How long does it take to travel from Evpatoria to Yalta. Distance from Yalta to Evpatoria: how to get there. bus tickets

With the help of our site you can get directions Evpatoria - Yalta both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google service maps. We are glad that our service turned out to be useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Evpatoria (Russia) to Yalta (Russia).

Distance between Evpatoria and Yalta

If you go by road by car, then the distance between Evpatoria, Evpatoria City Council, Republic of Crimea and Yalta, Yalta City Council, Republic of Crimea is 151.7 km.

  • Travel time

    2 hours, 45 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and meals

  • Fuel consumption

    at a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at the cost of fuel 35 rubles per liter

  • straight-line distance

    distance between the centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Road distance

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
Route start
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Evpatoria, Evpatoria City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
25 minutes - 22 km
saki, Saki City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 25 minutes 22 km
3 minutes – 2.4 km
Frunze village, Saki district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 29 minutes 24.4 km
29 minutes - 32.1 km
urban-type settlement Aeroflotsky, 59 minutes 56.5 km
2 minutes – 2.7 km
urban-type settlement Komsomolskoye, Simferopol City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 1 minutes 59.3 km
2 minutes – 1.6 km
urban-type settlement Gresovsky, Simferopol City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 4 minutes 60.9 km
1 minutes - 0.7 km
Beloglinka village, 1 hour, 5 minutes 61.5 km
6 minutes - 4 km
Mirnoe village, Simferopol district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hour, 11 minutes 65.5 km
4 minutes – 2.8 km
Simferopol, Simferopol City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hour, 15 minutes 68.3 km
9 minutes - 6 km
village Ukrainka, Simferopol district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 24 minutes 74.3 km
38 minutes - 42.7 km
Alushta, 2 hours, 3 minutes 117 km
1 minutes – 1.1 km
Vinogradny village, Alushta City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 2 hours, 4 minutes 118.1 km
4 minutes – 3.9 km
urban-type settlement of Massandra, 2 hours, 8 minutes 122 km
37 minutes - 29.7 km
Yalta, Yalta City Council, Republic of Crimea, Russia 2 hours, 45 minutes 151.7 km

Fuel Consumption Calculator:


We have selected several options for air tickets for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy a cheap flight ticket Evpatoria - Yalta or to another route, then follow the link.

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

    (SIP) Voznesensk → (ODS) Odessa

    Ukraine International Airlines

    (AAQ) Chemburka Farm → (ODS) Odessa

Train tickets

Need cheap train tickets to Yalta or Evpatoria? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

bus tickets

Need cheap tickets for intercity or international buses in Yalta or Evpatoria? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Yalta

  • Sevastopol, Russia.
  • Gelendzhik, city district of Gelendzhik, Krasnodar region, Russia.

Closest airports to Yevpatoria

  • Sevastopol, Russia.
  • Odessa, Odessa city council, Odessa region, Ukraine.
  • Voznesensk, Voznesensk city council, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine.
  • farm Chemburka, Anapa city district, Krasnodar region, Russia.


Need to find and book an inexpensive hotel in Yalta or Evpatoria? Our site has a convenient resource for online hotel booking. Just follow the link.

Last year I rested with my husband in the Crimea. First we came to Yalta, it's a beautiful city, we looked around it, but we wanted to travel around the Crimea and we decided to go to Evpatoria, we considered several options on how to get there. We decided to get there in the usual way for us by bus, but this option may not be suitable for everyone, so I will tell you about all the options.

The first way is by bus.

The best way to get from Yalta to Yevpatoria, I think, is a bus. It is convenient and financially beneficial. If you drive your own car, then you have to constantly think about where to turn and you didn’t pass the turn, while on the bus you can just relax and admire the landscapes of Crimea. Travel time 4 hours 20 minutes.

Buying tickets

As in every city, you can buy bus tickets at the bus station. It is located at the address, st. Moskovskaya, 8. At the box office you can buy a ticket and find out the bus schedule.

Ticket prices and schedule

Bus - Evpatoria runs daily 5 times a day, at 8:45 the first bus. It is advisable to buy tickets in advance, in summer there are many tourists and you may not have enough seats. The cost of one ticket is about 250 rubles, find out the exact information at the box office of the bus station.

The second way to get from Yalta to Evpatoria is by car

Another option for traveling from Yalta to Evpatoria is a car. This way of traveling is more expensive than if you were traveling by bus, but more comfortable, because you drive your own car, you can stop when you want and where you want. You will also save time, but financially it will be twice as expensive.


The distance between Yalta and Evpatoria is 155 km. The road, as elsewhere in the Crimea, is not easy. Travel time by car will be significantly less than by bus, only 2 hours and 20 minutes.


The only and most significant cost will be for gasoline. 1 liter of gasoline costs 38 rubles. Just need 15 liters. In general, the cost of gasoline will be approximately 570 rubles. As you can see, this is much more expensive than a bus ride, but it all depends on the number of people, if, for example, a family of four is traveling, then the cost of gasoline will not change from this, but the bus fare will be almost 1000 rubles.

Another option is a taxi.

For those who do not like to drive a car and use public transport, a taxi is suitable. From Yalta, taxis run in various directions, including to Evpatoria.

Where to order and how to order a taxi?

