The burden of the Middle Ages: how our ancestors relieved themselves or why everyone in palaces tried to avoid curtains and corners. What to do if the toilet is clogged Causes of blockages

A clogged toilet is a common problem faced by many people living in apartments.

This phenomenon is quite dangerous, since in the absence of timely measures, sewage can begin to come out of the toilet, flooding the apartment and flooding the residents lower floors.

That is why you should eliminate this problem as early as possible.

Causes of blockages

The toilet may become clogged for the following reasons:

    1. Failure to comply with the rules for using plumbing equipment. For example, it is not recommended to flush a lot of toilet paper. Blockages can form when rags, small objects like toys, etc. get into the toilet. - this is often common if children live in the apartment.
    2. Mistakes when installing plumbing fixtures yourself at home.

Water begins to be poorly flushed if the toilet bowl is incorrectly positioned in relation to the riser and errors in the installation of pipes. If valves or drain pipes have not been installed to equalize the pressure in the pipe when draining water, blockages are an inevitable result.

  1. Design features. The cause of a blockage can also be such an absurd reason as a technically ill-conceived design.

Before choosing a product that will help clean the toilet, you need to determine the degree of blockage. It’s quite simple to do this at home: you need to pour about a liter of water inside, and after 30 minutes check how much has gone.

No need to drain the water from the tank! There is usually at least 5 liters and, if the blockage is serious, water can begin to overflow over the edge of the toilet, flooding the floor.

You also need to check how the water drains in the kitchen and bathroom. If the drainage occurs normally there, then the problem is local and only the pipe coming out of the toilet is clogged. You can remove such a blockage on your own. If there are widespread drainage problems, you will need to call in specialists for help.

How to clear the blockage?

The four simplest cleaning methods are mechanical (using a cable), hydraulic, chemical and pneumatic.

But the first thing to do is try to check the toilet for a stuck object in the pipe. To do this, put on a rubber glove and put your hand deeper into the drain hole. If the object is not stuck very deeply, it will be enough to remove it. If you can’t reach the object or the cause of the blockage lies elsewhere, you will have to use one of the following methods.

Using a cable

They resort to the cable if the toilet is clogged to such an extent that the water no longer leaves on its own. The cable must be flexible and have a handle on one side. You can purchase it at any hardware or plumbing store, or, at worst, ask your neighbors.

It is advisable to use two people to clean a pipe using a cable - one person pushes the cable, the other turns the handle. Rotation is required for the cable to pass through all bends in the pipe. When the cable has been advanced to its full length, it is necessary to move it back and forth several times to soften accumulated deposits or push through a deeply stuck object.

Before removing the cable from the pipe, it is recommended to place a wide rag on the floor, take the second one in your hands and wipe the cable as it is removed from the toilet. Cleaning a toilet with a cable is a very dirty procedure and care should be taken to clean it prematurely.


This method is extremely effective if the problem of blockage is accumulated fat deposits. You will need a hose to carry out this cleaning procedure. One end of the hose is connected to the bathtub or sink faucet, the other is inserted into the toilet drain hole.

After this, you need to open the hot water at full power, the flow of which under pressure will break through the clogged pipes. This method is not as effective as the previous one and usually requires several approaches. Be careful when hydraulically cleaning a clogged toilet. If the pressure of hot water is too strong, you can cause water to leak out of the toilet of the neighbors below.


This method of clearing a clogged drain involves creating strong air pressure that can force the clogged object into the drain.

This procedure is carried out using a simple plunger. Using vigorous movements, you need to pump air in the drain hole with this tool until the water begins to drain normally.


Very effective way cleaning from fatty deposits is the use of chemicals. The simplest of them is vinegar and caustic soda. Use it like this:

  1. First, accumulated water is removed from the toilet.
  2. Half a pack of regular soda is poured into the drain hole.
  3. 200 g of vinegar is also poured there.
  4. Wait about half an hour for the chemical reaction to occur.
  5. Pour 3 liters of boiling water into the toilet.

