Plants and animals of Karelia. Nature, plants and animals of Karelia History and life of Karelia

The Republic of Karelia is located in Northern Europe, on the border of Russia and Finland. It is called the center of wooden architecture, a pantry of mushrooms and the most mysterious region in Russia. Many beautiful photos were taken here, but they are not able to convey the full range of feelings that these places evoke in a traveler. Fabulous taiga forests, clear lakes, pristine nature, an abundance of historical and architectural monuments - all this must be seen with your own eyes.

Mount Vottovaara

In the central part of the republic, 20 kilometers southeast of the village of Sukkozero, there is a curious place - Mount Vottovaara, the highest peak of the Western Karelian Upland (417 meters).

Local residents call this place of power Death Mountain and consider it a portal to the other world - an anomalous effect on electrical equipment, nature, and the human body has been noted here. The dead silence, as well as the depressing sight of trees bent, broken by the wind and blackened after a fire, add to the ominous feeling.

In 1978, a complex of ancient cult seids - rolled stones-boulders, located in groups - was discovered on the mountain. In this case, huge blocks lie on smaller ones, creating the impression of stones on legs.

Also on Vottovaara there is a mysterious stairway to heaven - 13 steps carved into the rock, ending in an abyss.

Mount Kivakkatunturi

Located in the Paanajärvi National Park, in the Louhi region. The height of the mountain is 499 meters, and the name is translated from Finnish as “stone woman” - at the top there are many seids, one of which resembles the head of an old woman.

The climb to Kivakka is quite easy and takes 1-2 hours - in addition to the trodden path, there are wooden beams laid down for the convenience of tourists. When climbing, you can see around the landscape features characteristic of these places - hanging swamps and high-altitude lakes lying on the slopes of the mountain and indicating the water-bearing nature of the rock.

From the open top you can clearly see the beauty of Paanajärvi Park. This place becomes especially picturesque with the arrival of autumn, when the plants color the mountain in yellow-purple colors.

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" (Marble Canyon)

The basis of this tourist complex in the Sortavala region of Karelia is a former marble quarry. The blocks mined here were used for cladding palaces and cathedrals in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Now these quarries have turned into man-made marble bowls, filled with the purest water and cut through by a system of shafts and adits, reminiscent of mysterious caves and grottoes.

The mountain park is 450 meters long and about 100 meters wide. It is equipped for tourists - pedestrian paths have been cleared, observation platforms have been created, there is parking for cars, and boat rentals. It is from the water that the most impressive views of the surrounding rock formations, up to 20 meters high, open up. You can also take a boat into the marble grotto and admire the bizarre reflection of the water in the translucent arches.

Marble Canyon Caves

No less interesting are the mines and adits of the quarry, which can be visited on a guided tour. Most of these caves were flooded, but there are also dry ones - the higher the air temperature on the surface, the more deadly cold it feels here.

For its unique acoustics, one of these grottoes is called Musical. However, the greatest interest is caused by the Proval cave, in the roof of which a hole measuring 20 by 30 meters has formed. Another name for the Gap is the Hall of the Mountain King or the Ice Cave; it is best to go down into it in the cold season, when the 30-meter thickness of water in the grotto is hidden under ice. Drops flowing from the vaults formed numerous ice stalactites and stalagmites, the beauty of which is emphasized by lighting.

Ruskeala waterfalls (Akhvenkoski waterfalls)

Not far from the village of Ruskeala, where the Tokhmajoki River divides into several branches, there are 4 small waterfalls. Falling from rocky ledges 3-4 meters high, the kvass-colored water foams and rumbles.

The area around is landscaped, there are wooden gazebos, a cafe, and a souvenir shop. Once upon a time, the films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” and “The Dark World” were filmed in these places; now kayaking (kayak) is carried out along the Tokhmajoki River, overcoming waterfalls.

Paanajärvi National Park

This corner of wild nature is located in the north-west of Karelia, in its most elevated part and occupies about 103 thousand hectares. The park owes its name to the unique Lake Paanajärvi, which arose in rock faults; the boundaries of the park run along the line of this lake and the Olanga River.

The landscapes here are picturesque and varied - mountain peaks alternate with gorges, turbulent rivers and noisy waterfalls coexist with the calm surface of lakes.

