The most bizarre animals in the world. Animal world. Baiji river dolphin

Animal world Our planet is incredibly diverse. Any habitat - be it oceans, forests, caves, etc. air space- inhabited by thousands of life forms. Not a single science fiction writer could endow a fictional planet with such a rich life that our native Earth possesses.

Greenland is known as the land eternal ice, which can be called “home”. But due to global warming caused by humans, these animals are losing part of their living space every year. What do you think animals react to? And how would you feel if someone took part of your home every year?

Animals of our planet

The polar bear, the seal, the deer and the orca told us their story. What happens when the ice melts? Firstly, stress, as soon as it warms up or spring breaks, fasting begins for us. This takes eight to ten months and for this we must eat a lot of fat reserves so that we can overcome them. Since ice offers us protection and mobility and serves as our basis for life, we would truly be if the ice melts genre.

The most large mammal on our planet, this is, of course, a blue whale. Adults weigh more than 150 tons (and sometimes 170) and reach a length of 33 meters. These are graceful and beautiful animals, with a slender body, ideally adapted to aquatic environment a habitat. At the bottom of the head there are longitudinal throat folds, thanks to which the whale is easily recognized. Although it is difficult to identify yourself when looking at this giant. Nowadays, the blue whale is a very rare animal, as it used to be mercilessly hunted, exterminated for whale oil and baleen. Now it lives in the Berengov and Chukchi seas, in the area of ​​the Kuril ridge, Komandorsky and Aleutian Islands. In the Sea of ​​Japan, this giant was completely exterminated. Each adult animal eats about 1 ton of krill per day.

Giant soft shell turtle

What happens if you can take less food at that time? Naturally, we lose weight, to be precise up to 10 kg. This reduces our physical condition. However, the fact is that our birth rates are declining and the mortality rate of our young animals is increasing. The birth rate decreases because in the case of starving women, pregnancy is terminated. This is our body's natural defense. On the other hand, our friends in the south suffered much more.

Queen Alexandra's sailboat

Are you also struggling with climate change? We are not completely excluded from climate change. To get to our food, we must dig them out of the snow with our hooves. To do this, we have to expend energy, and this does not bring any money. As you know, in cold weather in winter, ice is formed from molten snow. So we need to spend a lot more energy to break the ice and finally get to our factories. This waste energy results in loss of energy and can sometimes lead to death.

The blue whale Balaenoptera musculus is the largest mammal not only of modern times, but also that has ever lived on Earth. It is larger than even the largest dinosaur. Most big whale, a female, measured 33.58 m or 110 feet in length. The heaviest known whale weighed over 190 tons, a weight estimated hypothetically by weighing its remains. This corresponds to the mass of 30 elephants or 150 bulls. He, i.e. The blue whale is the loudest mammal - it can produce sounds with a volume of 188dB, which can be heard at a distance of 850 km.

Does it have any other impact on you? Of course, our herd growth was drowned in death. Another thing is that plants grow during periods when our calves are also born. Because plants are so nutritious, they are important for the nutrition of our calves. But by the beginning of spring, this rhythm breaks down, meaning calves are born earlier. This increases the speed of our calves.

Are you really affected by climate change? Yes and how! Even if we spend most of our lives in the sea, we must go to food to search for food and mate. However, we have not suffered as much as our enemies, the polar bears. And how did you get hurt? Since the so-called shelf areas of the coast constitute our food, are accessible to us and are nutritious, we are unlikely to do without them. Nose in early spring they disappear inland and become less nutritious. As far as mating and children are concerned, the worst and most tragic result of an early spring break is the separation of mother and child.

Elephants, like whales, primarily communicate using low-frequency noises inaudible to the human ear to communicate with each other over distances of several kilometers. Hear with their feet Elephants can hear with their feet in the same way as with their ears, picking up ultra-low-frequency sounds passing through the ground. It has been known for more than 20 years that African elephants can communicate at frequencies so low that the human ear cannot detect the sounds. Until now, however, no one was sure whether these "talks" move through the earth like seismic waves. Perhaps elephants resort to this method of communication when there is too much noise above the ground, for example, airplanes flying over. It turned out that elephants can send seismic waves over a distance of almost two kilometers.

This is caused by ice floes collapsing too quickly. But in the end he also has something good! We would not be easy prey for polar bears. Basically, climate change does not have any serious impact on you, but are there still problems or not? Climate change is not enough for us, but with it comes food shortages. As you know, our food mainly consists of fish, which are accustomed to colder waters. Heat caused by climate change allows the fish to settle in the north.