There are a lot of taxi drivers in Yalta, most likely not you, but they will find you, so don't worry, there will be no problems with this. Taxis can be ordered by phone or on the Internet, you can come to the bus station, there are enough taxis.


Taxi is the most expensive way to travel from Yalta to Evpatoria. Standard class costs from 2600 rubles, and comfort class from 3100 rubles.

The length of the road from Evpatoria to Yalta is 150 km. To choose the best road for moving between the selected points, you should use an interactive map. To do this, you must specify the point of departure and the point of destination. The route is determined by laying the route along the roads. For this purpose, the most high-speed highways and highways are used. The map shows the settlements that will meet on your way when driving along the highway between Evpatoria and Yalta. The Evpatoria - Yalta route suggested by the map is not the only possible one. You can make your way through the settlement of your choice. To get more detailed information about settlements and other objects on your way, you should use the zoom function. You may also be interested in information about the time required to overcome the calculated distance. The average time required to cover the distance between Evpatoria and Yalta is 2 hours 22 minutes. Many motorists are accustomed to using paper road maps. To print the road map Evpatoria-Yalta, you should click on the button with the image of the printer and get the map in the format you need.

Travel, what a capacious word. Hearing it, we begin to dream of some special resort town. We bring to your attention the following option: how to get from Evpatoria to Yalta? This article will become a guide to the surroundings of these wonderful cities.

Which transport to choose?

Before any trip, we weigh the pros and cons. But why is this happening? So that our time is spent only on rest, and not on extraneous thoughts and experiences. Therefore, when deciding to go on a trip, you should ask yourself: how to get from Evpatoria to Yalta, and then home? What is the best way to move from city to city?

Buses run regularly from point A to point B. This means that the flight that suits you personally is chosen. Modern buses are equipped with comfortable seats and air conditioning. You can take a taxi or rent a car. But, if you have your own car, then it will make your trip easier. Your vehicle will become an indispensable assistant with luggage.

You can take:

  • Tent;
  • fishing rod;
  • Brazier;
  • In the evenings on the seashore, arrange a holiday for the whole family.

How to spend your leisure time

The sunny cities of Crimea attract not only with a varied cuisine or the intersection of nationalities, but also with stunning sights.

You can go on a picnic with the whole family to the park or to the ancient palace. The kids will love the Yalta Theater of Marine Animals "Aquatoria". This place attracts with its special atmosphere. Trained animals will remain in the memory of your kids for a long time. To attend such a show is the responsibility of every parent.

As for Yevpatoria, it has its own beauties. There is a place that is sure to attract the attention of a curious tourist. We are talking about "Little Jerusalem".

This unique place where they live:

  • Christians;
  • Residents professing Islam and Judaism.

The culture created is strikingly different from other districts. Walking through these places, show respect to these people, because this is their home.

The beauty of these cities is like diamonds shimmering in the sun. Therefore, taking a camera or a camera with you, create masterpieces as a keepsake.

Shops, markets and cafes

Who among us does not like to go shopping or the market? Everyone loves this kind of event. It is especially pleasant to do this in the resort town, because it is here that you can find souvenirs, gifts and goodies.

Since they live in Crimea:

  • Crimean Tatars;
  • Ukrainians;
  • Russians and many other people.

Then the market has features from these cultures.

In the cafe you can order delicious coffee and take a break from shopping and bargaining. The staff is friendly and can suggest where it is best to relax in the evening with the family.

Try to keep money with you so as not to lose or become a victim of theft. Do not argue with the local population so as not to create a bad impression.

Where is the bus station in Evpatoria?

This station is located in the Crimea near Simferopol. The railway station connects them. You can also get to Evpatoria by bus, plane, taxi.

How often do buses run to Yalta.

Buses to Yalta run very often. Every two or three hours. From 5 am to 10 pm. There is no direct bus. But you can quickly get there by passing through Simferopol, the approximate journey is about two hours.

Trip features

And how to get from Yalta to Evpatoria? This is the question that will run through your mind when the time comes to leave. Use the timetable at the bus station or on the Internet. If you traveled by car, then this option is no longer available. It remains to fold your luggage and buy water and food for the way back.

To avoid long fees, it is best to plan ahead for how you pack your suitcases. Let the kids find their toys in advance and put them in a conspicuous place. Take the right amount of drinking water to quench your thirst under the scorching sun.

Yalta Evpatoria, how to get there? This is the question that may have bothered you in the beginning. However, the information above will help you choose your travel method. It will be an unforgettable vacation in sunny Crimea.

Specify the address of the starting and ending points of the route (the input form on the map is the field of the settlement).

To manually change the automatically laid route Evpatoria - Yalta, drag the marker of the start or end point with the mouse. If it is possible to lay another route, it will be rebuilt. Click on the route line for more information.

Move the markers to the desired location, and the values ​​will be adjusted automatically.

Evpatoria → Yalta by car: online navigator

To track your movement along the route Evpatoria - Yalta in real time, use the online navigator.

When building an online route, the center of the settlement of Evpatoria is set as the starting point, so you need to take into account your current location before leaving the track. The online route will also take you to the center of the village of Yalta.

You can zoom in on any of the points and then move the marker manually, or specify the exact addresses in a special form.