Detailed map of Saki - streets, house numbers, areas. Leisure and entertainment of the resort

Many people, considering various offers for a seaside holiday, ask the question: “Where is Saki?” The city with such an unusual name is located on the Western coast of the Black Sea. It is approximately 5 km from the coastline. Not far from it is the most beautiful city and famous resort - Evpatoria. The distance between them is about 20 km. And in order to get from Simferopol to Saki, you will need to cover more than 40 km.

Briefly about the main thing

So, let's take a closer look at the beautiful city of Saki. Where is this located? This settlement is located on the Crimean Peninsula, on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay. The city of Saki is one of the oldest resorts on the Black Sea coast. It got its name from three settlements - Tatar, Russian and German. Today the city is world famous for treating various diseases with mud and water treatments.

Weather Features

Saki is a resort town where tourists can experience the pleasure of a wonderful climate, consisting of sea and steppe. The weather here is mostly sunny, there are very few stormy days. but thanks to the winds from the sea, the stuffiness is not felt. And winter in this city is mild with rare frosts. In addition, the air in Saki is saturated with evaporation from the sea, mineral springs and Local residents are proud of the above-mentioned thermal springs, a salt pond and an arboretum park.


Saki is a resort where vacationers are offered not only treatment with mineral waters and healing mud. Here you can enjoy a beach holiday to your heart's content. Since the town is located five kilometers from the sea, it is difficult to get to the beach on foot. Therefore, it is recommended to use minibuses, which can easily and quickly deliver tourists to the sunny Black Sea coast. Near the shore, the sea is not very deep, and therefore it is convenient and safe to relax here with children. And the beaches themselves are sandy. There are also areas with healing mud, so in addition to swimming and sunbathing, you can enjoy mud therapy, completely free.

Holidays in sanatoriums

Tourists who visit this city are offered sanatorium treatment. The most important and popular complex is “Saki”. This institution provides the following services: procedures for patients with gynecological, urological diseases, problems with the nervous system, spine, and even infertility (both male and female). For wellness procedures, baths with mineral waters, silt mud wraps, massage, acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc. are used.

In addition to the above-mentioned complex, in the city of Saki there are:

  • Boarding house named after Burdenko, which provides services for wheelchair users.
  • Military boarding house named after Pirogov, specializing in the health of people with disabilities. Mineral and thermal waters are used in treatment.

Also in this resort town, the Yurmino and Blue Wave SPA centers provide medical and cosmetology services.


Saki is a resort that receives a large number of tourists. In addition to complexes and sanatoriums, those wishing to receive medical treatment and simply relax in a magnificent place can book rooms in hotels and holiday homes. There are a lot of such establishments in the city, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. All rooms are decorated in a modern style, equipped with the necessary furniture and appliances (air conditioners, refrigerators, etc.). You can eat not only in the hotels themselves, but also in numerous Saki cafes and restaurants. Also, for an unforgettable vacation, this resort town has a water park and other entertainment complexes.

Those who like to have a cultural time can visit the oldest resort park, the local history museum, and also take walks to the sights.


Saki is a city rich in mineral springs. There is a factory here that produces mineral water. The most popular is “Crimean”, which has gained worldwide fame. There are also dairy and bread factories in the city. There is a research institute specializing in the development of technologies for the iodine-bromine and manganese industries.

Come on vacation to the resort town of Saki! This trip will be remembered for a long time and will leave a lot of pleasant memories.

And 45 km from Simferopol, the Crimean capital. Received city status in 1952. It is the center of the district of the same name, but is not part of it: Saki is a city of republican subordination. As of 2015, about 24 thousand people permanently reside in the city.

Saki is a modern, well-known balneological resort in Europe. Annually health improvement and holiday in Saki chosen by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Nature and climate of Saki

The fame of Saka as a balneological resort was brought by the salt lake, which stretches next to it for five kilometers. The lake appeared on the site of a river that was flooded by the Black Sea five thousand years ago. Layers of clay, pebbles, silt and salt began to be deposited at its bottom. The resulting mixture, which has healing properties, became healing mud. Its unique composition is superior in some respects to the mud of the Israeli Dead Sea.

Table salt from the Saki lakes began to be used as food - it was here that the famous Chumatsky Highway ran, along which the Cossacks once went to the Crimea for “white gold”.

There are mineral springs in the area. Their slightly alkaline water, known by the brand " Crimean mineral", is not inferior in properties to the mineral waters of Essentuki and Truskavets.

