Roman Abramovich: biography and personal life. The condition and yachts of Roman Abramovich. The most expensive "toys" of Roman Abramovich What plane does Abramovich have?

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Forbes found planes on which Abramovich, Usmanov, Fridman, Prokhorov and other Russian billionaires fly

Forbes analyzed what the members of the list of the richest Russians prefer to fly. As the newspaper writes, most often the technique of famous people in business is very recognizable: billionaires like to stand out with the color of their vehicle or an unusual registration number.

So, the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich prefers to fly a Boeing 767-300ER with the number P4-MES. This 11-year-old plane can often be seen in different parts of the world: Nice, Salzburg, Saint Martin, Tel Aviv. The rich geography is explained by the capabilities of the Boeing 767-300ER, registered on the island of Aruba. The ER prefix in the modification of this vessel means an increased flight range, which allows for non-stop flights to a distance of up to 11 thousand kilometers. Such a liner can accommodate up to 245 passengers, its length is 54.9 meters, its wingspan is 47.6 meters, the catalog value of the aircraft is $ 191.5 million. Among spotters (fans of photographing airplanes), the ship received the nickname "Bandit" for the characteristic black stripe near the cockpit, reminiscent of dark glasses. The 1: 500 scale Bandit model is even sold in souvenir shops.

The plane of Roman Abramovich

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman often flies on his Mi-171 helicopter with the number RA-25777. A very unusual vehicle, if only for the reason that this helicopter has an interesting coloring and a lucky number ending in three sevens. Probably, Fridman flies on this helicopter to his recreation center in the Tver region. According to the manufacturer, the maximum flight range of such a vessel is 600-800 kilometers, depending on the configuration, the cruising speed is 230 kilometers per hour, and the catalog value is $ 10 million.

Helicopter of Mikhail Fridman

Owner of the Onexim group, co-owner of OK Rusal Mikhail Prokhorov prefers to fly in a 6-year-old Airbus A319 with registration number M-RBUS. It is a large liner with dynamic colors and the callsign Silver Arrows. According to Airbus specifications, the aircraft is 33.8 meters long, has a wingspan of 35.8 meters, can accommodate up to 156 passengers, and has a catalog value of $ 88.6 million. However, the interior of the liner, most likely, was specially altered for the needs of the client.

The plane of Mikhail Prokhorov

Airbus A319 with registration M-KATE, on which a Russian businessman flies Dmitry Rybolovlev, a few years ago, attracted the attention of journalists, primarily British. Reporters were trying to figure out if the plane with such a speaking registration had anything to do with Kate Middleton, wife of the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. However, it is most likely that the A319 received such a registration in honor of Rybolovlev's daughter, Katerina. The plane belonged to Sophar Property Holding BVI, which Uralkali acquired while still under Rybolovlev's control. After the sale of Uralkali, the entrepreneur bought out its assets from Sophar.

Dmitry Rybolovlev's plane

Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NOVATEK Gennady Timchenko prefers to fly his Gulfstream G650, number OH-GVV. This aircraft is capable of making a non-stop flight over a distance of 12,964 kilometers and taking on board up to 18 passengers. In August last year, a businessman complained to the press that, due to sanctions, Gulfstream cannot sell him new aircraft and service those already purchased. Thus, he is forced to request charter flights when he needs to fly somewhere.

Gennady Timchenko's plane

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank Oleg Tinkov prefers to travel aboard the Falcon 900LX with M-TINK registration, as follows from the photos of his account in social networks... A recognizable feature is the coat of arms on the tail of the plane, the same one that Tinkoff bank clients see on cards and official documents. According to the manufacturer, the aircraft of this type has a wingspan of 21.38 meters, can accommodate up to 19 passengers, can make non-stop flights over a distance of up to 8,890 kilometers, for example, fly from Moscow to Tokyo. The cost of the aircraft on the market is 20-32 million dollars, depending on the condition, modification and configuration.

Oleg Tinkov's plane

Founder and Major Shareholder of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov flies on a 6-year-old Airbus A340-300 number M-IABU. Usmanov's airliner is the largest among all the aircraft in the ranking of the richest Russians. The liner is called Bourkhan (it is believed that in honor of the father of Alisher Usmanov), and its registration can be deciphered as “I, Alischer Burchanovich Usmanov (I, Alischer Burchanovich Usmanov). According to Airbus, the range of this type of aircraft is up to 13.7 thousand kilometers, the wingspan is 60.3 meters, the length is 63.69 meters, the capacity is up to 440 passengers in a single-class layout, the catalog price in 2011 was 238 million dollars, now the plane has already been discontinued.

The rich Russians, about whom the Russian Forbs often writes, are people with quirks, and they have money for these quirks. We have already written about the houses in which domestic billionaires live and on which yachts they move across the seas and oceans. It's time to take a closer look at another almost mandatory attribute of the oligarchs' image - their own planes.