This method cannot be used if the connecting corrugation is made of plastic, since treating it with boiling water can cause it to burst. In such a situation, it is better to just use hot water or look at other methods that tell you how to clean the toilet.

Instead of soda and vinegar, it is recommended to use special products to clear clogs. Now in stores you can find a lot of chemicals intended for these purposes. They must be used strictly according to the instructions - each product has its own method of use.

It is necessary to work with these products only with rubber gloves, and the air in the room should be well ventilated. None of the chemicals work instantly, so you need to be patient.

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How to prevent clogs

Removing a blockage is an unpleasant procedure. It is much easier to take certain measures to ensure that the toilet does not become clogged. To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not allow foreign objects to enter the toilet. It is not advisable to even throw too much toilet paper and hygiene products there.
  2. If the water does not drain very quickly, you need to check whether the drain is working correctly.
  3. Regularly, at least once a month, preventive cleaning of the sewer drain should be carried out. It is best to use special chemicals for these purposes.

A clogged toilet is as big a problem as it would seem. You can clear the blockage in many ways, as shown in the video:

In most cases, you can deal with it yourself, without resorting to the services of a plumber.

The main thing is to be careful and not resort to measures that could lead to problems for neighbors on the upper or lower floors. And this article will tell you what to do if the toilet is leaking and water constantly flows into the bowl.


Why is your toilet clogged?

It is important to determine this in order to take adequate measures to eliminate the problem, as well as to prevent it from happening in the future. unpleasant situation. The causes of clogged toilets are as follows:

  • Using a lot of paper. This is the most common reason. No matter how good the toilet is and no matter how well it is installed, it can still become clogged if people do not know how to stop it.
  • Incorrect installation of plumbing. If the toilet is installed by laymen without observing a certain slope and other requirements, then there is a high probability that it will constantly clog. Still, there are standards that are important to adhere to in this matter.
  • There is no drain pipe or valve that equalizes the pressure in the sewer pipe. This disrupts the flow of water and, as a result, the plumbing may become completely clogged. This small nuance is very important.
  • Sometimes the reason is the toilet itself. The modern assortment is very wide. But at the same time, on store shelves a person can find not only high-quality products, but also poorly thought-out ones, with defects that will reveal themselves only after some time of use. It will not be possible to exchange such a product, as it is a hygiene item.

Taking a closer look at these reasons, you will most likely find among them what caused your toilet to clog.

What to do if the toilet is clogged

There are several ways to deal with a blockage in a sewer pipe. They differ in price and effort that will have to be put in. In the article we will write about everyone, and you will choose what you like and can afford.

You can clean the toilet at home:

  • physically, by pulling out the “plug”;
  • pushing the blockage further into the pipe;
  • by dissolving the barrier with some chemical agent.

In terms of their effectiveness, all three methods are approximately the same, but in terms of labor costs and costs, they are not. The cheapest way is to remove the blockage physically, relying only on your own strength. And the easiest way is to use store-bought chemicals, which will save you labor.

We use a plunger

Almost every housewife has this device. They clean not only toilets, but also bathrooms and sinks. How does it work?

Using a plunger, you need to create conditions in the pipes for water hammer. It is he who must dislodge the blockage, which will then be broken into components and washed into the sewer.

How to use a plunger? You need to take it in your hands and place the rubber part against the toilet drain hole. After this, you need to press hard on it several times. This is how you will be able to achieve your goal. After some work with the fixture, you need to turn on the flush.

Application of plumbing cable

A plunger is effective if the clog is close to the surface. But if a lump of paper and other unnecessary items is located deep in the pipe, then this device may be ineffective. In this case, you need to use a special plumbing cable. It is not very difficult to operate it, because it is equipped with a comfortable handle.

