Trout grew in Karelia reviews. Trout with bright prospects. Proper preparation and other precautions

Today I’ll tell you about the trout farm, which is located on Lake Onega, which we visited on the fifth day of the Great Onega Expedition. This was probably the fishiest day of our trip, despite the fact that we ate it every day and didn’t get tired of it.

Lots and lots beautiful scenery, a lot of fish, fresh air, Lake Onega, in general, everything that is sorely lacking, especially in winter.

It would seem, why is it needed on Lake Onega, when there are tons of fish there too? Let's try to find out today. The farm is located in Lake Onega, away from the shores. We will sail there on this boat from the time of the Russian-Finnish war, which was restored by Nikolai Vladimirovich Fedorenko, the founder of the trout farm.

This is what the boat looks like from the inside. Windows from old Soviet buses. The sofas are comfortable. helm in best traditions pirate times.

Our captain is not local, neither is most of trout farm workers. As Nikolai Vladimirovich said, because the previous local ones stole, we had to hire guest workers.

Nikolai Vladimirovich is very interesting person started his business back in the predatory 90s, told a lot interesting stories about how he tried to work, how he was hindered by either officials or bandits, and how he eventually survived after several crises and continues to grow fish..

Chain wolfhound of the owner of a trout farm.

Lake Onega, if you look at the map, is dotted with various islands on which there are lakes that are not small at all. But some islands are very tiny - just a piece of rock overgrown with pine trees.

Some areas between the islands are overgrown with algae because there is a weak current.

We sailed to the first site where Nikolai Vladimirovich started his business. There is a floating house where he lived for some time. On the right are outbuildings, if you can call them that.

There are a lot of homemade cages here that he made back in those days.

But there are also completely new ones that will soon replace the old ones.

While we were sailing around and around, stern farm guards were running after us along the shore. By the way, you can see a face on this rock.

Here is this gang in furry swimsuits.

We rushed in pursuit of our boat.

We made a detour on the boat to see another rock face that Nikolai Vladimirovich discovered.

It's amazing how trees grow on bare rocks.

We came back

The trout that grows in these cages is purchased as fry in Finland. Unfortunately, in Russia there are few farms that can breed good fish starting with the eggs. Nikolai Vladimirovich tried to grow fish from various manufacturers, including Belarusian ones, but in the end he settled on Finnish material, because the percentage of deaths was lower and there were more fish that grew to the required size.

A common attraction for visitors to fish farms is to feed the fish.

The water immediately begins to boil.

For those who are planning to build a trout farm, a small detail of the arrangement of cages will help.

There are a lot of fish in the cages. Nikolai Vladimirovich grows about 450 tons of fish per year, plus several tons of caviar, very tasty caviar.

Let's go into the property.

A cool weather vane to match the theme.

The guards bark at us from head to toe.

Nikolai Vladimirovich lived in this house for 10 years with his family. Those were difficult times.

Now there are all the conditions for a completely normal life.

And then we had to defend ourselves from various bandits and bureaucrats.

Nikolai Vladimirovich told us many interesting stories, which now I unfortunately cannot remember. He knew many famous people, including Luzhkov, Yeltsin and many others. He especially often remembered Vadim Tumanov, the legendary gold miner, his close friend.

Here he is in the photo with the same Tumanov.

Batteries that power the houseboat with electricity.

And there is beauty all around, very harsh in winter.

And in these cages there are young fish. They are covered with a net to prevent the fish from being dragged away by seagulls.

In a year or two, the fish will grow and be ready for sale.

The farm worker arrived.

Now let’s go to the fish tank, which is located further away, in open water.

This cage is much larger in size than the previous ones. As the owner said, soon all his cages will be exactly like this. They can also be assembled by hand, but from modern materials, and not from barrels and boards, like the very first ones.

You need to walk here carefully, changing the lens is completely dangerous, you’re too lazy and that’s it, he’s already at the bottom of Onega.

These are the bridges here.

