A meteorite will fall on October 12. A comet is approaching the earth at high speed

Many media outlets are now disseminating information that on 10/12/2017 the Earth will die. Scientists predict a terrible catastrophe - a collision of the planet with an asteroid of impressive size.

People began to talk about a possible collision with an asteroid called 2012 TC4 back in 2015, although sources were not always trustworthy, and most experts were quite skeptical about this information.

However, the space object itself, which is now being talked about a lot, is not fictional - it was discovered 5 years ago, but its orbit has only been partially studied. Asteroid diameter different estimates, reaches from 12 to 40 meters. This means that it may be even larger than the known meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk region, whose diameter reached about 17 meters and age of more than 4 billion years.

People started talking about the fact that asteroid 2012 TC4 could hit our Earth while flying past it a couple of years ago. However, even when the first reports of a possible tragedy appeared, experts remained skeptical.

In fact, the 2012 TC4 exists. As its name implies, it opened five years ago. And even today scientists are trying to study its orbit in more detail. The reported dimensions of the asteroid's diameter are significantly different: some say it is twelve meters, others say forty.

That is, it may be larger than Chelyabinsk, because of which one thousand six hundred and thirteen people suffered. Still, an asteroid of this diameter will not lead to a global catastrophe if it falls, but the consequences can be really serious.

Still, many experts say: the probability of a celestial body falling to Earth at least until 2020 is zero. 2012 TC4 is called a “potentially dangerous” asteroid, like all discovered celestial bodies whose distance to the planet is twenty times greater than the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Scientists are constantly debating whether the world might actually end one day. Quite often they discuss the prophecy of Saint Matrona, who described the events of 2017 as similar to the Apocalypse.

Previously, the media reported the assumption of scientists that Planet X could push Uranus and Neptune out of the solar system.
However, similar news about the imminent end of the world has already repeatedly appeared in the media.

For example, the same Planet X should have destroyed the Earth at least twice already - in September and December 2015. NASA has already debunked this myth, calling such predictions an Internet hoax.

We can talk endlessly about whether the end of the world in 2017 is possible. This is not the first decade when, almost every year, various predictors and soothsayers predicted the destruction of civilization and the end of human existence.

At the same time, this was not always due to errors in the prophecies themselves. Much more often their interpreters made mistakes, presenting incorrect results to the attention of the public. In addition, we should not forget the cunning journalists, for whom the topic of catastrophic events has always been profitable - after all, it significantly increases the ratings of almost any media.

This is what happened, for example, with the sensational Mayan calendar, which was supposed to end in 2012. Close studies of this vanished South American culture showed that this date had nothing to do with the end of the planet’s existence.

Conspiracy theorists have again started talking about a new “end of the world”, which, according to them, awaits us on October 12, 2017. According to researchers, the apocalypse will bring asteroid 2012 TC4, discovered back in 2012.

According to experts, the diameter of the celestial body, according to various estimates, ranges from 12 to 40 meters. According to calculations, it will be on October 12, 2017 that it will approach the Earth at a dangerous distance, less than the “clearance” between the Earth and the Moon. Conspiracy theorists say that if a celestial body falls, the “end of the world” awaits us.

It is known that asteroid 2012 TC4 already flew past our planet at a distance of approximately 94,800 km in 2012. Calculations have shown that this year the celestial body will be even closer to us.

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact, is that even just flying by, cosmic body may have a negative impact on the Earth. It can provoke earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, our Earth will definitely face global catastrophes. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since they do not know whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, where. First of all, this happens because the totality of the data they have suggests that a collision will not occur. An asteroid flying past can be seen through a telescope.

Official science assures that 2012 TC4 does not threaten us, but at the same time, scientists agree that when it falls, a celestial body can provoke global disasters on Earth: an asteroid can provoke earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other natural disasters in which humanity is most likely , will not be able to survive.

NASA specialists They are now monitoring the approach of another asteroid - 2012 TC4, which will rush past the Earth on October 12 at a distance of 43.5 thousand km, RIA Novosti reports. The diameter of the space alien can be from 12 to 27 meters, which makes it possible to compare it with a meteorite that on February 15, 2013 entered the atmosphere at a speed of about 18 km per second and exploded at an altitude of 15–25 km in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk.

Scientists have not yet determined how high the probability of an asteroid colliding with Earth is, since it is located at a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the planet. However, according to an expert on near-Earth space objects from the European Space Agency, the chances of an asteroid colliding with Earth are only “one in a million.”

Conspiracy theorists are talking about a new end of the world, which, according to their forecasts, will come on October 12, 2017.

This time, conspiracy theorists say, the Earth will die due to asteroid 2012 TC4.

In 2012, asteroid 2012 TC4 flew past our planet at a distance of 0.247 LD (Lunar Distance), which is approximately 94,800 km. Previous calculations showed that in 2017 it will fly past our planet at a distance of 0.079 LD. But there were reports that this time asteroid 2014 TC4 will approach Earth at a distance of 4 thousand miles. And this is an almost guaranteed collision of a celestial body with a planet.

Representatives of official science claim that asteroid 2012 TC4 does not yet threaten the Earth, writes the Rsute portal. But they agree that if this asteroid ever hits our planet, it could trigger massive disasters. The consequences of the fall of this asteroid could be much more serious than the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite to Earth.

At the same time, when drawing up a scenario for the fall of such an object as 2012 TC4 to Earth, scientists admit that it can actually cause an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. It all depends on where exactly the object will fall.

Conspiracy theorists claim that 2012 TC4 will cause the end of the world. They claim that it will cause large-scale disasters on Earth, in which humanity will not be able to survive.

Asteroid TC4, moving at a speed of 14 kilometers per second, is predicted to approach Earth on October 12, 2017, reports Russian newspaper with reference to NASA. The size of the asteroid is 30 meters, which is almost twice the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite - 19.8 meters.

October 12, 2017, end of the world: scientists do not believe in the end of the world

According to scientists' calculations, the asteroid will pass by the Earth at a distance of 43,500 kilometers. Experts cannot calculate the exact distance, which is why the error may be high, but the object will approach the planet by a maximum of 6,800 kilometers, NASA said.

“We are preparing to collect data to characterize and study TC4 as well as previously observed similar objects. And this time, for the first time, we're using a celestial body zoom to test a worldwide asteroid detection and tracking network. This will allow us to assess our ability to detect potential asteroid threats,” said Michael Kelly, NASA's chief of staff for the TC4 observation campaign.

Despite the fact that experts estimate the chances of an asteroid colliding with the Earth at 0.00055%, it is nevertheless recognized as potentially dangerous.

It is believed that in order for a space object to pose a threat, it must be at a distance from the planet no more than twenty times further than its natural satellite.

On October 12th of this year, asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass at a relatively short distance from Earth. Previously, scientists have already stated that this space object does not threaten our planet in any way, but as the asteroid approaches Earth, experts were able to establish the exact distance at which TC4 will pass.

In the event of asteroid 2012 TC4 falling to Earth, the planet's climate will radically change. In the first days most of animal and flora will die out. Days and nights will last for six months, unbearably hot days will be replaced by " eternal winter" at night.

Meteorite October 12: scientists deny the possibility of a collision between the Earth and TC4

For a long period, all scientists in the world carefully observed the movement and behavior of asteroid 2012 TC4, taking into account all possible factors influencing its trajectory. The specialist was able to find out that the diameter of the space object approaching the Earth is forty meters. An asteroid of this size cannot burn up in the Earth's atmosphere during a collision, which means that if it falls, it can cause great destruction.

Experts suggest that asteroid 2012 TC4 formed in the Kuiper belt, which is considered one of the most dangerous cosmic regions for Earth. In this belt there is an accumulation of the largest number of space objects, which scatter in a chaotic manner.

Typically, asteroids formed in this belt rarely reach the Earth, but sometimes this still happens, reports the C-ib website. The facts about the fall of such asteroids are not publicly disclosed, because they usually land in deserts and do not pose any danger to human life.

Only an asteroid whose mass reaches thirty tons is dangerous. Despite the fact that asteroid 2012 TC4 has a dangerous mass, scientists have found that it will pass at a sufficiently large distance from the Earth so as not to hit it. According to the latest data that appeared in the media, this space object will pass above the surface of the earth at a distance of fifty thousand kilometers. This is a safe distance, so the asteroid will pass by the Earth without consequences for its inhabitants and infrastructure.

Meteorite October 12: in the event of a collision, the consequences will be tragic

Although scientists claim that there will be no consequences for the Earth from the passage of asteroid 2012 TC4, they still calculated the consequences that could occur in the event of a collision with this cosmic body. According to them, this asteroid is capable of punching a huge hole in the atmosphere, which itself will not recover. This will affect the change in time of day. Each day, like the night, will last half a year.

The level of solar radiation in the daytime will increase to catastrophic levels, the air temperature will also cross all permissible standards. This will lead to the death of most plants and animals. Scientists suggest that over time sunny days, all glaciers will completely melt. With the night comes “eternal winter.”

The huge asteroid 2012 TC4 is heading sovereignly towards Earth. The collision will occur, according to scientists, on October 12 this year. Its dimensions are unknown.

In the fall of 2012, scientists approximately calculated the size of the meteorite when it flew past the globe, so they were 15-40 meters wide.

Comparing with the meteorite in Chelyabinsk in the winter of 2013, it was almost 20 meters. Then one and a half thousand people were injured, and more than seven thousand buildings were damaged. So, a future encounter with asteroid 2012 TC4 could do a lot more damage.

NASA has confirmed that a dangerous meteor will fly past our planet in October. This was reported in a report by specialists from the department and the European Space Agency.

The celestial body was discovered in the fall of 2012 at the Pan-STARRS observatory in Hawaii. Then it posed a significant danger to the Earth, rushing past us, only 94,800 km from the Moon.

Asteroid 2012 TC4 is an elongated object that is moving quickly. It is known that he approached our planet more than once. At the moment, astronomers are trying to find out what the true gap is between the asteroid and the Earth in 2017, as well as calculate the likelihood of negative consequences of this meeting.

This year, astrophysicists around the world counted 800 meteorites from comets and asteroids that could collide with the Earth. All of them are included in a special register. And the closer the date of a possible “meeting” with them, the more closely humanity monitors the behavior of these objects.

The next end of the world is “set” for October 12: on this day, an asteroid codenamed 2012 TC4 will be at its closest possible distance from Earth.

It is known that the length of the object is 40 meters; this volume of space material is enough to cause colossal damage to our planet. And it will be much more serious than during the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Percentage of two collisions celestial bodies“negligible”, but it still exists. And astrophysicists very carefully study the trajectory of movement, the nature of the “behavior” of the celestial body, as well as the external factors that influence it.

It is assumed that asteroid 2012 TC4 could have formed in one of the most unsafe regions for our planet - the Kuiper belt, where there is a cluster of objects scattering in different directions.

An asteroid will collide with the Earth 2017, October: cases of an asteroid colliding with the Earth are unknown

The threat itself in the form of asteroids is very insignificant: old cosmic bodies are destroyed, and the formation of new celestial bodies will take quite a long time. That is, if a dangerous object falls to Earth, it won’t happen even in a million years.

However, the Earth still periodically falls into the risk zone and with enviable regularity asteroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere. This most often occurs in the areas of the Sahara, Gobi and Kalazar deserts. Scientists are in no hurry to make such moments public: why give reason for unnecessary panic if there are no consequences for humanity?

In addition, as researchers from Carnegie University have calculated, for an asteroid to really fall dangerously, it must weigh from 30 to 60 tons. Although, if you remember what size it was Chelyabinsk meteorite, optimism may diminish.

It is worth noting that today scientists determine the weight of a space object by the brightness of its glow. But this technique is not very suitable for asteroids. That is, Exact size 2012 TC4 has not yet been installed, and the data announced by Nasov may be erroneous.

There are no known cases of asteroid collisions with the Earth. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, and also the fact that the asteroid has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The only indisputable fact is that even just flying past, a cosmic body can have a negative impact on the Earth. It can trigger earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters. If it falls, our Earth will definitely face global catastrophes. And the place where he falls will be decisive whether he can survive at all.