You should insert the cable into the toilet flush hole and slide it through the pipe. Having thus found the blockage, you should either push it further into the sewer, or hook it with a hook and pull it out from the side of the toilet. It’s good to do this together, when one person holds the handle and the other handles the end.

The cable must be of sufficient thickness to make working with it convenient and efficient. Look for a device that is at least 5 millimeters wide.

How to deal with clogs using household chemicals

This option is suitable for the laziest. There are a lot of means for removing blockages, and at different prices. You should go to the supermarket and choose what you like best.

How to use chemicals to clean a toilet? You should turn off the water in the tank so that it does not wash away the product. Then pour (or pour) what you purchased to help you. After a certain time, wash everything off. The blockages will simply dissolve and be easily removed from the pipe.

Sometimes the chemical method doesn't help much. In this case, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Folk way to clean the toilet

If there is a large lump of paper in the pipe, it is quite difficult to get rid of it, especially if it is located deep. In this case, both the plunger and the cable may be useless. Chemistry will only give partial results. But there is a folk method that can help. It's not very pleasant, but sometimes you can't do without it. Stock up on a large thick rag or towel. You will also need gloves.

To begin, twist the towel to form a tourniquet. Fold it in two and tie it with a rope. After this, use your hands (wearing gloves) to push it into the drain hole. Do this in progressive movements until you push through the blockage.

This method is better than a plunger, since a bundle of towels covers the entire lumen of the pipe, and, therefore, creates the pressure that should be there. Also the method is more effective than the rope, which is sometimes very thin, to help the problem. The only downside to all this is that pushing through the clog with your hands is not at all pleasant.

Preventing blockages

Once you have removed the lump from the pipe and are able to use the toilet again as normal, be sure to read up on preventive measures. You don't want the problem to repeat itself. You can prevent blockages in the toilet in the following ways:

  • Never throw anything into the toilet. In a private house with a septic tank, it is better not to throw even paper there. All this accumulates and eventually creates blockages. Still, sewerage, like everything else, must be used for its intended purpose and then there will be no problems.
  • Adjust the pressure thanks to the fan pipe. Perhaps, due to its incorrect position, the water does not drain well and therefore the blockages do not pass through the pipe, but accumulate. It is very easy to correct the situation. The wizard will handle this in a few minutes.
  • Keep the water seal clean. Its condition is also important for the functioning of the entire system. To clean this segment of the drain, use chemicals periodically. This will help keep the pipes tidy.
  • In an apartment building, you should also pay attention to the riser. Blockages in it are very dangerous, as they can block the path not only to your drains, but also to those coming from the upper floors. Lack of timely response can create a real flood in your toilet.

By following these tips, you can keep your sewer pipes open for longer.

Video on the topic

Also watch the video on this issue. It will be useful to you.


What to do when the toilet is clogged

Typical signs indicating a problem:

  • there was a sewer smell
  • water drains weakly and for a long time
  • the drain is completely blocked (this means that the toilet is completely clogged)

When the toilet is clogged, you can fix the problem yourself using the following means:

  • “folk” if the toilet is clogged with food, fat, etc.
  • chemical if the toilet is clogged with serious organic deposits
  • mechanical, if the toilet is clogged with hygiene items, toys, etc.

If the foreign object has not managed to penetrate deep into the sewer line, then you should not do anything with a plunger; you should try to pull out the debris with your hands, carefully examining the outlet and siphon.

Using the means available in any apartment, you can try to get rid of the traffic jam:

  • A bucket of boiling water will provide a powerful physical impact and will work successfully if the toilet is clogged with fatty deposits. Water hammer with boiling water, if the toilet is clogged with grease, should be performed at a right angle and from a great height, repeating the procedure several times to consolidate the effect
  • Soda and vinegar cause corrosion of debris, leading to resolution of the blockage if the toilet is not very clogged

If these methods cannot remove the blockage, special means to remove it will provide a more powerful chemical effect on the plug that caused the toilet to clog. These include:

  • hydrochloric acid
  • "Mole"
  • oxalic acid
  • abrasives and others

Particular care and safety precautions should be observed when using aggressive chemicals to clean pipes, since alkalis and acids can destroy not only the debris in the sewer line, due to which the toilet is clogged, but also the sealing material along with the communications being cleaned. In addition, strong reagents can threaten human health, so when working with them you need to protect your eyes, skin and respiratory organs.

