The most dangerous roads in the world that will take your breath away. The most dangerous roads in the world (10 photos) The most terrible pass in the world

Which roads are considered the most terrible and creepy in the world. Let's look at the TOP 10 worst railways. Videos showing scary roads.

Humanity has conquered the earth for a long time. It paved roads in the most unimaginable and terrible places. However, here nature played a cruel joke on people. If we look at the numbers, five times fewer people suffer from sharks than from the most dangerous roads in the world. At the moment, there are roads that are better not to use, and they are located, oddly enough, not in Russia.

Dangerous road

The most dangerous railways

Among the railways, one can highlight the “Aso Minami route”. It takes place in Japan and runs directly through an area with active volcanoes. Passengers who decide to use this route are scared for good reason.

Another railroad runs into Colorado. Train passengers are forced to cross the Devil's Bridge, being at the height of a nine-story building. The latter is supported on stilts, which look quite flimsy. Fortunately, there is no need for constant operation of this structure; this section of the road is used only for tourist purposes.

railroad in Colorado

There is a railway in India. It passes in the south of the last and leads to the island of Rameswaram. The railway tracks pass directly over the sea. The area above the water is one and a half kilometers long. It was built about a century ago and since then they have not bothered to repair it.

railway in India

There is a road in South Africa that makes you feel like you're on the beach. Despite the wonderful view, passengers have reason to panic - the train is at a decent height and it seems that it is about to fall into the abyss.

railway in South Africa

In Australia, the railway passes through a mountain gorge. The train itself travels along sleepers located on stilts, however, the route passes in close proximity to the walls of the gorge. Water falls on the glass and flows down.

railway in Australia

The most terrible and creepy roads in the world: top 10

In Nepal there is a road surface, thanks to which about fifty people say goodbye to life every year. In essence, it is just a small strip of land running along the border with a cliff. Its width does not allow even motorcycles to pass easily, not to mention the difficulty of moving in cars. Currently, the authorities prohibit the use of this road for almost the entire year.
The high mortality rate in this area is due to the number of landslides and the lack of any insurance, because the road does not even have fences.
Unfortunately, people are forced to use this road as it connects many villages with each other.

dangerous road in Nepal

There is another mountain road in New Zealand. It is very narrow, in addition, movement is complicated by rockfalls and, in the cold season, snow. The authorities prohibit the use of this road to anyone who does not have the proper permission to travel. This is due to the huge number of steep descents.

dangerous road in new zealand

The most dangerous Sichuan-Tibet highway runs through China. It branches into a southern and northern path. If you travel along it by bus, you can spend eight days. During the cold season, authorities prohibit using this route.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway

Runs from the Hunza Valley to the China-Pakistan border. It is famous for the fact that during construction alone it claimed almost a thousand workers’ lives. Some died after falling into the gorge. Others were accidentally set off by explosives. In addition, landslides still occur there. The length of this highway reaches one thousand three hundred kilometers. In the tenth year of this century, a landslide occurred that blocked the flow of the river.

Because of this event, the route was submerged under water for twenty kilometers. Ferries have now been built and cargo is being transported across the water surface. In addition, the authorities are concerned about creating a bypass route and now you can go around the lake using a network of tunnels. In total, their length reaches five kilometers. Movement is complicated by glaciers and landslides, which from time to time block the entrances to the tunnels. But they are quickly dealt with by the equipment that maintains the track.

The Kabul-Jalalabad highway passes through Afghanistan. Its length is sixty-six kilometers. Along the entire length of the route, the driver will have to deal with sharp turns and cliffs. Naturally, in such conditions, many accidents occur on the highway.

The Guoliang Tunnel is located in China, in the Tainhanshan Mountains. It is popular among tourists due to the large number of windows, which offer beautiful views of the valley.

In Norway there is a “troll road”, which is one of the brightest attractions of its country. She climbs the mountain, weaving between natural obstacles. There are eleven sharp turns on it.

In the Philippines there is the Commonwealth Highway, which is very unloved by drivers. Eighteen lanes are located over twelve kilometers. Thanks to the complex design of this route, accidents and traffic jams constantly occur.

For thousands of years, roads have made it faster, easier and safer to get from point A to point B. This does not mean, however, that all modern roads in the world are safe and provide a comfortable and easy journey.

From our material you will learn about roads that are located in distant and little-visited corners of the planet, as well as about roads that are the main national and international highways. All these transport routes have one thing in common: for one or more reasons, traveling on these roads is unsafe. Trails may be unpaved, remote, winding, narrow and unprotected. Whatever the reason, the dangers of these 25 roads around the world will force you to take a plane or train.

Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia

This highway is one of the five longest roads in the world, along with the Trans-Canada and Australian Highways. This road unites the European and Asian parts of Russia and leads from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok through Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Chita and Khabarovsk.

If the section from St. Petersburg to Moscow is busy and well-equipped, then at huge distances from Chita to Khabarovsk there is sometimes no light, no asphalt, or oncoming cars. It is doubly scary to break down on such a section of the road, because there is a forest around and, most likely, there is no cellular communication.

Highway 1, Mexico

Some sections of this Mexican highway are paved with asphalt, but the main part of the road is little different from the surrounding rocks and dirt. In addition, sections of the highway pass directly over high precipices and most often they are not protected by barriers and fences.

Serpentine of the Stelvio Pass, Italy

This may not be the scariest or most inconvenient road in the world, but it is the most ornate. This three-kilometer stretch of road in an alpine pass is not easy for novice drivers.

Road to Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador

The Pan-American Highway has many dangerous sections (more on them below) and branches, but the 40-kilometer section that leads motorists to Cotopaxi National Park stands out in a special place. This is a road without asphalt, and it is full of dangerous potholes, and it is also very slippery to drive on during rainfall.

Pan-American Highway, from Alaska to Argentina

This is the longest road in the world, and some sections of the highway can be considered the most dangerous. The road passes through jungles, mountains, glaciers, deserts and socially and politically unstable regions. It is not surprising that travelers often face problems along the way.

A44, England

This road does not seem dangerous at all, but a huge number of cars collide on it, most often head-on.

Road A682, England

Like the A44, this English road appears quiet and peaceful, but over a hundred people have died along this stretch in the past few years.

National Highway 5, Chile

This highway, especially the section from the city of Arica to the port city of Iquique, is responsible for a significant number of traffic accidents. Probably because open straight sections provoke violations of the speed limit.

Godao 318, China

This national highway, especially the section in Sichuan and Tibet provinces, is famous for its high number of fatal accidents. There are almost eight thousand fatalities per hundred thousand drivers. In addition, the road is often at risk due to avalanches and landslides, as well as bad weather.

Mountain road from Patiopoulo to Perdikaki, Greece

This section of road is narrow, winding and steep. You either ascend or descend 500 meters. In rainy and foggy weather, it is better to avoid traveling along this narrow mountain road.

Highway A726, Scotland

Just like the English roads mentioned above, Scotland's A726 is a normal looking road but is the site of a huge number of head-on collisions.

Highway 431, Alabama, USA

This road is rightly called the “Highway to Hell.” The road is full of crosses and memorials, reminding travelers of how many lives it has claimed.

Barton Highway, Australia

This road is called the most disgusting in all of Australia, and not all motorists traveling along it reach their destination safe and sound.

Road from Luxor to Hurghada, Egypt

Natural dangers await drivers on other roads around the world, but this stretch of Egyptian road is dangerous due to frequent attacks. Drivers even prefer to drive at night with their headlights off to avoid attacks.

Road to the mountain meadows of Nanga Parbat, Pakistan

The foothills of one of the highest peaks of the Himalayas (known as the killer mountain) are also called “fairy meadows”, but the road to them is not strewn with fairy dust, but is a ten-kilometer stretch of a narrow and dangerous path.

Skipper Canyon Road, New Zealand

Driving along this narrow and dangerous road directly above the canyon is only possible with a special permit. The road is very slippery and drivers risk colliding with oncoming cars when turning.

Halsema Highway, Philippines

The only way to reach the popular tourist spot called Sagada is to drive along the dangerous section of the Halsema Highway. It is dangerous due to frequent landslides, especially during rains.

Pazubio, Italy

Located in northern Italy, the commune of Pazubio is an amazingly beautiful place, but it is not easy to get to. Pazubio is surrounded by a narrow and winding mountain road that cannot even be passed by a large vehicle.

Taroko Road, Taiwan

This is the most dangerous road in Taiwan, with many blind turns, sharp turns and narrow sections passing through passes and mountain cliffs.

Road through the Guoliang mountain tunnel, China

This road through the Taihang Mountains was built by ordinary residents of the city of Guoliang, cut off from the rest of the world by huge cliffs. Today, the Guoliang Tunnel is a very scenic, but also very dangerous road.

Himalayan roads

This includes a web of unpaved, narrow, slippery and dangerous roads and trails that cross the Himalayas. The remains of crashed buses and cars are still visible on some of these tracks.

Highway BR-116, Brazil

This is the second largest highway in the country. It is called "the road of death" due to its disgusting condition, lack of repairs and threats of attack from gangs of robbers.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

This highway passes through a desert region where it is scary to break down due to the lack of civilization. In addition, the region experiences strong winds that carry rocks that can break a car window.

Commonwealth Avenue, Philippines

This highway is better known as the "killer road" in the Philippines. The highway passing through Quezon City has killed many drivers, cyclists and pedestrians due to non-compliance with rules and lack of proper regulation.

Yungas Road, Bolivia

Another “killer road,” this time in Bolivia, is considered the most terrible and dangerous in the world. Buses, trucks and large cars often fall into the abyss right off the road. Trying to overtake a car moving ahead at low speed can cost you your life.

What Russian doesn't like driving fast? The one that ends up on one of these tracks. Sharp turns, sheer cliffs and potholes: these roads are a true test of a driver's skill and courage. People living in these areas depend on transportation, but each trip could be their last.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway runs between Chengdu and Tibet. This is a high-altitude road, in the area of ​​which landslides and landslides regularly occur. In total, more than 7,500 people died in Sichuan-Tibet. Due to the risk of rockfalls and avalanches, drivers must exercise extreme caution.

Stelvio Pass, Italy

The Stelvio Pass is located in Italy at an altitude of 2757 meters - it is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps. From a distance, the winding Stelvio looks like a child's scrawl. But once you are on the road, it is better not to look down: a slight excess of speed or a bad turn can lead to disaster.

Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

This road runs in the Andes between Chile and Argentina. Steep slopes, sharp turns, coupled with a lack of guardrails and bump stops make Los Caracoles especially dangerous. The situation is complicated by the snow cover, which does not melt almost all year round. and making sharp turns without any extreme conditions requires great skill. However, the road is well maintained, which significantly reduces the number of accidents: trucks and even double-decker tourist buses use it daily.

Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

Skippers Canyon Road is an incredibly narrow and scary road. You will need a special permit to drive on it. If you manage to get it, be extremely careful: there is a possibility of colliding with a driver driving in the opposite direction.

Zoji Pass, India

Zoji La is a mountain pass in India at an altitude of about 3,528 meters, located on Highway 1D between Srinagar and Leh. In winter, the pass is often closed: road services do not always manage to clear it of snow. Zoji La is an important link in the communication between Kashmir and Ladakh: thanks to it, the inhabitants of the latter can stay in touch with the rest of the world.

Guoliang Tunnel, China

The Guoliang Tunnel, carved into steep cliffs in the mountains of Henan Province, may not even be visible in the photograph at first. Before it was built, the mountain village was practically cut off from the rest of the world. There is not a lot of traffic here, but due to its design the tunnel is quite dangerous.

Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

This is the highest international highway in the world. The government that built it called the road “Friendship Highway.” It crosses the Karakoram mountain range and connects China and Pakistan through the Khunjerab Pass at an altitude of 4693 m. In winter, due to the danger of avalanches, traffic along the Karakoram Highway is closed. But the road still arouses interest among tourists, because it is laid along the route of the ancient Silk Road.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

The 667-kilometer James Dalton Highway starts at Elliott Highway 84 miles from Fairbanks and ends in Deadhorse, near the Arctic Ocean coast. At first it looks quite serene, but in reality there are many potholes and slippery gravel on the road. The worst thing is that the track is located in the middle of nowhere, and you will have to wait a long time for help in case of an accident.

Jalalabad-Kabul Road, Afghanistan

Many roads are awarded the title of "most dangerous", but the 65-kilometer stretch of the highway from Jalalabad to Kabul, passing through Taliban territory, has every reason to be considered so. And not at all because of the threat of rebellion, but because of the narrow winding crossings at an altitude of up to 600 meters. Reckless Afghan drivers often try to overtake large tractor-trailers.

North Yungas Road, Bolivia

This “road of death,” as it is called, has been given the status of the most dangerous road in the world. An estimated 200 to 300 people die here each year. The road is single-lane and narrow, and instead of fences along the highway there are numerous crosses: these are places of car accidents, which often involve buses and trucks, especially if they try to overtake each other.

Ask motorists, for example, in Minsk about a dangerous roadway, and they will point to Bangalore Square. People tell scary stories about roads in the Smolensk and Bryansk regions.

But the most dangerous ones, as a rule, are in the mountains. I once had to drive along a mountain serpentine road in Romania, when there were steep slopes on one side and an abyss on the other.

We stopped for a smoke break and I looked down, and there was a dead sheep lying at the bottom of the gorge. Since then I have been afraid of mountain roads and try not to drive on them. Because of this, I did not go to the Valley of Flowers in India; they told me what roads I would have to take to get there.

If you look at the top most dangerous roads in the world, you can say that they are simple and safe.

Death Road in Bolivia, Yungas Province

It is in this province that one of the main “celebrities” of Bolivia is located. The 56-kilometer-long section is called “the road of death” by locals. When you go to look at the terrifying “sight,” think twice about whether it’s worth it, given that the highest point is 3.6 kilometers above sea level, the lowest point is 330 meters, the road width is 4 meters (it’s not easy to pass other cars).

Steep climbs, terrible condition of the surface (a mixture of clay and mud), lack of fencing are the reasons why dozens of cars break down here every year. Do not forget that buses regularly run along the “death road”, which increases the number of victims. Fogs and landslides as a result of heavy rains also worsen the situation.

Nepal, Karnali highway

Extreme lovers go here, only on motorcycles. Only locals decide to take big risks on this 250-kilometer highway; they travel in cars and buses at any time when the section is not closed to entry. They close the road when the surface is in worse condition, for example, after prolonged rainfall.

Karnali claims around 50 lives every year. Reasons: lack of fences, rockfalls, landslides.

Why not close the dangerous highway? The high number of casualties is not a convincing argument for the government to take such a step, given that Karnali connects dozens of settlements. There is no alternative except helicopters.

Ecuador, area near the Cotopaxi volcano

The official name of the road is Cotopaxi Volcan Road. Looking at the name, it’s easy to guess where the site leads. The route is 40 kilometers long, unlike the previous ones, it does not have large cliffs and does not “suffer” from frequent landslides. But it is included in the list of the most dangerous, if only because it is located next to an active volcano. The last time he woke up after a long sleep of 140 years was in August 2015.

Adding fuel to the fire, flooding is a common occurrence in this region due to the steep elevations and terrain features.

Even minimal precipitation becomes a large-scale problem, a disaster that claims human lives.

Chilean Ruta Nacional 5

It is part of the famous Pan-American Highway. With a length of 3,364 kilometers, it does not at first seem dangerous, but first impressions are deceiving. When reaching the section between Iquique and Arica (city), drivers are faced with a straight 300 km 2-lane highway running along a desert landscape.

The appearance of absence of danger plays a cruel joke on motorists. Many people lose concentration, fall asleep and run off the road. Others are faced with another problem - a powerful side wind that can even overturn a truck.

New Zealand, area near Skippers Canyon

The 25-kilometer scenic road is located on a sheer cliff. During its 140 years of existence, it was never expanded. Tourists cannot go in rented SUVs, since car insurance is not valid in this area.

Built in the 19th century, the track was designed as a road for moving carts. It is not surprising that driving a car is not an easy task. When giving way to oncoming cars, sometimes drivers back up for 3 kilometers.

China, Guoliang Tunnel

Located in a scenic area of ​​the Taihang Mountain Range. The 1.2-kilometer-long tunnel is the result of the hard work of 13 local residents, many of whom sacrificed their lives for the sake of their “creation.” The 4 meter wide tunnel is partially visible. This helps drivers navigate the road during the day. Traffic is blocked at night.

Since the Guoliang tunnel is the only one that connects the village with other settlements. Residents who do not have transport move along it. On the other hand, walking is safer, given the number of motorists affected by rockfalls.

Alaska, Dalton Highway

The Dalton Highway was called dangerous even at the design stage. And there is a good reason for this - the 666-kilometer-long road passes through three settlements, the population does not exceed 25 people. If the vehicle breaks down, there will be no quick help here.

The highway was created for commercial transportation. Now it is used by workers of the oil pipeline, to which the road section leads. And these motorists are familiar with government warnings to take essentials with you when venturing onto the Dalton Highway.

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Domestic roads are traditionally considered something terrible in our country, often incompatible with a normal car, and sometimes even elevated to the status of a national disaster. In fact, in many other countries, road conditions are just as pressing a problem. Let's see which roads are the most dangerous in the world.

The official title of the most dangerous was given to the Bolivian “Road of Death”, which runs at an altitude of 600-700 meters and is not equipped with any barriers. Once you enter a narrow one-way lane, you won’t be able to turn off it for the next 70 kilometers. Every year, up to 300 people die on the Death Road.

The Gwoliang Tunnel was carved into the Taihang Mountains of China in the 1970s. They say about this place: “the road that does not forgive mistakes.” Despite the high danger of the four-meter roadway, incredibly picturesque views open from the cut-out windows of the tunnel.

The Philippine Halsema Expressway is 241 kilometers long. But motorists travel this seemingly short distance on average for 10-15 hours. The mountain route is mostly muddy, and landslides and avalanches are common.

Our federal road M65 Lena is also included in the list of the most dangerous roads in the world. In winter, the temperature here drops below 45 degrees, and summer rains sometimes make it impassable.

The Karakoram Highway is called by some the ninth wonder of the world. The 1,300-kilometer road, built along the route of the Great Silk Road, reaches an altitude of 4,693 meters, connects China and Pakistan and is currently recognized as the highest mountain road in the world.

The Van Zyl mountain pass in Namibia can hardly be called a road. There’s definitely nothing to do there without a well-prepared SUV. But for those who manage to overcome the most difficult trails, a breathtaking view of the glacial valley awaits.

The Leh-Manali high mountain highway stretches 478 kilometers. And if you dare to look there, rest assured that it will be the most intense 478 kilometers of your life. Four-kilometer rocky routes without obstacles, coupled with snow storms, will frighten even experienced drivers.