In the center, if I'm not mistaken, there is something like an anchor that keeps the cage from being carried further into the lake. As we were told, in winter the cages are moved to places where ice does not form on the surface, so that the fish have access to oxygen and so that the cages are not crushed by ice.

The next area is where other farm cages are located.

Nikolai Vladimirovich catches fish for us.

This trout will be our lunch.

Local security.

But before we sit down at the table, let's go up to the very top of the island.

On the right you can see the same cages.

The table is set for us. I have never seen such a fish table before.

Mmm... yummy.

How is it possible without caviar? No way!

Fried, dried, smoked, salted, whatever kind of fish was on this table!

I raise this sandwich for you, and I wish that each of you has such an abundance of fish on the table, regardless of the crisis!

Nikolai Vladimirovich showed us the gun given by Yeltsin.

We swim back to shore. One of our team members got a little tired and decided to sleep.

And the impudent seagulls do not sleep.

On one of the islands, someone built a house for themselves, despite the fact that this is prohibited by law. One of our hero’s competitors lives there, you can see the fish tank nearby. In fact, many people are engaged in raising trout in Lake Onega, but not everyone does it legally. The lake is large, so hiding from law enforcement agencies is not difficult. True, not everyone is able to grow on such a scale as Nikolai Vladimirovich.

And trout that are raised in cages will only be ready in winter, and then they will be processed.

Therefore, the freezers in which we almost locked one of our team are occupied with other products, but also fish.

We left Nikolai Vladimirovich with gifts - bags full of smoked meats and caviar. Our fishing marathon was in no hurry to end. Next, we were waiting for the Kivach waterfall (which I talked about in a full report on my blog) and a halt on the shore of Palyeozero, which at first I confused with Onega. There are thousands of these lakes here in Karelia!

What a magical sunset!
Without processing, this photo looked completely different.

This is what our dinner looks like, the only thing missing is bread, we have less of it than fish and caviar.

We immediately invented the blogger sandwich. In fact, it should look like this - caviar is spread on a layer of salted trout and topped with smoked trout. The photo shows a simplified version of the blogger sandwich.

That's all, thank you for reading to the end)

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💧Hello everyone!💧

What is a worthy substitute for meat? What dishes to cook on a long holiday weekend?

If you don't like heavy food, pay attention to trout.


Bred artificially in the lakes of Karelia

Sold in online stores.

Ours was purchased at Metro C&C

Price 509 rub./kg - cost of 1 fish 485 rub.


The scales of chilled fish should be shiny and free of mucus.

The gills should be light red

The eyes sparkle provocatively, without being cloudy

The smell should be appetizing

An example of the freshest trout


Trout fillet contains unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) that are important for the female body.

This means that eating it helps get rid of bad cholesterol.

And also have beautiful skin, healthy hair and nails

Trout is rich in vitamin B12, as well as vitamins D and A.

Proteins, g: 19.2
Fats, g: 2.1

Calories, kcal: 97

As you can see, this time BZ without U is a healthy and low-calorie fish.

💧 COOKING TROUT with garnish

1) Peel small potatoes, place them whole on a baking sheet, add salt and add spices to taste (cut large potatoes).

The baking tray is lightly greased with vegetable oil. The potatoes should be approximately the same size.

Place the potatoes in the oven for 20 minutes at 180-200 C.

2) While the potatoes are cooking, wash, peel and gut the fish.

Salt the outside and inside, put a few slices of lemon inside and outside.

Wrap in foil brushed with olive oil. Add to the baking sheet with the potatoes.

We added a little more bell pepper, coarsely chopped (the pepper bakes for about 20 minutes)

3) Bake the fish and potatoes in the oven for about 30 minutes more.

4) Remove, transfer to a plate and serve.

When cut, the meat is soft pink, almost beige.

The taste is delicate and separates easily from the bones. There are few small bones.

💧 SUMMARY: I recommend Karelian trout - with a potato side dish for holiday dishes, with baked vegetables or a light vegetable salad for a post-holiday diet. It is very tender, tasty, healthy fish Suitable for adults and children over one year old.