Mechanical means of dealing with the reasons that led to a clogged toilet include:

  • flexible sewer cable (if the toilet is clogged deeply and thoroughly)
  • plunger, the bowl of which covers the drain hole
  • regular plastic bottle

Before using any of them, do not forget to prepare cleaning materials, lay something on the floor - newspapers, oilcloth, rags (so as not to stain it with anything that might jump out of the drain hole).

If the toilet is clogged near the outlet, a plumbing plunger will help remove the blockage. You need to act sequentially:

  • place a rubber cap over the drain hole
  • move it up and down slowly without lifting it from the surface
  • sharply tear off the plunger, which will lead to an increase in pressure and break through the blockage that clogged the toilet

If you don’t have a toilet plunger at hand, then a two-liter bottle of mineral or carbonated water with the bottom cut off can create a water hammer similar to that caused by a plunger.

If after the above steps there is still a blockage in the toilet, what should you do then?

A flexible sewer cable should be used that has:

  • A convenient handle that allows you to reliably remove anything that has clogged the toilet
  • Metal braid
  • Possibility to insert a special hook if the toilet is clogged too much

The tool must be gradually inserted into the toilet using rotational movements, allowing maximum collection of deposits on the walls of the sewer pipes. The cable may simply pierce the blockage without removing it completely, so a hook is provided for such situations.

The choice of method that will return the toilet to working condition is determined after specifying the location of the plug. She may be:

  • in a pipe or corrugated pipe - i.e. The toilet is shallowly clogged
  • in the lounger of the apartment wiring
  • in a riser between apartments, practically inaccessible from the toilet

If the toilet is seriously clogged, and none of the described methods work, this means that the clog is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, between floors at sharp turns, and requires calling specialists.

The main causes of blockage. Why could the toilet become clogged?

Blockages, as a rule, are caused by violation of the rules:

  • installation (to eliminate such flaws, the toilet will have to be dismantled and reinstalled, observing all the necessary requirements)
  • operation of a sanitary and hygienic device
  • lack of preventive work to prevent the formation of plugs in the toilet and the pipes leading to it

What to do to prevent and prevent the formation of traffic jams in the sewer system

When using sanitary and hygienic devices, you should never allow the toilet to become clogged:

  • Food residues, especially fatty ones
  • Construction waste
  • Wet wipes, pads, paper towels
  • Old medicines, tablets
  • Cigarette butts
  • Baby diapers
  • Cat litter, etc.

It is impossible to wash the floor without draining the dirty water, but it is advisable to pass it through special filters, since it contains sand, soil and other inorganic parts.

Outdated pipes (cast iron or metal), installed in the Soviet Union and long since covered with rust, can also be the cause if the toilet is clogged repeatedly.

If the toilet is clogged, you should not wait for the moment when the sewer line becomes clogged, but you must use special cleaning products for prevention, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Remember, young children can unknowingly throw foreign objects (toys, food, etc.), so it is imperative to carry out educational work with them, explaining that this should not be done.

Today, large public toilets can be found, perhaps, only in shopping and entertainment centers. These soulless, clean, sparkling glass and tile structures serve only to satisfy natural needs. I went in, relieved myself, and left. But just recently, every visit to a public toilet was extremely exciting!

For many years, the men's room was a place where, secluded in a cramped cubicle and looking at the drawings on its walls, you could learn a lot and have a good laugh. And if you have deviations in sexual orientation, you could find a soul mate here, or a friend for a romantic adventure.
Today such toilets have disappeared, they have been destroyed by progress. But sometimes, if you're lucky, you can still stumble upon a surviving fragment of that rich toilet culture that was once an integral part of every public toilet. I was recently brought into such an oasis by chance.

