Big lake in Asia. Lakes of Asia. Largest lakes in Asia

Many lakes in Asia are amazing in themselves; for example, Lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world in terms of volume of fresh water. It would take all the rivers in the world a whole year to fill this lake with water. Another lake is also widely known - the so-called Dead Sea - this is one of the saltiest bodies of water on earth, moreover, it is located on the lowest landmass on our planet. You can also recall the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in terms of area on earth, which is why it is called a sea.

There are quite a lot of lakes in Asia, but they are all unevenly distributed. The largest number of lakes are located in Northern Asia on the territory of Russia in permafrost areas. Here, in numerous lowlands, where the permafrost begins to melt, a huge number of lakes have formed - today it is the largest network of lakes in the world. Here, in some areas, the area of ​​lakes is equal to or even greater than the total land area.

Many large lakes are located in the arid regions of Central Asia - these are the Caspian and Aral Seas, Lake Balkhash, etc. These lakes are residual lakes that were preserved on the site of once-existing large reservoirs, at a time when the local climate was more humid. For example, in the past, the Caspian Sea was connected to the Black Sea. And now it is an inland lake that lies below the level of the world's oceans.

Among the interesting residual lakes, mention should be made of Balkhash and Lake Lop Nor, which is constantly changing its location and boundaries.

There are also many tectonic lakes in Asia, which fill tectonic depressions and faults with their water. The most famous of these lakes is Lake Baikal, its depth reaches 1620 meters - this is the deepest lake on earth. Baikal contains 20% of our planet's fresh water reserves. Another famous tectonic lake is the Dead Sea, one of the saltiest lakes in the world. Tectonic lakes also include Lake Issyk-Kul, Tuz, Van, etc.

In the mountains of Asia you can also find lakes that are fed by glaciers, some of which are quite deep. For example, the depth of Lake Sarez in the Pamirs is 520 meters. There are also volcanic lakes in Asia.

In general, due to harmful human activities, as well as the spread of a drier climate in recent decades, many of the largest lakes in Asia, such as the Azov and Caspian Seas, Balkhash, as well as the Dead Sea, etc., are gradually losing their size and volume.

Largest lakes in Asia:

1. Caspian Sea - from 371,000 to 394,000 sq. km.

2. Aral Sea - 51,100 sq. km.

3. Baikal - 31,500 sq. km.

4. Balkhash - 22,000 sq. km.

5. Tonle Sap - from 2700 to 16000 sq. km.

6. Issyk-Kul - 6280 sq. km.

7. Urmia - 5800 sq. km.

8. Kukunor - 4583 sq. km.

Israel, Jordan

The Caspian, Aral and Dead Seas are only conventionally, according to tradition, called seas. In reality they are lakes. because are not connected to the World Ocean.

There are many lakes in Asia, the description of which uses the same term.

For example, Lake Baikal exceeds all the lakes in the world in terms of the volume of fresh water it contains, and the Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, the coast of which is the lowest piece of land on Earth.

Lake Manchar is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Pakistan and South Asia. The area of ​​the lake varies depending on the season from 350 km to 520 km. Maximum depth - 5 m

In the Indian state of Karnataka there is an amazing waterfall called Gokak. Karnataka province undoubtedly has the most beautiful waterfall in all of South Asia. The waterfall sends streams of water from a huge gorge, creating dense fog at its foot. The waters of Gokak are brownish in color. The waterfall itself reaches a height of 50 meters and a width of 177 meters.


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These are lakes that are located in the Asia part of the world. There are many large residual and tectonic lakes, as well as lakes in permafrost areas. The largest lakes in Asia are located on the territory of the former Soviet republics that were part of the USSR.

Many lakes in Asia are amazing in themselves; for example, Lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world in terms of volume of fresh water. It would take all the rivers in the world a whole year to fill this lake with water. Another lake is also widely known - the so-called “Dead Sea” - this is one of the saltiest bodies of water on earth, moreover, it is located on the lowest landmass on our planet. You can also recall the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in terms of area on earth, which is why it is called a sea.

