Hainan Island – attractions, cities, beautiful photos. Sights of Hainan Island, China: description, history and interesting facts. Where is the best place to go to Hainan?

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The best resort in the Middle Kingdom, “Eastern Hawaii” and the main Chinese health resort, Hainan in the past was an exiled island for nobles. Today, only the lazy have not heard about him. A good half of Siberia and the entire Far East are treated here for their illnesses and ailments, at the same time betraying their mortal bodies to the warm turquoise waters of the South China Sea. It’s even boring to describe the traditional picture of Hainan beaches - everything is luxuriously banal to the point of gnashing teeth: here they are, emerald palm trees, snow-white sand and azure waters. Let’s talk better about the “tricks” of Hainan; this island has plenty of them.

Firstly, the Li and Miao are the main ethnic groups in Hainan, staging amazing funeral and wedding ritual shows for tourists, which makes this corner of China completely different from the rest of the country. Secondly, fruits - rambutans, lychees and other exotic fruits in Hainan will become the main meal at any time of the day or night, since you will rarely taste such an abundance of goodies. Further, they don’t need any special introduction. And, finally, a surprise for all the lazy people vacationing in Hainan: a rich cultural heritage, which should be looked for not in the south, where all the resorts are concentrated, but in the north, where, in fact, the nobility that bothered the emperor were exiled.

Search for air tickets to Sanya (the nearest airport to Hainan)

Cities and resorts of Hainan

For lovers of active recreation, the vicinity of Sanya has all the conditions for diving, surfing, paragliding, cycling and fishing.

By the way, the Chinese come to the beach not so much to swim as to just sit, admire the sea and watch the white aliens in their natural habitat. The Chinese themselves prefer to stay further from the sea - it’s cheaper.

The entrance to the water in all bays is smooth and gentle; the shore is very shallow, so swimming is convenient and safe even with small children. The territory of the beaches is conditionally divided between hotels, but there are no fences, you can relax where you like. Admission is free almost everywhere, including showers, changing rooms and toilets. The only thing you have to pay for is sun loungers and umbrellas (20-50 CNY) and all kinds of water activities (from 200 CNY for a trip on a boat or banana boat to 1000 CNY for fishing on a specially equipped boat).


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, skin and urological diseases, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and hypertension are treated on the island. Treatment on the island excludes any form of surgical intervention and is carried out exclusively by traditional Chinese methods in combination with the use of natural medicines. The well-known center for traditional Chinese medicine is the “Garden of Longevity” in the Dadonghai district at the Pearl River Garden Hotel. Another center, SanYiTang, is located in Sanya, and not so long ago a branch of this clinic opened in Yalong Bay, at the Cactus Resort Hotel.

Other popular centers: Tai Chi and Yu-Kang. The Nantian medical complex will also help improve your health, on the territory of which there are more than 30 pools with water of different temperatures and chemical compositions.

Travel to Hainan Island

Diving in Hainan

The rich world of the depths of the South China Sea has been providing the island with a steady influx of divers from all over the world for several years now. Visibility underwater there is more than 20 m, and diving can be done all year round thanks to the stable mild climate and the absence of strong currents. Sometimes, however, echoes of southern storms reach Hainan, and then divers are forced to give up the bridgehead to surfers for several days.

Popular dive sites: Xiaodonghai Bay (two rivers: a bulk carrier and a boat, depth 15 m), Yalongwan (densely populated coral colonies, 18 m), Houhai Bay (corals and underwater rocks with grottoes, 30 m), Fenjiezhou Island (rocks and rivers, 25 m).

Shopping and stores

Hainan's calling card is pearls, which are famous for their regular shape and variety of colors. Tea, rock crystal, silk, porcelain, wood carvings, Buddhist souvenirs and Feng Shui symbols are also brought from the island.

You can first try different varieties of Chinese tea in tea houses scattered throughout the island, and then buy the one you like.

Haixudong Street in Haikou is a place where prestigious shops are concentrated, and you can buy artistic crafts at the Cape Market “The Edge of Sky and Sea”. In the city of Sanya, the main department stores are located on Liberation Street in the city center.

Not long ago, a Tax free system was introduced on the island, but so far only in a few stores. The purchase amount must be from 800 to 5000 CNY, VAT refund - 11%.