Another healing natural resource that makes holidays in Saki attractive is the climate. Saki, located 5 km from the sea, is located in the coastal-steppe climate zone. Summers here are hot (July temperature +23.3°C), and winters are mild (average February temperature -1°C). The average temperature for the year is +11.2°C with a relative humidity of 77%. The sky over Saki is greedy for precipitation, but generous with the sun: it shines over the area for about 2,500 hours a year. The swimming season begins in the first days of June and lasts until the beginning of October. During this period the water warms up to +17°C.

In Saki there is one of the most beautiful places in Crimea- City Park . Thirty sculptural compositions are located in the man-made arboretum in the shade of eighty species of shrubs and trees.

The combination of thermal mineral springs, a salt lake with silt mud, an arboretum and the sea makes the climate of Sak beneficial for humans. While in Saki, be sure to visit:

  • Saki salt lake;
  • Mikhailovskoye Lake.

History of Sak

There are several versions about the origin of the name " Saki" According to one of them, the city inherited the Persian name of the Scythians who inhabited it in ancient times: the Persians called the Scythians “Sakas”. The second version is tied to the healing properties of Lake Saki - translated from Turkic “saki” means “mud”, and “sak” means “strength, fortress”.

The exact time of the appearance of the first settlement on the site of the city of Saki has not been established. About 25 centuries ago, the coast of Crimea began to be actively populated by Greek colonists, and it is likely that the history of Sak began at that time. At the beginning of our era, the village was well known to the Romans: this is evidenced by many ancient coins found during excavations in the vicinity of Saki.

In the Middle Ages, Saki was a small village, the property of the rich Crimean Mansur family and was part of the Crimean Khanate. Life in the village went smoothly and repeated the historical fate of the entire Crimea, passing from hand to hand from Tatars to Genoese and Turks, from Turks to Russia.

They started talking loudly about Saki during the Crimean War. Not far from the village, between lakes Kyzyl-Yar and Saki, a huge coalition army landed. In February 1855, Russian army forces were stationed near the village, preparing under the command of General S.A. Khrulev to storm Evpatoria. During the fighting, the village of Saki was destroyed.

The end of the Crimean War caused the emigration of Crimean Tatars from Sakha. The deserted village was rebuilt slowly and with difficulty. In 1858, families from the Poltava province moved to it, and later the Greeks of Constantinople appeared.

The mud of Lake Saki began to be used for medicinal purposes back in the Middle Ages. They noticed the healing properties of the local silt, according to legend, thanks to one Chumakov who came to these places for salt. His overloaded oxen got stuck in the coastal mud, and the Chumak struggled with them until the morning, trampling in the mud with his sore feet. Returning home, he suddenly felt that the old pain had left his legs...

In 1827, district doctor S.N. Auger began to officially practice in Saki mud therapy. He was prompted to this decision by the results of research by Russian scientists into the chemical composition of Saki mud, which discovered unique medicinal properties. 1827 is considered the year of birth of the Saki resort.

By the end of the 19th century, the village began to flourish: hospitals and hotels were built, and sanatoriums were opened. Local mud helps Tsarevich Alexei, heir to the Russian throne, get rid of his illness. Notable people are starting to come here. Remember: “and the princes are in the mud”?

Young Soviet Russia took up “sanatorium” issues only in the early 30s of the last century. The healing properties of Saki mud were appreciated so highly that since 1938, the resort's health resorts switched to year-round treatment.

During the Great Patriotic War, most of the rest houses and sanatoriums in Saki were destroyed. After the victory, they were among the first to be restored.

The infrastructure of today's resort health resorts can be the envy of many European resorts. And the amazing restorative properties of Saki mud continue to attract tourists from all over the world. You can diversify your holiday in Saki with excursions to local attractions:

  • Church of St. Elijah;
  • Museum of History and Local Lore;
  • sanatorium named after Burdenko;
  • the Greco-Scythian settlement of Kara-Tobe;
  • Saki resort park;
  • park named after Pushkin.

Sanatoriums in Saki

Sak sanatoriums are known as a resort for the treatment of infertility and gynecological diseases. Local climatic conditions and balneological resources also help doctors successfully cope with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive system.

The best sanatoriums Sak:

  • named after N. N. Burdenko;
  • "Blue Wave";
  • named after N.I. Pirogov;
  • "Saki";
  • "Northern lights";
  • "Poltava-Crimea";
  • "Yurmino";
  • "Tangier".

Are there beaches in Saki?