There are quite a lot of lakes in Asia, but they are all unevenly distributed. The largest number of lakes are located in Northern Asia on the territory of Russia in permafrost areas. Here, in numerous lowlands, where the permafrost begins to melt, a huge number of lakes have formed - today it is the largest network of lakes in the world. Here, in some areas, the area of ​​lakes is equal to or even greater than the total land area.

Many large lakes are located in the arid regions of Central Asia - these are the Caspian and Aral Seas (which are in fact lakes), Lake Balkhash, etc. These lakes are residual lakes that were preserved on the site of once-existing large reservoirs, at a time when the local climate was more wet. For example, in the past, the Caspian Sea was connected to the Black Sea. And now it is an inland lake that lies below the level of the world's oceans.

Among the interesting residual lakes, mention should be made of Balkhash (it consists of two parts - one of them is fresh and the other is salty) and Lake Lop Nor, which is constantly changing its location and boundaries.

There are also many tectonic lakes in Asia, which fill tectonic depressions and faults with their water. The most famous of these lakes is Lake Baikal, its depth reaches 1620 meters - this is the deepest lake on earth. Baikal contains 20% of our planet's fresh water reserves (excluding glaciers). Another famous tectonic lake is the Dead Sea, one of the saltiest lakes in the world (its salinity is 260-270%). Tectonic lakes also include Lake Issyk-Kul, Tuz, Van, etc.

In the mountains of Asia you can also find lakes that are fed by glaciers, some of which are quite deep. For example, the depth of Lake Sarez in the Pamirs is 520 meters. There are also volcanic lakes in Asia.

In general, due to harmful human activities, as well as the spread of a drier climate in recent decades, many of the largest lakes in Asia, such as the Azov and Caspian Seas, Balkhash, as well as the Dead Sea, etc., are gradually losing their size and volume.

Largest lakes in Asia:
1. Caspian Sea - from 371,000 to 394,000 sq. km.
2. Aral Sea - 51,100 sq. km.
3. Baikal - 31,500 sq. km.
4. Balkhash - 22,000 sq. km.
5. Tonle Sap - from 2700 to 16000 sq. km.
6. Issyk-Kul - 6280 sq. km.
7. Urmia - 5800 sq. km.
8. Kukunor (Qinghai) - 4583 sq. km.
9. Van - 3700 sq. km.
10. Poyanghu - 3583 sq. km.

Which are located in the part of the world Asia. There are many large residual and tectonic lakes, as well as lakes in permafrost areas. The largest lakes in Asia are located on the territory of the former Soviet republics that were part of the USSR.

Many lakes in Asia are amazing in themselves; for example, Lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world in terms of volume of fresh water. It would take all the rivers in the world a whole year to fill this lake with water. Another lake is also widely known - the so-called “Dead Sea” - this is one of the saltiest bodies of water on earth, and it is also located on the lowest landmass on our planet. You can also recall the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in terms of area on earth, which is why it is called a sea.

There are quite a lot of lakes in Asia, but they are all unevenly distributed. The largest number of lakes are located in Northern Asia on the territory of Russia in permafrost areas. Here, in numerous lowlands where the permafrost begins to melt, a huge number of lakes have formed - today it is the largest network of lakes in the world. Here, in some areas, the area of ​​lakes is equal to or even greater than the total land area.

Many large lakes are located in the arid regions of Central Asia - these are the Caspian and Aral Seas (which are in fact lakes), Lake Balkhash, etc. These lakes are residual lakes that were preserved on the site of once-existing large reservoirs, at a time when the local climate was more wet. For example, in the past, the Caspian Sea was connected to the Black Sea. And now it is an inland lake that lies below the level of the world's oceans.

Among the interesting residual lakes, mention should be made of Balkhash (it consists of two parts - one of them is fresh and the other is salty) and Lake Lop Nor, which is constantly changing its location and boundaries.

There are also many tectonic lakes in Asia, which fill tectonic depressions and faults with their water. The most famous of these lakes is Lake Baikal, its depth reaches 1620 meters - it is the deepest lake on earth. Baikal contains 20% of our planet's fresh water reserves (excluding glaciers). Another famous tectonic lake is the Dead Sea, one of the saltiest lakes in the world (its salinity is 260-270%). Tectonic lakes also include Lake Issyk-Kul, Tuz, Van, etc.

In the mountains of Asia you can also find lakes that are fed by glaciers, some of which are quite deep. For example, the depth of Lake Sarez in the Pamirs is 520 meters. There are also volcanic lakes in Asia.

In general, due to harmful human activities, as well as the spread of a drier climate in recent decades, many of the largest lakes in Asia, such as the Azov and Caspian Seas, Balkhash, as well as the Dead Sea, etc., are gradually losing their size and volume.

Largest lakes in Asia:

  1. Caspian Sea - from 371,000 to 394,000 sq. km.
  2. Aral Sea - 51,100 sq. km.
  3. Baikal - 31,500 sq. km.
  4. Balkhash - 22,000 sq. km.
  5. Tonle Sap - from 2700 to 16000 sq. km.
  6. Issyk-Kul - 6280 sq. km.
  7. Urmia - 5800 sq. km.
  8. Kukunor (Qinghai) - 4583 sq. km.
  9. Van - 3700 sq. km.
  10. Poyanghu - 3583 sq. km.

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Caspian Sea

There are a huge number of lakes in Asia. The bulk of them are located in permafrost areas in Russia. Sometimes, when ice melts in these regions, the total area of ​​lakes is much larger than the land area.

Russia is also home to the largest lake in Asia, as well as the world. True, it has long been called the sea. The Caspian Sea stretches almost on the border between the European part of the continent and Asia. It was nicknamed the sea because of its truly gigantic size and salty water. This is a closed lake, with constant level fluctuations. The approximate area of ​​the reservoir is 371,000 sq km. The depth of the Caspian Sea reaches 1,025 meters.

Aral Sea

The lake owes its name to the ancient Caspian tribes who lived in this territory in the 1st century BC. e. There are about 50 islands on the lake. A total of 130 fairly large and small rivers flow into the Caspian Sea. Currently, the basin of the giant lake covers Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan.

Since 1820, oil has been extracted in the Caspian Sea and gas fields have been developed. This led to water pollution with oil products. In addition, the influx of dirt along with inflowing rivers and waste from large cities located in the coastal zone significantly worsens the ecological condition of the lake. Sturgeon poaching causes great damage.

The next largest lake in Asia is the Aral Sea, located on the border of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. About half a century ago, the Aral Sea was considered the 4th largest lake in the world. The large rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya flow into the Aral Sea. But, most of their waters are now used for agriculture. Therefore, the Aral Sea does not receive proper recharge. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to rivers, precipitation and groundwater, about 56 cubic kilometers of moisture entered the lake. The lake contained 1,100 islands, some of which were quite large. Previously, 20 species of fish lived in the Aral Sea. As a result of the lake drying out and the salt concentration sharply increasing, the fish disappeared completely. Since 2004, it has been a dead lake.

Lake Baikal

Another large lake in Asia, similar to a blue and rather narrow crescent, is located almost in the center of the continent. The area of ​​Lake Baikal is comparable in size to the territory of Belgium. This is a freshwater lake with amazingly clear water, the reserves of which are incredible. In spring, the transparency of the lake reaches up to 40 meters. The influx of water is carried out thanks to the Selenga River, which provides half the volume of moisture, and 336 small rivers and permanent streams. The only river flowing from Lake Baikal is called the Angara.