What to try

Entertainment and attractions

When you arrive in Hainan, you should definitely set aside 2-3 days and drive around the island in search of beautiful views and interesting sights. There are plenty of them here.

To get to know Buddhist culture better, you should go to Nanshan Temple. Not far from it, on an artificial island, stands the tallest statue of the goddess Guanyin in the world, and in the sanctuary there are a dozen sculptures of the Buddha himself.

From the observation deck in front of Nanshan there is a picturesque view of the sea and a giant statue of a bodhisattva.

Betel Nat Ethnic Park is located 30 km from Sanya. It is dedicated to the life, customs and traditions of the small peoples of Li and Meow. There are huts scattered throughout the area where you can learn about the tattoos, dialects and other characteristics of the local residents.

The Sky Grottoes are the most ancient attraction of Hainan.

Hainan has many picturesque natural parks and reserves. In one of them, on Monkey Island, more than 2,000 tailed inhabitants live. You will have to take a cable car to get here, but you can admire the island and the surrounding South China Sea. Another entertainment is fishing on rafts; there are also small restaurants serving excellent seafood dishes.

Another park, the Celestial Grottoes, is considered the island's most ancient attraction. It was founded almost 1000 years ago. Today, South Mountain attracts tourists with its beautiful views and historical structures, including the Temple of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, which houses a statue of the ruler himself, and the Wall of Records at the top of the mountain. In addition, the Sanya Natural History Museum is located on the territory of the Taoist Park.

The resorts of Hainan are well suited for families with children. Most 4 and 5* hotels have play areas, small pools with slides, a daily entertainment program and a children's menu in the restaurant.

Not long ago, a large modern water park opened in Sanya. It is divided into 3 zones - children's, children's and adolescents' and adults'. There is a pool with artificial waves, which is also divided into 2 parts - in one the tide is very weak, in the other a real storm is raging.

On the shores of the picturesque Lake Dongshanhu lies the largest natural zoo in the Asian region (office site in English). Animals from different parts of the country are collected here - elephants, giraffes, monkeys, sika deer. There are also dangerous predators - lions, tigers, crocodiles, so excursions are conducted in jeeps or buses. This place bears little resemblance to the familiar zoo with its cramped cages. Animals are kept in conditions as close to natural as possible. The zones are separated, but the enclosures are so spacious that their boundaries are almost invisible. The peaceful inhabitants can be approached, petted and fed.

In March there are many Chinese at the resorts, and from February to May they are occupied by Europeans.

Considering the islands of China, Hainan can be particularly highlighted. This is an amazing place on our planet, where thousands of tourists from all over the world strive to get to in order to enjoy an unforgettable vacation and bring home vivid impressions of incredibly beautiful nature. Recently, China has become very popular among tourists. And travelers, choosing the islands of China for their holidays, prefer Hainan more often than others. Have you dreamed of going to a tropical paradise, where the sun shines three hundred days a year, where you will be surrounded on one side by the azure warm sea, white beaches and coconut palms, and on the other by wild jungles with incredible flora and fauna? Then you definitely need to visit Hainan Island in China. The holiday will not leave you or your children indifferent. Here you can fully enjoy the pristine beauty of wild nature, try the famous local cuisine and join the culture of ancient peoples. If you translate the name of the island of China, Hainan, into Russian, you will literally get “an island located south of the sea.”

Description of Hainan Island

This island in the Middle Kingdom is the second largest after Taiwan. And it is located in a tropical climate zone at the same latitude as Hawaii, for which it received the name “Eastern Hawaii”. Its area is thirty-four thousand square meters. The population is about eight million people. The capital of the island is the city of Hayoku. Once it was a small provincial town, but now it is a beautiful modern metropolis. The recreation industry here is developing at a rapid pace. Since the reign of the Tang Dynasty, it has been the custom that all routes around the island begin from the city of Hayoku.

There are two more cities on the island that are especially loved by visitors - Sanya and Tunzha. Sanya is located in the very south, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and washed by the azure tropical sea on the fourth. Tongzha is interesting because the indigenous population of the island lives here - the Miao and Li peoples. There are ethnographic villages here, which represent the life and rituals of the indigenous population. Few people will be indifferent to a country like China, and even more so to a holiday on Hainan Island. It has everything: mountains, waterfalls, lakes, thermal springs, bays, beaches, entertainment, luxury hotels and much more. Everything to make your holiday in China (Hainan Island) unforgettable. If we talk about local cuisine, many tourists definitely try to try four famous dishes: Hele crab, Dunshan black goat meat, Wenchang chicken and the famous Chinese duck.

