When is there the least number of tourists in Paris? When to go to France? Eiffel Tower tickets online

When is the best time to go to Paris - how the French capital attracts tourists in summer, autumn, winter and spring.

Beautiful Paris. Elegant, romantic, modern capital. A haven for lovers and a gastronomic paradise. People come here, to one of the most attractive cities on earth, to experience the magic of elegant streets, admire the elegance of medieval cathedrals, and plunge into the romance of ancient quarters. No one remains indifferent to the charm of this city, in which the imprint of antiquity is harmoniously combined with the fresh splendor of modernity, the atmosphere of which is imbued with the spirit of romance novels. Creative people come here for inspiration, lovers come here for new, bright impressions. Therefore, when is the best time to go to Paris, everyone decides for themselves. The capital of France is beautiful at any time of the year. Every season is unique here. Each has its own charms and pitfalls.

Winter Paris attracts tourists with elegant store windows, fun festivals, colorful parades, interesting exhibitions and, of course, post-New Year sales. Illumination has been appearing on the city streets since the beginning of December. In winter, the festive atmosphere is best felt in the French capital; this is the most pleasant time for family trips. On the eve of the New Year, Paris turns into a fabulous city - exquisitely elegant and endlessly romantic. Christmas, New Year, Day of Light - all these holidays in Paris are truly magical. True, prices at this time are appropriate, and the influx of tourists is maximum.

In November, traditional Christmas markets open in the city, where you can buy all kinds of souvenirs, toys and delicacies. The first of them takes place in the La Défense area, and the largest is on the Champs Elysees. Throughout December, Notre Dame Cathedral offers a free, spectacular light show illustrating the story of Christmas. On Light Day, millions of lights are lit simultaneously on the streets of the evening city. And in February, walks along Parisian avenues are interesting with colorful carnivals and the exhibition of retro cars “Retromobile”.

Winter in Paris is not very cold; there is almost no snow or frost. Only in January, the coldest month of the year, does the weather sometimes bring surprises in the form of several days marked by snow. In February, Paris becomes a little warmer; after a long period of impotence, the sun's rays break through the curtain of dense clouds for the first time. On a dark, chilly winter evening, it’s so pleasant to sit in a cozy cafe, drink hot chocolate and watch how the light of street lamps shimmers with the festive lights of Christmas markets, elegant colorful garlands and unreal illumination of shop windows, and all this against the backdrop of trees and sidewalks dusted with a snow-white blanket.

Paris is beautiful at any time of the year, but in the spring the city of lovers is especially beautiful. Few people want to argue with this. Everything around is blossoming, fountains begin to work, summer terraces open, musicians perform on the embankments and squares - the majestic ancient city seems to be getting younger before our eyes. In March, although the sun is shining like spring, the weather is still not very warm - the thermometer rarely rises above +7º. Walking through the old quarters will bring incomparable pleasure at this time. Among the gray and white stone houses, a tree suddenly appears, completely covered with delicate greenery and white and pink flowers. Tulips, crocuses and daffodils bloom in gardens and parks. The air, saturated with the aromas of the first flowers, is literally intoxicating.

And if the March weather is quite unpredictable, prone to presenting surprises - both in the form of unexpected frosts and long-awaited thaws, then from mid-April the city is transformed beyond recognition: it is all so sunny, blooming, fragrant. And May, when parks and gardens are surrounded by lush greenery, is considered one of the best months of the year for a trip to Paris. And at this time chestnuts are blooming in the city. It is interesting that on May 1st there are no rallies or demonstrations in France; this day has long been a lily of the valley holiday for the French. Delicate flowers are sold everywhere, Parisians give and keep elegant bouquets, firmly believing that they bring happiness.

March is interesting with an art fair, the Paris Film Festival, St. Patrick's Day, April with a Culinary Festival, the Paris Marathon and a fair in the Bois de Vincennes, and May is notable for jazz festivals, the Paris Fair, the Spring in the Streets festival and the Victory Day celebrations on the Champs-Elysees solemn parade.

Summer in Paris is wonderful weather: warm but not hot, thanks to the refreshing westerly winds. These are outdoor festivals, many of which are free. These are a variety of exhibitions, concerts, festivals, attractions and other entertainment that can satisfy the taste of even the most sophisticated traveler. True, due to the abundance of tourists in the summer, Paris turns into a noisy, hectic city, but this does not prevent it from looking joyful and elegant.

