Holy spring "Arzhan-Suu" - mountainous Altai. Spring Arzhan Suu Arzhan Suu water can be drunk

The natural monument of the Altai Republic - the Arzhan-Suu spring is located near the Chuysky tract, 8 kilometers from the village of Manzherok. The source is located to the left of the tract. Next to it, along the road, there are a large number of trays with Altai souvenirs, where you can buy products made of ceramics, wood, birch bark and stone, national clothes and musical instruments, maps, postcards, videotapes and CDs about Altai. The Arzhan-Suu cafe, known from Vasily Shukshin’s film “There Lives Such a Guy,” also operates here.

Source Arzhan-Suu also called “Silver Spring”, “Holy Spring”, “Driver’s Key”. He comes out rock cracks in several places and after a couple of tens of meters it forms a single stream. In addition to the high content of silver, the spring water is saturated with copper and other mineral impurities; it is stored for a long time and has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body. And the content of ferrous iron in the water of Arzhan-Suu is noticeably higher than in the well-known sources of Essentuki and Borjomi. Unfortunately, according to research, recently mineral water source, the content of substances of anthropogenic origin increases, which indicates a deterioration in its ecological condition. Vehicles constantly stop near the source, contributing to environmental pollution with lead and petroleum products. During the peak summer tourist season, the number of visitors to the source sometimes reaches 1000 people per day.

Near the Arzhan-Suu spring there is a new road bridge to the left bank of the Katun, leading to the Turquoise Katun tourist complex. Further along the road is the Globus Plus tourist center.

The village of Maima (with the accent on the last syllable, by the way) is the largest village in the Altai Mountains, stretching along the Chuysky tract and the Katun River for several kilometers. The village was founded in 1810; currently more than 15 thousand residents live here.

Getting to it is very easy: moving along the Chuysky tract, you simply cannot pass by =) The distance from Biysk is about 90 kilometers. Just 6-7 kilometers away from the Chuysky tract is Gorno-Altaisk, which essentially makes Maima its suburb.

In Mayma there are several shops, gas stations, a branch of Sberbank, a cinema, a geological museum, and the Temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (the first stone structure in the Altai Mountains). Unlike most local villages, in Mayma you can often find high-rise buildings.

If you haven’t refueled, for example, in Biysk, then here a good place to fill your car's gas tank. In Mayma there is the only gas station in the Altai Mountains, so beloved by our driver, Gazpromneft. You can also buy groceries here for the trip if for some reason you haven’t done so before.

Between the villages of Rybalka and Souzga, on the right side of the road you can see the old one, which is no longer in operation.

Cheremshansky waterfall

About 4 kilometers after the village of Souzga along the Chuysky tract there is the village of Cheremshanka (114 km from Biysk). Not far from it on the river of the same name there is a small waterfall.

The waterfall is not very popular among tourists because it is small (the height of the water fall is only 5 meters), there is not even a sign on the road, we had to drive back and forth a couple of times and finally ask the locals for directions. There is so little information about the waterfall that the story about the road to it will take us much more space than about the waterfall itself =)

If you are coming from the north, then before the bridge over the river you need to turn left and drive along the dirt road to the beginning of the forest. You will have to leave your car at the fork and walk the rest of the way (400-500 meters).

You walk along the path along the stream, admiring the surrounding landscapes, cross a small bridge, you see a spring and next to it a cross, on which there is an inscription that the spring is consecrated, and whoever litters will be overtaken by various sorrows =)

Walk a little further and the Cheremshansky waterfall will appear in front of you. Since this will be the first waterfall on your way, it is worth a visit, especially if you have children with you. As a first impression of the waterfalls of the Altai Mountains, Cheremshansky is quite suitable.

A little more along the Chuysky tract and you find yourself in the famous village

Source Arzhan-Suu

Leaving Manzherok and passing the bridge near the Biryuzovaya Katun, at the 478th kilometer of the road you will first see a small market, and at the end of it - the holy spring Arzhan-Suu. You can also get here from the Aisky tract via the already mentioned bridge.

The market sells traditional Altai souvenirs, honey, etc.

Market near Arzhan-Suu

Arzhan-Suu is perhaps the most popular spring in the Altai Mountains. Here, almost all travelers collect water for their journey; at the height of the season, the number of visitors to the source per day reaches a thousand people.

The water is indeed tasty, can be stored for a long time, and besides, it is also healthy, classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium with a high content of silver, as well as copper and manganese, which in total has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It is no coincidence that one of the names of Arzhan-Suu is “Silver Spring”.

Arzhan-Suu is not just a popular source of water, it is a natural monument. And among the indigenous local residents, the spring is also considered sacred, as evidenced by numerous traditional ribbons.

Sacred spring Arzhan-Suu

Naturally, like most sacred places, Arzhan-Suu has its own legend. She talks about a hunter who chased a wounded deer for a long time, and then saw him plunge into the waters of a spring and rush off into the distance, as if nothing had happened. Surprised by this fact, the hunter threw dried grayling into the source and was surprised again, because the fish came to life and swam away. The same thing happened with the otter skin. So people realized that the source gives life to everything and began to consider it sacred.