Between Saki and Yevpatoria there is the entertainment complex “Solnyshko”. The complex with an area of ​​4.5 hectares has:

  • 450-meter equipped beach;
  • rental points for various equipment;
  • water attractions; diving center with professional instructors;
  • sports grounds for playing aquaball, streetball, volleyball, paintball;
  • children's playground;
  • bars with great bartenders;
  • cafes with national cuisines of the Crimean peoples;
  • the largest dance floor in Crimea (accommodates 3 thousand people).

Food in Saki

Options food in Saki- usual for Crimean resorts. You can buy food and cook yourself, you can eat in canteens and restaurants. In the private sector homeowners often cook inexpensively and deliciously. The price of an average lunch starts at $5. The best restaurants and cafes in Sak: “Coffee House”, “Crimean Courtyard”, “Smak”, “Hellas”, “Oriental Cuisine”, “Cheburechnaya No. 1”.

Accommodation in Saki and housing prices

Saki is a health resort town with a calm and quiet atmosphere. Holidays on the Black Sea here are more associated with health improvement and the maritime climate than with lying on the beach every day. Therefore, when planning a vacation in Saki, it is advisable to count on accommodation in a sanatorium. Where, no matter where, will you be closest to Saki dirt and people who know how to handle it? If the sanatorium is not available to you, you can stay in Saki:

  • at the Garrison Hotel;
  • at the Sahara Hotel;
  • guest house "Eden".

The most attractive prices in the Edem guest house - from $15 per night.

Saki is the largest balneological resort, a place where people have been officially treated with mud for almost 200 years. And even though “vacation on the Black Sea” is a relative concept here, the ancient city deserves to be visited, at least while passing through.

Saki is the first mud resort in Russia. Once upon a time, all the experience of Soviet doctors accumulated over many years was put at the service of the health of citizens. Saki is a resort that enjoys the warm climate of the flat coastal plain. The article tells about the history of this city, as well as the hospitals located on its territory.

Where is the city of Saki?

For more than two hundred years, those wishing to be cured or just to spend a vacation with their family have been visiting the legendary resort. Where are Saki? In Soviet times, over three million people came to this city every year. They visited it not for the sake of idle recreation, but for medicinal purposes. Almost every Soviet person knew the answer to the question of where Saki was located in Crimea. In addition, this city was visited by foreign tourists. Many vacationers returned home healed.

The city is located on the western coast of Crimea. Its name means “dirt” from the Turkic language. Of course, this means healing mud. The reviews from today's tourists about holidays in Saki are very impressive. What is the reason for such popularity?

Saki mud

There are about two hundred medical institutions in Crimea. But not in all of them therapy is so effective.

Saki mud has miraculous powers. It was here that people suffering from spinal cord diseases were first treated more than two hundred years ago. At the beginning of the twentieth century, patients affected by these severe illnesses were considered hopeless.

One of the doctors, back at the end of the 19th century, argued that in most cases it was impossible to achieve with any medicine or any measures what could be achieved with the help of Saki mud. A giant laboratory is a pond located here.

In Lake Saki, nature prepares a balm that has miraculous powers - healing mud. It contains various substances. This includes iron oxide, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and organic substances. In addition, this universal remedy contains biogenic stimulants, that is, substances that enhance the vitality of the body and its resistance to various ailments. We can safely say that Saki is the cradle of Russian balneology.


The local resort park is the pride of the city. Shrubs and trees representing the flora of different countries of Asia, Europe, and North America are collected here. In this park you can see birches, maples (both American and field), and Japanese Sophora.

Shady alleys make the park very picturesque. This landmark not only decorates the city. Being surrounded by greenery improves your mood and strengthens your nervous system.

But it’s worth remembering the words of one of the authors of the essay, written at the end of the 19th century. Reviews of Saki by an unknown tourist were not enthusiastic. The author called this city inhospitable. According to him, it is boring here, silence and deadness reign. What modern vacationers say about the famous mud resort is described below.


There are nine sanatoriums in the city. The most famous of them is the specialized sanatorium named after N. Burdenko. In the treatment of patients, primarily the above-mentioned medicinal mud is used, brine and mineral water are also used.

There are a lot of wheelchair users in the city. They are serviced by a significant part of the population, which in 2017 amounted to 24,000 residents. Among the treatment aids used in sanatoriums, the slightly alkaline Crimean Mineral water has gained particular popularity. Other sources have limited use today.

Patients with gynecological diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and so on are treated in the resort clinic and sanatoriums.

Sanatoriums of the city of Saki:

  • Military sanatorium named after. Pirogov.
  • Sanatorium "Saki".
  • Spinal sanatorium named after. Burdenko.
  • Sanatorium "Sakropol".
  • Saki Special Hospital.