Seagulls circle over Sandal Lake near the shore. They look out for trout splashing around in the cages, waiting for food. But you won’t be able to get to the fish: the cages are securely closed with nets.

“There are not only seagulls here, there are also ospreys,” says Konstantin Dmitriev, who runs a trout farm. “If you don’t cover it, all the fish will be dragged away.” Yes, she can jump into the lake herself: trout, after all, is a river fish, and can easily jump over the edge of the fish tank.

Konstantin has lived in Karelia since 2014. It was then that the St. Petersburg company Tari Bari opened a fish production division in the Kondopoga region. The region was chosen because of its climate, which is almost ideal for raising rainbow trout.

Konstantin Dmitriev. He has been in business for a long time and knows everything about trout. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

This breed of fish was once brought to Europe from North America. She loves cold rivers and lakes with a high degree of flow. The ideal water temperature for it is +14 °C. At a temperature of +18 °C, trout are no longer doing very well, but if it exceeds +24 °C, they begin to die. In Karelia, unlike middle zone and especially in the south, such warm water almost never happens.

As a result, 80% of rainbow trout Russian market originally from Karelia. This fish has become a unique brand of the region. The republic is close to the main consumers - St. Petersburg and Moscow. And between the same Atlantic and Karelian trout, many choose the latter, because it gets to the store faster, and therefore is fresher.

Trout eats four times a day

The trout farm has several sites in the Kondopoga region. The cages are located on Lake Sandal, in ponds near Tivdia, on Palyozero. During the season, about 800 tons of fish are raised from them.

Trout goes through a full growing cycle. The company buys fertilized eggs, from which small fish are hatched in the fry shop. Five-gram trout are transported to the sites and placed in cages.

There are 16 cages on Sandal Lake. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

You can only get to them to feed the trout by boat. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

Throughout the year, the trout feed and grow, then they are sorted by size and placed in new cages - in smaller numbers so that the fish are not crowded. The same thing is repeated in the second year and third year. A three-year-old fish is considered mature and ready for sale.

Work on the farm goes on all year round. The catch begins in mid-November and continues until the end of March; the rest of the time the fish are taken care of: fed, replanted, and monitored for health.

“In the summer we feed the fish four times a day,” says site foreman Sergei Malkov. - This, of course, depends on the weather, on the water temperature, but on average it’s somewhere like this. We feed from six in the morning until seven or nine in the evening. When the nights are white, you can safely feed until ten in the evening.

Sergey Malkov. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

Fish farmers don't just feed trout. They clean the cages, mend the bags in which the fish are sitting, unload the cars with food, clean the area - in a word, ensure the normal operation of the areas.

All farm workers (and there are about a hundred of them) are local: from Tivdia, Svyatnavolok, Girvas, Kondopoga. Although the parent company is located in St. Petersburg, the fish production is registered in Karelia and transfers taxes to the local budget.

“People in Karelia are very good, they command respect,” says Konstantin. — Even if you look at our workers: in the summer we have to scatter tons of feed, in winter, when it’s cold, we have to lift 12 tons of fish a day. Starting from six in the morning in icy water is not easy.

Taking all this into account, it is mainly men who work at the sites. There are women only where the cages are close to the shore and can be reached by ladders. Well, more than half of the processing shop is women.

The fish farmer's shift begins at 6 a.m.: it is at this time that the trout have breakfast. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

Last feeding in the evening, at 7-9 o'clock. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

The trout hears the sound of the boat and comes to the surface. He knows: they will feed you. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

There are entire working dynasties in the trout industry. Master Sergei, for example, has his wife, brother and sister, and parents involved in fishing. He enjoys his work, despite the difficult conditions.

“A person who doesn’t love what he does simply cannot work here,” says Sergei. - It’s hard, yes. But this is, in fact, normal work: the team is good, they pay on time - what else is needed?

Chilled fish, frozen caviar

The company specializes in chilled fish. In the processing shop, the trout are gutted, sorted by size and not processed any further - they are packaged and sent to customers.