At the entrance you are greeted with a categorical warning about the absence of benefits and the presence of a motion sensor to ensure that no one urinates for free. Having paid fifteen rubles, you find yourself in the waiting room. Here you understand that public service workers know how to decorate their workplace like no one else!

Naive flower garlands and plastic grapes on a burlap backing prepare you to enter amazing world a real Soviet toilet - a place of communication, relief, and flirting. In the very first booth on the wall, right at the eye level of the person sitting, we are greeted by something beautiful:

A certain man boasts of his throat blowjob skills and offers to demonstrate his talents to everyone. True, it is not entirely clear what caused the trembling of his hands while writing this text, perhaps excitement from the upcoming meeting, or maybe the fact that the submitter of this announcement was combining business with pleasure in the process?

The next writer found it necessary to specify his gender, as if the recipient might assume that the ad was written by a woman. In any case, “Serious M” does not give up hope for reciprocity.

But for some reason he doesn’t answer calls, offering to write SMS. Apparently, this makes some sense, because the next lonely soul, who did not skimp on a permanent marker, also prefers to communicate via text messages.

I thought that “pen pals” were something from the distant past... But who will understand them, these toilet writers, their thoughts are foggy, their souls are mysterious.

But the next announcement is full of determination, its author is ready to do it with two at once!

I believe that such an offer of a simultaneous game speaks of a strong and fearless character. Among other things, it is worth noting that after a while the grandmaster returned to the safe house in the booth and added a new phone number. Perhaps the previous appearance was unsuccessful, and the resident was forced to flee from a jealous suitor.

But in the toilet, as in life, you can run into something like this - someone shared their desire to part with anal virginity, and having aroused maximum interest in themselves, they did not leave any contacts. I believe that the readers of these advertisements were quite upset by this fact.

Some inscriptions are not without playful frivolity; one rather proud friend added a couple of flirty hearts to his proposal.

Apparently, in this way this user of the toilet message board lets others know that he is not a stranger to romance.

To my regret, some of the advertisements on these walls have already suffered from time, and it is no longer possible to understand who was going to give a blowjob to whom there...

One can only guess what happened there - harsh reality, armed with a painter's brush, prevented the reunion of loving hearts, or the author did not update his ad because he had finally found his great and pure love?

At the end of this exciting excursion, already at the exit, you are faced with two mirrors, between which a notice in red simply screams at you, prohibiting you from drinking water and washing your feet.

It seems that the pederasts, excited by reading the advertisements, go home, thirsty and with unwashed feet.

In conclusion, I have to admit that the paintings in this particular toilet are still very poor, and have a narrowly focused theme, limited only to the search for same-sex love. This is just a pale shadow of what could be seen in toilets some twenty years ago. For example, the heterosexual humor that was once rich in such places is completely absent; jokes and aphorisms, as well as drawings of female genital organs, are completely absent. Apparently, we have already lost this layer of outhouse culture irretrievably. But once upon a time the rich painting of toilet walls even brought to life a wonderful verse:

Writing on toilet walls
Alas, friends, no wonder.
Among the shit, you are all poets.
Among poets, you are shit!

I remember in those years when I could already read, but still understood little about adult relationships, every trip to a public toilet became for me an excursion into the forbidden world of mysterious adult pictures and incomprehensible words, vaguely guessed jokes and vague concepts.

Today, this seething source of the living folk word has dried up forever. Unfortunately, “folk” humor moved to the Internet, was replicated across millions of identical sites, and became inexpressive, insipid, and boring. And only horny fagots are still looking for each other in the twilight of public toilets...

But the fact remains that for many centuries European cities were mired in sewage, and people simply forgot about basic care for their bodies. How did they solve the issue of organizing toilets in huge castles, which every person needed, we will look into our material.

