What to take with you to Goa with a child? What to take with you to Goa? What to buy in Goa

Before asking about what to take with you to Goa, you immediately need to answer the counter question: “What to take with you to heaven?” This is exactly the question hippies asked themselves when they moved here to live permanently in the 60s. They took nothing with them, only their dreams, songs and a sea of ​​love. But let’s look at the world realistically and still decide on the main things that you need to take on a trip to India Goa.

Season and weather

Goa has its own weather conditions in every period of time. For example, the ideal time for a holiday is from October to March. But many tourists live here all year round and do not experience any particular inconvenience. From April to July, the rainy season begins in Goa, when everything around is drenched in heavy rain almost every day. Then you should stock up on waterproof shoes, clothes and a large umbrella. And for example, from August to October there is intense heat here and basically you can’t breathe. It becomes so stuffy that neither the sea, nor the shade, nor cold water can save you. At this time of year, it is better to go to the northern regions of India and wait until October. But we will talk specifically about the most favorable stage of weather conditions - from October to March. It is during these months that millions of tourists plan their trips and remain as satisfied as possible.

What to take with you to Goa: the most necessary things

First of all, you need to make sure that you are in place passport and plane tickets, as well as money. Should do all copies of documents and take it with you. As a rule, tickets are ordered online and must be printed. At customs they ask you to show ticket and hotel reservation. You can book any hotel and then cancel it. You must have a valid one on hand visa to india- local authorities are especially closely monitoring this, since there are many cases of tourists who simply stayed in India without registration and with expired documents.

It’s worth exchanging rubles in your homeland for dollars or euros. Otherwise, it will be difficult to exchange them in Goa. It is more profitable to have dollars on hand. They are more often used in everyday life and are more readily exchanged at exchange points.

I believe that these are the most necessary things, without which you are unlikely to end up in another country. For me, this is enough and nothing more is required, but this is my opinion. And it will be important for you to stock up on a few more things.

Insurance to India

It's better to take care of it in advance health insurance and take it with you to Goa. It costs about 30 rubles per day and allows you to call a Russian-speaking doctor to the hotel who will provide assistance. You never know what can happen on the coast, it’s better to insure yourself in every sense. This especially applies to those who ride a scooter, because regular insurance does not cover such risks. You need an additional option “active recreation” or “driving a motorbike”, with which the cost immediately doubles. But it's worth it.

First aid kit

For particularly squeamish tourists and for those who have any health problems, you should take your own first aid kit. For example, you can bring antiseptics, painkillers and prebiotics. In general, India is a country that produces the most natural and effective medicines in the world. They are based on ancient Ayurvedic recipes. You can buy everything you need at a local pharmacy, as we usually do. But it’s better to take care of your health in advance, which can also be detrimental when transferring to planes.


Can be taken to Goa credit cards. There are ATMs in Goa, and in some cafes and shops you can pay by card without a commission. And also need to take to Goa international driving license. You can rent a scooter without a license. The maximum fine for driving without documents is 500 rupees; if you are driving without a helmet, then 100 rupees. The fines are very reasonable, compared, for example, to Thailand, where you have to pay 1,500 baht for parking in the wrong place, and 3,000 baht for driving without a license.

The English-Russian phrasebook helped me a lot. It's small and doesn't take up much space, but it's so effective. It’s also worth getting a guide to India in Russian. Although you can find all the information on the Internet. Paper maps are very helpful. The best apps are Google maps and Maps.me. Download them to your phone in advance.

What to take to India Goa: packing a backpack

Yes, yes, it’s a backpack, not a suitcase with flowers. Why a backpack, because it is the most effective carry-on luggage. It's easy to board a plane with, and easy to check in as luggage without worrying about whether the wheels fall off. It is also easy to carry from place to place when you travel in and around Goa. Who knows where the dashing will take you? Maybe you'll end up in Bali.

