Feodosia Cape Chauda bus schedule. Cape Chauda is a picturesque training ground in Crimea. Why does the area attract tourists?

Cape Chauda is one of the most little-known places on the Crimean peninsula, and there are several reasons for this: during the years of the USSR, military bases and a space center for training cosmonauts operated on the cape, and the Chauda Nature Reserve is also located here, on the territory of which there are many species of plants and animals listed in The Red Book.

Geographic coordinates of Cape Chauda on the GPS map of Crimea: N 45.002967, E 35.834791.

Most of Cape Chauda Today it is the territory of a nature reserve and to enter it you need a pass, which can be obtained in Kerch. Mostly only abandoned buildings remained from the military units. The territory of the reserve is only in rare places equipped with a fence from the times of the USSR, therefore, while walking along the cape, it is not very difficult to get into the reserve itself. Today, Cape Chauda has several attractions worth visiting.

Chaudin lighthouse was built in 1888 year, after the tragic disaster that occurred two years earlier in 1886. The motor ship Orestes ran aground in winter, which resulted in human casualties. Since the time of the first settlements BC, these places were considered cursed, and mermaids lived in the coastal waters, who ran Greek ships aground.

Chaudinsky reserve Today, about 10 species of very rare plants grow on the cape, but the most beautiful and rare of them is the two-flowered tulip. This species blooms at the end of April, and collecting flowers and bulbs is strictly prohibited and considered poaching.
The ancient settlement of Kazeka is a small settlement dating back to the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The settlement has been little studied and its history is still practically unknown. Presumably in the 3rd-4th centuries AD, the settlement was burned by nomadic tribes, but archaeologists have yet to provide more detailed information about the settlement.

How to get to Cape Chauda

The easiest way to get to Cape Chauda is from the city of Feodosia, the distance to the cape is 64 km. From Feodosia you leave towards Kerch, before the village of Batalnoe you turn towards the village of Yuzhnoye, then Yarkoe and then along the dirt road you move all the way towards the sea. The best time to visit Cape Chauda is mid-spring; at other times of the year, due to the steppe climate, dry winds blow across the cape. If you are planning to visit Cape Chauda, ​​before the village of Yarkoye, turn to the village of Vulkanovka, there you can visit one of the rare places in Crimea -. The last activity of the volcano was in the 80s, but the eruption site can still be seen today.

Cape Chauda on the map of Crimea

Not all Crimean sights can be seen unobstructed. However, there are places where history is captured in every fragment. Although visiting them is associated with some difficulties, it promises the tourist a lot of new impressions. Mysterious Cape Chauda shares its special beauty and unique atmosphere with travelers.

Where is?

Even city dwellers can use modern navigation aids. Find Cape Chauda, ​​map will help you the fastest. The attraction is located on one of the shores of Feodosia Bay in the form of a protrusion of the Kerch Peninsula.

History of the Cape

Unusual Cape Chauda in prehistoric times it was located at the bottom of the fresh sea. The straits connected the reservoir with the Marmara and Caspian seas. The soil of the landfill consists of unique deposits, so in 1964 Soviet geologists recognized it as a nature reserve. Waves are gradually destroying the shores of the object. The last powerful blow was struck by the elements in 2004.

Old legends

During its existence, many legends have developed about the cape. One of them is connected with the reason for the appearance of the local lighthouse. Back in 1888, the steamship Orest sank near the ledge. After the shipwreck, the authorities decided to erect a marine “traffic light” on the shore, indicating the path for passing ships.

On the territory of the cape there is Cosmonauts Bay, so named because devices designed to lower astronauts from orbit to earth were tested there. It should be noted that the protected area is located exactly between the equator and the north pole, since it is located at a latitude of 45 degrees.

Reserve site

In the territory Cape Chauda There is a military training ground, which means that the path to the reserve is closed for civilians, and especially for tourists. But if you get a special pass in the spring, you will be able to enjoy the view of blooming tulips listed in the Red Book. True, picking flowers is strictly prohibited.

The site contains several archaeological sites. The most famous of them is the remains of an ancient quarry. Scientists began excavations, but work stopped, so tourists are unlikely to be able to see exhibits from the Kazeka settlement of the 1st century AD.

People inhabited these places in the Middle Ages. Archaeologists discovered ancient wells on the territory, from which the local population extracted water from underground sources. Scientists believe that people were attracted to the cape by its fertile soil, which produced rich harvests.

