Park lunches. How to get to Poklonnaya Gora. Monument to a front-line dog

Poklonnaya Hill - previously you could see the whole of Moscow and its surroundings from it. This was at a time when the city was not yet so big. They say that the name “Poklonnaya Gora” came from the fact that many, when traveling to Moscow, looked at the city from here and bowed to it. Many significant events are associated with Poklonnaya Gora. Here Napoleon waited for the keys to the city in 1812, but never did), in 1612 Hetman Zholkiewski stayed here, a delegation arrived from Moscow who wanted to place the Polish prince Vladislav on the royal throne, Russian troops left for the front in during the Great Patriotic War.

Previously, Poklonnaya Hill was truly a mountain from which Moscow was visible in full view. Now it is a small hill, from which you can only see numerous high-rise buildings scattered around, and Victory Park, which was founded near Poklonnaya Gora in 1958 along with a memorial complex built in honor of our victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Poklonnaya Gora and Victory Park are located at the metro station of the same name - Victory Park. Accordingly, getting here is very easy.

History of the creation of Victory Park

In 1958, on the occasion of the Soviet Army Day, a symbolic sign “A monument to the Victory of the people of the USSR in the Second World War of 1941-1945 will be built here” was erected on the territory of the future park. The city authorities have allocated a huge area for development: 135 hectares. Trees were planted and a park was laid out. In the 70-80s they raised money for construction. Residents chipped in a penny, and as a result they “scraped together” 194 million rubles. It was enough to begin with, but later the state helped. The grand opening of the Park, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, took place on May 9, 1995.

Victory Park includes many objects of architectural and historical value. The Victory Monument is an obelisk made of especially strong steel, which rises almost 142 meters - more precisely, 141.8 m. The symbolism of this figure is that exactly how many days - 1418 - the war lasted. The obelisk weighs a thousand tons and is covered with bronze bas-reliefs on top. The bronze figure of the goddess Nike, installed at the highest point, symbolizes victory.

There are a lot of fountains in the park. Their exact number is also symbolic - 1418. In the evening, when it gets dark, the fountains are illuminated. It is red. For this, people called them “bloody”.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War is the central object of Victory Park. It consists of a military-historical exhibition, which depicts the chronicle of the war years, and an artistic exhibition. The main attraction of the museum is the dioramas (six compositions), each of which is dedicated to one of the most important battles of the Great War. Audiovisual complexes show wartime newsreels, rare archival materials and memorable photographs. The museum is equipped with an automatic search system “Book of Memory”, which helps to find information about missing persons. I haven’t been to this museum yet, I’ll try to catch up.

The museum's exhibition continues in Victory Park itself. Right underneath open air A grandiose exhibition of military equipment unfolded. More than 300 samples of tanks, aircraft, self-propelled units etc., German combat vehicles and equipment of other countries participating in the war. I was here once, on May 9th, I’ll post a photo report soon.

Church of St. George the Victorious in Victory Park

The Church of St. George the Victorious is considered a real shrine of Victory Park. It was laid in close proximity to the memorial on May 9, 1994. The construction was carried out with municipal funds, and the author was the architect Polyansky. The consecration of the Temple took place on May 6, 1995 by Alexei II, His Holiness the Moscow Patriarch.

Memorial Mosque in Victory Park

Not far from the Temple is the Memorial Mosque. The decision to build it was made in October 1992. In March 1995, the foundation stone was installed. The opening of the mosque took place on the day of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, September 6, 1997. The mosque is a tribute to the memory of Muslims who died as a result of military operations of 1941-1945.

The Holocaust Memorial Synagogue and Museum is another part of the architectural complex. The opening of this site took place in September 1998 as a memory of the six million Jews who died as a result of repression by the Nazi invaders. This is the only museum of its kind in Russia, the exhibitions of which tell about the contribution of Jews to Russian culture.

In memory of the volunteers from Spain who died during the war, the government decided to build a Catholic chapel, reminiscent of the unparalleled courage of these brave soldiers.

At the intersection of Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street, a monument to the “Defenders of the Russian Land” was erected. It represents three Russian warriors from different times - a hero from Ancient Rus', a guardsman from the War of 1812 and a soldier who fought during the Second World War. They are installed on a granite pedestal.

