Where to go on vacation: choosing the best resorts in Sri Lanka. Where is the best place to relax in Sri Lanka? The most luxurious resorts in Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka is a state where each of the cities has a rich history and many attractions. Sri Lanka resorts description is a riot of tropical vegetation, the sparkle of huge waterfalls, the grandeur of ancient monuments, the proximity of peace and quiet of magnificent beaches with a lot of entertainment.

Popular resorts of Sri Lanka description

Bentota– located in the southwest of the island, in a place where the river and sea merge. The resort offers vacationers water skiing, windsurfing, spearfishing and swimming, sailing, tennis and golf. There are many hotels, cafes and shops, a huge shopping center, and an open-air theater. With its beauty and romantic atmosphere, the resort is especially attractive to newlyweds and romantically minded couples in love.

Koggala- one of the world's best resorts, washed by transparent blue ocean waters. It is hidden in tropical palm trees and includes three estates. Not far from Koggala lies the town of Polonnaruwa, which houses ancient ruins, a palace with majestic statues and the Watadage Temple. And in the north of the city a sculptural ensemble of three huge Buddha statues was built.

Kalutara– a recreation area in the southwest of the island with a large number of sports clubs. The resort attracts lovers of water sports and surfing.

Negombo– resort-village of fishermen. The color and beauty of the resort is given by the Hamilton Canal, a small Dutch fort, a beautiful church, and a Buddhist temple. The southern side of Negombo is a popular destination for seafood and fish lovers. In the local bay, fishermen catch a huge amount of crabs, shrimp, and lobsters, and right on the beach there are taverns where all these seafood products are prepared right in the open air.

Hikkaduwa- a resort that attracts tourists with the highest service, rich infrastructure, there is a large selection of housing, many inexpensive hotels, good restaurants and beaches. There are diving clubs located here, and at the bottom of the bay there is an old sunken ship, which you can climb onto with scuba diving under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Unfortunately, warm currents have damaged the magnificent coral gardens, leading to their disappearance.

If you ask an inexperienced person: “What do you associate Sri Lanka with?”, the answer will probably be only bewildered silence. If we add that the island was previously called Ceylon, then local tea will be named.

But not everyone knows that this tropical island is real paradise with a wonderful tropical climate, golden beaches, clear ocean water and exotic nature.

Resorts of Sri Lanka on the map

Since it is an island, almost all resorts are located here on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Cities in the center of the country are interesting primarily for their cultural and historical heritage.

Where are the most popular ones?

The most popular resort places among tourists are located on the west coast islands in close proximity to the two main cities of Sri Lanka: the official capital with the unpronounceable name of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte and the actual capital Colombo. The reason for this is its proximity to Bandaranaike International Airport, which receives international flights.

The main resorts in this direction, and throughout Sri Lanka, are Hikkaduwa and Bentona.

In addition, of interest:

  1. Negombo;
  2. Beruwella;
  3. Ambalangoda.

South of the island

The southern part of the island is continuous tourist area, in which numerous resorts are located. As in the metropolitan region on the west coast, the holiday season here lasts from to, and in the summer the rainy season begins, during which the ocean is very stormy.

The tourism infrastructure in this area is less developed than in the west. At the same time, the southern coast of Sri Lanka is the best place for a budget holiday and surf lovers. The main resorts in the south are:

  • Tangalle;
  • Dickwella;
  • Weligama;
  • Khabaraduwa;
  • Mirissa.

East Coast

The East Coast cannot boast of such a large number and variety of resorts. But it has one big advantage. Despite the modest size of the island, the southwestern and northeastern coasts are located in different climatic zones. And if in the south and west the high season lasts from October to May, then in the northeast the opposite is true. From May to October comes dry season, most suitable for swimming and beach holidays. There are two important resort towns here:

  1. Trincomalee;
  2. Batticaloa.

Best resorts

It is difficult to say unequivocally which resort in Sri Lanka is the best. But it’s quite possible to try to visit several of them in one trip, especially since the short distances allow this. An independent tourist can move around both using roads and trains- railways are laid through all resorts in the southwestern direction.

You can fly to the northeast using local airlines, especially since ticket prices are not bad at all.

