The largest aircraft carrier in the world characteristics. The most grandiose aircraft carriers in the world

Wars have always been the “locomotive of progress”! A funny paradox - all scientific potential was used to create means of their own destruction, which ultimately contributed to a giant leap in the development of mankind.


Sometimes a person invented another type of weapon, which he could use tactically and strategically only years later. For example, this happened with a tank, an airplane, a submarine and... an aircraft carrier.

Some believe that the "history of aircraft carriers" began with Eugene Ely's legendary flight when he landed on the USS Pennsylvania. And some - from the day when ArkRoyal took part in the Dardanelles operation. And although there were only seaplanes on board, historians consider this ship to be the world's first aircraft carrier to take part in hostilities.

In any case, humanity received a completely new military tool, which it would have to really use decades later.

Excursion into history

At the very beginning of their appearance, aircraft carriers were not actively used. After all, the combat potential of the aircraft as the main carrier of weapons has not yet been fully revealed. The First World War seemed to have buried the still fragile child forever. And although this class of ships continued to develop between the two world wars, none of the states even thought about giving the palm of supremacy at sea to an aircraft-carrying ship. Battleships and battlecruisers ruled the roost. Having powerful artillery, the caliber of which could exceed 400 mm, they were a powerful means of destruction.

During the Second World War, such giants as Bismarck and Richelieu, Yamato and Iowa were launched.

The first alarm bells for battleships came in November 1940 and December 1941. In the first case, an attack by British carrier-based aircraft on the Italian battlefleet allowed Great Britain to seize the initiative in the Mediterranean. In the second, the devastating Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor completely destroyed the American battle fleet. After the end of the Battle of Midway in June 1942, it became clear that only aircraft carriers could ensure dominance on the high seas.

The final nail in the coffin of battleships was hammered on April 7, 1945, when US carrier-based aircraft simply tore apart the largest battleship in history, the Yamato. Two hundred aircraft in two hours inflicted mortal wounds on the “pride of the Japanese fleet.” Having been hit by 10 torpedoes and 13 aerial bombs, the battleship took over 3,000 sailors with it to the bottom.

Eugene Ely takes off from the deck of the USS Pennsylvania on January 18, 1911.

During World War II, aircraft carriers developed rapidly, performing a wide range of missions. Separate classes of aircraft carriers appeared: heavy, light, escort, auxiliary, training, etc.

The escort aircraft carrier was intended for air and anti-submarine defense of convoys and reconnaissance. It had a displacement of up to 24 thousand tons and a speed of up to 20 knots (37 km/h). Armament: 25–30 aircraft, up to 50 anti-aircraft guns. Crew up to 1000 people. Most of the escort aircraft carriers were converted from transport ships that did not have armor.

The light aircraft carrier was intended for air defense of formations of warships, convoys, landing detachments, destruction of enemy ships (vessels) at sea, and air support for amphibious assault forces. It had a displacement of up to 20 thousand tons and a speed of up to 32 knots (59 km/h). Armament: up to 50 aircraft, about 70 anti-aircraft guns. Crew up to 1400 people.

The heavy aircraft carrier was intended to defeat (destroy) formations of enemy warships, transports and landing craft, and to gain air superiority in the combat area. It had a displacement of up to 55 thousand tons and a speed of up to 33 knots (61 km/h). Armament: up to 100 aircraft, up to 12 guns of up to 200 mm caliber and up to 120 small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Crew up to 4000 people.

During the war, 194 aircraft carriers were built, a significant part of which were converted from previously laid down battleships, cruisers and transport ships. Almost every fifth one was sunk.

In the post-war period, most maritime powers began to massively decommission their warships, getting rid of battleships, aircraft carriers and cruisers. Great Britain finally lost its status as a great maritime power, and Japan could not even dream of its former greatness. Only the Americans had a powerful aircraft carrier fleet; they were in no hurry to destroy it. Moreover, strategists at the Pentagon continued to actively develop this type of ship.

The entry into service of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Enterprise in 1961 ushered in a new era in aircraft carrier development. At that time, it was the largest surface ship in the entire history of the fleet with almost unlimited navigation autonomy. This year can safely be considered the year of birth of the US nuclear aircraft carrier fleet.

Aircraft carrier "Enterprise" with a nuclear power plant

Over the past seventy years, aircraft carriers have actively participated in many local wars. These are the wars in Korea and Vietnam, the Falklands Crisis, Operation Desert Storm, the bombing of Belgrade, etc.

The aircraft carrier has evolved and become a universal combat platform, deadly for a potential enemy. Availability of different types on board aircraft allows the aircraft carrier to perform many combat missions. This is the search and destruction of enemy aircraft, submarines and ships, landing troops on the coast and launching missile and bomb attacks on coastal targets and in depth. Before the advent of strategic nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers even carried bombers with nuclear weapons. Aircraft carriers were an integral tool in the US strategy to destroy the USSR.

Ship structure

A modern aircraft carrier is, in my opinion, the most complex type of weapon to date.

Aircraft carriers are the world's largest and technically very complex warships in the history of mankind. To imagine the enormity and uniqueness of such a “technical monster”, here are a few numbers (the Nimitz aircraft carrier is taken as an example):

— the construction of an aircraft carrier requires 60,000 tons of steel and 1,360 tons of filler materials;
the ship has more than 4,000 rooms for various purposes;
— a nuclear power plant consisting of two pressurized water reactors of type A4W/A1G drives four steam turbines with a total power of 280,000 hp;
— the mass of the propeller (there are four of them on the ship) is almost 3 tons, and each of the two anchors is 30 tons;
— flight deck area 18,200 sq. m;
— the ship has four steam catapults weighing 180 tons, allowing for trouble-free takeoff of combat aircraft whose weight reaches 40–43 tons, with an acceleration speed of up to 300 km/h;
— total mass of ammunition 2000 tons;
— crew of 6,000 people (including staff, air wing maintenance and field headquarters).
Creating such a ship requires enormous financial and labor costs.

The cost of the US Navy aircraft carrier George W. Bush (the last in the Nimitz class series) is estimated at 6.5 billion dollars (at 2009 prices), and the French Charles de Gaulle - 3.3 billion (at 2001 prices year). The new aircraft carrier Gerald Ford will cost American taxpayers $14 billion, and the Queen Elizabeth will cost English taxpayers £6.5 billion. And this does not include the cost of an air wing.

The lead aircraft carrier usually takes 6–7 years to build. This is the optimal period, provided that the shipbuilder receives the final approved design documentation and has extensive experience in building similar ships.

The last condition is very important. For example, Northrop Grumman, founded in 1886, is one of the largest shipbuilding companies in the United States and one of two (General Dynamics) companies producing nuclear-powered ships. The first aircraft carrier, the CV-4 Ranger, was built at this shipyard in 1934. The shipyard has built a total of 30 aircraft carriers, including all 11 US nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, starting with the CVN-65 Enterprise in 1961.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main obvious advantages of aircraft-carrying ships are: high combat potential, versatility and high mobility.

High combat potential expressed in a large and varied number of weapons. AUGs are capable of delivering strikes in depth: against sea targets - up to 1000 km, against coastal targets up to 1600 km.