Classifying a private jet as a quirk, however, is not always the right decision. Sometimes you need your own liner simply because "time is more valuable than money." In addition, often a personal jet is not the property of an individual - it can be leased or owned by a corporation that provides it to the business owner.

The fleet of Russian billionaires has a wide variety of aircraft models - from Yak-142 to Boeing 767-300 and army helicopters. Capacious long-haul Boeing and Airbus are used for long-haul flights. However, they are extremely expensive to maintain, and therefore less capacious Falcon, Gulfstream and Bombardier are more popular among billionaires. In total, according to a number of data, there are about 500 private VIP-aircraft in the Russian Federation.

According to the VIP passengers themselves, they first of all need safety, reliability, speed and a certain level of comfort from aircraft. The oligarchs understand for what purposes they need planes, and equip them for the existing tasks and their tastes, which is why the interiors of aircrafts often reflect the individuality of the personality of their owners. Someone from the rich decorates an airplane in hi-tech style, someone loves golden oriental luxury and expensive carpets, someone arranges an art gallery from originals or a library. In addition, there are originals in which the plane inside looks like a hut or a restaurant. There are also adherents of a healthy lifestyle, equipping a gym with treadmills and exercise bikes on an airplane. However, there are restrictions in the decoration - for example, it is forbidden to install billiard tables, heavy bathtubs, as well as use fire-hazardous and bulky materials (for example, marble). In general, individual aircraft trim in Switzerland usually takes one to two years and up to $ 20 million. The maintenance of the same air lock costs 3-5% of its cost per year and depends on the country of registration.

Who, how and with whom it flies

The private aircraft fleet is divided into a fleet large liners, which are sent in flight only with the permission of dispatch services, and small planes that take off only with notification. All of them can be both private and corporate property. There is also leased business aviation used by businessmen and officials - however, officials more often use scheduled planes. Flights on leased planes are not cheap: the average check is a million rubles or more. There is also a price tag for the most frequently booked routes: for example, the rates for renting a four-seater plane from Moscow there and back to Courchevel are from 40 thousand euros, to the Maldives - from 80 thousand euros, to Nice and Paris - from 30 thousand euros. Euro. It is clear that all these services are not for the poor.

It is significant that almost all business aircraft, both private and corporate, are usually registered offshore and do not pay Russian taxes, although they are based in the Russian Federation.

The cost of servicing private jets, including the flights themselves, can range from $ 100,000 to several million per year.

Standard for calculations: four pilots, one engineer, two or three flight attendants and one manager. Speaking of personnel: the monthly salaries of pilots in business aviation are 12-15 thousand dollars, stewardesses - 2.5-5 thousand, but this money is given to them by hard work: a flight attendant must know a foreign language, the basics of psychology, medical skills, understand in wines and cuisines of various nations, and at the same time in detergents with which the salon is serviced. Ordering food on board (the Pushkin restaurant on Tverskoy Boulevard is popular) and putting order and cleanliness on the airplanes is also the responsibility of the flight attendant. High loads on the body often lead to occupational diseases of flight attendants: forgetfulness due to oxygen starvation, infertility, cancer, varicose veins, etc. That's it - either health or money. By the way, they demand IQ for this money, and, of course, the appearance must be attractive so that it looks adequate against the background of an expensive plane.

Oligarchs privatize airports

Vnukovo-3 on the territory of Vnukovo is the largest business airport in Europe. On average, 35-40 thousand private flights are operated from here a year, which is 90% of all Russian business flights. The complex for servicing business-class aircraft and VIP-passengers is under round-the-clock tight security. Departures and arrivals of VIP-planes are not announced and do not appear in the schedules, and VIP-passengers arrive and depart through special terminals, where no one can see them. By the number of flights in a certain direction, one can form an opinion about what is happening in the business community. For example, compared to 2014, in 2016, flights to France decreased by 30%, and the number of flights to Ukraine dropped to almost zero. But the number of flights to Malta has increased from 39 to 120. I wonder why this would be?

Vnukov-3 has one more feature. This port is used by those who need to leave the country as soon as possible. It is from here that not so long ago the president of Antalbank, Magomed Mukhiev, who was suspected of embezzling 30 billion rubles, wanted to fly away on a leased plane. It seems that it was from here that the banker Borodin, accused of embezzling 62 billion rubles from the Bank of Moscow, as well as a number of other gentlemen who were ahead of the prosecutor's office, started. From here, the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, flew away, loading antiques, paintings and even beehives on the plane. From the same airport, rich people fly abroad to see doctors and cosmetologists.


In 2013, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the state's withdrawal from the ownership of Vnukovo airport. One of the main advantages of this port is its high profitability. At one time, Moscow really wanted to get the port - it did not work out. However, the capital invested decent money in it, and in last years the state budget has invested a lot in Vnukovo-3.

Airports are strategic objects, which is why, as a rule, they are in state ownership. However, Medvedev's government does not think so, deliberately transferring the largest airports to oligarchic management. Groups of airports have already been formed Viktor Vekselberg and Oleg Deripaska. Thus, the state is deprived of income from airports and abandons a strategic resource in favor of the oligarchs.