Description of cities

Based on a combination of factors, the following cities can be distinguished among the numerous resorts in Sri Lanka:

  • Hikkaduwa is located 100 kilometers south of Colombo. The most popular resort in Sri Lanka offers hotels for every taste and budget, clean beaches and interesting leisure activities. The tourism infrastructure is quite developed. The city beach is famous for the sea turtles that come to it, which you can feed from your hands. The local coral reef and sunken ships are of great interest to divers;
  • Bentota- the second most popular resort on the island. Located 65 kilometers from Colombo. It has a reputation as the most romantic resort in Sri Lanka - the city is often visited by newlyweds during their honeymoon;
  • Unawatuna attracts with low prices and proximity to the large city of Galle, which can be visited for sightseeing. Unawatuna is the best place for swimming in Sri Lanka;
  • Mirissa- a very quiet place with empty bounty style beaches. This is a small, purely tourist town with practically no local residents. The tourist infrastructure is rather poorly developed. One of the resort's attractions is a boat trip to blue whales;
  • Tangalle- another calm resort without crowds of tourists. The ocean here is quite stormy, but the beaches are very beautiful and deserted. You can walk along them for several kilometers and not meet a single vacationer;
  • Trincomalee on the northeast coast attracts with a drier climate, calm ocean, quiet beaches and an interesting symbiosis of cultures.

Trincomalee combines Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim traditions, which have left their mark on the local architecture.

Which to choose?

All resorts in Sri Lanka offer approximately similar natural conditions. All beaches in the country are sandy, and the ocean is approximately the same along the entire coast. True, the further from the capital, the cleaner the water. So the choice of resort depends on other factors.

If you are going on holiday to Sri Lanka in summer- then welcome to Trincomalee or Batticaloa. in winter the southwest direction is preferable. Those looking for a quiet, secluded holiday will find Tangalle, where there are not many tourists. Divers will prefer Hikkaduwa, which is considered the unofficial diving capital of the island, while Weligama or Mirissa are best for surfing.

Youth resorts

Sri Lanka is hard to name "party" place. Most tourists come here for the peace and tranquility generously provided by local resorts. For lovers of nightlife, the following cities will be of interest:

  1. Hikkaduwa, perhaps the most youthful resort in Sri Lanka. In addition to numerous active entertainments such as diving and surfing, there is also nightlife in the form of discos, which is so unusual for Sri Lanka;
  2. Unawatuna- a small town on the south coast, popular among young people due to its low prices. Nightlife, unlike most Sri Lankan resorts, is also present here;
  3. Arugam Bay or Pottuvil- excellent resorts for surf lovers.

Where to go with children?

Resorts in Sri Lanka are quiet, peaceful places and absolutely safe in terms of crime. You just need to take into account that swimming in the open ocean is more dangerous for children than in the sea.

For children, pools at local hotels are preferable, although there are several places in Sri Lanka with calm waters.

Jungle Beach And city ​​beach in Unawatuna are located on the edge of the bay and due to this there are no strong waves in the ocean here.

IN Batticola on the east coast the ocean is calmer and the beaches are in coves.
If you don’t plan to bathe your children, then almost any resort will do.

When visiting Sri Lanka there are some secrets and little tricks. There is nothing difficult in their implementation, so it is recommended to perform them.

  • In summer we go to the northeast, in winter we go to the southwest. Well, or vice versa, if you want save money on your vacation.
  • Visit cultural attractions. Sri Lanka is not only about golden beaches and the ocean, but also an ancient country with a rich culture. An excursion to the former capital of Ceylon Kandy, a walk through the old city of Colombo or a trip to Sigiriya to the palace of King Kasyapa will pleasantly diversify your vacation.
  • Thoroughly wash any fruit And drink only purchased water. Sri Lanka is a tropical country with hot temperatures; any infection can ruin your holiday for a long time.
  • Try local cuisine, which will especially appeal to vegetarians and sweet tooths. It is advisable to taste culinary delights in establishments aimed at local residents. But be careful - the food can be very spicy!
  • As in any other developing countries, the tourist must master the art of bargaining, which is especially useful when visiting markets and private shops. Often there are simply no price tags on goods in such places.
  • Should be careful while relaxing under coconut trees. A falling nut weighing 2-3 kilograms is a fairly common cause of accidents.
  • Every month on the full moon, Poya day is celebrated, during which Sale of alcohol is prohibited in public places.
  • Take it with you toilet paper, its presence will help you out when visiting public places and excursions. Sri Lanka is a country of Indian culture in which the use of this accessory is not common.

