Autumn fishing is prohibited. Ban - federal fisheries agency. ☸️ Prohibited fishing methods - how not to fish

Fishing is an excellent form of recreation for a large number of citizens and an opportunity to catch a large specimen of fish for a tasty, appetizing fish soup cooked in the fresh air. Depending on the place of residence of the fisherman, the body of water used for fishing (river, lake, sea), the time of year, during certain periods, the law introduces restrictions on spawning time various types of fish.

Restrictions on fishing in the spring

In spring, most fish species begin migrating to their spawning grounds. To better preserve the fish population, there are temporary restrictions on fishing in reservoirs in the regions Russian Federation.

The ban on fishing is established for a certain period of time when fish spawning occurs and depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the types of fish migrating to spawn.

In most regions of the Russian Federation, a ban on fishing is established in the period from April 1 to May 30, but it can be shifted by 2-3 weeks taking into account climatic conditions and allows for the preservation of species diversity while simultaneously increasing the total volume of fish.

When implementing environmental measures, special attention is paid by fisheries protection authorities to compliance with fishing rules in reservoirs, water areas near dams, and sluice passages where schools of fish accumulate.

Fishing is prohibited in the spring when restrictions are introduced in the following cases:

  • during active spawning period fish;
  • using prohibited fishing gear: nets, electric fishing rods;
  • application fishing gear equipped with more than 2-5 hooks;
  • use of chemicals and explosives for fishing and systems generating electric current;
  • using a boat equipped with a motor(without motor);
  • in specially protected places(reservoirs, nature reserves, fish farms).

Features of introducing fishing bans

Amateur and sport fishing, carried out in water bodies of a certain region, is carried out on the basis of the provisions established by the rules of fishing, taking into account local climatic conditions.

The procedure for introducing bans is also established by the federal legislation “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” adopted by the State Duma on November 26, 2004.

List of restrictive measures regulating the procedure for fishing within certain periods:

  • on the permitted volume of catch of fish of a certain type;
  • on the characteristics of fishing gear; fishing technology;
  • restrictions on the size of fish allowed to be caught;
  • rules for introducing measures to suspend fishing.

For each region (coastal), fishing quotas for certain types of commercial fish and the procedure for obtaining them are determined. Restrictive measures for recreational fishermen and commercial fishermen are also established separately.

The conditions for fishing in water bodies where fish do not spawn are specifically stipulated - fishing is carried out without restrictions on the types and volume of fish.

Fishing gear classified as prohibited is specified:

  • forts;
  • fixed networks;
  • ventera;
  • "spiders".

Compliance with fishing rules and temporary restrictions introduced annually in the regions is monitored by the Federal Fisheries Agency, which, with the help of its employees, exercises direct control over their implementation.

Spring fishing dates

Spring fishing starts differently in each region depending on climate conditions and location. Specific numbers can be found on the Internet.

But everywhere the presence of two important factors is necessary:

  • completion of complete melting of ice on the surface of water bodies;
  • increase in water temperature in reservoirs up to +10 due to exposure to the sun and oxygen saturation.

As the water temperature rises, the fish begin to become active, especially during the pre-spawning period.

The spawning period for most fish species lasts from mid-spring to the first month of summer:

  • For example in Abakan This year, the spring ban was in effect from April 20 to June 20.
  • On the Ob the period was much shorter - from April 20 to May 20.
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region- from April 15 to June 15.
  • Khabarovsk region— from May 1 to June 30
  • Moscow region— from March 22 to June 1

When early spring arrives in March, the water warms up to the required temperature, the fish begin to feed - the spring fishing period opens.

In spring, fishermen prefer to use spinning rods and float rods. Particularly active are perch, pike and pike perch.

It is best to use earthworms and bloodworms as bait. It is better not to use spinners in the spring.

In April, most reservoirs are completely cleared of ice. The fish begin the pre-spawning period and actively search for food. The most active fish species are: ruffe, burbot, pike, carp, roach, silver bream, crucian carp, and chub. It is better to use jigs and earthworms as bait.

In April, restrictions are introduced on many reservoirs and therefore fishing can only be done from the shore and using a fishing rod equipped with a limited number of hooks (1-2 pieces).

In May, the spawning period ends for certain species of fish, while prohibitions continue to apply for others. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and not violate fishing rules. Ide, burbot, rudd, and carp exhibit increased biting activity. By the end of May, catfish begin to hunt. To catch predatory species: catfish and pike during this period, it is better to use spinning rods and mugs.

Ban on autumn fishing

The timing of the autumn spawning ban also varies depending on the area and weather; on average, the spawning ban is in effect from September 1 to November 15. But you should check the latest information every fall for your area.

  • For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk in some places the ban begins on July 25 until freeze-up.
  • On Baikal The ban this year is in effect from August 20 to November 15. Also, from October 1, 2017, a ban on omul fishing was introduced.

Restrictions for fishing during the spawning season

Fishing restrictions are set in each region, taking into account local conditions.

There are general provisions for all regions limiting fishing during the spawning season.

  1. A fisherman can use only one fishing rod during fishing.(donk, float, fly fishing).
  2. The fishing rod must be equipped with only 1 hook and have a size no larger than No. 10.
  3. Fishing can only be done during daylight hours. Night fishing is strictly prohibited.
  4. Fishing can only be done from the shore of a reservoir. It is prohibited to use swimming equipment for fishing.

After the end of the spawning period, all restrictions are lifted.

Fishing from a boat

During the spawning season, it is allowed to use a boat only to transport people to the fishing site using only oars. Fishing from a boat is prohibited for the entire period of the established restrictions.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

What can you fish with?

In the spring, you can use float and bottom fishing rods, girders equipped with no more than 5 mugs.

In some reservoirs it is allowed to use spinning rods for fishing.

Spinning fishing during the prohibited period

In most regions, during the spawning season, use a spinning rod for fishing Absolutely forbidden. When retrieving a spoon, the hooks can damage the clutches of fish eggs, which leads to their death.

Responsibility for violating the fishing law

Violation of fishing rules in the spring is punishable by a fine. If a fisherman is found to be in possession of a fish that is prohibited from catching during an inspection by the fishing inspectorate, a fine is imposed on the culprit for each specimen of fish.

