Kiseleva Rock - description, photo, map, location. Who is Kiselev

Where is the rock in Tuapse?

It is found in the Kadosh forest park, 4 km northwest of the district center. A little north of the mountain - 700 m - there is another attraction - holidaymakers often visit it.

On the map, the Kiseleva rock is located as follows:

Historical facts of origin

Yours modern name she received it in honor of the famous Itinerant artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. The artist’s brushes and talent created such painting masterpieces of this area as

  1. "Outskirts of Tuapse";
  2. “Coastal rocks. Cape Kadosh near Tuapse";
  3. "Descent to the sea."

Near the mountain, on the cape, there was also a cottage of the genius of colors, which hardly survived after civil war. Today it is a picturesque, mysterious, natural wealth full of unprecedented beauty, striking the views of resort residents and tourists who come to enjoy this region. The uniqueness of this Tuapse attraction is added by the fact of its presence in the cinematic film of the famous director L.I. Gaidai.

The myth of tears floating over the mountain

Initially, the hill had a different name, which it received as a result of a legend that circulated on earth in ancient times. They say that there once lived a most beautiful girl, Guash, with crystal eyes, skin the color of roses and a nightingale's voice. Her family was wealthy, and she was a bride with a dowry.

And the mutual love of this wondrous maiden and the horseman, the groom Dysheek, was fulfilled. The beauty chose a courageous, hot and bold groom for herself, but the young man turned out to be a poor man. The father did not approve of his daughter’s choice, locked her up under seven locks and found a wealthy 70-year-old husband.

Having discovered this, the daughter decided to run away from the family and made an appointment with her lover on Mount Kiseleva. Dysheyek climbed onto his horse and galloped headlong to his beloved. Nevertheless, once at the appointed place, he was immediately detained by daddy’s servants. One awkward step - and quite by accident the guy flew off the cliff into the abyss.

On his lips only the name of his beloved was heard. Afterwards, Guash spent all the evenings at the cliff, but the love was so strong that she could no longer live without her lover and threw herself into the abyss after him. The waters buried them, and the hill has since been nicknamed the “Rock of Tears.” There is an opinion that in the evenings at the top you can hear that girl singing.

Kiseleva Rock as an object for an excursion

Smoothly polished, located on the Black Sea coast of the city of Tuapse, the Kiselev rock stretches between and the mouth of the Agoy river. Here the free tourist has the opportunity to take countless unique photos of nature. Its height is about 50 m, it is part of a forest park and is protected by the state.

Today, every year during the holiday season, boat trips are carried out from up to the hill named after Kiselev, accompanied by interesting, qualified guides. During a sea voyage, vacationers and simply guests are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of raging endless expanses and radiant lands.

Staying near the rocky terrain, in an incredibly clean and untouched environment, creates a truly romantic atmosphere. For lovers of tent life this perfect place, but for lovers of a comfortable holiday, it is better to choose beaches closer to civilization, since the rocky shore and coastal algae will interfere with enjoying the Black Sea breeze, rays of the sun and warm summer.

For those who prefer active and extreme holiday, this area is a storehouse of unforgettable emotions, breathtaking impressions and joyful walks. True connoisseurs of extreme sports practice rope jumping here, but there are also people who manage to jump from a cliff without insurance - this should never be done, the foot is not deep, there are a lot of stones.

Diving near natural beauty

To continue the amazing trip, scuba diving enthusiasts can dive into the Black Sea here. Unusual natural geological structure The Cliffs of Tears created a favorable diving environment. The base of the rock formation is made up of transverse layers of limestone, and together with small rocky formations, the illusion of immersion in a mountain canyon is created. Transparent and clean water, plenty sea ​​creatures, fish and crabs seen by vacationers will impress, outshine and surprise. Even ordinary snorkeling will be an equally interesting journey.

How to get there (get there)?

Getting to Kiselev Rock is not difficult, but only if you choose a car. In case hiking you need tourist dexterity to cover a considerable distance. You need to walk in a northwest direction from Tuapse – along the beach areas, and then through the wild areas of the “Spider” area. In total the journey will take at least 1 hour. You can also get here from.

By car you can get to the campsite with the same name as the mountain, where it’s easy to park your car:

And then go on foot:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Kadosh forest park, Tuapse district, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.113408, 39.032190.