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It is almost impossible to answer this question right away. I'll explain why. Although there is no winter or cold in Sri Lanka at all (located 500 kilometers from the equator), the climate of this island is very changeable, with periods of drought and rain pronounced. Therefore, in order to answer where it is better to go to Sri Lanka, you still need to clarify the approximate time of your vacation. So let's ask the question differently.

Sri Lanka: where is the best place to go in autumn and winter?

The ideal time for a beach holiday in Sri Lanka is the months of November, December, January, February, March. The ideal option during this period would be to go to the beaches of the southern and southwestern coasts of Sri Lanka. There is a real rush at such resorts in Sri Lanka as Mount Lavinya, Kosgoda, Bentota, Mirisa, Unavantuna, Dickwella between November and April.

Sri Lanka: where to go in the summer months?

At this time, the southern resorts are under the rule of the tropical monsoon. On the southern beaches it rains almost constantly, although it is warm. The sea at this time of year on the beaches is very rough, it is almost impossible to swim. The ideal option is a trip to the east coast - the resort of Trincomalee and Arugam Bay. These resorts have not yet fully recovered after the civil war, which ended here in 2009, but more and more tourists are visiting these beaches because the prices for housing and food are much lower than the already popular places. Here are the most promising areas of land for the development of the tourism industry. So far, the only drawback of the listed resorts is the lack of highways to them, but in the near future everything will change, because China on the island has begun large-scale construction of a toll road to the north, connecting the eastern and central regions of the country to it.

Sri Lanka: where is the best place to go on your own?

If we talk in general about gaining the experience of traveling to Sri Lanka on your own, booking a flight yourself, looking for accommodation and food yourself, then there are no restrictions at all. As a rule, if you are going to travel alone or alone, then the best option for visiting the island would be a tour consisting of 14-20 days . During this period, at a fairly comfortable pace, you can explore almost all the sights of Sri Lanka, get in touch with the culture and way of life of the country, and soak up the sunny beaches until you get tired of it. If you are determined to visit Sri Lanka on your own, the only thing you should remember is that the days before and after the New Year are very problematic for finding accommodation on the spot. Prices for accommodation and food increase significantly, so we recommend booking in advance. I think now you more or less understand where it is better to go on your own.

Sri Lanka: is it difficult to find accommodation locally?

No, wherever you are, from north to south, and from west to east, whether in the mountains or on the sea, you will always have a roof over your head. Of course, the number of this housing is sharply reduced depending on your expectations as an esthete and lover of comfort. If it so happens that for certain reasons you were unable to find housing, do not lose heart. Your task is to find a tuk-tuk. Tuk-tukers, in our opinion taxi drivers, have no nation and everywhere the basis of their life is making money by solving someone else's problems. Most importantly, at the beginning of the conversation, tell him the level of housing costs that you expect, and at least explain in simple terms that there should be hot water there. Otherwise, you will start a numerous tour with the most expensive hotels, where they will pay him a kickback for you more.

Sri Lanka: what to do if you haven’t found housing?

In a word, even in the worst case scenario, if you arrive late, if everything around is packed, ask the tukker to take you to his house, or to his neighbors. As a rule, it costs mere pennies, believe me, Sri Lankans are very friendly and hospitable people. You will spend the night as their guest and in the maximum comfort provided to you by them. I have used this tactic more than once. My wife and I stayed just so that in the morning, when we woke up, we wouldn’t have to go across the whole city to the train station, but when we left the owners’ yard, we would end up right on the platform; this option saves a lot of time and effort. I hope the issue of difficulty finding housing in Sri Lanka has been sorted out.

The island of Sri Lanka is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a host of ancient attractions. Entertainment is entirely quiet and peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. The capital Colombo, waterfalls and national parks - all about Sri Lanka: tours, reviews, weather, prices.

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The style of holiday in Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. There is hardly a more “leisurely” country in the world than Sri Lanka: here no one is in a hurry, everyone enjoys life - including the service staff in hotels (however, this does not apply to the top establishments - everyone there runs around in soap, to please the guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most of the activities. Noisy discos and smoke swirling until the morning are not in favor here, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecues on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. What Sri Lanka cannot please is its proximity to our vastness: the flight here is long.

In general, it’s very easy to identify a person who will definitely like it here. Firstly, there are few blank pages left in his not the first international passport. Secondly, he is either interested in world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or he is a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and the sea, to have a diving center and Surfer headquarters. Thirdly, he will certainly glance sideways at your fragrant cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.

Regions and resorts of Sri Lanka


The country's currency is the Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), 1 rupee is divided into 100 cents. Current rate: 1 LKR = 0.37 RUB (1 USD = 175.94 LKR, 1 EUR = 196.85 LKR).

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the receipt received until the end of the trip: in this case, upon departure, you can convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, currency can be changed at any hotel and bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. For exchange, we recommend taking US dollars with you: they are accepted in all branches, and in tourist areas you can pay with them directly at hotels and various retail outlets.

In large hotels and shops you can pay with credit cards, and there are ATMs in almost all cities of the country. However, it is better to warn your bank staff in advance about your upcoming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, your credit card may be blocked at the first attempt to use it.

Hotels in Sri Lanka

Police: 133, ambulance: 144, fire service: 122.

The best photos of Sri Lanka

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Hello friends!

Today I took a ride in my furious Enfield from Arambol to Kerim beach. And then he passed out like a knockout: he had no strength to work or cook. I can only listen to music. This is not the first time I have noticed such a feature when I go out into a crowded place. Either I’m grabbing other people’s bad energies, or I’m sick from the heat and climate...

Please write in the comments if you have encountered this? And how did you cope? So far, only a cool shower brings me more or less to my senses, and only every once in a while.

I remember the island of Ceylon, where we spent 2 months last year. And I remember that I also fell into a similar “blackout” within the confines of bazaars and noisy streets. Therefore, if you are also looking for silence and solitude, I will tell you where it is better to go in Sri Lanka, not only to the hectic beaches, but also to the cold with fogs. By the way, I had a great time working remotely there.

Mountains are my favorite landscapes throughout the ages

In general, all the sights of Sri Lanka can be divided into 3 large groups (based on interests, let’s say): beach, mountain and cultural. The latter include not only ancient cities like Kandy or Anuradhapura, but also such legendary psychedelic places as the tomb of Adam and Eve or the Rama Bridge.

But I'll start with the most popular.

In general, the beaches of Sri Lanka are wildly popular among our fellow tourists. Consider the Sinhalese who have learned to babble in Russian on the narrow streets of Negombo. The spectacle, along with beer-addled vacationers, is not the most pleasant, of course, but all this is more than compensated by the stunning nature and friendliness of the local population (albeit with a huge share of an absolutely stupid desire to cheat for a rupee or two). About the latest in the country.

So, resorts. The best time is winter, especially in January and February, the weather in summer is very hot, and in early September it can rain. You can visit them calmly and independently!


The beach town closest to the capital and the airport with a wide tourist infrastructure and a huge number of hotels for every taste and budget. You can easily rent a motorcycle for a long trip around the island or lie down while waiting for your next visa to India.

Among the obvious advantages of Negombo, there is one significant disadvantage. Especially for the female half of humanity: the number of spermotoxic degradants is simply off the charts. I am frankly at a loss as to the reasons for this situation, but the fact is clear. It is impossible to leave your girlfriend for a minute: immediately some creature with an obligatory hand in his pocket begins to get hooked. Therefore, I would only recommend staying here to those who have nowhere else to go. It is better to go to the South, to Hikkaduwa or Unawatuna.


A large beach resort with an even greater selection of all the tourist delights. You can get here from Colombo in 3-4 hours by bus or in 2 hours by train. But you have to manage to squeeze into the latter, because in Sri Lanka trains with reserved seats run on very limited routes. But upon arrival there is a long beach with soft and fine sand; and the sea, into which the sun sets every day in incredible colors.

Here it is, the sunset sea of ​​Hikkaduwa

An incredibly strong Tsunami wave hit here in 2004, resulting in the death of a huge number of people. I already wrote about the tsunami museum earlier in a small one.

It’s crowded and hectic here, but if you live in a small apartment off to the side, it’s quite bearable. And everything is there: supermarkets, Saturday market, diving, snorkeling and surfing. And the prices are more than adequate.


Unawatuna is an even more party and youthful place than Hikkaduwa. A picturesque area for long-term stays next to a very beautiful piece of colonial architecture - Galle Fort. Especially if you live away from all the bustle, behind the railway.

Here, according to National Geographic, is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

I am often asked which is better: Hikkaduwa or Unawatuna? I cannot give such an answer, you need to come and look at everything yourself. It seemed to me that Unawatuna was somehow more cozy. Most of it lies below the main road and is not so hectic there. But in Hikkaduwa there is a beach with an amazing ocean right next door.

Arugam Bay

A small and very rustic little place with huge stone piers. It is located on the east coast of the island, so on the beach, unlike Hikkaduwa, it is better to meet the sun than to see it off. Suitable for long-steers and those who need rural silence.

Trincomalee (Trinco)

Almost the best place in Sri Lanka where you can hang out in May and August. Either cyclones swirl like that, or some other typical local mysticism. The beaches in Trinco are also in complete order, and if in Hikkaduwa you are attacked by the ocean, insane in its fury, with waves, sunsets and wild surfers, then here there is relaxation and silence, because all the beaches are located along a large and cozy bay.

In addition to typical beach attractions, you can find WWII bases and even hot springs right there in the jungle. Of course, I somewhat doubt the relevance of the latter against the backdrop of eternal summer.

Tea, mountains and fogs

If you, like me, prefer fogs, the smell of taiga, waterfalls and coolness - you should go to the central highlands. Because there's a really cool story going on here. Quiet, measured and very fresh. I especially fondly remember Haputalle and Ella, where it was especially fun.


The ancient capital of Ceylon. There is, however, a minimum of fog here. But the surrounding forests, tea hills and Buddhas are truly fascinating. There are also several tea factories in the area, where there are some super-old-school tea machines (or whatever they are called), which are shown in the museum to enchanted tourists right there in the city.

Lake in Kandy - wonderful

People have differing opinions about Kandy. Some people think it's vain, but I really liked it. But I wouldn’t hang around here for any long time (there’s nowhere to be found).


I’m talking about this wonderful place on the very edge of the Ceylon Highlands. Ella is a very small village, permeated with tourist orientation, coolness and thick fogs. There are several amazing viewing points, tea plantations and extremely picturesque waterfalls around. This is probably one of those places where I could hang for months.

By the way, in Ella, during one of them, I actively chased cats in order to 100% capture the delights of the surrounding space.

The highest mountain resort in Sri Lanka at an altitude of about 1800 m above level and one of the coldest places on the island. It is located at the foot of the highest point - Mount Pidurutalagala (barely able to pronounce it). Here, with tourism, everything is on a grand scale: a bunch of alpine-style hotels, a bunch of expensive cafes and a bunch of those who want to spend a few days away from the heat of the plains and coastal areas. All around is very beautiful: mountains, the same tea, which in Nuwara Eliya is considered one of the best, and even coniferous forests.

Here it is - the highest point in Sri Lanka

And in winter, as legends and locals say, frost sometimes falls at night. On my own behalf, I will say that in the absence of heating, it is very oaky here, especially when it rains. But all this is more than compensated by the gorgeous surrounding beauties.

A very small village, located, like Ella, on the very edge of the highlands and rightfully considered the coldest place in Sri Lanka. There is absolutely no tourist infrastructure here, as well as more or less adequate housing options for a long stay.

Celebrating the New Year in Haputale with Ippolit and Zhenya Lukashin

But he who seeks will find. Therefore, we discovered a wonderful little place called Bawa Guest House with a nice elderly couple of Muslim jewelers. That’s how the place began to be called: Uncle Bava’s. There is complete freedom all around for walks through the jungle and tea fields, and at night the clouds literally flow from one window of your home to another. Sit and watch!

My favorite Sri Lankan photo is the view from Haputale looking south

From here you can also organize a trip to the Horton Plains - mountain shrouds with incredibly clean air and an equally insane 30 USD per person for entry.


Another place for relaxation and flow in the heart of eucalyptus forests. If even Haputale seems noisy to you, go to Oia. Because it is very quiet here and, according to the locals, even water here can be easily collected from the stream and drunk without boiling. It's so clean.

Eucalyptus forests near Oia

Bandarawella and Badulla

Quite large transport and tourist hubs of the central highlands. From Badulla, for example, you can take a direct train to Colombo or Kandy. This is where the line of the stunningly beautiful mountain railway ends.

All around are the same tea fields, serpentines and night oak trees. It’s just a lot more hectic and crowded, so my clear favorites are Haputale and Ella. Where, despite the size, there is everything you need for a long hang.

Cultural and archaeological sites

I finished my favorite part about mountains and nature. Now I will touch on the cultural wealth of the island. And with some degree of regret I will say that I knew absolutely nothing about him before coming here. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka is one of the main hotbeds of Buddhism, where it has not only survived for 2 millennia, but has multiplied and spread its tentacles quite widely. At the beginning of our era, the teachings of the Buddha fell into decline and only thanks to the efforts of traveling monks it was carried to the most remote corners of Asia.