Cost of fish species when imposing a fine:

  1. For carp, carp, pike, catfish, asp, fish, grass carp, silver carp - 250 rub. for 1 copy
  2. For bream - 25 rub..
  3. For burbot, sabrefish, tench - 20 rub.
  4. For perch, chub - 17 rub.
  5. For roach, crucian carp, ide - 10 rub.
  6. For cancer - 42 rub.

If the seized fish turns out to contain caviar, the cost doubles.

When using prohibited fishing gear, a fisherman may be held criminally liable under Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the perpetrator is fined up to 200 thousand rubles. or 2 years imprisonment.

Fines for fishing during the spawning season

According to the current legislation, for violation of established rules regulating fishing, the perpetrator may be fined

  1. For failure to comply with the rules for the use of small vessels– a fine of 500-1000 rub. or a ban on operating a watercraft for a period of up to 1 year.
  2. For lack of a fishing license- a fine of 500-1000 rub.. for individuals.
  3. For damage and destruction of warning signs about the boundaries of the protected area– a fine of 300-500 rub. for individuals.
  4. For non-compliance with established water use rules when seeing fishing– a fine of 1500-2000 rub. for individuals.
  5. For parking a car in a water use zone– a fine of 3500-4000 rub.. for individuals.
  6. For the extermination of fish species listed in the “red book”- a fine of 1000-2000 rub. with confiscation of fish catch and fishing gear.
  7. For fishing during the spawning season– a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.
  8. For non-compliance with fishing rules– a fine of 2000 – 5000 rub. with confiscation of fishing gear and watercraft.
  9. For fishing during spawning of valuable fish species: pike, carp, carp – a fine of 250 rub. for each specimen of fish.
  10. Fishing with prohibited fishing gear– a fine of 100 thousand – 300 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for a period of 6 months.

Strict implementation of fisheries legislation makes it possible to preserve fish species diversity while simultaneously increasing volumes.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

On the territory of St. Petersburg, Leningrad region During the spring-summer spawning ban on fishing, such restrictions are introduced.

Excerpts from the Fishery Rules for the Western Fishery Basin of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

1. Areas prohibited for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources: Areas of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg, in whose territory fishing, catching of any species of fish and crayfish that live in local reservoirs or go there to spawn, is completely prohibited.

Ladoga lake:

  • Fishing is prohibited in Lake Ladoga in the Gulf of Variable from the mouth of the Avloga River to Cape Maksimov and deep into the lake to a 5-meter isobath;
  • in the waters of the Nizhne-Svirsky Nature Reserve from the mouth of the Svir River to the border of the Leningrad region with the Republic of Karelia;

Leningrad region and St. Petersburg:

  • in Koporskaya Bay at a distance of 1 km or less on both sides and 0.2 km or less from the hydraulic structures of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant. IN AND. Lenin;
  • in the Losevskaya channel of the Vuoksa lake-river system;
  • in the lakes of the Vuoksa lake-river system Volochaevskoe, Melkovodnoe, Lugovoe, in all rivers and channels connecting these lakes with the Vuoksa River, including the Bulatnaya River (Cold Stream);
  • in rivers and their tributaries, which are habitats or spawning places for Atlantic salmon (salmon), brown trout (freshwater residential form), and their pre-estuarine areas on both sides of the mouths and deep into the bay or lake at a distance of 1 km or less.

The exceptions are the areas indicated in the table:

Where you can fish during the spawning ban in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg:

Areas: It is prohibited to use all fishing gear, except for:
Neva River: from the mouth upstream to the village of Malye Porogi
Neva River: from the mouth upstream to the village. Rybatskoe Float fishing rod, spinning rod (except for the periods from May 15 to June 15 and from October 1 to November 30)
Neva River: from the confluence of the Mga River to the village. Maryino (except for the section from the Nevskaya Dubrovka pier and upstream at a distance of 2 km) Float fishing rod (no time limit), spinning rod (except for the period from October 1 to November 15)
Neva River: within the city limits of Petrokrepost and on both sides of the Novoladozhsky Canal dam Float fishing rod (no time limit)
River Narva: from o. Petrovsky to the trawl fleet base Float fishing rod (no time limit)
River Narva: from the Ivangorod pier to the workshop of the Pishchevik plant Float rod (from December 1 to July 1)
Luga River: from the village of Bolshelutsk to the mouth Float fishing rod (no time limit)
Luga River: from the village. Lesobirzha upstream to the intersection with the railway line in the area of ​​the village. Tolmachevo (within settlements 1.5 km down and up the river) Float fishing rod (no time limit), spinning rod (except for the periods from May 15 to June 15 and from October 1 to November 30)
Luga River: above the village. Tolmachevo
Svir River: from the mouth to the 500-meter exclusion zone of the Nizhne-Svirskaya hydroelectric power station Float fishing rod (no time limit), donka (no time limit), spinning rod (except for the periods from May 15 to June 15 and from October 1 to November 30)
Svir River: all over All fishing gear, except those prohibited by the rules
Svir River: throughout the upstream 500-meter zone of the Nizhne-Svirskaya hydroelectric power station dam Float fishing rod, net (no more than 10 hooks), donka (no time limit), spinning rod (from May 20 until freeze-up)
Oyat River: from the mouth to the village. Alekhovshchina Float fishing rod (without restrictions on terms and places of fishing), girder (no more than 5 hooks per citizen - from the melting of the ice until July 1)
Rivers: Sista, Voronka, Kovash, Savinka, Tiksha, Viliga, Shadma, Ashchenka, Tutoka, Yavosma, Tikhvinka, Volozhba, Retishcha, Pasha, Kapsha, Syas, B. Palia, Oyat (above the village of Alekhovshchina) Float fishing rod (without time limit) above and below 2 km from populated areas, excluding 250-meter zones above and below river rapids

2. Terms (periods) prohibited for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources: 32nd subdistrict of the Conventional Area of ​​the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) "Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland)":

  • from May 20 to June 30 - pike perch and bream;
  • from the melting of ice to June 15 - production (catch) in the bays of the Vyborg Bay: Seleznevskaya, Podberezovaya, Malaya Pikhtovaya, as well as in Lake Zaychikhino;
  • from the melting of ice until June 30 in Lake Tikhoye and in the channel connecting the lake with the Rosson River, in Lake Lipovskoye and in the channel connecting the lake with the Gulf of Finland.

