Is there bonito in the Black Sea? Pelamida is a healthy fish

This is a type of fish that can be caught in abundance in the Black Sea and other places. According to its way of life, it is a predatory fish, lives in schools. In its shape, bonito is most similar to a reduced tuna, and is also similar to it in its endurance - it is able to swim quickly for a long time. On the back there are most often dark oblique stripes with blue tints; closer to the sides and belly the color becomes lighter. The fish is found on the surface and can move lower into the middle of the water. Menu - small fish. The largest individuals are up to 85 cm and weigh 7 kg.

Spawning occurs on summer days in shallow water, the eggs float. The hatched juvenile bonito quickly gains weight and grows, by the 3rd month the individual is already 0.5 kg. The fish loves warmth, so when winter comes, it migrates to the Sea of ​​Marmara. With the arrival of warm days in the Black Sea region, schools of bonito return, but with thinned ranks, so that there are years of weak fishing. As a rule, in order to catch bonito, fishermen set up in the surf zones.

Fishing spots

In summer, flocks of bonito go to the waters of the Black Sea region, and are also found in the southern waters of the Azov Sea. It is in those places that amateur fishermen settle down. True, these days the number of the school varies greatly from year to year. Also, fishing can be complicated by the habits of the fish themselves - bonito tends to places where other fish species accumulate, and in most cases fishing there is simply prohibited. So without thorough knowledge of the surrounding area or a local guide, it is difficult to find a good place to catch bonito.


In principle, you can catch any of the small fish, since they are the main dish on the bonito menu.

If you use a spinning rod, then fishermen take out special products included in the marine set, these are oscillating spoons, rotating bright spoons, etc. These are small baits that, imitating a living creature, can lure fish.

Types of fishing and tactics

Each fisherman undoubtedly has his own methods and equipment. However, there are several ways to fish for bonito.

  • Spinning is convenient when a school of fish is visible and anglers who constantly go to the Black Sea know such places. Most often these are the days of mid-summer, when spinners with spinners of their invention go out to try their luck.
  • Tyrant as a fishing method is also effective, just seeing a flock of bonito, you need to choose a strong bet and then there will definitely be a catch.

When choosing fishing spots yourself, it is worth watching the birds hunting fish - they fly above the surface of the water, looking for schools of prey.

Recently, bonito fish appeared on our market, the recipes for which are very diverse. This fish is part of the mackerel family, which includes mackerel and tuna, and is also called bonito. bonito is pink-red in color, lighter than tuna, the taste is vaguely reminiscent of mackerel, but much more tender, and the price is a little more expensive than mackerel. The fish is large, the smallest weighed 1.5 kg, so it’s a pleasure to cook.

It has a fairly high protein content, is rich in vitamin D, contains iron and omega-3 fatty acids.

Pelamida is good in any form - it can be baked, fried, salted, smoked, or grilled.

I cut the 1.5 kg bonito I bought into 4 steaks, salted the remaining tail in brine, made a pate from the head, by the way, and from a light broth with olives - 4 dishes at once. I offer several recipes for making bonito, perhaps you will choose something for your family.

Cut the bonito, it is better if it is a little under-frozen, into steaks about 2.5-3 cm thick, without peeling the entrails, this will make it easier to cut.

When the steaks are completely defrosted, remove the entrails.

Making the marinade

For 1 liter of water add 2.5 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sugar, add 1 bay leaf, peppercorns, bring to a boil and cool.

Pour the cooled brine over the steaks for 30-60 minutes.

Bonito head pate

Nothing should go to waste in a housewife’s kitchen – this is my principle.

Remove the gills and boil the head until tender. We take out all the bones. Grind the fish pulp with Adyghe salt (or any salt with herbs) and softened butter. Take proportions at your discretion. Add some chopped dill. It turned out very tasty and moderately spicy. By the way, very tasty fish pate with Philadelphia cheese, recipe

Toast the pieces of bread in a toaster and spread with fresh pate. Of course, there was not much pate, enough for 4-5 slices of bread, but this is an excellent addition to the same soup, made from strained broth from the head of the fish.
Pelamida is a very tasty fish, its recipes are very varied, I think it will take root in my and your family menu.

Pelamids, bonito, pollocks belong to the mackerel family. In appearance, the fish resemble tuna. It is a schooling fish that grows to a relatively large size. Some species reach a length of 180 cm (Australian bonito). Basically, fish of this genus weigh about 5 - 7 kg and are about 70-80 m long. The body is spindle-shaped, slightly compressed from the sides. Schools of fish are numerous and well organized. It is quite difficult for predators to disorganize a group of bonito. Fish prefer to stay in the upper layers of water, the main depths are up to approximately 100 - 200 m. The main habitat is the continental shelf zone. They themselves are active predators; in addition to squid, shrimp and small invertebrates, they feed on small fish. Pelamids are a fast-growing species; according to some reports, fish can gain up to 500 g within a few months. The diet may also include its own young. The genus includes several species. They are divided regionally; in addition to the named Australian bonito, the Chilean and eastern bonito are also known. The Atlantic or common bonito lives in the Atlantic.

