The uniqueness of the Indian Himalayas. Himalayas: the highest mountains in the world Himalayas where is located in which country

Himalayas. View from space

Himalayas - "abode of snow", Hindi.


Himalayas - the highest mountain system of the globe, located in Asia (India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bhutan), between the Tibetan Plateau (in the north) and the Indo-Gangetic Plain (in the south). The Himalayas range from 73°E in the northwest to 95°E in the southeast. The total length is more than 2400 km, the maximum width is 350 km. The average height is about 6000 m. The height is up to 8848 m (Mount Everest), 11 peaks are more than 8 thousand meters.

The Himalayas are divided into three levels from south to north.

  • Southern, lower step (Pre-Himalayas). Sivalik mountains, they are made up of the Dundva, Chouriagati (average height 900 m), Solya-Singi, Potvarskoe plateau, Kala Chitta and Margala ranges. The width of the step lies in the range from 10 to 50 km, the height is not more than 1000 m.

Kathmandu valley

  • Small Himalayas, second stage. Extensive highlands 80 - 100 km wide, average height - 3500 - 4000 m. Maximum height - 6500 m.

Includes part of the Kashmir Himalayas - Pir-Panjal (Kharamush - 5142 m).

Between the outlying ridge of the second stage, called Dauladar "White Mountains"(average height - 3000 m) and the Main Himalayas at an altitude of 1350 - 1650 m lie the valleys of Srinagar (Kashmir Valley) and Kathmandu.

  • The third stage is the Great Himalayas. This step is strongly dissected and forms a large chain of ridges. The maximum width is 90 km, the height is 8848 m. The average height of the passes reaches 4500 m, some exceed 6000 m. The Great Himalayas are divided into Assam, Nepal, Kumaon and Punjab Himalayas.

- The main Himalayan range. The average height is 5500 - 6000 m. Here, on the site between the Sutlej and Arun rivers, there are eight out of ten Himalayan eight-thousanders.

Behind the gorge of the Arun River, the Main Range slightly lowers - Jonsang Peak (7459 m), a branched spur with the Kanchenjunga Massif extends south from it, four peaks of which exceed 8000 m (maximum height - 8585 m).

Between the Indus and the Sutlej, the Main Range divides into the Western Himalayas and the Northern Range.

- Northern Ridge. In the northwestern part it is called Deosai, and in the southeastern part it is called Zanskar ("white copper") (the highest point is Kamet Peak, 7756 m). To the north is the Indus Valley, beyond which to the north is the Karakorum mountain system.

    The Himalayan mountains are the largest mountain formations on the entire globe. They are located in Asia and are the property of five different states. It is worth noting that this mountain formation is located on the mainland called Eurasiaquot ;. According to one of the sources on the Internet, the highest point of the Himalayas is Mount Everest, reaching a height of more than 8800 meters.

    The Himalayas are a large mountain range in southern Asia that forms a barrier between the Tibetan plateau in the north and the alluvial plains of the Hindustan Peninsula in the south.

    They are part of Nepal, India, Pakistan, Tibet and Bhutan. The mountains are the highest in the world, reaching almost 9000 meters above sea level, more than 110 peaks rise to a height of 7300 meters or more above sea level. One of these peaks, Everest (Tibetan: Chomolungma; Chinese: Chomolungma Feng; Nepalese: Sagarmatha) is the highest in the world, at 8,850 meters. The Himalayas separate the Indian subcontinent from the interior of Asia. The word Himalaya means house of snow.

    The Himalayas are the largest mountain system on Earth. The Himalayas are located at the junction of Central and South Asia. The length of this system is 2900 km long and 350 km wide. These mountains are located in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

    The question is very true and necessary, now they give such an ugly education in schools that it is just right to be enlightened on the Big Question. The Himalayas are located in southern Asia and partly in Central Asia. These mountains are ROOF OF THE WORLD " because there is the highest peak is Mount Everest. Its height is 8848 meters.

    If we talk about the mainland where the Himalayas are located, then this mainland is called Eurasia. To be more precise, these mountains are located in Asia, on the territory of five countries. The length of the Himalayan mountains is more than 2900 km and has an area of ​​about 650 thousand square kilometers.

    The Himalayas are the highest mountain system on Earth. It is located on the mainland of Eurasia, between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The highest point of the Himalayas is Mount Everest (Chomolungma) - 8848 m above sea level.

    Name Himalaya means Abode of snowsquot ;. The length of the mountain system reaches 2900 km, the width is about 350 km.

    The Himalayas are located on the lands of such powers as China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

    Coordinates: 2949?00? With. sh. 8323?31? v. d.?

    The Himalayas is a whole mountain system, the length of which is about three thousand kilometers. The Himalayas are located in Eurasia, they cover many powers, including China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. The highest mountain in this mountain system is Mount Everest.