Lake Ladoga with the basins of rivers flowing into it:

A) from melting ice to June 15 - pike perch and bream;

b) from the melting of ice until May 31 - pike;

V) throughout the year - with all fishing gear and methods, except for fishing (fishing) with a fishing rod in rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga (northern part);

G) using all tools and methods of production (catch):

  • from April 20 to November 1 - in the channel between lakes Läppäjärvi and Airane (Bolnichnoe), as well as in the channel between lakes Airane and Karmalanjärvi;
  • from May 1 to June 30 - in the rivers Nimijoki, Murdojoki and in lakes Pukshalampi, Mustalampi;

d) with all fishing gear and methods, except fishing (catch) with a fishing rod:

  • from melting ice until June 20 - in the northern part Lake Ladoga in skerry areas and up to 10-meter isobath in the open part;
  • from melting ice until June 15 - in water bodies of fishery importance located on the territory of the Valaam Archipelago natural park; in lakes Sisyajarvi (Inner Lake), Leshchevoye, Shchuchye Lake at the Cross, Konevetsky Lakes;
  • from May 15 to June 25 - in lakes Karmalanjärvi and Humpelenjärvi in ​​the Kitienjoki river system;
  • from melting ice until June 20 - in Lake Yanisjärvi;

e) from May 15 to June 25, using all fishing gear and methods, except fishing (catching) with a fishing rod:

  • in Tiurunlanselkä Bay (including Pekonlahti Bay) within the boundaries of the line: from Cape Tuyula to the northern tip of the island of Kylänsaari and further in a south-westerly direction to the opposite side of the bay through the southern tip of the island of Evasaari;
  • in Janhinselkä Bay (including Lake Nehvolanlahti and Arolahti Bay) within the boundaries of the line: from the southern tip of the Kaskisaari Peninsula in a south-westerly direction to the opposite side of the bay through the northern tip of Sittasaari Island;
  • in Iyatjärvi Bay within the boundaries of the line: Cape Ukonniemi - Cape Kurkiniemi;
  • in the bays of Hännisenlahti and Kulliyaisenlahti, in the area limited by the line: from Cape Krestovy in a westerly direction to the northern tip of the island of Koyonsaari, then along the northern and west coast the islands of Koyonsaari and from the southwestern tip of this island to Cape Kylliniemi;
  • in Mustalahti Bay within the boundaries of the line: from Cape Savinniemi in a south-west direction to the opposite side of the bay through the northern tip of Paikasaari Island;
  • in the Kiskilahti Bay of Lake Metsolanselkä within the boundaries of the line: from Cape Karhuniemi in a westerly direction to the opposite side of the bay across north coast Kukkasaari Islands;
  • in the Meieri area (Lake Ilälahti - Otsoistenlahti Bay - Rätsensalmi Strait), limited in the west by a line: from Cape Hyrniemi to the opposite side of the Rätsensalmi Strait through the western tip of Paskasaari Island;
  • in Kasinlahti Bay within the boundaries of the line: the southern tip of the Varvalinniemi Peninsula - the western protrusion of the mainland on the opposite side of the bay;
  • in the area of ​​the Sortavala roadstead (Lake Läppäjärvi - Vorssunsalmi Strait - Uittosalmi Strait - Soikkasenlahti Bay - Vossarinlahti Bay), limited from the north by a line from Cape Haukaniemi to Cape Hidenniemi on the island of Riekkalansaari, and from the south - by a line running from the mainland to east direction to the island of Riekkalansaari (near the village of Tokkarlahti) through two northern capes on the island of Kukkasaari;
  • in the Naislahti Bay on the island of Riekkalansaari within the boundaries of the line: from Cape Naisniemi in a northwest direction to the unnamed cape on the opposite side of the bay;
  • in Tirikkalahti Bay on the island of Riekkalansaari within the boundaries to the line: from the southern tip of the Naisniemi Peninsula to south direction to the opposite side of the bay through the western tip of the island of Ravanluoto;
  • in the area of ​​Tokkarlahti and Riemulahti in the eastern part of the island of Riekkalansaari, bounded on the east by the line: from Cape Sarkiniemi in a northerly direction to the opposite side of Tokkarlahti Bay across East Coast Linnasaari Islands;
  • in the First and Second Impilahtinsky bays, in the area limited from the south by the line: Cape Kulhoniemi - Cape Teppananniemi;
  • in the Gulf of Syskykyanlahti within the boundaries of a line running from the eastern to the western side of the bay through the northern ends of the islands of Syskykyansaari and Sikosaari;
  • in Mursulanlahti Bay within the boundaries of the line: the southern tip of the Kuivaniemi Peninsula - Cape Kalsonniemi on the island of Vuoratsu - Cape Lapoinniemi;
  • in Koirinoyanlahti Bay within the boundaries to the line: from the southern tip of the Nuolainniemi Peninsula to southeast direction to the Pitkäranta entrance sign;
  • in the system of Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti bays, limited in the west by the strait between the Uksalonpä peninsula and the island of Lunkulansaari along the line: Cape Chasovensky - Cape Tulliniemi;

and) from May 25 to July 10 - with all fishing gear and methods, except fishing (catching) with a fishing rod, at a distance of less than 1 km in all directions from the mouths of rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga: Hiitola, Suskuan-yoki, Ihala, Tokhma, Kiryavalakhden-yoki , Yanis-yoki, Sumerian-yoki, Syuskyuan-yoki, Koirin-yoki, Uuksa, Risti-oya, Satulin-yoki, Kirki-yoki, Tulema, Miynala, Vidlitsa, Tuloksa, Olonka;

Water bodies of fishery importance in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg:

a) pike:

  • in rivers - from melting ice until May 20;
  • in the Narva Reservoir - from melting ice until May 15;
  • in other water bodies of fishery importance - from the melting of ice until May 31;

3. Types of aquatic biological resources prohibited for production (catch):

  • V Gulf of Finland: Atlantic salmon (salmon), Atlantic sturgeon, brown trout (freshwater resident form), lamprey.
  • in the southern part of Lake Ladoga: lake salmon, brown trout (freshwater resident form), pied trout, palia, whitefish, sculpin goby, lamprey, Ladoga seal;
  • in the northern part of Lake Ladoga: lake salmon, brown trout (freshwater resident form), sigludog, sculpin goby, Ladoga seal;
  • in water bodies of fishery significance in the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg: Atlantic sturgeon, lake salmon, lake trout, brown trout (freshwater residential form), brook trout, pied brook trout, whitefish, lamprey, goby, broad-clawed crayfish, Atlantic salmon (salmon) (except for salmon in the Narva River in fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing).
  • types of bioresources listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

4. Minimum size of extracted (caught) aquatic biological resources (permissible size):

It is prohibited to produce (catch), process, or store aquatic biological resources that have a fresh length (in cm) less than that indicated in the table (permissible size, cm):

The specified commercial size of the fish is determined by measuring the length of the fish from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays caudal fin, and the crayfish from the middle of the eye to the end of the base of the tail plate. A fish is considered to be of commercial size if its length corresponds to the value indicated in the table or exceeds this value.