Forbes regarding the privatization of Vnukov said that private shareholders will own controlling stake, consolidated by Vnukovo International Airport (75%), in which Skoch, co-owner of USM holdings Usmanov, will have 81%. Private traders will have an option to buy out the remaining 25-30% of the state's shares. Vnukovo may enter into USM Holdings in the future Alisher Usmanov... The scheme is simple: in response to an investment of relatively small funds, the oligarchs will receive a huge chunk of state property. This is not only an airport, but also a railway entrance, and a highway, and the surrounding infrastructure, and land in the directions where the Russian business elite mainly lives: Rublevskoye, Mozhaiskoye and Novorizhskoye highways. Isn't it a continuation of loans-for-shares auctions?

Favorite planes of the oligarchs

1. Airbus A340-300.

Owner - Alisher Usmanov

The cost is $ 350 million.

Alisher Usmanov has several aircraft, but the Airbus A340-300 is the largest of them. $ 112 million was spent on its retrofitting. The aircraft has four engines, its flight range is 13,500 kilometers. There are no more than 30 such aircraft in the world. The liner is named after the father of the oligarch "Burkhan" (the oligarch's yacht is named after his mother). Board number M-IABU in "translation", apparently, stands for "Isle of Man, Ya-AB. Usmanov ".

2. Boeing 767-300ER.

Owner - Roman Abramovich

The cost is $ 191 million.

It is known that the aircraft is registered in the offshore Aruba (Caribbean, Netherlands). The flight range of this Boeing is 11 thousand kilometers. Liner capacity -

245 passengers. The plane is sometimes called a "bandit" for its characteristic black "glasses" at the cockpit and a dark strip along the plane. In addition to Boeing, Abramovich has other private planes.

3. Airbus A319 M-RBUS.

Owner - Mikhail Prokhorov

This is a large 6-year-old liner with dynamic colors and the callsign Silver Arrows. The length of the plane, which the politician and billionaire prefers to fly, is 33.8 meters, the wingspan is 35.8 meters. The cabin can accommodate up to 156 passengers. The catalog value is $ 88.6 million. However, the interior of the liner is most likely specially altered for the needs of the owner.

4. Airbus A319-133.

Owner - Dmitry Rybolovlev

The cost is $ 86 million.

The liner has a tail number M-KATE in honor of the daughter of the oligarch Catherine. A standard aircraft can accommodate up to 156 passengers, a business modification can accommodate up to 19 people, a flight range of up to 12 thousand kilometers. Dmitry Rybolovlev was one of the first to deal with securities and their purchase. He is fond of collecting works of the Impressionists, lives in Monaco. The basis of his fortune is the funds received from the sale of Uralkali.

5. Airbus A319-115 CJ.

Owner - Andrey Skoch

The cost is $ 50 million.

Through his father, who is in his nineties and to whom the business was rewritten, Andrey Skoch participates in USM Holdings, the main owner of which is Alisher Usmanov. Skoch also owns a significant stake in Vnukovo airport. USM Holdings brings together the metallurgical, telecommunications and Internet assets of partners.

6. Gulfstream

Owner - Vladimir Potanin

The cost is $ 33 million.

The plane is designed for 19 passengers. Its flight altitude is 15 kilometers, its flight range is 12.5 thousand kilometers, and its speed is 850 kilometers per hour. Potanin worked in the structures of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade, created the Interros foreign economic association, sold Natural resources, created ONEXIM Bank (probably using the money of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), gave birth to the idea of ​​loans-for-shares auctions, and through them, for small borrowed money, received the oil company Sidanko, Novorossiysk Shipping Company and Norilsk Nickel. Capital was earned from Norilsk Nickel, Rosbank and from the purchase and resale of assets.

7. Bombardier BD-700 Global Express. Owner - Victor Vekselberg

The cost is $ 23 million.

Vekselberg is the founder of the Russian-American joint venture Renova and the aluminum holding SUAL. His fortune is estimated at $ 12.4 billion. Viktor Vekselberg's big earnings went after the purchase of generating capacities (IES-holding) and the overstatement of tariffs for the services provided and active work with the Skolkovo IC, which is very generously funded by the Ministry of Finance. According to Ruspres, if the Investigative Committee is actively involved in the IC, then V.F. an airplane may indeed be urgently needed. However, Viktor Vekselberg is a member of many public organizations and enjoys the support of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation, which includes Dmitry Medvedev, Vladislav Surkov and Arkady Dvorkovich, so he is apparently trusted.

8. Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ.

Owner - Suleiman Kerimov

The cost is $ 50 million.

