Fishing Bay of Love how to get there. Beach "Bay of Love". Bay of Love on the map of Crimea

Bay of Love

In the village of Rybachye there is an amazing attraction - a secluded corner of the Bay of Love, left over from an extinct volcano.


Not far from Alushta is the village of Rybachye. Tourists love it for its picturesque nature and the opportunity to relax quietly away from the noise of a large resort. There is an amazing place here where all lovers consider it their duty to visit.
The Bay of Love got its name due to its difficult accessibility and privacy. It is quite difficult to get to it - a thin path leads along slippery rocks. A breathtaking panorama opens up from above: a semicircle of a bay with perfectly clear water, like a separate little world for lovers.

Walk to the Bay

Love Bay is part of the crater of a long-extinct volcano, the small crater of which can still be seen at the end of the path. Its depth is no more than one and a half meters. The funnel is perfectly round, as if drawn by a human hand, lined with white stone.
The bay is closed on all sides by impassable high rocks, which prevents small waves from entering here. The sea off the coast is crystal clear, swimming here and diving into the depths is a pleasure.
A small strip of the beach is strewn with small and large stones; it is uncomfortable to sit and sunbathe here. Couples in love come here who believe that, having overcome the difficult road to the Bay of Love, they will seal their union for many years.
Descending to the attraction through the rocky chaos is quite dangerous. The slates slip under your feet and you can easily fall off and get injured. When going for a walk, you should definitely think about comfortable shoes that will reliably protect your limbs.
It is easier to get to Love Bay in another way - by swimming or on a rented boat or speedboat. The path from the sea makes it possible to see the creation of nature from an original side, which is not accessible to everyone. From here you can see the rocky chaos and surrounding greenery.
The bay is a real paradise for divers. Hidden under the thick clear water are many passages and tunnels, bizarre rocks and the remains of sunken ships. Here you can find amazing thickets of algae, large crabs and strange fish. All this attracts scuba diving enthusiasts and thrill seekers.
The Bay of Love is a worthy place in Big Alushta, where you should definitely visit when you come here on vacation.

Location on the map

They say that the unity of loving people is impossible unless they go through some romantic test together. It is quite possible that such a test for lovers will be a walk along the Crimean coast, namely to the Bay of Love. The spirit of romance simply hovers around this place, and local residents claim that due to the complex geological setting, only true lovers can get to it!

Geographical location of the Bay of Love in Crimea

The inaccessibility of this place is not a myth. Just look at the map or watch numerous videos of the Bay of Love in Crimea, and you will understand that it is not for nothing that local residents call the path to this harbor a test.

A small bay is located between the Crimean villages of Malorechenskoye and Rybachye, located a few kilometers from the bustling tourist town of Alushta. To get here, you need to try very, very hard, because there is no straight and smooth road. So, immediately postpone your trip by car - not a single land vehicle will be able to overcome a series of rocks and large boulders.

The only option to get there by land is to follow the tourist route yourself. But remember that this task is far from the easiest due to the rugged terrain of the rocks. Therefore, be patient, show skill, and also buy a pair of strong boots with thick soles.

If you do not consider yourself one of the daredevils and are wary of any risk, then you should take the easier route - rent a yacht or motor boat that will take you to the Bay of Love in a matter of minutes. Physically strong people can get here by swimming or rowing, but this happens less often.

Once you arrive, you will be generously rewarded with amazing landscapes, a magical seascape and a warm sea, which, due to the characteristics of the seabed, turns transparent blue in sunny weather.

How did the Bay of Love appear on the Crimean coast?

Not only the nature of this place and its atmosphere are romantic, but also the history of the emergence of a quiet haven for lovers. If you look at it from above, it is not difficult to notice that the outlines of the coast are incredibly clear and resemble a semi-oval shape. This is no coincidence, since the Bay of Love is part of the crater of an ancient volcano. The second half of the vent is hidden under water. The volcano has long been quiet, so it does not pose any danger.

What does Love Bay offer tourists?

In the vicinity of Alushta, the Bay of Love is considered one of the most striking attractions, so you should not assume that when you get here you will find yourself on an uninhabited stretch of coastal land. The legend about this place is very popular, so there is a high probability that other couples in love will be here with you.

By the way, due to the difficulties of getting here, as well as due to its relative privacy, this bay has been chosen by topless sunbathers. So don't be surprised if there's a couple of naked romantics in your neighborhood.

Among the resorts of Crimea, the Bay of Love is also chosen because it is an excellent place for underwater excursions. Experienced and novice divers eagerly go on underwater excursions, during which they can see the remains of preserved underwater volcanic rock, colorful inhabitants of the Crimean fauna and bright underwater vegetation.

There is another tourist attraction here - an underwater rock, which in its outline resembles the silhouette of a monkey. The Bay of Love was once called “Monkey Bay”. But there is another opinion about this name: people simply walking through steep cliffs look like monkeys climbing palm trees.

What should you be prepared for?