Types of prohibited tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:


a) application:

  • networks of all types;
  • traps of all types (merezh, venterey, versh, "muzzle", etc.);
  • "zakidushki", "postavushki", "pokes" and other passive fishing gear in rivers that are the habitat of Atlantic salmon (salmon) and brown trout (freshwater residential form);
  • hand fishing rods and spinning gear of all systems and names with a total number of hooks (hooks) of more than 10 pieces per citizen;
  • drags, seines, drags, trawling fishing gear;
  • “capes”, “TVs”, “screens”, “kerchiefs”;
  • lifters (“spiders”), scoops or other straining devices measuring more than 100 x 100 cm and with a mesh size (pitch) of more than 10 mm;
  • nets and nets (except for the use of these tools with a diameter of up to 1 meter for catching smelt during the spawning period without the use of watercraft) at a distance of less than 500 meters from seine nets and fixed fishing gear in the drainage canal of the city of Sestroretsk, in the rivers Volkhov, Syas, Pasha, Svir, in the Neva River from Arsenalnaya Street to the mouth of the Okhta River (right bank);
  • prison, traps;
  • electric current;
  • firearms and pneumatic weapons (except for shotguns and pistols for underwater hunting);

b) carry out production (catch):

  • method of purging (by hooking);
  • for illumination from watercraft;
  • by installing driveways, fences, dams, partially or completely blocking the bed of water bodies of fishery importance and preventing the free movement of fish;
  • a citizen has more than three crayfish traps (the diameter of each crayfish trap is more than 80 cm and the mesh size (pitch) is less than 20 mm);
  • by saddles;
  • circles and garters with a total number of hooks of more than 10 pieces per citizen;
  • on the track (trolling) using a sail and a motor using more than two baits. It is prohibited to extract (catch) aquatic biological resources, including spearfishing and collecting aquatic biological resources using scuba gear and other self-contained breathing devices.

5. List of water bodies of fishery importance in which the use of small motorized watercraft is prohibited during periods (periods) prohibited for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources

Ban on the use of watercraft in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg

Districts Year-round ban on the use of small motorized watercraft Spring ban on melting ice until June 20 Autumn ban from September 15 until freeze-up
Boksitogorsky R. Volozhba with tributaries

Rivers: Sominka, Tikhvinka, Chagoda

Lakes: Vazhanskoe, Zabelskoe, Lerinskoe, Lidskoe, Ozerskoe, Okulovskoe, Prokushevskoe, Spirovskoe

Rivers: Sominka, Tikhvinka, Chagoda

Lakes: Vazhanskoe, Lidskoe

Volosovsky - R. Meadows within the boundaries of the district
Volkhovsky Lake Ladoga, Dubenka River Same Rivers: Volkhov, Syas, Pasha

Ladoga lake

Rivers: Avloga, Gruzinka, Morya, the main channel of the river. Neva near Glavrybvoda island

Lakes: Kavgolovskoe, Kurgolovskoe, Lembolovskoe, Khepoyarvi, Royka

All fishery reservoirs in the region -

Vyborg Bay: Bezymyannaya bays (limited by the coast from the village of Shcherbakova to the village of Klyuchevoye and the islands Maysky, Bolshoy Vysotsky, Shkolny, Lisiy), Ershovaya, Zakrytyaya (from the highway bridge to the river), Zashchitnaya (from the railway bridge to the lock), Kornilovskaya, Medyanskaya, Myalki, Novinskaya, Malaya Pikhtovaya, Podborovskaya, Samolanlahti (Ziminskaya), Seleznevskaya, Sokolinskaya, Tikhaya.

Vuoksa lake and river system: Zemlyanichnaya, Izvestkovaya, Kuzminskaya bays. Bays: Gluboky, Dubinsky, Quiet.

Lakes: Meadow, Shallow, Bolshoye Rakovoe, Maloe Rakovoe, rivers and channels connecting these lakes with the river. Vuoksa, as well as the mouth of the Storozhevoy River and further 1 km up the river.

Lakes: Aleksandrovskoye, Bolshoye Bogorodskoye, Vishnevskoye, Voroshilovskoye, Volochaevskoye, Gavrilovskoye, Gladyshevskoye, Glubokoye, Blue, Graduevskoye, Zelenokholmskoye, Mirror (Oktyabrsky s/s), Kirillovskoye Bolshoye, Kamenogorskoye, Krasnogvardeyskoye, Krasavitsa, Krasnoflotskoye, Krasnokholmskoye, Kunye, Bathing, Bolshoye Lesnoye, Lesogorskoye, Lyapovskoye, Makarovskoye, Mysovskoye, Novinskoye, Nakhimovskoye, Obkhodnoye, Petushinoye, Pionerskoye, Podgornoye, Podporozhitoye, Polyanskoye, Pravdinskoye, Bolshoye Simaginskoye, Sennovskoye, Smirnovskoye, Sokolinoe, Sysoevskoye, Yasnoye.

Same -

Rivers: Vyalya, Oredezh

Lakes: Strechno, Chikinskie Prudy

- Rivers: Izhora

Rivers: Narva (from the Narva hydroelectric power station dam to the highway bridge)

Lakes: Babinskoye, Beloe, Glubokoye, Kopanskoye, Lipovskoye, Sudachye, Tikhoe (and the channel connecting it with the rivers Rosson and Mertvitsa), Khabolovskoye

- Rivers: Luga (within the district), Narva (from the mouth to the highway bridge)

Rivers: Velia, Stripe

Lakes: Kirishskoye, Irsa

- -
Kirovsky Lake Ladoga (section at the source), Neva River - right bank, Sheremetyevskaya Shoal area (from the Peschanoye stream to the Dragunskaya river) - Rivers: Volkhov (within the district), Lava, Nazia
Lodeynopolsky Lake Ladoga (Svirskaya Guda), the Oyat River with its tributaries All fishery reservoirs in the region -

Rivers: Voronka, Sista (from highway bridges to the mouths of these rivers)

Lakes: Kopanskoye, Lubenskoye, Shepelevskoye, coastal part of Koporsky Bay from Leningrad NPP named after. IN AND. Lenin to the border between Kingisepp and Lomonosov districts.