The park contains the highest point of the republic - Mount Nourunen. Here you can also see the Kivakkakoski waterfall - one of the largest and most powerful in Karelia.

Daylight hours in winter are very short - the northern lights can be seen from the end of August. But in summer the sun sets only for 2-3 hours - the time of white nights comes.

National Park "Kalevalsky"

This park was created in the far west of Karelia in 2006 to preserve one of the last tracts of old-growth pine forests in Europe. On an area of ​​74 thousand hectares, pine trees occupy about 70%; the age of many trees reaches 400-450 years.

For thousands of years, these places have been the constant habitat of various species of animals and plants; the pristine beauty of the forests still fascinates today. In the park you can see many large rivers with picturesque waterfalls and deep, clean lakes.

There are also several villages located here - Voknavolok is considered the cradle of Karelian and Finnish cultures, where the songs of the Kalevala epic were born, many historical and cultural monuments have been preserved in Sudnozero, and Panozero is considered one of the oldest settlements in the area.

Archipelago Kuzova

It is a group of 16 small islands in the White Sea, near the city of Kem. In order to preserve the unique landscape and diversity of flora and fauna, the Kuzova state landscape reserve was created here. Now there are special places for visiting tourists on 3 islands - Russian Kuzov, German Kuzov and Chernetsky.

In addition to the beauty of the surrounding nature, the archipelago attracts with the abundance of seids, labyrinths, ancient sites of people from the Mesolithic and Bronze Ages, and religious buildings. The islands are shrouded in many legends and are still a mystery to historians and archaeologists.

Girvas volcano crater

In the small village of Girvas, Kondopoga region of Karelia, there is the world's oldest preserved volcanic crater, its age is about 2.5 billion years.

Previously, the full-flowing Suna River flowed here, but after the construction of a dam for a hydroelectric power station, its bed was drained and the water was sent along a different path, and now petrified lava flows are clearly visible in the half-empty canyon. The crater of the volcano itself does not protrude above the ground, but is a depression filled with water.

Kivach waterfall

Translated from Finnish, the name of the waterfall means “powerful”, “swift”. It is located on the Suna River and is the fourth largest flat waterfall in Europe. Kivach consists of four rapids with a total height of 10.7 meters, of which the vertical drop of water is 8 meters.

Due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station in this area, there was a large outflow of water, which somewhat reduced the attractiveness of the waterfall. The best time to visit this attraction is considered to be spring, when Suna gains strength, feeding on melt waters. In 1931, the Kivach State Nature Reserve was created around the waterfall.

White Bridges Waterfall (Yukankoski)

This waterfall, located on the Kulismayoki River in the Pitkäranta region of the republic, is one of the highest and most beautiful in Karelia and reaches about 18 meters in height. In summer, the water in the river warms up well, which allows you to swim in it and stand under the falling streams of water.

In 1999, the hydrological natural monument “White Bridges” was established on the territory adjacent to the waterfall, the area of ​​which is 87.9 hectares. Due to its location in the forest, far from the highway, Yukankoski is not very popular among travelers.

Marcial waters

This name is given to a balneological and mud resort, as well as a village in the Kondopoga region. The resort was founded by Peter I in 1719 and is the first in Russia.

There are 4 wells from which mineral waters flow; their main feature is the amount of iron, greater than in other sources in Russia and abroad. Each source has a different concentration of iron, and the waters also contain calcium, magnesium, manganese, and sodium.

Sapropelic silt sulfide mud extracted from the bottom of Lake Gabozero also has healing properties.

The resort is visited for the treatment of diseases of the blood, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and musculoskeletal systems, and respiratory organs. Here, according to the design of Peter I, the Church of St. Apostle Peter was built, and opposite the temple is the building of the local history museum “Marcial Waters”.

Valaam Island

The name of the island translates as “high land” - it is the largest of the islands of the Valaam archipelago, located in the north of Lake Ladoga.

Every year, Valaam attracts thousands of tourists - its rocky territory, 9.6 kilometers long and 7.8 kilometers wide, is covered with coniferous forests, large and small inland lakes, and cut by numerous channels, bays and bays.

Here is also the village of Valaam and a monument of Russian architecture - the Valaam stauropegic monastery with many hermitages (buildings located in hard-to-reach places).

