German school in Prague. Grammar schools in Prague. Admission to state gymnasiums and colleges in the Czech Republic

€790 / 2 weeks €1180 / 3 weeks €1550 / 4 weeks

Summer language course in Prague “German in the Czech Republic”


Course period in 2019: July August.

Duration: 2, 3 or 4 weeks.

Arrival dates:

  • for 2 weeks: 07/1/2019, 07/15/2019, 08/1/2019, 08/15/2019
  • for 3 weeks: 07/1/2019, 07/9/2019, 08/1/2019, 08/9/2019
  • for 4 weeks: 07/1/2019, 08/1/2019

Place of study: Language school MSM Academy, Prague or another MSM partner language school in Prague.

Training intensity

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, a city with an indescribable medieval atmosphere in the very center of Europe. Education in the Czech Republic is a combination of accessibility and quality, long-standing traditions and a modern approach. If you are looking for a decent place to study for yourself or your child, summer courses will help you get to know the country and make the right choice.

Prices for 2019

Cost set by MSM Academy, Prague in euros.

*Additional payment for accommodation in June 2019:
50 euros for a program for 2 weeks
75 euros for a 3-week program
100 euros for a 4-week program

About the program

Teaching is conducted using modern methods exclusively by native speakers. All training materials are provided directly at the training site.

Summer Prague is not only stunningly beautiful, it is full of cultural and sports life, musicians from all over the world come to festivals, museums open stunning exhibitions of famous artists, clubs invite the best DJs to perform!

You can also combine study not only with active recreation but also with travel!

The Czech Republic is famous for its unique historical heritage - it is a record-breaking country for the number of medieval castles preserved in pristine condition, many of them are included in the UNESCO Foundation. In addition, the location of the Czech Republic allows you to get acquainted with other European countries, for example, Germany and Austria, without long exhausting trips or expensive flights.

All children who will come in the summer for a 1-month summer course will have the opportunity to use unlimited services of the fitness center: gym, sports hall, swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna.

The entire program is focused on further successful admission to universities in the Czech Republic and other countries.


4 week program includes:

85 academic hours of German language classes, 4 hours a day, 5 times a week.


  • German language (theory and practice with a native speaker)
  • Additional opportunity to practice German in Germany and Austria
  • History of the Czech Republic (as part of the language course). Together with the teacher, students visit the topics of Prague, which they learned about at the lecture.

Upon completion of your studies, a certificate of successful completion of the course will be issued.

Cultural program

The International Union of Youth has prepared for your children the most exclusive summer holiday option for young people - education accompanied by active and eventful recreation.

  • Excursions in Prague
    • Guided tour of Prague - Prague Castle, Charles Bridge
    • Excursion along the Vltava by boat
    • Night walk in Prague
  • Cultural Events
    • Visiting a museum, exhibition
    • Visit the famous Prague Zoo
    • Swimming pool, beach
    • Visit to the largest water park in the Czech Republic
  • Trips around the Czech Republic
    • Trip to Karlovy Vary
    • Trip to Cesky Krumlov
  • Getting to know Czech universities
    • Visit to leading Czech universities in Prague
    • Introduction to the higher education system in Europe
    • Visiting universities for Open Days
  • Leisure
    • Visit to Jump Park
    • Rafting
    • Catamaran excursions
    • Sports events
  • Travel within Europe at extra cost
    • Germany: Munich, Dresden, Berlin
    • Austria Vienna


Students live in student residences throughout the course

Townshend International School is a boarding school in the south of the Czech Republic. Training takes place according to the Cambridge University program, which allows you to receive a prestigious secondary education recognized by universities around the world. For foreign students who do not speak English sufficiently, in parallel with their studies, the school also offers a one-year intensive language course. The safety of children being away from home, the high quality of education and the cost of education make this school the most attractive for foreigners. A prerequisite for enrollment in 10th grade is an IELTS 4.5 certificate.