Adding to the list of places to visit by boat, transport or walking to the foot of Mount Kiseleva in Tuapse, you will forever remember it for its unusualness, majesty and beauty. Ease of accessibility and proximity to the resort creates unprecedented comfort during your vacation. Little kids will love this wonderful place with its untouchedness, calm and clear sea and rocky beach. Finally, watch a short video about it.

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Kiselev's Rock is one of the main attractions of the Tuapse region. On Victory Day, after a walk around Tuapse, we headed to Kiselev’s Rock.
Probably, almost every Krasnodar resident considers it his duty to visit Kiselev Rock at least once.
Why is Kiselyov’s Rock so famous?

  • Firstly, it is depicted in the paintings of the artist Alexander Kiselev, who glorified the beauty in his works Krasnodar region and the Black Sea coast. The Kiselev Rock itself is named after him.

This is the picture.

  • Secondly, Gaidai’s most famous and beloved film, “The Diamond Arm,” was filmed at Kiselyov’s Rock. Remember the fishing footage when Nikulin and Mironov were fishing at the White Rocks? Yes, it was filmed here.
  • And thirdly, Kiselyov’s Rock is a very beautiful place, simply mesmerizing.

View from above

Beach at the Kiselev Rock

View of the nudist beach

How to get to Kiselev Rock

I know several ways.

1. Walk along the coast from the Tuapse beach, which is located behind the ship repair yard. The road is not very good (if you can call it a road) and walking in the heat is stressful. But for those who like hiking, it’s just the thing.
2. By boat. Several times a day, a motor ship departs from the port of Tuapse and takes tourists to Kiselev’s Rock. There you can go ashore, walk, swim and take photographs to your heart’s content.
The price of a boat trip to Kiselev Rock is from 450 rubles. Children - 300 rubles.

This is the ship.

3. By car. Literally two kilometers before reaching the city of Tuapse, you will see an unremarkable entrance to the right. You can clearly see it in the photo here.

You turn and drive. Soon the sign “Car Camping Skala Kiseleva” will appear.

You can turn here and stay at the campsite. Or you can drive further and you will also see another entrance to the right. We turned there. To be honest, the road is not very good. It’s better not to take risks in a passenger car and on bald tires. But if you are an ace driver or an SUV, it is quite possible to drive through.

We rode to the very end of the road. Then the road turned into a narrow path leading down to the sea. Here we set up a bivouac.

The descent to the sea is not easy. You need to go down very carefully, and not in flip-flops, but in normal shoes.

The view from the top from Kiselev Rock is amazing. But you also need to admire it carefully. One wrong move - and goodbye to the sea and the sun!

As you know, I have an extremely negative attitude towards “seal holidays” on the Black Sea coast. But last season I went there for a few days to show my beloved four-year-old child what the sea was after the mountains of Adygea. I won’t repeat myself about this hellish trip, but today, when it started snowing outside again, I wanted to show something summery and hot. The choice fell on Kiselev's Rock. This quite picturesque natural attraction is located four kilometers northwest of Tuapse, between Cape Kadosh and the mouth of the Agoy River. It is known largely due to the fact that the famous fishing scene from the movie “The Diamond Arm” was filmed on the beach near this very rock.

02 . Kiselev Rock in all its glory. According to various sources, the height of this “wall” is from 43 to 46 meters.

03 . If you look at the rock from the side, you can see that it consists of rhythmically interlayered thin layers of sandstone and marl. This layer of shallow marine sediments was formed in the Upper Cretaceous - 80 million years ago.

04 . The layers of rocks are placed vertically and extend towards Cape Kodosh parallel to the seashore, but not straight, but curved in the form of a giant arc encircling the bay.

05 . The rock is surrounded by rich flora, including 7 species of vines and up to 30 species of shrubs and trees, including Pitsunda pine. Kiselev's Rock, together with the Mouse Minks located 700 meters to the north, is part of the protected Kadosh forest park. The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares. The rock itself covers an area of ​​1 hectare.

06 . Getting to Kiselev Rock and swimming in clear sea water (at least relative to city beaches) is not so easy. First, having left the asphalt, you need to drive on a dirt road. More precisely on primers, since there are several exits and the condition of the road depends on weather conditions. However, in dry weather, almost any car can pass carefully. Next, you will have to pay 100 rubles per person and so much for each car to drive a little more, and then, having gathered your children, towels and beach umbrellas, set off for the extreme, crumbling descent down. Something near the goat path. No railings, just branches and tree roots. Only at the very end is a wooden staircase (visible in the title photo).