Island of Good Spirits

This island, located on Voronye Lake, is not marked on any geographical map, for which it is often called Karelian Shambhala. You can get to it while rafting on the Okhta River and only with the help of tips from the guides.

The place is a traveler's paradise and is famous for its convenient parking areas, excellent fishing and picturesque surroundings. However, what attracts people most is the abundance of wooden crafts on the island - a real open-air museum created by the hands of tourists. Some products date back to the 70s of the last century. According to legend, this place is inhabited by spirits who guard the island and inhabit every craft, bringing good luck to its maker.

Solovetsky Islands

This archipelago, which includes more than 100 islands, occupies 347 square kilometers and is the largest in the White Sea. It is located at the entrance to Onega Bay and is included in a specially protected protected area.

Here is the Solovetsky Monastery with many churches, the Maritime Museum, an airport, a botanical garden, ancient stone labyrinths and a whole system of canals that you can navigate by boat.

The White Sea beluga whale, the white whale, lives near Cape Beluzhy. Beautiful nature and an abundance of historical and architectural monuments attract many excursion groups to these places.

Lake Pisan

This reservoir is located in the central part of the Republic of Karelia, and has a tectonic origin - the lake was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust, as clearly evidenced by the symmetry of its shores. The name of the lake translates as “longest” - occupying up to 200 meters in width, it extends 5 kilometers in length. In some places the depth exceeds 200 meters.

On the northern shore of the reservoir there are parking areas, convenient places for fishing and launching boats. As you move south, the banks become higher, forming a gorge with rocks rising 100 meters above the water. Virgin nature, silence and the absence of nearby settlements make this place especially attractive for lovers of solitude.

White Sea

This inland sea, located in the north of European Russia, belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin and has an area of ​​90 square kilometers. Due to the cold water even in summer (up to 20 degrees), there is not too much tourist flow on the White Sea, and nature in many places remains untouched.

Blueberries and mushrooms grow abundantly on the islands of the sea coast; in the water you can see jellyfish, fish, seals and beluga whales. The seabed after low tide is a unique sight - it is filled with a variety of living organisms.

Lake Ladoga (Ladoga)

It is located in Karelia and the Leningrad region and is the largest freshwater body of water in Europe - the length of the lake is 219, and its greatest width is 138 kilometers. The northern shores are high and rocky, with many bays, peninsulas, large and small islands; the southern coast is shallow, with an abundance of rocky reefs.

Along Ladoga there are a large number of settlements, ports and recreation centers; numerous ships glide along the water surface. Numerous historical finds from different eras have been found at the bottom of the lake; even now these places are popular among diving enthusiasts. Mirages and brontides also occur here - a rumble coming from the lake, accompanied by the seething of water or weak vibrations of the earth.

Lake Onega (Onego)

This lake is called the younger sister of the great Ladoga - it is the second largest freshwater body of water in Europe. On the territory of Onega there are more than 1,500 islands of different sizes, dozens of ports and marinas are located on the shores, and the Onega Sailing Regatta is held annually.

The water in the lake is clean and transparent thanks to the shungite mineral that literally lines the bottom. In addition to fish, there is a bivalve mollusk that grows nacreous pearl balls in its shell.

Taiga forests rich in mushrooms and berries, the charm of northern nature, a huge number of historical monuments, architecture, and folk art attract many tourists to these places.

Onega petroglyphs

On the eastern coast of Lake Onega in the Pudozh region of Karelia there are ancient rock paintings dating back to the 4th-3rd millennia BC. They are collected in 24 separate groups and cover an area of ​​20 kilometers; more than half of the petroglyphs are located on capes Peri Nos, Besov Nos and Kladovets.

In total, about 1,100 images and signs were carved into the rocks, mainly drawings of birds (especially swans), forest animals, people and boats. The dimensions of some petroglyphs reach 4 meters.

Among the mystical figures is the mysterious triad of “demon, catfish (burbot) and otter (lizard).” To neutralize this evil spirits, around the 15th century, the monks of the Murom Holy Dormition Monastery knocked out a Christian cross on top of the image.

Kinerma village

The name of this ancient Karelian village, lost in the Pryazha region, translates as “precious land”. The settlement, founded more than 400 years ago, has up to two dozen houses, half of which are architectural monuments. The buildings are located in a circle, in the center of which is the chapel of the Smolensk Mother of God and the old cemetery.