The maximum depth of Lake Baikal is 1637 meters, the area of ​​the water surface is 31,470 sq km. This is not only one of the largest lakes in the world and Russia, but also the deepest on the planet. There are 30 islands on the lake, the largest of which is Olkhon. Scientists are still arguing about the age of Lake Baikal. The official literature gives a figure of 20–25 million years. But some studies show results of only a few tens of millennia. If adherents of the traditional point of view are not mistaken, Baikal can also be considered the oldest lake on the planet.

These are not the only large lakes in Asia. But, due to inept management, all of them can become endangered, as happened with the Aral Sea. We should be more respectful of the gifts of nature.

There are many lakes in Asia, including the famous Baikal, which is rightfully considered the largest lake in the world filled with fresh water. The “Dead Sea” is also well known to many, having established itself as the saltiest body of water on planet Earth. But now we will talk about the largest lake in Asia, which is called the sea.

Caspian Sea

The largest lake on Earth is located on the border of Europe and Asia. Once upon a time, about 10 thousand years ago, the Caspian Sea had a connection with the ocean, but years have passed since then, as has the 75 meters of height of the water surface. The Caspian Sea has managed to retain typical “marine” features - salty water and a large area despite the fact that it has lost its connection with the ocean. Its length is about 1,200 km, and its depth is not less than 1,025 m. Perhaps this is all that remains of the once splashing Khvalyn Sea.

Excursion into the past

For the first time, a large lake in Asia, which is called the sea, interested Alexander the Great as an object of study. He even assembled an expedition, but, unfortunately, the researchers were unable to reach their goal - they were killed by warlike tribes of nomads.

But luck smiled on Seleucus I Nicator, the successor of the great commander. The researchers reached the Caspian Sea and learned a lot of interesting things about the sea.

Since then, many Russian sailors have launched their boats into the waters of the Caspian Sea. Trade relations were actively established. Merchants brought a lot of interesting things, bargaining with Arabs, Turks, and Persians.

Then came a period of calm, when the Caspian did not particularly excite anyone, until the Russian Tsar became interested in the potential of the sea. The first scientific expedition was organized by Peter I. Researchers, under the leadership of Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky, thoroughly studied the eastern coast. Of course, the information they obtained was not enough to draw a map of the sea, and subsequently, the king sent several more expeditions.

Caspian today

The Volga, Terek and other rivers also flow into the Caspian Sea. The waters of this large lake, which is called the sea, are divided between the coastal countries. The nature of the Caspian Sea is unique - there is a fantastic abundance of plankton. When the rhizosolenia algae blooms, the sea changes its color - it becomes yellow-green. The Caspian Sea is a piggy bank full of oil and chemical elements.

The waters of the Caspian Sea are rich in commercial fish. Bream, asp, pike perch, roach and other inhabitants live here. It was here that schools of sturgeon fish found their home. The sea accounts for 95% of all black caviar production. Many birds live on the coast - geese, ducks, cormorants, herons, flamingos, pelicans.

Scientists worry.

The water level in the Caspian Sea is falling inexorably. Judging by the data of the last century, the water level in the Caspian Sea was 2.5 meters higher than now. Several bays have already left us; as a memory of them, we are left with a salt marsh desert.

Lower water levels negatively affect the number of commercial fish. Many livestock farms located in the Volga delta were left without natural channels supplying water.

Scientists have been observing the behavior of the sea for a long time and cannot come to a consensus on what causes such changes. Opinions are divided: some say that the reason is the influence of tectonic forces. Others claim that the existing seas have an underground connection through which water leaves; others consider Kara-Bogaz-Gol to be the culprit.

Now scientists are actively considering another theory - global warming. It is logical to assume that since precipitation has decreased and evaporation has increased, the water level in the sea will decrease.

While scientists were wondering what the point was and were trying to implement some projects to preserve the life of the sea, the Caspian Sea presented a new problem - the water level in the sea increased without any apparent reason. Time will tell how life on the shores of the Caspian Sea may change.