June evenings, when it is not yet very hot outside, the greenery around is still fresh like spring, and the flowers delight with their diversity, are simply made for walking around the city. June in Paris is the La Villette jazz festival, the Saint-Denis music festival and the Festival of Music. And in the first month of summer, a fair is held on Saint-Germain-des-Prés Street - very unusual, in the tradition of medieval markets. Only in summer are all the towers of Paris open until late: by climbing them, you can look at the evening city from a bird's eye view, see a magical panorama of the capital against the backdrop of the setting sun. And when night falls, the doors of noisy Parisian cabarets open.

It's hot in Paris in July. The green lawns of the Champ de Mars, shady alleys of squares and parks, quiet ponds and fountains splashing with cool water will help you escape the summer heat. City beaches are also open in summer. A boat trip along the Seine will be unforgettable: you can not only sail under its 15 bridges, admiring the delicate frame of the embankments, but also combine it with a romantic dinner in a cafe - the whimsical play of street lamps, the freshness emanating from the water surface, the sophistication of French cuisine - all this will help create an uplifting mood.

The main event of July is the large-scale celebration of Bastille Day, one of the most revered holidays by the French. All of Paris dances in the streets and squares on this day. And the sky of the evening city lights up with multi-colored lights of festive fireworks. The second half of July is attractive for shopping lovers: the summer sales season begins. By the end of the month, discounts on goods in stores reach up to 70%.

In autumn, the capital of France can greet you with cloudy, cloudy skies, cool weather and drizzling rain. But in the hearts of true romantics, autumn Paris leaves only the most vivid and unforgettable impressions. Crimson-golden clothes in which green parks and gardens are dressed up like summer, bright asters in autumn flower beds, a frame of yellowing foliage, amazingly combined with the grandeur of ancient fortresses and the gray silence of squares - the beauty of fading nature makes Paris especially beautiful at the beginning of autumn, gives the city a special charm and charm.

Autumn in Paris is the time when the city wakes up a little later than usual, when the Eiffel Tower seems to “float” out of a foggy haze every morning, when there are more and more loving couples in parks and squares in the evenings, and on a date, instead of a Panama hat and sunglasses, you need take a warm sweater with you. In autumn, Paris turns into a paradise for art lovers. This is the time for theater and film premieres, fashion shows, and outdoor festivals. The cultural life of the capital in autumn is especially rich.

In September, one of the most beautiful cities in the world pleases its residents and guests with warm weather: the summer heat subsides, but the sun still shines gently and warmly. At this time, when the autumn rain has not yet had time to wash away the bright colors of summer, when the crowds of tourists dissipate a little, you can walk along the quiet, cozy streets of the “old city” for hours, discovering more and more of their corners. The aromas of slight sadness, some melancholy and nostalgia for the past summer are in the air. True, sadness quickly dissipates in the rays of the gentle sun.

October is marked by a noticeable cooling: during the day, although the thermometer freezes at +15°, in the mornings there is sometimes a slight frost. November is a rather damp and dank month, with an average air temperature of +6°. True, although it does not pamper you with warmth, it does provide an opportunity to explore the ancient cathedrals of the capital leisurely, without numerous groups of tourists.

In October, mass celebrations take place: Montmartre hosts a grand harvest festival - a colorful festival dedicated to the grape harvest. Each time, in honor of this event, patrons and townspeople come up with something new and interesting. All French bohemians come to taste delicious treats and new wine. Music, dancing, fancy dress, all kinds of performances - for just one day the city is immersed in noisy, serene fun.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the ideal time to travel to Paris is from September to October and from April to May. It is better to plan your trip for September - early October, the second half of May and the first weeks of June. Those looking to save money should consider traveling to Paris in the winter, after the February sales end, in early spring and late autumn. For example, in February and March, prices for air tickets and hotel accommodations are the lowest, and the cost of visiting museums and other attractions is pleasantly surprising. On the eve of the New Year holidays, during the period of big sales, on Easter and the May holidays, from the second half of June to September there are a lot of tourists in the city, so prices for almost all services skyrocket.