Flora and fauna

The island is especially famous for its abundance of rare plants and animals. Here the impenetrable jungle has been preserved in its pristine beauty. Forests are located in the central and southern parts of the island. Such rare trees as “grain”, “oil”, and anchar grow in Hainan. The main crops are hevea and coconut palms. Bananas, pineapples, coffee and tea are also grown on the island. At an altitude of one thousand two hundred meters, in the botanical gardens, relict vegetation has been preserved. Many species of flora and fauna are under UNESCO protection. As for the animal world, it is also diverse. At the National Safari Zoo, tourists can see bears, tigers, lions and other predatory animals with their own eyes. Travelers who have visited China (Hainan Island) always leave admiring reviews. And they dream of coming here again.

Main resorts

The resort area of ​​the island is conventionally divided into several parts. In the south of the island there are three bays where tourists mainly relax: Dadonghai, Sanya and Yaluwan. The city of Sanya mentioned above is located in the center of the bay of the same name. The hotels are located across the street from the beach. And it should be noted that this bay has the longest coastline, more than twenty kilometers long. From the recreation area to the city it is approximately eight kilometers. which means “great eastern sea”, is located three kilometers from the city of Sanya. The coastline stretches for several kilometers. There is everything your heart desires: white sand beaches, palm trees, clear sea, bars and dance floors, cozy restaurants.

The hotels are located in the coastline area. This bay is considered one of the most beautiful in China. Dragon Bay - Yaluwan - is located twenty-eight kilometers from Sanya Bay. The twenty-kilometer long beach has the shape of a crescent. High cliffs of bizarre shape hang over the southern part of the bay. The distance from the city of Sanya is approximately twenty-eight kilometers. Each zone has both its advantages and disadvantages. So, the beaches of Dadonghai Bay are always very crowded. In addition to tourists, local residents also come here, which is why very often there are not enough sunbeds and umbrellas for everyone. The advantages include an abundance of entertainment both during the day and in the evening. In Yaluvan, nothing will disturb the peace of vacationers; here tourists are left almost alone with nature. But the downside is that there is absolutely nothing to do in the evening. The only entertainment options are swimming pools on hotel grounds and restaurants. Those who want to have fun to the fullest will have to go to the city. And this is a little expensive.

Where to stay?

Those wishing to spend a holiday in China will definitely enjoy Hainan Island. Basically, a tourist, before going to distant lands, collects information about the place of his intended vacation. After all, you want to know not only about the sights, nature and prices for services, but also about the hotels in which you will live. Fortunately, now this is easier to do. Below are some of the most popular hotels. China (Hainan Island) has always been famous for its good service. There are a lot of both fashionable and inexpensive hotels on the island. That's why many travelers want to visit China, Hainan Island. Reviews from tourists are always only positive. And it’s not surprising - how can you remain dissatisfied after visiting such a paradise?

Resort 4*)

Now many agencies offer Hainan Island - one of the most popular routes. And, of course, to make your vacation truly unforgettable, you should take care of the hotel in advance. The Cactus Hotel is ideal for tourists seeking to enjoy the local nature, as well as for parents with children. This four-star hotel is located at the most remote point of Yaluwan Bay, near Butterfly Gorge. Its territory occupies a very large area, on which there are several swimming pools for adults and one for children, a large beautiful park, and two restaurants. The sea is a ten minute walk. The design of the hall and rooms will delight even experienced travelers with its sophistication. The rooms are very cozy, with or without balconies. The staff is courteous and friendly, they clean the rooms and change towels every day. The food in the restaurants is at the highest level. In the evenings there is a buffet there. One of the restaurants has a chocolate fountain. Bicycles can also be rented on site to further explore Dragon Bay. Dollars can be changed downstairs at the reception, which is very convenient. The only disadvantage is the rather large distance from the city.

