a nudist beach in Koktebel, people are freed from certain social prohibitions and laws, and feel a truly free life!

The founder of Koktebel nudism is Maximilian Voloshin. It was his idea to open such a beach without prohibitions. The length of the beach is about 700 meters in the eastern part of the town. It is very easy to find; every resident knows its location perfectly. And just if you go east along the usual beach, you will get exactly to the right place. A small stream, about 50 centimeters wide, became a symbolic border separating an ordinary beach from a nudist one. These two types of beaches can be distinguished not only by the naked bodies of vacationers, but also by the number of tents. There are many more of them on the nudist beach; people live in them for dozens of days. The tents are located fifty meters from the sea. There is a complete connection with nature, and this can already be called naturism rather than nudism. But still, among the sunbathers here, most of the people who came from the village.

Since we mentioned the surname Voloshin, I would like to tell you a little more about him. Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin played a special role in the development of Koktebel. This artist, archaeologist, local historian and poet, settled there permanently. And he was buried there, on the top of Kuchuk-Yenishar, this place is not far from Cape Chameleon. Maximilian Alexandrovich appreciated the pristine beauty of nature, this concerned not only nature in the form of vegetation, mountains, and so on, but also man himself. Pristine, and sometimes even wild, beauty was considered for him as something given from above, something to be proud of and not be ashamed of.

This summer we decided to use the bus for road trips. It was last weekend. These decided to spend it at sea. We chose Quiet Bay.
On the way we stopped at a new complex - a motel, a cafe, a hotel and a monument to chebureks, the Suvorov Oak and the White Rock, I will write a report a little later. Late in the evening we parked in Quiet Bay and slept to the sound of the surf. Morning.

In Quiet Bay, about a kilometer from the shore there are two stones. The stones Tash-Bashi and Tash-Tepe, their names are translated as Stone Head and Stone Hill, respectively. In older times, when they were much taller, they were called Tash-Gemi, which translated from Turkic means stone ship. They are in the photo. They say that some brave souls are trying to swim there...

There are legends about Quiet Bay, as well as about many beautiful places. For example, they say that an episode with a boy walking on water in the film “The Diamond Arm” was filmed near the islands on the reef. This is a bit of an exaggeration)))

The second name of Quiet Bay is the Yanyshary tract. A more familiar, more popular name is Quiet Bay. The name is apt, it is less stormy here than in the neighboring Koktebel Bay, this is due to its location.

This summer there is a barrier at the entrance to the bay, but it is open. There is a decision not to let cars in, but to leave them in a separate parking lot, but so far the parking lot is not guarded, so for now everyone is violating it.

Some tents are located near silver eagles trees, some are right on the beach.
There is little trade this year, no showers, no toilets.

Just sunbathing on the beach was not part of my plans, so the following photos are a bike ride along the route Quiet Bay - Koktebel hills - Koktebel - an attempt to return to Quiet Bay

Near Quiet Bay there is a small ravine, a grove of silver elk, and, in my opinion, this is the Biyuk-Yenishar ridge, if you go to the right, then not far from the village of Ordzhonikidze

In general, the Quiet Bay landscape park includes the Yanyshar Mountains - the Kuchuk-Yanyshar and Biyuk-Yanyshar ridges, Dzhan-Khutoran; the spurs of the Tepe-Oba ridge and the nameless mountain near the village of Yuzhnoye, as well as the Yanysharskaya and Dvuyakornaya valleys separating them between the villages of Yuzhnoye and Ordzhonikidze. At sea, the landscape park covers the Mertvaya, Tikhaya and Provato bays.

During the Soviet era, the bay was officially closed, there were military people there, and also “our own people”. Today it is the Quiet Bay landscape park with a total area of ​​1,508 hectares.

It’s already the beginning of July, but the grass hasn’t burned out yet, it’s beautiful all around

There on the horizon, far away, you can see Ordzhonikidze’s houses. Ordzhonikidze is located on the picturesque Cape Kiik-Atlama, there are many small secluded coves, I recommend it for a secluded holiday

View of Cape Chameleon. On the left is Quiet Bay, on the right is Koktebel Bay. Here I am located in the area of ​​the chameleon’s “tail”))) And from the side it looks like such a long lizard drinking water from the Black Sea.