Same -

Rivers: Oredezh within the boundaries of the district

Lakes: Beloe, Vrevo - Upper and Lower, Vyalye, Zaverduzhskoye, Spas-Kotorskoye, Strechno, Syaberskoye, Rakovicheskoye, Khvoshchenskoye, Cheremenetskoye.

- Rivers: Meadows (from the village of Zhelezo to the village of Sabsk)
Podporozhsky The Oyat River with its tributaries within the borders of the district - -

Ladoga lake

All fishery reservoirs in the region

- -

Lakes: Dolgoe (with the Dolgaya River), Kushelevskoe, Ryzhikovskoe, Samro

Narva Reservoir: from the river. Plyussa to the village. Narva along the river Ust-Zherdanke - from Cape Peschany 1.5 km below the base "Niza" road. Heels and along its fairway to the river. Pike

- Rivers: Meadows within the boundaries of the district

Rivers: Volozhba, Kapsha, Paglia, Bolshaya, Syas, Pasha, Tikhvinka, Yavosma

Lakes: Zalyushchik, Kapshozero, Randozhskoye, Shugozero, Bolshoye, Pashozero

Lakes: Novinskoye, Ruchyevskoye (staroreche), Lanskoye, Pustynskoye, Sapozero -

Rivers: Tosna (from the railway bridge in the town of Otradnoye to the dam in the village of Nikolskoye)

Lakes: Beloe, Nesterovskoe, Pendikovskoe, Toilug

All fishery reservoirs in the region -

Autumn ban on fishing on Lake Ladoga and the river basins flowing into it

Areas of Lake Ladoga where fishing is prohibited:

  • from September 1 to November 15- in the rivers Lenderka, Emelyanovka, Luzinka, Sulla;
  • fishing ban in the Leningrad region from October 15 to December 31- in the Tula (Luzhma) River, as well as Lake Tulos before the source of the Tula (Luzhma) River within a radius of 1 km or less;
  • fishing ban in the Leningrad region from September 1 to October 31- with all tools and methods of production (catch) at a distance of 2 km or less around the islands of Konevets, Heinäsenma, Mekkerike, Palisaari, Munosaari, Baevye, as well as the islands that are part of the complex nature reserve Western Archipelago (Rahmansaari, Verkkosaari, Vossinoisaari, Yalayansaari, Sittulusto);
  • fishing ban in the Leningrad region from September 1 until freeze-up- with all fishing gear and methods, except fishing (catching) with a fishing rod, at a distance of 1 km or less around the islands of the Valaam Archipelago, included in the Valaam Archipelago Natural Park, with the exception of fishing grounds provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing;
  • fishing ban in the Leningrad region from October 15 until freeze-up- all tools and methods of production (catch) in the system of Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti bays, limited in the west by the strait between the Uksalonpä peninsula and the island of Lunkulansaari along the line: Cape Chasovensky - Cape Tulliniemi.

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility!

Few people think about legislation when going fishing. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. Therefore, before putting away hooks, uncovering spinning rods and digging for worms, you should study where, how, what and when it is allowed to fish. So that later there will be no excruciating pain for a thinner wallet and a ruined vacation. Fishing ban 2019, terms and fines.

☸️ TAXES for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources are valid from November 3, 2018:

For 1 copy. regardless of size and weight:

  • Beluga RUB 206,625
  • Russian sturgeon 138024 rub.
  • Atlantic salmon (salmon) 13675 rub.
  • nelma 10811 rub.
  • lampreys 5685 rub.
  • Sima, trout 5128 rub.
  • pike perch 3305 rub.
  • grayling, asp, carp, carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, freshwater catfish 925 rub.
  • burbot, bersh, sabrefish, tench, ide, bream, silver bream, blue bream 500 rub.
  • roach, dace, crucian carp, chub, podust, freshwater perch 250 rub.
  • other types of freshwater fish 100 rub.
  • cancer 115 rub.

Caviar / per 1 kg:

  • Beluga RUB 82,200
  • other sturgeon species RUB 54,910.
  • salmon species RUB 27,455
  • other types of fish 2288 rub.


When calculating damage caused to aquatic biological resources during periods prohibited for fishing and (or) in areas prohibited for fishing, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law “On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources”, in addition to the rates provided for in this document, it is taken into account 100 percent tax per specimen (kilogram) of the corresponding species (subspecies).

For each kilogram of sturgeon caviar, in addition to the fees provided for in this document, 100 percent of the tax for a specimen of sturgeon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account, and for each kilogram of salmon caviar, 50 percent of the tax for a specimen of salmon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies).

Let's study the laws for fishermen together!

☸️ What fishing is considered illegal in the Russian Federation, and where you can’t fish?

You can learn more about prohibited fishing from the relevant laws. For example, from Federal Law No. 166 (note “On Fisheries...”). According to this law, you can fish freely and freely if you do it on water bodies for which no special use regime has been established. But even under these conditions, you may be subject to restrictions approved by law.

The main list of restrictions is regulated by the federal body - Rosrybolovstvo.

☸️ These include...

  1. Fishing bans in certain areas and prohibitions on catching certain types of fish.
  2. A certain weight and size of the fish caught.
  3. Number, type, size and design of fishing devices and fishing methods.
  4. Permitted/prohibited periods for fishing.
  5. Sizes, number and types of fishing vessels.
  6. Catch volume per 1 private person or 1 vessel.

...And other restrictions.

Regarding permitted specific places for fishing in Russia, they are determined by each region independently.

☸️ The places that are prohibited everywhere are the following...

  1. Near bridges, locks, near dams and hydraulic structures, near fish/factories and cages for raising young animals.
  2. On water bodies of spawning farms.
  3. On the fairway from a boat.
  4. In nature reserves.
  5. In fish hatcheries.
  6. In pond/fish farms.
  7. In spawning grounds during spawning.
  8. At fish hatchery facilities during the release of young fish.