The ship's versatility lies in the aircraft carrier's ability to perform a wide range of missions. Let us list the main ones: the destruction of enemy naval groups in naval theaters of military operations; striking targets located on the sea coast and deep in enemy territory; air cover and support for landing forces and ground forces operating in the coastal zone; gaining and maintaining air superiority in the area of ​​operation; providing air defense for ships, landing troops, large convoys on sea crossings, blockade of the enemy's coast; conducting aerial tactical reconnaissance; landing on the coast.

Aircraft carrier mobility lies in the ability to deploy a large aviation group in the shortest possible time. The ability to make daily throws of 1000 km is impressive.

The obvious disadvantage of an aircraft carrier is its low degree of stealth. The uniqueness of this ship is not only its blessing, but also its curse. When launching missile and torpedo strikes, the aircraft carrier will always be a priority target for the enemy. The times when an aircraft-carrying ship performed a solo voyage are forever gone; it must always be protected by escort ships.

The versatility of an aircraft-carrying ship also has a negative side.. On board are thousands of tons of fuel and ammunition. It's essentially a powder keg traveling at 30 knots. And although experts claim that the survivability control system on modern aircraft-carrying ships is very reliable, this can only be verified in the event of real combat operations.

Aircraft carrier accident rate

The accident on the attack aircraft carrier USS Forrestal (CV-59), which occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1967, is the largest accident in the US Navy in the last 50 years. According to the official conclusion, the fire started after the spontaneous launch of an unguided rocket under the influence of an accidental voltage surge in the circuits of one of the aircraft standing on the deck. Result: the 17th fire, which engulfed six decks of the ship, the detonation of nine bombs on the flight deck, killing 134 people (161 injured). The ship and its aircraft completely lost their combat capability, 21 burned-out aircraft were thrown overboard (not counting the aircraft damaged by fire).

About 70 miles from Honolulu, while one of the fighter-bombers was preparing for a combat mission, the warhead of an unguided rocket suspended under its wing exploded. The explosion occurred as a result of overheating of the missile warhead, caused by a sufficiently long exposure to the jet stream of the engine of another aircraft, which was on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and was also preparing for takeoff.

Within just 20 minutes, 18 powerful explosions occurred on the flight deck of the nuclear-powered ship, including the detonation of eight 500-pound (227 kg) aerial bombs. Later there was another series of explosions. In total, as a result of the accident, 28 people were killed, 343 people from the crew and naval air wing of the Enterprise and the destroyers Benjamin Stoddert and Rogers were injured of varying degrees of severity, and 15 combat aircraft were completely destroyed. There is no need to talk about the various equipment that was destroyed. The aircraft carrier's combat service in the Vietnam area had to be postponed.

The following are significant accidents. More than a hundred smaller ones occurred. For example, on the aircraft carrier Nimitz:

— 1981. A landing plane crashed into an unsuccessfully parked helicopter on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Fire. Explosions. Result: 18 aircraft destroyed, 14 killed and 39 wounded.

— 1988. The electric launch of the high-speed artillery cannon jammed on the attack aircraft. The tanker plane caught fire. Losses: 8 aircraft.

— 1991. Airplane crash during landing. The burning car, abandoned by the crew, caught on the arresting device and froze in the middle of the deck. But its engines roared in afterburner mode. If not for the actions of a brave technician (who turned off the engines), the situation would have gotten out of control.

There were accidents in the navy and in the USSR...

The anti-submarine cruiser "Moscow" is an aircraft-carrying ship, or more precisely, a helicopter carrier. As a result of a short circuit at the diesel generator switchboard, a fire broke out, which took 6 hours to extinguish. Three people were killed and 26 people were injured.

The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov was also on fire. One example is on January 6, 2009, when the aircraft carrier led a group of ships of the Northern Fleet in the southeastern Mediterranean. There was a fire in the engine room. The fire took two hours to extinguish. One sailor died.

To summarize, I would like to point out that these are just a few examples of accidents that occurred in peacetime. In combat conditions, the accident rate increases significantly.

Defense AUG

Today, the most effective means of destroying aircraft carriers are: an anti-ship cruise missile and a torpedo. And the main carriers of these means of destruction are ships, submarines and aircraft.

For effective defense of an aircraft carrier, a group of ships is created. This group, including the aircraft carrier, is called an aircraft carrier strike group (ACG). The AUG, as a rule, includes cruisers, destroyers, frigates, attack submarines and supply vessels. Their number depends on the number of aircraft-carrying ships of the group and the mobility requirements of the group. Of course, this significantly diverts resources, but the ship group gathered into a single fist has a very large combat potential.

AUG ships create lines of defense that provide anti-missile, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine protection. Thus, a multi-level defense system emerges, which is quite difficult to overcome. Do not forget that the air wing of an aircraft carrier is the main striking power of the AUG and also provides all types of its (group) defense!

Against cruise missiles launched by enemy aircraft, submarines and surface ships, the naval group's defense forces create a deep layered defense up to 700 km deep. For the fullest use of the combat capabilities of air defense systems, their multi-level construction by zones is envisaged - three air defense zones are being formed:

- distant(long-range radar detection aircraft (AWACS), radar patrol ships (RPS), combat air patrol fighter aircraft, medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) of security ships);

- average(ships and helicopters of close range radar, electronic warfare (EW) aircraft, air defense ships using air defense systems, electronic warfare equipment of main forces and air defense ships);

- near(SAM, artillery and electronic warfare of all ships).

Anti-submarine defense is organized to search for and destroy submarines. The depth of such defense today reaches 600 km. In this case, the naval group also has the widest range of capabilities to search for and destroy enemy submarines. Anti-submarine security of the AUG is carried out by anti-submarine aircraft by patrolling, making shuttle flights from the center of the AUG and back in the direction of the probable appearance of the enemy.

In addition to aircraft, anti-submarine protection is provided by submarines that are part of the AUG and equipped with hydroacoustic stations (HAS). The AUG's close security forces include helicopters and surface ships. Their main task is to prevent a torpedo attack from enemy submarines. The sonar systems of surface ships are used in active mode. Surface ships are positioned in such a way as to create a continuous ring of sonar surveillance. Helicopters are also used, which use a lowered sonar, magnetic detector and sonobuoys to detect enemy submarines.

In 1983, a new warship entered the ocean. At the stern, a huge banner fluttered in the wind: “Stand by, Admiral Gorshkov: “Aegis” at sea!” (Beware, Admiral Gorshkov! “Aegis” is at sea!). This is how the guided missile cruiser USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) began its service. And so began the combat service of the ship's multifunctional combat information and control system, the Aegis combat system. This is an integrated network of shipborne situational lighting, weapons and control equipment. The system allows you to receive and process information from sensors of other ships and aircraft of the formation and issue target designations to their launchers. In simple terms, it is an electronic think tank.

Thus, the AUG has a system that provides collective defense of ships, allowing it to intercept almost all modern air attack weapons, including ballistic missiles. The Aegis system detects and tracks up to 300 targets simultaneously and directs up to 18 missiles at the most dangerous of them. Carrier-based fighters and AWACS aircraft may also be involved in repelling the strike. The decision to hit targets can be made automatically.

Fighting AUG

American admirals consider their aircraft carrier formations invulnerable. They are partly right. Having such multi-level and universal defense, you can really feel completely safe. It is possible to destroy an AUG only with a massive missile salvo. At one time, the USSR made a calculation that to ensure the destruction of an AUG it was necessary to use 70–100 anti-ship missiles in one strike. The cruise missile must have a warhead of 500 kg and a flight speed exceeding the speed of sound by 2.5 times. Such missiles today are the P-700 (Granit) and P-1000 (Vulcan) / P-500 (Basalt).

To deliver such a strike, it is necessary to approach the AUG within the launch range of its missiles. And this is where the problems begin. AUG reconnaissance means can detect the enemy several hundred kilometers before the point of missile strike. Let me remind you that the main factor that influenced the American victory in the Battle of Midway was that they were ahead of the enemy in deployment.

The enemy AUG has no choice but to fight his way to the launch point. It is also necessary to issue target designations to submarines and synchronize the launch of cruise missiles with other carriers. In general, AUG is in a clearly advantageous situation. And a breakthrough of the AUG defenses will be associated with large losses. There is another way: striking the AUG with cruise missiles (torpedoes) with a special warhead (SCU). But this will only be done as a last resort.

What do we have?

In the Soviet Union, aircraft-carrying ships began to be built only in the 1960s. These are anti-submarine cruisers pr. 1123, i.e. full-fledged helicopter carriers. Two buildings were built: “Moscow” and “Leningrad”. In the 1970s, construction of aircraft-carrying cruisers Project 1143 began. Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk and Baku entered service. And in 1991 it entered service (project 1143.5). The main difference between our aircraft-carrying cruisers Project 1143 and Western-built aircraft carriers is the presence on board of the Basalt and Granit cruise missile complex.

It’s difficult to say whether our designers took the right path or a dead-end branch. Then (as now) our shipbuilding industry could not build such giants as the Enterprise. There was only one plant in Nikolaev, therefore, the displacement was not very large (relative to American aircraft carriers). And why did we need such giants? The admirals of the USSR did not plan to fight the United States at sea. At that time, a policy of containment was pursued. The main tasks assigned to our aircraft carriers were defensive. Our aircraft carriers left the Black Sea as “anti-submarine cruisers” (which was partly true).

Were our aircraft carriers much inferior to American ones? In the 1970s, definitely not. These ships had a lot of advanced technology. As a matter of fact, we went our own way in everything. The P-500 cruise missile with a flight range of 550 km was then a very formidable weapon. And US carrier-based aircraft were not so technically developed as to be guaranteed to destroy our cruisers before approaching the cruise missile launch point.

Was this a dead end path of development? I think yes. A ship is the most complex combat mechanism. And attempts to create “something universal” can lead to a “monstrous hybrid.” A striking example today is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov. With a total displacement of 65,000 tons, having carrier-based aircraft not exceeding 30 aircraft is an obvious dead end. When was the last time this cruiser fired missiles? A long time ago. Because he doesn't shoot anymore. Technically it can't. The material was lost.

Will we build or not?

To try to figure it out, I will take a neutral position between opponents and allies of the construction of aircraft carriers.

Do we plan to control the largest trade routes? No.

Are we planning to blockade any coastal state? No.

Or maybe we are about to capture the X archipelago? No. But it's a no today. And who knows what will happen tomorrow?

Aircraft carriers are very expensive toy. They are very expensive to build and maintain. There is absolutely nothing to object to. But the fleet itself is “very expensive.” And it’s not necessary to build monsters like the Gerald Ford, whose daily maintenance costs $7 million. The Soviet Union understood this.

Aircraft carriers, like the entire navy, are an extra expense and a hole in the budget! How do you calculate dividends? In Norway in the late 1930s they also thought so. They said that they adhere to a policy of neutrality. Their military budget was practically zero, which Hitler took advantage of in 1940.

Aircraft carriers are cardboard ships. They heat up very easily. Possibly, but who checked it? Only real combat operations show the effectiveness of weapons. The Second World War showed a fairly high survivability of aircraft carriers.

Aircraft carriers are explosive ships. Accidents on them happen quite often. Right. But all the ships are burning and exploding. As practice shows, most accidents occur due to elementary carelessness of personnel. The problem is not in the hardware, but in people.

We will sink all enemy aircraft carriers with cruise missiles. We have the Bastion complex! The Bastion complex is a coastal missile system. It is designed to protect the coast. The range of cruise missiles is around 300 km. An aircraft carrier would never dare to come so close to the shore. In general, the further the AUG is from the coast, the safer the aircraft carrier will be. Today we do not have cruise missiles capable of destroying an aircraft carrier at long range.

It seems this debate will go on forever. On opposite sides of the barricades are opponents and supporters of aircraft carriers. Some argue that aircraft-carrying ships are expensive and obsolete weapons. Others say that it is the most powerful instrument of war at sea.

The Indian Navy's aircraft carrier Vikrant has been under construction since 2006.

My subjective opinion is the following:

There is no need to rush into building a new aircraft carrier. News design work? Yes. Urgent mortgage? No. The navy has big problems with ships of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranks. The coast guard also needs to be updated. It is now extremely important for us to close our inland seas to the “adversary”. And so, step by step, go out into the seas and oceans. I repeat, step by step.

What is the point of straining shipbuilding capacity with the “construction of the century” when we now have ships and boats queuing up for repairs and modernization? It is necessary to carry out (and it is now underway) the renewal of shipbuilding capacities and an increase in workforce (and this is the biggest problem today). You can't build today. But this does not mean that we should not build “tomorrow”. To do this, it is extremely important for us not to lose the last half-dead aircraft carrier in order to preserve flight personnel and experience in operating this complex equipment. It is necessary to extend the service life of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to the maximum by carrying out its deep modernization.

No one put as much effort into the appearance of aircraft carriers in our fleet as Admiral Gorshkov. But there is an opinion that by the end of his activity he came to the conclusion that aircraft carriers were futile due to their great vulnerability. He proposed the use of “marine airfield platforms” based on ships with a small waterline area, proposed at one time by Canadian inventor Frederick Creed.

Very logical. Cheap and practical. The Chinese also realized that there was a partial replacement for aircraft carriers, and began building “unsinkable aircraft carriers.” The appearance of artificial islands in the South China Sea is now very annoying to Japan and the United States.

In defense of aircraft carriers, I would like to cite one indisputable fact. Today, 12 countries have aircraft-carrying ships in their fleet. Many of them not only do not abandon these ships, but also continue to build them. And if we add to this number of countries the owners of universal landing ships(and this is the same, to some extent, as aircraft-carrying ships), then this begs the question... So is it worth burying aircraft carriers?

Finally, I want to say that the fleet must be balanced. Therefore, aircraft carriers will always have a place in it. The ideal option for us would be a ship with a displacement of up to 50,000 tons with a nuclear power plant. But, as they say, everything has its time.

Personally, I really want these beauties to please us with their might only in parades and never fight with each other.

— Shunkov V.N. Aircraft carriers and naval aviation. – Minsk, Publishing house: “Potpourri”, 2003
— Belavin N.I. Aircraft carriers. – Moscow, Publishing house: “Patriot”, 1990
— Katorin Yu. Aircraft carriers. – Moscow, Publisher: Galeya Print, 2010

Modern armed forces must be mobile - months-long campaigns on war elephants and six-month military expeditions on galleys are a thing of the past. Now, when the count is not even days, but hours, there is nothing more effective for armies than aircraft carriers. And the only thing better than an aircraft carrier is a large, very large aircraft carrier. In this material, RG will talk about ships that make even blue whales jealous.