More recently, the fate of the village was in question; only 1 person lived here permanently. However, thanks to the efforts of local residents, it was possible to restore the buildings, improve everyday life, and attract tourists. For the preservation of its historical appearance, Kinerma is recognized as a complex monument of wooden folk architecture of the Karelian-Livviks. She also won the competition “The most beautiful village in Russia.”

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

The main part of this unique open-air museum is located on Kizhi Island in Lake Onega. The heart of the collection is the Kizhi Pogost ensemble, consisting of the 22-domed wooden Church of the Transfiguration, the smaller Church of the Intercession and the bell tower that unites them; the complex is now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The museum is constantly replenished with chapels, houses, icons, household items, outbuildings brought from the surrounding Karelian, Russian and Vepsian villages; it also presents a number of historical objects of Zaonezhye and Petrozavodsk.

Assumption Church

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the city of Kondopoga, on the shores of Lake Onega. The church was built in 1774 in memory of the peasants who died during the Kizhi uprising (1769-1771).

Thanks to its height of 42 meters, it became the tallest wooden church in Karelia. The interior decoration has survived to this day and, with its modesty, contrasts with the rich modern churches.

A visit to the Assumption Church is not included in the list of obligatory routes; there is no invasion of tourists here, but newlyweds get married and children are baptized by local residents. It’s worth coming here for the surrounding beauty and special atmosphere of this place.

Travel! We encourage you to devote your leisure time to travel and hiking! After all, only the road can give you a feeling of fullness of life and happiness. Only by leaving your sagging sofa and routine behind you can you see the beautiful places of Karelia!

More than 850 thousand tourists visit Karelia annually

Take a short test and find out which tour will be ideal for you

(you can select 1 or more answer options)

Step 1

Who do you want to go with?


With my beloved\beloved

With friends/colleagues

With children/family

With parents/relatives

Select tour type

What would you like to see?

Nature (waterfalls, rocks, forests, rivers and lakes, bays, etc.)

Animals (huskies, horses, petting zoo, etc.)

Architectural objects

Religious places

Military facilities (fortresses, museums)

Places of power (temples, seids)

Desired direction?

Karelia (Ruskeala, Sortavala, Yakkima)

Novgorod region(Novgorod, Staraya Russa, Valdai)

Pskov region (Pskov, Izborsk, Pechory, Pushkin Mountains)

Leningrad region.(Mandrogi, Vyborg)

The main thing is that it is interesting

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In the near future

On weekend

This month

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Don’t give in to laziness, take unconventional steps, travel on your own and give your loved ones the joy of discovery. With Charm Travel, beautiful landscapes, new impressions, intimate knowledge, and fresh feelings await you. So, let's go: after all, there, around the bend, you will see the most beautiful places in Karelia!

The most beautiful places in Karelia: where are we going?

In fact, on the Internet you can find a huge number of videos and photos of beautiful places in Karelia. Here are hundreds of selfies against the backdrop of the Marble Canyon, and Ladoga in summer and winter, and the nature of Solovki, and the fascinating architecture of Kizhi in front and profile. But in one article we have collected for you information about the most famous sights of the region, after reading which you will understand how wonderful yours can be.

I.I. Shishkin, A.I. Kuindzhi, N. Roerich dedicated their works to the nature of Karelia

Look, enjoy the aesthetics of places, choose how to travel - by car or with Sharm Travel, draw up travel maps, and then share your impressions.

10 most beautiful places in Karelia that are worth visiting

So, we will show the reader the most interesting and beautiful places in Karelia: in winter and summer, golden autumn and long-awaited spring:

1. Marble Canyon

Kizhi is not only an architectural monument. This is also a huge fund of the museum’s scientific library, which stores more than 12,000 rare and rare publications

5. Solovetsky Islands

The Solovetsky Islands are not only an opportunity to admire the endless bounty of Karelia’s nature, but also to better learn the history of the region. And at some moments she was, without exaggeration, scary. The Solovetsky Islands are the place where thousands of prisoners found their final refuge. Perhaps that is why the bells of the active monastery ring so hopelessly on the days of services. Come, feel the energy of this place, and you will see the history of the country from a different angle.