Threats to wildlife

If we don't want to starve, we must move forward. But this leads to overfishing in the north. For animals living in the Arctic, their habitat means everything to them. In an ecosystem as finely tuned to one another as is the case here, small footprints can have a big effect, as can be seen in the animals mentioned. Even in Germany we are experiencing changes in the Arctic. For example, there are more winds from north to south or higher temperature anomalies, that is, just like in winter, it becomes colder and warmer in summer.

The largest bird on the planet now is the African ostrich - its height reaches 2.7 m and its weight is 175 kg. The long neck is topped by a small head with a flat beak. By the way, ostriches' eyes are so large that they are larger than their brains. The ostrich is a flightless bird, so its legs are much better developed than its wings. To make it easier for the bird to run quickly, the claw of one of the toes grew to form a hoof. Fluffy plumage grows only on the body, leaving the head, neck and legs bare - after all, these birds live in a warm climate, and they do not need flight feathers. Beautiful feathers have always attracted the attention of hunters - they were used as plumes, decorations on hats or for making fans. Ostriches feed mainly on plants, but do not disdain small insects, reptiles, rodents and even carrion. The common myth that when threatened, ostriches bury their heads in the sand is nothing more than a fairy tale. When defending the nest, the females actually lie flat on the ground, but do not hide their heads in it.

The role of animals in the life of the Earth

Thus, the Arctic greatly influences our climate. Contributions by Pia Albrecht-von Spreiken, Celine Smajkowski. What is animal welfare? Animal welfare is concerned with monitoring the livelihoods and welfare of animals. Various organizations try to prevent violations of animal welfare legislation. If they identify "animal torturers" they will be held accountable. In addition, animal welfare monitors animal transport and, for example, educates drivers about animal movements through appropriate treatment.

The whale shark is the largest fish found on our planet. The largest specimen caught was about 14 m long, although eyewitnesses reported sharks measuring 18 or even 20 meters in size. The weight of such giants can reach 12 tons. These fish are found in the tropical zones of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, but sometimes they swim further north. Whale sharks have a huge mouth with up to 15 thousand teeth - not at all for active hunting. These fish are safe for humans, as they feed on crustaceans, small fish, and krill. These sharks are not viviparous. They lay a small number of eggs, from which hatchlings hatch with a characteristic coloring - white stripes and spots on a dark background. Thanks to this coloration, whale sharks are always easy to distinguish.

The correct way to handle your animals is also shown to operators of, for example, mast feed systems. What is climate protection? The concept of climate protection covers all measures taken to counteract anthropogenic climate change. The causes of these climate changes are the emission of carbon dioxide from cars, as well as human deforestation.

Why? - What does climate change mean for animal welfare? Animals contribute significantly to climate change. For example, the forest is cleared so you can have more grassland for livestock farming. This forest does not offer living space for many animals such as deer or various types of birds. In addition, some farmers use fertilizers that harm nature in order to feed huge numbers of animals. Massaging is an environmental problem. We want to eat more and more meat and dairy products.

The anaconda and reticulated python claim the title of largest snake. The python, reaching a length of 10 m, was in the lead for a long time, but recently an anaconda specimen with a length of more than 11.5 meters was discovered. Alas, it was not possible to save it, so the competition is not over yet, although anacondas in nature have more favorable conditions to grow into giants. They lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle and feed mainly on large animals, capybaras. Anaconda lives in South America, these are grayish-green snakes with dark brown spots on the back and light spots on the sides. This coloring helps the anaconda to hide in the water of lakes, rivers and swampy lowlands, where it waits for prey - small animals and birds that come to drink. Contrary to cinematic horrors, anacondas rarely pose a danger to people, and so far there is only one documented case of this snake killing a child.

That's why you need to raise a lot of animals. Cows, for example, are exposed to the polluting gas methane during their digestion. However, the more cows that need to be kept, the more gases are released into the environment. These gases are harmful to the climate.

How can people in general support animal and climate protection? Because they can no longer compete with mass production and therefore become smaller and smaller. However, if they received support from the government, they could continue to live well and compete with competitors. But climate protection will also support this. Thus, animal products no longer have to be transported and the environmentally hazardous exhaust gases that will be generated during transport will be significantly reduced.

Pythons live in Asia - in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sumatra, the Philippines, and the island of Java. They live in damp forests, climb trees, and are good swimmers. The reticulated python is a game animal in Asia; it is hunted for its meat and its beautiful skin, painted with diamond spots and having a strong iridescent tint. Just like anacondas, pythons hunt small animals. They are more aggressive and can attack humans.

Animals such as cows should also be kept on universal pasture. This will be a pasture that also has a small forest or pond. This will create new habitats for birds, ducks and other animals. It should be noted that measures taken to improve the climate must not interfere with animal welfare. You can all support animal and climate protection, where you care about where your food comes from and basically only animal products from your vicinity are bought and eaten.

It would be even better for the animals, naturally, if you completely avoided animal products - like eggs and milk, for example. Because this diet is not suitable for your health because your body will not have many important nutrients such as protein. Therefore, you should think carefully about making such a big change to your regular eating plan. But even if a vegetarian lifestyle were environmentally conscious, you wouldn't have to worry about your body running out of it.

The most large insect in the world - a real weta, comparable in size to a rodent and weighing 80 g (for comparison, a chicken egg weighs g). And the largest wingspan of the Peacock-Eyed Atlas butterfly is 32 cm. These butterflies feed only as caterpillars, and only reproduce as adults. Their huge wings have a protrusion on the leading edge that resembles a snake's head - this device protects the butterfly from insectivorous animals. Caterpillars, as large as butterflies, feed on tree leaves. These stunning insects are found in the tropics and subtropics South-East Asia, in Southern China, Thailand and Indonesia.

But, of course, no one is forcing you to change this. In any case, you should approach your parents and ask where your food comes from. If they buy milk from the supermarket rather than directly from the farmer, and eggs only come from the ground rather than free space, you should point out that it is more environmentally friendly to buy regional produce.

Regardless of the welfare of the animals, it is also better that our environment goes to school or to our best friend rather than to the car. Who is involved in animal and climate conservation? At the moment, many people are concerned about climate protection because we should be afraid of climate change and there is an urgent need to confront it. Some of them formed parties such as the "Party for Humans, Environment and Animals". But there are, of course, global representative organizations such as Greenpeace.

Do you know WHO IS THE MOST EARED? U African elephant Burdock ears can reach 1.5 meters from the base to the top; in Indian ears they are smaller, about 0.5 meters. (More smaller ears were from a mammoth, this is not surprising, because he lived during the Ice Age in the tundra, big ears you could have been frozen straight away.) Elephants have large ears, but elephants themselves are 5-6 meters long and up to 4 meters tall. It turns out that their ears are less than a quarter of their body length. But in Mongolia and China lives, perhaps, the most eared animal, the long-eared jerboa. He himself is only 9 centimeters long, and his ears are as much as 5 centimeters. That is, his ears are more than half the length of his body. The small African fennec fox also has very large ears. She herself is smaller than a cat, her body length is centimeters, and even her tail is centimeters. But the ears are the size of a human palm and reach 15 centimeters in length. There is also a decorative breed of rabbits with very long ears, they have a strange name “Brussels ram”. The ears of these rabbits are curled on both sides of the head and somewhat resemble the curled horns of a ram. The length of the straightened ears of a ram rabbit reaches 2-3 meters. This animal is artificially bred by man. And here's another Interesting Facts from the life of animals A female giraffe carries her baby for 440 days, or 14.5 months The largest tongue is blue whale, it weighs about five or six tons. All swans in England are the property of the Queen. Dolphins sleep with only one eye closed. A robin chick eats 3.5 meters of earthworms in a day. Ostriches, when hiding, lie down, hugging the ground and stretching out their necks. And when running, in moments of danger, they take steps 4-5 meters long and develop a speed of km/h. Chickens that have not yet hatched from the egg talk with the hen. Feeding very quietly, they communicate either that they are hot or cold, or that they are in danger. And the chicken, depending on the signal, begins to turn over the eggs. The moth has no stomach Polar bears can run at a speed of 40 km/h. Polar bears are mostly left-handed For a flamingo to turn pink, young birds have to eat many crustaceans containing red pigment before their feathers turn a delicate pink color. The giraffe is the animal whose brain is furthest from the heart. Butterflies have taste buds located on their legs. bees have two stomachs, one for honey, the other for food. A cow can be made to go up the stairs, but it is impossible to make it go down. A flea can jump a distance of 350 times its body length. This is equivalent to a person jumping over a football field. Tigers paralyze their victims... with ultrasound... The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees. Near the teeth of the snail. No new animals have been domesticated in the last 4,000 years.

Depending on the species they must have to survive, centipedes require a moist environment - the forest floor is an ideal habitat for them. Like their roommates in the root layer, earthworms, giant centipedes digest and digest plant parts. This creates fertile humus. Some species also gnaw on the roots of healthy plants and harm them.

Ground floor: terrestrial reptile

If they become too dense in the root layer, they burst out into the forest floor. Millipedes don't need much space. In the ground layer of the forest, on the ground floor, a lot happens: in a handful of earth there are more living beings than there are people on earth. This layer of mosses, lichens, mushrooms, fallen needles and leaves is created. There are also lower flowering plants, such as sour clover and hazel leaves.