Treatment of spinal and other ailments

As already mentioned, people come to this city not so much for relaxation as for treatment. In the 19th century, famous Russian writers visited Saki, among whom was Nikolai Gogol. The author of Dead Souls is known to have suffered from mental illness from time to time. It is unknown what the classic thought about treatment at this resort. But tourists today leave extremely positive reviews about Saki (rest and treatment).

According to vacationers, staying in one of the sanatoriums of this resort allows you to get rid of such a terrible disease as tubal infertility. Cases have been recorded in which women whom doctors recommended IVF as the only way to experience the joy of motherhood were helped by treatment with Saki mud.

We are talking, first of all, about the sanatorium named after. Burdenko (Saki). Reviews from patients indicate that after completing the full course of treatment, even a woman who was once diagnosed with infertility can become pregnant. And this despite the fact that the main profile of this health resort is diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Of course, even the most enthusiastic reviews about Saki and the hospitals located in this city do not guarantee a complete cure. But the probability of getting rid of the disease is still high.

Saki: holidays with children

Reviews from those who have visited this picturesque Crimean region are generally positive. But how many people - so many opinions. Some vacationers claim that the city's disadvantage is the lack of attractions and children's cafes. For those parents who believe that for children being in nature is more important than modern entertainment, a holiday in Saki (reviews and photos are presented in the article) is a suitable option.

There are few cars here; the majority of the population travels by bicycle. The environment is excellent. All this has an undeniable price for parents of children who know about real virgin nature only from pictures from books. Food prices here, however, are higher than in large Russian cities. Saki is a city where not only treatment is carried out, but also prevention of various diseases. That is why the reviews about holidays at this resort are so enthusiastic. Moreover, some residents of large cities, having visited Saki, are interested in purchasing real estate in this Crimean city.


Where can you stay in Saki? Vacationers usually rent accommodation from local residents or check into a hotel. Among the hotels in this city it is worth mentioning the following:

  • Hotel complex "Caesar".
  • Guest house "Golden Fish".
  • Health complex "Saxony".
  • Hotel "Marikon".
  • Hotel "Chaika".
  • Guest house "Valeo".
  • Sanatorium "Yurmino".


This hotel complex welcomes guests from May 15 to October 1. It is located not in the city itself, but at a distance of five kilometers from it. "Caesar" was built using a special technology, which involves the use of environmentally friendly European materials. The complex includes two buildings: a two-story and a three-story. "Caesar" can accommodate up to one hundred and ten guests. The hotel has 38 rooms in total. There is a canteen on the territory of the hotel complex.

Hotel Caesar is a suitable place for a family holiday. There is a children's playground, a trampoline, and a swimming pool. The distance to the beach is only 400 m. The entrance to the sea is gentle, which is very convenient for small vacationers.

"Gold fish"

This is a small guest house consisting of only twelve rooms. The cost of a family room with a bedroom and living room is from four thousand rubles. Each room has comfortable furniture, a safe, air conditioning, TV, and refrigerator. There is a cafe on site. The beach is a few meters away.


The health complex is a two-story building located on the territory of the Priboy base. Guests of Saxony can use the services of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and massage therapist. Each room has a bathroom, TV, refrigerator. There is no cafe or canteen in this complex. Guests prepare their own food in the shared kitchen or visit establishments located outside the Saxony territory.

In the resort town discussed in this article, there is a water park. You can get to it from the Saxony health complex by car in fifteen minutes.

You can rent a room in this health complex at a very reasonable price. The cost of a double room is 1000 rubles. Family triple - 2600 rub.


The price of a double standard room is 2300 rubles. The hotel also offers its guests triple rooms, junior suites and suites, the cost of which, of course, is higher.

"Marikon" is located five hundred meters from the sea coast. On the territory there are recreation areas, gazebos, and children's playgrounds. There is also no dining room here, but there is a shared kitchen with appliances, stove and utensils. For lovers of shish kebabs and barbecue, Marikon, like the other hotels described above, offers the use of a barbecue grill. Guests who prefer not to waste time on cooking visit catering establishments that are within walking distance from the hotel. There are several similar cafes near Maricona.


The guest house is located on the coast and has its own beach. Valeo guests who arrive in Saki by car use the parking lot located on the territory of this hotel. There are thirty rooms in this guest house. The beach is within walking distance, and there are also several cafes and canteens nearby.

"Valeo" is an expensive hotel. The cost of renting a double standard room starts from 5,000 rubles. The most expensive is the family triple. This will cost Valeo guests eight and a half rubles per day.