☸️ Prohibited fishing gear - what can’t you fish with?

  1. Networks of any type/type.
  2. Traps of any design/type (with the exception of crayfish traps).
  3. Passive fishing gear (approx. - hooks, pokes, etc.) on those rivers that are known for their habitats of salmon species.
  4. Pneumatic weapons (except for devices intended for underwater hunting).
  5. Fishing rods/spinning rods of any type, system, design with a total number of hooks - over 10 pieces per person.
  6. Trawls, bottom seines.
  7. Hook hoist devices.
  8. Network devices/devices (seines and televisions, drills and capes, scarves, etc.).
  9. Lifters/scoops with dimensions over 1x1 m and mesh pitch over 10 mm.
  10. Traps and catfish traps.
  11. Spears and other piercing tools for fishing.

☸️ Prohibited methods of fishing - how can you not fish?

  1. For undercutting and lighting.
  2. Stunning fish.
  3. Trolling using a sail and motor with more than 2 baits.
  4. By means of barriers that become an obstacle to the free movement of fish (dams, etc.).
  5. Using circles/langes with the number of hooks - over 10 pcs per person.
  6. Using crayfish traps when their quantity is more than 3 pieces per person, with a mesh size of less than 22 mm and a device diameter of more than 80 cm.
  7. By sewing with a total number of hooks - over 10 pieces per person.
  8. Using the diving method or manually wading when catching crayfish.
  9. On the close.
  10. Combines and oilseed traps.
  11. Descent of reservoirs.
  12. With the installation of huts on ice.
  13. From ships and other watercraft that have not been properly registered and do not have legal identification marks on board.
  14. Electric shock and firearms.
  15. Electric fishing rods.
  16. Using watercraft during spawning.
  17. Scuba diving, underwater.

☸️ Prohibited fishing periods - when is it forbidden to fish?

As for the timing of the fishing ban, they are set by regions individually and change every year, depending on the situation. For example, pike spawning is the end of winter, the beginning of spring +/- 2 weeks. And perch spawning begins after the water warms up to +7.

Be careful! Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited!

☸️ Changes in the legal framework of the fishing industry of the Russian Federation in 2019

In 2019, serious changes await the fishing industry of the Russian Federation. Changes to the federal fisheries law appeared back in 2016, but they will only take effect this year. What should fishermen prepare for?

☸️ Large-scale changes

The amendments previously made to the fisheries law are beginning to take effect. The first thing that will be changed is the revised quota system. Fishing quotas will appear for investment purposes, with the help of which the authorities want to stimulate the creation of new enterprises for processing extracted aquatic biological resources and the production of fish products. In addition, they should “push” the Russian fishing fleet to build new modern vessels at their shipyards. The function of distributing investment quotas will be assigned to federal body executive power, exercising control in the field of fisheries and the preservation of aquatic biological resources. The provision of quotas for investment purposes will be regulated by agreements concluded for a 15-year term with the owners or tenants of investment objects. In total, it is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts. In the near future, the Government of the Russian Federation will draw up and approve a list water resources for all regions commercial catch, requirements for investment objects, as well as the procedure for calculating and distributing the investment quota. It is already known that projects will be selected based on applications. If the requested limits exceed 100% of the investment quota shares, then it is planned to carry out a selection based on fair competition. According to the assurances of the current head of the department, I. Shestakov, this procedure will be carried out as transparently as possible, under the supervision of representatives of the Federal Fisheries Agency.

☸️ Updated coastal fishing rules

Dramatic changes are expected in the area of ​​coastal fisheries. Even during the discussion of the future law, “coastal” became perhaps the most pressing topic. Many issues were raised, from limiting the size of watercraft to banning certain types of processing of extracted resources directly on ships. For example, freezing of caught fish and reloading of catches will be prohibited. The authorities of one or another coastal region of the Federation will determine the place of unloading. In addition, in the coastal zone it was previously possible to extract not only aquatic biological resources falling under the TAC (total allowable catch), but also those whose extraction was not subject to quotas at all. However, the new law leaves the “coastal” only the most common fish species. The federal security agency of the Russian Federation will control the transportation and shipment of caught biological resources, as well as products produced on ships. The law provides for the deprivation of fishing rights for all violators, followed by a forced cessation of their activities.

☸️Distribution of investment quotas

Investment quotas are included in the Regulations on the distribution of TAC. This document regulates the order of distribution of extracted resources regarding the types of quotas. The list of limits includes quotas for investment purposes provided for industrial and coastal fisheries. Investment quotas will be distributed among those participants who are already operating investment objects. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1154, this function is assigned to Rosrybolovstvo. The principle remains the same: the enterprise’s share is multiplied by the TAC determined in relation to the investment quota. The deadline for approval of such distribution for a specific fishing period is December 30 of the previous year. After this, within 5 days the department is obliged to publish the distribution results on its own website. The resolution should come into force on April 1 of this year.

☸️ Internal ODU

On January 1, the Rules for the distribution of quotas for inland water bodies came into force. They do not apply to sea waters and those objects for which the TAC is determined within the region. Rosrybolovstvo will distribute quotas based on proposals prepared by fishery research organizations and reviewed by specialists from basin scientific and fisheries councils. When preparing recommendations, the regional characteristics of the water body, quotas for the previous period and the latest changes made by scientific organizations will be taken into account.

☸️ Types of biological resources subject to quotas in certain regions

Since the beginning of the year, Order No. 764 of the Government of the Russian Federation has come into effect. The document approves a list of certain types of water resources extracted in different regions of the country, for which investment quotas are allocated. The list is made up of the most attractive fishing sites for investors. For example, Commander squid in the North Kuril zone and Petropavlovsk-Commander subzone or snow crab birdie in the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone.

☸️ No checkpoints

Vessels operating in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean, according to changes in Resolution No. 486, they are obliged to deliver to the customs territory of the Russian Federation all caught water resources and products made from them. This innovation entailed the need to resolve the issue regarding the control points (points) that such ships must pass through. This requirement has long been outdated, as the fishing industry themselves have repeatedly noted. By eliminating checkpoints, they will be able to significantly reduce temporary losses.

