Treasure at the Treasure Island location. Treasures of ancient civilizations

Treasures worth billions of dollars are hidden underground and in the depths of the ocean. Where to look for them?

According to scientists, treasures worth $900 billion or more are hidden and forgotten on our planet. Treasures of ancient civilizations, jewelry from sunken ships, treasures of sea pirates, lost world masterpieces and religious relics - where to look for them and is the game worth the candle? We have collected seven of the greatest treasures that haunt treasure hunters around the world. Read with caution: gold fever is highly contagious!

Tomb of Genghis Khan

The burial place of the founder and first khan of the Mongol Empire has still not been found, despite the efforts of many people. Treasure hunters are convinced that in the grave, in addition to the body of the great conqueror, lies untold wealth: precious stones, gold coins, expensive dishes, exquisite weapons - a treasure worth several billion dollars. Unfortunately for them, Genghis Khan was buried secretly in a remote area and his grave was deliberately unmarked. Some scientists believe that the grave should be looked for in Russia: in the forests of Altai, in the area of ​​the Ridder depression. Others believe the legend according to which Genghis Khan was buried in the same places where he was born: in the vicinity of Mount Burkhan Khaldun in Mongolia. This mountain, sacred to the Mongols, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in July this year as the birthplace and possible burial place of Genghis Khan.

Treasures from the ship Flor de la Mar

Treasure hunters call the treasure from the ship Flor de la Mar (Flower of the Sea) the largest treasure in the world, and the ship itself the most valuable shipwreck ever. On it, the Portuguese carried a significant part of the trophies obtained during the capture of the Malacca Sultanate. However, the battered sailing ship never delivered any trophies to the king: it sank in 1511 and has been lying at the bottom of the Strait of Malacca in an unknown place for 300 years. Treasure hunters from all over the world are ready to rush to search for treasures in Indonesia at any moment. Thus, the American Robert Marks, who specializes in treasures from sunken ships, stated that he was ready to spend $20 million to find and raise the Flor de la Mar cargo to the surface. However, the Indonesian authorities reject all offers, hoping to find the treasure without the help of foreigners. In July of this year, an archaeological underwater expedition was announced off the coast of Sumatra. According to archaeologist Ali Akbar, finding the "Flower of the Sea" in the Strait of Malacca will not be easy, as it is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world - there may be about 400 ships that sank between 1500 and 1800: go find out where lies the same golden one...

Gold 11 Spanish galleons

300 years ago, in 1715, 11 ships of the Spanish fleet sank off the coast of Florida, carrying treasures from the New World, which were supposed to replenish the treasury of the Spanish King Philip V. On board were goods and jewelry worth up to 14 million pesos. On one ship alone, the Nuestra Senora de la Regla, there were 300 chests of coins and ingots, 23 chests of processed silver and 62 chests of gifts for the king and his retinue, not counting a chest of gold items, doubloons and pearls. On another ship - Santo Cristo de San Roman - according to the inventory, they carried 684 chests and bags of pesos, 53 chests of processed silver, 14 chests of Chinese porcelain and much more... On the same fleet, destroyed by a severe hurricane, there was a dowry and gifts for the newly-crowned queen of Portugal Isabella Farnese, the young wife of Philip V, never received her jewelry. After the galleons sank, the Spaniards searched for cargo under water for four years, attracting Indians to them: under threat of death, divers went into the water with heavy stones tied to their feet. Managed to raise 30% of the treasures. However, due to attacks by pirates, sharks and Indian uprisings, the search had to be stopped. They were continued only 250 years later, after builder Kip Wagner accidentally found a Spanish silver coin on the shore. The search is currently being carried out by Brent Brisbane's company and local treasure hunters. Six ships still remain undiscovered, and those that have been discovered are hidden under a layer of sand, making access to the untold riches difficult. But here and there divers manage to catch gold coins. More recently, an American family of treasure hunters.