The cost of the most modest room in this hotel is 8,700 rubles. The high price is due to the excellent location. “Chaika” is located near Lake Saki and just five hundred meters from the beach. The hotel is surrounded by a picturesque park. There is no restaurant or cafe on the territory of the complex. The nearest catering establishment is located four kilometers from Chaika.


The sanatorium is located literally a two-minute walk from Lake Saki. There is a swimming pool, guests have the opportunity to use a bathhouse, a sauna, and the services of a massage therapist. Paid parking is also available on site. The sanatorium offers various health and wellness services, including mud therapy. For each vacationer, qualified staff selects an individual program.

Room capacity - 114 rooms. The price for a single room is 8,800 rubles. Apartments - 24,000 rub. Breakfast is included in the price of each room. Next to the Yurmino sanatorium there is the Museum of Antiquities of the North-Western Crimea.

Saki is one of the oldest resorts in our country. Local healing mud, mineral water and the gentle sea have been attracting vacationers here for more than a hundred years. The resort town itself and its center are 6 km away from the seashore. In the central part of the city there are sanatoriums where you can undergo treatment for a wide variety of diseases. In the Saki resort park there is a pump room with mineral water, and a little further there is a mud lake with free access. In the central part of the city, in addition to sanatoriums, there are several hotels, and apartments are available for rent on a turnkey basis. Holidays in this area are virtually year-round. Everyone who is interested in a summer beach holiday flocks to the Saki recreation center "Priboy", which is located on the Black Sea coast, 6 km from the center. Here you can rent any housing for daily rent: rooms, apartments, turnkey cottages. Prices are close to the average for Crimea. Beach b/o "Priboy" in Saki is one of the best and largest sandy beaches in Crimea with a very high level of amenities and a huge range of various beach services.

In the north-west of the Crimean peninsula lies the small resort town of Saki. It is located 5 kilometers from the Kalamitsky Bay of the Black Sea and neighbors the beautiful Evpatoria. The then-village received its name from the Crimean Tatar tribes Sak, who lived on the shores of Lake Chokrak, which translated means “living spring.”

The village of Sak received city status in 1952. But the healing properties of Saki mud were known back in ancient times.

The official date of birth of the resort is 1827. Famous Russian doctors N.N. Burdenko and S.S. Nalbanov worked in the city. Russian and European aristocrats came to Saki for treatment. N.V. Gogol and Lesya Ukrainka recovered their health in Saki.

Climate and ecology of the city of Saki

The climate of the city is very mild. The proximity of the sea, combined with endless steppes, gives a unique coastal-steppe climate. In summer, the average temperature is 23.3 Cᵒ, in winter -1 Cᵒ. The summer heat is perfectly refreshed by the sea breeze, and in winter there is almost no snow, but a piercing wind often blows. Rain is rare in Saki, which is why there is almost no greenery in the middle of summer. The sea coast is perfect for families with children. Pebbles, sand and clear water. Saki lies in the Kalamitsky Gulf, so the sea water is warm, its average summer temperature is +17Cᵒ.

A big tragedy for the ecological state of the city was the chemical plant, the 5th largest in the former USSR. They produced manganese, sand-lime brick, hydrogen peroxide, purified platinum and much more. The plant went bankrupt and ceased to exist in the early 2000s. But irreparable harm to the environment was caused.

Another chemical enterprise, Iodobrom, still exists. Since 1926, flame retardants, inorganic iodine-containing products, etc. have been produced there. The harm that such an enterprise can cause to nature is difficult to assess.

A real monument to the city’s environmental disaster is the huge lake Chokrak, which lies within the city and seems to separate it. For a long time, city sewage, waste from dairy plants and oil depots were poured into it. Now the lake, full of fish, is frozen. Fishing or swimming in it is prohibited.

Population of Sak

Crimea is a multinational region. And Saki was no exception. More than 60% of the population is Russian, 25% are Ukrainians and 6% are Crimean Tatars, as well as Belarusians, Moldovans, Poles, Armenians, Jews, Karaites, and Greeks. Nationalities coexist well with each other. The residents of the town are smiling and good-natured.

At the moment, the city's population is about 24 thousand people, but in 2006 there were more than 26 thousand people. The outflow occurs due to the mortality of the elderly population and the movement of young people to large cities of the peninsula. As in any resort town in Crimea, there are problems with year-round, well-paid work in Saki, which is why young people are moving to larger and more developed cities. The influx of population occurs due to the rural population that moves to Saki, and people with disabilities. They prefer to buy apartments in Saki, since the city is ideally suited for the needs of people in wheelchairs. In addition, the city’s sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Saki is still a city where there are more middle-aged people. From 25 to 60 years. Many return to Saki closer to old age. A green, quiet town created for a leisurely life.