A small, slender inhabitant of the first floor is a forest sand beetle. It is dark brown with white spots on its wings and has big eyes and pronounced jaws. At the same time, the beetle sucks out the insects that it pursues during the day in the crouchichta. It is not very common in German forests, so it is protected by nature. The offspring of the forest beetle grows until it hatches in the forest cellar: the larvae dig living caves for themselves. They feed on insects living in the root layer.

Protected by nature: forest sand beetle. It consists of shrubs such as elderberry, white or walnut, as well as young trees. Numerous species of birds build their nests here, as they are especially well hidden on the second floor of the forest and protected by thorny bushes. In addition, for hazelnuts it is especially important that the bushes are so dense that they can move without contact with the ground - because on the ground you don’t want to be afraid of foxes and martens.

Previously, it was believed that the wealth of our planet is limitless. Over time, the development of civilization brought not only positive achievements, but also led to a significant reduction and destruction of the flora and fauna of the planet. Therefore, the rarest animals in the world need protection. And so that they do not become smaller, we must take care of them.

They feel good in captivity, live quite a long time and are not picky about food. There are currently about 30-35 individuals in captivity in the world. This unusual color is caused by the presence of a rare gene in the blood. He is of Bengali origin. This species is on the verge of extinction and needs people's help.

The tiger has a relatively calm character and tolerates being around people well. A female golden tiger usually gives birth to two or three cubs. This species is distinguished by its passivity; even small tiger cubs rarely show a desire to climb a tree. The golden tiger feels comfortable both during the day and at night, but most often during the day it stays in its den. They hunt exclusively during the day; they prefer to wait for prey near the den or near trails and reservoirs. They hunt alone, but share the prey with the family. Despite its considerable mass, the golden tiger has good agility and accelerates to 60-70 km/h on any terrain.

Amazing animals that previously belonged to the suborder of pygmy monkeys. However, they were recently separated and are now a separate species of primate.

They live mainly in the Southern and Southeast regions of Asia. They are very small. Adults reach 10-15 cm in length and weigh about 100-120 grams, but they are very playful and fast. These small creatures have an elongated tail (its average length is 25 cm) and surprisingly long fingers. Their head is round in shape and, thanks to its unusual position relative to the spine for primates, allows the head to rotate almost 360 degrees. They have a large mouth and sharp teeth, and there are a lot of them - 34.

Tarsiers communicate with each other using ultrasonic waves and have amazing hearing. Their long hind legs allow them to jump far, and their powerful tail allows them to move calmly through the trees. Their mode of movement is very similar to that of monkeys. They feed by catching them at night, since during the day these cute animals sleep in their houses.

This is one of the species of artiodactyls. They can rightfully be considered one of the most unique species in the world. The body resembles that of a horse, with the hindquarters and limbs striped like a zebra.

Okapi has a long neck and fairly long and powerful legs. The coat color is chestnut red and the muzzle is black. Weight ranges from 250 to 270 kg, body length - 1.3–1.5 m. The entire body of the okapi ends with a fairly large tail. Males have two horns, while females do not. Okapi has a very elongated tongue and can easily wash its eyes with it.

These amazing animals can be found in several reserves of the Republic of Congo. Since these animals are very fearful, it is difficult to study their life in the wild. Almost nothing is known about them. Pollution of water bodies, deforestation, destruction of nature reserves and environmental disasters lead to a decrease in the population. There are about 165 okapi in captivity. They feed on ferns, leaves of bushes and trees, mushrooms and fruits. Pregnancy in females lasts more than a year. Okapi themselves are not school animals; they prefer to live alone, and the female, in general, before giving birth, tries to go deeper into the forest and for several weeks after giving birth the cub remains there. The female is very attached to her cub and protects him from all animals and people.

Belongs to the family of African mammals.

Previously they were classified as insectivores, but now they are classified in a suborder along with animals such as the elephant, siren, and llama. These animals are very diverse: their height ranges from 10 to 30 cm, and their weight ranges from 40 to 500 g. The tail length varies from 9 to 25 cm. The fur of jumpers is soft and silky, the color is often monochromatic (black, reddish), but Spotted individuals are also rare. On the muzzle there is a movable proboscis, which the animal uses to search for food. Their tail is elongated and bare, and their hind legs are much larger than their front legs.

With the help of a special secret located under their tail, they mark their territory. They are very active during the day, in a calm state they move on all four legs, but, sensing danger, they quickly jump on their hind legs, raising their tail up. They feed mainly, but sometimes eat animal eggs and fruits. They drink very little water. They breed up to 5 times a year, with usually 1–2 individuals in a litter.