Relics of the Jerusalem Temple

For centuries, treasure hunters, historians and archaeologists have been looking for the treasures of the Jerusalem Temple, which stood on the Temple Mount and was the center of the religious life of the Jewish people from the 10th to the 6th centuries BC. e. First of all, everyone is interested in the fate of the Ark of the Covenant - a Jewish shrine that symbolized the union of God with the people of Israel. In this box, received by Moses from God on Mount Sinai, according to beliefs, the tablets of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments, a vessel with manna and Aaron's staff are kept. There are detailed descriptions of it in the Old Testament, and, among other things, it is said that it is trimmed with pure gold. It is believed that the Ark of the Covenant was taken out during the destruction of the Temple by King Nebuchadnezzar, after which it was securely hidden, but where is a mystery. Hundreds of tons of gold, silver and other valuables from the temple storage also disappeared without a trace. A clue to their discovery, according to many scientists, may be the Copper Scroll, one of the legendary Qumran manuscripts, also known as the “Dead Sea Scrolls.” This ancient document, found in the Qumran cave in 1953, is an inventory of hidden treasures with locations to look for - albeit rather abstract ones. More than 60 caches are mentioned, in which a total of 65 tons of silver and 26 tons of gold are stored. The text from the fragile Copper Scroll, at risk to the artifact, was deciphered in 1955, and since then debate has raged about the reality of the existence of the wealth described. Many believe that there were no treasures, pointing out that the Essenes of the Qumran community, who compiled this text in 50-100 AD. e., could not possess such values, and strict views would not allow them to hide the treasures of the Jerusalem Temple.

The eighth wonder of the world

The famous Amber Room, given to Peter I by the Prussian king, was taken by the Germans from the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo during the Great Patriotic War. She was last seen in 1945 at Königsberg Castle three days before the storming of the city. Despite versions about the death of the Amber Room as a result of fire or decomposition, they continue to persistently search for it in different parts of the world: not only in Europe, but even in America. Two years ago, 90-year-old Wilhelm Kraft, a former Wehrmacht soldier, made a statement that the masterpiece was buried in the ground in the Danish village of Asaa. And this year, Russian historian Sergei Trifonov announced that he had practically found the Amber Room in Kaliningrad under the secret bunker of the last commandant of Koenigsberg, Otto von Lyasch. The bunker led to the now defunct Königsberg Castle and was found only recently. In February, Trifonov already made his first studies: with the help of a probe lowered into the dungeon, he saw a large metal box under the bunker and the entrances to the tunnels. Further work is planned for autumn 2015. The episode about the search for the Amber Room was included in the new documentary film of the My Planet TV channel about Kaliningrad-Konigsberg.

Baikal treasure and Kolchak's gold

In 1918, a significant part of the treasury of Imperial Russia was at the disposal of Admiral Kolchak, who was proclaimed the Supreme Ruler of Russia. These 490.5 kg of gold began to be called “Kolchak’s gold,” despite the fact that already in 1920 the admiral was shot, and the money went to the Bolsheviks. Kolchak managed to spend part of the reserve on strengthening his power and buying weapons, part was stolen, and another part disappeared without a trace. Many believe that the boxes containing the surviving gold fell into Lake Baikal during transportation and still lie at the bottom of the deepest lake in the world. One of the ardent supporters of this version, archaeologist Alexey Tivanenko, claims that he saw witnesses to the railway accident. “When I was still a young man, I lived on the shores of Lake Baikal and traveled a lot. Local residents showed exactly where the military train cars fell into the lake. About 40 boxes of gold went to the bottom,” says Alexey. In 2008-2010, a search for Kolchak’s treasures at the bottom of Lake Baikal took place using the Mir deep-sea submersibles. The expedition managed to find the wreckage of a railroad car and a box of ammunition from the Civil War. Tivanenko, who took part in the dives, claimed that four gold bars of 16 kg each were also discovered, but since they were sandwiched by stones, all attempts to grab them with a probe ended in nothing. Another participant and sponsor of the expedition, multimillionaire Mikhail Slipenchuk, recently admitted to Forbes that he revived the legend of Kolchak’s gold in Baikal specifically to attract attention to the scientific expedition, but in fact, part of the imperial treasury is a priori impossible to find in Baikal, since the thick, loose sediment , formed in the lake, absorbs everything that falls to the bottom.