The model is designed for 19 passengers, the flight range is 9300 kilometers at a speed of 850 kilometers per hour. Kerimov also has a Gulfstream G-V worth 35 million. The Kerimov family owns 61% of the shares of Polyus (formerly Polyus Gold), the largest gold producer in the Russian Federation, as well as international Airport Makhachkala. In addition, Kerimov owns the Nafta Moskva company. In 2015, Kerimov sold the Moscow hotel. He made his fortune by investing in rising stocks. Since 2008 - member of the Federation Council from Dagestan.

9. Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ.

Owner - Rustam Tariko

The same jet is owned by the owner of the bank and vodka brand "Russian Standard" Rustam Tariko. Now Tariko Rust has an increase in vodka sales, but Russian Standard Bank, according to Utronews, is staggering. The bank owes about 70 billion rubles, the reason is debts on loans provided in foreign currency. Tariko has already sold his beloved yacht, but he is holding the plane so far - all of a sudden it will be needed.

Private investor Roman Abramovich - Boeing 767-300ER, number P4-MES

Boeing, on which Roman Abramovich moves, can often be seen in photographs of spotters (fans of photographing planes) in different parts of the world: Nice, Salzburg, Saint-Martin, Tel Aviv. The rich geography is explained by the capabilities of the Boeing 767-300ER, registered on the island of Aruba. The ER prefix in the modification of this 11-year-old vessel means an increased flight range, which allows for non-stop flights over a distance of up to 11,000 kilometers.

According to Boeing, such a liner can accommodate up to 245 passengers, its length is 54.9 meters, its wingspan is 47.6 meters, and the catalog value is $ 191.5 million. resembling dark glasses. The 1: 500 scale Bandit model is even sold in souvenir shops.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman - Mi-171, number RA-25777

A very unusual vehicle, if only for the reason that it is a helicopter in an interesting color and with a lucky registration number ending in three sevens. The Mi-171 plows the sky in the interests of Alfa-Aero LLC, which was a part of Alfa-Bank, probably on this helicopter he flies to his recreation center in the Tver region. According to the manufacturer, the maximum flight range of such a vessel is 600-800 kilometers, depending on the configuration, the cruising speed is 230 kilometers per hour, and the catalog value is $ 10 million.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema Vladimir Evtushenkov - Boeing 737-7FY, number P4-AFK

“An airplane is a vital necessity, of course, [I] have it, and it’s foolish to give up something that makes life and work easier,” the entrepreneur said in an interview with Vedomosti at the end of 2013. AFK Sistema has several aircraft in use, and Evtushenkov most likely visited the eight-year-old Boeing 737-7FY with a VIP cabin. Not only its registration (P4-AFK), but also the company's logo, printed on the tail of the liner, indicates that this liner belongs to AFK Sistema.

Owner of the Onexim group Mikhail Prokhorov - Airbus A319, number M-RBUS

Last spring, the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of Russia clarified the circumstances of the order for an aircraft from the Russian Ministry of Defense that flew to the Seychelles: it turned out that the plane was chartered by Onexim Group for 740,000 rubles. The media wrote that Mikhail Prokhorov took models and musicians to the islands: the Time Machine group and the singers Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh.

It is also known about another means of transportation of the billionaire, leased for a longer period, this is an Airbus A319, almost six years old, registered with the Global Jet Luxembourg company. It is a large liner with dynamic colors and the callsign Silver Arrows. According to Airbus specifications, the aircraft is 33.8 meters long, has a wingspan of 35.8 meters, it can accommodate up to 156 passengers, and the catalog value is $ 88.6 million. However, the interior of the airliner is most likely specially redesigned for the needs of the client.

Private investor Dmitry Rybolovlev - Airbus A319-133, number M-KATE

Airbus A319 with registration M-KATE several years ago attracted the attention of journalists, primarily British. Reporters were trying to figure out if the plane with such a speaking registration had anything to do with Kate Middleton, wife of the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. It turned out that the handsome liner is associated with Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev: the media suggested that the A319 received such a registration in honor of Rybolovlev's daughter, Katerina. The plane belonged to Sophar Property Holding BVI, which Uralkali acquired while still under Rybolovlev's control. After the sale of Uralkali, the entrepreneur bought out its assets from Sophar.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Standard Bank Rustam Tariko - Boeing 737-7BC, number VP-BRT

Rustam Tariko flies on a thirteen-year-old Boeing 737-7BC, registered in Bermuda under the number VP-BRT (RT, as you might guess, are the initials of a businessman). The board is decorated with ornate patterns, and on the tail there are painted a bear and an eagle, the same as on the vodka label or the sign of the Russian Standard Bank. The wingspan is 34.3 meters, the length is 33.6 meters, the maximum flight range is up to 6,000 kilometers. The price of a similar type, according to the catalog, is $ 78.3 million. The BC prefix in the model indicates that a special division of Boeing Business Jet, which creates airliners for corporate and private clients, took part in the work on the aircraft.

Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novatek Gennady Timchenko - Gulfstream G650, number OH-GVV

A person who is one of the ten richest people in Russia, in business aviation was known not only as a passenger, but also as a very active player. This was until the spring of 2014, when the Volga Group structure sold its share in the private air carrier Airfix Aviation Oy to an unnamed investor. As follows from the registry records, the company serviced the Gulfstream G650 with OH-GVV registration, on which Gennady Timchenko most likely preferred to travel (the plane is capable of non-stop flights over a distance of 12,964 kilometers and taking on board up to 18 passengers).

In August last year, the businessman complained in an interview with ITAR-TASS that, due to the sanctions, Gulfstream cannot sell him new aircraft and service the already purchased ones. Thus, he is forced to request charter flights when he needs to fly somewhere.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank Oleg Tinkov - Dassault Falcon 900LX, number M-TINK

Businessman Oleg Tinkov prefers to travel aboard the Falcon 900LX with M-TINK registration, as follows from the photos of his social media account. A recognizable detail is the coat of arms on the tail of the plane, the same one that the clients of Tinkoff Bank see on cards and official documents. According to the manufacturer, the aircraft of this type has a wingspan of 21.38 meters, can accommodate up to 19 passengers, and can make non-stop flights over a distance of up to 8,890 kilometers, for example, fly from Moscow to Tokyo. The cost of the aircraft on the market is from $ 20 million to $ 32 million, depending on the condition, modification and configuration.

Founder and main shareholder of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov - Airbus A340-300, number M-IABU

The liner of Alisher Usmanov is the largest among all the aircraft of the participants in the rating of the richest Russians. The businessman, who has occupied the first line in the ranking for four years in a row (he is on the 2015 list), prefers to fly the wide-body Airbus A340-300 with the registration of M-IABU. The aircraft is 6.5 years old.

According to Airbus, the range of this type of aircraft is up to 13,700 kilometers, the wingspan is 60.3 meters, the length is 63.69 meters, the capacity is up to 440 passengers in a single-class layout, the catalog price in 2011 was $ 238 million, now the aircraft already out of production. The liner is called Bourkhan (it is believed that in honor of the father of Alisher Usmanov), and its registration can be deciphered as “I, Alischer Burchanovich Usmanov (I, Alischer Burchanovich Usmanov).

Even the crisis did not force large entrepreneurs to abandon personal aircraft... Although they are expensive to maintain, flying businessmen value their comfort more than money.

Boeing 767-300 Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich (center) and Eduard Rossel (right)

The billionaire will prefer to talk about the details of doing business, he may not hide the brand of his expensive car. But he will probably keep silent about his private jet. There is no need for hype in such a matter. The movement of oligarchs by their own air transport is their own business. Legally, such flights are equated to a charter. Several times entrepreneurs stuttered in front of government officials that it would be nice for them, people so important for the country's economy, to replace the authorization procedure for using airspace with a notification. But so far there is no result. So, in the new rules, which will come into force on November 1, only private aviation, flying no higher than 300 meters, will be allowed to use the notification procedure an hour before departure. Maybe later they will remember about billionaires. Their planes are designed for high altitudes and serious speeds.

Taboo topic

The fleet of personal aircraft of Russians, in principle, is not large. Even fewer aircraft are from business aviation. Any car can become a business jet - it would have been money. But usually it is understood as a small VIP-class jet, most often of foreign production with a limited number of seats, no more than 19. According to the experts of the Business Aviation Club, one of the largest domestic sellers of "business" and administrative jets, the real owners of business jets in Russia are just over 450. So are wealthy people, according to rating of billionaires "F.", not much more. “Feel free to take the top half of the list - these persons probably own planes,” said one of the magazine's interlocutors. - But this is an absolutely taboo topic for discussion. Nobody knows more or less reliable data about the owners of the aircraft. "

A personal plane is like a beacon. Not everyone can afford it. And, as you know, big money does not like close attention. It is no coincidence that almost all aircraft do not appear directly in the ownership of those in whose interests they "work", but are registered with commercial structures. Wealthy Russians prefer to remain in the shadows and are in no hurry to pick up the initiative of the authorities, which allowed registration to an individual, which was not allowed a few years ago.

Some politicians and artists also own the air transport. It is believed that Philip Kirkorov there is an American Cessna Citation III. "United Russia", member of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy Grigory Anikeev honestly pointed out in his tax return owning a Falcon 2000 Ex Easy... The Governor of the Kaliningrad Region Georgy Boos also did not hide the fact that in 2009 he purchased a small jet with 9 seats. And recently, the presidential squadron also acquired foreign aircraft from the Falcon administrative category at a price of $ 50 million apiece. The French heavy jets class aircraft is five times more economical in terms of direct costs for the flight of the IL-96-300 heavy liner. For example, the flight of the president or prime minister from Moscow home - to St. Petersburg - will cost the treasury 80–90 thousand rubles instead of 450–460 thousand.