    The Himalayas, the abode of snows in Sanskrit, are located on the mainland of Eurasia. The highest mountain system on earth. The Himalayas separate the Tibetan Plateau in the north from the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the south. In the Himalayas are the territories of China, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, India, Sikkim and Ladakh.

    The length of the mountain range is about 3 thousand kilometers, the width is about 350 kilometers. In the west, it passes into the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountain systems.

    On the territory of the Himalayas is the highest mountain on the planet - 8848 meters - Chomolungma (Everest), which in Nepalese means Goddess Mother of the Snows.

    Fossils of fish are found in the mountains, which suggests that once the mountains were the bottom of the ancient ocean.

    Himalayas is the highest mountain system on planet Earth. The Himalayas are located on the continent of Eurasia, on the border of Central and South Asia. Countries on whose territory the Himalayas are spread: China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan.

The most majestic and mysterious mountain range on our planet is the Himalayas. This massif, whose name is translated as the abode of snow, conditionally separates Central and South Asia, and the height of its individual peaks reaches more than 8,000 meters. The Himalayas are rightfully considered the highest mountains in the world, let's look at the Himalayas on the map and find out why these mountains are so unusual.

Location of the Himalayas mountain system on the world map

“Where are the mountains of the Himalayas, in which country” - this question often arises among novice travelers who have heard about the beauty of the most impregnable mountains on the planet and decided to go there in search of adventure. Looking at a world map, you can see that the Himalayas are located in the northern hemisphere between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh are the countries whose territories cover the Himalayas. The most visited country in the Himalayas is India. There are many attractions and resorts here. The massif is 2900 km long and about 350 km wide. There are 83 peaks in the mountain system, the highest of which is Everest, the height of the mountain is 8848 m.

The Himalayan mountains on the map consist of three main stages:

  • Sivalik Ridge. This is the southernmost part of the mountain range. The range is located in Nepal and affects several states of India. Here the height of the Himalayan mountains does not exceed 2 km.
  • Small Himalayas. This range runs parallel to the Sivalik range. The average height here is 2.5 km.
  • Big Himalayas. This is the highest and oldest part of the mountain range. The height of the ridge exceeds 8 km, and it is here that the highest peaks of the planet are located.

highest peaks

The mountain range contains 9 of the 10 highest peaks in the world. Here are the highest ones:

  • Chomolungma - 8848 m.
  • Kanchenjunga - 8586 m.
  • Lhotse - 8516 m.
  • Makalu - 8463 m.
  • Cho Oyu - 8201 m.

Most of them are located on the territory of Tibet, and it is here that conquerors of mountains from all over the planet rush, because climbing the highest peaks is the life work of a real climber.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Himalayas changes with the change in altitude. The natural features of the Himalayas at different levels amaze with the change of landscapes, flora and fauna. In the foothills of the small Himalayas, terai or swampy jungles predominate, above them they are replaced by tropical forests, then mixed, coniferous, and finally, alpine meadows appear. The northern slopes are dominated by deserts and semi-deserts. The fauna of the Himalayas is as diverse as the flora. Here you can still meet wild tigers, rhinos, elephants and monkeys, and having risen higher, the risk of meeting with a bear, mountain yak and snow leopard increases.

On the territory of the mountains that capture Nepal, there is a unique nature reserve, where endangered species of animals are still preserved. The zone is under the protection of UNESCO. Mount Everest is located on the territory of this reserve.

Rivers and lakes

It is in the Himalayas that the three largest rivers of South Asia originate. These include, Brahmaputra and Indus. Moreover, in the mountain range there are many beautiful and clean lakes. The highest mountain is Lake Tilicho, located at an altitude of 4919 m.

The special pride of the Himalayas is, of course, glaciers. In terms of the amount of fresh water reserves, the mountain range was surpassed only by the Arctic and Antarctic. The largest glacier here is the Gantotri layer, which reaches a length of 26 km.

When is it good in the Himalayas?

According to travelers, it is always good in the Himalayas. Each season of the year gives the slopes of this ridge unique landscapes, the beauty of which is simply impossible to describe in words. In spring, the slopes are strewn with beautiful flowers, the aroma of which spreads for many kilometers, in summer, during the rainy season, lush greenery breaks through a light fog and gives freshness and coolness, autumn is rampant with colors, and in winter, when snow falls, there is no cleaner and whiter place in the world.

The main tourist season falls on the autumn months, but in winter there are many skiing enthusiasts, because in the Himalayas there are many world-class ski resorts.

Himalayas: the highest mountains in the world

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The Himalayas consist of approximately 30 mountains, nine of which are the highest peaks on the planet, including Everest. Extreme lovers from all over the planet consider this place as a center of mountaineering. We will tell you the most interesting facts about the Himalayas.

Geographic location

The Himalayas are located on the territory of five states:

  • India;
  • Nepal;
  • Bhutan;
  • China;
  • Pakistan

The mountains have a total area of ​​153,295,000 sq. km, occupy 0.4% of the entire surface of the earth.