Pirate treasures

According to one American banker, all together the pirates hid treasures worth several billion dollars, and no more than 7% of these treasures have been found to date. They are looked for by researchers and lone treasure hunters anywhere and everywhere where famous pirates hunted, not only on land, but also in water. So, this year, off the coast of Madagascar, archaeologists from the ship of the Scottish pirate William Kidd. The ingot was recovered from the frigate Adventure, which sank more than 300 years ago. A total of 13 sunken ships have been found off the coast of Madagascar, and we are sure to hear about more pirate treasures. Scientists search for buried treasures, guided, as a rule, by maps, drawings, and diaries of pirates and their comrades. “Those who hid treasures almost always left notes about it. The whole point is to understand in what form these records were left or how to decipher their contents,” says American researcher Richard Wilborn. This scientist managed to guess where the pirate Drake's treasure was hidden - 40 tons of silver. The diary of one of the team members, old Drake nautical charts kept in the Bancroft library, and drawings on one of them allowed him to decipher the “Drake code” and establish the exact location of the treasure: it is buried on Mount Livermore on Angel Island (Angel) at a depth of 6 feet , or 72 inches. True, it has not yet been possible to verify this guess: officials do not give permission to work on the island, which has the status of a federal nature reserve and is part of the California National Park.

While you are reading this material, treasure hunters are taking gold coins from the oceans, digging the ground in search of Napoleon's Moscow trophies and dreaming of discovering the library of Ivan the Terrible. But not all treasures are destined to be found: some are hidden too well, while others never existed, being just a legend disturbing the minds.

For a long time it was believed that “ Treasure Island” - a story invented by Stevenson from beginning to end. This is not entirely true, since the fiction in his famous novel is based on real facts, gleaned by the writer from the notes of Morgan, Drake and some other manuscripts at his disposal.

That same “Treasure Island” actually exists!

All this was remembered in the 40s of the last century, when the amazing similarity of the legendary island with the island of Pinos(since 1978 - Juventud, Island of Youth), located 70 km south of Cuba. The nature of Treasure Island, its bays and mountains seem to have been copied from Pinos Islands. Apparently, it was here, in Siguanea Bay, that she once dropped anchor.” Espanola" There is also a small island covering the entrance to the bay, Morrillos del Diabolo, in the novel - Skeleton Island. The name of one of the hills on Stevenson Island is Spyglass - there is a hill with the same name on Pinos. Pinos is also the only island in the Caribbean with pine forests. These are exactly what Stevenson described in his novel. It is interesting that when in the 40s Pinos had already acquired an unofficial name - Treasure Island and the first treasure hunters began to comb it in search of rich loot, the remains of a log fort were found on the southern coast, very similar to the one in which Jim Hawkins and his friends were fleeing from pirates John Silver.

Treasure Island Map

Apparently, Stevenson used the pirate legends of Pinos, which has seen many gentlemen of fortune in its history. For 300 years, Pinos was a haven for pirates. The bottoms of ships were cleaned in its convenient bays. On the shore it was possible to replenish food supplies and drinking water - there are thermal and mineral springs on the island, so if you wish, you can even improve your health. And finally, pine forests, so necessary for ship repairs. The names of its capes and bays indicate the pirate period in the history of the island. Cape Frances owes its name to the French pirate François Leclerc, Cape Pepe to the Spaniard Pepe el Mallorquin, and Agustin Hole Bay is named after the Dutch pirate Cornelis Hole. Even the first description of Pinos belongs to the famous pirate and scientist William Dampier. Perhaps all the most famous pirates visited Treasure Island - Henry Morgan, Francois Olone, Francis Drake, Peter Hein, Rock the Brazilian, John Hawkins, Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard. The latter became the prototype of Flint, whose ominous shadow constantly accompanies the heroes of the novel, instilling horror in them, which is sometimes transmitted to the reader.

And this horror is by no means an exaggeration by Stevenson. This subject was so colorful that it is probably difficult to find another pirate about whom there are so many legends. He was over two meters tall and weighed well over a hundredweight. He was excellent with a cutlass, and carried 7-8 loaded pistols in specially sewn pockets. Before the battle, Teach drank a kind of aperitif - a set fire to a mixture of rum and gunpowder. His famous beard covered his entire face and reached his waist. Before the boarding battle, he wove ignition wicks into it, which enveloped his entire figure in smoke. When Blackbeard at the head of his team he jumped onto the deck of the attacked ship; there were few who wanted to resist. It was this pirate who Stevenson sent for the treasures.” Hispaniola" To Pinos Island.