Sakchans are very good-natured and most of them are intelligent. Among the population there are many former researchers, medical workers, and people of creative professions. Citizens who swear and brazenly drink alcohol can only be found in the courtyards in the evening. These are young people, but other than making noise, they will do no harm and will even apologize.

There is no higher educational institution in Saki, but only a vocational lyceum (former vocational school) and a veterinary technical school. However, among the population, the majority have higher education. And mostly medical. This is due to the specifics of the city, because Saki is the oldest balneological resort in Crimea. People with vocational education make up more than 40% of the population. There are also many specialists in the tourism and agricultural industries.

Districts and real estate Sak

Miniature, even by the standards of Crimea, the city of Saki with a total area of ​​29 km² is still divided into four districts. This is the area of ​​the railway station, the central district hospital, the village of a chemical plant and the center. People call everything much simpler and divide it into several parts. The elitism of the area and the price of housing varies very strangely. And often does not depend on the proximity of the resort area and the sea.

Railway station

Arriving in Saki, residents of distant regions immediately get to the railway station. There's nothing much to brag about here. Rebuilt in the middle of the last century, the station building carefully preserves the unique aura of the Soviet of Deputies. This applies to both appearance and service. Don't wait for a friendly smile or a porter. But there are always a lot of taxi drivers around with a greedy gleam in their eyes.

This area is not popular among city residents. Public transport goes there poorly; you need to get to the center through a vacant lot and there are few shops. And the proximity of the station with its roar of trains and the abundance of dubious contingent does not inspire confidence in the townspeople. Housing prices here vary: from 30 to 45 thousand dollars for a three-room apartment, 30-20 thousand dollars for a two-room apartment and 20-14 thousand, respectively, for a one-room apartment. Prices depend on the availability of repairs.

The big advantage of this area is the extensive private sector. For literally 50-60 thousand dollars you can buy a cozy, equipped house with a plot behind a high fence and not be afraid of anything. The area is considered one of the most crime-prone in the city.


People conventionally divide this area into a resort area and the center itself.

The resort area is actually one Kurortnaya street, the longest in the city. Its length is 3 km. The main sanatoriums of the city are located on it: Sacropolis, sanatorium named after N.N. Burdenko, sanatorium Saki, sanatorium named after Pirogov or military clinical.

It originates from the cultural center of chemists and the city stadium, intersects with the central streets, and lies parallel to the Healing Salt Lake.

The street is very green, even in the middle of summer it remains cool and fresh. It is also very quiet, there are not many cars driving along it in the summer, and in the winter there are almost none. Therefore, housing on Kurortnaya Street is considered elite and costs more than anywhere else. It is worth noting that the first floors in Saki are at a special price, since there are many people with disabilities in the city. Ramps are available in almost all stores, pharmacies and organizations. An apartment on the first floor on Kurortnaya Street will cost about 80-90 thousand dollars. Other floors are also at a premium. For a three-room apartment they will ask 70-80, two and one-room apartments will cost from 35 to 50 thousand.

Several streets can be called the center, these are Lenin, Kuznetsova and Revolution. Stroitelnaya Street is worthy of a separate story; it is located on the shores of the picturesque Chokrak Lake. Populated mainly by former chemical plant workers. Housing prices here are very scattered. A three-room “Czech” can cost 63 thousand dollars, or maybe 45.

An apartment on the central streets of Lenin and Kuznetsov and those nearby will cost from 20 thousand dollars for a one-room apartment, from 30 and up to 60 for a two- and three-room apartment, respectively.

The center is considered to be the market area and Revolution Street, which leads to the city park. The oldest and most well-groomed street in the city is closed to vehicles. It originates from Lenin Square. Housing prices in this part of the city are also high. 3-room from 60-70 thousand, 2 and 1-room within 25-40 thousand dollars.


This area is divided into an "old" and a "new" village. Built in the early 40s for chemical plant workers, the old village has a bad reputation. Far from the center and transport links. There are few shops there. It is considered the Saki Ghetto.

The “new” village was built up much later. Things are much better with transport, shopping and crime. Prof. Saki is there. Lyceum. Many private houses and a small cottage street give this area a good reputation. Housing in the “old” and “new” villages have almost identical prices. A one-room apartment will cost from 14 to 20 thousand dollars, 2- and 3-room apartments - 30 and 50, respectively.