In 1992, the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

6. White Bridges Waterfall

When listing natural waterfalls, one cannot help but recall the unique Yukanokoski waterfall, also known as White Bridges, the highest waterfall in Karelia. How beautiful it is in the spring, when rushing waters rush at breakneck speed along the huge stone steps. It is magnificent framed in the gold of trees in autumn, and in an emerald necklace in summer.

Peat impurities make Yukanokoski's streams golden.

7. Valaam archipelago

The famous island is the largest in the archipelago of the same name, located in Lake Ladoga. Its beauty has been captured by famous artists. Well, our contemporaries can take at least a thousand photographs of the beautiful nature of a sacred place.

Valaam is not only beautiful, but also an unexplored place of anomalous phenomena. Former employee of the Valaam Island Museum O.V. Bochkareva carried out work on collecting and studying “anomalous phenomena”

8. Lakes Ladoga and Onega

Karelia is rich in unique nature: beautiful places on the map of the region are indicated in blue and light blue. This is the heart of the Russian North: lakes Ladoga and Onega. Needless to say, it is they who create that unique atmosphere of the area, harsh and sensual at the same time. To be convinced of this, it is enough to come to the coast once and see the sunset. Your heart will forever be given to this land, infinitely beautiful and forever new.

35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, but only one flows out - the Neva

9. Mount Owl

In addition to the famous natural protected areas, Karelia has many historical monuments. Many of them are dedicated to very recent events - the Second World War, the flames of which burned the North of Russia, leaving indelible traces. Such attractions include Mount Filin, a former command grotto of the Finnish army, and now a functioning military history museum in the rock.

The rock contains zeolite, shungite, magnetite, which have a healing effect on the human body

10. Kivach Nature Reserve

Another unique – and state-protected – natural monument is the Kivach Nature Reserve. Every year more than 100,000 people come here to see the unique fauna and flora! And they can be understood: after all, in the reserve there are trees whose age is estimated at 3.5 centuries!

The reserve is called “Karelia in miniature” because on its territory there are selgi, and eskers, and “curly rocks” and “ram’s foreheads” - all types of reliefs of the region

Let's go for beauty and harmony with Sharm Travel

Don’t look for miracles in expensive overseas countries, because our Karelia offers beautiful vacation spots for almost nothing. Admire the dynamics of the capital, Petrozavodsk, walk along its well-groomed streets, visit museums.

Petrozavodsk has a huge number of parks, attractions, museums, architectural and historical monuments

And when you get tired of the noise of the big city, come to Vuoksa, among the water surface of which stands on a rock. This place is not only divinely beautiful, but also has a special power to heal the wounds of the soul. Need to rethink your life? Welcome to Vuoksa.

Temple on Vuoksa is the only church in the world whose foundation is a monolithic rock

The beautiful places of Karelia - here they are, just reach out. Discover a new world - pure, fresh, sincere. Enjoy it, learn to appreciate and take care of what you have, get joy from communicating with people and nature. Call, come in, we will open for you the world of beauty of the Russian North!

The Republic of Karelia is part of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, borders Finland and is adjacent to the Arctic Circle. Karelia is a mystical place full of mysteries and secrets. Here there are dead trees and “living”, “singing” stones. This article was written for those who want to visit these places. “I really want this land to be known and to be able to fully understand it.” A journey to this pristine wild land is a return to your roots, to Mother Nature.

Karelia is a mysterious country that attracts more and more travelers every year. Northern pristine nature, forests rich in berries and mushrooms, fast rivers, many lakes. The history of this wonderful region is very interesting. According to legends, this is the former Hyperborea, a place of power. Perhaps that is why there were so many monasteries here, especially before the 1917 revolution.

Birds of Karelia

The birds of Karelia are a whole separate world, a testing ground for ornithologists and a paradise for bird lovers. 285 species for a republic with an area of ​​172,400 km² is a fairly large number. What explains this diversity? First of all, the diversity of the landscape. Karelia is a country of forests, steppes, lakes, swamps and rivers. The presence of the sea explains the presence of typical seabirds. The large extent from north to south makes it possible for feathered “northerners” and “southerners” to inhabit the country’s territory. The White Sea-Baltic flyway lies over the republic. During the spring period of nesting, mating and migration, ornithologists go on photo expeditions.