The Japanese giant can hardly be considered modern, because in 1944 it sank safely while performing its first mission. But what there is no doubt about is its colossal size, especially for that time. Its length was 266 meters and its displacement was 68,060 tons. In order for you to understand the size of this hulk, imagine the Titanic. So this legendary liner was only three meters longer than the Shinano, and in terms of displacement it was even inferior to 10 thousand tons.

Initially, the Japanese was supposed to become the fourth in a series of Yamato-class battleships, but the designers' plans were redrawn by the Battle of Midway, where the Imperial Japanese Navy lost four brand new aircraft carriers and a whole group of smaller ships. The Shinano, half completed, was decided to be converted as soon as possible into a vessel capable of carrying aircraft.

Haste made itself felt during the giant's first and last battle. In November 1944, it was torpedoed by an American submarine. The watertight bulkheads were installed incorrectly, so they were leaky, and the crew was inexperienced.

"Shinano" sank 7 hours after the attack and 17 hours after leaving the port.

"Varyag" or "Liaoning"

A giant with a very interesting and slightly sad fate was laid down at a shipyard in Nikolaev in 1985, and launched already in 1988. Most of the technical devices on the ship were missing, and the overall readiness of the combat vessel could be estimated at no more than 60 percent. After the collapse of the USSR, it went to Ukraine, which until 1998 invested in it exactly as much money as was necessary to keep it afloat, no more.

In 1998, a giant with a length of 304.5 meters and a displacement of 59,500 tons was sold by official Kiev for the ridiculous amount of $20 million. The buyer was a private Chinese company, which announced its intention to turn the unfinished aircraft carrier into an amusement park and casino. But if there were such plans, they were abandoned almost immediately: 20 million for the crown of creation of Soviet designers is an insignificant price, so the PRC government nationalized the ship and completed its construction. Thus, by 2011, the People's Republic of China entered the pool of countries that have aircraft carriers in their arsenal.

"Admiral Kuznetsov"

The largest and most powerful aircraft-carrying cruiser in Europe and Asia began to be built in Nikolaev in 1982. Named in honor of Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet.

In all its characteristics, the aircraft carrier was advanced: the deck was lengthened to allow the Su-25, Su-27 and MiG-29 to take off and land, and the hull was built in a unique way from blocks weighing up to 1,400 tons. Aerofinishers, the Luna optical landing system and aircraft side lifts first appeared on it. The length of "Admiral" is more than three football fields, it is like the Eiffel Tower without a spire - 306 meters. At the same time, such a colossus can carry a whole small air army - 25 planes and 25 helicopters.

Unlike most standard aircraft carriers, the Admiral Kuznetsov's armament is far from modest: 12 4K80 Granit anti-ship missile launchers, 8 Kortik launchers with an arsenal of 256 missiles, 6 six-barreled 30-mm AK-630M artillery mounts with 48 thousand shells and 4 six-barrel launchers of the Kinzhal air defense system. The radar is also at its best - the Beysur complex, Buran-2 and the Resistor flight control radar station, and the Kuznetsov crew is almost 2,000 sailors and officers. "Kuznetsov" is the real beauty and pride of Russia.

By 2015, all Su-33 carrier-based fighters on the ship will be replaced with multifunctional MiG-29K. The ship will undergo a major overhaul by 2017.


This American Gulliver is named after Chester W. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet during World War II. The Nimitz aircraft carrier was laid down back in 1968 and became one of the first ships of its type with a nuclear power plant. Participated in the infamous failed special operation "Eagle Claw" in 1980. In May 1981, an incident occurred on board: a landing Prowler fighter crashed, killing 14 people and injuring about 50.

The aircraft carrier has gigantic dimensions - 332 meters in length and a displacement of almost 100,000 tons. But these numbers did not bring him success in 2008, when two Russian Tu-95MS teased a “floating fortress” as part of a training flight. One of them flew at an altitude of only 600 meters above the Nimitz, and even the F/A-18 fighters raised on alert did not confuse our pilots.


More than half a century ago, in 1960, the CVN-65 Enterprise was launched, which still remains the longest warship of all time - 342 meters! The Big E also became the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and this big guy had a crew of just under 5,000 people. In total, it was planned to create 6 such ships, but the release of the first Enterprise, which cost $451 million, shook the US economy, so the remaining ships in the project were abandoned.

The aircraft carrier has always been positioned as the pinnacle of the country's naval development and took part in all conflicts and wars of the Stars and Stripes. From the Cuban missile crisis to the Vietnam War, from the confrontation between the North and South Korea to Yugoslavia and Iraq. He was not spared from unpleasant incidents either: on January 14, 1969, due to the negligence of the crew, a rocket spontaneously exploded on one of the Phantom planes. The subsequent fire destroyed another 15 fighters, killing 27 people and injuring 349. In total, over 52 years, more than 100,000 people served on the aircraft carrier.

The ship was decommissioned in 2012, and by 2015 it will be dismantled for scrap, despite numerous protests from former sailors who persuaded the government to turn the legendary ship into a floating museum.

On December 7, 1922, the world's first ship specifically designed and built as an aircraft carrier was commissioned. It was the Japanese interwar light aircraft carrier Jose. It was used as an experimental and training ship for testing equipment, practicing piloting techniques and naval aviation tactics. He was the first of his kind.


Translated from Japanese, “Hosho” means “Flying Phoenix”. As mentioned above, Hosho is a Japanese light aircraft carrier of the interwar period. She was the world's first ship designed and built as an aircraft carrier. She was also the first aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy. The Hosho was mainly used as an experimental and training ship for testing equipment, practicing piloting techniques and naval aviation tactics. He first took part in hostilities in 1932 during the Shanghai Incident, then at the end of 1937 at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). In both conflicts, Hosho aircraft provided air support for ground forces and participated in air battles with Chinese Nationalist aircraft. The small size of the ship and the small size of the air group (about 15 aircraft) limited the effectiveness of its use in combat operations. For this reason, Hosho was put into reserve and became a training aircraft carrier in 1939. During World War II, she participated in the Battle of Midway as an auxiliary aircraft carrier. After the battle, she continued to operate as a training aircraft carrier in Japanese territorial waters, but by the end of the war she had received minor damage from air attacks. After the war, it was used as transport for repatriated Japanese soldiers returning to Japan. Made 9 flights, transported about 40 thousand people. In 1946 it was sold for scrap.
By the time it entered service, Hosho had a maximum length of 168 meters, a beam of 18 meters and a draft of 6.2 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 7470 tons, normal - 9494 tons. The crew number was 512 officers and sailors. The ship had practically no weapons - only 140-mm guns with a barrel length of 50 calibers, two on each side. Two Parsons steam turbines with a total capacity of 30 thousand hp were installed on the Hosho. s., which rotated two screws. The ship's design speed was 25 knots. The ship's air group consisted of 15 aircraft.