The company also produces caviar. It is frozen before shipping, but Konstantin says that’s just fine. Caviar spoils quickly, and to preserve it, manufacturers usually add preservatives. At the Karelian enterprise, only caviar and salt are put in the jar. Freezing is needed to deliver the product to the buyer.

— We picked up the fish in the morning, gutted it, and by the end of the day the caviar was in a shocker ( flash freezer). A man bought it a few days later, put it in the refrigerator, and two hours later it was exactly the same as it was on the day it was caught.

Fish from the Karelian farm is sent mainly to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Residents of the republic are understandably upset and even outraged by this. But there is nowhere to go, says Konstantin: the specifics of the product and the characteristics of the market create such conditions.

A 20-ton truckload of feed is enough for two weeks. Photo: Respublika news agency / Sergey Yudin

The food is imported and not cheap. But the quality of the fish depends on this. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

To sell chilled trout, the store must have a fish department with special tables laid out on flaky ice ( the dryest and coldest type of ice, melts slowly and maintains the temperature of the product). Ideally, you also need an irrigation system to prevent the fish from drying out. Such equipment is available only in large retail outlets, of which there are much more in the capitals than in the regions.

“Good cross-country ability is also important,” adds the trout fisherman. - The shelf life of chilled fish is short - 10-12 days. And if there are few buyers, then the trout will simply spoil.

In Petrozavodsk, however, you can also buy trout from the Tari Bari company. True, it comes here in a roundabout way: first it goes to a warehouse in St. Petersburg, undergoes processing there, and then returns to Karelia, to stores that receive products centrally.

There is a house on the site where you can warm up and drink tea. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

Konstantin personally knows all the workers and is very pleased with everyone. Photo: Respublika news agency / Sergey Yudin

Just five years ago, prices for trout were minimal - they cost about the same as cod. And then the ruble began to rapidly become cheaper, and the trout began to become more expensive. And there are objective reasons for this.

— Don’t think that trout farmers are so greedy and have raised prices against the backdrop of rising prices for imported goods. Trout is a predatory fish; it needs to be fed with complex feed, almost all of which is imported. The ruble exchange rate has doubled, food has doubled in price - and fish, accordingly, too.

The cost of trout, however, consists of more than just the cost of feed. Cells, oximeters, vacuum pumps, calculating machines - all this is bought from foreign manufacturers.

“Here are the current prices,” says Konstantin. “No miracles happened, no one got rich here.”

By the way, another cost item in trout farming is protection. Here the costs are almost equal to the salary fund. This, of course, is not normal, but it is inevitable: every year some trout hunters try to cut the cages and release the fish, sometimes successfully.

“Literally two years ago there was such a case,” says Konstantin. “Then we were lucky, it was calm.” A fish farmer came to feed the trout and noticed that it was not only splashing in the cage, but also in open lake. If there had been disturbances on the water, I would not have seen it, and more fish would have gone away.

A year before, farm workers found nets placed nearby - a sure sign that a raid on the cages was being prepared. We contacted Rybnadzor, they came and removed the nets.

Buba is one of the site’s guards, also a valuable employee. Photo: Respublika news agency / Sergey Yudin

Difficulties do not prevent the economy from developing. In the coming years, they plan to lift not 800 tons of fish per season, but a thousand. The groundwork for this is already there, all that remains is to wait for the results.

“That’s my job,” Konstantin laughs. — Sometimes you see the results of what you do only after two or three years.

Plot on Sandal Lake. Photo: Respublika News Agency / Sergey Yudin

In the Kondopoga region of Karelia local population dissatisfied with the rapid development of fish farming.

Trout farming is the most profitable agricultural sector in Karelia, demonstrating one of the highest percentages of profitability in the Russian agricultural industry (up to 30%). Almost three quarters of domestic trout are grown in the republic and the number of fish farms is only increasing every year. This was reported by Expert North-West.

New farms are opened mainly where, in addition to suitable reservoirs, there is a developed infrastructure, convenient transport connection and qualified personnel. The surrounding area of ​​Kondopoga meets all these requirements and is therefore very attractive for such a business. According to official data, today 1,270 tons of red fish are grown in the Kondopoga region (about 20% of the republican volume).

