Sights of Koktebel: list, photos and description. Koktebel - where dreams come true Are there mountains in Koktebel

The Golden Gate Rock is one of the indisputable calling cards of Crimea. And there are many reasons for this. Take the shape, for example - it’s not often that you see a volcanic rock in the middle of the sea in the shape of a real arch, so similar to an ancient building that sometimes you even doubt whether it was the work of human hands.

This picturesque rock got its name for two reasons. Firstly, it is home to amazingly beautiful yellow lichens, giving the rock a correspondingly delightful hue. The second reason is the extremely favorable location of the rock - the setting sun always paints this rock in scarlet-golden colors, and the sun seen at sunset through an opening in the rock will be remembered for a long time. There is also one legend associated with the opening in the rock. Everyone who swims under the arch of the rock will be rewarded with the fulfillment of their deepest desire. The popularity of this myth and this place is evidenced by the bottom of the Golden Gate - it is all strewn with a variety of coins.

An interesting fact about the Golden Gate is that it is they who are depicted from memory by the great Russian poet in the margins of the manuscript of “Eugene Onegin”, and they are depicted very recognizable, there is nothing to confuse them with. The Golden Gate occupies a very high place in the hierarchy of Crimean attractions, and not by chance. And you should see this for yourself.

Mount Klementieva

Mount Klementyev (the old name is Uzun-Syrt) is located on the South-Eastern coast of Crimea between Feodosia and Koktebel. If you think in geographical terms, this is a mountain range about 7 kilometers long, reaching a maximum height of 130 meters. And if we talk about the role of this mountain in the history of the development of Soviet aeronautics, then this is, without exaggeration, the cradle of domestic aviation.

The mountain was named in memory of glider test pilot Pyotr Klementyev, who died during testing of a new glider in 1924. Uzun-Syrt is a huge horseshoe curved to the north with a flat top. Inside this horseshoe lies a deep depression called Barakol, from where ascending air currents rise at all times of the year, washing the top of the mountain. This is the uniqueness of Uzun-Syrt; there are only two such places in the world. That is why Mount Klementyev became a Mecca for all fans of air sports, and Koktebel itself was called Planerskoye for many years.

General designers Oleg Antonov, Alexander Yakovlev, Sergei Ilyushin, and the creator of spaceships, academician Sergei Korolev, began their careers in this unique place.

Today, the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center operates on the mountain, and modern romantics of the sky regularly take off from here - on paragliders, hang gliders and gliders. On such days, the sky over the mountain is colored with colored domes, and you can endlessly watch people who have overcome their fear of heights.

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Koktebel embankment

One of the busiest places in the village is its embankment. If anywhere you can find a wide variety of entertainment, cafes, restaurants, canteens and other interesting outlandish things, then this is the Koktebel embankment.

When you get here, you get the feeling that you are on a real riviera. Here you will find everything: the sale of souvenirs, similar to an oriental bazaar, performers, clowns and artists entertaining passers-by in all available ways, creating a light resort mood. You can also meet a lot of creative and interesting people here.

In addition, from here you can easily and quickly get to the Koktebel water park, where exciting and interesting attractions, cafes and restaurants await you.

Dead Bay is located on the western slope of Cape Toprah-Kaya, at the very beginning of Koktebel Bay. The bay was named this way, probably due to the white “desert” sand on the shore, the lack of lush green vegetation, and the calmness of the sea even in stormy weather.

Cape Chameleon, separating Dead Bay from Tikhaya, reliably protects the bay from waves and wind. Here you can find outcrops of blue clay. The beach is divided into 2 parts: at the foot of Chameleon - with picturesque rock formations - and small pebbles. This is quite a popular place among nudists. The easiest way to get here is along the path from Quiet Bay.

House-Museum of Maximilian Voloshin

Maximilian Voloshin is a bright, colorful personality. This amazing man, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, was a writer, artist, critic and philosopher. He turned his house into a free holiday home for the creative intelligentsia. Maximilian's guests were outstanding figures of world culture and Russian culture. Writers, artists, scientists happily came to Maximiliana every year. This has become a kind of tradition, and now in mid-August the “Max Voloshin Birthday” is held - a memorable holiday that brings together friends and fans of the Museum from all over the world.

Until 1976, Voloshin’s widow was in charge of the house. Through her efforts, everything that surrounded this wonderful man during his life was preserved. Since 2001, the House-Museum has been officially included in the Koktebel Republican Ecological-Historical-Cultural Reserve “Cimmeria M. A. Voloshin”.