The monument “Tragedy of Nations” was erected in 1997, its author is Zurab Tsereteli. The sculpture commemorates the victims of the fascist genocide. A seemingly endless line of prisoners, united by shaved heads and pained eyes, tells people about the shootings and executions committed by the Nazis.

In 2004, a monument to internationalist soldiers was unveiled on Poklonnaya Hill. Its construction was carried out at the expense of Afghan veteran organizations. This is a 4-meter bronze figure of a soldier standing on a cliff and looking into the distance.

In spring, tulips bloom in the park. All flower beds are planted with them. Very beautiful.

Not a single holiday bypasses Victory Park. Concerts, folk festivals, etc. are often held here.

Here, on Poklonnaya Hill, on October 24, 1508, envoys of the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey were met. Here the Moscow delegation met with Hetman Zholkevich to give the royal throne to the Polish prince Vladislav. Napoleon's advisers probably told him about this - so he decided to wait for the delegation with the keys to Poklonnaya Hill. From here he saw the city for the first time.

But the delight was short-lived: instead of the keys to the city, Napoleon was waiting for a fire.

Also, some researchers associate the name of the mountain with a bow - a payment collected when traveling or temporarily staying in Moscow.

Previously, Poklonnaya Hill was double-headed, but the eastern crown was gradually torn down, and on the western there is a stele with Nike. Now on the mountain there is a memorial complex for Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The architect Ya. Chernikhov suggested erecting a monument here back in 1942. He wanted to dedicate it to the heroism of the people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The idea was supported, but postponed until the end of the war with Germany. And on February 23, 1958, a memorial granite sign appeared on Poklonnaya Hill with the inscription: A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be built here. At the same time, trees were planted around and Victory Park was laid out.

In the 1970-80s, 194 million rubles were collected for the construction of the monument. Subsequently, funds were allocated by the state and the Moscow government. 135 hectares of land were allocated for the construction of the complex. They offered different options for the monument - a red banner on the obelisk, a single mother with her son in the regiment, disabled people who returned from the war on a T-34 tank... But none were accepted. Only on the 50th anniversary of the Victory, on May 9, 1995, the Victory Memorial Complex was opened.

The main alley “Years of War” consists of five terraces, symbolizing 5 years of war. There were 1,418 fountains built over the five water surfaces of Poklonnaya Gora—the number of days the war lasted.

In the center of the Victory Park square there is a stele 141.8 m high (10 cm for each day of the war), crowned with the goddess of victory Nike. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue that kills a snake with a spear - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

The stele on Poklonnaya Gora by Z. Tsereteli was criticized - it was called either a “chisel”, sometimes “a woman on a needle”, sometimes a “chisel”, sometimes a “crucified fly”, sometimes “a locust on a needle”. The sculptor was accused of using a “weapon of war” (the bayonet) and it was slandered that St. George “cuts the snake like boiled sausage.” Nevertheless, Nika, fixed on one point of support, and the system of dampers that keep it from swaying in the wind, became an engineering breakthrough.

But the artist’s gift to Moscow - the monument “Tragedy of Nations” - was not appreciated or understood, and was removed deeper into the park.

There is also an open-air exhibition of military equipment and engineering and fortification structures in Victory Park. More than 300 samples of heavy equipment from the USSR, Germany and other countries that took part in the battles are presented here. Lots of captured equipment.

Poklonnaya Hill is a place of religious tolerance. Three churches of different faiths coexist here.

The memorial mosque was opened on September 6, 1997. The memorial synagogue “Temple of Memory of Jewish Victims of the Holocaust” was built in 1998 in memory of more than 6,000,000 Jews exterminated during World War II. And in 1993, the foundation stone was laid for the Church of St. George the Victorious, since it was on the day of remembrance of St. George that Nazi Germany admitted itself defeated.

In 2003, a chapel was opened in Victory Park in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died in the Great Patriotic War. In addition, they plan to install on Poklonnaya Hill Buddhist stupa, an Armenian chapel and a Catholic church.