07 . But if the extreme descent down to the beach is compensated by well-deserved relaxation in the sea, then the tiring climb to the top, when you are wet with sweat, with dirty feet, torn flip-flops and an exhausted child under your arm, you get to the car to greedily share the remaining water in the heated in the back seat of a bottle, alas, forever puts Kiselev Rock in the category of dubious attractions. Yes, yes, I finally got one.

08 . But since we finally went down, let’s admire the amazing creation of nature a little more.

09 . Something like a circle of young geologists. While everyone else was swimming and sunbathing, these girls and boys were climbing rocks and breaking off pieces of rock.

10 . Kiselyov's Rock in "The Diamond Arm". Does everyone remember the scene when the boy walked on the water? It was filmed here.

11 . At the beginning of the 20th century, not far from this place there was a dacha of Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselyov, a famous Russian democratic artist and wanderer. In his paintings, he glorified the beauty of the nature of the Black Sea region, and on one of the canvases he depicted this rock. Locals as a token of gratitude to the artist, the rock was named after him, and in Tuapse there is even a Kiselev memorial art museum. But despite the relative inaccessibility, as well as the historical and natural significance, the beach near the cliff is clogged with garbage from “grateful” descendants. However, like the entire Black Sea coast.

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There are incredibly beautiful places near Tuapse, created by nature itself and very popular among tourists. One of these attractions is the Kiselyov Rock.

We went to her at the beginning of September last year.

It is located four kilometers northwest of the city of Tuapse, in a picturesque gorge between the mouth of the Agoy River and Cape Kadosh.

The height of the rock is 46 meters. A high rock with three sides of a light stone side juts out into the Black Sea. Its smooth facade is absolutely vertical and looks as if a sculptor cast it in a huge concrete mold.

The top of the cliff is covered with forest, and at its base there are rocky wild beaches.

The road to the rock is very picturesque. Magnificent mountains, winding serpentines...

Sometimes the sea could be seen in the distance.

The only thing that has always marred our trips to Tuapse is the wild traffic jams - both in the city itself and at the entrance to it... If you go there by car during the holiday season, you can immediately add several hours to the time spent in traffic jams.

Traffic jams at the entrance to Tuapse

There are several different routes to Kiselev Rock. I will tell you more about them in the next article. For now I’ll just say that we tried three of them.

Kiselyov's Rock in the history of art

The Kiseleva Rock is a natural monument of the Tuapse region and belongs to the territory of the Kadosh forest park, which is under state protection. The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares. And the area of ​​the Kiselev rock itself is 1 hectare.

Crimean and Pitsunda pine grow in Kadosh Park. There are also vines and even orchids here.

But this rock became famous not only for its unusual beauty. Her name went down in the history of Russian art.

It was named after the Itinerant artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselyov, who lived in these parts and was very fond of painting this rock.

Rock. Painting by artist A. A. Kiselyov

And now in Tuapse local artists are selling reproductions of the painting “Kiselev’s Rock”. However, in Tuapse on Platanovaya Alley they sell paintings by contemporary artists depicting the rock. They are in great demand among visiting tourists. As well as magnets with the image of the famous rock, which will be cheaper than paintings...

In the history of Russian painting, Kiselev’s paintings “Outskirts of Tuapse”, “Descent to the Sea”, “Kadosh Rocks” are known. And the artist wrote all this here. He first came to Tuapse in 1886, and last worked here in 1910. A year later he died.

There is a Kiselev Museum in Tuapse.

Kiselyov Rock is also famous for the fact that the fishing scenes of the famous Soviet comedy “The Diamond Arm” were filmed near it - remember those delightful scenes?

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the vicinity of the rock, at the dacha of the painter Kiselyov, the writer Maxim Gorky, the marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky, the writer Alexander Serafimovich and others lived famous representatives Russian culture.

Kiselyov's Rock. Vintage postcard

Modern artists continue to paint this amazingly beautiful place. Here is a stunning picture of our contemporary.

Stones at Kiseleva Rock. Painting by contemporary artist Vasily Zolottsev. 2008 Canvas, oil.

Beautiful, is not it?

Camping "Skala Kiseleva": nIf you go to the left, you will come to a rock...

At the top of the rock there is the campsite “Kiseleva’s Rock”, on its ridge covered with forest. The road to the campsite is dirt, with quite deep ruts. It’s problematic to drive here on a puzoter after rain.