Why does the area attract tourists?

On Cape Chauda Feodosia Officially licensed hunters often come. The reason for this is the rich local fauna. In the spring, travelers can collect a hefty basket of porcini mushrooms in the reserve, and connoisseurs of antiquities will have the opportunity to discover prehistoric invertebrate shells on the coast.

At the end of spring and summer, local beaches become suitable for swimming. Tourists especially love to relax in Cosmonauts Bay, feeling like real conquerors of space beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Of the buildings, the most interesting is the lighthouse, the history of which has not yet been fully explored.

How to get to Cape Chauda?

It just so happened that Cape Chauda located away from public transport routes. You can get to it by car, moving from Feodosia along the E97 highway in the direction of Kerch. Near the village of Batalnoye you need to turn right - towards the village of Yuzhnoye. After 40 kilometers on the way there will be the settlement of Yarkoye. From there you need to move strictly south all the way to the cape.

Exact coordinates

  • Address: Yarkoye village, Leninsky district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.004499, 35.831951.

Although access to the cape is difficult, it is still worth at least trying to visit the attraction.

Where to stay nearby:

Coordinates: 45°00′17″ n. w. 35°49′49″ E. d. /  45.00472° N. w. 35.83028° E. d. / 45.00472; 35.83028(G) (I) Chauda (Cape) Chauda (Cape)

The height of the cape is 15-30 meters above sea level. A large number of different plants grow here, including orchids and two-flowered tulips, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The territory is also notable for the fact that rare bustards and little bustards, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, nest here, as well as the endemic bee Melitta Budashkina, included in the Red Book of Crimea. In addition to vegetation and birds, the cape is interesting for the fossilized remains of animal organisms that inhabited the sea in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era.

In 1964, on an area of ​​5 hectares, a geological natural monument of local significance “Cape Chauda” was created, and in 1972, on 3 km along the coast - a strip of 300 m - a hydrological natural monument of local significance “Coastal-aquatic complex at Cape Chauda” (90 hectares) .

Not far from Cape Chauda, ​​archaeologists discovered the ancient site of Kazeka. In 1888, after the tragic shipwreck of the passenger steamer Orest, a lighthouse was built.

Since 2016, the cape has been home to a maritime training ground for the Russian Aerospace Forces. Designed for competitions at various levels and for testing new equipment.

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  1. This geographical feature is located on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, most of which is the subject of territorial disputes between Russia, which controls the disputed territory, and Ukraine. According to the federal structure of Russia, on the disputed territory of Crimea there are constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. According to the administrative division of Ukraine, the regions of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city with a special status of Sevastopol - are located on the disputed territory of Crimea.

Excerpt characterizing Chauda (Cape)

Tikhon was the most useful and brave man in the party. No one else discovered cases of attack, no one else took him and beat the French; and as a result of this, he was the jester of all the Cossacks and hussars and he himself willingly succumbed to this rank. Now Tikhon was sent by Denisov, at night, to Shamshevo in order to take the tongue. But, either because he was not satisfied with just the Frenchman, or because he slept through the night, during the day he climbed into the bushes, into the very middle of the French and, as Denisov saw from Mount Denisov, was discovered by them.

After talking a little more time with the esaul about tomorrow's attack, which now, looking at the proximity of the French, Denisov seemed to have finally decided, he turned his horse and rode back.
“Well, damn, now let’s go dry off,” he said to Petya.
Approaching the forest guardhouse, Denisov stopped, peering into the forest. Through the forest, between the trees, a man in a jacket, bast shoes and a Kazan hat, with a gun over his shoulder and an ax in his belt, walked with long, light steps on long legs, with long, dangling arms. Seeing Denisov, this man hastily threw something into the bush and, taking off his wet hat with its drooping brim, approached the boss. It was Tikhon. His face, pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, with small, narrow eyes, shone with self-satisfied gaiety. He raised his head high and, as if holding back laughter, stared at Denisov.
“Well, where did it fall?” Denisov said.
- Where had you been? “I followed the French,” Tikhon answered boldly and hastily in a hoarse but melodious bass.
- Why did you climb during the day? Cattle! Well, didn't you take it?..
“I took it,” said Tikhon.
- Where is he?
“Yes, I took him first at dawn,” Tikhon continued, moving his flat legs turned out wider in his bast shoes, “and took him into the forest.” I see it's not okay. I think, let me go and get another more careful one.
“Look, you scoundrel, that’s how it is,” Denisov said to the esaul. - Why didn’t you do this?
“Why should we lead him,” Tikhon interrupted hastily and angrily, “he’s not fit.” Don't I know which ones you need?