For many, Pinos is primarily an island of pirate treasures. Over the past 50 years, probably hundreds of treasure hunters have visited here, digging up the island in all possible directions. True, none of them ever got rich.

At the mouth of the Las Casas River, very similar to where Jim Hawkins overtook a ship stolen from pirates, now the harbor of the island's capital, Nueva Gerona, is located. Founded in 1828, this city still retains the architectural style of the Spanish colonial era. And in the mountains of Las Casas and Sierra de Caballos, where the pirates led by Long John Silver The search for Flint's treasure ended so ingloriously, now there are marble quarries. The island's famous pine forests now remain only in the very center. Pirates began to bring them together, and the modern inhabitants of the island, declared something of a Komsomol-youth construction site, have been especially successful in this. As for the cave where Ben Gan lived and kept the treasure he found, it may be located on Cape Punta del Este. In one of these caves - Isla - traces of sites of probably the most ancient inhabitants of Pinos - the Guanahatabe Indians - were found. Rock paintings covering the walls and ceiling of Isla Cave indicate that it was a ritual center for the islanders.

Treasure Island - Travel

The location is located quite far and requires 80 units of fuel from us one way. It is also necessary to put in the hold, and it is best to secure it in it, Pirate's Compass. Without it, flying to the location is impossible. The Old Fort is located on the location; if it is restored, it will be possible to make some of the items you need.

To go to the location we need one of:

Arriving on the island, you will find an area densely shrouded in clouds. As resources are cut down, the fog will clear and you will find a lot of interesting things.


To destroy the Tower, we need a catapult.

Construction stages:

Once you have restored the catapult, all that remains is to load and fire.
First shot:

Second shot:

Third shot:

Fourth shot:

When you fire all the shots, the Tower and catapult will turn into a mountain of treasure that you can load into the airship and take it to the estate.


Moving further through the location, you will be able to discover a portal that will take you to the treasury.

Construction of the portal:

Main building:

On Treasure Island we will discover the Old Fort.

Construction stages:

Can be produced:

Pirate chests:

On Treasure Island we will find Pirate Chests.

By opening Pirate Chests we will receive:


Old fort on the horizon! We're descending! Yeah, he got it pretty hard. Let's restore it - it will come in handy!

Great job! Now you have access to new production facilities and a warehouse. All that remains is to find what to put in it.

Treasure at the location Treasure Island:

In the chests you can find the necessary resources for construction

Many legends have been preserved, according to one of which participants in the Pugachev uprising hid here from the tsar’s wrath. But most often they remember hermit Vera, who was canonized by local Old Believers during her lifetime. This is where she is buried. Every year in mid-May a religious procession is held at her grave.

Everything changed in the summer of 2003, when a new hypothesis was born - about the existence of archaeological site...

The first person to draw attention to the obvious contradiction was Vladimir Korolev, deputy chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Cultural Foundation. An engineer by training, he thought: this megalithic structure could not have been the work of Russian settlers. Megalithic structures of the Mediterranean, Northern and Atlantic Europe have always been considered the most outstanding monuments of antiquity. Scientists know the “quarries” on the Iset River, built in the second millennium BC. Similar structures have been found in Armenia and Palestine. But still, the structures in the Middle East were not distinguished by the capital construction that scientists could observe at Lake Turgoyak.

In general, as you know, there are several types of stone structures: dolmens, alleys of menhirs, rock and gallery tombs. Korolev suggested that the structures on Vera Island most closely resemble dolmens. (Until recently, the only monuments of this type on the territory of our country were the dolmens of the Western Caucasus.)

As an expert, Korolev invited Stanislav Grigoriev, a Chelyabinsk archaeologist, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. An eighteen-meter-tall structure opened before them, consisting of several chambers, all of them connected by corridors. The largest of them was called the Central Hall, the rest - according to parts of the world: Northern and Western. The walls of the structure were lined with stones without any cementitious material. The chambers are covered with massive slabs weighing from five to seventeen tons.

The megaliths found on the island have baffled scientists. It remained unclear why it was necessary to cover the chambers with such powerful stone slabs? You cannot escape the harsh Ural winter in such sarcophagi. The whole island itself, as they say, is one ship’s grove - wouldn’t it be easier to build a roof from timber? And how could these slabs be delivered here? And for what purpose was it necessary to build this unique structure?

