Train schedule at Balezino station. Balezino station: train and train schedule for the station. Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe

April 3rd, 2014

Balesino- a connecting station between alternating and direct current, located on the Kirov - Perm line of the Gorky Railway. Located in the village of the same name. The distance to Moscow is 1192 km. Nakhod station And lies exactly in the middle between Perm and Kirov, which are about 200 km from here.

To Kirov Railway electrified with alternating current, in Perm with direct current. In the future, it is planned to build a third track to the Pibanshur station, but with alternating current, which will be electrified to Izhevsk.
Here, locomotives operating in different current standards are replaced on absolutely all trains. Because of this, the minimum stopping time for passenger trains is 23 minutes. It is this circumstance that makes the Balezino station very famous for the majority of residents of Russia and the entire space of the former USSR. Many people came out here to smoke, buy food or buy a drink.

The railway that came to these places in 1899 was originally called Perm-Kotlas. It was built to connect the Urals with the northern part European Russia. Later it became part of the so-called Northern Passage of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which, through Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Vologda, connected Moscow and St. Petersburg with the Urals and Siberia.
Currently, it is along this course that the mileage of the world's longest Trans-Siberian Railway, which connected Europe with Pacific Oceans and it is along the northern route that there is the densest schedule of passenger trains heading towards Siberia and the Far East.

The station building looks quite modern. Was it in his place Historical building, or this is what it is, only rebuilt, I couldn’t find information about this on the Internet.

The intensity of passenger train traffic is impressive. This is an even, Asian or Eastern direction. There are so many cities here - Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Astana, Khabarovsk, Nizhnevartovsk..
From commuter traffic Electric trains run towards Perm and Kirov. To Perm there is direct current, to Kirov accordingly to alternating current, and to Izhevsk there is a commuter train with one reserved seat carriage and usually under the TEP70 or TEP70BS diesel locomotive.

Timetable in the European direction (odd), to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Perfectly renovated waiting room.

Trading near trains is an important sector of the local economy. After all, every train going to Balezino stops. east direction and judging by the thoroughness of the outlets, feeding and watering people on the road has become a legal, patented business among many local residents.

Retail outlets on the main platform. By the way, alcohol is not sold openly anywhere.

Views from the pedestrian bridge. By the way, it was these photos that were deleted after the arrest by security. But they were restored to me in a photo studio in the city for 300 rubles.
This is a view towards Kirov and Moscow. As you can see, the station is literally packed with freight trains, because 3 km from here there is still an eastern freight depot.

On the siding there is a train that has just arrived from Perm.

And a view towards Perm and Yekaterinburg. On the tracks there is a raft of 3 VL80S freight trucks ready for delivery.

View from the bridge south direction. The northern outskirts of the village are visible.

On the penultimate track there is a permanent VL11-631. This electric locomotive, consisting of three sections, is assigned to the TCHE-17 Perm-Sortirovochnaya depot, and the machine itself was produced in Tbilisi in 1985.
The Perm depot is simply impressive with the number of its assigned personnel. It includes as many as 303 VL11 electric locomotives and 61 modern 2ES10 "Granit" locomotives. The depot's operational range is very extensive and extends from the regions of Western Siberia to the Urals.

An ancient water tower that has come down to us from the era Russian Empire. There have been no steam locomotives in Balezino for a long time, except for the monument, of course, and electrification came here in 1964, when the regular one from Perm docked with the change that was pulled up from Kirov.

View north, to the side Station Square, the monument to the steam locomotive is clearly visible. Just a kilometer from here, behind that pipe, flows the navigable Cheptsa River, along the valley of which the Kirov-Perm railway was laid from Kirov (the old name of the city is Vyatka).

The locomotive, which was installed in honor of the railway workers who pulled up the Izhevsk - Pibanshur single-track line in 1943 in order to more quickly transport Izhevsk weapons to the front. Thus, the bridge between the northern and middle passage of the Trans-Siberian Railway was closed.

The same pedestrian bridge, the EC (electric centralization) station post is also visible. Just now I was detained by Russian Railways security.

Abandoned old locomotive depot.

Kirov "teremki" (ChS4T) standing for issue. These cars will soon again pull trains almost all the way to Vladimir near Moscow, Danilov station, which is near Yaroslavl and where there is a junction with the Moscow station, as well as to the Babaevo junction station, where there is a junction with the St. Petersburg station.

Perm electric train ED4M-0128. The train was produced in 2004, assigned to the PM-2 Perm-Pass depot.

And right behind it I discovered the permanent electric locomotives EP2K and ChS2, which had recently brought passenger trains from Siberia and were now driven away to lay down.

I didn’t expect to see the emblem of the TCHE-3 Barabinsk depot on them, in the Novosibirsk region. It turns out that the electric locomotives of this depot carry traction all the way to Balezino, which is 1,500 km from Barabinsk.
Thus, it turns out that the cars from this depot cover a huge region of Russia, from the Siberian stations Mariinsk and Mezhdurechensk, where the junction with the East Siberian and Far Eastern stations, all the way to Balezino itself, which is already in the Urals, that is, already in Europe.
There are 201 new EP2Ks and 89 ChS2 veterans assigned to the Barabinsk depot. ChS2 are gradually being taken out of service, replacing them with brand new EP2K.

Barabinsky "Cheburashka", as the old Czech electric locomotives ChS2 are affectionately called. Currently, cars made in the 60s are practically out of service.

ChS2-939. This car was produced in 1972.

Electric locomotives VL80S, which operate in a huge area of ​​the northern part of central Russia and the northern part of the Russian Urals. Traction is carried out from Vladimir, Danilov, Babaevo and to Balezino and Druzhinino (near Yekaterinburg). VL80 working on these arms are represented by Gorkovskaya and Northern road, from the Lyangasovo depot TCE-9 (Kirov city), TCE-6 Bui (Kostroma region) and TCE-11 Losta (this is the city of Vologda).

Vilnik from Losta

At that moment the cargo truck proceeded towards Kirov.

And these are the regulars EP2K and ChS2, standing for delivery for traction towards Perm, Yekaterinburg and Omsk.

Here, in contrast, you can clearly see how small the Czech “Cheburashka” is still compared to its modern Russian counterpart EP2K, which is being built by the Kolomna Locomotive Plant. By the way, the EP2K is slightly similar in shape to the TEL70BS diesel locomotive, which is also assembled at the same plant.

The EP2K of the first releases had such a bright coloring. Overall, it's a beautiful car!

An ambulance arrives from Siberia.

The traffic of passenger trains here is very intense, a real railway paradise for those who like to take pictures of the train or even just watch it.

Cars from the company "Krasnoyarsk - Moscow". A Russian Railways employee saw that I was taking photos and reprimanded me.

And this ambulance arrived from the European part of Russia.

And a freight train is coming towards him through the station towards the European part of the country.
On the first route, a commuter route to Izhevsk is formed.

Arrived branded train"Russia" Vladivostok - Moscow. This is a very famous train, in fact main train countries.

The train is equipped with brand new Tver carriages.

And another passenger arrived from Kirov.

Station houses.

Grouping point. A required attribute of any docking station. It is on it that the voltage in the CS + track circuit is switched. Each such point is responsible for its own section of the compressor station and track circuit, isolated from others. The immediate number of grouping points installed at each station depends on its size, the number of tracks, the number of parks in which switching is carried out and their length, and many other, smaller factors. For example, in Sukhinichi there are 8 such points.
At any docking station, two routes are formed - one according to the arrows, the second according to the type of current. At older stations, the energy dispatcher is responsible for preparing the route according to the type of current; at more modern stations, this process is automated. I don’t know exactly how the signaling is arranged at this particular station, but in Sukhinichi the situation is like this: additional route signs are installed at each traffic light. After the route according to the type of current is formed, the letter “E” lights up on the route sign. Moreover, this indication works both when moving (from the station input signal) from the Bryansk neck to the Moscow, and in reverse direction, but only for a locomotive arriving from the direction of the haul with one of the types of current. For a locomotive leaving for a haul with its “native” type of current, such an indication does not turn on. Drivers working on this side, you can correct me, but according to those with whom I had to communicate, in absentia, there is an instruction that prohibits setting the locomotive in motion, regardless of the traffic light readings, if this letter is not lit on the route sign.