The Enterprise is the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. This is the first and only ship of its project, despite five more “brothers” planned for construction. The final cost of the Enterprise reached $451 million, and this was one of the reasons why serial construction of the series never began. It has the greatest length among warships in the world - 342 meters. One load of nuclear fuel is enough for 13 years of service, during which time the ship can travel up to 1 million miles. Due to severe budget overruns, Enterprise was left without the planned Terrier anti-aircraft missile system. Instead, the ship's defense system was equipped with three RIM-7 Sea Sparrow short-range air defense missile launchers. Enterprise is the only aircraft carrier with more than 2 nuclear reactors, carrying 8 reactors on board. An additional innovation on the Enterprise was the SCANFAR radar system, based on a phased array antenna, providing an advantage over traditional rotating antenna radars.
So, the aircraft carrier Enterprise has a maximum length of 342 meters, a width of 78 meters and a draft of 12 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 73,858 tons, total - 93,400 tons. The crew size is 3 thousand people, plus 1800 air wing people. The Enterprise has 8 reactors with a total capacity of 210 MW (285,520 hp). The ship's speed is 33.6 knots (62.2 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 90 aircraft and helicopters.


This is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, part of the Russian Northern Fleet. Its main purpose is to defeat large surface targets and protect naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy. It was named after Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, an admiral of the Soviet Union fleet. Built in Nikolaev, on the Black Sea shipyard. Su-25 and Su-33 aircraft, as well as Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters, are based on board during cruises. "Admiral Kuznetsov" was launched on December 4, 1985, after which its completion continued afloat. By 2015, it is planned to replace the Su-33 with the multifunctional MiG-29.
The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov has a maximum length of 306 meters, a width of 71 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The ship's standard displacement is 46,540 tons, the total displacement is 59,100 tons. The crew number is 1980 people, including: 520 officers, 322 midshipmen and 1138 sailors. The Admiral Kuznetsov has four steam turbines with a capacity of 50,000 hp. With. each, nine turbogenerators with a capacity of 2,039 hp. With. each and six diesel generators with a capacity of 2,039 hp. With. every. Thus, the aircraft carrier has a total power of 230,585 hp. With. The ship's speed is 29 knots (53.7 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 50 aircraft and helicopters.


"Liaoning" is so far the first and only aircraft carrier of the Navy of the People's Republic of China. It was laid down in 1985 at a shipyard in Nikolaev for the USSR Navy. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the ship went to Ukraine, and construction was stopped in 1998. Officially purchased by China for $25 million for the purpose of organizing a floating entertainment center. Towed to China and completed as an aircraft carrier. Entered combat duty on September 25, 2012. The design of the ship is close to the same type "Admiral Kuznetsov". Most of the differences lie in the weapon systems and electronic equipment used. According to reports, the P-700 Granit missile launchers in the bow of the aircraft carrier were dismantled, and the deck silos were sealed to free up more space for the location of aircraft spare parts. Instead of six AK-630 autocannons, the Chinese aircraft carrier carries three Type 1130 autocannons, which are a close analogue of the Goalkeeper system. The anti-aircraft missile armament consists of three eighteen-round short-range FL-3000N missile launchers, equipped with an infrared scanning sensor and having a range of up to 6 kilometers. In general, the ship's armament appears to be relatively weakened and focused solely on the carrier's self-defense.
The Liaoning aircraft carrier has a maximum length of 304 meters, a width of 75 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The crew size is 1980 people. The Liaoning has four steam turbines with a total capacity of 200 thousand liters. With. The ship's speed is 29 knots (53.7 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 30 aircraft and 24 helicopters.


The US Navy aircraft carrier Nimitz is the largest warship in the world. Having a length of 333 meters, a width of 77 meters and a displacement of about 98 thousand tons, it is capable of carrying on board up to 90 units of military aircraft, of which 64 are airplanes and 26 helicopters. The ship's crew includes a crew of 3,200 people, an air group of 2,800 people and 70 command personnel. With such characteristics, the aircraft carrier can reach speeds of up to 30 knots (55.6 km/h). Such a ship can operate for up to 20 years without replacing the power source of the power plant.
The aircraft carrier's power plant includes main and auxiliary power plants. The main one includes two nuclear pressurized water reactors powered by four steam turbines. The total power of the turbines is 280 thousand liters. With. The auxiliary installation includes four diesel engines with a total power of 10,700 hp. With. The Nimitz is equipped with onboard weapons to protect against various types of enemies. For defense against airborne enemies, there are three anti-aircraft missile systems and four 20 mm anti-aircraft artillery mounts. For protection against torpedoes, two 324 mm torpedo tubes are used.


This is an Imperial Japanese Navy ship from World War II. It was the largest aircraft carrier of that time. Initially, the ship could become one of four super-powerful battleships of the Yamato class. It began to be converted into an aircraft carrier after the Battle of Midway, in which the Imperial Navy lost four of its strongest aircraft carriers at once. Until 1960, Shinano remained the largest aircraft carrier in the world, but it was surpassed by the nuclear-powered Enterprise.
So, the aircraft carrier Shinano had a maximum length of 266 meters, a width of 53 meters and a draft of 11 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 64,800 tons, total - 71,890 tons. The crew number was 2400 people. Four steam turbines with a total capacity of 114 MW (153 thousand hp) were installed at Shinano. The ship's speed was 27.3 knots (50.6 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consisted of 18 fighters, 12 attack aircraft and 6 reconnaissance aircraft.


The USS Lexington was launched in October 1925. And put into service in December 1927. Also known by the nickname "Lady Lex". On the starboard side it had a massive superstructure, surrounded by two twin 203 mm guns at the front and two at the rear. Others characteristic features The aircraft carrier had armored hulls right up to the flight deck, with the exception of the places where boats were launched and picked up. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the ship provided air support for the US Marine units holding Midway Island and therefore avoided disaster. Lexington's first combat operation was the failed attempt to liberate Wake Island, which took place immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor. At the end of January 1942, the aircraft carrier provided cover for the raid on the Marshall Islands, and then was involved in individual operations in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean.
The aircraft carrier Lexington has a maximum length of 270 meters, a beam of 39 meters and a draft of 9 meters. The ship's standard displacement is 36 thousand tons, the total displacement is 47,700 tons. The crew number is 2951 people. The total power of all Lexington power plants is 156 MW (210 thousand hp). The ship's speed is 34 knots (63 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 70 aircraft.


This is the very first heavy American aircraft carrier, the lead ship of the Midway class. He took an active part in the bombing of North Vietnam during the Vietnam conflict, and also took part in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Was part of the US Navy for about 40 years. Withdrawn from the fleet on April 11, 1992. Since 1998, it has been a museum ship in San Diego.
The aircraft carrier Midway has a maximum length of 295 meters, a beam of 41 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 47,219 tons, total - 59,901 tons. The ship normally accommodates 3,443 people, with a real capacity of about 4,100 people. The vessel is equipped with 12 water-tube boilers and four turbines. All this has a total power of 215 thousand hp. With. The ship's speed is 33 knots (61 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 136–153 aircraft.