In general, this is just some kind of mysticism,” Stanislav Grigoriev was surprised. - The monument stood for a thousand years. Four years ago, shortly before our arrival, everything began to collapse...

And yet, the expedition led by archaeologists Yulia Vasina and Stanislav Grigoriev appeared on time. Until recently, the unique structure was in relative integrity. But imagine how several times a day the catamaran brought 30-40 people here on excursions, a good half of whom “danced” on these slabs! It is not surprising that cracks gradually began to appear in them. And not so long ago some dubious individuals visited here, introducing themselves as archaeologists from Moscow. They dismantled the wall on which the slabs rested in two places, and they simply hung. Chelyabinsk scientists rushed to save the ancient structure, installing temporary supports and stopping people from accessing it. It was clear that the destruction of the monument itself, which had fallen into disrepair, could lead to mass deaths. After all, the fallen slabs can only be lifted with the help of a crane, which, of course, cannot be brought to the island. Despite such dangerous conditions in which the excavations were carried out, scientists managed to establish the main thing. Firstly, the cameras were undoubtedly used by the Old Believers. Moreover, the latter most likely mistook these buildings, covered with grass and turf, for real caves. Actually, the discovery itself took place only because the ancient buildings were used as dwellings by the Old Believers. (According to some sources of the early twentieth century, in particular according to the descriptions of the architect N. Filyansky, there was a refectory in one of the large megaliths.) In the corridor between the chambers the cultural layer was not disturbed, and scientists discovered a unique picture: four thin humus layers were located at fifteen centimeters , separated by sterile layers formed from crumbs falling from the ceiling. They all read quite well. The top one is the “autographs” of modern tourists, just below are traces of the life of the Old Believers (19th century), the bottom one is the calling card of the “architects” themselves. But the question is - who were they?

Today we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the megalith was built at the end of the fourth - beginning of the third millennium BC, says Stanislav Grigoriev. - This is much earlier than Arkaim! We are talking about the so-called Copper-Stone Age, when, along with stone ones, metal products also appeared for the first time.

(In the Bronze and Early Iron Ages, such structures were no longer erected.)

Actually, the problem of the megalith itself is the problem of the transition to the Copper-Stone Age, the development of metallurgy. The second period of use of the megalith occurred at the end of the Bronze Age - the beginning of the Early Iron Age (Gamayun culture). Thus, we can talk about the presence here on the island of several monuments from different historical periods - from Stone Age structures to a huge number of dugouts, a cemetery for Old Believers, and fragments of their chapel.

The closest analogues of these megaliths are the megalithic tombs of Western Europe, says Stanislav Grigoriev. - The layout of the buildings is almost the same: a corridor and several chambers branching off from it. And the similarity is amazing - down to the smallest detail! For example, the “design” of the cut windows on Vera Island is almost identical to those that were discovered on the territory of modern Germany.

And again an interesting parallel! While working on the mound, scientists found three steles. According to American scientists, in the gallery tombs of Western Europe, the mounds were surrounded by alleys of menhirs. Such similarities indicate that bearers of these megalithic traditions came to us from Eastern and Western Europe.

And yet the nature of the monument remained unclear until the end.

Once, during one of the evening September sunsets, scientists suddenly saw a ray of the setting sun penetrating the entire megalith, which illuminated the back wall. The hole in the megalith seemed to catch the sunset ray. This could have been ignored if not for one circumstance. This happened on the day of the autumn equinox... Of course, elements of chance could not be ruled out. If at least two megaliths had been found, also clearly oriented to the cardinal directions... Chelyabinsk geologist Vyacheslav Nikolsky, who worked together with archaeologists, drew attention to the fact that the construction of the megalith could be associated with tectonic cracks. Scientists took this as the main version, paying attention, however, to the fact that the megalith seemed to be specially turned with its hole towards sunset and somewhat shifted from the direction of the cracks.