Tourists visiting this unique Museum can see the memorial room, the Poet's Workshop, the Maximilian Library, and the Taiah Cabin, untouched by time. The first hall opens to guests a photo gallery about Voloshin’s life, his letters and documents. In the workshop there is a desk, easels, shelves with books, shelving, paints, brushes. And in ancient clay vases there are dried mountain flowers. In the Taiakh Cabin there are watercolor paintings by the master, sea shells, gems, figurines made of stones and wood.

The museum's collection consists of approximately 60 thousand items of antiques, and a fifth of the archive contains publications with autographs of prominent cultural figures.

Karadag Dolphinarium

The Karadag Dolphinarium is located in a picturesque bay in the village of Kurortnoye between Feodosia and Sudak, at the foot of the extinct Kara-Dag volcano. The dolphinarium is located on the territory of the Karadag Nature Reserve with its unique flora and fauna.

The dolphinarium itself was closed to visitors until 1991; there was a biological research station here, where the abilities and capabilities of dolphins were studied, including for military purposes. However, subsequently, in order to financially support the work of the dolphinarium, it was decided to direct its activities “in a peaceful direction” - the dolphinarium became, first of all, an entertainment center.

In two halls - large and small - performances of dolphins and fur seals take place. The work of these artists leaves no one indifferent - neither adults nor children. In addition to the fact that dolphins amaze viewers with amazing jumps, real acrobatic tricks and dances, they can also draw.

Also on the territory of the dolphinarium there is an aquarium with marine inhabitants.

Mountain-volcanic massif Karadag

Karadag is one of the most beautiful places in the southeast of Crimea. This mountain-volcanic massif amazes with its stunning landscapes and includes the famous Karadag Nature Reserve, whose area is 2874 hectares.

The diversity of the fauna of Karadag will not leave anyone indifferent. Over 5,400 species of birds, animals and amphibians live here. The special status of Karadag is given by the fact that 135 species listed in the Red Book live here.

Karadag was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption that occurred about 150 million years ago. Of particular interest is the fact that traces of the eruption have survived to this day.

Winery "Cognac Country - Koktebel"

This enterprise is today one of the most powerful wineries in Crimea. It has several tasting rooms and branded stores; trade and marketing in general are very well done.

The history of industrial winemaking in Koktebel dates back to 1879. Its founder was the ophthalmologist Eduard Andreevich Junge (1833-1898). They established grape plantations on the local fertile lands. His father’s work to revive viticulture in Koktebel was continued by his son, Alexander Eduardovich. Studying winemaking in Spain, Italy, Germany and France, he completed the construction of a winery with large cellars on his father's estate. By the end of the 19th century, he laid the foundations for the scientific production of wines. This is how winemaking with its own traditions was born in Koktebel.

The most popular attractions in Koktebel with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Koktebel on our website.

The site presents all the sights of Koktebel, theaters, museums, streets, architectural monuments, temples, cathedrals, galleries, bridges.

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    0 m to city center

    The Golden Gate is rightfully considered the symbol of Koktebel. This unusual island, located in the sea near Kara-Dag, is familiar to many - its image is used on the labels of the local winery’s products. The history of the Golden Gate is covered in numerous legends. The Tatars called the arch, rising 15 meters high, Shaitan-Kapu or “the devil’s gate.” According to their beliefs, the entrance to Hell began from here. The ancient Greeks agreed with them, who considered it the door to the kingdom of the god of the dead, Hades.

    0 m to city center

    Kara-Dag – translated as Black Mountain. Quite a worthy name for a volcanic massif that went extinct 150 million years ago. Today this place can be called a state reserve. The area is approximately 22 square meters. km and these are truly fabulous landscapes. The volcano died out a long time ago, but what nature was able to do with it is truly surprising and delightful. In 1979, the territory of Kara-Dag was considered a nature reserve. Also, this area is still used as a biological station and an excellent nature museum has been created on its basis. And the discovered plant species are considered endemic, which cannot be found anywhere else.

    0 m to city center

    This house was built in 1903 by the poet Maximilian Voloshin together with his mother Elena Ottobaldovna. At one time, this house welcomed a huge number of famous poets, artists, and musicians. It was visited by such celebrities of his time as: Osip Mandelstam, M. Gorky, A. Bely, A. Tolstoy, A. Green, M. Zoshchenko, M. Tsvetaeva, V. Bryusov, K. Chukovsky, M. Bulgakov and many more personalities whom in modern times we admire and call classics.