People could be doused with slop and feces on the streets of European cities at any time.

Since school years, everyone who has attended history classes in the slightest degree knows that Europeans neglected cleanliness and order to such an extent that they not only walked around dirty and did not wash for years, but also simply poured all the sewage into the street. And it’s good if a tub (sorry) of shit flew from the first floors, it was much worse when a bucket of slop and waste from all family members splashed out from the balconies.

The castles of medieval Europe had no toilets at all.

But this is how common people lived, although crowned heads and all the nobility passed through these same streets. But what was the situation like in the majestic palaces, where there were huge crowds of people every day? Was it really possible that the entire yard was doused with sewage and where did the celestials go to recover?

As it turned out, in the early Middle Ages, toilets were not included in the layout of palaces and castles at all, so as not to spoil the chic decoration and luxury of the apartments with the appearance of latrines! Therefore, in the majestic Louvre and Versailles, all the nobility and servants relieved themselves wherever they could.

Everyone who was in the royal palaces relieved themselves anywhere, without hiding.
Medieval nobles relieved themselves wherever they pleased, right in the palace.

So not only the poor quarters of Paris were choked by fetid streams, but the palaces themselves were hiding such “surprises” behind every curtain of the huge halls, on flights of stairs, pompous corridors, not to mention the alleys and bushes of parks. At first, all the inhabitants of the castles simply went to another palace for a while, while the servants put the dirty palace in order and tried to ventilate it (of course, this was not possible).

In the Louvre and Versailles, pots were disguised as any piece of furniture so as not to spoil the interior.
Kings sat on such a throne with a pot.

The appearance of chamber pots did not save the situation, because their contents still spilled into the garden or river, if there was one. Moreover, there were a lot of options for creating special “ducks”, ranging from the simplest pots to a real toilet made in the throne, so that His Majesty could relieve himself without interrupting state affairs or during feasts.

Artists of those times captured the intimate process with the help of burdaloo.

Naturally, for men and women these devices were made in accordance with physiological characteristics. It is noteworthy that women managed to unnoticed to recover in a special burdala not only during walks and long trips, but even in the temple of God, during sermons. Moreover, this vessel could be hidden in a muff or handed over to a maid, who would empty it, as usual - on the street or in the park.

It was possible to walk on the streets of European cities only in wooden shoes.
Stilts on which nobles and rich people moved.

Naturally, this could not continue, because even kings fainted from the “fragrances” (French King Philip). Another prince completely choked on sewage when he fell from his horse. And this is no wonder, because in order to walk along the streets of the great European capitals, it was necessary to wear special stilts, because no shoes could cope with the real rivers of excrement that filled the entire surface area.

On the walls overlooking the fortress, there were bay windows and toilets and dressing rooms.

Since the huge stone castles, located away from the main royal chambers, were built flush with the fortress walls, it was possible to add wind-blown bay windows. They were located at a sufficient height above the ground and had a small gap in the wall for ventilation and sunlight, and a hole where they could empty themselves.

The process of defecation in a painting by a medieval artist (Pieter Bruegel, mid-16th century).

In this case, all waste simply fell into the ditch, which, as a rule, surrounded the fortress wall. This improved the sanitary condition of the courtyard, alleys and park on the castle grounds. Of course, if there was a non-dry year, the waters of the rivers passing through this ditch filled with sewage would wash away all the feces and carry them away.

This is what the dressing room looked like in medieval castle knight.

But that's not all, the latrine rooms had a very elegant name - a dressing room! Many will think why the purpose of such a room has changed so radically, but it turned out to be much simpler. In this bay window, the belongings of noble nobles were kept, suspended from the ceiling, so the meaning of the room corresponds to the current understanding.

There was always a window in the toilet-dressing room - both for ventilation and for keeping an eye on the enemy during a siege.