In this mountain are the Tavdinsky caves


The small (population of about 550 people) village of Kamlak is located approximately 160 km from Biysk and 70 km from Gorno-Altaisk at the confluence of the Kamlak River with Sema.

This is the first village in Gorny Altai after the Chuysky tract crossed to the left bank of the Katun along a new bridge in the Ust-Sema region. The village begins at the 504th km of the highway and stretches along it for about 3 kilometers.

The village has several camp sites, a small store, and even a stadium. There are many apiaries in the vicinity of the village, so you can buy good honey here.

Most often, Kamlak is used as a transit point for further movement along the Chuysky tract, but if you stay here longer, the convenient location will allow you to visit several attractions nearby, in particular, the Botanical Garden and the Bison Nursery.

Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden

The botanical garden is located near the Chuysky tract near the village of Kamlak. To get there you need to turn left at the entrance to the village at the corresponding sign.

The territory where the botanical garden is located (the "Chisty Meadow" tract) is a natural monument with all the ensuing consequences for visitors. They say that in the summer they even force or ask you to take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass =)

The garden was founded in 1994, today it has more than one and a half thousand species and forms of the most diverse, including rare, flora.

Plants are divided into groups according to the regions in which they grow (Altai Mountains, Siberia, North America, Far East).

There are also thematic exhibitions: rock garden, medicinal plants, etc.

In addition to plants, you can also see and do a lot of other things in the botanical garden: visit observation deck, located above Katun, walk along the eco-trail, look into the village, which can rightfully be considered a mini-museum.

The garden will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children, especially near such interesting places and exhibits =)

In addition to viewing the exhibition in Botanical Garden you can visit the herbal bar, buy seeds, herbal preparations, teas, honey.

In 2003, a small recreation center "Katail" was opened on the territory of the botanical garden, offering accommodation in summer houses, meals, and excursions.

The cost of a ticket in 20016 for an adult is 200 rubles, for a child - 100 rubles. A walk without a guide costs 50 rubles, although the price list nearby also lists the price as 150 rubles. We were allowed in for 50, for whom the walk costs 150 remains unknown. The price list also states the option for 150 rubles. put up a tent per day.

Bison nursery

The bison nursery is located outside the village of Kamlak, 4 kilometers from it near the village of Cherga.

To get there, you need to turn right at the signpost at the 510th kilometer of the Chuysky tract and drive another two kilometers along the dirt road. First there will be a farm, followed by a nursery.

You will have to leave the car in front of the stream and climb a little more to the place where there is a house of the bison staff, who will give you a tour.

If you are lucky and the bison are nearby, you will walk a little before you see them. If you are unlucky, then tourists are taken to the bison by car, which takes a little longer.

Cost of the excursion in 2016 - 150 rub.

Important: Remember that if you rely on luck and arrive without an agreement, you may not find the nursery staff on site and the excursion will not work (you don’t know how long to wait for them). We came twice like this, once empty-handed, the second time we got it. So it’s better to call and agree in advance.

The bison nursery in Gorny Altai was organized in 1982, when 3 males and 8 females were brought here. This is one of three bison breeding grounds existing in Russia, and beyond the Urals it is the only nursery with purebred bison. Bison have taken root well in Altai; the current bison are already in their third generation, and the population size is 48 animals.

In summer, bison feed on their own in their natural environment (the territory of the nursery is 470 hectares); in winter, they go down to the fence every day, where they are fed with hay. Visitors are generally treated calmly as long as they are kept at a distance, although in winter you can even hand-feed bison through the netting.

Advice: When going on an excursion, take a camera with a good zoom or telephoto lens, as they won’t let you get too close to the bison.

Interesting information:

  1. There is a “matriarchy” in the bison herd; the most “authoritative” female is in charge of all affairs.
  2. The bison calves once every two years, and feeds the baby with milk for more than one and a half years.
  3. The bison becomes an adult at 4.5 years.
  4. Bison live 15-20 years
  5. At a local nursery, the female's record is 5 calves in her lifetime.
  6. The female weighs 700-900 kg, the weight of the male can reach 1500 kg.
  7. The body length of the bison reaches 3.5 meters, height - up to 2 meters.
  8. Despite such dimensions and heavy weight, bison are capable of picking up speed up to 40-45 km/h, and it is better not to stand in their way at this moment =)

The Arzhan-Suu mineral spring (translated from the regional Altai dialect as “holy water”) is a natural monument (since 1978) and one of the most famous and visited springs in the Altai Mountains. The water in it has long been considered healing.

In Altai you can also hear other names for the source - “Driver’s Key” and “Golden Key”.

The source is located on the right bank of the Katun River, at a distance of 5-6 km from the southern outskirts of the village of Manzherok. The area belongs to the Iolgo mid-mountain ridge; there is a deep fault in this area. Water comes to the surface from rock cracks in several places and flows towards the tract, forming a single stream. Below, the source is decorated and equipped for local residents and tourists.