India is the most unpredictable country in the world, with the features of a portal where tourists can move, amazed by the freedom and limitlessness of their actions. This is how they leave society to live. It all starts with the backpack, of course. 🙂

What to wear in Goa

This means the backpack must be at least 60 liters. It’s worth putting comfortable summer shoes, spare jeans, shorts, a T-shirt, socks, underwear, a swimsuit or swimming trunks, a hat, a long-sleeve sweater or sweatshirt (it’s very cool in the evenings, especially when you’re riding a scooter). The rest can be bought in local shops for little money. For example, T-shirts cost 100-200 rupees, dresses 300-700 rupees.

What else

You definitely need to take a communication device, a camera or camera, as well as spare batteries and accumulators to Goa. Sunglasses will come in handy, but it's best to get inexpensive ones or buy them locally. There is a possibility of losing them or breaking them. I have often noticed that many travelers have a laptop. They work on it during free daytime hours, when the sun is hot and you don’t want to go anywhere. And some communicate with loved ones on Skype. Each cafe has its own Wi-Fi, although the quality of the Internet is not great everywhere. Therefore, we are not able to work in Goa at all.

You can take a small flashlight in your backpack on vacation in Goa. It will come in handy if you rent a house somewhere on the outskirts. India has a different system of electrical appliances and often requires a Euro adapter. You need to take it and also stock up on a tee so that there are always enough sockets. You can also take a notebook and pen to Goa. It helps when inspiration comes and you want to pour out your innermost thoughts on paper. And this happens everywhere, because Goa inspires creativity. You should take 3 x 4 color photographs with you. They will be useful when purchasing a local SIM card or Internet. Many useful things can be bought in local supermarkets. Many of them have been adapted and already have inscriptions in Russian.

What not to take to Goa

You should not take expensive things to Goa in India. For example, you should remove all gold jewelry or those that are valuable. In addition, it is also better to leave expensive phones and equipment at home. You shouldn't take high-heeled shoes - there's simply nowhere to put them on. And you don’t really want to put on makeup in the heat. Natural beauty is the most attractive. You shouldn't take a lot of clothes. She will only get in the way.

Also, do not take chargers that take a long time to charge. Time is precious and you don’t know where you might end up in half an hour. There is no need to take sunscreen or insect repellent with you to Goa. Because they are in every stall, they are cheap and very effective. An inflatable pillow is also not useful. And huge books will burden your stay. Moreover, many cafes have their own libraries of books left behind by tourists who are tired of carrying them with them on vacation.

Own experience of what to take on holiday in Goa

Having a one-way ticket, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a T-shirt and pants to change into and take off winter clothes, as well as a couple of thousand dollars, I set off to unknown India. In fact, things are sold there and you can buy shoes, glasses, hygiene items and everything you need for pennies. I even ordered a return ticket via the Internet at a local internet cafe. And I can say that it is more profitable to buy air tickets from India than from Russia. All winterers do exactly this.

First of all, I thought about where I would keep my money. After all, this is the main thing that has value in an unfamiliar country, after the passport, of course. For security reasons, I recommend taking a barn lock to Goa. It is incredibly helpful for both locking hotel rooms and hanging on old safes. From the outside it may seem strange to take a barn castle with you on vacation to Goa. But this “accessory” helped me and kept all my things safe in the hotel room. As you understand, the cleaning lady, the receptionist, and maybe a crowd of people also have the keys to a standard hotel lock. I also recommend that you always close the windows so that no one else can break in on you. It sounds funny, but such cases are true.

What is the most important thing when packing for a trip? Take what’s important and don’t take what’s unnecessary. Below is a list of what you need to take. Also take into account the specifics of your place of residence (luxury hotel or guesthouse), your lifestyle at the resort (relaxing with a glass of cocktail by the pool or traveling around the area on a bike) and the duration of the planned trip.

Photocopies of passport and tickets

Be careful when storing documents. Never lose a new or old passport with an Indian visa - losing documents will cause big problems. Make several copies and store in different places: if you lose the originals, there will be fewer problems. To be on the safe side, take photographs of your documents before leaving and post electronic copies on the Internet. Don't forget to print your e-tickets. To enter the airport you may be asked to show them.


It gets dark early in Goa, the electricity is often cut off, so buy an LED flashlight - it will be much easier to find your way to your accommodation in the dark. These flashlights are very practical and work for a long time without recharging. Some models are attached to the head - in the dark they are simply indispensable for searching.