The Bay of Love in Crimea is not only a beautiful, but also a treacherous place. If you want to stay here overnight, be prepared for strong gusts of wind and waves that can reach the rocks. You can hide from them in a small cave above. It would also be a good idea to take firewood with you, since the sparse vegetation of this stretch of land is not suitable for lighting a fire.

Bay of Love is a small picturesque cove between Malorechenskoye and Rybachye in the Alushta region of Crimea. It is located almost under the lighthouse of the village of Rybachy and is its main decoration and dignity.

The bay probably deserved its name for its seclusion and privacy. Previously, this place was called Monkey Bay).

Love Bay (an almost perfect semicircle in shape) is part of the crater of an ancient extinct volcano. Almost directly below the path that descends into the bay, a small volcanic crater emerges.

Such a very neat, absolutely round, as if drawn with a compass, funnel made of impeccable white stone. It is about 2.5 meters in diameter, maybe less, and about 1.5 meters deep in the center.

Due to the fact that the edges of the bay protect it from small waves, the water is much cleaner and clearer than on the beach. The main inhabitants of the bay are fans of snorkeling. Underwater there are many underwater passages, algae, a huge number of crabs and fish.

Love Bay is a state of pristine nature with wild rocks, clear water and absolute silence a stone's throw from the noisy beach. Especially if you find yourself in the bay early in the morning.

If you are going there, and you should visit the bay, take your choice of shoes seriously; climbing a rock, and especially going down, in beach flip-flops is very dangerous. You need to go down along a narrow path, with a rock on one side and a cliff on the other.

The rocky chaos here is almost impassable, the surface is made of fine shale, which constantly slides under your feet. It is much easier to get to Love Bay by sea - by swimming or on a rented boat or boat.

It's worth visiting at least once.

If you are inclined to travel to places with romantic names, then the Bay of Love in the village of Rybachye is the coolest place you need to go to!

Romantics are attracted by the name - beautiful, gentle, like nature itself. The Bay of Love has an almost regular semicircular shape.

It seems that nature very carefully “carved” a curved line into the rock - smoothly and gently, knowing its future purpose.

Rocks and unusually blue, clear water, sparsely populated areas - this is what impresses and attracts people.

Bay of Love in Rybachye

She is located in the crater of a once raging volcano, and stone piles and rubble are the work of the elements. The semicircle of the coast is very beautiful from the height of the cliff top. But going to the water's edge along the rocks is a very dangerous path, since you can go down to the sea along the only rocky path that does not have a solid base - crumbs and rock fragments. And the cliff to the sea on one side of the path is not for the faint of heart.

By the way, a little earlier, this bay had a completely opposite name, and not at all romantic. She was called Monkey. Apparently, the brave tourists who conquered the slopes, caves, stones and paths of the bay were compared to monkeys - only impassable places are accessible to them. Another explanation simply does not come to mind...

There are, of course, daredevils, but it is best to sail here by sea, and then, if desired, all the stones, passages, exits, and caves are already in place.

The semicircular shape of the wall of the Bay of Love protects the cozy place not only from the wind, but even from small waves. That is why the water in the sea is crystal clear, transparent, every pebble and every blade of grass is visible.

In the bay, not far from the shore, a stone froze, also once a participant in the eruption...

He was chosen by young romantics. They say that if you watch the sunrise on this unusual stone, you will have a happy and serene life ahead)))

Diving in Love Bay

The Bay of Love is a beautiful place that attracts not only romantics, but also extreme sports enthusiasts. They feel great here lovers of diving and just snorkeling, in professional, and not so professional, equipment.

They are the ones who come from different corners to pamper themselves with the colors of the underwater world - after all, in such bays, under the stones spread out in the sea, fancy algae, fish, and king crabs feel comfortable. If you dream of snorkeling, there is no better place. And there are also a lot of all kinds of interesting sunken things, overgrown with a thick layer of “velor” algae over time.

But the surroundings of the Bay of Love also have their own extraordinary attractiveness.

Cheese rocks

Cheese rocks are not very common on our planet. Therefore, if you come to these parts, be sure to look and touch, take a photo for memory))).

Seeing these rocks, touching with your hands their formations, corroded by the wind and the salt of the sea air, you involuntarily draw a picture of cheese - tasty, porous, and full of holes))).

The place is beautiful, interesting, and unique. And in general, as stated above, rocks of this kind are very rare. Therefore, come and enjoy the Crimean nature, landscapes, sea, sunrises and sunsets. Admire and enjoy what nature has created.

How to get to Love Bay

Getting to Rybachy is not a problem at all. There are two options.

If you are leaving Simferopol, then follow to Alushta, and then, from Alushta, towards Feodosia, along the coast. The bay is located between the settlements of Malorechensky and Rybachy.

When getting to the Bay of Love from Feodosia, any shuttle bus going to Alushta or Rybachy will do. Immediately after Rybachy, before reaching Malorechensky, a beautiful and picturesque bay with a romantic name awaits you.

For independent autotourists we offer coordinates.

Have a good rest and enjoyment.