But the local population is not happy with this business activity. Residents of villages located within a radius of 30 km from trout farms are convinced that the rapid development of fish farming is detrimental to Lake Onega. Here is one of the typical collective appeals that in the last couple of years have been pouring in from the Kondopoga district to government bodies, environmental structures and even to the prosecutor’s office: “Due to the high color of the water and its low quality, we cannot drink clean water and are deprived of the opportunity to engage in traditional activities.” crafts. The changed composition of the water had a detrimental effect on the fauna - the number of fish decreased sharply.”

Residents of the area insist that they prefer “wild” whitefish, vendace, pike, and perch to artificially grown fish in cages.

Now the prosecutor's office is checking another such complaint, signed by 220 residents of the village of Girvas. Law enforcement officials are deciding whether there are grounds for closing the trout farm "IP G. Gutyro" - one of the oldest in the republic.

Once upon a time, farmer Gennady Gutyro started his business from scratch, having only an old barge raised from the bottom of the lake as his fixed assets. Without any loans, he created a successful farm, giving work to a dozen fellow villagers (and in Karelian villages there is widespread unemployment). And now residents insist that the farm be moved outside the village, since “the water in the lake is poisoned by fish waste products and feed, and the number of people suffering from bronchial asthma and gastrointestinal diseases is growing.”

The first results of the test are so far in favor of the trout breeder. The Republican Laboratory of Analysis and Technical Measurements concluded that the water near the village is contaminated with phosphates, iron, ammonia and petroleum products, that is, waste products of people, not fish; the treatment facilities are rotten and do not function. However, a number of examinations still need to be carried out and how it will all end is still unknown. Thus, the Kulmuksa trout farm, which existed for three years, went through a very difficult period of formation and barely managed to become self-sustaining, was closed at the insistence of summer residents and “greens”.

Not long ago, Kondopoga deputies initiated a meeting at the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic of the environmental aspect of trout farming. The opinion of scientists free from corporate influence came as a surprise to many. “The main polluter of Kondopoga Bay is the local pulp and paper mill. Thanks to the pulp and paper mill, we have long exceeded the environmental load on the reservoir,” says Doctor of Chemical Sciences Pyotr Lozovik. In other words, if the environmental problems of the Kondopoga region are connected with the trout farming boom, then they are not in the first place.

For Kondopoga residents, the opinion of scientists is not an axiom. The public was not too lazy to count the cages in the backwaters of Kondopoga Bay of Lake Onega, compare their “output capacity” with the officially declared volumes and claim that the real productivity of the farms is approximately twice as high.

“Not only are trout farms in the area growing like mushrooms, but they, having received permission for one number of cages, install as many as they want,” says Alexey Karpenko, chairman of the Kondopoga Green Union “Sandal”. – The load on the reservoirs is already critical, they cannot cope, and Lake Onega, with which these reservoirs communicate, has generally very little ability to self-purify. As a result, we can turn a unique freshwater lake into a waste pit.”

Social activists do not believe in the objectivity of state sanitary inspection bodies. “Local government agencies act very selectively,” says Karpenko. “For example, residents of Lychny Island, where the cage farm owned by OJSC Kondopoga is located, have been complaining about spoiled water for a long time, but no measures have been taken.” According to the head of the Union of “Greens,” the lack of any reaction is explained primarily by reverence for the local city-forming giant, whose trout farms currently grow more than 500 tons of trout. However, it should not be ruled out that popular indignation may be simply manipulated by those who are today interested in obtaining “fruitful” Kondopoga water areas.

This idea is suggested by the contradictory position of the population regarding the trout farming of the Petrozavodsk company Parad. With the permission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, this farm was located on one of the territories chosen by the Pulp and Paper Mill to expand its own fish farming business. Locals they immediately took up arms against “Parade,” which supposedly “posed a threat to the territory.” They organized public hearings and drew up an appeal to the district council demanding a ban on the company’s activities. In response, Parade gathered its people's militia and held its own public hearings, at which residents signed a directly opposite appeal to the district council. “We want the village to develop, so that we have work; we see the creation of new industries as the key to preserving and developing the territory,” the appeal says.