Carlsbad International School is a boarding school in Karlovy Vary. Carlsbad International School (CIS) is accredited by the IB Diploma World School. The training program is designed for high school graduates and is aimed at preparing for the IB diploma (International Baccalaureate), which provides a guaranteed opportunity to enter the best universities. If the level of English language proficiency is insufficient, CIS provides language support to its students, which allows them to quickly adapt to the new language environment. The school accepts children aged 15 to 18 years (Grade 9 - Grade 12). The number of students in the school does not exceed 90, which allows us to ensure a ratio of students to qualified teachers of 3:1.

Riverside School is a school in Prague that offers dormitory accommodation to its students over 15 years of age. Like most English-language schools in the Czech Republic, at Riverside School the high school curriculum is divided into two stages: in Grades 9-10, students study according to the British IGCSE program (with the possibility of in-depth study of some subjects of the students' choice). In Grades 11-12, training continues under the International Baccalaureate Diploma program (also with in-depth study of selected subjects), which allows students to successfully prepare for admission and study at the best universities in the world.

The English International School in Prague is a day school in Prague, which is one of 43 international schools teaching according to the educational standards of the North of England. The training program is based on the British IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) model, as well as, taking into account the needs of foreign students of various nationalities, the IB Diploma program. EISP has been successfully operating in the Czech Republic for more than 20 years.

The Prague British School is a day school in Prague, which educates more than 900 children from 60 countries. The international environment and quality of the British education system give PBS students a good start in a fast-paced global world, allowing them to develop independent thinking and self-confidence, and achieve their full potential. The curriculum is based on the English national program IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) for Grades 9-10 and the IB (International Baccalaureate) program for Grades 11-12.

Secondary education in the Czech Republic

Education after 9th grade

Ideal for you if:

· You have completed 9 grades and have a certificate of secondary general education

· You want to obtain a certificate of completion of a Czech gymnasium

· You want to get into the best universities

· You want to be guaranteed admission to university for a free form of education

· You want to master the Czech language perfectly and fully adapt to the Czech Republic before starting your university education

· And you are ready to start studying at a gymnasium before graduating from high school in your home country.

Main program parameters:

Duration: 4 academic years

Number of teaching hours per week: 33 hours

The program provides:

· 4-year training at a gymnasium

· intensive study of the Czech language

· studying English, German and other foreign languages ​​as part of the gymnasium program

· preparation for state universities in the Czech Republic.

· The program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic

· Upon completion of the gymnasium, the student passes the “maturita” (similar to the Unified State Exam) and receives a certificate of complete secondary education of the Czech Republic.

If desired, a student can study externally at a Russian school in Prague and after 2 years pass the Unified State Exam and receive an additional Russian certificate of complete secondary education (additional payment)

Depending on which university the child plans to enroll in the future, starting from the 2014/2015 academic year, you can choose a gymnasium that most closely meets the needs and capabilities of the student. All gymnasiums were carefully selected taking into account the requirements of Czech legislation on secondary and higher education and legislation on the stay of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic.

1. Slavic gymnasium

Elective school of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University. Children from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Czech Republic study at the gymnasium. The gymnasium has a humanitarian orientation. Two compulsory foreign languages ​​(English and German), plus optional Latin and Spanish. Thanks to the large number of Russian-speaking students, adaptation to the Czech environment is easier. Upon completion, a certificate of secondary education is issued.

Number of students: up to 200 (foreigners - 90%)

Location: Prague 1

Language of instruction: Czech.

Cost of education: CZK 35,000/year.

Start date: after 9th or 10th grade.

: no (after 9th grade), A1 (after 10th grade), compulsory summer Czech language courses

2. Secondary school "Academy of Business"

An educational institution, upon completion of which students receive a certificate of secondary specialized education in the specialty “Economics and Business”. The goal of the academy is to prepare students for admission to higher education institutions, preparing specialists in the field of business economics, financial, construction and industrial sectors, in the field of international trade, as well as preparation for running their own business in the Czech Republic. The school has high technical equipment.