When we talk about any country, we immediately ask ourselves the question: what dishes are represented in the national cuisine? Karelian cuisine is a combination of old Russian cuisine and modern northern Europe (mainly Finland and Estonia). From early times, fish dishes predominated in the cuisine of Karelia, since it all depended on the geographical location of the country.

Swamp, swamp... Words that paint sad and terrible pictures in the imagination. But this is only if you have never seen the swamps of Karelia with your own eyes. It is absolutely impossible to imagine this country without swamps. And believe me - they are beautiful!

Human greed and selfishness, combined with the indifferent attitude of most people towards nature, lead to sad consequences. Many species of plants, animals, birds and insects that are valuable and important for maintaining biological balance are moving into the “rare” category; others are threatened with complete extinction.

Karelian land is full of various secrets and mysteries. Many local old-timers can spend hours telling legends about this region, which is literally saturated with mysticism. A considerable part of these myths is directly related to the folk epic of Karelia, which raises open doubts about their veracity. But some inexplicable events did occur in this area, as confirmed by numerous witnesses.

Myths and legends of Karelia

The northern lands have long been famous for their mystery, and Karelia was considered the most mystical place. You can still hear many amazing myths here, which the indigenous people are happy to tell around the night fire. We also want to tell some legends of Karelia in order to introduce them closer to the local epic.

Karelia can be proud of the abundance of water reserves, which are represented by the White Sea, rivers and lakes. These reservoirs contain a huge number of different types of fish, and they are conditionally divided into 3 separate groups: lake-river, sea and migratory fish.

In summer, the forests of Karelia are filled with a variety of berries. But not all berries are equally edible. Therefore, in order not to run into trouble, of course you need to understand them. We will devote this article to both edible and non-edible berries of Karelia.

There is such a wonderful science of geology. How our planet came into being, climate change on earth, the composition of the earth's crust, some natural phenomena - earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions - all this is studied by geology. Geologists also study rocks and minerals. In some articles, the concepts of rock and mineral are often equated, although there are differences between them.

Karelia is a republic where citizens of more than 150 nationalities live. Throughout history, Finno-Ugric peoples lived in Karelia: Korelas (or Karelians), Lapps (or Sami) and Ves (or Vepsians). The northern territory of Karelia was developed by the Slavs (Novgorodians) from the second millennium AD. e. Having settled areas near the White Sea and Lake Onega, the Pomors and Zaonezhians advanced to the entire area of ​​Karelia. The Karelians had peaceful contact with the Russians until the mid-20th century.

Where is Karelia? Some may find it difficult to answer this question, but not a mushroom fan! Karelia is often called a paradise for mushroom pickers. And that's fair! The total area of ​​Karelian forests is about 15 million hectares! Mushroom pickers from all over Russia, and from all over the world come here during the mushroom season. Local residents say that you don’t need to look for mushrooms here, you just come and take as much as you want!

The fauna of Karelia is incredibly diverse and is represented mainly by forest inhabitants. In total, 180 species of animals live in Karelia. Of these, 63 species of mammals, of which 23 species are listed in the Red Book of Karelia. We will look at some of the main well-known representatives of the animal world in the article.

People lived on the territory of modern Karelia back in the primitive era. This is also evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Since the Middle Ages, the history of the region has been eventful. What are the costs of Russia's wars with Sweden? In order to systematize historical knowledge and documents, a network of museums was developed on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia is one of the most culturally rich areas of the Russian Federation. Today, there are over 4,500 cultural sites in Karelia and about 60 public associations operate. Most of the theaters, museums, libraries and other cultural heritage sites are concentrated in the capital of the republic, in the city of Petrozavodsk.

The land of dense forests, blue lakes and turbulent rivers is Karelia, the stunning landscapes of the northern nature of these places are unthinkable without numerous waterfalls, of which there are more than a hundred. Big and small, stormy and calm - they are an unforgettable sight. Local residents call the waterfalls of Karelia paduns, among them there are several particularly interesting ones that are worth telling about in more detail.

Villages of Karelia

Karelia is a region very rich in ancient history. Back in the distant ninth century, ancient Karelians lived on the northwestern coast of Lake Ladoga. Settlement deep into the rest of Karelia and onto the shores of the White Sea took place in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. And already by the sixteenth century, indigenous people lived throughout the territory of Karelia. Now the indigenous population is very small. Many residents left Karelia after the Finnish War. Those residents who remained in their native land sacredly honor their traditions, remember their language, fairy tales and legends, ancient rituals.