In the depths you can also see freight trains waiting to depart towards Perm. Some of them are under the new 2ES10 "Granit" electric locomotives, which are more powerful than the old Soviet VL11, and they are also well suited for traction in the mountainous terrain of the central Urals. The Perm-Sortirovochnaya depot received 61 such machines in 2011 - 2013. It was scary to come up and take a photo of “Granit” point-blank, because Russian Railways workers in orange vests were scurrying around everywhere.

In the depths you can see the PTOL of the Balezino station, where I did not go so as not to test the patience of the guards.
What is interesting about PTOLs at docking stations is that locomotives of both direct and alternating current are usually parked there. You won't see this at regular stations.

Traction substation of the Balezino station from the window of the suburban train Balezino - Izhevsk.

  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Purchasing an electronic ticket on the website is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.

    After payment, to board the train you need:

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.

Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. The gateway software has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Purchasing an electronic ticket on the website is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train you need to either register electronically or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket You can do so at any time before the train departs at the ticket office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

On September 5, 2015, a one-day expedition was made to the Balezino station.
The purpose of the trip was to pick up a book written by my colleague from Udmurtia Anatoly Goncharov. She was left in Glazov and handed over to her parents best friend, so it was definitely necessary to go.
In order to combine business with pleasure, I decided, together with Pavel Domrachev, who is studying in Izhevsk, to organize trainspotting at the Balezino station. Convenient, cheap and cheerful!
Traditionally, departure from Kirov with the first Glazov train is at 2:38 am. I couldn't sleep the whole way. In some places I shot video from the car window

near. o.p. Begegovoy, Ardashi-Zuevka section

Driving across the border of the Kirov region and Udmurtia is one of the best moments in life and this should happen as often as possible
Our train arrived at the final station

06:28 am. Electric train ER9T-708 service No. 6374/6474 Kirov-Glazov and electric locomotive VL80S-1372

I need to come at 8 o'clock to get the book, I'll have to kill time

I'm going to the railway bridge

Electric locomotive VL80S-1564

Even direction

Electric train and various railcars on the side tracks of the station
The time was approaching 7 o’clock, which means in a few minutes the train will go back to Kirov

I run to the overpass to film her departure.
Then a short walk through familiar places of the city

Glazov Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko

I go out to the point. Freedom

Just different photos of Freedom Square
I get to the Russia House of Culture, and from there to Nikita’s parents. I sat with them for a little over an hour, and then went back to the station square.
I arrived by taxi in Balezino. Around 10:30. Meeting with Pasha
They began to "bait" the station with the regulars. The entire photo hunt took place in the western park of the station



Again 175 which moves around the station. We go towards PTOL


Of the non-local rolling stock, this was the one I wanted to see the most

Electric locomotives VL80S-836 and 2ES10-111

111 will attach itself to the train and later go to the Urals
Let's go to PTOL

As always, there are a lot of different locomotives here

2ES10 with third booster section

Electric locomotives 2ES10-037, VL80S-998, VL80S-727 and VL80S-634 at PTOL

No wonder this place is a favorite spot in Balezino

2ES10-037+2ES10-??? close-up

A few seconds later, suddenly something drove by from the eastern park

ABOUT! "Baby" VL60K-2479. Now it is becoming more and more difficult to meet them. After all, they have been in use for 60 years and will soon be decommissioned

They have long been excluded from cargo work, although I very rarely came across them with a turntable in 2015

Meanwhile, 2ES10-111 with a cargo one went to Perm

Krasnoufimsky guest VL80S-425 arrived from Lyangasovo and is now moving towards PTOL