This is an endangered population and rare view animals. They belong to the sawmills.

They can be distinguished by their long and elongated outgrowths, and by their sharp teeth of the same size. The body structure resembles that of a shark. The gills are located below and are quite large in size. The sawfish reaches a length of up to 7–8 meters. They live off the coast of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The female sawfly is viviparous and on average gives birth to 20 cubs; at birth, the sawfly is small and soft, later it stretches out and hardens. They live in medium-sized flocks and rarely (even a pregnant female) leave it. To do this, the sawfish sharply shakes its head from side to side, thereby cutting the prey. The sawfish feeds mainly on medium-sized fish.

This is a secret-necked turtle. Lives in Asia, Africa and North America.

They can be found in fresh or slightly salted water. Soft-bodied turtles live only in. They can swim well, but spend most of their time at the bottom, buried in sand or silt. There they wait for their prey. They are called soft-bodied because only small individuals have noticeable horny scutes; later they become small, and the back of the animal is covered with soft skin, occasionally covered with small spines.

The turtle's muzzle is oblong, there is a strong trunk with nostrils at the end, which allows the turtle, being in shallow water, to breathe without floating to the surface of the water. The paws have well-developed membranes and usually have 3 nails. The long neck allows the soft-bodied turtle to reach its hind legs. They feed on invertebrates and fish, and can attack small mammals and birds. Soft-bodied turtles keep in small flocks, on average about 3–4 individuals.

This is a large poisonous spider from the wolf spider order. They live in dry places.

During the day they stay in their burrows, and at night they get out and start hunting insects. Guti feed on caterpillars, crickets, and beetles. It waits for prey in a hole or hiding in an open area. The tarantula kills its prey with poison. Guti's poison is fatal to many animals, but is absolutely safe for humans and only causes swelling. Tarantulas breed in summer (July-August). In a suitable burrow, the female, having laid her eggs, weaves them into a web and wears a cocoon on the arachnoid warts until the cubs hatch; after hatching, they remain in the mother’s abdomen for some time. The tarantula drinks plenty of water. They prefer to live alone.

This is a mammal belonging to the jumping family. You can meet it in South-Eastern Kenya. Proboscis dogs live in forests, near the coast and in thickets.

It reaches 30–35 cm in length, weighs about 500 grams, the tail is quite long - about 24 cm. The head and belly are red, the rest of the body is black, and the muzzle is similar to a trunk. The proboscis blenny has small legs, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones. There are also small ears on her head, but this does not prevent her from hearing perfectly.

They are very active during the day, and in the evening they build themselves houses from branches and leaves. They eat insects and mollusks, and occasionally small vertebrates. They live alone, but having chosen a mate, they never part. At the same time, they live separately, meeting only to mate. The female usually brings two cubs. Newborn cubs leave home within a couple of weeks and begin to live separately from their mother. The proboscis blenny has a keen sense of smell, which helps in finding females.

Another rare species of animal that belongs to the order of crocodiles. He is surprisingly large. The gharial is the only representative of this species. The gharial crocodile lives in large bodies of water with fast currents near Pakistan and India.

It spends most of its life in water; it only comes to land to lay eggs or bask. His whole body is dark, and his belly is yellow-green. There are rare representatives of white color. Having, gharials rarely attack other animals.

On long tail they have a triangular growth. The eyes are small and look in opposite directions. Since they spend most of their time near the bottom, they have developed protection on their abdomen that prevents injury when swimming near rocks. The gharial spends almost its entire life in water and, due to this, becomes overgrown with sea acorns. Its size reaches 4–5 meters, and it weighs up to 180 kg. The jaws are very narrow, with their help it easily catches fish. There are about 100 teeth, they are small, elongated and sharp. Gharials feed on small-sized fish. They are absolutely not dangerous for people, but, unfortunately, crocodiles are often killed due to their greater consumption of fish.

This cute and funny animal is known all over the world, however, this does not prevent them from quickly disappearing from the face of the Earth. The mammal is black and white and has the characteristics of a raccoon.

The giant panda lives in the mountainous regions of China and Tibet. It reaches 1.5 meters in length and weighs about 160 kg. Adult pandas have unusual paws with six toes. The panda is a predator, but feeds on bamboo shoots and other leaves (it eats about 25–30 kg per day). Puberty begins at 5–6 years of age, and pregnancy lasts up to 150 days. In the giant panda, females live with the male only during mating. The rest of the time, animals prefer to live alone. The female gives birth to 1–3 cubs, but only takes care of the first. Pandas mate once every two years.