A very small area, where there are many private houses and two-story “Khrushchev” buildings. Recently a microdistrict of 12 and 17-story buildings was built there, which greatly refreshed the atmosphere. As is clear from the name of the district, the district hospital with its infrastructure is located there. Therefore, traffic flow, shops, and trading floors are well organized. The cost of real estate in this area varies depending on the age of the apartment and its condition. On average, from 45 thousand dollars for a 3-room apartment.

Novofedorovka village

Or simply Garrison, located 5 km from the city and lies near the sea. The Saki-4 aviation garrison has been located there since Soviet times, and it is famous for the fact that in 1945 it received the planes of Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, who arrived at the Yalta Conference.

In recent years, the garrison has been actively built up, and housing there costs the same as in Saki, from 30,000 for a one-room apartment, a 3-room apartment will cost from 57 thousand dollars. Prices depend on the proximity of the sea. Novofedorovka is actively being built up with private hotels and cottages.

Novofedorovka. Photo by qz1000000 (

City infrastructure

The age-old and slightly hateful problem of fools and roads is also relevant for Sak. There are roads and they lead mainly to the sea, so I would like to see them in perfect condition. Of course, the main highway leading to the sea and Evpatoria is maintained in good condition. But the coverage in the city itself needs to be mentioned separately.

The oldest resort in Crimea boasts several streets without asphalt at all. And holes and potholes will meet you in any area of ​​the town. The city authorities see and understand everything, but cannot do anything. So much for the fools with the roads.

The central square boasts a tiled surface. Photo by qz1000000 (

But these roads are used by fearless city traffic. There is a railway station and a bus station in Saki. Minibuses run in two main directions: around the city and at sea. From the bus station you can get to any city on the peninsula; the ticket price does not exceed $10. A few years ago, the town acquired its own taxi service, which has several cars for transporting people in wheelchairs.

The city’s sanatoriums operate year-round; over the entire period, more than 60 thousand people vacation in the city. It would seem that the city of Saki is blooming and smelling. But no one has abolished corruption, so new housing is not being built within the city. Only the area near the sea is worthy of the honor of being built up and well-groomed.

The village of Novofedorovka boasts a whole residential complex of hotels, campsites and cottages. A Sakchan cannot afford a vacation, much less the purchase of such housing. New housing appears very slowly, and then mainly for the Crimean Tatar population of the city. This construction is financed by the Crimean Menjilis and with the participation of Arab states.

Heroes Square in Novofedorovka. Photo by qz1000000 (

City services, however, like all residents of Sak, are in no hurry and do not strain, in principle. This atmosphere of a “Spanish siesta” is always present in the city, which attracts vacationers from large, dynamic cities. Therefore, city services perceive breakdowns, disorder in courtyards, floods and other troubles as punishment from heaven and slowly, with prayer, begin to eliminate them. Housing and communal services prices are still quite high; a three-room apartment will cost about $50 a month.

In terms of children's educational institutions, Saki can boast of 6 schools and 8 kindergartens. One school and a kindergarten are located in the village of Novofedorovka. And schools and kindergartens are located as close as possible to every district of the city. There is a music school with talented teachers and a children's creativity center with a wide range of clubs.

The town has many prospects. Tourism, treatment, chemical production, agriculture and much more. The main thing is that someone notices them and decides to invest. The townspeople need jobs like air. Sakha must grow, and not only towards the sea.

Enterprises and work in Saki

Work is a sweet word for a Sakchan. The problem of employment is especially pressing in the fall. The end of the summer season brings confusion in the minds and excitement at the labor exchange. Although there are large enterprises operating in Saki, the places there are allocated in advance. You can settle into a stall or tent without any problems.

Saki “Iodobrom” produces products for the markets of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Japan, China, and Turkmenistan. The work is carried out in accordance with the international quality standard ISO 9001-2009. We produce aluminum hydroskid, potassium iodine, various flame retardants, inorganic iodine-containing products, corrosion-resistant stainless steel equipment and much more. The specialists working in this production have higher chemical, technical or pharmaceutical education. They undergo long training to work at Yodobrom.

Another unique enterprise creates cosmetics based on Saki mud. The Saki hydrogeological station produces unique products that are sold within the first two months after production and are sold only in Saki. The range of products is quite wide, but production volumes are limited. In addition to education, station employees must have work experience and agree to a modest salary.

The main jobs in the town are created by sanatoriums and private medical complexes. The largest health resorts are located along Kurortnaya Street, all the rest are located comfortably on the seashore along the street with the original name Morskaya.

The children's sanatorium "Blue Wave", the year-round complex "Poltava", the health resort of the security service of Ukraine "Parus" and the private complex "Yurmino" are large sanatoriums that create jobs mainly in the summer. The salary of junior medical and service personnel ranges from a maximum of 200 to a maximum of 300 dollars. Specialists with higher education receive up to $500.

Hardworking citizens without ambition will find work in the city's food production plants. The dairy and bakery operate constantly and at good volumes. The products are of high quality and tasty. They pay little, about $200, but bonuses in the form of products are possible.

Strong men can get a job in a shell rock quarry. This unique and environmentally friendly building material is mined deep in the Saki steppes. The work is physically challenging, but well paid. Up to $1000 per month.

Every Crimean has worked in public catering at least once. You can find work as a waiter or cook in establishments of various statuses in Saki all year round. The income is small, but stable. It fluctuates between 300-500 dollars per month.


"Little Chicago" on the Peninsula. This is what the city of Saki was called in the 90s. Indeed, the situation was tense. The legendary Salem group was also represented in Saki. Shaven-headed guys in Adidas suits were noted for their shots, impudence, protection of businessmen and division of territory with other brigades. The era ended with high-profile criminal cases and arrests.

The town's criminal history includes several high-profile murders. All of them are based on the redistribution of territories and spheres of influence in the 90s. Thus, in 1994, businessman Alexander Savich and his bodyguards Andrei Babenko and Vladimir Protasov were shot. The Lotos company, owned by Savich, wanted to start building a cottage complex on the seashore. But competitors interfered with Savich in their own way.

In 2008, deputy and businessman Oleg Pecheritsa was killed. The murder has still not been solved, but it is believed to be an act of revenge for past affairs.

There were no maniacs or, God forbid, serial killers in Saki. The main crime in the town is petty theft. All the surviving bandits dressed up in jackets and received parliamentary mandates. Over the past 15 years, Saki has transformed from "Chicago" into a provincial and tranquil place.

Attractions Sak

The visiting card of the city is undoubtedly the Saki salt lake. The salt concentration in its waters is 230-250 g per liter.

Lake silt deposits (mud) are used to treat a wide range of diseases. These are various musculoskeletal diseases, residual effects of injuries to the central nervous system, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteitis, pereosteitis, cervicoscapular radiculitis, infertility, prostatitis; ENT diseases, skin and dental diseases. The lake itself was a sea in ancient times, but now they are separated by a wide sandy dam, along which you can reach the sea coast within an hour or two.

Another gift of the city are mineral springs. They were opened in 1956, and now there are two pump rooms with hot carbonate-chloride-sodium water. It treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases. You can collect water completely free of charge.

The symbol of Sak is a monument to the brontosaurus, which is installed between the pump room and the healing lake. It is significant because it is the first dinosaur monument in the world. It was installed in 1932. In those years, busts of Lenin and Stalin were “sculpted” everywhere, and here is “The Fight of the Brontosaurus with the Ceratosaurus”! The mystery of its creation has not yet been deciphered. The townspeople affectionately call it “brontik” and consider it a symbol of the pristine and natural origin of healing mud and the antiquity of the lake.

Museum of the history of mud therapy. Photo by khudoerkova.irina (

On the road to the sea, on a high hill there is the Kara Tobe Museum. This museum is an international center for experimental archeology and innovative pedagogy. It runs a summer camp for children and adults, and at the same time excavations are taking place and a Scythian village is being rebuilt. In ancient times, the Evpatorion fortress was located on this site, then the Scythians and Sarmatians lived. During the Second World War there was a German bunker on that hill. It is not surprising that so many peoples did not leave this place for many centuries, no. From Kara Tobe Hill you can see almost the entire Kalamitsky Bay.

Kara Tobe Museum. Photo by qz1000000 (

The resort town also offers places for culinary recreation. There are many establishments with oriental cuisine in Saki; almost everywhere you will be pleased with a clear menu and reasonable prices. Good restaurants include “Magic Mill”, “Green World” and “Elite”, all of them are located in a park, green area.

And even though the cult festival “Kazantip” is held every year in the Saki region, the village of Popovka, Saki itself cannot be called the club capital of Crimea. In the summer there are more clubs and discos, but in other seasons you can dance in the Eden and Coconut ICE establishments. Unobtrusive service, reasonable prices, music for every taste, and you are already on the wave of the “Saki siesta”.