There are medicines in Indian pharmacies, but the names are different. Collect the basic first aid kit yourself: antiseptic, prebiotic, pain reliever. The standard set is activated carbon, headache tablets, patches, hydrogen peroxide, mezim. If you are planning to purchase special medications, find out their international names in advance or write down the Latin name of the active substance in the medicine - this will help the Indian pharmacist find a local equivalent for you.

Small backpack

A backpack for carrying things is much more convenient than a suitcase or bag. For traveling around the area or going shopping, a backpack is the best place to store the necessary little things: hygiene items, camera, map, shopping, water bottle, etc. Be careful: when checking your backpack into your luggage, do not put fragile or breakable items in it.


Do you carry a lot of electronics? Remember that there are often not enough sockets, so a tee will avoid the inconvenience of recharging. Usually Russian plugs are suitable for Indian sockets, and you can buy an adapter in Goa.

Sunglasses and sunscreen

It is better to bring your own sunglasses: it is not easy to find good ones in Goa. If you are going to ride scooters or motorcycles, be sure to take protective motorcycle glasses to prevent your eyes from being affected by dust.

Sunscreen is needed for the first time, so as not to waste the first hours of rest searching for the ill-fated cream in an unknown area. Once you get the hang of it, purchase a topical cream with ease.

Body wallet

A body wallet is much more reliable than a traditional wallet. Take it so as not to lose everything valuable. Grab a quick-drying microfiber towel. It won't take up much space and won't get moldy in the humid Indian climate. In some establishments, the bed linen is not of the best quality, sometimes there are no blankets, so you will need a light sleeping bag or blanket - you will be comfortable and protected from colds.

Clothes for a chilly evening

If you are a fan of evening bike riding from December to February, jeans and a windbreaker will be completely useful and will not let you freeze.

Little Helpers establish contacts with locals

Want to make friends with the locals? Pack some simple souvenirs for the trip. Magnets, coins, ballpoint pens, and any trinkets will do. To fill out any document or write down a request that cannot be explained in words, take a notepad and pen.


Print two color portrait photographs. They can come in handy when connecting to the Internet or buying a SIM card.


Don't forget about the map of the area. What is a traveler without a map? Buy a ready-made paper one, download an electronic one or print from a digital original. If you want to see more interesting places, enrich yourself with knowledge from the reports of other tourists: there are quite a lot of web resources with information for travelers. If you want to pass the waiting time, grab a book or player.

Hygiene items

Don't forget about comfort and hygiene, especially on a long trip. If you are used to using wet wipes, it is better to put a pack in your luggage - you won’t have to look for it in India. If you're going away for more than a week, bring scissors or a nail clipper. In Goa, the sun is hot - most people need a protective cream: you can bring a Russian one or buy an Indian one. It is not difficult to buy a toothbrush and toothpaste in India, but you can bring it from home.

Necessary things if you live in a bungalow

Own padlock. If you are planning to stay in a bungalow, guest house or affordable hotel, remember that theft is not uncommon in India. If you want to be guaranteed protection from thieves, use your own padlock for your room. Most doors have a place to install a lock - you just have to choose which one to use: key or combination. If you are not afraid of thieves, you won't need a lock.

Clothesline necessary if the guest establishment does not provide laundry services.

Don't type too much

Clothes in Indian stores are inexpensive and comfortable. For the first time, take shorts and a couple of T-shirts. You won't need evening wear. Comfortable, lightweight shoes - sandals or slippers, which can also be bought in local shops - are simply irreplaceable in the Indian climate.

Try not to take unnecessary things - the fewer there are, the more convenient it is. When it comes to Goa, all you need to wear is a couple of changes of clothes for the beach. Don't forget your camera. Most of the things that tourists usually carry in their luggage are easier to buy in Goa.

Money and documents are invariably the most important thing. Forgetting the rest when going to Goa is not so bad.

The question of what to take with you to Goa can be answered simply - nothing superfluous. The most necessary things on vacation in the Indian resort state are beach accessories, light clothing, a first aid kit and a flashlight. The latter may come in handy on dark Goan evenings - street lighting is not available everywhere.