The cape, like a real chameleon, often changes its color. Someday I’ll make a selection of photos at sunset, when literally every ten minutes it turned from red to blue, purple, gold and many more shades

Another name is Toprah-kaya, which means “Clay Rock”.

Previously, the cape was much wider, and literally in June 2016 another collapse was captured on Chameleon, the video is on YouTube. But this doesn’t stop the brave souls who risk their lives to take beautiful photos. And now I see a s-small dot at the top - this is someone walking along the Chameleon ridge

And also the Chameleon closer, with a telephoto lens.
I only reached the first group of people, it’s scary to go further... Or maybe even dangerous

Koktebel Bay, the village of Koktebel illuminated by the sun's rays by the sea, and Kara-Dag hanging over it.

Kara-Dag is translated into Russian as Black Mountain.
And there used to be a volcano here, long ago, 150 million years ago

The road to Quiet Bay is busy. It seems that last year there were also minibuses here, but I don’t know if there are minibuses this year.

Not all tourists travel by car or, like me, by bicycle; many go from Koktebel to Quiet Bay on foot

And closer Chameleon

In the distance is Kara-Dag, the "Devil's Finger" stands out

The path from Quiet Bay to Koktebel goes along the sea, and the Chameleon has already changed its color a little

It’s still sunny here, but clouds are gathering over the village. How can one not recall the numerous Kara-Dag legends about the monster))))

I went down to the village, since it is difficult to park a car here, the beach is quite empty, there are few tents, few nudists

There is a village ahead. This year a Ferris wheel was installed. It doesn't work yet.

Steps, graffiti, tents - this is how the village begins)))


We stayed at the Tom Creative Writers Hotel in winter, booked through Booking, we really liked it, and had a delicious breakfast. So I went to them for lunch. Art cafe. Prices in a cafe in Koktebel: 100 rubles for coffee, 180 rubles for borscht, 200 grams of red mullet - 380 rubles. Everything is delicious except the fish. Maybe it’s rarely ordered and that’s why it’s frozen; after defrosting, the taste changes...

The cafe is located in a park area not far from Voloshin’s house.
The house of Voloshin - the person with whom Koktebel is connected, its development, its image, its present day. Well, my bike is parked near the flower bed

Monument to Maximilian Voloshin and modern sculpture, which local wits call “Voloshin’s eggs”

Unfortunately, I didn’t meet any street musicians in the village. It's a pity. Koktebel is changing((

On the embankment there is a relatively new entertainment for Crimea - flights over the sea on... I don’t remember the name of this thing, but it’s interesting, I’ll have to try it

This is the beach near Junge Hill, the founders of the village. For some reason it is completely deserted. One of the most famous nudist beaches. Maybe the nudists are there, hiding behind the hill? But last year, in 2015, it was crowded

The road back to Quiet Bay. There are a lot of capers blooming around, it’s great that not all the buds have been picked for pickling yet.

And then it started to rain(((The road became wet, the mud began to stick to the tread of the wheels, getting clogged between the rim and the brakes... During and after the rain, Quiet Bay is inaccessible on a bicycle... Not only is it impossible to ride a bicycle, but it’s also unrealistic to roll. Just carry it in your hands.

That's it, the photo walk from Quiet Bay is over, a more complete version - video

The nature of Crimea is rich, but there are also places on the peninsula that, with their obvious unsuitability for normal life, evoke associations with a different world. Dead Bay in Koktebel has a corresponding name, and even managed to convincingly play the desert in the movie.

Where is Dead Bay on the map?

It is a part of the Koktebel Bay, bounded by capes Chameleon and Toprah-Kaya. It borders on two bays - (in the east) and Koktebel (in the west). Not far from here is the famous Crimean poet.

Geography and legends

The harbor is small and shallow, and algae often accumulates at the bottom. In extreme heat, they can rot - then a specific unpleasant smell of mud appears. All this is one of the reasons for its gloomy name.