Home and office

Mega-level entrepreneurs who can buy several winged machines travel around the country and the world on jets - Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Prokhorov, Victor Vekselberg. Roman Abramovich owns not so much a jet as an aircraft that is usually used in commercial aviation - the Boeing 767-300. There are such liners in the parks of all major airlines, including Aeroflot and Transaero. Judgments about the exact number of boards in private ownership are only approximate. For example, how much Cessna is used in a country is known from planespotters (people whose hobbies are photographing and counting aircraft). They recorded at airports about 40 vessels of this manufacturer with different registration numbers. Of these, at least two dozen belong to unnamed private owners.

Most of the jets are the fleet of companies involved in the organization of VIP-transportation. According to various sources, there are several dozen such companies in the country. By the way, the presence of its own side at Vladimir Lisin sources do not confirm, claiming that the No. 1 billionaire uses the services of a VIP airline based in Vnukovo-3. But, as a rule, the clientele of leased aircraft is different. "Their services are used by about 4,500 people - businessmen who either do not want to buy an airplane, or who do not fly so often to have their own board," says the president of the Business Aviation club, Sergei Morozov. In any case, these are people who are ready to pay about 30-40 thousand euros for a flight to Europe. For billionaires, in this case, comfort is important, they have a certain level of demands. “If they resort to the services of such companies, then each time it will turn out to be a new, unusual plane with foreign flight attendants, possibly an inconvenient layout,” the expert explains. - Your plane - an airplane for yourself, like a home and an office at the same time.

No terrorists

The topic of increasing prestige due to the aircraft as an expensive toy remained in pre-crisis times. The need, of course, is there. But most entrepreneurs, having played enough with status in previous years, use jets for their intended purpose - for business. According to the estimates of the Business Aviation Club, before the start of the crisis in 2008, the number of business aviation flights in the Moscow zone reached 150-200 per day, which is comparable to regular flights over the same period.

One of the reasons wealthy people buy their own planes is because of the difficult routes. “Let's say you need to visit Moscow, London, Nice, Athens and St. Petersburg in a short time,” says Sergei Morozov. "No major scheduled airline can handle this challenge." Often, you can't get to your destination with a regular plane. According to a 2009 study by Galaxy And Mass Assembly and the National Business Aviation Association, up to 80% of business jets fly to airports that do not have a regular schedule or are limited to two or three flights operated by small turbine vessels.

But even if we are talking about flights to centers with a developed aviation infrastructure, there are difficulties with connecting flights in different cities, a lot of time is spent on the usual pre-flight check-in, baggage inspection, advance arrival at the airport, usually remote from the settlement. A personal plane does not have to be parked at a large airfield, and it will wait for a delayed passenger as long as necessary. Here the limitation is related only to the rest time of the crew.

It is known that the president of the bank "Avangard" Kirill Minovalov independently pilots his Cessna. His business interests are in the malt and glass business. The entrepreneur often negotiates with partners in Europe, where he flies from Moscow in an hour (taking into account time zones). During the day, he holds several meetings in different cities or even EU countries, and in the evening he returns to Russia. A convincing example of how having an airplane allows you to effectively manage your own time. Another important reason to use a personal aircraft is absolute and controlled security, when the entrepreneur is confident that there are no terrorists on board.

The crisis is not a hindrance

“We must remember that any owner of a business jet does not fly alone, but together with managers and security guards,” recalls BCS analyst Sevastian Kozitsyn. "If such a person used a regular or charter plane, he would have to buy out half the cabin for his team."

If you do not take the top of the “golden” billionaires, then the Russian jet fleet consists of corporate machines, which are used primarily in the interests of legal entities, Oleg Panteleev, head of the analytical service of the agency, is sure: “When we talk about the personality of Roman Abramovich, it is clear that his Boeing is a car for one, but if we mean pragmatic businessmen like Oleg Deripaska, then he will not spend money on maintaining the plane only for his personal needs. "

For such entrepreneurs, own boarding becomes an investment in improving the efficiency of the business and the communication capabilities of the company. Therefore, the oligarchs continue to buy planes, despite the crisis. “True, since 2008 there has been a decline in demand both in terms of leasing and acquiring ownership of aircraft. In my estimation, there was a fall of more than 50%, ”says Petr Koshelev, Commercial Director of Jet-2000, which offers management and business jet rental services. For example, one large company that sells jets reported that in 2009 it did not carry out a single deal to sell aircraft. Many cars were put up for sale, but nobody was interested in them. Although the aircraft on the secondary market could be purchased with a 20-50% discount. So, according to the observations of experts, co-owners of Sibir Energy Shalva Chigirinsky and Mirax Group Sergey Polonsky unsuccessfully tried to get rid of their own vessels. But success was accompanied by Lev Leviev, an Israeli businessman who owns AFI Development in Russia: he sold his Bombardier Global 5000 for $ 46 million. The situation is similar in the primary market. According to the American jet manufacturer Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, in the second half of last year not a single order was received from Russia, while the company usually sold up to a dozen airliners to Russian oligarchs annually.