Hotel Grand Soluxe Resort 5*

This five-star hotel is located twenty minutes' drive from Sanya city. It was built in 2008, so guests will be offered modern comfortable conditions for relaxation. The hotel is mainly visited by wealthy tourists from Europe, China and Russia. Thanks to the large hall and the presence of two elevators, it seems that not many people live here. The Grand Soluxe Resort 5* hotel is located on the first coastline. To get to the beach, you only need to cross the road. By the way, there are very few cars there, and in the evening traffic stops altogether.

There are many restaurants, cafeterias, and bars to suit everyone’s taste. For breakfast there is a buffet offering a wide variety of dishes. In the evening - dinner by the pool, where a barbecue is held and guests are entertained by a singer. The hotel provides a large number of additional services - both paid and free. The rooms are incredibly cozy and beautiful, all decorated with natural wood. The staff cleans every day and changes towels and bathrobes very often. Free sun loungers and towels are provided on the beach. All tourists who visited the Grand Soluxe Resort 5* hotel dream of returning here again.

Hotel Resort Intime 5*

This hotel is located in the heart of Dadonghai Bay. Everything is nearby: shops, entertainment centers, restaurants and other entertainment venues. Therefore, a holiday in this place will appeal to active people who do not seek solitude. The hotel is located on the first coastline, but you need to take into account that the beach adjacent to its territory is municipal, therefore, local residents like to relax here. In the evenings, the Chinese like to set off fireworks, so it can be noisy at night. This hotel is most likely not entirely suitable for families with children. He himself is very beautiful and cozy. Spacious rooms, helpful staff. Cleaning is carried out every day, and at six o’clock in the evening a hotel employee will definitely come to you to check if you need anything and if everything suits you. The Resort Intime 5* building is surrounded by a wonderful garden where you can take long walks. Swimming pools, restaurants - everything is located on the territory of the hotel.

How to fly to the most beautiful island of China - Hainan?

How to get to this island? After reading rave reviews from tourists, many will want to visit Hainan Island (China), where tours are offered by many agencies. And it should be noted that quite often there are hot offers where you can save half the cost of the trip. Direct flights Moscow - Hainan are operated by Transaero airlines. Flight time is ten hours. You can also reach the island via Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong. The flight from Shanghai will take two and a half hours, from Hong Kong - one hour, and from Beijing - four.


An international Olympic shooting range, some of the best golf courses, a safari park, rafting, diving, fishing, extreme marine entertainment - all this awaits you on Hainan Island.

Must see

There is a lot of entertainment on the island, and, of course, there is something to see. If you suddenly get tired of lying on the beach all day, be sure to organize excursions. You can visit the following places:

What to buy

Having enjoyed a wonderful vacation, you really want to take a piece of this exotic land with you to once again please yourself and your loved ones. As souvenirs you can buy local tea and coffee, pearl and rock crystal items, wooden Buddha figurines, porcelain, silk, Feng Shui symbols and much more. You can purchase all this in souvenir shops, of which, by the way, there are a lot on hotel premises. In the city of Sanya, most of these specialized shops are located in the center, on Osvobozhdeniye Street. In the island's capital, Haioku, prestigious shopping outlets and markets are located on a headland called "Edge of the Sky".


Having tried traditional Chinese medicine on yourself, you will not only improve your health, but also diversify your vacation. China (including Hainan Island) is famous for its unconventional methods of treating many diseases. With the help of Chinese medicine, a person can be restored to health without surgery. But even if not everyone decides to try exotic drugs on themselves, then you should definitely visit the thermal radon springs or take a course of Thai massage, which local masters do superbly.


It is not surprising that, when considering the islands of China, Hainan is most often chosen as the place where one would like to go on vacation. Arriving here, you will plunge into the atmosphere of heaven on earth. And your soul will strive here again and again.

Hainan Island, whose attractions are undeservedly forgotten amid interest in beach holidays, offers tourists not only seaside holidays, but also a variety of excursions. The ancient land combines unique historical sites and modern buildings, and all this against the backdrop of incredible southern Chinese nature, which is rightfully considered a separate attraction.

Hainan Island


If we open a map of Hainan with attractions, we will see that the bulk of excursion sites are scattered along the coast. This means that sea adventures on the island are quite well combined with exciting walks that will introduce tourists to the centuries-old history and rich wildlife.