To spend time on the beach, first of all, you should take care of sunscreen with a high degree of protection. Be extremely careful, you can get burned in two hours, thereby ruining your vacation on the first day. It is also worth taking a hat with you.

For clothes you need to take with you to Goa, you need light things, because it is hot in these parts all year round. If you are traveling to Goa between October and January, you should take a warm jacket or windbreaker with you, as the nights at the beginning of the season can be chilly.

You should take minimal shoes on your trip, because there is a high chance that you will be wearing sandals or flip-flops the entire time. There are no sidewalks in Goa - there is nowhere to walk in heels. If you plan to move around the resort on a moped/motorcycle, you can additionally take sneakers or sneakers with you (although you can limit yourself to strong sandals).

Any clothes can be bought locally for a reasonable price: local shops have everything for a relaxed Goan holiday.

What medications to take in Goa

In a traveler's first aid kit you need to put: remedies for intestinal and stomach disorders (Smecta, Immodium, Linex, Mezim, activated carbon), miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or other antiseptics, remedies for headaches (citramon, nurofen or others) and heart pain (Valocardine, Validol, Carvalol are not available in Goa), elastic bandage (ordinary bandages are sold at every turn in Goa), iodine, plaster, sanitary antiseptic napkins, personal hygiene products for women. As a last resort, in local pharmacies you can find a variety of drugs at reasonable prices; pharmacists themselves will select the right medicine for you if you can explain what problem you have with your health.

If you are going to stay in a guesthouse, the list of what to take with you to Goa can be supplemented with a door lock and bed linen.

I recently wrote, in the same article, I promised to prepare a small reminder for independent travelers, which should make packing and living in Goa a little easier. It's time to keep the promise.

I want to start with what is correct to say in Goa, since it is a state, not an island, surprisingly, not everyone knows this. Thus, I advise you to get rid of the grammatically incorrect “holiday in Goa” as soon as possible and boldly go to this curious area. The northern part of Goa is a very populated tourist area, with a lot of Russian-speaking tourists, winterers, long-stayers and businessmen. Local Indians (Goans) already understand Russian quite well in markets, shops, cafes and the beach, so you shouldn’t worry too much. When you need it, they will understand you.

I came across a lot of similar articles on the Internet, and they really turned out to be useful, unfortunately, many were written quite a long time ago and have partially lost their relevance. However, having trusted them, we rather “played it safe”, so they did no harm. On the other hand, I didn’t find a single complete manual; in the end I had to work with many sources, the information in which was also duplicated. Therefore, I will try to cover as much as possible the most important issues related to a trip to Goa, but at the same time I will write concisely and to the point.

A general article on all the necessary aspects of a holiday for a traveler going to India may also be useful:

Packing our bags for India in Goa 2016

I want to start with the fact that it is possible and advisable to prepare at home in order to less overshadow your long-awaited and so:

  • Backpack. Or something similar that would be convenient to go shopping on a bike or take things to the beach. A practical and useful thing in Goa, and throughout Asia, if you prefer to travel on a two-wheeler without a trunk, and it’s more convenient to carry your belongings without having to carry them in your hands
  • Copies of documents for a trip to Goa. Be sure to make several copies of your civil and Indian visa, driver’s license, travel insurance, if you decide to buy it, and electronic tickets. Carry one copy with you, including in, in case you lose your main luggage. You can take photographs of these documents on your smartphone, at least with a driver’s license the local police will do just fine, as long as you have an open category A (a motorcycle is drawn). By the way, we were advised to simply add a motorcycle to the image of our license in Photoshop, and tell the police in Goa that the original is at home and we are afraid of losing it.
  • Travel insurance to India. Safety and health come first, so don’t skimp on insurance. A timely purchased insurance policy will allow you to receive compensation for a vacation that was spoiled due to no flight or loss of luggage, will help you get back the money spent on treatment and will be stored like a real talisman. Before applying for an Indian visa, we took out insurance in case of refusal, because by that time we had already purchased tickets. Therefore, I recommend not skimping on security.
  • Photos. Most likely, you will still have photographs after, so you can take them with you, take them separately - there is not much point. Since we didn’t need them, but the circumstances are different, they are needed to purchase a tourist SIM card, as well as some copies of documents, but this is easily done, more on that later.
  • First aid kit for the road. WITH Take with you, with a main focus on antibacterial and digestive products. If you are afraid of malaria, then a week before your trip and throughout the trip, as well as one or two weeks after, you can take one doxycycline tablet per day. This is a weak antibiotic that will not cause much harm to your health (if taken along with any probiotic), but it will help malaria bypass you. Although, when traveling to Goa during the high season, you are unlikely to face this disease. In any case, consult your doctor before taking antibiotics. By the way, a lot of medicines are produced in India, the prices of which will pleasantly surprise you, so, perhaps, it’s not worth recruiting a lot from dear Russia, but on the contrary, it makes sense to think about it.
  • Cosmetics and protective equipment. In general, all this can be bought on the spot, but in order to immediately run to the sea upon arrival, it makes sense to take sunscreen with protection of at least 25, and a small cosmetic bag to touch up your makeup in the evening. Although very soon, having imbued with the spirit of Goa, the need for all this will disappear. Cosmetics, again, are much cheaper in India, and the quality is high, so don’t overstuff your suitcase.
  • Insect repellents in Goa. There is no need to bring large quantities, since India has its own good products, which sometimes work better than proven domestic ones, but you can buy them for the first time. However, you will have to buy the remedy for termites and ants on the spot almost immediately upon arrival.
  • Flashlight. The road from the beach, and in many places in Goa, at least in the northern part, is dark and unlit, so to save your feet, it is best to have a small LED flashlight and a supply of batteries or rechargeable batteries. In addition, by illuminating your path, you can calmly avoid all sorts of unpleasant animals that you don’t want to step on.
  • Change for the road. Be sure to prepare some dollars in small bills, they will come in handy both on the plane if you want to buy lunch during the flight, and when changing at the airport upon arrival, at the extortionate rate, on the way to your vacation destination in Goa.
  • Padlock (like a barn lock). The door locking system in India was a little surprising at first, but it is easy to explain, because... allows you to lock the house with your own lock, and the owners do not have to change the keys after each vacationer. As they say, the sheep are well-fed and the wolves are safe, or vice versa, here who feels like who.
  • Products that are missed in Goa. Officially, the import of meat and dairy products, as well as cereals into India must be declared, but no one does this. But many tourists, especially winterers, bring delicacies: cheese, sausage, seeds, herring, caviar, buckwheat, chocolate, vermicelli - i.e. those products that cannot be found here in the usual quality and at reasonable prices during the day
  • Things and suitcases. Usually people arrive with empty bags and take trunks home, including clothes. So take the essentials or your favorite ones, but still buy a lot of things. If you take a large empty suitcase, you will have something to carry your gifts back with. You can also buy it on the spot - I remember the story of one of my friends, how he bargained for two days in Goa for one spacious suitcase - well, this is also an element of exoticism.
  • Women's clothing. India is a country of strict views; it is not customary to expose your legs and shoulders much, so out of respect for foreign culture, do not wear miniskirts, shorts and any tight underwear if you want to be treated well. Short clothing is unsafe for riding a bike in the heat and generally not practical. In Goa, of course, people are more accustomed to the sight of tourists, but if you are coming to experience the spirit of India, then you should not irritate its residents, they, of course, will remain silent, but at best they will write you down as a woman of easy virtue.
  • Other little things. Shampoos, oils, soap, gel, powder, etc. there is a large amount of local production here, natural and cheap, so you only need a maximum supply for the first day or two
  • Money in Goa. The Indian Rupee has a relatively stable exchange rate to the dollar, so if you are not confident in the sharp growth of the ruble or, on the contrary, there is a fear of its further fall, then it is better to immediately exchange dollars and go with a pre-calculated budget. By the way, the ruble traditionally grows in the spring, so we took a minimal supply of cash.
  • Plastic cards. This is the best replacement for a mountain of cash, a relatively safe and profitable means of storing money. The main thing is to set limits correctly and have several cards from different banks and payment systems. The question is also relevant in Goa, it is always relevant: with a stable ruble exchange rate (when was this the case?), cash dollars are profitable, even with double conversion, but right now a card is more profitable for me. By the way, this and the previous point can cover all the others, because with money it is very easy to rest lightly. On the other hand, I know several examples where people in India got by with virtually no money, so who goes for what?
  • Spare phone. If you come for the whole season, then it makes sense to use a cheap old mobile phone, since due to the humidity and sand, not every smartphone can survive six months in Goa. Besides, you shouldn’t show off expensive equipment unnecessarily in front of poor Indians