2ES10-121 (3ES10) is moving towards us. Pavel was a little surprised because it was the first time he had seen an electric locomotive of this series

Look good together with VL11. After all, this is a change of generations. It is 2ES10 that is slowly replacing VL11

But they will still be traveling for a long time

A few minutes later "Mashka" arrived from the east

Haven't seen them here for a long time
We return to the station

Freight car

Another freighter under VL80S-1564 went west
We leave the railway for a few minutes

Railway station

Village center


Perm electric train
Climbing the pedestrian bridge

Station tracks for commuter trains. An empty path for our route (Yar-Balezino)
Being at the top, I immediately remembered the not so distant date of August 4, 2012. I was then traveling around the Balezinsky district and for the first time I went here from Kirov on an overnight train.

Balezino station 08/04/2012
Everything was different then: branded colors of electric trains, direct routes, operation of ChS2 electric locomotives. Now it's all history. Could I have thought that day that it would be the last time I would travel on the direct train Balezino-Kirov?
Since January 2013, routes were cut off at Yar station; fortunately, a year later direct communication was restored only from Glazov, but it did not reach Balezino.
I also remembered Emergency 2, for which I was eager to come here with great interest.

July 7, 2013 was the last time I saw the “old man” ChS2-557 with by passenger train. In January 2014, during the next visit to the station, they were no longer here. Operation of the twos ceased in the spring of 2014.
Then I lost interest in visiting the station. Instead, I chose to visit Igra and its surroundings. I was drawn here again after I was returning from Yekaterinburg on May 12 and during the previous expedition to Udmurtia, which took place from July 18-22...

A commuter from Izhevsk appeared in an even direction

Diesel locomotive TEP70BS-089 with commuter train No. 6454/6453 Izhevsk - Balezino arrives at the final station

On weekends and holidays from May to October the train consists of two cars. About 7-8 years ago there were at least 6-8...

A few minutes later, another VL80S freighter went to Kirov (Lyangasovo), which was ferrying the ChME3 diesel locomotive

And another cargo truck arrived towards us

Under VL80S-1590

Just a longitudinal power line

Railway station
The station has two attractions - water towers


In addition to photographing locomotives and other objects, we explored an abandoned siding located
in the station's western park

Most likely it was used as a shunting hood

There is currently no rollover

Hand drawn arrow

Dead end

Ways again

Everything is overgrown

No movement

And ahead you can see the tracks of the western park and the electric locomotive ChS4T

st. Lenin

We take it back to the station

Change from direct current to alternating current: our Kirov ChS4T-241 comes under the fast train service No. 011 New Urengoy Moscow

This handsome guy will go to Vladimir, and there he will change again but is a permanent
We go to the station. I take pictures of the train schedule:

Western direction

East direction

Returning to the platform

Diesel locomotive TEP70BS-089 and electric train ED4M-0228 with service No. 7154/6010 Balezino-Perm-2

The Perm dog will leave at 2 p.m., and the cuckoo will go to Izhevsk at 3 p.m.
The time was approaching 2 p.m., it was time for me to go to Glazov, and Pavel would return to Izhevsk for commuter train. It's time to say goodbye until better times. Pavel was pleased with the debut joint outing and wished that there would be similar raids as often as possible.
I get to Glazov in 30-40 minutes. I have a little over an hour and a half left.
I buy a ticket to Falenki at the box office

Water tower
The time was four o'clock, yeah the train will arrive soon

Electric train ER9T-713 with message No. 6412 Yar-Glazov arrived at the final station

Change of number to 6481/6381 and back to Kirov

The last photo from Glazov! Now most likely until next summer
I get into the carriage and from the window I notice the arrival of “Baby” VL60K-2479, which I photographed a few hours ago in Balezino
16:45 departure
Before op. Electric train ED9M-0129 flies towards Sada with message No. 6378/6478 Kirov-Glazov. So tomorrow I’ll go back to Kirov with it!

Arrival in Falenki in just over 18 hours. It's cloudy here and it's been raining. Autumn was coming. It's getting dark!