But they did this not because of a lack of other storage space, but for preventive purposes! After all, everyone knows that ammonia, which evaporates from rotting feces, has a detrimental effect on insects and microorganisms, with which not only the surrounding area, but also the noble people themselves, simply swarmed. Very interesting fact medieval advancement up the career ladder: by all means one had to become responsible for hanging camisoles and robes over the toilet hole. All the young aristocrats of those times began with this position and in the future rose to the top.

A closed toilet, created in the form of a bay window on a defensive wall.

Not all nobles and knights used an open toilet; among them there were very far-sighted ones who cared not only about their health, but also about the air floating around the cloaca. They built real cesspools into which feces flowed down through closed shafts, like now, through pipes. In this case, the wind did not blow away the wardrobe visitor, and there were fewer odors.

They began to create special balconies in palaces so that nobles would not fall out during defecation.

In the royal palaces, they began to build floor-length windows with lattice barriers of a hanging rounded shape - for a more convenient location (after all, emptying from the windowsill was very dangerous!), so that no matter the hour, during such a piquant solitude, noble persons could not fall out. Since then, these charming small architectural forms have been called “French balconies”. This invention slightly cleared the corridors and stairs of the palace, but not the territory, which was still buried in feces and spreading a terrible stench everywhere. Yes, even in winter at such open place It was not at all comfortable to relieve oneself.

Warm toilets began to be created in fireplace shafts.

For especially important families, palaces began to create almost real toilets in fireplace shafts - both privacy and warmth!

Kwidzyn Castle in Poland with a Danzker tower and a passage gallery.

Naturally, only crowned heads and rich nobles could afford warm toilets and dressing rooms, but for the main contingent living on the territory of castles and palaces, so that they did not pollute the entire territory, they began to build special structures - a separate tower, which was called the Danzker. Moreover, this building had full fortifications and powerful walls with loopholes, although it was erected at a distance from the main palace.

The galleries leading to the danzker sometimes became the main decoration of the courtyard.

For the convenience of visiting such a sought-after place, a gallery led to the danzker, which became an original decoration of the entire yard. As a rule, such structures were erected over a river or a specially dug ditch with water, thus all waste was simply carried away by the current.

The ruins of the castle of Chateau-Gaillard, in which a brutal massacre took place after the enemy penetrated through the Danzker.

Such buildings carried considerable danger during wars and sieges. Although they had fortifications, due to oversight during the siege, enemies very often penetrated through the open holes of the toilet that led into the ditch; for some fortresses such carelessness ended very badly. Thus, the impregnable citadel of Richard the Lionheart, the castle of Chateau Gaillard, was taken.

Erfurt Castle in our time: many noble nobles drowned in it (Germany).

History knows another terrible event associated with this architectural structure. Huge reception halls were sometimes built above the toilets. Once, in such a place in Erfurt Castle, all the nobles were holding a celebration, but the rotten beams could not withstand such weight and collapsed, along with all the visitors, into a pit filled with feces, which was about 10 meters deep.

In the chronicles, the fact of the king being in feces was depicted and described by an unknown historian.

Only the monarch, Frederick I Barbarossa, managed to escape, who miraculously was able to grab onto the window of the outer wall and hold out until the servants arrived with ladders and ropes. Subsequently, a historian will describe this event as follows: “This was perhaps the largest gathering of princes and knights that took place in the Middle Ages. The brilliance and splendor of artistic decoration and dresses filled all of Europe with surprise and reverence. But a special end was destined for this splendor, eclipsing everything in horror... To those who managed to escape from the disaster, it seemed as if a secret force had suddenly collapsed the floor, throwing down eight princes, numerous nobles, more than a hundred knights and many more low-class people into the main sewer of the castle, where they met a terrible death."

The first toilet appeared in England in 1837.

And only in 1837, an English mechanic came up with a toilet that helped Europeans and others finally change their way of life and restore order in the streets, parks and palaces of the great powers.