But it’s worth starting with one (or several) national parks, for example, Tropical Paradise Yalong Bay. This name is given to a huge territory of 1,500 hectares in the very heart of Hainan. The reserve is a relict evergreen forest, among which there are large-scale man-made buildings - the Lovers' Suspension Bridge and Dragon Square. You can move around the park on foot or by electric car.

Another must-see place for any excursion is the Dongshanhu Zoo - it is 10 times smaller, only 130 hectares, but it is home to about a thousand species of mammals, birds and reptiles, representing almost the entire fauna of China, Africa and Southeast Asia. Giraffes, elephants and ostriches can be fed, but it is better to watch the lives of the other inhabitants from cars and buses.

Dongshanhu Zoo

Similar establishments on the island also include:

  • Yanoda Park
  • Luheitou Park
  • Xinglong Botanical Garden
  • Zoo of crocodiles and tigers
  • World of Tropical Birds

When choosing sightseeing walks in the Hainan area, you can see attractions not only on the central island. Pieces of land scattered within a radius of 20-30 km around are incredible places that have preserved pristine nature, rare species of birds, animals and plants:

  • Dazhou Island
  • Monkey Island
  • Sea Turtle Island
  • Pirate Island

Many people recommend starting an inspection of the man-made monuments of Hainan from Phoenix Island, which stands apart from other “satellites”. Firstly, the island itself is a creation of Chinese engineers, which was created from the time of the Olympics in 2008 to 2014. Secondly, the entire island is one large recreation area with hotels and skyscrapers of unusual architectural shape.

There are few spiritual centers in Hainan. Exclusively Buddhist temples and monasteries, which are valuable for sightseeing, are represented by only two buildings: Dong Tian and Nan Shan. But don’t think that they are not popular. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Buddhists flock here for major religious holidays - both ordinary Chinese and monastic novices, who can be recognized by their monochromatic capes of different shades.

Not enough history? Travel to the Li and Miao Ethnographic Village, named after the tribes from which the island's main ethnic groups descend. Time has really stopped here - the reconstruction of ancient Chinese life is so well done. Tourists will definitely be shown home, invited to try on national costumes and introduced to the crafts of the islanders - a master class will be shown by local grandmothers.

But craft excursions are not limited to one village. The pearl plantation, where there is a unique chance to see how pearls grow and are harvested, will interest everyone. Since 1997, there has been a museum attached to the farm, which sells the creations of local jewelers, which are quite expensive, but incredibly beautiful.

Well, you can put a beautiful end to your exploration of Hainan by visiting the Sanya Aquarium. This is not quite a standard aquarium. There are not only giant aquariums with marine life, but also stage areas where fur seals, dolphins and even crocodiles show the wonders of training.


Anyone who has flown to Hainan for the first time will be surprised by the number of attractions and entertainment. Visiting all the entertainment centers is not enough for any vacation. Conventionally, three areas can be distinguished - shopping, nightclubs with bars and active recreation, and the sunny Chinese island will have plenty of everything.

Before talking about how good Hainan’s entertainment is, it’s worth mentioning separately about entertainment for young people.

Shopping on the island is quite expensive, and prices are in no way tied to seasons or specific stores. Mainland China is much more democratic, and even in big cities there are sales seasons with more attractive price tags than in Hainan.

But with active recreation and nightclubs everything is in order.

Shopping in Hainan

Shopping life is vibrant everywhere, but the famous Sanya Pedestrian Street is its unspoken center. Well-kept shops in a traditional style, but with English-language signs, offer pearls, crystal, and thousands of souvenirs. Here you will find jade Buddha figurines, amulets, scented candles, and many other gifts. The prices are not the lowest, but the abundance of goods is amazing. If you are buying jewelry, we advise you to remember to ask for a copy of the receipt for the customs declaration.

Pedestrianized street

The best shopping centers on the island, according to travel observers, are:

  • "Summer Mall"
  • "Wang Hao"
  • "Mingzhu Square"
  • "Watsons"
  • "Corner Deli"

Shopping center "Summer Mall"

Since 2011, Hainan has joined the Tax Free system. The conditions for a refund of 11% VAT upon check-in at the airport are simple - make a purchase in the amount of 800 to 5000 yuan and keep all receipts. The law applies to all goods except food, alcohol and tea.

Active holidays in Hainan

It is impossible to imagine entertainment in Hainan without active recreation. The authorities' attempt to make their own Cote d'Azur led to the emergence of golf courses, which wealthy tourists began to actively use. All conditions have been created for an elite sport - 5 clubs, combining 21 fields with the necessary infrastructure.

Fishing in Hainan is a separate conversation that can change our people’s understanding of fishing. You don’t need to buy a license, as in Europe, but according to the rules, fishing is allowed in strictly designated places, and if this is not one of the local bays, where there are no restrictions, but a lake on the island itself, then the tourist pays all damages for the fish caught “by weight” ", depending on how many he caught. Rental gear, by the way, is inexpensive.

Another popular activity in the waters of Hainan is diving. There are few clubs, no more than 5, but each of them works according to an international program. A full course will cost the guest only 2000 yuan, and for this money he will learn to snorkel or scuba dive and get several dives with an experienced instructor. Unfortunately, there is no training in Russian yet, but English is sufficient to obtain a diver certificate.

A boat trip around the waters of Hainan is not the cheapest service, but it promises a lot of impressions. One look at the snow-white yachts moored at the piers is enough to understand this. A four-hour cruise on a double-decker boat will cost 3,000 yuan, and the same time on a yacht will cost 5 times more. However, small motor boats also scurry between the islands, but you will have to find out the specific price for such a pleasure on the spot.

An unusual and truly Chinese way to spend a vacation will be offered by schools of Tai Chi, one of the oldest martial arts. Students in Hainan are accepted regardless of skin color, nationality and beliefs; the group lives “according to the rules” for at least a week, and during this period the sensei undertakes to fully explain the essence of spiritual practices, teach meditation and techniques for disarming the enemy.

Nightclubs in Hainan

Hainan Island is also famous for its nightlife. All clubs of value to tourists are located in Sanya, on Barnaya Street, and have a clear opening schedule: from 22:00 to 3:00. Almost everywhere - dance music and remixes in the mash-up style, less often - live performances of Chinese stars of the pop and hip-hop scene. But the Chinese love dance shows more, and we are not talking about banal go-go girls, but about serious performances with illumination and special effects.

The “Golden Triangle” of Hainan is represented by three establishments operating under a European franchise - “SOHO”, “M2” and “Feeling”. The repertoire and rules are the same for everyone: there is no face control, anyone can enter, but with a mandatory entrance deposit of 700 yuan or more. The money is credited to an electronic account from which you can spend it on drinks and other entertainment inside.

Night club "SOHO"

Other establishments in Sanya that are worth visiting for a loud party are not much different from the fashion flagships. The following took first place in the ratings:

  • "66 LIVE"
  • "Cof"
  • "S' Muse"

In recent years, club management has increasingly begun to invite Russian artists to parties aimed at tourists. Decide for yourself whether or not to look at the faces that have become familiar on TV, but it is better to choose authentic Chinese programs, you will get much more impressions.

Hainan Island is called “Eastern Hawaii”, “Thailand in miniature”. But why put other people's labels on something that is worthy of its own name? This wonderful place offers a unique palette of relaxation and entertainment.

Photo from the site polosaty.ru

Hainan Island, in the far south of the country, has earned the title of China's beach capital. In the country, the emphasis is shifting from the central region to the provinces, where the air is cleaner and there are no fewer attractions. Tourists are increasingly attracted to trips that promise exciting adventures. Hainan Island has many such pleasures to offer.

The main seaside resort of Sanya is surrounded by many kilometers of beaches and virgin forests on the hills. The provincial capital, Haikou, is not lagging behind in tourism development. The city is one of the ten environmentally safe areas in the country. Thanks to the island's even tropical climate, cozy bays, clean forests and thermal waters, it is pleasant to live here and you can have a good rest.

What is the best time to visit Hainan?

The island is located between 18° and 20° north latitude in the South China Sea, separated from the mainland by a narrow and shallow strait. Humid tropical air reigns here all year round. Low season on the island lasts from January to February and from July to August. When it is cold on the mainland, Hainan pleases with the warmth of 16-21 °C.

Hainan Island. Photo from china.org.cn

There is a rainy season in May-October, when a typhoon rages for 1-2 days. Its destructive power is felt more on the southeast coast. The average air temperature from March to June is very comfortable - 25 °C. In July and August, when the air heats up to 29-38 °C, it is more pleasant to be in the forest shade and bask in natural thermal springs. High season On the island, in addition to spring and early summer, the autumn months are considered.

How to get there?

The capital, Haikou, is the northern gateway of the island. It's faster to get here by plane. Traveling by train is a great opportunity to see provincial China. Passenger trains depart daily from the stations of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to Hainan. The journey from Beijing Railway Station to Sanya Station takes 35 hours.

Travel time from mainland Guangzhou to Sanya is approximately 15 hours, taking into account the 30 km waterway by ferry. The island's roads are in good condition; it is convenient to travel along them by regular buses and rented bicycles. You can rent a “two-wheeled horse” model for 20-50 yuan (115-285 rubles).

Haikou, the capital of the island. Photo from viasun.ru

Where to stay?

The island has a calm atmosphere and peaceful population. Some tourists are not averse to spending the night in a tent on the beach. But most prefer hotels and boarding houses. They are designed for tourists with different incomes. The provincial capital offers accommodation in 19 hotels and 4 hostels, including Hainan Island's first five-star hotel- Hainan Huandao Tide Hotel, located 10 minutes drive from Haikou International Airport

You can choose from 66 hotels to stay in Sanya. Prices from July to September in a 4* hotel - from 45 to 105 dollars per night in a room, including breakfast. There are also 14 hostels offering their accommodation services in the city.

Sheraton Sanya Resort hotel in Yalong Bay. Photo by Dmitry Ornatsky

Holidays in Sanya and Dadonghai bays are especially attractive among Russian tourists, and the locals already understand the Russian language tolerably well.

What to do on the island?

If your time on the fertile land of Hainan Island is limited to a few days, then you have to choose what to see and do first. Picturesque nature, rich culture and history, Buddhist shrines - all this is available for inspection. What else does a traveler need? A certain “zest” or “pearl” for which you can go to the ends of the earth.

12 main attractions and popular places in Hainan:

1. Yalong Bay, located southeast of Sanya, is loved by fans of soft beach sand, warm sea, diving, yachting and golf. You can get there by bus. Beach entrance fee: 54 yuan (about 300 rubles).

2. Beach and sea sports in western Haikou. Hotels offer guests access to thermal pools. Small fish are released into some pools and bite off dead cells from human skin.

3. Nanshan is an attractive area with a Buddhist Center and a statue of Guan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) in the sea. You can get there by bus from Sanya. Entrance fee: 150 yuan (about 850 rubles).

Statue of the Goddess of Mercy. Photo from yuanyetrip.com

4. A visit to the Yanoda Rainforest complex is a whole day in the jungle with the richest flora, fauna, and waterfalls. You can get to Yanoda by bus yourself. The fare is 30 yuan (170 rubles).

5. Nanwan Monkey Island is a nature reserve accessible by the longest cable car over water in China. Entrance fee: 138 yuan (790 rubles).

6. DongTian is a picturesque place located 40 kilometers west of the city of Sanya with beautiful mountain caves. Entrance fee: 135 yuan (770 rubles).

7. Ma An - the crater of an extinct volcano, equipped with an observation deck, is located 15-20 km from Haikou.

8. The Tropical Botanical Garden, located 120 km from Sanya, next to radon springs, has a collection of rare plants. Entrance fee: 28 yuan (about 160 rubles).

9. Mount Wuzhishan in the middle south of the island is the highest point in Hainan (1867 m). The trip and ascent will take less than one day.

10. The crocodile show in the National Reserve, 20 km from Sanya, is safe and very exciting, so even families with children go to see it.

11. Diagnostics and wellness treatments at the Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine - just 5 km from the center of Sanya, in Dadonghai Bay.

12. A park with giant rocks decorated with the inscriptions “End of Heaven” and “Corner of the Sea” near the city of Sanya. Entrance fee: 65 yuan (about 370 rubles).

It should also be noted that in high esteem on the island silk, pearls, tea and coconuts. The city of Sanya is one of the founders of silk production and trade in the country with this amazing fabric.

Hainan is the southern tea-growing region of China. There are excellent varieties grown here, some of which only grow in warm tropical climates.

Photo from traveltrungquoc.com

A trip to Hainan will give you a unique chance to get acquainted with the island, the culture and way of life of the wise people. For the Chinese, the word “Hainan” is synonymous with an elite beach holiday. The nature and temples of the island, thermal pools and spa resorts generously give everyone harmony of body and spirit, demanding in return only love and reverence for this paradise of the Celestial Empire.

It is no coincidence that the tropical island of Hainan is called the pearl of China. Tourists who are planning to spend their holidays in this amazing place will find excellent beach holidays, wellness treatments, sightseeing trips and, of course, a lot of entertainment.

Holidays in Hainan, as it should be for the many-sided China, are extremely diverse.

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Beach holiday

Over the 25 years of tourism development, the tropical island of Hainan has become a center of attraction for beach lovers. Sandy beaches that it seems you won’t be able to walk through in just a few days, the azure sea sparkling in the rays of the sun, picturesque and peaceful nature - this is what a beach holiday in Hainan is all about. And if you add to this a favorable climate, incendiary discos and all kinds of water activities, your feet will carry you here!

The beaches of Hainan (and, by the way, they are almost all municipal) are equipped with comfortable sun loungers, sun umbrellas and comfortable changing rooms. The leaders among the resorts of Hainan are Yalong Bay and Dadonghai Bay. Holidays in Yalunwan will appeal to those who want to hide from prying eyes and be alone with the sea elements. It is very calm, uncrowded and quiet here. This serenity and regularity can be explained very simply: Yalongwan is considered an elite resort. In the evenings you won’t hear the “boom” of beach discos here, but there is live music everywhere, resort hotels are mostly 5-star, and all the infrastructure is concentrated in hotels.

But in Dadonghai Bay, whose beaches are considered the most beautiful in the whole country, there is excitement. A lot of vacationers traditionally gather here: tourists, as well as surfers. During the day, Dadonghai is an endless expanse of sand, framed by palm trees and pineapple bushes, and when darkness falls, the bay transforms into a single dance space that does not subside until dawn.

Russian tourists will find their holiday in Dadonghai especially comfortable: Russian speech can be heard everywhere, and local restaurants serve menus in the great and mighty language.

In recent years, tourism in the Sanyawan Bay area has been actively gaining momentum. Since these places cannot yet boast of developed infrastructure, and the resort beaches are located across the road from the hotels, you will not find tourist crowds in Sanyawan. But those who have visited here invariably admire the beauty of the beaches and the wealth of local flora and fauna.

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Excursions and nature

The resorts of Hainan will not neglect lovers of an intense excursion holiday, for whom a very exciting program has been prepared.

Tourists will have to plan their vacation literally minute by minute to try to see everything that is of interest.

Expressive landscapes will win the hearts of travelers in the "Edge of the World" park; animal lovers will not remain indifferent to the show with sea lions and crocodiles in the oceanarium and, of course, will be moved by meeting the inhabitants of Monkey Island. Those who want to penetrate into the very essence of Eastern teachings will certainly enjoy visiting the Nanshan Buddhism Center.

Worthy of attention are the Botanical Garden of Tropical Plants, the Butterfly Museum, the picturesque Pirate Island, and the Western Island, which is also a paradise for lovers of water activities, the Flying World Bird Park, the Taoist Temple Complex of Dong Tian, ​​and the Zoo of Crocodiles and Tigers. Tourists can plan a visit to the Crystal Museum and the Pearl Museum with a pearl plantation, visit the park with the elegant Chinese name “Deer Wrapped Its Head” and the Day-Fen-Lin rainforest, go to the natural zoo on the shores of Dongshanhu Lake and safari. Dongshan Zoo, plan an excursion to the crater of the Ma-An volcano. As you can see, there are countless opportunities for excursion holidays in Hainan. There would be, as they say, strength and desire.

Health improvement

The resorts of Hainan Island offer an excellent opportunity to combine relaxation with wellness of soul and body. Local sanatoriums are widely known and highly valued, the fame of which was brought primarily by the unique thermal springs, which have the most positive effect on the mental and physical state of a person. The water in local thermal springs is saturated with manganese, iron, sodium, iodine, potassium and other healthy elements, which is why it has a powerful healing effect on the body.

Tourists will be able to undergo treatment using ancient Chinese methods and enjoy a variety of spa treatments: herbal steam room, therapeutic massage with oils, flower baths and more.