Sri Lanka seems to have got the most significant piece. Where else can you find Buddhist temples that have been in operation for over 2000 years? Where can you touch antiquity, the developments of which are still used today? I haven't found such a place yet...

The only downside to all these cultural fossils is the price of entry. In Sri Lanka, pricing in general is a complete mess. Entry to Horton Plateau costs $30. Go beyond the Anuradhapura gate - 35, etc. Sigiriya, who has nothing else besides aesthetic beauty, asks for 40 bucks. Well, etc.

And Kandy again

As I already wrote above, this is a rather picturesque place, rightfully considered almost the cultural capital of the island. But the main attraction here is the Temple of the Tooth Relic. No more and no less! I will say right away that you still won’t see the tooth itself, it is hidden from prying eyes somewhere in the depths of the temple, but you will be able to fully feel the ancient energy. Entrance price 1000 rupees (rate 1 dollar = 145 rupees)

Temple of the Tooth Relic


Ancient cave temples, about 2000 years old. The most important artifact of the place is a small stream of water, which during the rainy season suddenly begins to run up the walls. Either a miracle, or a trick... But for me, the place is very touristy, and in order to somehow feel the energy and character of the place, you have to hide in the farthest corners. Entrance price 1500 rupees (rate 1 dollar = 145 rupees)

cave temples of Badulla


If there are places where the antiquity is simply off the scale, then after the city of the dead Varanasi, I can only name Anuradhapura. A vast old city, a living archeology of 2,300-year-old stupas, and a Mahaboddhi tree grown from a branch of the Boddhi tree in Bodhgaya, India, where Buddha gained enlightenment. The Mahaboddhi of Anuradhapura is considered to be the oldest tree in the world with a documented history.

Entrance price 4500 rupees.


Another place where travelers to Sri Lanka strive to get. The ancient capital of the island with the large Gal Vihara temple. If you are fans of antiquities and cultures, welcome. If not, then let's go to Ella.


The strangest attraction, in my opinion. Because apart from its psychedelic-photogenic location, for me it is not particularly remarkable. Well, yes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Well, yes, it’s beautiful... But around you can find at least a couple of places where the view will be even cooler, and you don’t have to pay money for entry. Unless the fact that there are Buddhist monasteries at the top makes it somehow significant. The rest is a place promoted by the tourism industry, where package travelers are transported by huge buses.

Admission is $30.

Mannar Island

But this is a completely different matter! North of Sri Lanka. There are no tourists at all, just villages, Christians, churches and tuk-tuk drivers completely indifferent to our white faces. It is from here that the legendary chain of islands leads to India, called the Rama Bridge, and a few kilometers from it are the graves of Adam and Eve themselves, who, after the Fall, decided to live in Sri Lanka for a season. Not a bad option for earthly paradise?

Rama Bridge Islands

But all around is chaos worthy of the best examples of India. Heat, dust and donkeys. The sea and beaches are deserted and inaccessible.


The far north of Ceylon, which for a long time remained the center of LTTE separatist militants, until they were finally defeated by government forces in 2010. Until 2012, the city was closed to foreign tourists; apparently it was actively cleared of mines, tripwires, undead groups of Tamil Tigers and unexploded shells. And today you can even find KFC here.

In general, if you like ruins, post-apocalypse and shell holes in walls, Jaffna is for you! All the attractions here can be visited in 1-2 days on foot, and you can leave here by direct train to Colombo. Jaffna made an extremely positive impression on me. There are few tourists here and no Sinhalese, stupefied by white wallets, are seen.

War-destroyed church

The local population is adequate and business-minded. A kind of India cleared of dirt and garbage with a touch of guerrilla warfare and post-apocalyptic landscapes. Even the sea is nearby.

In general, something like that!

Uhh, I wrote it and exhaled! Of course, the list of antiquities and places where you can go in Sri Lanka is not exhausted by all these points. Because wherever you look there is a haven for ornithologists and biologists: a huge variety of wild flora and fauna, picturesque landscapes and a cool historical background.

And even for remote work there are good conditions. Where else can you buy a 3G package for 25 gigabytes for $8? And visa conditions are very flexible. Only the local population is completely unpredictable. Read my review, I described a lot of strange things there.