There are very few people who would refuse to try fish. And this is understandable: this product can even compete with meat in terms of taste and healthiness. But most importantly, fish contains a lot of high-quality protein, which is so necessary for the human body. But few people think about the fact that fish from the river can be very dangerous. And we are not talking about small bones that can get stuck in the esophagus, but about insidious helminths that can cause serious illness. Its name is opisthorchiasis.

Routes of penetration

Contact with an infected animal or person can cause illness. For example: it is enough to hold on to the handrails in public transport after a person with opisthorchiasis was kept in the same place, and then, without washing his hands, put candy in his mouth, wipe the corners of his lips and that’s it - there is a possibility that infection has occurred.

Once in the human body, the helminth penetrates the liver and bile ducts. It can live in this environment for up to twenty years, causing enormous damage to organs. You can verify this by looking at photos of the affected organs.

The carp family is in first place in the risk group. This list includes:

  1. Rudd.
  2. Vobla.
  3. Crucian carp.
  4. Sinets.
  5. Roach and others

Of course, everyone who loves this product is interested in whether it is possible to become infected with opisthorchiasis by eating fish of other species? Alas, it is possible. Any freshwater fish can be infected. But this is only possible where cases of this disease have been reported, and if infected snails live in local waters.

Sturgeon and salmon can be infected, so the beloved salmon can also be a carrier of opisthorchiasis larvae.

Since it is not so easy to destroy the larvae, to eliminate them using low temperatures, you need to freeze the product for 17-21 days, but so that the temperature does not rise above 9-12 degrees. If the temperature is reduced to -28-32 degrees, then the freezing period can be much shorter, only a couple of days.


Salting fish is considered the most common preparation. You need to salt it like this: lay the fish in layers and sprinkle it generously with salt. It will take 5 to 7 days to disinfect the product. If the catch is small, for example, a kilogram, then you need to salt it in the same way, only it will take one and a half to two times more time.

Heat treatment

Eating fried or boiled fish product is also not always safe. Especially if it was prepared in large pieces. To reduce the risk, it is best to cut large individuals into small pieces and boil for at least 15-20 minutes. Frying also has some requirements: the pan must always be covered.

Residents of the northern regions love to eat stroganina. This is the name for thinly sliced ​​fresh frozen fish. Unfortunately, this dish cannot be eaten. Otherwise, the risk increases to its maximum.

To avoid getting sick, you need to properly prepare fish dishes not only for your family, but also for your pets. If this is not done and the remains of the catch are given raw to cats or dogs, they can become infected and cause an infestation for humans.

What other path can a larva take for invasion? That's right - accessories that are used for cutting. To minimize the risk, you need to use separate dishes, a knife, and a board for this. After work, everything should be doused with boiling water and stored separately from other dishes.

Does pike have opisthorchiasis: the infection process

Opisthorchiasis is a disease caused by the cat fluke, a small helminth transmitted to humans or animals by eating raw or undercooked fish. The main danger comes from river inhabitants belonging to the carp family. Does pike have opisthorchiasis, because it is a predatory fish that feeds on river inhabitants that may be sick.

To find its final host (human, dog, pig, cat, fox and other animals), cat fluke eggs must go through a certain development cycle, with the obligatory presence of 2 intermediate hosts.

What happens to the egg:

  1. The helminth lays eggs that are released in the feces.
  2. For successful development, the eggs must be in the water in order to get inside to their first carrier - a freshwater mollusk. There, the larva from the miracidium becomes a cercarium, which leaves the mollusk in search of the next host. This form of larval life is not dangerous for humans; it will not develop in the human body if swallowed.
  3. The cercariae finds its new host - a river fish, inside which the transformation into a metacercariae occurs.
  4. To get to its final owner, human or animal, the latter must eat this infected fish. Inside their host, the larvae undergo the final stage of development, become adults and after some time begin to lay eggs.