Whatever Paris may be - sad and thoughtful, joyful and bright, bathed in golden foliage, buried in lush greenery, illuminated by festive lights, this magical city is beautiful at any time of the year. A true traveler will not be disturbed by winter winds, autumn rains, or summer heat. After all, everyone seeks and discovers their own Paris. Everyone has their own favorite time of year in this beautiful city. Let your meeting with the French capital be unforgettable!

– tourist cities out of season. Each season is unique here, and in addition to numerous advantages, it has special disadvantages. To know exactly when is the best time to go to Paris, you need to evaluate all the positive and negative aspects of the trip and choose the most suitable option.

If you go to Paris in spring

Tourists prefer to come here in May, since the first two months of spring are quite cool and rainy. But you shouldn’t unconditionally believe general statistics; it’s better to look at real data on spring weather in Paris. If you are satisfied, then you should decide on your leisure time.

In bad weather, you can visit numerous museums using. On sunny days you can visit the center of Paris: beautiful or famous.

You can also visit a number of parks:

Do not forget about such iconic sights as: which are the calling cards of Paris.

It's definitely worth a visit for its iconic sights. Of course, without a guide, especially if you are in Paris for the first time, it will be difficult for you, so we offer you a unique opportunity to use the services of professionals inexpensively.

  • (price: 250.00 €, 3 hours)
  • (price: 45.00 €, 3 hours)
  • (price: 25.00 €, 2 hours)

If you go to Paris in winter

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the city comes to life, life is in full swing here and the influx of tourists increases. Winter is a great time for Christmas, because Christmas sales begin in all stores.

In the capital it depends on many factors, so we strongly recommend that you follow the latest data from meteorologists.

Used by almost all tourists and travelers, renting a car in this city will not bring a noticeable gain in time when moving, because... Narrow streets cause large traffic jams, which take up not only time, but also precious nerves. In addition, in Paris you can easily purchase a travel pass of a suitable type (available for several trips, for using transport for one day, for a long stay), which will save a lot of money. If you are planning to spend a week or more in Paris, it makes sense to buy a Navigo Decouverte pass. You can find out more by following the link above.


Many travelers identify shopping as one of the purposes of a trip to Paris (a detailed article on shopping is posted), along with a cultural program. And this is absolutely the right decision, because here you can buy excellent fashion items of the current season. A huge number of shops throughout the city are aimed at tourists, attracting attention with discounts and catchy advertising. But you don’t need to focus only on those numbers that are indicated as discounts at street boutiques. Some stores first inflate the prices of their goods, and then make discounts, as a result, buyers purchase things at regular prices. Therefore, it is better to shop at.

Because prices in Paris are very high, then to save money it is better to go on vacation to. Discounts on goods reach 80-90%; for the same money you can buy several times more things without losing quality. Also, to protect your money, it is advisable to return VAT. This service is available to tourists, thanks to Tax Free (this is what VAT refund is called) you can save up to 33% of your shopping budget (the percentage varies for different categories of goods). Read more about Tax Free in Paris.

Regardless of the shopping budget, it is advisable for everyone to read an article about how the list contains original products that you, as well as your family and friends, will definitely like.

  • If you want to visit the main attractions without queues, then come either to the opening itself or to the closing. Huge queues form within an hour after opening. Immediately after lunch the queues decrease, so this can also be used to save time.
  • Print (or buy) detailed and overview maps. Paris is big and it won’t be difficult to get lost in it, but with a map you can get your bearings and get to the right place. You should not rely only on electronic cards, because... Batteries in electronic devices run out at the most inopportune times.
  • The Latin Quarter in Paris is cheap area with cheap shops, restaurants and souvenir shops. Want to save money? Go there.
  • The tourist season is divided into high and low. One is suitable for active shopping and visiting museums, and the other for an inexpensive holiday. Find out for yourself.
  • The best view of Paris from above- This is the Montmartre hill (the highest point in Paris). If you don't want to stand in a huge line at the Eiffel Tower, then Montmartre is a great place.
  • Take advantage of “free sightseeing days.” Some attractions are free on some days (or at some times). For example, admission to the Louvre is cheaper after 18:00 on Fridays and is completely free on the first Sunday of each month. You can find out about such discounts on the official websites of attractions.
  • Buy a metro card. There are a lot of metro stations in Paris, the map will help you navigate and quickly get to the right place.
  • Use a local SIM card. This way you will save significantly on mobile communications and the Internet. Read more.
  • Buy a Paris Pass. This way you will save a lot of money on visiting attractions, using public transport and much more.