Of course, it is somewhat incorrect to compare the find on Vera Island with Stonehenge, argues Stanislav Grigoriev. - After all, what is Stonehenge? Menhirs placed in a circle, with which the structures on Vera Island certainly have little in common. We have a monument of a different type, although no less interesting. Today, something else is more important: if the version that the discovered structure had an astronomical purpose is confirmed, then this will become another parallel with European monuments. For example, participants in paleoastronomical research conducted in the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions came to the convincing conclusion that some of our monuments have much in common with Stonehenge and other European henges. And we are talking not only about circular structures, but also about alleys of menhirs. The menhirs, found in the mid-90s near the village of Akhunovo, Uchalinsky district of Bashkiria, were also the remains of an ancient observatory (located in a circle, the stones cast a shadow, based on which ancient astronomers could record the same days of the winter and summer solstices).

Nevertheless, argues Stanislav Grigoriev, megalithic structures have never been dwellings in the traditional sense of the word. Rather, they were sanctuaries for performing certain cult rituals. Mostly such sanctuaries were located in caves and grottoes. Why exactly they were erected is another question. For example, burials were found in the same European buildings. No traces of burials have yet been found here, but this does not mean that they are not there.

The uniqueness of the megalithic structures found on the island of Vera is also that these are the easternmost cultural monuments, created at the same time as the monuments of Western Europe. The only strange thing is that such monuments have not yet been found in Eastern Europe.

And yet who could build structures on the island of Vera? Scientists do not rule out that these could be proto-Finno-Ugric peoples (the ancestors of the current Finno-Ugric peoples - Khanty, Mansi, Mordovians, Mari, Hungarians, Estonians and Finns).

Today, scientists hypothesize that Europe and the Urals were some kind of centers of sacred initiations. At the same time, the megalithic sanctuaries found in the Urals could be a center for Eastern Europe, Siberia and other regions. If this is so, then it is quite logical to assume that our ancient land also preserves other megalithic monuments.

There are many mysterious secrets about treasures, especially those lost at sea during shipwrecks. Many people dream of finding treasure, whether they believe in it or not. Most of the legendary treasures are associated with pirates whose ships were wrecked during battles or strong storms. How many sunken ships are there that contain enormous wealth? The imagination paints endless pictures of incredible treasures, and many enthusiasts actually spend a lot of time searching for them. Some claim that these are just fairy tales and legends, but others truly believe that there are chests of gold waiting in the wings at the bottom of the ocean. Luckily, there are plenty of people willing to help unearth the biggest mysteries on the planet. This collection contains a list of 10 legendary ocean treasures that have not yet been discovered.

Blackbeard's Treasures

In 1966, off the coast of North Carolina, archaeologists discovered the remains of a shipwreck, linking it to the ship of the famous pirate nicknamed Blackbeard. But the catch is that not a single ounce of treasure was found anywhere around the ship. Blackbeard is the most notorious of all pirates, amassing vast amounts of gold and other riches. Many speculate that the treasure still lies somewhere off the coast of the Carolinas, but it is very difficult to determine its location. Even Beard himself once said that “only I and the devil know” where it is. According to rough estimates, the value of gold could be about $2.5 million.

Fortune by Jean Lafitte

French pirate Jean Lafitte made his fortune by attacking merchant ships in the Gulf of Mexico and then selling the stolen goods in one of the many ports he owned. Lafitte's accomplice was his brother Pierre. These two were so good at theft and robbery that they accumulated a lot of wealth and jewelry. As a result, the brothers had to hide their treasures somewhere, which gave rise to many secrets and legends. They had over 50 ships under their command, suggesting just how large the fortune was. After Lafitte's death in 1830, legends about his treasures began to spread throughout the world. It was said that part of his treasure was buried in “Lake Bourne,” on the coast of New Orleans. Another was said to be a possible site about three miles east of the “Old Spanish Trail,” on the Sabine River. To date, no one has discovered the wealth, estimated at approximately $2 million.

Captain Kidd's Wealth

Late 17th century pirate William "Captain" Kyd is the origin of many myths about lost treasure. Kyd began plundering in 1698, attacking ships and amassing great wealth. But when he himself began to be hunted, Kidd decided to protect his treasures and began hiding them on various North American islands. Captain Kidd was eventually captured and hanged, with his treasure still buried in an unknown location. To add some reality to this myth, in the 1920s, four treasure maps hidden by “Captain” Kid were found in pieces of furniture believed to have belonged to him.