The Invincible class aircraft carriers were a series of British aircraft carriers from the 1970s. They were created after the cancellation of the construction of aircraft carriers of the CVA-01 type and the winding down of work on aircraft carriers and were initially designed as helicopter-carrying cruisers. After a number of changes, including those introduced during the construction of the ships, the project was turned into a light aircraft carrier carrying short or vertical take-off and landing aircraft and helicopters. Three ships of this type were built in 1973–1975. One of them is "Untamed". He performed well during the war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982. In the 1990s, Indomitable supported raids on Iraq. Since 2005, it has been replaced by ships of the Queen Elizabeth class, more advanced, but less legendary.
So, the aircraft carrier "Indomitable" has a maximum length of 209 meters, a width of 36 meters and a draft of 8 meters. The ship's total displacement is 20,600 tons. The crew size is 557 people plus 318 air group people. The Indomitable is equipped with four gas turbine engines with a total power of 97,200 hp. With. The ship's speed is 28 knots (51 km/h). Initially, the aircraft carrier's air group consisted of 14 aircraft and helicopters. In later years their number increased to 22.


It is the flagship of the French Navy, the only operational aircraft carrier of the French Navy, the first French nuclear-powered surface combatant, and the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier built outside the United States. Among aircraft carriers of other countries, excluding the United States, this is the second largest (after the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov) and the most combat-ready aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier is designed according to the traditional design - with a superstructure shifted to the starboard side and a corner deck. For aircraft takeoff, two C-13F steam catapults, manufactured in France under an American license, are intended. With a launch track length of 75 meters, they accelerate aircraft weighing up to 25 tons to a speed of more than 200 km/h with a launch rate of 1 aircraft per minute.
The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has a maximum length of 261 meters and a width of 64 meters. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons. The crew size is 1,200 people plus 600 air wing people plus 100 command personnel. The Charles de Gaulle has two K-15 nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 76,200 hp. With. The ship's speed is 27 knots (50 km/h). Without reloading nuclear fuel, the aircraft carrier is capable of continuously moving at a speed of 25 knots (46 km/h) for five years. The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 40 aircraft.

The Navy is one of the most effective instruments of geopolitics. American Admiral Alfred Mahan, in his book “The Influence of Sea Power on History,” stated that the fleet influences politics by the very fact of its existence. It's hard to argue with that. For more than two centuries, the boundaries of the British Empire were defined by the pennants of its warships, and in the last century, hegemony in the world's oceans passed to the US Navy. The main striking force of the American fleet are aircraft carriers - huge floating airfields, with the help of which the United States firmly and confidently imposes its interests on the whole world.

What about Russia? Currently, the Russian Navy has in service one ship capable of ensuring the takeoff and landing of aircraft of the classical aerodynamic design - this is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAKR or TAVKR) Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov.

Admiral Kuznetsov was designed and built back in the Soviet Union, it became the first true Soviet aircraft carrier and further development heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of Project 1143 "Krechet". The main difference between the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and most aircraft carriers is the presence of missile weapons (Granit anti-ship missiles).

For many years, disputes have not subsided as to whether such a ship is necessary for the Russian Navy, does Russia even need aircraft-carrying ships?

After launching in 1989, this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser almost most spent time not on hikes, but at the quay walls of repair docks. Due to the low reliability of ship mechanisms, the only Russian aircraft carrier on voyages is always accompanied by a tug, which can come to the rescue if something happens. The Russian military industry has never been able to provide this ship with a sufficient number of combat aircraft, and even fewer have trained pilots capable of taking off and landing on the ship’s deck.

Military sailors call this ship “Kuzya”, and it is very difficult to say whether this nickname is affectionate or contemptuous.

History of the creation of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

The first aircraft carriers appeared at the dawn of the 20th century, almost immediately after the emergence of military aviation. At first, they were considered as auxiliary ships that should ensure the effective operation of the main striking force of the naval forces of that time - battleships.

However, everything changed radically on December 7, 1941. On this day, Japanese aircraft sank most of the American battleships in the harbor of the Pearl Harbor base. Almost immediately after this, the United States laid down 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers. It was these ships that essentially allowed the Americans to win the war in the Pacific.

The most powerful battleship of the Japanese Navy, Yamato, was destroyed by American aircraft without causing any serious damage to the enemy.

After the end of World War II, it became clear that aircraft carriers are the new rulers of the World Ocean, and the leading maritime powers actively began building such ships. In 1961, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was launched in the United States.

In the USSR, relatively little attention was paid to aircraft-carrying ships. Stalin preferred huge, powerful battleships, and few people dared to argue with him. An ardent supporter of the construction of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Union was Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Largely thanks to his efforts, the first projects of aircraft-carrying ships appeared in the pre-war years, but then they did not go beyond sketches and drawings. Projects for two aircraft carriers were developed at once: a large one (for 72 aircraft) and a small one (for 32 aircraft), but they were crossed out from the post-war fleet development plans. Admiral Gorshkov finally closed the Soviet aircraft carrier projects.

Soviet propaganda portrayed aircraft carriers as a weapon of aggressive war inherent in imperialism. The efficiency and combat power of these ships was underestimated, while the capabilities of Soviet missile cruisers, on the contrary, were extolled and overstated. Khrushchev was an ardent fan of missile weapons and the submarine fleet, so under him the main resources of the Soviet Union were devoted to the creation of strategic submarines.

After Brezhnev came to power, the USSR resumed the development of aircraft-carrying ships. In the late 60s, Yakovlev's design bureau designed the Yak-38 vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which Yakovlev wanted to put into the fleet. The aircraft-carrying cruiser Kiev was built specifically for this vehicle in 1972, which, in addition to aircraft, was also armed with P-500 Basalt anti-ship missiles.

In total, four Project 1143 ships were launched: Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk and Baku. However, the Soviet Navy was in for a serious disappointment: the Yak-38 turned out to be a very unsuccessful machine, it could not take off with full fuel and weapons, and in the tropics the aircraft’s engines refused to start at all. Despite numerous modifications, it was not possible to turn this aircraft into a reliable and effective combat vehicle.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov is, in fact, a continuation of Project 1143. They planned to produce three ships, the main difference of which was the ability to take off and land on the deck of aircraft with a traditional design. The Admiral Kuznetsov was laid down in 1981, the cruiser Varyag in 1985, and the Ulyanovsk in 1988.

The birth of the new ship was very difficult; the developers were hampered by conflicting requirements for the appearance of the aircraft carrier coming from the Ministry of Defense and the leadership of the Navy. The development of the project was carried out by the Leningrad Design Bureau; the designers offered customers five projects for a new ship, one of which included equipping it with a nuclear power plant. Only in 1982 the project was officially approved, and construction began at the Black Sea Shipyard (Nikolaev).

During construction, progressive technology was used, which consisted of forming the ship’s hull from ready-made large blocks. At the same time, the “Nitka” ground complex was created in Crimea (Saki), where pilots practiced their skills in taking off and landing on a ship’s deck. Initially, the aircraft-carrying cruiser was named "Riga", but already in November 1982 (after the death of the Secretary General) it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev". In 1987, the ship received a new name - “Tbilisi”, and in 1990 - “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

Instead of the Basalt anti-ship missiles, the cruiser was armed with more modern Granit missiles, the length of the flight deck was significantly increased, and instead of a steam catapult, the ship received a springboard in the bow.

In 1989, sea trials of the ship began, at the same time the first successful landings and takeoffs of aircraft from the ship's deck were made. The aircraft-carrying cruiser showed good performance characteristics. On January 20, 1991, Admiral Kuznetsov was accepted into the Russian Northern Fleet.