The coastal strip of Dead Bay is quite wide, mostly sandy, while at Chameleon it is rocky and pebble. The coast is a bizarrely rugged hilly perimeter with minimal vegetation. Many rocks are simply bare, there are no trees, and the grass dries out in the summer. Numerous gullies and ravines are carved out by spring streams, but remain dry for most of the year. The soil is poor and unsuitable for cultivation. The terrain precludes reliable construction.

In the USA, such territories are called “badlands” - “bad land”, emphasizing the unsuitability of the area for comfortable life and human economic activity, as well as its low population and general infertility. Now, due to the fashion for everything foreign, this word has stuck to the surroundings of Mertvaya. They are inconvenient not only for people - there are rodents there, sometimes foxes run in and birds of prey fly in. That's all.

The sea in the bay also looks dead. It rarely experiences waves - this is explained by the preferential wind directions in the Koktebel area and reliable protection from them in the form of two rocky capes. Often the water is completely still. The beaches on the shore are reminiscent of the deserted areas of the Dead Sea. Thanks to this feature, they were used as scenery during the filming of “White Sun of the Desert.” The Crimean coast perfectly passed for the desert of the Caspian region.

Lair of the Sea Serpent

The name of the Dead Bay in Koktebel is also explained historically. The Tatars call her Enysheri (Enyshari). You don’t need to know Turkic languages ​​to notice that this is similar to “janissaries”.

It is known from documents that a detachment of these selected Turkish soldiers landed in a bay on the Crimean coast in 1475. Then the legend begins. Supposedly, the elite Turkish fighters, who knew no fear, encountered some kind of natural horror here - either a sea serpent or a land monster called the Chameleon. The result of the fight is “in general, everyone died.” The harbor, which became the grave of many, received a terrible name, and turned into one of its borders, frozen in stone near the coastline.

What is interesting about a holiday in Dead Bay?

You can’t count on decent ones in the Dead Bay area - the badland is not suitable for this. The surrounding area is practically deserted, and those who wish come here on foot (not far and not difficult).

Swimming is rather good - they are spacious and comfortable, and the algae are concentrated in the bottom zone; due to rare disturbances, they are almost never washed ashore. There is almost no risk of running into strong waves (even if there is significant wind in the surrounding area). Since there are few people, you can choose an area on the shore to suit your taste – sandy or pebble, where there is a lot of interesting marine life.

Nudists have long preferred holidays in Dead Bay - this is almost as “legitimate” their place as. Bathers with traditional ideas about a beach holiday usually head to the nearby Quiet Bay.
But even in Mortvoy it is not forbidden to sunbathe in a swimsuit - the main thing is not to be outraged by those who do not have one.

In addition to nudists, fans of various esoteric teachings and meditative practices flock here. They appreciate the object for its unusual “lunar” landscape and the silence of the motionless sea. Reviews from even materialistic vacationers indicate that the impression from such a landscape can be strange. There is a feeling of being not on earth, but in some other world (on another planet or in a parallel reality). It is impossible to describe what exactly is wrong with this, but the strangeness is clearly felt.

Science suggests that low-moving air above water in the heat can cause various optical effects that are truly unusual for human perception.

However, if you don’t “wind up” yourself with the supernatural, staying here can be quite pleasant. It is not suitable only for families with children and for people with poor health. There is no infrastructure nearby, you need to carry water and food with you, and there is no natural shade. There is also no good access to the shore itself; you need to get there on foot. The wildness of the area and nudists are all the real restrictions.

How to get there (get there)?

Buses do not go in the direction of Mertvaya - you can get to it either on foot or by car.

It’s easy to get to the place by car yourself in this way:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Koktebel, Feodosia, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.965567, 35.288627.

But in the photo, Mertvaya Bay in Crimea looks mysterious, evoking thoughts of distant countries and interplanetary voyages. Such a photograph can be safely hung on the wall in a place of honor - guests will definitely pay attention to it. In conclusion - as always, a video clip, enjoy watching!