Among residents of coastal villages, Arzhan-Suu is known as a holy spring. Since the place is popular among tourists, cafes and souvenir shops with amulets, handmade beads have been operating next to it for several years national clothes, shoes, musical instruments and discs with throat singing, herbal infusions, tea, balms and other products. This place is often visited by newlyweds on their wedding day. In the Arzhan-Suu cafe, water from a source is used when preparing dishes, and the building looks like medieval castle. This establishment is famous from Vasily Shukshin’s film “There Lives Such a Guy.”

Water composition

Recently, the ecological condition of water has been deteriorating - vehicles constantly stop very close to the source, polluting the environment with harmful exhausts.


Altaians believe in the extraordinary power of this place and respect the mineral spring with healing water. According to the legend of the indigenous inhabitants of the Altai Mountains, the spring has life-giving power. A long time ago, a hunter, while tracking his prey, saw a deer. Sneaking up, he wounded the deer, but it managed to escape. The hunter rushed after the bleeding animal and saw that the deer was entering the stream. In the water, the animal’s wounds began to heal, the deer came out of the water completely healthy and ran away in the other direction. The hunter was amazed at the miracle, threw a dried fish into the water - and it swam, tried to throw an otter skin - and it came to life in the unusual water. Then he went to the people and told them that water has the power to give life and health to everything. People called this miracle “holy water.”


A ritual performed by the Altai people is dedicated to the healing spring: first of all, it is necessary to free yourself from all negative thoughts. To cleanse not only the soul, but also the body, it is even recommended to fast. Cleanliness should also be observed near the source - behave quietly, speak quietly.

“Shaman trees” grow near the spring, on which, according to the ancient custom of the Altai people, it is customary to tie light ribbons - dyalama. The origins of this ritual go back to ancient times. Tying ribbons meant turning to the spirits of the source with peaceful intentions. Next, food for the spirits was placed on the altar; usually these were figurines made of dried cheese. Only after these procedures could one ask for healing and long life.

It is believed that Arzhan-Suu fulfills good wishes; you just need to think about your cherished desires while standing next to him. Locals They ask tourists to pay attention to the fact that the ritual is of a religious and philosophical nature, so there is no need to thoughtlessly tie anything else to the tree: handkerchiefs, bags, etc. The tape should be light colors (white, blue, yellow), clean, 20 cm long and 5 cm wide.

How to get to the Arzhan-Suu spring

You can get to Arzhan-Suu by car along the Chuysky tract (route R-256), the landmark is the 478th kilometer. Pass the village of Manzherok, go straight when the bridge to the Turquoise Katun tourist complex is on the right, do not turn away. The street market will also begin here, near the last canopy with souvenirs and there will be a source. In the midst summer season There will be many tourists around the spring, so it is impossible to pass by it.

There are often excursions to the place - as a rule, these are general Bus tours in Altai. The spring is also visited during excursions to the “Turquoise Katun” - a special economic zone where there is an artificial lake, recreation centers, an amusement park, and a ski resort.

Panorama of the source from the Chuysky tract:

Video of the source and souvenir market nearby:

What is so amazing and mystical about this spring? If you translate Arzhan Suu from Altai, you get “silver water”. You can learn about the healing properties of water from the legend.

Legend tells of a time when there were many deer (mountain deer) in these places. One day, one of the hunters, seeing a deer with horns of extraordinary beauty, began to chase. During the chase, he wounded a deer. But then something amazing happened! With the last of his strength, the deer reached the source and threw himself into it. Having reached the spring, the hunter saw that the wounds on the deer’s body had healed, and in a few jumps he disappeared into the thickets. The hunter's surprise knew no bounds. Going down to the source, he dipped dried grayling into the water. A moment later the fish swam away. Throwing the tanned otter skin into the water, the hunter saw that it came to life and swam away...

There is another legend about the miraculous properties of the spring

One girl, having lost her beloved, wandered the earth for a long time, trying to find him. Over many years of searching, she repeatedly washed herself in a mountain spring. And when she found her sweetheart, he did not recognize his beloved. It turns out that with every wash, the girl became younger. And by the time they met, he had aged, and she looked like just a child...

And it’s true that the Arzhan Suu spring got its name for a reason. This mineral spring, with a high content of silver ions, copper and other mineral impurities. As a result, it is stored for a long time without losing its qualities. And in terms of iron content, the water from the source surpasses the famous Borjomi and Essentuki.

For Altai people, the Arzhan Suu spring is a holy place!

Shaman trees with multi-colored ribbons grow near the source. The width of the ribbons is 5 cm, and the length is 20 cm. Thus, the Altai people honor the gods. At the same time, the color of the ribbons is only light: white and yellow, blue and green.

The miraculous source gives strength and health to people, animals and birds. And if you make a good, bright wish near a spring, it will definitely come true.