However, the recovery of the market for such exclusive services has already begun: the demand for "secondary housing" is slowly but surely increasing, followed by a gradual revival of the primary market, experts say. If we talk about the intensity of flights on jets, according to Sergei Morozov, it has already approached the pre-crisis level: “Entrepreneurs, of course, have become more economical, but I would say within the framework of a certain trend, because everyone is saving around, but the statistics of our club's flights say on the other - they fly as before ”.

Piece of airplane

In this, domestic businessmen do not differ from foreign ones. The activity of business aviation flights in the EU countries also almost approached the level of 2009, according to Eurocontrol, only in April the intensity again decreased by 34% year-on-year due to the eruption of the Icelandic volcano. But the level of purchases of jets has not fully recovered. According to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), in the first quarter of 2010, world shipments of this type of vessels amounted to 164 units, which is 14.1% less than in the same period last year. True, the foreign market is much more saturated with jets than the Russian one - about 13 thousand private jets are registered in the USA alone. Of course, not all of them belong to residents: due to liberal legislation, the ships of many foreigners are registered in the States, including a significant part of 450 aircraft belonging to Russians.

Ranking of business jet owners

A place

A person


Status assessment, $ billion

Aircraft make

Primary market price, $ mln *

Roman Abramovich

Owner of Millhouse Capital , Chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug


Boeing 767-300

Suleiman Kerimov

Owner Nafta Moskva , member of the Federation Council


Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ


Gulfstream g-v

David Yakobashvili

Co-owner of Wimm-Bill-Dann


Gulfstream g550

Bombardier Challenger 604


Mikhail Prokhorov

President of the Onexim Group


Gulfstream GV-SP

Falcon 900 EX


Shalva Chigirinsky

Ex-co-owner of Sibir Energy


Gulfstream g550

Rustam Tariko

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Owner
bank "Russian Standard"


Boeing 737-7BJ / W BBJ


Andrey Skoch

Co-owner of Metalloinvest,

State Duma deputy


Airbus A319-115CJ

Mikhail Fridman

Principal owner and chairman of the supervisory board of Alfa Group


Bombardier Global Express

Oleg Deripaska

CEO and owner of Basic Element


Gulfstream GV-SP

Sergei Pugachev

Owner of the United Industrial Corporation, member of the Federation Council


Falcon 2000 Ex Easy

Gulfstream iib

Grigory Anikeev

State Duma deputy from "United Russia"


Falcon 2000 Ex Easy

Vagit Alekperov

President and co-owner of Lukoil


Falcon 900EX


Yak-142 (modification of the Yak-42)


Alexey Mordashov

CEO and main owner


Bombardier Challenger 604


Vladimir Potanin

President of Interros




Vladimir Bogdanov

General Director of Surgutneftegaz


Gulfstream IV-SP


Vladimir Evtushenkov

Chairman of the Board of Directors and the main owner of Sistema JSFC


Embraer-135BJ Legacy


Igor Makarov

The main shareholder of Itera


Embraer-135BJ Legacy


Victor Vekselberg

Chairman of the supervisory committee
and the main owner of Renova


Bombardier BD-700 Global Express


Kirill Minovalov

President and owner of Avangard Bank


Cessna 750 Citation X

Igor Vozyakov

Collector and philanthropist (former top manager of Transneft)


Learjet 60


Despite the financial difficulties, businessmen in no country are ready to abandon the use of personal aircraft. Hundreds of thousands of wealthy, but impoverished foreigners during the crisis travel around the world on business flights. Therefore, the form of joint ship ownership is developing abroad even more actively than before. This is the so-called “partial ownership”, not “private”: the customer pays part of the cost of the aircraft and receives a priority and cheaper freight for a certain period of time. “This option is close to a fractional ownership scheme, when a person buys not an airplane, but a certain number of flight hours on it, which allows him to optimize his own expenses,” says Oleg Panteleev. For example, in Europe, fractional ownership is about 10% of the private aviation market. Naturally, such a co-owner does not fully bear the costs of maintaining the car, which can reach 3-5% per month of the cost of the car. In Russia, buying planes by bundling is not very popular - there are still many who are able to buy an entire plane.

Roman Abramovich is the most talked about and most popular Russian oligarch among the common people, and not because he is a particularly generous patron of the arts or eager to get into politics. It's just about Abramovich that the tabloid press most often writes, and it is his life and achievements that are most interesting to follow, since Roman Arkadyevich himself is happy to share the details of his life with journalists. Abramovich's fabulous wealth has long been a byword, and there are already several dozen anecdotes about him. On the eve of the 47th birthday of the Russian Croesus, which he celebrates on October 24, we will look at his most expensive "toys"

Personal football club

Long before Roman Abramovich became the full owner of British Chelsea FC, this news was circulated in the press. The public wondered: why would a Russian oligarch buy a bourgeois football team, what is Abramovich going to do with this acquisition? Many believed the news of the Chelsea purchase was a duck until, in 2003, Abramovich officially bought the club's shares for £ 140 million and began to actively invest in it. Analysts say that maintaining a team of this level is not at all profitable, but Abramovich did not buy it to earn money - this is his own pocket club, an expensive hobby that only a few can afford in this world.