Methods for catching bonito

The methods of catching bonito are quite varied. To a greater extent, they are associated with fishing from the shore or in the coastal zone from boats. Pelamida is actively caught in the Russian waters of the Black Sea, so local fishermen have developed their own traditional methods of catching this fish. Popular ones include: fishing with spinning baits, “tyrant” and other types of equipment with artificial baits, fly fishing, and “dead fish” fishing. It is worth noting here that for catching bonito, Russian fishermen use original equipment, for example, “with a cork”. In particular, for the most part, Black Sea bonito are small fish; they are also caught on float rods from the shore.

Catching bonito with a spinning rod

When choosing gear for fishing with a classic spinning rod, when fishing for bonito, it is advisable to proceed from the principle “size of bait - size of trophy.” In addition, the priority approach should be “onboard” or “shore fishing”. Sea vessels are more convenient for spinning fishing than from the shore, but even here there may be limitations. When catching Black Sea bonito, “serious” sea gear is not required. Although it is worth noting that even small fish desperately resist and this gives a lot of pleasure to anglers. Pelamids stay in the upper layers of water, and therefore, fishing with classic baits: spinners, wobblers, etc. is most interesting with spinning rods from sea watercraft. Reels must have a good supply of fishing line or cord. In addition to a trouble-free braking system, the reel must be protected from salt water. In many types of sea fishing equipment, very fast wiring is required, which means a high gear ratio of the reeling mechanism. According to the principle of operation, the coils can be either multiplier or inertia-free. Accordingly, rods are selected depending on the reel system. The choice of fishing rods is very diverse; at the moment, manufacturers offer a large number of specialized “forms” for various fishing conditions and types of bait. When fishing for sea fish with a spinning rod, fishing technique is very important. To select the correct wiring, you should consult with experienced fishermen or guides.

Catching bonito with a “tyrant”

Fishing with “tyrant”, despite the name, which is clearly of Russian origin, is quite widespread and is used by fishermen all over the world. There are slight regional differences, but the fishing principle is the same everywhere. It is also worth noting that the main difference between the rigs is related to the size of the prey. Initially, the use of any fishing rods was not envisaged. A certain amount of cord is wound onto a reel of arbitrary shape depending on the fishing depth; this can be up to several hundred meters. A sinker with a corresponding weight of up to 400 g is attached to the end, sometimes with a loop at the bottom to secure an additional leash. Leashes are attached to the cord, most often in the amount of about 10-15 pieces. Leashes can be made from materials depending on the intended catch. This can be either monofilament or metal leader material or wire. It is worth clarifying that sea fish are less “picky” about the thickness of the rigs, so you can use fairly thick monofilament lines (0.5-0.6 mm). Regarding the metal parts of the equipment, especially the hooks, it is worth keeping in mind that they must be coated with an anti-corrosion coating, because sea water corrodes metals much faster. In the “classic” version, the “tyrant” is equipped with baits with attached colored feathers, woolen threads or pieces of synthetic materials. In addition, small spoons, additionally attached beads, beads, etc. are used for fishing. In modern versions, when connecting parts of equipment, various swivels, rings, etc. are used. This increases the versatility of the tackle, but can harm its durability. It is necessary to use reliable, expensive fittings. On specialized vessels for tyrant fishing, special on-board devices for reeling in tackle may be provided. This is very convenient when fishing at great depths. If fishing takes place from ice or a boat, on relatively small lines, then ordinary reels that can serve as short fishing rods are sufficient. In any case, when preparing gear for fishing, the main theme should be convenience and simplicity during fishing. “Tyrant” is also called a multi-hook rig using natural bait. The principle of fishing is quite simple: after lowering the sinker in a vertical position to a given depth, the fisherman makes periodic twitches of the tackle, according to the principle of vertical trolling. In the case of active biting, this is sometimes not required. “Landing” of fish on hooks can occur when lowering the equipment or from the rocking of the vessel.


Pelamids - bonito, as already mentioned, are quite voracious, although relatively small, predators. Various baits are used for fishing, in particular, wobblers, spinners, and silicone imitations are used for spinning fishing. Natural baits include cut fish and shellfish, crustaceans, etc. When catching small bonito, given its greed, local Black Sea fishermen also use vegetable baits, for example, in the form of dough. In general, catching this fish is often associated with funny cases when small bonito is hung in garlands on hooks with candy foil.

Fishing places and habitat

Pelamids live in tropical, subtropical and temperate latitudes of the World Ocean. The Atlantic bonito lives in both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It lives at relatively shallow depths in the coastal zone. It is considered a valuable commercial fish.