Instead of ending

Perhaps this is where we can finish the first part. I really hope that I haven’t forgotten something especially important and worthy of attention; at the very least, I’ll add it. In addition, there is a place in the comments, not only for questions, but also for forgotten answers. I will supplement this article with the best advice from the comments or prepare a separate one if I have enough material. When using this memo, you should not forget that in it I draw conclusions based on my own experience, including writing about what I myself forgot when getting ready and regretted upon arriving in Goa. I hope my mistakes will become a lesson to someone. In general, let’s pack our bags and take a bold step to India, and I’ll tell you what to expect upon arrival. Good luck on your trips, perhaps India won’t scare you either, at least the prices are very reasonable, both for accommodation and travel, However, check it yourself.

The list of things is compiled for people who are traveling around Hindustan for the first time, based on the author’s personal experience for informational purposes.
The list includes things that I personally found very useful in my trips to various regions of India in different seasons, for which a corresponding reservation has been made.

Most of the things and medicines we are used to are either also sold in India or have Indian analogues, so it is not always advisable to take them with you. At the same time, if you are traveling to remote, remote areas of India, you better stock up on what you need before leaving; the choice of goods in local shops is very limited. In addition, if you are not adapted to unsanitary conditions in order to feel protected, you should think about this before your trip.

Documents and the most important

  • Ksivnik or napusnik for carrying money and documents under clothes (preferably synthetic, thin and waterproof)
  • Passport + 2 photocopies of the first page and visa
  • printout of an electronic air ticket in 2 copies.
  • Health insurance policy (preferred) with copies
  • Denyuzhki cash in large bills (higher exchange rate) + a few small bills. In tourist centers they change travel checks and there are also ATMs.
  • Passport size photos are required when purchasing a local SIM card
  • Ball pen

Means of protection:

Protection from insects (required if you live near fresh water bodies and at an altitude of less than 2.5 thousand meters)

  • Spray Moskitol or Autan, but better is the rarely available spray Gvozdika. Don’t buy the cream; they make an excellent anti-mosquito cream in India, ODOMOS.
  • Spray "RAID" - kills everything that moves / if you are a supporter of ahimsa, you can buy anti-mosquito coils, 18 rupees for 10 pieces, 1 coil is enough for the night
  • Electric fumicator / in India there is, but there is not always electricity
  • Look for the after-bite cream "KOMAREX" - a great thing, it even heals wounds! / there is an Indian analogue of Kailash Jivan cream.


  • Cream (oil, milk) for tanning, decide for yourself depending on your skin type and season, but the sun can be hot. I used Amber Soler No. 15, and I wish you the same.
    If you climb into the Himalayas to an altitude of more than 3 km. or you will walk on a glacier or snow - take a cream with maximum protection for the face, otherwise your face will char!
  • Milk for burns, such as blue Amber Soler or Indian cream Kailash Jivan
  • Hygienic lipstick with UV filter
  • Moisturizing face cream, although you can also use after-sun cream
  • Glasses with UV filter
  • Headdress. I prefer a scarf, it is easier to wet it in water, and this is sometimes necessary.

from dirt (asepsis)

  • Antiseptic (disinfectant) wipes for cleaning hands and utensils before eating are desirable in large cities in India.
  • Medical alcohol (for internal and external) - 2-3 cans of 100 ml. if you are very afraid of gastrointestinal infections, although alcohol in India is not of poor quality, but is cheap.
  • Manganese permanganate (crystalline potassium permanganate) - in the solution you can wash fruits and the stomach in case of poisoning too
  • To treat the skin of the face and body during travel and transitions, you can take wet cleansing wipes like Hygena.