Specialization begins with 3rd year:

· Financial services (applied economics, management, accounting in the field of accounting, banking and insurance services);

· International trade (foreign languages, management, economics and accounting in the field of international trade);

· Computer science (information systems for business);

· Tourism business (law in tourism business, services in the field of congress tourism and resorts).

Up to 240

Location: Prague 4

Language of instruction: Czech.

Cost of education: CZK 16,000/year.

Start date: after 9th grade

Enrollment without an entrance exam based on the results of studying for the 8th grade.

3. Humanitarian and IT gymnasium EDUCAnet.

A specialized Czech gymnasium involves complete immersion in the Czech language environment and culture. On a competitive basis, it accepts only 6 foreign students in each class. The gymnasium has two directions - the humanities with in-depth study of chemistry, biology, geography (+6 hours per week) and the IT direction with in-depth study of English and programming.

The gymnasium has high technical equipment, operates using the e-learning system, and is an official SAMSUNG partner school. Has a specially equipped SAMSUNG class.

Upon completion, a certificate of secondary education and about secondary special education.

Number of students: up to 200

Location: Prague 5

Language of instruction: Czech.

Cost of education: CZK 27,000/year.

Start date: after 9th or 10th grade.

Czech language knowledge requirements: A2 (compulsory summer Czech language courses)

A secondary specialized school for preparation for state creative universities or a higher specialized school MICHAEL in the following specialties:

· Graphic design

· Photo

· Film production

· Interior designer.

Intensive study of English. At the end of the 2nd year, students receive an international certificate Cambridge English: First (FCE), popřípadě Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE).

Number of students at the gymnasium: up to 240

Location: Prague 4

Language of instruction: Czech.

Cost of education: 41,000 CZK/year.

Start date: after 9th grade

Admission based on the results of the entrance exam (creative competition).

Czech language knowledge requirements: A2.

5. EKO-Gymnasium Prague

Elective school of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy of Charles University. The school has an IES certificate and UNESCO school status. Mostly Czech students study at the gymnasium, about 15% are foreigners - students from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Macedonia and other countries. The gymnasium has a humanitarian orientation with in-depth study of chemistry and biology. Two compulsory foreign languages ​​(English and German), plus optional Latin and Russian. A small number of students allows us to approach each individual's learning individually. Upon completion, a certificate of secondary education is issued.

Number of students: up to 120

Location: Prague 3

Language of instruction: Czech.

Cost of education: 30,000 CZK/year (+3000 CZK one-time payment)

Start date: after 9th or 10th grade.

Czech language knowledge requirements: No

The center assumes responsibility for obtaining visas, preparing a package of documents, legalizing documents, and providing housing. EDUCATION- CZ, which, as an official partner of Czech gymnasiums, organizes:

· official representation of the interests of a minor student on the territory of the Czech Republic (a requirement of the legislation of the Czech Republic), including the extension of a six-month visa;

· assistance in providing emergency medical care to the student if necessary;

· organization of nostrification (recognition in the Czech Republic) of a certificate of secondary education;

· provision of accommodation on the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with the annex to the Agreement for a separate payment;

· transfer from the Prague airport or train station to your place of residence (one-time);

· assistance in registration with the Police for Foreigners;

· assistance in obtaining a travel ticket and connecting to a cellular operator;

· introductory program after arrival (brief sightseeing, information about strategically important places in the city, about the rules of stay for foreign citizens on the territory of the Chechen Republic);

In the Czech Republic, unlike England, Switzerland and many other countries, there are no boarding houses. The educational institution is responsible only for educational issues; everything else is the responsibility of the EDUCATION-CZ center. This means that they fully represent the interests of the child on the basis of a power of attorney from the parents in all instances of the Czech Republic in accordance with the requirements of the law, and also provide comfortable accommodation.