Design of the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov is a continuation of the Project 1143 ships, but in a number of its characteristics it differs significantly from them. In appearance, the cruiser is more similar to classic aircraft carriers; it has a so-called through take-off deck and a springboard in the bow of the ship. Its tilt angle is 14.3°. Deck area - 14,800 m2. The cruiser is equipped with an aircraft finisher and an emergency barrier.

On the Admiral Kuznetsov, underwater structural protection (SSP) was used for the first time.

To lift aircraft from hangars, two lifts are installed on the Admiral Kuznetsov, capable of lifting weights of up to 40 tons. The ship's superstructure (“island”) has 13 tiers, it is shifted to the right, which made it possible to increase the width of the runway. The deck has a special heat-resistant Omega coating that can withstand temperatures up to 450°C.

The hull is welded, it has seven decks and two platforms. The bottom is double along the entire length. The hangar for aircraft occupies 50% of the length and 70% of the width of the aircraft carrier. In addition to the aircraft, it houses tractors, fire trucks, as well as equipment for the repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters. In addition, the hangar is equipped with an aircraft transportation system, so that tractors are only needed for work on the upper deck. Airplanes are placed in a hangar with their wings folded, and helicopters with their main rotors removed.

The Granit anti-ship missile launchers are located at the base of the springboard; they are covered with armored covers on top. The Kinzhal air defense systems are located in sponsons at the bow and stern of the ship.

The Svetlana-2 aircraft finisher is a system of several cables stretched over the deck. They are connected to a hydraulic system that absorbs the energy of aircraft landing on the deck.

An aircraft-carrying cruiser has several navigation systems that help pilots land on the ship. A unique Luna optical system was also installed, allowing pilots to visually determine the correctness of the landing approach.

In addition to combat aircraft, the main weapons heavy cruiser are the Granit anti-ship missiles. Twelve missiles are placed in silo-type launchers located in the bow of the ship. To protect the ship from the air, the Kinzhal air defense system (24 launchers, 192 missiles) and the Kortik air defense missile system (8 launchers, 256 missiles) and six AK-630M rapid-fire launchers can be used. The aircraft carrier is also armed with two RBU-12000 “Boas” (60 depth charges).

However, the ship's main armament is combat aircraft who are on board. These are 50 aircraft: 26 carrier-based fighters and 24 helicopters.

The radio-electronic equipment of Admiral Kuznetsov is very diverse and includes 58 different items. Among them:

  • BIUS "Lumberjack";
  • Complex "Mars-Passat" with phased array;
  • Fregat-MA three-dimensional radar;
  • Radar for detecting low-flying targets “Podkat”;
  • Communication complex "Buran-2";
  • Electronic warfare complex "Sozvezdie-BR".

The power plant almost completely repeats the design used on other ships of Project 1143. It is a steam turbine, four-shaft, with a power of 20 thousand hp. With. The main power plant allows the ship to develop a full speed of 29 knots and cover 8 thousand miles at an 18-knot speed.

The installation consists of eight boilers; there is no auxiliary power plant.

The movement is carried out by the rotation of four bronze screws.

Operation of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Until 1994, various tests were carried out on the ship, and it received new aircraft. At the beginning of 1995, the ship's boilers were repaired. At the end of 1995, as part of the ship group “Admiral Kuznetsov”, he went on a cruise to the Mediterranean Sea. The ship visited Tunisia, Crete, Syria and Malta. At the end of the cruise, the cruiser took part in large-scale exercises. They practiced repelling air attacks, detecting enemy submarines, and carried out missile and artillery firing.

From 1996 to 1998 the ship was under repair. In 2000, Admiral Kuznetsov took part in exercises during which the Kursk submarine suffered a disaster. From 2001 to 2004, the ship was under repair.

In 2018, the aircraft carrier went to the Mediterranean Sea to lead the Russian Navy group there.

Evaluation of the aircraft carrier project "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” can with full confidence be called a full-fledged aircraft carrier. However, the abandonment of steam catapults significantly complicated the use of carrier-based aircraft. The springboard seemed to the developers a good (and cheap) alternative to catapults, but it could not completely replace them. Su-33 aircraft are capable of solving only air defense tasks, but they cannot effectively strike ground targets or enemy ships. Moreover, taking off using a ski-jump imposes restrictions on the take-off weight of aircraft, which means a reduction in their fuel reserves and the weight of weapons.

According to unofficial information, aircraft takeoffs are carried out only against the wind in windy weather. Pilots prefer not to use the ship's navigation systems, but to fly only in good visibility. Of the entire air squadron, only 6-7 aircraft are usually ready for flights.

The ship's energy system causes a lot of criticism. Almost every trip to sea is accompanied by a more or less serious emergency situation related to the operation of the power plant. It should be noted that on every long voyage the Admiral Kuznetsov is accompanied by a tug. Several cases of complete loss of speed by a ship, which almost ended in disaster, are described. Several serious fires occurred on the cruiser, which led to casualties.

Some experts believe that Admiral Kuznetsov is not of serious value as a combat unit. Moreover, its operation is dangerous and very expensive for the Russian budget. They propose mothballing the ship.

If Russia plans to develop its Navy, then it cannot do without aircraft-carrying ships. "Admiral Kuznetsov", like other ships of Project 1143, can be called one of the stages of development in this direction. The Project 1143 aircraft carrier cruisers allowed the Russian fleet to accumulate the necessary experience, learn how to manage and properly use these huge and very complex ships.

Not long ago, information appeared that a large-scale modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov is planned, during which the ship’s outdated radio-electronic equipment, power plant and some weapons systems will be replaced.

Technical characteristics of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

(including Ka-27PS)
Main characteristics
Displacement, t:
Main dimensions, m:
longest length (along the design waterline)306,45 (270)
maximum width (according to the vertical line)71,96 (33,41)
average draft (Dst/Dnorm/Dfull)8,05/8,97/9,76
maximum draft10,4
Main power plantboiler-turbine, 8 KVG-4 boilers in 4 autonomous groups
Power, hp (kW):
total 4 GTZA TV-4200000
turbogenerators TD-15006x1500
Diesel generators DGR-15004x1500
Number of shafts, pcs4
Number of screws, pcs4
Travel speed, knots:18 (2)
PercussionPKRP "Granit-NK"
P-700 missiles, pcs.12
Vertical launch units SM-233, pcs.12
Anti-aircraft missileSAM "Dagger"
Vertical launch units SM-9, pcs.24x8
SAM 9M330-2, pcs.192
Anti-aircraft missile and artilleryZRAK "Dirk"
Number of installations, pcs8
SAM 9M311-1, pcs.256
30 mm shells, pcs.48000
ArtilleryZAK AK-630M
Number of installations, pcs6
Anti-submarine/anti-torpedoRBU-12000 "Boa Constrictor-1"
Electronic weapons
General detection radarPLC "Mars-Passat", 4 PAR
NLC detection radar2хМР-360 "Podkat"
NC detection radar3xMP-212 “Vaigach”
GASGAS MGK-355 "Polynom-T", GAS MGK-365 "Zvezda-M1", anti-sabotage GAS MG-717 "Amulet", GAS "Altyn", ZPS MG-35 "Shtil", GAS MG-355TA
Electronic warfare equipment"Constellation-RB"
Complexes of fired interference2x2 PK-2 launchers (ZiF-121), 4x10 PK-10 “Brave” launchers
Fire control radar2x “Coral-BN”, 4 control radars for the Kinzhal 3R95 air defense missile system, 4 control podules for the 3R86 “Kortik” air defense missile system
Navigation complex"Beysur"
Radio navigation aids"Resistor K-4", "Lawn"
Means of communicationBuran-2 complex, Kristall-BK space communications complex

Video about the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

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It was built in 1994-1997 by the Spanish company Basan and is similar in design to the aircraft carrier Principe de Asturias, built earlier by the same company for the Spanish Navy.