These words sound like some kind of spell. But I hasten to disappoint: Chauda and Karangat are the names of neighboring capes, and Kazeka is the name of an ancient settlement between them. Few people know them: you sometimes hear about Chaud in connection with military exercises, or with a downed plane; almost no one knows about Karangata except geographers, but Kazeka is not even known to all historians.
- the extreme eastern part of the coast of the Feodosia Gulf. It is located 35 kilometers east of Cape Ilya, the westernmost point of the bay. Chauda has been protected as a geological natural monument since 1964. This is a low, flat section of the Kerch coast with steep banks, up to 30 meters high. Large slabs of durable shell rock successfully resist erosion by sea waves.

In the sands and shell rocks of the ancient sea terrace of Cape Chauda (twenty meters above sea level) you can see numerous fossilized shells of mollusks of the Chauda Sea. This is a unique outcrop in Ukraine, where marine sediments with fossil fauna were discovered. The entire basin was named after the only location in Ukraine of marine sediments of this era.

The desalinated Chaudin Sea existed on the site of the present Black Sea more than a million years ago. It was connected by the Manych Strait with the Caspian, and in the south, apparently, with the Sea of ​​Marmara.

In the vicinity of Chauda there is the largest population in Europe of the two-flowered tulip, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Local residents come here for the white Chaudin mushroom, which grows only on the territory of the cape. Alas, we must dispel the rumors that the mushroom was brought here by Catherine II and here it was grown to serve the imperial table. Oyster mushroom is really tasty - I had a chance to try it!

You can talk for a long time about the Chaudin “kut” (as the area with capes is called on the Kerch Peninsula), because there are plenty of attractions around. The salt lake Kachik, located near the cape, is separated from the sea by a sandy embankment.

On the cape itself, the Chaudinsky lighthouse and the Chaudinsky oyster bank fossil, wonderful sandy beaches and Cosmonauts Bay, where the first Soviet descent vehicles were tested to return cosmonauts to Earth, are of interest. But Cape Chauda is also interesting because of its geographical latitude coordinates: 45 degrees 00 minutes. It is through this point that the middle of the northern hemisphere lies. From here it is 5000 km to the equator and to the North Pole.

Photo by Dajv

Karangat- a small cape on which ancient artifacts were found. There was also a late medieval settlement here, as evidenced by a well in the ravine, the mouth of which was blocked by a limestone slab with a hole. The seashore in this area is high and is actively being destroyed by abrasion - most of the late medieval and ancient settlements have been destroyed. Fragments of handles from light clay amphorae dating back to the turn of the era were found in screes on the seashore.

Due to its inaccessibility, since there were military installations here, the southwestern part of the Kerch Peninsula remains the least explored area of ​​the Bosporus Kingdom. According to natural and geographical conditions, this region is considered the least favorable for life due to aridity and lack of fresh water. However, recently it has increasingly attracted the attention of archaeologists. And it turns out there is water on Chaud. And landfills are already history.

Entrance to the landfill
Photo by mail.cr

Groundwater accumulating in sands overlying water-resistant Maikop clays is associated with the deposits of the Chauda marine terrace. This aquifer is fed mainly by melt and rainwater and partly by condensate. Similar favorable hydrogeological conditions on the southwestern plain of the Kerch Peninsula between Feodosia and Cimmerik exist only on Capes Chauda and Karangat. It is with this circumstance and the favorable geographical position, as well as the abundance of arable land in the district, that the development of Cape Chauda in ancient times is associated. On the ruins of the former Tatar village of Dermen near Cape Karangat, in many abandoned farmsteads, Crimean archaeologists A. Gavrilov and A. Ermolin discovered limestone ribbed rollers for threshing wheat. This indicates the suitability of local soils for agriculture and the employment of the local population in arable farming even in the first half of the last century. And most importantly, near Cape Chauda, ​​archaeologists excavated ancient settlement of Kazeka. Where did this name come from? According to Arrian's reports in the Periplus of Pontus Euxine (2nd century AD) and Periplus (IV-V centuries AD), attributed to pseudo-Arrian, at the eastern end of the Theodosian Gulf in the 2nd century AD there could be a settlement called Kazeka. So scientists compared distances based on ancient measures of length and calculated the location of the city! Kazeka is an ancient settlement (late IV - early III centuries BC and existed later) on the periphery of the Bosporan state. Later, an early medieval settlement of the Saltovo-Mayak culture was located on the same site. The area of ​​the monument is about 12 hectares. It includes three objects: the remains of the cultural layer of the ancient settlement, ancient quarries and wells and the remains of an early medieval settlement.