Toiletries and more

  • Antibacterial soap - SafeGuard or similar with maximum protection / In India you can buy DETOL soap or liquid with the same properties.
  • Shampoo (preferably in bags) / they are sold in kiosks on the streets for 2 rupees per bag
  • Toothpaste and brush / India has excellent toothpastes, ask in pharmacies
  • Washcloth
  • Comb/hair brush
  • A terry towel, if you’re not too lazy to drag it, hotels don’t always have them
  • double or 2 small sheets, in Indian hotels the linen is often not fresh, even better is a special cotton or silk cover for a sleeping bag
  • A strong synthetic rope for drying clothes; in Indian guesthouses there is often nowhere to dry clothes
  • A small piece of laundry soap / powders in India are the same, household. blue soap is better in my opinion
  • Toilet paper / sold everywhere
  • Some paper napkins or tissues
  • Cotton buds
  • Deodorant, nail file, razor, and everything else you use... cosmetics, IMHO, are not useful

Household supplies

  • A mug for boiling water + a boiler + a spoon - if you like to eat/drink tea at night or don’t like spicy food, and if you are in relatively civilized places
  • A penknife, preferably a folding one with a fork and a bottle opener; if you wander into the Himalayas, you may have to eat without them with a spoon washed in cold water
  • It is better to have a flashlight with batteries or a self-charging one. Electricity problems are quite common even in tourist places, but star hotels always have their own generators.
  • Candles (electricity often goes out) and lighter / available for sale
  • Small padlock (for backpack) / available for sale
  • Needles, threads, pins + scissors

Healthy foods

  • Tea bags + sugar cubes + a little salt, in some places drinking normal tea is a big problem,
  • Instant rice porridge (in case of problems with acclimatization or spicy foods)
  • Chips and chocolate (for the road)
  • Vobla, if you love it, and manage to get it through customs, sprats and other non-perishable things...
  • Cigarettes if you smoke
  • If you are traveling to the Himalayas and love corpses, take freeze-dried meat, smoked sausage, sprats, etc. with myself. The most beautiful Himalayan state of India, Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand), is vegetarian.

IT IS USEFUL to take with you a thin (3 mm) metallized mat or yoga mat - you can sunbathe on the beach, lie down on it, when rolled up it is comfortable as a seat in temples and in nature, in the cold you can sleep on it.

Clothing and footwear for India

  • Sneakers for long walks and travel. For trekking in the Himalayas, special shoes are advisable; in any case, they should not get wet or slip.
  • Sturdy sandals with stable non-leather soles
  • Underwear, socks (preferably cotton or other hygroscopic material)
  • a windbreaker or sweater - it's cold when traveling in air-conditioned trains.

For Indian plains and beaches in spring and autumn

  • light trousers and a skirt made of natural material
  • if you have semi-nylon “pants that turn into elegant shorts” - take them, they are the most practical clothes for traveling, wash easily, dry quickly.
  • a couple of T-shirts or light shirts / available for sale
  • swimsuit/swimming trunks and open clothes for the beach

For easy trekking in the Himalayas

  • Polyethylene raincoat
  • windbreaker with lining or with a sweater. In the Himalayas above 2 km. in summer and early autumn you need to take a trekking jacket, above 3 thousand - already a down jacket and preferably trekking boots or good ankle boots, above 4 thousand and on glaciers without boots it already becomes dangerous.

Readings, photos and more

  • The dictionary is better than English-Russian-English, even if you know the language well
  • Phrasebook, if your language is bad
  • Notebook
  • Something good, eternal, that will harmonize you with your environment.
  • If the camera is digital, take batteries for it. There is memory in India, as well as all kinds of video cassettes.

It is advisable that all this be put in a small backpack or bag, but don’t bother on purpose... In India there was more of all this than here and much cheaper. It is advisable that your main large backpack is not filled to the brim with all of the above, otherwise where will you put the souvenirs?
You can also take the addresses of your family and friends, because they will be terribly pleased to receive a postcard with a view of the Himalayas or the Taj Mahal :)

Own experience achadidi