Victory Park in photographs from different years:

    Poklonnaya Gora (disambiguation)- Poklonnaya Gora: Poklonnaya Gora (Moscow) Poklonnaya Gora ( Saint Petersburg) List of meanings of a word or phrase with links to the corresponding ... Wikipedia

    Poklonnaya Gora- This term has other meanings, see Poklonnaya Gora (meanings). Historical area in Moscow Poklonnaya Gora ... Wikipedia

    Poklonnaya Gora- Memorial of Victory in the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill. Moscow. Poklonnaya Mountain is a gentle, two-peaked hill in the interfluve and, in the west of Moscow, stretched along. Eastern peak(height up to 166.6 m), separated from the western (171.5 m) deep... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Poklonnaya Street- Moscow General informationMoscowRussia Country Russia City Moscow District CJSC ... Wikipedia

    Memorial Mosque (Moscow)- Mosque Memorial mosque Memorial mosque Memorial mosque Country ... Wikipedia

    Victory Park (Moscow)- This term has other meanings, see Victory Park. Memorial Park Victory Park ... Wikipedia

    Dubrovka (Moscow)- This term has other meanings, see Dubrovka. Historical district in Moscow Dubrovka History First mention XIV century As part of Moscow with ... Wikipedia

    Cherkizovo (Moscow)- This term has other meanings, see Cherkizovo. Historical district in Moscow Cherkizovo History Date of foundation 16th century First mention... Wikipedia

Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow is one of the important and significant places, which, along with, and (now city parks), is included in the list mandatory visits for guests of the capital.

This is a place of historical memory, grief and solidarity of all nationalities and peoples. Victory Park, located here, was laid out in honor of the great battles that Russian people experienced. The monuments on Poklonnaya Hill remind us of famous commanders and nameless heroes, of war victims. Every person who comes here begins to realize the significance of that great feat of the people who protected peace and the lives of people on earth.

A little history

The very name of the place, “Poklonnaya Gora,” was known back in the Middle Ages, when the whole of Moscow could be seen from this hill. This name retains many historical references: here, at the entrance to the city, foreign delegations were met, prayers were held for soldiers leaving to defend the country, it is reliably known that it was at this place that Napoleon, inspecting the burning capital, was waiting for ambassadors with keys.

Construction of Poklonnaya Gora

A few years after the end of the war, here on Poklonnaya Hill, it was decided to establish a Victory Park and build a memorial complex, but its construction dragged on for several decades, and the grand opening took place only in the mid-90s.

To develop the park, it was decided to somewhat level the hill, which caused dissatisfaction among Muscovites, who considered it necessary to preserve the natural state of Poklonnaya Hill.

If initially the park was supposed to be a place of memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War, then at the time of completion of construction it became clear that this place would be a memory of all defenders of the Motherland, regardless of time.

Temples on Poklonnaya Hill

At the end of the 90s, three churches were built on Poklonnaya Hill: Orthodox, Muslim and a synagogue. The defenders of the homeland are people of different faiths, so everyone can remember and pray, regardless of what faith they profess.

Temples on Poklonnaya Hill

All churches in Victory Park are operational. Believers can attend services, during which they remember those who died in battles and in the performance of their duty, and the numerous sacrifices of soldiers.

An Orthodox church on Poklonnaya Hill, built in memory of the fallen Orthodox defenders of the fatherland. In ancient times, Saint George the Victorious was considered the patron saint of all warriors; it was before his icons that the defenders of the camp knelt on the eve of difficult battles and asked him for help.

Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious

The temple contains a particle of the relics of the holy great martyr, donated by the Jerusalem Church.

The architecture of the temple differs from Orthodox cathedrals built earlier, this is a kind of symbol of the revival of faith. Interior decoration made according to all Orthodox traditions, it is here that you can see on the walls the image of those who have recently been numbered Orthodox Church canonized: this is the royal family who suffered martyrdom and the ministers of the church who died during the years of Soviet power. Here you can see the image of truly great warriors of Russia: the hero Ilya Muromets, princes Dmitry Donskoy and Alexander Nevsky.

Divine services daily at 9.00, on Saturday – at 17.00, on Sunday – at 10.00 Divine Liturgy.

Shuhada Memorial Mosque

The Shuhad Memorial Mosque was erected in Victory Park in memory of the Muslim soldiers who died on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. At every prayer in the temple, the defenders of the fatherland, their exploits and unparalleled courage are remembered.

Shuhada Memorial Mosque

Currently, there is a Sunday school for adults and children at the Shuhada Mosque, and wedding and naming ceremonies are held.

The decoration of the mosque combines the traditions of Caucasian, Tatar and Uzbek Muslims, which demonstrates the unity and harmony of all peoples. The walls are decorated with carvings, and the dome is supported by columns. The mosque is active: from its minaret you can hear the muezzin's calls to prayer.

Open from 10.00. until 21.00.

Memorial Synagogue

The synagogue was built in Victory Park in memory of the numerous victims among the Jewish people during the war.

Memorial Synagogue

In the building of the synagogue there is a historical museum telling about the tragedy of the people, about the terrible trials that befell them. In the basement and gallery you can see exhibits: documents, photographs, video materials, personal belongings and letters - vivid evidence of the history of the people.

Documentation historical museum synagogues cover more than a century of time - from the life of Jews before the revolution to the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War.

An important place in the exhibition is given to the story of the Holocaust. Terrible photographs and video material demonstrating the implementation of the Jewish question in Nazi Germany allow visitors to give an objective assessment tragic events. Here you can also learn about the heroism of Jews during the war years: participation in battles, in partisan detachments and underground organizations, in the resistance movement.

The synagogue is a functioning temple. Believers can pray and listen to sermons.

Monuments located on Poklonnaya Hill

The feat of the people is captured in the monuments erected in Victory Park. A tribute to the courage of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the First World War, internationalist soldiers, liquidators of the accident, the memory of those who had to face the terrible trials of difficult years are presented in sculptural compositions, each of which is a tribute to the gratitude of the people for a great feat.

Victory Monument

The central place of the memorial park is the Victory Monument, located on Pobediteley Square.

Victory Monument

141.8 meters is exactly the symbolic height: every decimeter is a day of war.

The Victory Monument is the tallest monument in our country.

The stela is a huge soldier's bayonet, on top of which is the goddess Nike and angels. At the foot of the monument on a pedestal is the figure of St. George the Victorious on horseback, the patron of warriors slaying the fascism snake with his spear. The bayonet itself is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the most important battles of the war and gilded names of hero cities.
It is at the Victory Monument that everyone passes holiday events on memorable dates.

In memory of all the defenders of the Fatherland, the sculptural composition “Monument to the Defenders of the Russian Land” was installed on Poklonnaya Hill. Three warrior-defenders - an ancient Russian hero in chain mail and with a sword, a guardsman of the War of 1812 and a soldier of the Soviet army with a machine gun in his hands - symbolize the single heroic feat of the people, ready to defend their country from any enemy in all centuries.

Monument to the defenders of the Russian land

Under the sculptural composition there is an inscription “Rus” - in spring and summer these are bright flowers, in autumn and winter the word is laid out with decorative stone.

The monument stands on a pedestal, under which there is a mound. It seems that the warriors are peering into the distance, ready to defend their homeland at the first need. This is exactly how it has always been!

The monument is a sixteen-meter stele with a double-headed eagle on top and 45 granite slabs with the names of cities and their coats of arms. It was here that the most fierce battles took place during the war.

Monument to the cities of military glory

The pedestal of the monument is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting soldiers and commanders, whose immortal feats and courage are preserved by our history. The chronology of the image allows you to see the princes who fought for the unity of the state, the heroes of the Patriotic War, and those who fought for their Motherland in the terrible battles of the 20th century.

100 years after the start of the war, in memory of the tragic date, a sculptural composition was installed in the park, personifying the events of that time. It is, as it were, divided into two parts: this is a soldier standing on a pedestal and a group of warriors at the moment of battle, personifying the flag of the state.

Monument to the heroes of the First World War

The bronze sculpture of a soldier is a kind of collective image of a person who had to endure several wars. The Order of St. George on his chest speaks of his courage and fortitude, his readiness to defend his country.

Monument "Tragedy of the People"

One of the most striking and emotional sculptural compositions on Poklonnaya Gora is Tsereteli’s work “The Tragedy of the People,” dedicated to the countless victims of wars.

Monument "Tragedy of the People"

An endless line of naked and shaved people of different ages, one after another, accept death in this terrible time - this is the ideological concept of the monument. The first in this line is the family: the parents close the child’s eyes and try to protect him from imminent death. Then the people become less marked and gradually turn into gravestones, on which an appeal to descendants to preserve the memory of those who died is written in the languages ​​of all the peoples of the country.

There are always fresh flowers at the “Tragedy of Nations” monument. The composition is completed by personal belongings made of granite of those who are no longer destined to live.

The sculptural composition found a lively response in the hearts of people. It is near it that actions of solidarity and mourning for people killed during wars are held.

This monument on Poklonnaya Hill was erected to those soldiers whose funeral certificates read “missing in action.” They have no graves, nothing is known about their deaths, but they will forever remain in the memory of a people grateful for peace on earth.

Monument to Missing Soldiers

The monument was presented to Russia by the Ukrainian people as a sign of solidarity and grief for the fallen soldiers.

A mortally wounded soldier stands on a dais: his head is lowered, his hands are clutching the wound. How many such fighters remained in the earth forever... And let no one know where they found their death, but everyone remembers their immortal feat.

The monument is a symbol of the unity of peoples in the fight against hated fascism. On the pedestal are two Soviet soldiers - Egorov and Kantaria - Russian and Georgian - the same fighters who raised the Victory Banner over the defeated Reichstag.

Monument “We were together in the fight against fascism”

The monument was erected on Poklonnaya Hill after a similar sculpture was destroyed in Georgia.

The pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting two important points war - the announcement of Victory heard by Soviet soldiers in Berlin, and the Victory Parade held on Red Square in Moscow. Behind the sculptural composition there is a stele with granite cubes, which depict monuments dedicated to the events of the war, installed in different cities.

Monument to a front-line dog

A monument to dogs who participated in the war together with people was erected on Poklonnaya Hill.

Monument to a front-line dog

During the war there were more than 60 thousand dogs helping people there.

In war, dogs neutralized mines, delivered shells and reports, pulled the wounded from the battlefield, and served as scouts and guards. Many of them died, often covering people with them. In memory of these brave animals, a sculpture of a dog - a German shepherd - was installed. It is no coincidence that dogs took part in the Victory Parade together with soldiers.

Monument “On the Roads of War”

The sculptural composition “On the Roads of War” installed in Victory Park depicts the harsh everyday life of the war. This is a kind of tribute to the animals that helped the soldiers.

Monument “On the Roads of War”

The monument was presented by the Mongolian people on the anniversary of the Victory, as a sign of solidarity in the fight against fascism during the war. It was Mongolia that helped the Soviet Union by supplying horses to the front.

Two horses, “Mongolians,” pulling a gun across the off-road, talk about how difficult these years were.

Monument-chapel to the Spaniards

In memory of the Spanish comrades who, together with Soviet soldiers, fought against fascism, a small chapel was erected on Poklonnaya Hill.

Monument-chapel to the Spaniards

The chapel was made according to a joint project by Spanish and Soviet sculptors, which is also symbolic.

Its top is crowned with a Catholic cross, and each strike of the bell sounds like a voice of gratitude and solidarity of the two peoples in a great cause. The memorial plaque of the chapel is written in two languages.

The twenty-meter stele, topped with the UN sign, demonstrates the unity of the armies in the fight against fascism. On the pedestal in front of the stele are four figures of soldiers from the Soviet, French, American and British armies.

Monument to the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition

The monument was erected for the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

The approach to the sculptural composition is decorated with flags of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition, which demonstrates the unity of peoples and countries in the fight against a common enemy. There are inscriptions on the pedestals of the monument telling about the creation of the coalition, the organization and participation of countries in it.

The Afghan war left a deep mark on the memory and hearts of people. A monument was erected in Victory Park to all Soviet soldiers who fought terrorism and fulfilled their international duty. On the edge of a rock-pedestal stands a warrior, he holds a machine gun and a helmet in his hand - the battle is over, but what lies ahead, will there be peace?

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers

The monument was erected on the initiative of an organization of Afghan soldiers with the support of the government of the capital.

The pedestal is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting scenes of battles on Afghan soil. The events of the war are fresh in the memory of the people, so there are always a lot of fresh flowers near the monument; here you can meet those who took part in this war, those who lost loved ones.

The terrible accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl became one of the tragedies of the 20th century. We were able to eliminate the consequences simple people. The sculptural composition placed in Victory Park is dedicated to their heroic feat.

Monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

More than half a million people took part in the liquidation of the consequences, many of them were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Government awards. Many, unfortunately, posthumously.

In the center of the concrete ring are the figures of those who prevented the consequences. This is a scientist, builder, military man and engineer. It was thanks to their labor feat that the consequences of the disaster were minimized. On the pedestal near the monument are carved the words: “This was our war and our victory.”

The Victory Museum is a huge historical museum telling about the events of the Great Patriotic War. Heroic defenses and legendary offensive operations, battles that brought glory to the army, and stories about the exploits of famous and unknown heroes, the harsh truth and the lives of frontline, rear and captured settlements, the heroic labor feat of the people and the actions of the commanders-in-chief - all this is presented in photo and video documents, memories of participants, chronicles and statistics.

Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill

Six dioramas will allow you to vividly imagine how Moscow and Stalingrad were defended, what it was like besieged Leningrad, how the offensive of the troops on the Kursk Bulge went and how the Dnieper was crossed. Museum visitors will see the battles for Berlin and the storming of the Reichstag.

A separate exhibition in the museum is dedicated to the feat of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. The exhibits included personal belongings, documents, and awards of the heroes of this war who resisted the spread of terrorism.

The modern equipment of the museum will allow visitors to see rare chronicle footage, not only filmed by Soviet journalists, but also preserved in foreign archives. The museum has an archive and library where visitors, by appointment, can get acquainted with documents, publications and books telling about the events of this tragic and heroic time.

The continuation of the historical museum can be seen in the open area where technology is demonstrated.

Metro station: “Park Pobedy”, “Slavyansky Boulevard”, “Kutuzovskaya”.
Travel by bus: No. 157, 205, 91 (stop “Poklonnaya Gora”)
Address: Victory Square, building 3.
Official website:
Ticket price: adult - 300 rubles, children (under 16 years old) - free, student - 200 rubles. Each site is paid separately. You can take general ticket for all venues: adult - 400 rubles; student - 300 rubles.
Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun from 10.00. until 20.30, Fri, Sat. from 10.00 to 21.30, closed on Monday.
Phone for inquiries: 8 - 499-449-81-79.

Military equipment is presented on Poklonnaya Hill at several sites: two of them are in the Victory Museum, one is in the open air.

Military equipment on Poklonnaya Hill

Weapons of the 30s and 40s can be seen in one of the halls of the museum: here are a variety of guns, tanks, dugouts, anti-tank structures, cars and railway cars and transportation equipment; here visitors will also see the legendary Katyusha mortar launcher.

Near the installation “State Border” you can see captured German military equipment.

The permanent exhibition “Motors of War” will present various vehicles, tanks, artillery tractors, vehicles of the Allied armies and German equipment.

On the open area, representing the country's weapons from the 50s to the 80s, about 40 units of military equipment are presented: armored personnel carriers, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, guns and howitzers.

A special place is given to aviation vehicles: these are fighters and attack aircraft, helicopters and reconnaissance aircraft. Most of them were combatants in Afghanistan.

The exhibition of military equipment allows you to see the improvement of engineering, the incredible capabilities and power of our weapons.

Fountains on Poklonnaya Hill

The fountains on Poklonnaya Hill are a bright and memorable sight. 15 granite cubes, each of which has 15 jets of water. This number is no coincidence - each stream symbolizes a week of the war, that’s how many days it lasted. “Years of War” is the name of this complex.

Fountains on Poklonnaya Hill

Fountains are especially beautiful after dark. At this time, a bright scarlet light turns on, and the entire alley turns into a fiery one, as if a flame is being lit, reminiscent of the battles and the shed blood of innocent millions of people.

Glowing fountains can be seen from afar, which makes them especially majestic.

Poklonnaya Gora is a place where they often hold various events, concerts, which you can find out about on the official website of the park.

Appendix No. 4

Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow is one of the main attractions of the capital, which perpetuates the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. This is a memorial park located between Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street. The park is part of the Memorial of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Poklonnaya Gora is a popular holiday destination for Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Poklonnaya Gora - a gentle hill in the westMoscow , between the Setun andFilka . Once upon a time Poklonnaya Gora was located far beyondMoscow , and from its top a panorama of the city and surrounding area opened up. In the old days, travelers coming to the city could see the capital city from this hill and bow to it. This is where the name came from - Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. Travelers often stopped here to look atMoscow and worship her churches. Here, on an elevated place, important persons and foreign embassies were greeted with bows. Knowing this historical fact, exactly on Poklonnaya HillNapoleon in 1812 he was waiting for the keys to Moscow to be brought to him.

Soldiers walked along this same road to the front during the Great Patriotic War.

Back in 1942, a memorial project was developed. But it was difficult to build it during the war and in the post-war years. In 1958, a memorial sign was erected at this place with the words “A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be built here.” Then a park was founded, which was called Victory Park. The memorial complex was opened on the 50th anniversary of the Victory Day on May 9, 1995.

Monuments and structures on Poklonnaya Hill

In the territory memorial complex The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Monument and three churches built in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War are located. On Pobediteley Square, which is the main attraction of Victory Park, there is an obelisk. At the hundred-meter mark there is a bronze figure of the Goddess of Victory - Nike. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, who kills a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil. Both sculptures were made by Z. Tsereteli. In Victory Park there is also a monument to the “Defenders of the Russian Land” (sculptor A. Bichugov) and a Monument to “All the Fallen” (sculptor V. Znoba). On April 30, 2010, on the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the Eternal Flame was lit on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. A torch with a flame was delivered from Eternal Flame at the Kremlin wall in an armored personnel carrier with an escort of motorcyclists.

In addition to monuments dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, there is an opportunity to have a good rest. Both adults and children will find entertainment to their liking. You can come here with the whole family. There are swings and various attractions. Elderly people meet, walk around Victory Park, remembering old times. You can take a tour by riding a road train. Young people will have a great time riding bicycles. Roller skaters and skateboarders train here. There are cafes in Victory Park for those who are hungry.
A huge flower clock will tell you the exact time.

In the summer, Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow is the site of folk festivities.

There is an open-air museum on Poklonnaya Hill where you can get acquainted with military equipment.

To serve in the Army, which guards peace, is an honorable right of our people, but also a sacred duty. And not only a right, but also a sacred duty. Day and night, in frost and heat, on earth, in heaven and at sea, our glorious warriors are always on duty. You, too, will be defenders of the country when you grow up. And you probably know that motorized riflemen and rocketeers, tank crews and pilots, sailors and border guards serve in the Army and Navy...

  • Examination of illustrative material.
  • Didactic game “Find the correct shadow of the object.”

Motorized rifle troops -modern infantry moves in combat vehicles, tanks, and armored personnel carriers.

Rocket Forces and Artillery. Deliver devastating blowsIn our time, artillery is supported by rocket troops against the enemy. They are capable of destroying all important enemy military installations. Not a single major battle, not a single battle, can take place without them.

Reconnaissance troops. Fighting without intelligence is like fighting with your eyes closed. All the armies of the world keep secret information about their weapons, the number of troops, their movements... This is especially important during war. Scouts need to find out the enemy's plans, warn their own about the attack, scout out the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, set targets for destruction, as well as the condition of the roads, whether there are bridges and much, much more. In short, intelligence is the eyes and ears of the army.

Signal and Electronic Warfare Troops.During a battle, the commander gives orders to the troops; he must know the entire situation on the battlefield. And who will convey his orders, who will report on how the battle is going? Of course, signalmen! Signal soldiers must, in any conditions, quickly establish clear and stable communications, prevent the enemy from eavesdropping on our conversations on the radio, and also prevent the enemy from exchanging messages using radio interference.

Corps of Engineers.During the war, soldiers under the command of military engineers will build a crossing from pontoons if there are no bridges to transport artillery and tanks. And during the war, they build military fortifications - trenches, trenches, dugouts. In order to make it difficult for enemy troops to pass through, they set up various barriers, for example, made of barbed wire, they install anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. They also neutralize enemy mines and destroy enemy barriers.

Air defense troops.If an enemy reconnaissance plane is flying high in the sky, or, even worse, bombers that bring fire and death to all living things, then interceptor planes are already rushing towards the enemies, and brave anti-aircraft gunners are firing from the ground.

Home front services - these are military units whose main tasks are the accumulation and storage of a wide variety of supplies and the timely supply of army units and units with them. This is the supply of food and clothing.