What fish can be infected?

All fish that are inhabitants fresh water, can be infected with various types of helminthiasis.

The list of freshwater inhabitants carrying the disease includes:

  • ide, roach, dace;
  • bream, rudd, tench;
  • carp, asp, chub;
  • bluegill, sabrefish, white-eye;
  • spike, verkhovka.

Are there cases of infection in predatory animals? Does pike suffer from opisthorchiasis? Yes, among predatory fish there are cases of infection of cheese and pike. These data are confirmed by laboratory tests.

Important! Predators become infected by eating other fish. Tapeworm infestation is much more common in pike, which is why it is so important to inspect the entire catch and prepare it correctly.

How does infection occur?

Infection with any type of helminths most often results from non-compliance with hygiene rules. This applies to personal hygiene, food hygiene, hygiene of kitchen utensils.

How you can get infected:

  1. When eating raw, lightly salted, under-dried, poorly fried or boiled fish.
  2. With the constant use of one unprocessed cooking utensil different dishes(for example, salads). These are knives, dishes, cutting boards, etc.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene during and after cutting fish (poorly washed hands).
  4. Taking samples during food preparation.

Before you start cooking, the fish must be thoroughly inspected, cleaned, and washed.

Be careful! It is very easy to become infected with helminths, but it is very difficult to detect them inside the body and get rid of them in time, so you need to carefully monitor what you eat and drink.

To protect yourself from possible infection, you must follow the rules for preparing fish dishes and maintain general hygiene.

What you need to do to disinfect fish:

  1. Cooking should be carried out for 15-25 minutes after the water boils. The fish should be cut into small pieces.
  2. Frying meat in small pieces, in a large amount of fat. Fry large pieces flat for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Fish cutlets, meatballs, etc. take about 15-25 minutes to cook. A great way to cook is stewing. It is necessary to simmer until the bones soften, then uniform heating and disinfection of the meat is ensured.
  4. Before cold smoking, it is necessary to first freeze the product, or carry out a pre-salting procedure for 2-3 days. After salting for the same duration, the fish is dried for 3 weeks.
  5. Caviar is salted at a temperature of 5-6 degrees. The ratio of salt and fish is as follows: 60 g of salt per 1 kg of caviar for 12 hours, or 50 g of salt per 1 kg of caviar for 2 days. The caviar must be constantly stirred.
  6. Small fish are salted for 2 weeks, large fish for 40 days. For 10 kg of fish, take 2 kg of salt.
  7. If the temperature in the freezer is about -9 degrees, then freezing should last 3 weeks. At a temperature of 28-32 degrees it will take no more than 3 days.

The main thing is to properly handle all the tools used for cutting fish. Knives and boards must be thoroughly cleaned. It is better to use separate tools for fish, separate for meat and separate for vegetables.

Remember! Answer to the question: “Can you get opisthorchiasis from pike?” Yes, if you do not follow the rules for preparing and processing its meat. And not only from pike, but also from many other species of fish.

Opisthorchiasis: peled, cheese, is it in pike and in which fish

First, let's look at the geographic location of endemic foci. Opisthorchiasis is widespread in South-East Asia, namely in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos. The disease is no less common in the territories of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia. The main “suppliers” of fish containing opisthorchiasis are the following rivers:

  1. Irtysh.
  2. Volga.
  3. Ural.
  4. Dnieper.
  5. Northern Dvina.
  6. Biryusa

The most disadvantaged regions of Russia in relation to the disease opisthorchiasis are the following regions:

  • Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.
  • Yamalo-Nenets district.
  • Tyumen region.
  • Tomsk region.
  • Omsk region.
  • Novosibirsk region.
  • Altai region.

Which fish are infected?

First of all, opisthorchiasis affects the carp family. These are dace, ide, roach, bream, rudd, bluegill, chub, sabrefish, white-eye, asp, tench, kar, dogfish, bleak, minnow, spike, and verkhovka. At the same time, opisthorchiasis occurs to a greater extent in ide, dace and roach.