Travel cost

Here everyone is free to determine for themselves how much an independent trip to Paris will cost. Different travelers have different travel styles and all have different holiday requirements. If you use it, the trip will not be expensive. On average, a two-week trip to Paris requires 90,000 rubles per person (including round-trip flights from Moscow to Paris). My trip to Paris cost 86,000 rubles. You can find out about creating a vacation budget in a given city at.

Here's a look at the costs of an independent trip to Paris for 10 days for 2 people.

Prices in Paris

Housing prices

Grocery prices in the supermarket

Transport prices

Prices for attractions

So I have listed the main features of an independent trip to Paris. Now you can better organize and reduce the cost of your trip. Paris is a truly wonderful city, after visiting which I was left with only positive emotions :) . Travel, read my blog and enjoy life! All the best!

Any city has its favorable angles and those that... not so much. Just like a human face :) And of course, everyone wants to present themselves from the best side, which is understandable. For a person, lighting and head tilt will play a decisive role, and for a city - the time of year and weather. I am often asked: what is the best time to go to Paris, and when is there the least number of tourists? Unfortunately, the first and second points do not coincide. And, by and large, it seems to me that there are a lot of guests here all year round. But, perhaps, we just need to come to terms with this and take it for granted. As one of my acquaintances said after his first visit to Paris: “I don’t understand why many people are surprised and annoyed by the crowds of people in tourist places. What’s so strange about the fact that a huge number of people want to see one of the most beautiful cities in the world?”

If you're planning a trip to Paris but haven't decided on dates yet, I hope this post will give you some ideas.


Of course, I will start with August, because here it is - very soon, and it seems that I have never in my life looked forward to it as much as I do now. As I have said , the last month of summer is the holiday period in France. Parisians are tearing their claws out of the city as best they can and going somewhere to the sea-ocean. Thanks to this, the capital is empty for four weeks, becoming quieter and much more relaxed. I'm internally torn between craving a lazy vacation on the beach and a huge love for the Parisian sunsets in August, when you can catch the feeling of an intimate tryst with the city. In short, come.


The exact schedule can always be Googled in 5 seconds. Winter sales this year began on January 6 and ended on February 16, and summer sales started on June 22 and will last until August 2. Of course, it is best to come during the first two weeks. And if possible, go shopping on weekdays until 16-00. Unless, of course, you suffer from an acute deficiency of tactile contact with strangers in crowded stores :)


European Christmas means tons of beautiful street decorations, garlands, lighting wherever possible, shop windows, one more luxurious than the other, delicious holiday fairs and just a warm holiday atmosphere. Even though snowy winters in Paris are extremely rare (that’s why they love it so much). Well, and most importantly, the season for oysters and other sea creatures falls precisely in December-January: food counters are crowded in supermarkets, markets, and restaurants. Christmas is the best time to try your first dozen oysters (or better yet, start with a maximum of 6 pieces) or lobster.


Probably April sees the heaviest avalanche of tourists in Paris. Why? Because everything is in bloom... Pink clouds of cherry blossoms scattered throughout the city attract people like light attracts moths. True, tourists mostly hang out near the sakura near Notre Dame, while there are much more interesting and atypical locations: jardin des Plantes, Japanese garden , So Park (pictured above and in the post title), Gabriel Pierne Square. But it’s not just about the blossoms: the whole city seems to be slowly, slowly straightening its back, standing up to its full height, straightening its shoulders and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Every day you feel it - that summer is just around the corner. It doesn’t matter that this feeling is very deceptive)) The locals will understand me - this year the spring was lightning fast, and the summer was late. But what difference does it make, because April itself is absolutely wonderful.


And for dessert I left my favorite month. For me personally, the most beautiful Paris is in October. This is the time when the number of shades on the trees, sidewalks and in the sky is simply mind-boggling, honestly. I really love Paris in general, at any time of the year, but in October I am so happy here that sometimes I want to cry. I’m not sure that everyone will understand this) The garden at the Rodin Museum, again - Albert Kahn’s garden with sunny yellow ginkgos, the Bourbon embankment, the view of the right bank from the roof of the Arab World Institute, sunsets from the Nave bridge, the aroma of chrysanthemums, the first glass of red wine on the terrace (this is my autumn tradition), openwork sunlight through the branches of flying linden trees, red-red-brown-yellow walls covered with ivy in the yard and in the garden behind the administrative tribunal building, mountains of fallen leaves from plane trees in the Luxembourg Gardens and the deserted alley of Bord de l'Eau in the Tuileries... There is no more sky like in Parisian October. No more such viscous, relaxed walks and light, bright the sadness that comes in anticipation of the winter rains. In October, Paris is still warm, very gentle and very welcoming.