The mountain range of the Himalayas is the most impregnable region of the Earth.

If we do not take into account Antarctica and the Arctic, then the Himalayas are in the lead in terms of deposits of ice and snow. A great many glaciers contain enough water for rivers and lakes, which are here in considerable quantity.

Huge rivers originate in the Himalayas and highlands of Tibet:

  • Ganges;
  • Yamuna.

The tops of the mountains are unsuitable for human life due to the harsh climate: cold, lack of oxygen, and strong winds. In the valleys between the mountains there is a small number of settlements, with few inhabitants.

The local population lives off tourism and accompanying climbers who wish to see or conquer the mountain peaks.

Local religions and beliefs

The main religions of the Himalayan inhabitants are:

  • Islam;
  • Buddhism;
  • Hinduism.

The story of Bigfoot living somewhere in the mountains has become the most popular myth in the Himalayas.

According to Hindu mythology, this place is considered the refuge of Lord Shiva.

The highest mountains of the Himalayas:

  1. Chomolungma, height 8,848 km.
  2. Kangchenjunga, height 8,586 km.
  3. Lhotse, height 8,516 km.
  4. Makalu, height 8,463 km.
  5. Cho Oyu, height 8,201 km.
  6. Dhaulagiri, height 8,167 km.
  7. Manaslu, height 8,156 km.
  8. Nanga Parbat, height 8,126 km.
  9. Annapurna, height 8091 km.
  10. Shishabangma, height 8027 km.

Many people die every year trying to conquer the peaks of the Himalayas. But the danger does not stop real extreme sportsmen and travelers who cannot live without risk.

Mountains hold many dangerous surprises, such as rapidly changing weather conditions with gusty winds, or lack of oxygen.


Vegetation in the Himalayas varies with altitude:

  • swampy forest thickets predominate in the valleys;
  • green tropical jungle, coniferous and deciduous forests grow a little higher;
  • further on are alpine meadows;
  • at the level of 3500 m only bushes grow.

The purest plants for medicine grow exclusively in the foothills.

There are quite a lot of Hindu temples and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas.

Valley of Flowers is a national park. It is located in the western Himalayas and is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The name Himalaya is derived from the spirit of the Sanskrit words: hima and alaja, which means "abode of snows." The highest mountains on earth occupy 80% of the area of ​​Nepal. The average height of the Himalayas is 6,000 meters above sea level. The length of these high mountains is 2,500 km. But it is on the territory of Nepal that there are eight eight-thousanders - the highest mountain, whose height is more than 8,000 meters. Therefore, all climbers in the world dream of climbing the Himalayas at least once in their lives. Neither danger to life, nor cold, nor financial costs stop them. At the same time, the financial costs are quite significant. After all, if you want to conquer the peak, then in Nepal, just for the right to climb, you will have to pay a fairly serious amount, which is more than one thousand dollars. Here, this fee is called royalty. If you want to conquer Everest, then you will also have to stand in line, maybe even two years. With such a large number of people who want to conquer the Himalayas, there are peaks that are not popular.

For tourists eager to challenge the mountains, special routes have been laid at an altitude of 5.5 thousand meters. Those who manage to make the ascent will receive a well-deserved reward - landscapes of dangerous and deep gorges with lush vegetation and lush greenery of unforgettable beauty, or snow-capped rocky peaks. The most popular among ordinary tourists without special training is the route around Annapurna. During the days of the journey, those who decide to undertake such a journey, in addition to the excellent landscapes of mountainous Nepal, can also observe the life of local residents.

The highest mountain in the Himalayas is Mount Everest (8848 meters). Every student knows about it. In Tibet, she is called Chomolungma, which means "Mother of the Gods", and in Nepal - Sagarmakhta. All climbers dream of conquering Everest, but only climbers of the highest class can conquer it.

The Himalayas arose during the period of orogeny - the Alpine tectonic cycle and, by the standards of geology, very young mountains. The Himalayas arose in the place where the Eurasian and Indian subcontinental plates collided. Mountain building continues here today. The average height of the mountains increases annually by an average of 7 mm. That is why earthquakes are so frequent here.

In the Himalayan mountains directed to the sky, it is quite common to find fossilized marine organisms. They are called saligrams. According to scientists, their age is about 130 million years. Saligrams are like messages from the Ice Age. They are the best proof that the Himalayas "grew" out of the water. The Nepalese consider them the earthly incarnation of their god Vishnu. For the Nepalese, saligrams are sacred. Their export from the territory of Nepal is prohibited.

Video: "Climbing the top of Tulagi in Nepal (7059 m.) in 2010."

Film: Road to the Himalayas

Also, you can watch the 1999 Nepalese film The Himalayas (dir. Eric Valli) and the 2010 film NANGA PARBAT.

In conclusion, a few more photos of the Himalayas: