Sri Lanka vacation when is the best time to go. Best time to holiday in Sri Lanka. Weather features by month. Holiday season in Sri Lanka: when is the best time to go

Sri Lanka is a country in South Asia, on the island of the same name off the southeastern coast of Hindustan. From the time of the Portuguese invasion until independence, the country was called Ceylon in European languages. The island of Sri Lanka is characterized by a tropical climate, characterized by warm and humid weather. The temperature here stays around 30⁰ and remains virtually unchanged throughout the year. The climate on the island varies in terms of precipitation, so there are two seasons - the dry season and the rainy season.

The rainy season in Sri Lanka in the southwest usually begins in May and ends in November, and in the northeast it lasts from October to January. During these months, about 95% of the annual precipitation falls. But this fact does not mean that Sri Lanka is not interesting for tourists during the rainy season.

The rainy season in Sri Lanka consists of torrential, but short-term rains, which occur in most cases at night and do not overshadow the rest of tourists during the day. The only negative is the dirty and choppy sea. But this is not an obstacle to seeing the sights, going on exciting excursions or just sunbathing on the beach.

In addition, during the rainy season, Sri Lanka is attractive for its prices; most hotels provide vacationers with significant discounts; airlines and tour operators reduce the cost of services provided. A this fact, tourists simply cannot help but rejoice.

There are also a number of pitfalls when vacationing on the island during the dry season. It is generally accepted that during this season there are no heavy rains in Sri Lanka, but there is a possibility of zenithal rains, which occur in equatorial countries. Moreover, on different coasts of the island the seasons begin at different time of the year.

So when is the best time to go to Sri Lanka? In order for your holiday in Sri Lanka to be memorable and full of positive impressions, you should go to the southwest of the island in winter, and to the north and east in summer. Have a nice holiday!

Throughout Sri Lanka, a tropical climate prevails - humid and warm, the temperature difference throughout the year does not exceed 5 degrees, in the coolest place - Nuwara Eliya, 16 degrees during the day, 10 degrees at night. On the coast during the day it’s about 30 degrees, in the Indian Ocean at the resorts it’s 28-30 degrees. On the southwest coast, the best time for swimming, surfing and beach holiday period from December to April, in the northeast - from March to November.

The island is virtually the same throughout the island. The difference is made by the southeast and northwest monsoons, which hit the coast of Sri Lanka with storms and thunderstorms.

It doesn’t vary much between months, the temperature during the day stays between 25-30 degrees, the sea 28-30, the only serious factor is the rainy seasons with showers, thunderstorms and very high (up to 100%) humidity.

Sri Lanka in January

On the island of Sri Lanka, the weather in January is dry and hot, around 31 degrees during the day, 23 degrees at night, little precipitation, there may be light rains with thunderstorms several times, ocean water 28 degrees, sunset at 18 hours, most days are sunny and cloudless . The most successful month for a holiday in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka in February

February is the driest month in Sri Lanka. You may never get rain, daytime temperatures are about 32, night 23 degrees, water off the coast is 28. The most successful month for a trip to the island for a beach and excursion holiday.

Sri Lanka in March

In March in Sri Lanka it is partly cloudy, but there is much more rain than in February; during the day it can be more than 33 degrees, and combined with high humidity, it can be stuffy and uncomfortable. Overall a good month to visit Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka in April

In April, the rainy season begins in Sri Lanka, heavy rains, with thunderstorms, mainly at night, the sea warms up to 30 degrees. Not the best month for travel.

Sri Lanka in May

In May, the monsoon peaks in Sri Lanka, humidity rises to 99%, downpours with thunderstorms almost every day, the day is hot and stuffy, and there can be storms. Not a good time to rest.

Sri Lanka in June

In June, the monsoon begins to leave, the sea cools down to 28 degrees after the rains, rains are not as frequent as in May, but the stuffiness remains. Not the best month for a trip.

Sri Lanka in July

In July in Sri Lanka there is already much less rain, thunderstorms are rare, sea water is 28 degrees, during the day it does not rise above 31, there are many sunny days, a good time to relax in Sri Lanka on the beach.