☸️ New TSK

In 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Order No. 294, regulating the procedure for equipping fishing vessels with technical control means. According to this document, only devices of the satellite communications company INMARSAT (14 pieces) and the only domestic model of the Gonets system, equipped with AIS (automatic identification system), are allowed for use on ships. They must replace all other technical means used previously. On ships with a displacement of up to 300 tons that do not cross 75 degrees south and north latitudes, the installation of AIS was supposed to be completed before January 1, 2018, but this period was extended for another six months. Later, specialists from the monitoring center came up with a proposal to delay the installation of permitted devices on such vessels until 2019.

Fishing is a favorite hobby of many people. But even an experienced fisherman can step on a rake, as they say. What should a person do who is not familiar with fishing, has no fishermen among his friends, but wants to go fishing? All people who count on a catch and relaxation, pleasant emotions in the process of fishing, need to know first of all that the fishing rod must be good. You also need to read some information about fish and bait. You should also study the laws that govern the actions of the fisherman.

The laws are directly related to fishing rods, because there is such a thing as poaching gear. The poacher's list of gear includes explosives, toxic substances, fishing rods with electric current, pneumatic and firearms, a fixed net and more.

The main laws for fisherman:

  • Federal Fisheries Law No. 166;
  • Federal Law On Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources No. 199;
  • Fishing rules.

The fisherman will also have to follow special rules of behavior on the reservoir if this territory is private property or rented.

Fines for fishermen are considered the main punishment. Although the poacher may also face criminal liability. The Criminal Code prescribes the rules for handling natural resources. The rules are also specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The legislative framework for this area of ​​human life continues to actively develop and improve. It is important to monitor current changes. Otherwise, you may become a violator by accident.

How to choose a pond

In order for the catch to be good, you need to choose the right reservoir. In some places there are fish, in others there are not. Sometimes a fisherman is interested in a particular body of water - the one closest to his place of residence, for example, the best in the area. Sometimes you want to catch catfish, crucian carp, for example, and not carp or pike - the type of fish matters. There must be the right fish in the reservoir, otherwise you will have to stand for many hours with a fishing rod just like that. Planning your fishing trip in advance is important. Gone are the days when people went fishing at any time and to any body of water.

Different species have different life cycles. We must take into account the season, time of year. It is easy to find out the necessary information if you open an encyclopedia, reference book, or book about fish. There is a lot of useful information on the Internet. You should also inquire about the history of the reservoir - who protects it, whether fishing is allowed or prohibited, what kind of fish can actually be caught and at what time of the year. Reviews experienced fishermen The forums are a good source of information. Fishing is a responsible activity. There's no need to rush. It's better to plan a fishing trip. Of course, it won’t be possible to plan it, since a lot depends on luck and skill.

Free and paid fishing

If the reservoir has an administration, the tenant will most likely pay for fishing. However, you will probably be able to catch fish, and a good one at that. The populations of the species living here are taken care of at all times of the year, as is the condition of the reservoir itself.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 166, fishing is free. But it is easy to break the law in doing so. When choosing a body of water, you need to consider that:

  • there are areas and bodies of water where fishing is prohibited;
  • Some types of fish are generally prohibited from being caught;
  • for some types of fish, restrictions are set on the weight and size of the individual that can be caught during fishing;
  • in some periods it is prohibited to catch fish, in others it is allowed;
  • there are restrictions regarding the total amount of catch that can be taken from a reservoir by a fisherman or fishing vessel;
  • You cannot use some gear;
  • Some vessels are prohibited while fishing.

Seasonal fishing ban

Life on planet earth is cyclical. Only by traveling to different countries of the world, choosing different types fish, you can get rid of the seasonal fishing ban.

Spring spawning is the time when many fish species have the opportunity to revive their population numbers and claim dominance. In 2010, a law was passed prohibiting fishing during spring spawning; the Federal Fisheries Agency decided on the rationality and effectiveness of such measures.

The time frame for the ban period varies in different regions. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the ban comes into force on April 10, and is valid until June 10, for example. You can go fishing at this time. However, you will have to take fishing rods with a float with you and fish from the shore. A maximum of two hooks can be used by one citizen. Place them just right outside the spawning areas. Such fishing can be prohibited only under one condition - if fishing is not allowed in a given body of water at all.

The time frame for the ban is set for each region separately, because climate plays a role. In general, the period of spring spawning and spring fishing ban begins in the second half of March and lasts until mid-July. This is the so-called spring-summer fishing ban. There is also an autumn-winter one. Knowledge of the laws will help you avoid collisions with supervisory authorities and liability for violations due to ignorance or carelessness.

Responsibility for violating the ban on fishing in spring

Spring is a wonderful time of year, a favorite time for many. But, in addition to the fact that fishing in almost all bodies of water is prohibited, it is also forbidden to ride a boat, regardless of whether it has a motor or oars. So avid romantics, not only fishermen, should be aware of the ban, otherwise they will have to fill out a protocol and pay fines. If you refuse to pay, you can get 15 days, in accordance with the law. Administrative fines or administrative arrest - violation of the ban entails punishment. It is also prohibited to drive a car to coastline closer than 200 meters: due to the risk of chemicals entering the soil and water.

How to draw up a protocol

When a fishery or fisheries inspector stops an offender, he must present documents confirming his identity and position, first of all. Then he draws up a protocol. At the same time, the presumption of innocence protects the rights of all participants in the incident. The fact is recorded that the person, in the inspector’s opinion, has violated the law. Guilt has not actually been proven yet.

When filling out the protocol, politeness and a friendly attitude are an absolute advantage. The protocol form is designed in such a way that a person can immediately express his own opinion about the events taking place and describe the situation as it really is. Even if there is not enough space on the form itself, it is worth asking the inspector for another sheet of paper. As they say, brevity is the sister of talent. However, it is sometimes problematic to tell everything in a nutshell. Meanwhile, frankness can be both evidence and a mitigating circumstance, because after filling out the protocol, the materials will be transferred to the court. It is worth spending time on clarification when drawing up the protocol. Inspectors do not take bribes.

If prohibited gear is seized, the inspector must describe it in detail on a separate form. The type of gear and the degree of its maintenance are indicated. If the innocence of the alleged offender is proven in court, the gear will be returned. But if guilt is proven, you will have to pay fines and, most likely, say goodbye to your fishing tools. Experts recommend attending the meeting in person. Otherwise, the court will easily issue a disappointing verdict on all charges.