Yacht Eclipse

At the time of her launch (2009), this snow-white beauty was considered the largest private vessel in the world, but now she is in second place in the ranking. The luxurious luxury cabins can accommodate up to 36 passengers. Abramovich often throws business receptions and parties for his friends at Eclipse.

Airplane "Bandit"

Personal Boeing 767-33A / ER Abramovich dubbed the Bandit because of the presence of a black stripe under the cockpits for the pilots, causing associations with a bandit armband. The oligarch bought it in 2004 for personal needs. According to Izvestia, the interior decoration of the salons cost Abramovich $ 10 million, and mahogany and natural gilding were used as finishing materials.

Premium car fleet

Abramovich treats cars like a secular lady treats fur coats - he does not change them like gloves, but if he replenishes his car fleet with new cars, then it will be the most expensive, the most status car. So, in the garage of Roman Arkadyevich there is a playful horse Ferrari fxx limited edition, all over the world there are only three dozen such machines

Black armored limousine Maybach 62, and not one, but two - the second will come in handy in case the first runs out of gasoline. The cost of one such vehicle is $ 1.3 million

Also in the automobile collection of Abramovich there are several "simpler" horses:

Luxury kupeshka Porsche Carrera GT

Recently recognized as one of the most unprofitable cars in the world Bugatti Veyron

Another representative of the racing family - Ferrari 360

An Italian sports car with a stunning design - Maserati MC12 Corsa

Also in Abramovich's huge garage you can find all sorts of Rolls-Royces, Mercedes, Lexus - the oligarch does not even consider such a trifle

Castle and other real estate

No one especially royal blood would surely not refuse to live in the Chateau de la Croe, located on the Cote d'Azur. Previously, this villa belonged to the Windsor dynasty - the ruling royal dynasty in Great Britain. Journalists estimate that the acquisition and arrangement of the castle cost Abramovich approximately $ 40 million.

When Abramovich gets bored with Riviera, he goes skiing to America. There, in the prestigious Aspen resort, where all the cream of the western show business rests, he bought a cozy house with a mountain view

Well, when from time to time Abramovich visits the capital of our Motherland, he stops at his residence near Moscow. It can be assumed that he met there on December 21 last year: after all, according to rumors, the oligarch's villa near Moscow is equipped with a personal bunker in case of a nuclear war or some kind of cataclysm

Comments (7)

    Raspberry Reply

    Why didn't he buy the mainland for himself ... private.
    And from residents to take a tax for use.

    Lana Reply

    You might think. he alone lives like this, from the mighty of this world

    Semen Reply

    • Semen Reply


      Sergey Reply

      Karting. I want to help children!

      We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they have the same answer. About five years ago, I went to the governor Samara region appointment. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me.
      After that, we were given a room where we are now based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but the very poor material part does not allow us to recruit children.
      The last two competitions were missed due to lack of money.
      Yes and most of karting requires repair. This is the position of our circle.
      We also turned to the mayor of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to apply via the Internet, maybe someone will agree to become
      our sponsor. Maybe someone will just provide financial assistance.
      The world is not without good people.
      You can contact me through social networks. Or write to the mail [email protected]
      Yandex 410013054375238
      qiwi +79397086879

      Sergey020 Reply

      Karting. I want to help children!
      If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then take a look at this article.
      Those who, without your participation, can lose an exciting business, turned to you for help.
      Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
      They attend classes where they learn high-speed driving techniques under the guidance of an experienced coach.
      Only constant exercise allows you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed.
      Good qualification is the cornerstone of victory on the track. And, of course, professional cards.
      Children who are engaged in the circles are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
      How much pleasure and new sensations do the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving.
      Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport ?!
      You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a dire situation at the moment. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
      Read my letter and see the photos. Pay attention to the enthusiasm with which my pupils work.
      They love this developmental sport and really want to keep learning.
      “Dear citizens! I am asking you to help survive the karting section in the city of Syzran.
      There used to be TWO young technicians' stations in the city, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
      We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they have the same answer. About five years ago, I went to the Governor of the Samara Region for a reception. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me. our patron. Maybe someone will just provide financial assistance.
      The world is not without good people.
      You can contact me through social networks. Or write to the mail [email protected]... Fundraising can be done at
      Yandex 410013054375238
      qiwi +79397086879
      Sberbank card 4276540016094496 If anyone has a problem with the transfer. Money can be sent by mail by parcel or sent in a box by a freight company. Business Line. Pek. 446012 Samara region, Syzran
      Novosibirskaya street 47 Krasnov Sergey. The passport data is there You can buy the KARTING equipment and send it to this address by the CARGO COMPANY.
      We are not sitting. At this difficult time, we do not close the section, do not abandon the children, it is difficult, but we work. Do good. Goodness will return to you. Best regards, Sergei.