Sri Lanka in August

In August, the weather in Sri Lanka is not the hottest and driest, 25-30 degrees during the day, which is the most successful period for a tourist from a temperate climate, with little humidity. A wonderful time to relax on the coast, the ocean is calm, the best time to travel with children.

Sri Lanka in September

In September, clear days in Sri Lanka are not so frequent; the monsoon time is approaching. It’s comfortable in the morning and evening, during the day the air warms up to 30 degrees, the sea is 28 degrees, and by the end of the month there is more precipitation.

Sri Lanka in October

In October, the monsoon peaks in Sri Lanka; it rains almost every day, often with showers and thunderstorms. There are practically no sunny days. During the day 28-30 degrees, at night 25-27. The humidity in October in Sri Lanka is at its maximum, very stuffy and uncomfortable. A very bad month for travel.

Sri Lanka in November

In November, winds blow in Sri Lanka, the ocean is not calm, there may be storms due to the departure of the monsoons. Rains are frequent, but not as much as in October. Are appearing more and more often sunny days, during the day the temperature is stable - about 30 degrees.

Sri Lanka in December

A wonderful month to relax. During the day it is partly cloudy, rains are no longer so frequent, the sea is 28 degrees, the air warms up to 28-32 degrees. Daylight hours in December in Sri Lanka are 11 hours and 37 minutes, and there are eight hours of sunshine on a normal day, the best month for vacation.

In any case, the climate of Sri Lanka for residents of temperate latitudes is a wonderful alternative to the Russian winter, the only problem is that there is no snow in Sri Lanka. Even in the rainiest month, you can find a sunny day for a pleasant walk along the ocean, or interesting excursion around the island with its unforgettable flavor.

In the video you can see a typical July day. This is how their rainy season goes. Sometimes it happens that there is no rain for weeks. And if they do happen, they don’t last very long. In general, you can safely go to Sri Lanka all year round.

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Tourists love Ceylon for its excellent beaches, comfortable service and mild climate. Many potential travelers are interested in what the weather will be like in Sri Lanka at a specific time period. The answer to the question is in this article.

General climate features

The climatic conditions on the island are determined by the movement of warm equatorial air masses. The region is characterized by: a stable anticyclone regime, winds of variable directions, and heavy precipitation. The average temperatures of the atmosphere and water in the ocean are stable throughout the year - slightly above +30 and +27, respectively.

The territory is divided into three geographical zones:

  • coastal lowlands occupying the largest part;
  • inland plains;
  • central highlands.

Meteorological conditions vary slightly between them.

The main advantage of the region

Monsoons have a decisive influence on the climate. They bring strong storms and heavy downpours, and their directions form the two weather seasons in Sri Lanka: rainy and dry. The northeast blows from October to March, the southwest from May to September.

The unique wind rose creates a special attractiveness for the region! The weather in Sri Lanka is literally never bad! When it's rainy season on the west coast, there is an influx of vacationers on the opposite coast. And vice versa.

Winter is paradise on the south coast

The tourism business of the southwest coast is the best developed. That's why many people consider this time of year velvet season. After all, it is in winter that the weather in Sri Lanka is distinguished by its moderation, the absence of heavy rainfall, and the calmness of the ocean. Knitwear is popular at this time:

  • Halle,
  • Wadduwa,
  • Hikkaduwa,
  • Kalutara,
  • Koggala,
  • Tangalla

And in the east at this time there are rains and squally winds. Thunderstorms here are unprecedented, endless streams of water fall from the sky. Even frosts are possible in the central mountainous regions of the country.

Weather in Sri Lanka in December

Considered the coolest. The thermometer rises to +27, +29. In the coastal zone, warm and short-term precipitation falls no more than 8–9 times a month, and this is where the main precipitation rushes. tourist flows. On the other side of the island, ocean storms reign. There are heavy downpours at night and there is a storm at sea. In the central highlands it is cloudy and cold, with frost covering the vegetation.

Weather in Sri Lanka in January

It is perhaps the most comfortable for a beach holiday. The air warms up to +31, +33. The hot resorts of the southwestern Riviera are Colombo and Bentota. The temperature there reaches +33, +35. The sea is slightly rough. Surfers go to the resorts of Negombo and Kalutara, where the wave level is relatively high. Bad weather on the other coast is at its peak during this period, the beaches are closed.

The length of daylight hours remains virtually unchanged throughout the winter in the region. During the day, the sun is mostly hidden behind clouds. The weather in Sri Lanka in February in the southern resort area is calm and dry. Air during the day +28, +30, at night +20, +22. The humidity level stays around 55 – 60%. In the northeast, endless equatorial downpours continue, often causing catastrophic floods for the local population.

Spring is a time for excursions and active recreation

In spring, the island becomes hotter and drier. The weather in Sri Lanka in March is formed at high atmospheric pressure. The air is heated to +31, +33. Short-term precipitation falls only 5–6 times per month, usually in dark time days. Colombo has a real “bath”: +34 in high humidity conditions. The beginning of spring is an ideal time for excursions; the risk of getting caught in tropical downpours and hurricanes is minimal.

Weather in Sri Lanka in April

Characterized by equalization of the climate regime. The northern monsoons are losing ground and are being replaced by the southern ones. During this period, the bright tropical sun shines on both coasts. The temperature by noon is +31, +33, with the onset of dusk it drops to +23. As summer approaches, weather conditions in Western resorts become worse. Air masses from the Arabian Sea carry heavy precipitation. The center of tourist life is moving to the east: Nilaveli, Arugam Bay, Trincomal. Here during the day +31, +33, at night + 24, the sea is calm. In the West during this period there is a real “sauna”: heat, humidity 85%, for two thirds of the month it pours from the sky like buckets.

Summer – high humidity and intense heat

Summer is an extremely controversial time in Ceylon. Strong hurricanes hit the southwest of the island. Moreover, they can continue for several days. The ocean is stormy, it is impossible to swim. But in the northeast there is peace and grace: +32, +34. There is little precipitation, atmospheric pressure and humidity are normal, and there is practically no rough sea.

In the middle of the year, the daytime air temperature does not drop below +32. Some coolness is observed in the Nuwara Eliya region around +22° C. The most popular resort during this period is Trincomalee. In the wide bay of the port town there is practically no rain and high waves. Monsoons are raging in the southern part of the island.

August is considered the low season. Rumors about bad weather conditions scare away foreign tourists. Really, West Coast not suitable for swimming, the elements dominate there. On the other side it is warm, sunny and dry, the air is warmed up to +33. Uses this successfully local population sunbathing on deserted sandy beaches.

Autumn – climate unpredictability

The off-season is relatively deserted on the island. The weather in Sri Lanka in September still does not allow the beaches in the southwest to be opened; the wind rules there and the ocean rages; the sun does not come out for days because of the clouds. In the east, on the contrary, there is no wind, calm, cloudless sky, +29, +31. Sunny days significantly predominate, 5-6 per week. The optimal time for lovers of secluded relaxation.

By mid-autumn, uniform weather conditions are established throughout the entire territory: +28, +30, in mountainous areas +20. The weather in Sri Lanka in October is considered the most unpredictable. By this time, sea winds in the west have already subsided, but have not yet arrived in the east. No one can predict where to expect the next tropical downpour or storm; the elements can overtake vacationers anywhere.

Weather in Sri Lanka in November

Not much different: hurricanes, gusty winds and thunderstorms occur with regularity in various parts of the country. Only towards the end of the month does a stable climate form in Ceylon. Monsoons move from the southern regions to the eastern provinces. In the south it becomes much drier, +28, +30. In mountainous areas there is a high temperature range within the daily range, from +21 by noon to +10 at night. Vacationers in the central region sometimes have to use heating devices to heat their living quarters.

Summing up

The analysis of the weather in Sri Lanka by month allows us to draw a conclusion about the uniqueness of the place: a unique eternal summer, stable heat, no sudden temperature fluctuations, warm sea water. And this is all year round! Small Island state in the Indian Ocean has always attracted tourists from different ends Sveta. And, apparently, for good reason!