Where to go fishing in Karelia

It is no longer a secret that Karelia is an excellent example of high-quality domestic recreation. It has everything you need for both beginners and experienced tourists. Everyone will find entertainment to their liking and budget. The developed service sector will leave a good impression on even the most demanding traveler, and the local landscapes will be etched in the memory for a long time.

Lakes of Karelia

“I will dream about Karelia for a long time...” this is the most important song about Karelia, about this northern land. Who doesn't know her? Many songs are dedicated to this beautiful, enchanting land. A person who has visited these parts feels happier and more cheerful. What kind people live here! What magical forests and fabulous hills! And what endless lakes, you just want to go fishing or just watch a magical sunrise on the shore near the water! It’s not for nothing that Karelia is called the country of forests and lakes. Where did so much water come from? In any other region of Russia you will not find such a number of fresh lakes.

Karelia in summer

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year. In winter, it attracts tourists to go dog sledding, snowboarding, skiing and simply admire the fabulous snowy nature. Autumn and spring give their delights in the form of an abundance of mushrooms and berries. But Karelia is the most amazing and unique in the summer.

Karelia, the richest region in Russia. It has more than sixty thousand different reservoirs. But this is one of the main features, and a reason for pride, are the rivers of Karelia.

Karelia is a country not only of thousands of rivers and lakes, but also of interesting peaks. Although the truly mountainous terrain begins already on the Kola Peninsula, Karelia also has plenty of interesting peaks. The most amazing and beautiful peaks are concentrated in the Paanajärvi National Park, located in the north of Karelia in the Louhi region - eight of them are considered the most famous.

The presence of a large number of lakes (about 60,000) and rivers (about 17,000), developed road infrastructure, and the close location of the region to the main large cities of Russia make the region attractive for fishing recreation.

Sanatoriums of Karelia

Holidays in Karelia are the best and most exciting way to spend your free time. In Karelia you can not only relax your soul, but also improve your body’s health. Sanatoriums in Karelia will help you establish a daily routine, teach you how to eat properly, and medical procedures will improve your precious health. In the sanatoriums of Karelia, qualified doctors treat various diseases. The most famous sanatoriums in Karelia are: “Martial Waters”, “White Keys”, “Palaces”. In the early Middle Ages, Karela was characterized by fairly strong remnants of tribal relations, but at the same time there was also a complex social organization that gave significant advantages in confrontation with others peoples. In contrast to the Izhora, which separated from the Karelians around the 6th century and retained purely tribal governance by elders, by the 7th century the Karelians already elected princes who bore the specific Karelian title of valit.

The vegetation cover of Karelia includes about 1,200 species of flowering and vascular spores, 402 species of mosses, and many species of lichens and algae. However, a little more than 100 species of higher plants and up to 50 species of mosses and lichens have a significant influence on the composition of vegetation.

The climate of Karelia is moderately cold, transitional from maritime to continental. Its most characteristic feature is the west-east air transfer, as a result of which air masses formed over the vast expanses of the North Atlantic enter the territory of the republic throughout the year. The “breathing” of the Arctic is also evident to a significant extent: the invasion of its air masses causes sharp and sometimes prolonged cold snaps.

Nature of Karelia

Karelia is characterized by long, relatively mild winters, short cool summers, and significant cloudiness. The annual precipitation in the northeast of the republic is 400 mm, in the southwest more than 600 mm. Due to frequent cyclones, the weather in Karelia is unstable: in winter there are long thaws with heavy snowfalls, followed by sharp cold snaps, in summer there is a drop in temperature, strong winds, and intense rains.

Treasures of Karelia

The topic of treasures interests many. And many people devote their leisure time to searching for treasures. Vacations and weekends are spent on getting maps, equipment, ammunition and everything else that may be useful on a trip for a blue bird. I don’t think that treasure hunters hope to get rich and acquire countless treasures in one moment.

Ancient volcanoes of Karelia

In general, there are no volcanoes in Karelia now. But once upon a time, 3 billion years ago, quite active volcanic processes took place here. They gave way to periods of calm, and then came to life again. It was at that time that a volcano appeared, the remains of which can be observed on the Suna River.