The preserved cultural strata of Kazeki extend from the cape along the shore of Mayachnaya Bay. And on the Chauda plateau, between the cape and the top of Mayachnaya Bay, four ancient shallow wells were discovered, carved into the shell limestones down to the aquifer. And they are still in use today! All wells are pear-shaped, and only one of them has a rectangular entrance mouth. Dating the wells is difficult, but archaeologist Alexander Gavrilov said: “It is possible that, having been built in the first centuries of our era, they were actively used and were reconstructed in modern times.” It is also difficult to date the quarries - well-preserved developments of building stone on the shore of Mayachnaya Bay above the western cliff of the cape plateau, in which limestone-shell rock was mined. The construction remains near the lighthouse are also problematic for dating: fragments of ceramic containers from the first centuries AD and amphoras of the Black Sea type are mixed with modern garbage, including from a Tatar village located on the site of the lighthouse. That’s why archaeologists are actively conducting research here—we need to literally get to the bottom of the truth, to the depths of the ancient Kazeki.

Sergei Tkachenko, "

- a cape on the southern tip of the Kerch Peninsula, the eastern edge of the Feodosia Bay, a geological natural monument. It is a landscape and geological natural monument with an area of ​​5 square km. The height of the cape is 15-30 meters above sea level. The territory is also notable for the fact that rare bustards and little bustards, listed in the Red Book, nest here. In addition to vegetation and birds, the cape is interesting for the fossilized remains of animal organisms that inhabited the sea in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era.

In 1964, on an area of ​​5 hectares, a geological natural monument of local significance, "Cape Chauda", was created, and in 1972, on a 3 km along the coast - a strip of 300 m - a hydrological natural monument of local significance, "Coastal-aquatic complex at Cape Chauda" (90 hectares) .

In 1888, after the tragic shipwreck of the passenger steamer Orest in 1862, a lighthouse was built. The attraction of the cape is its Lighthouse, sandy beaches and Cosmonauts Bay.

Cape Chauda is also interesting because of its geographic latitude coordinates: 45 degrees 00 minutes. It is through this point that the middle of the northern hemisphere of the earth runs, from here it is exactly 5,000 km to the equator and to the north pole.

In the vicinity of Chauda there is Europe's largest population of the two-flowered tulip, listed in the Red Book.

Useful information for tourists: we recommend renting a one-room apartment in Feodosia

Local residents come here for the growing only on the territory of the cape. Chaudin mushroom. They say that Catherine II brought it here - here it was grown for serving at the imperial table. They say that the white Chaudin mushroom is the most delicious among all types of oyster mushrooms. The taste is not inferior to the porcini mushroom, perhaps even superior to it. It was brought specially from France for the queen, hence the second name Catherine’s mushroom. Under natural conditions, the Chauda mushroom grows in the Crimea at Cape Chauda. Recently it has been cultivated on an industrial scale. It is easy to grow and grows well on hardwood.

In addition to vegetation, the cape is interesting for the fossilized remains of animal organisms that inhabited the sea in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era. The area of ​​the protected area of ​​the Chaudinskaya steppe is 13,176 hectares.
A large number of different plants grow in the reserve, including orchids and two-flowered tulips, listed in the Red Book. The reserve is also notable for the fact that bustards and little bustards nest here. Not far from Cape Chauda, ​​archaeologists discovered the ancient settlement of Kazeka.

Kazeka is an ancient settlement on the periphery of the Bosporan state, later on the same place an early medieval settlement of the Saltovo-Mayatsk culture. Chronology: 2nd half, end of IV – beginning of III centuries. BC. – turn of eras – 1st half of the 6th century AD; VIII – 1st half of the 10th centuries AD; late Middle Ages. The monument is located on a rocky sea cape with steep banks. The total area of ​​the monument is about 12 hectares.