Oak Island Money Pit

The Money Pit, located in Nova Scotia, Canada, has spawned one of the longest running treasure hunts in the world. For hundreds of years, hunters have come to Nova Scotia to try to find the treasure, only to return empty-handed. In 1795, teenager Daniel McGinnis found a strange place on Oak Island where all the trees had been uprooted. Interested, he began excavation work in secret from the rest of the treasure seekers. He managed to find a message with an encrypted message that two million pounds were buried in this place, at a depth of 40 feet. Unfortunately, due to many obstacles and strong water flows, no treasure was found. There are several popular theories that are associated with the “Money Pit”: The pit contains pirate treasures, or the missing priceless jewels of Marie Antoinette. There is also a theory that English professor Francis Bacon used the pit to hide documents proving that he was the author of Shakespeare's plays.

Treasures of Lima

During the Peruvian revolt against Spain in 1820, the captain of a large British ship was tasked with delivering treasure that belonged to the city of Lima. The cargo was estimated to be worth $60 million and included two life-size statues of the Holy Virgin, made in solid gold, and 273 bejeweled swords and candlesticks. Captain Thomas was quite greedy and killed all the passengers, after which he sailed to Cocos Island and hid the treasure in a cave, hoping to keep it all for himself. On his deathbed, he spoke a little about the location of his treasure, which had never been found.

Treasures of John the Landless

In 1216 King John the Landless, also known as “The Bad,” was heading to Lynn in Norfolk. Along the way, he contracted dysentery and decided that he must return to his Newark Castle. He decided to follow the route around Walsh, with its dangerous mud traps and swamps. King John and his soldiers were making their way through the marshes with carts full of his royal regalia when they fell into a deadly swamp. Carts full of an estimated $70 million worth of treasure, including jewelry, gold cups, swords and coins, were lost and never found.

Nuestra Señora de Atocha

In 1622, the Spanish galleon Nuestra Señora de Atocha was returning to Spain, full of gold, precious stones and rare silver, when it was overtaken by a hurricane. The impact of the storm was so severe that the galleon was thrown onto a coral reef and instantly sank under the weight of the treasure. An immediate attempt was made to salvage the treasure, which included 17 tons of silver bars, 27 kilograms of emeralds, 35 boxes of gold and 128,000 coins. Other ships were sent to the place where Nuestra Señora de Atocha sank. Unfortunately, a second hurricane struck and ruined any attempts to salvage the treasure. The crash site was never found again, until recently. In 1985, treasure hunter Mel Fisher found part of the $500 million treasure less than 100 miles off the coast of Key West. However, experts believe that approximately $200 million worth of treasure still lies somewhere at the bottom.

Legend of the Golden Man

There has long been a myth surrounding Lake Guatavita in the Colombian Andes. It spoke of Inca gold hidden at the bottom. The most popular theory is that the Golden Man, known as “El Dorado,” once dove into a sacred lake and his followers brought gold and jewelry there as a show of devotion. As a result, many visited the area in attempts to discover the treasure. Since the arrival of the Spaniards in 1536, 100 kilograms of gold artifacts have been mined from the muddy bottom of Lake Guatavita. In 1968, a gold bar was discovered in a cave, once again resurrecting the legend of El Dorado, or the “Golden Man.”

Treasures of San Miguel

In 1715, Spain assembled a fleet of ships filled to the brim with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry worth an estimated $2 billion. The ships were sent from Cuba just before hurricane season to prevent attempted hijacking by pirates. This turned out to be a bad idea, as the entire fleet of 11 ships was sunk just six days after setting sail. As a result, $2 billion is still buried at the bottom of the sea. After this catastrophic event, 7 of the ships were discovered, but only a small amount of valuable treasure was recovered. It is believed that the Treasure of San Miguel may be near the eastern shores of Florida.

Gold Flor de Mar

A 400-ton Portuguese ship called Flor De Mar (Flower of the Sea) was caught by surprise in a violent storm in 1511. She was shipwrecked on the reefs of Sumatra, split in two, and all the treasure was lost at sea. The story goes that Flor De Mar was carrying around 60 tons of gold, which is the largest treasure ever collected in the history of the Portuguese navy. It's no surprise that Flor De Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.