The fish lives about 5 years. Sexual maturity occurs at 1-2 years. Spawning takes place in the upper layers of the pelargic zone. The spawning time is extended throughout the summer months. Spawning is portioned, each female can lay up to several thousand eggs during the spawning period.

Bonito or Atlantic bonito is part of the mackerel family. The weight of an individual is up to 10 kilograms, and the length is up to 95 centimeters. The bonito has an elongated body, its head is sharp, spindle-shaped and long, with a large mouth. Compared to the head, the eyes of the individual are small, and the bony ring around them is not fully developed. The jaws are long, reaching the level of the posterior edge of the eye's eye; the upper jaw is slightly pushed forward (the lower and upper jaws do not move forward, since they are firmly fused). Bonito teeth are small but very strong. The body is covered with small scales, with large scales on the chest, which are closed into a “corset”. The lateral line bends wavy, the two dorsal fins are located close to each other: the first is longer, it consists of 22-25 spines, the second consists of 10-12 soft rays, and behind it are 6-8 fins. The caudal fin is huge, crescent-shaped. Body color: light blue back, white ventral side with a silver tint, the upper part of the sides has about 15 oblique longitudinal stripes.


The Atlantic bonito lives in the Black Sea. It is found off the coast of Africa, Europe, America, and is also found in the Mediterranean Sea. From the Mediterranean Sea, the individual enters the Black Sea for feeding and spawning, and at the end of summer, through the Bosphorus Bay, it leaves for warm waters. Bonito is caught off the coast of Turkey, Chile, Spain, Tahiti and Peru.


Pelamida is a predatory individual that hunts schooling fish species. She instantly pounces on the school and tries to divide it into small schools, after which she snatches out individual fish. At one time, the predator can eat about 70 pieces of anchovy, the length of which is 6-12 cm. It prefers anchovies, mackerel, horse mackerel and sardines.

Fishing methods

Fishermen use spinning rods to catch Atlantic bonito. Fishing will be effective if you set a powerful bet on the tyrant. This tackle, unlike the one used for catching mackerel, differs only in strength. Animal baits (pieces of fish) are used for bait. The fishing line is 0.4 mm, and the hooks are No. 11 and 12.

Most often they catch it without a bait, but if they use a tyrant, it is loaded with sprat. Any small fish is suitable for catching bonito.

When fishing with a spinning rod, fishermen use special baits, which are included in the marine set of branded products, which includes both oscillating spinners for bonito fishing and rotating ones. For fishing, individual baits differ significantly in linear dimensions - up to 100 mm. and excellent loading.

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Pelamida (sard) belongs to the schooling species of predatory fish of the Mackerel family and includes the following subspecies: Atlantic, eastern, Chilean and Australian. Pelamida is a heat-loving fish species, so its distribution area is the shores of Africa, Australia, and South America. Numerous populations of bonito are found in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, while bonito comes to the Black Sea in the spring for spawning, and with the approach of autumn, it returns through the Bosphorus Strait to warm waters. It is worth noting that the number of bonito in the waters of the Black Sea is not constant.

The length of adult fish is about 60-65 cm, body weight is from 4 to 6 kg, although larger specimens are quite common, 70-85 cm long and weighing about 8 kg. The fish feeds on anchovies, mackerel, horse mackerel and other small species of fish. Pelamida is a rather voracious fish, and in the stomach of one fish you can find about 65 small fish. As a rule, the Atlantic species of bonito is predominantly represented on the domestic fish market.

The chemical composition of bonito is rich in saturated fatty and essential amino acids (glutamic and aspartic, as well as lysine), vitamins, macro- and microelements. Bonito contains sufficient quantities of phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, zinc, potassium, and manganese. Fish is also rich in B vitamins (B9, B6, B2, B1), PP, vitamin C, vitamin E is present in bonito meat.

Beneficial features

The uniqueness and benefits of bonito are due to its rich chemical composition, which is balanced in the content of amino acids and nutritional components. The active substances that are part of bonito take part in the transport of oxygen to all cells of our body, in the process of protein synthesis, accelerate the regeneration processes of tissue and organ cells, stimulate the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, and improve the condition of the central nervous system.

Pelamide contains a high percentage of healthy animal protein, which is completely absorbed in the body. In addition, dishes prepared from bonito should be included in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children of various age groups. 100 g of product contains 217 kcal.


Pelamida is known for its excellent nutritional and taste properties. Fish is consumed smoked or canned. Fish can also be fried, baked in the oven or stewed with vegetables or savory spices. You can serve the finished fish with any side dish or vegetable salads.

Pelamida can be pickled very quickly and used as a hearty snack for beer or other alcoholic drinks. To do this, the fish fillet is rubbed with salt on both sides, placed on a flat plate and covered with cling film, after which it is sent to the refrigerator for an hour. Salted fish can be slightly peppered and seasoned with lemon juice.

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