As in Russia, a child in the Chechen Republic has limited legal rights, in particular, he cannot be provided with medical assistance without being accompanied by a legal representative, he does not have the right to submit a petition to the Ministry of Education for recognition of his previous education, someone must represent his interests at the gymnasium, at the Ministry of Internal Affairs to extend a visa and at many other authorities, since children come for a long period of time and live here without their parents.

In case of illness, children must be accompanied to a doctor and all documents must be completed for the insurance company; in case of loss of documents, they must be restored in different authorities of the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, the child must be registered with the consulate, and the visa must be extended twice during the first year of study. On behalf of the parents, it is necessary to write official explanations to the school principal about absences, to attend parent-teacher meetings, to organize additional classes with tutors, to visit sports clubs, and to sign contracts wherever necessary. This entire amount of work is the responsibility of EDUCATION-CZ specialists.

Cost of servicesEDUCATION-CZ:

  • 29,000 CZK, including support for 6 months;
  • 36,000 CZK, including annual support, visa extension during the first year of study.

Paid separately:

  • 350 Euro - registration fee;
  • 7000 CZK - deposit for booking a hostel (counted against the deposit for possible damage, refundable after the end of the rental).
  • From 1600 CZK - sending original documents for a visa by express mail;
  • From CZK 9,900 - the cost of medical insurance with insurance coverage of 60,000 Euro (at the parent's choice) is paid and issued after receiving confirmation of a visa.
  • Accommodation.
  • 13,000 rubles - consulting services of the UNITY school.

Education after 10th grade

Main program parameters:

Duration: 2 academic years

Number of teaching hours per week: 33 hours

The program provides:

  • training in 3rd and 4th years of gymnasium
  • intensive study of the Czech language,
  • studying English and German as part of the gymnasium program,
  • preparation for state humanitarian universities in the Czech Republic.
  • the program is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
  • At the end of the gymnasium, the student passes the maturita (similar to the Unified State Exam) and receives a certificate of complete secondary education of the Czech Republic
  • The requirement for applicants is level of knowledge of the Czech language A1.

Before starting their studies, students are required to take a Czech language course.

Accommodation options for students 2015/2016

ResidencePlzenska (AiDueMondi), Smichov, Prague 5

The residence is located in Smichov- a residential area, in close proximity to the Andel metro station and the large Smichov shopping and entertainment complex with a supermarket. This elegant five-story Liberty-style building underwent a comprehensive renovation in 2011. . The building has an elevator , wireless internet, entrance only for residents.

The two-room apartments are fully furnished, equipped with a large kitchen with a refrigerator, washing machine and gas stove. Two single beds. The apartments are equipped with gas, water and electricity consumption meters. Cleaning - yourself.

Transport accessibility:

Andel metro station 5 minutes walk, to the center - from Andel metro station (8 minutes),

Cost Price (1 person)

2+kk “standard” 2 people 7000 CZK/month. +250 CZK internet (32 sq.m.)

2+kk “premium” 2 people 8000 CZK/month. +250 CZK internet (50 sq.m.)

2+kk “premium” 3 people 7000 CZK/month. +250 CZK internet (50 sq.m.)

2+1 (2 bedrooms) 2 people 9000 CZK/month. +250 CZK internet (62 sq.m.)

Prices include VAT; the cost of accommodation includes advance payments for utilities in accordance with consumption standards in accordance with the law.

Accommodation based on an annual rental agreement. The agreement is concluded upon receipt of confirmation of the issuance of a visa.

Dormitory Vlkovka,Prague 3

The hostel is located in the center of Prague 3, in close proximity to the Higher School of Economics, in close proximity to the EKO-gymnasium. For accommodation of students, 2-4 bed rooms are offered with a separate bathroom, but a shared kitchen; several rooms are equipped with a separate kitchen.

There is a reception during the daytime, entrance to the building using an electronic key is only for residents. Wireless Internet. There is a shared laundry room in the pimp.

Number of places – 50. Room cleaning – independently.

Transport accessibility:

Tram stop Husinecká is within walking distance of 3 minutes.

Tram 9 – Wenceslas Square center 8 minutes, tram.

EKO-gymnasium – 15 minutes.

Cost Price (1 person)

Single room 7390 CZK/month.

Double room 5300 CZK/month.

3-bed room 4460 CZK/month.

DormitoryVOLHAPrague 4

Student dormitory based at the VOLHA hotel.

The dormitory is after renovation, the rooms are equipped with furniture, a shared kitchen.

Rooms for 1-3 people, block type - shared shower and toilet for one block (2 rooms), shared kitchen on the floor, refrigerator in each block.

The hostel is located in a residential area opposite the EDUCAnet gymnasium within a 3-minute walking distance. It can also be recommended for accommodation for students of the Academy of Business.

Transport accessibility:

VOLHA bus stop in front of the hostel.

Metro (red line) and CHODOV shopping center – bus. 177 4 minutes,

center Wenceslas Square - bus. + metro – 23 minutes.

Cost Price (1 person)

Single room 4400 CZK/month.

Double room 3900 CZK/month.

ATTENTION! If utility costs and inflation change, hostels and property owners may change the cost. Accommodation contracts will be concluded at current prices at the beginning of the school year.

Secondary education is considered basic, having received which, every person has the right to choose the future path in his destiny. Having received a matriculation certificate, you can enroll in any university in any country or find a job. Today's article will be about secondary education in the Czech Republic, about general principles and nuances. A look from the inside.

Like most European countries, the Czech Republic adheres to certain rules in the educational field, which are fundamentally different from Russian norms.

In high school there is no concept of control and discipline. For example, students have the right to do whatever they want in class, even surfing on a social network using the free school wi-fi, while teachers, in turn, calmly and without nerves present the necessary material, not paying attention to the concentration of the public.

In addition, homework assignments are not given, which aggravates the situation of the weakened student. Of the ten subjects studied by schoolchildren in high school, four are seminars, which are chosen individually. The assessment system is also democratic - half-yearly, and in order to get a grade, it is enough to score only three marks during this period.

Now it’s no wonder why in high schools you can find 20-year-old high school students sitting carefree at their desks...

School discipline

Regarding discipline, everything is also loose here. No one controls their appearance and behavior during recess, which delights even the most decent children. Imagine the picture: informal people walk along the corridors of the school in their unique style, girls in flashy miniskirts with bright makeup, boys playing football next to breakable objects and no one says anything, everything is normal. Freedom. What else do modern youth need?

Despite the fact that in the Czech Republic it is not customary to celebrate professional holidays and give teachers gifts in the form of flowers and sweets, the connection between teachers and students is still maintained here. As a rule, teachers are quite open to helping students both in the subject and in general school affairs. However, in some schools you can often find hostility of Czech teachers towards Russian-speaking schoolchildren. It is expressed in ignoring the student, for example, the teacher may not give a test and explain this by saying that the test taker will only spoil the form due to ignorance of the language. If this happens, the humiliated and offended student has the right to contact the director, who will deal with his nationalist colleague.

Exams in Czech

Finally, let's talk about the most important thing, the exam. In the Czech Republic it is much easier to pass exams than in Russia, which, in principle, encourages parents to send their children to another country. The entire educational program lasts until April, and in May the “Maturita” begins - the exam that completes secondary education. It includes 4 exams, one of which is compulsory for everyone, and this is the Czech language.

In order not to fail the exam, you need to get a positive result on the state exam. language, which consists of two parts. The written part consists of an essay, and the oral part consists of text analysis.

The remaining three exams are optional. In case of failure, each student has the right to a retake, which will take place in September.

If in September the examinee fails miserably, he stays for a second year or returns home, for example to Russia. In the Czech Republic, there are no concessions in obtaining a certificate of secondary education, so you should weigh the pros and cons before making the final decision about studying for your children abroad.