On the road to the campsite there is a tree and puddles

Relax in this beautiful place, among the pines, it’s probably wonderful. But we came here just to look at the rock and its surroundings, since we did not plan to live in a campsite.

Entrance to the campsite is paid - 50 rubles (the price may have changed since last year). This is if you don’t live there, but just leave the car and wander around the surrounding area for a few hours. If you live in a campsite, then 150 rubles per day. There is a shower and toilet there.

The forest itself is very quiet.

From time to time there are huge fallen trees, as if a hurricane had passed through here.

Their huge spine-trunks with large ribs-branches look like the skeletons of dinosaurs...

Many trees are overgrown with lichen.

And some had vines growing on them.

And there are not only pine trees here, as throughout Black Sea coast, but also huge oak trees.

If you go left, you will come to a rock... However, if you go straight and to the right, you will also come to a rock...

From the campsite there are three paths to the rock. One of them leads to the very top, to the edge of the cliff (remember the photo - where the couple stood?).

The other - very sharp and steep - leads to wild beach with huge boulders, which is located on the northwestern side, to the left of the cliff, when viewed from the sea.

Going down this path with small children is unrealistic. Although for those who dare, there is a tightrope here.

And the beach there is good only in one way - there are no people on it at all. But swimming is problematic - the bottom is cut by sharp ridges coming from the rock and strewn with large boulders.

Although the views here are very beautiful. And just for the sake of a photo you can go down...

The third path is also quite steep. Although it starts off well and rather shallowly.

On one side there is a rock, on the other there is a cliff, and then a slippery stone path drowns in water.

This path leads to a tall wooden staircase that descends directly to the southeastern beach.

View from the stairs to the beach

It can be quite noisy here because pleasure boats and boats with tourists dock here. And music plays on the ships...

And this is another day, the ship arrived...

Yes, and tourists don’t just stand on the shore, but walk back and forth along the beach, take pictures, shout to each other, wave their arms and climb Kiselev’s rock. Some manage to climb quite high.

People on Kiselev Rock

Now find them again...

And romantically minded couples do not look for easy ways. They climb the path leading from the campsite to the very top of the cliff, and admire the sea from there.

People on top of the Kiseleva rock

By the way, the place is quite suitable for lovers. There is one legend about Kiselyov’s rock. Very sad. And, of course, about love... And also about the fact that you need to treat your loved ones more carefully and not give them exorbitant tests...

But about this - in continuation of our story about this amazingly beautiful place.

Have you been there? Did you like Kiselyov's Rock?


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Skala Kiseleva (Tuapse, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Kiselev's Rock is rightfully business card city ​​of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost vertical block of stone - an amazing creation of nature. There is also an ancient Adyghe legend about the rock: she lived here before beautiful girl named Guash. Her father was rich, owned almost the entire coast, and all the factories belonged to him. But the girl did not like any of the rich suitors: the proud and unapproachable beauty rejected them all. All except one handsome guy. The problem was that he was a groom.

Rock Kiseleva

The girl told her father about her intention. He was so disappointed in her that he eventually locked the girl up and in return got her a new groom, naturally a very rich one. The girl refused to marry a 70-year-old Circassian. And in the end, the groom-groom appointed a meeting on the Kiselyov rock: at midnight the horseman galloped here, Guash also came, only now there was a chase for his beloved. Therefore, he jumped straight from the cliff into a 46-meter abyss. Guash couldn't stand it, shed a lot of bitter tears - and eventually followed him...

This is the legend that explains the name of the rock: the Rock of Tears.

The Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the calling card of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost vertical block of stone - an amazing creation of nature.

The second name - Kiseleva - arose in honor of the artist of the same name, who immortalized this steep rock in his paintings. At Cape Kadosh you can also find the artist’s home.

And this 46-meter-high Kiselyov rock, seemingly cut off from one edge, was featured in the famous Soviet film “The Diamond Arm.” It is here that Andrei Mironov appears, surrounded by an aura of holiness, as a young boy who literally walks on water. Nikulin's son played the role of the boy - and, unusually, this is his only film role.

You can get to Kiselev Rock from the beach with the mysterious name Spider. You will have to walk over large boulders, and the walk itself will take about 40 minutes. Usually there are fewer tourists here during the low season, and the steep cliff offers an excellent view of the entire coast. Those who want to swim are in luck - near this natural monument there is a tiny beach where tourists like to pitch tents. From a distance, Kiselev's rock doesn't seem that big.