    0 m to city center

    The story about one of the sights of Koktebel begins in 1879 and this attraction was founded by the well-known ophthalmologist of the Petrovsky Academy, Eduard Andreevich Junge. He laid out grape plantations on the family estate, and then began building a structure that he later called a winery. He used irrigation structures. Somewhat later, his son Alexander went to study winemaking in Europe. He also built wineries with larger cellars. At the end of the civil war, it was in this place that a state farm settled, and then gardening and wine-growing artels.

    0 m to city center

    From almost any point in Koktebel and its environs, you can see a cape that looks like either a series of mysterious pyramidal buildings, or an ancient lizard crawling towards the water. This is the famous Cape Chameleon, a descendant of the activity of the Kara-Dag volcano. It consists of compressed volcanic ash, which today represents various clay shale rocks. In many sources, the old name of the cape is mentioned: “Toprak-Kaya,” that is, “land of clay.”

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    If you stand on the Koktebel embankment facing the sea, on your left hand will be the Uzun-Syrt mountain range and its main mountain, rising 268 meters above sea level. At this place in 1924, the young Soviet aviator P. Klimentyev, who took part in the All-Union glider tests, died. Since then, the peak of Uzun-Syrt has also been called Mount Klimentyev. Now this is a place of pilgrimage for all lovers of gliding, paragliding and hang gliding. At the very top there is a memorial stele, topped with a model of a glider.

    0 m to city center

    Koktebel is inextricably linked with the name of Maximilian Voloshin. He attracted many guests to Koktebel - Tsvetaeva, Gumilyov, Alexey Tolstoy and other cultural figures who stayed at his dacha and then purchased plots in the town. Grateful residents honored the memory of their compatriot by burying him on Mount Kuchuk-Yenishar, as Voloshin himself bequeathed. The mountain itself is now named after him. A trip to the poet’s grave is a must. It must be said that a walk up Voloshin Mountain is an activity that requires light physical fitness, because the climb can sometimes be quite steep. But as a reward, those who climbed to the top receive, in fact, a “city on a silver platter” - a panorama of Koktebel, Kara-Dag and the surrounding area of ​​stunning beauty.

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    Just beyond Cape Chameleon in the vicinity of Koktebel there is a place that is definitely worth visiting. We are talking about such a natural monument as Quiet Bay. It is less famous than the Kara-Dag reserve, but no less interesting, both for fans of biology and for tourists who value relaxation in the lap of nature. This bay is really quiet; Cape Chameleon protects it from storms. The local shallows form a wonderful sandy beach, and the surface of the sea in Quiet Bay is covered with many small rocky islands. One of them is known as “Tash-Gemi”, “stone ship”.

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    Koktebel attracts many athletes from all over the world throughout the year. The reason for this is the strong winds that rage in the Barakol Valley in summer and autumn. Air currents are especially strong in the area of ​​the Uzun-Syrt ridge, where the Gliding Center, known far beyond the borders of our country, is located. The first school that taught gliding was founded in these parts back in the 30s of the 20th century, although at that time only professional pilots trained there. Over time, not only test flights, but also sports competitions began to be held at Uzun-Syrt.

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    In fact, there are two attractions called “Starfall of Memories” in Crimea. One of them is located in Gurzuf, and the second, which will be discussed, is located at the highest point of the Barakol valley. Here, behind the main Uzun-Syrt massif, at an altitude of more than 300 meters, there is an observation deck and a beautiful stele. From the Starfall of Memories you can easily see the peaks of Kara-Dag and all the surroundings of Koktebel. The observation deck is often used by astronomers to observe the stars, and photographers come here to take panoramic shots filled with space and freedom.

    0 m to city center

    When traveling around Crimea, you should definitely visit the beautiful and picturesque city of Koktebel with an interesting history and wonderful sights. In this article we will introduce you to the biological station, which is located half an hour from Koktebel. The biological station is a whole nature reserve with amazing plants and a wonderful view of the extinct volcano Kara Dag. Entrance to the biological station is free, and you can get to it by any bus from Koktebel with the word “Biostation” written on it. At the entrance to the biological station there is a map of the area that will help the tourist make his way.