Apart from all weather/seasonal/tourism factors, you need to go to any point on the planet when you want, and not when a guidebook, blogger or travel agency advises. The best trips happen when we are ready for them, and these moments most often do not coincide with the above factors. My first Paris happened at the end of March-beginning of April. I remember that it was very unexpectedly warm, and few trees were blooming. And I didn’t even do half of what the guidebooks oblige me to do with their “top 10” and so on. Wherever we go, the first thing we need to pack with us is a light heart and wide open eyes. Then they will be able to accommodate everything new, and not just the expected.

The climate of France was largely shaped by the influence of the Atlantic. Four climatic zones (Atlantic, continental, alpine and Mediterranean), each of which is characterized by a variety of natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

Weather in France now:

No wonder France is a favorite tourist destination for excursion, sea and ski holidays. There are over forty natural parks of national and regional significance in the country.

Noisy Paris is not all of France. In order to understand how beautiful the French land is at any time of the year, you need to visit its provinces, replete with pastoral landscapes and corners of untouched nature.

Climate of France by month:


The most romantic time of the year in France is spring, with its delicate greenery, the first flowers and the timid awakening of nature. Rivers overflow their banks, chestnut trees bloom, cities and villages are drowned in fragrance. The concrete jungles of the cities are illuminated here and there by touching trees, completely covered with white and pink lace of flowers. Wedding processions move through the streets, because spring is the traditional wedding season for the French.

Broom and gorse are blooming in Brittany, thousands of different species of birds are buzzing in the marshes and dry salt lakes of Provence, and chateau owners in the south of France are starting to prune their vineyards. While the first flowers appear from under the snow in the Alps, the “King of the Five Continents” carnival with its famous flower battles is already starting in Nice.


Summer in France is the peak tourist season, when pleasant, cool weather sets in. It is especially good at this time of year on the sea coast, where the air warms up above +25`C, and rains are relatively infrequent. During the period June-August, it is very warm throughout the country. Cool weather persists only in some mountainous areas; The top of Mont Blanc is covered with snow all year round.

It is in summer that the wild fauna of the forests of France is most active, which, despite urbanization, has been preserved much better than in neighboring countries. In the warm season, in nature reserves and national parks you can observe chamois, brown bears, badgers, foxes, deer, otters, roe deer, and wild boars. There are trout in the rivers and lakes of France; In the Bay of Biscay, fishing is carried out for sardines, herring, flounder, shrimp and lobsters.

Summer in France is a time for carnivals, festivals, and theatrical performances in ancient castles. On June 21, Music Day is celebrated throughout the country. It sounds everywhere: in concert halls, on the streets, in French homes.


Autumn in France smells of young wine from Aquitaine and Burgundy, rotten leaves in the vicinity of the Loire castles, bathed in the cool October sun. This is the time when the French return from vacation, and numerous tourists, on the contrary, flock to the Cote d'Azur, wanting not to miss the velvet season.

The main harvest period in France also occurs in autumn. At the end of October, the French celebrate Chestnut Day. This delicacy is fried, and its aroma envelops the streets of cities and villages. The holiday continues with the Week of Taste, which includes Cider Day, Spice Day, and Fish Festival.


The French winter is characterized by northerly winds, bringing cold weather to its territory, right up to the Mediterranean coast. However, this does not frighten tourists who prefer this country for holidays at any time of the year. A remarkable fact: at the height of January, the temperature in Paris can be the same as in Sevastopol, and the sky will be bright blue, like in Istanbul in the summer.

Winter in France means, first of all, rain, not snow. Therefore, a Frenchman needs an umbrella to a much greater extent than a sled or a warm down jacket. Temperatures rarely drop below zero. The coldest weather in winter is observed in Alsace, and the warmest on the island of Corsica, where the average monthly temperature in January is +13`C.