Used for exclusive economic zone patrols and search and rescue operations. Its tasks also include providing air support, but in general the ship's combat effectiveness is assessed as low due to a lack of funding and rare trips to sea.

According to the media of both Thailand and many other countries, the Chakri Narubet can be considered the world's largest royal yacht, since during short trips to sea, members of the royal family are usually present on the ship, for which extensive accommodation is provided on the aircraft carrier apartments.


Electronic weapons include: multifunctional phased array radar AMS/Selex EMPAR, three-dimensional long-range air target detection radar, short- and medium-range air and surface target detection radar, two 76-mm fire control radars, aviation control radar, navigation Radar, hydroacoustic station for navigation and mine detection, infrared situation illumination system, infrared all-round viewing system, system for instrumental landing of aircraft on the deck.

In addition to airplanes and helicopters, it can transport troops: 415 people, up to 100 units of wheeled vehicles, or 24 main battle tanks, or 50 heavy armored combat vehicles.


Aircraft carrier of the Brazilian Navy, former Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier Foch of the French Navy. She was laid down on February 15, 1957, launched on July 23, 1960, and entered service with the French Navy on July 15, 1963. On November 15, 2000, she was transferred to the Brazilian Navy and, after repairs, arrived in Brazil in February 2001.

The power plant is a two-shaft steam turbine. It consists of six Laval steam boilers and two Alstom turbines.

Total power - 126,000 hp. With.


The aircraft carrier was built on the basis of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov through deep modernization. After a complete reconstruction, the ship changed its purpose: instead of an aircraft-carrying anti-submarine cruiser, the ship became a full-fledged aircraft carrier.

In November 2013, the ceremonial transfer of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya (former heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov) to the Indian Navy took place in Severodvinsk. Since November 26, the ship has been making the transition from Severomorsk to the Indian naval base of Karwar. On January 8, 2014, the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, without weapons or aircraft, arrived off the coast of Karnataka. The integration of the new ship into the Indian Navy took about four months. All this time, Russian warranty service specialists worked on the ship.

The composition of the air group has been determined: these are 14-16 MiG-29K aircraft, 4 MiG-29KUB (transferred to India on February 12, 2009), up to 8 Ka-28 helicopters, 1 Ka-31 helicopter, up to 3 HAL Dhruv (instead of 2 Ka-28) . Initially, pilots will be trained on an electronic naval aviation simulator, and after the commissioning of a similar complex - in India.


Charles de Gaulle is the flagship of the French Navy, the only operational aircraft carrier of the French Navy, and the first French surface combatant with a nuclear power plant. Among the aircraft carriers of other countries, excluding the United States, it is the second largest (after the Russian heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov) and the most combat-ready aircraft-carrying ship.

Maximum capacity - up to 100 aircraft for up to 7 days. Starts can be made every 30 s. However, simultaneous takeoffs and landings are not provided for by the design.

Supports the L16 tactical radio communications standard for data exchange between military units, in which it can act as a command post. In this case, he can control fighter aircraft, send them target designation data, and assign combat missions.


Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers are British aircraft carriers, also known under the code name CVF, being built to replace the current Invincible class light aircraft carriers. There are currently two aircraft carriers under construction (HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales).

The development of the ship's mechanical structures was fully automated. Computer simulation tools were developed by QinetiQ. The hull design was based on the required 50-year service life of the ship. A special feature of the hull was the presence of a springboard, used for aircraft with a short take-off. Since the service life of F-35 aircraft is 20 years, it was decided to leave the possibility of converting the aircraft carrier into a smooth-deck aircraft carrier designed for horizontal take-off aircraft. The hull has nine decks, not counting the flight deck. The 85,000 tonnes of steel needed to build the two aircraft carriers, costing £65 million, is being supplied by Corus.

These ships are set to be the largest ships ever built for the Royal Navy.


Liaoning is the first and only aircraft carrier of the PLA. It was laid down in 1985 at a shipyard in Nikolaev for the USSR Navy as the second aircraft carrier of Project 1143.6. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the ship went to Ukraine and construction was stopped in 1998. Purchased by China for $25 million, officially for the purpose of organizing a floating entertainment center. Towed to China and completed as an aircraft carrier. On September 25, 2012, it became part of the PLA Navy.

The design of the ship is close to the same type "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov", most of the differences lie in the combat and electronic weapons systems used. According to reports, the P-700 Granit anti-ship missile launchers in the bow of the aircraft carrier were dismantled, and the deck silos for them were sealed in order to free up more space for placing spare parts for aircraft and helicopters of the ship's air group.


"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of Project 1143.5, the only one in the Navy Russian Federation in a class of its own. Designed to destroy large surface targets, protect naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy using aircraft carriers and a large number of submarines. "Admiral Kuznetsov" also has the task of supporting landing operations.

The aircraft carrier carries 12 4K-80 launchers for Granit heavy missiles. The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" is the only aircraft carrier in the world that can be in the Black Sea, since according to the Montreux Convention, the passage of "clean" aircraft carriers through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits is prohibited, and the "Admiral Kuznetsov" has serious missile weapons and is therefore declared as " aircraft carrier."

On November 12, 2016, the aircraft carrier group began maneuvers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria. On November 15, 2016, from an aircraft carrier, for the first time in the history of the Russian Navy, Su-33 aircraft began to strike positions of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the provinces of Idlib and Homs in Syria.

2 "Nimitz" (usual)

In 1981, during discussions both within Congress and the Pentagon, it was decided to produce an improved Nimitz. In the end, 7 aircraft carriers of this type were built.

The first improved Nimitz aircraft carrier is considered to be the Theodore Roosevelt, commissioned in 1986. In 1999 he participated in the NATO war against Yugoslavia.


Aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford class are a series of US multi-purpose nuclear aircraft carriers, the construction of which has been underway since 2009. They were created as an improved version of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and differ from them, with comparable sizes and aircraft armament, in a reduced crew due to a high degree of automation and, as a result, lower operating costs. In addition, the new aircraft carriers are distinguished by the introduction of a number of new technologies and design solutions, in particular, elements of stealth technology. The lead ship was laid down on November 14, 2009, and its commissioning is planned for 2016. In addition, the construction of at least two ships is planned; as the Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers enter service, they will replace the Nimitz aircraft carriers.

As a means of air defense for self-defense, the ship is armed with Raytheon ESSM missiles with two 8-container launchers for 32 missiles each. The missiles are designed to combat high-speed, highly maneuverable anti-ship missiles. Short-range systems include RAM surface-to-air missiles from Raytheon and Ramsys GmbH.

The ship will use an improved system for storing and supplying ammunition and consumables with double-height storage facilities. The carrier's ammunition consists of missiles, artillery rounds, bombs and air-to-ground missiles for attack aircraft, torpedoes and depth charges for anti-submarine aircraft.