Recently, cases of opisthorchiasis infection after eating predatory fish have become increasingly common. Therefore, the question of whether opisthorchiasis exists in predatory fish, for example, in pike or in fish such as peled (cheese), becomes obvious.

Contrary to the existing myth, opisthorchiasis can also occur in predatory fish, especially since pike and fish often live in the same reservoirs as cyprinids, so nothing prevents them from becoming infected with opisthorchiasis.

Proper preparation and other precautions

Salting fish is a common way of preparing it. You can salt it as follows: cover the fish with salt in layers, without pouring water. In this case, it will be cooked in its own juice, but it will be disinfected only for 4-5 days; when salting fish weighing about one kilogram, it will take 8-10 days to destroy the infested larvae.

Even boiling and frying infected fish does not always kill metacercariae. To ensure the food is safe, big fish Before heat treatment, it is recommended to cut into pieces and keep in boiling water for at least fifteen minutes. When frying, be sure to cover the pan with a lid, this significantly increases the chances of killing all the larvae. The safest way to cook fish is hot smoking, which cannot be said about cold smoking.

In the northern regions, a very popular dish is stroganina - thinly sliced ​​fresh frozen fish. This preparation carries greatest danger, and the risk of infection with opisthorchiasis increases to its maximum.

It is very important to properly prepare fish not only for yourself and your family members, but also for your pets. When cats and dogs eat contaminated fish, they become infected themselves, thereby carrying a high risk of infection for humans. Although they themselves are not the direct sources of opisthorchiasis, they will give rise to the development of other larvae.

In addition to the cooking rules, you must also adhere to the rules for cutting fish. To do this, the kitchen must have a separate board, a separate knife and separate dishes. In this way, it will be possible to minimize the risk of infection with opisthorchiasis.


How can opisthorchiasis be transmitted?

Today, opisthorchiasis is a common disease. Around 20 million people worldwide suffer from it. The difficulty is that this disease is difficult to identify, since its symptoms are poorly expressed. But without proper treatment, it can cause dangerous complications.

How is the disease transmitted?

Important! Based on this information, you should always wash your hands after contact with a cat or dog. This will reduce the risk of helminth infection.

The most common way a person can become infected with fluke is by eating contaminated fish. This happens if it was not well cooked and did not undergo proper heat treatment. You can get infected from fish that belongs to the carp family.

Many people wonder if the disease is sexually transmitted. It is safe to say that it is impossible to get opisthorchiasis this way. It is also impossible to become infected through dishes if they have been washed well, or through other household methods.

If helminth eggs are on this moment in the human oral cavity, then infection can occur through saliva during a kiss.

Important! If the expectant mother falls ill with opisthorchiasis, then there is a risk that the child will develop hypoxia, and this has a bad effect on his health.

Features of infection

When the larvae are in the body of the fish, their development is already underway. Suckers grow on their body. During penetration into the human body, these suction cups attach to the mucous membranes of various organs, damaging them. The result is ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. The patient also develops allergies.

About 3-4 weeks will pass, after which the larvae develop into an adult, which is capable of reproducing. This causes the females to lay eggs. This has a detrimental effect on health, as the body becomes clogged.

There are two stages of the disease:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

In the first case, an unexpected manifestation of the disease occurs. The patient may experience an immediate increase in temperature. However, it does not decrease for several weeks. Allergies often appear. A person feels discomfort in the muscles, his liver becomes enlarged, he feels nauseous and has a fever.

In the chronic form, the patient experiences periods of exacerbation. When he is very tired, nervous, changes his previous diet, then opisthorchiasis can worsen. In this case, there is often pain on the right side in the hypochondrium and heart, the person does not want to eat, he has a headache, and excessive sweating occurs.

Possible complications

This will significantly worsen the person’s condition. He may develop allergies, often feel nauseous and suffer from diarrhea. But there are also worse situations when the patient develops inflammation and other diseases that pose a health hazard.

So, opisthorchiasis is a serious disease, as it can provoke a number of complications if timely treatment is not provided. Every person should know how this disease is transmitted in order to protect themselves from infection.