The island of Sri Lanka is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a host of ancient attractions. Entertainment is entirely quiet and peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. Capital Colombo, waterfalls and National parks- everything about Sri Lanka: tours, reviews, weather, prices.

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The style of holiday in Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. There is hardly a more “leisurely” country in the world than Sri Lanka: here no one is in a hurry, everyone enjoys life - including the service staff in hotels (however, this does not apply to the top establishments - everyone there runs around in soap, to please the guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most of the activities. Noisy discos and smoke swirling until the morning are not in favor here, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecues on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. What Sri Lanka cannot please is its proximity to our vastness: the flight here is long.

In general, it’s very easy to identify a person who will definitely like it here. Firstly, there are few blank pages left in his not the first international passport. Secondly, he is either interested in world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or - a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and sea, to have a diving center and surfers' headquarters nearby. Thirdly, he will certainly glance sideways at your fragrant cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.

Regions and resorts of Sri Lanka


The country's currency is the Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), 1 rupee is divided into 100 cents. Current rate: 1 LKR = 0.37 RUB (1 USD = 175.94 LKR, 1 EUR = 196.85 LKR).

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the receipt received until the end of the trip: in this case, upon departure, you can convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, currency can be changed at any hotel and bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. We recommend taking US dollars with you for exchange: they are accepted in all branches, and in tourist areas They can be used to pay directly at hotels and various retail outlets.

You can pay in large hotels and shops credit cards, there are ATMs in almost all cities of the country. However, it is better to warn your bank staff in advance about your upcoming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, your credit card may be blocked at the first attempt to use it.

Hotels in Sri Lanka

Police: 133, ambulance: 144, fire service: 122.

The best photos of Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is an island state located slightly east of Hindustan. The waters wash him Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. You can go to Sri Lanka at a time when you want warmth and sun, but the weather outside is not at all pleasing.

Before you go traveling, you should understand the climate in the country. If we talk about tourism, then in Sri Lanka there is no such thing as an off-season: here you can spend your holiday comfortably in any season. The northeastern part of the island lies in the zone subequatorial, and the southwestern one is in the zone equatorial climate, and that is why weather conditions vary in different parts of the country. In general, we can say that the temperature year in Sri Lanka is quite even. The coldest month of the year is December, but even then the air temperature is around +28°C. The hottest time falls in April, when the thermometer reaches +34°C during the day. Throughout the year, the night temperature does not fall below +18°C, and the average water temperature throughout the year is +26°C. In cities, the heat is quite difficult to bear, but on the coast it blows light breeze, thanks to which the rest becomes comfortable.

Despite the fact that the tourist season in the country lasts throughout the year, there are still some nuances that travelers need to take into account.

The main thing that tourists who decide to go to Sri Lanka should take into account is rain season, which occurs differently in different regions of the country. Most deposits fall in the South-West islands. They are brought at the end of May by the southwest monsoon, which continues to blow until the end of September. It is the period from May to September in the western part of the country is called the rainy season.

Precipitation is also possible in October, and already In November The northeast monsoon arrives in Sri Lanka, bringing rain throughout the country.

The most suitable time for a holiday in the southwest of the island is from November to April, when there is moderate rainfall. Temperatures in this part of the island are always high.

Northeastern subequatorial territories are characterized by a drier climate. The minimum amount of precipitation falls here from October to January. However peak tourist season falls on summer months when the most favorable temperatures are established.

– this is a mountainous island, so it is necessary to separately say about the weather conditions in mountainous areas. Here the average air temperature is lower than in low-lying areas, and in January the average temperature is about +14°C. This region includes popular city Sri Lanka Nuwara Eliya. In addition, more intense rainfall is observed in the mountains

You can relax in Sri Lanka at any time of the year, since showers mainly occur at night and are short-lived, so they cannot ruin your vacation. From December to April best to come to southwest coast, from May to Novemberto the east. Resorts in Sri Lanka are especially popular during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.