Prohibitions and restrictions for fishermen in the Moscow region are established by legislative documents at the federal level. Fishing rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin were approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 453 dated November 18, 2014. (hereinafter referred to as the Fishing Rules). In 2018, Federal Law No. 475 was adopted, a separate law “On Amateur Fishing...”, establishing restrictions on the extraction of water resources for ordinary fishermen. It comes into force in 2020 and confirms the legitimacy of the Fisheries Rules.

This regulatory document not only introduces a ban on fishing in 2019 in the Moscow region, but also establishes other rules for the extraction of aquatic biological resources. From what date does the ban apply, when does it end, what types of fish are prohibited from catching, what other restrictions apply regarding fishing methods and types of gear, more on this later in the article.

When is fishing prohibited in the Moscow region?

The spring spawning fishing ban in 2019 in the Moscow region is part of the state policy to conserve water resources. The duration of spring restrictions depends on climatic conditions and the spawning period of fish species living in the reservoirs of the region. If spawning takes place in a different season, as for example with burbot, this feature is reflected in legislative norms. This is a common practice; such bans are introduced for the entire period of validity of the Fishery Rules.

However, amendments may be made to legislative acts, therefore, to find out when the fishing ban begins in the Moscow region in 2018, you should refer to the current, current version of the Fishing Rules. The date of last changes to this document is November 6, 2018.

In accordance with the Fishery Rules, in some regions the ban period is different for specific types of fish. In the Moscow region, such standards are established only for the extraction of burbot due to its spawning period; in other cases, the period of restrictions here depends on the location of the reservoir. Thus, the ban on pike fishing in the Moscow region, for example, does not apply, as in some other regions.

Other types of prohibitions for fishermen of the Moscow Region

Areas prohibited for fishing (clause 30.25.1 of the Fishing Rules).

Water Area
On the Volga River in the city of Dubna Less than 1 kilometer from the dam downstream (exception is the bay in the oxbow lake on the right side of the hydroelectric complex)
Pestovskoye Reservoir Starting from the mouth of the Kokotka River up to the line (along the right bank) passing through the bay from the pier of the “Raketa” type watercraft to the military hunting base “Barskie Prudy” (located on the left bank)
The water area of ​​the Berezov Islands at a distance of at least 0.5 kilometers from the water's edge
at a distance of less than 0.1 kilometers from the water's edge and less than 0.5 kilometers on both sides of the administrative boundaries of the village of Drachevo
Klyazma Reservoir Krasnaya Gorka Bay
Lutosnya River and its tributaries Within the administrative boundaries of Solnechnogorsk and Dmitrovsky districts
Istra Reservoir Water area of ​​the Kostyaevsky Islands (less than 0.1 kilometers from the water’s edge)
the water area of ​​the Istra River (right bank part) from the mouth of the Chernaya River with a belt width of 50 meters for 1.1 kilometers towards Pyatnitsky Reach

Types of biological resources prohibited for extraction (clause 30.25.3):

  • freshwater catfish;
  • white-eye;
  • lampreys;
  • sterlet;
  • grayling;
  • blue;
  • bersh;
  • sterlet;
  • saberfish;
  • trout;
  • Podust
  • crayfish.

Minimum size of harvested resources (if a smaller fish is caught, it must be released with minimal losses) (clause 30.24.4):

  • pike perch – 40 centimeters;
  • ide – 25;
  • asp – 40;
  • bream – 25;
  • burbot – 40;
  • chub – 20;
  • carp – 40;
  • pike – 32.

What methods and types of fishing are prohibited

They are listed in clause 29 of the Fishing Rules. Prohibited types of gear:

  • networks of all types;
  • traps of all types and types, with the exception of crayfish;
  • firearms and pneumatic weapons;
  • bows and crossbows;
  • fishing rod and spinning rods, if the total number of all types of hooks exceeds ten per
  • one citizen;
  • minesweepers and dredging tools;
  • traps;
  • catfish;
  • self-catching tools with hooks;
  • piercing weapons such as spears, an exception is made only for special pistols and shotguns used only in amateur and sport fishing;
  • enveloping and net straining tools.

Prohibited types of fishing methods:

  • purple, muting, rutting;
  • spans (with a total number of hooks of no more than 10 on all the tools of one fisherman);
  • using lighting devices and flashlights (an exception is made for spearfishing, crayfish fishing and fishing with a rod or spinning rod);
  • using a rowing vessel or watercraft using more than two baits per watercraft. Thus, there is no ban on fishing from a boat, but the parameters established by the Fishing Rules must be observed;
  • for trolling - using a sail or motor, if the number of baits also exceeds two per vessel;
  • circles and zherlitsy, if the number of hooks exceeds ten per citizen;
  • using devices that block the reservoir and prevent the free movement of fish;
  • gill method, if the number of hooks is more than two;
  • crayfish traps, if their number exceeds three per citizen, while the diameter or other parameters (width, height, length) should not exceed 80 centimeters, and the mesh width should not exceed 22 millimeters;
  • wading crayfish by hand, as well as by diving.

Additional restrictions

They are established by the new fishing law. Recreational fishing is prohibited at the following sites:

  • used for pond aquaculture;
  • provided for commercial aquaculture;
  • in places of mass recreation of the population.

Fishing may be limited in reservoirs located on defense and security lands, as well as in facilities owned by citizens and legal entities. Extraction of water resources is carried out by agreement with the owner.

The following means and methods of production are prohibited for ordinary fishermen:

  • networks (except for the regions of the North, the Far East and Siberia during a certain period and subject to labeling);
  • chemicals and explosives, electric current;
  • underwater mining method;
  • scuba gear and similar devices;
  • electronic means of searching for resources under water;
  • underwater devices above water.

Now the catch rate has been established; in the Moscow region it is 5 kg or one specimen if its weight is more than 5 kg.

Responsibility for violating the ban

For violating the fishing ban in the Moscow region in 2019, a citizen may be brought to administrative or criminal liability. Fines for administrative offenses under Art. 8.37 of the Administrative Code are provided in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. It is also possible to apply such punishment as confiscation of mining tools or a vessel.

For a crime under Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation already provides for a fine in the amount of 300 to 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum possible punishment is imprisonment for up to 2 years. The objective side of this crime is fishing in spawning areas or on the routes to them, as well as at specially protected sites, using self-propelled craft or prohibited methods of mass extermination of fish. Also, a citizen can be held liable under this article in case of causing major damage (from 100,000 rubles).