Airport business lounge on the map. How and where to get a Sky Priority card from Aeroflot. Priority Pass program terms and conditions

For many people whose work or life involves frequent flights, the situation of long waits in a noisy hall with a lot of children running around is familiar. A business person does not have enough time for proper rest. That is why an innovative service called Priority pass appeared. For owners and everyone interested in this service, we will share information about Priority pass: lists of airports and where the card is valid.

What gives?

The Priority pass program is one of the most popular services, which can be used at 850 airports around the world. With a Priority pass card you can visit VIP lounges at international airports. Not only will you spend time in comfort and tranquility, you will also be able to meet with clients.

What does the waiting room include:

  • free access to the Internet;
  • room for business negotiations;
  • free drinks and snacks;
  • In specially designated areas you can charge electronic gadgets.

One of the main advantages is the ability to use the Priority pass service, regardless of what flight and class you are flying.

Airports where it operates

For more detailed information on which countries and cities the service operates, you can find it at. On this moment There are three airports in Russia that support the Priority pass program:

  1. Vnukovo (Moscow).
  2. Sheremetyevo-2 (Moscow).
  3. Pulkovo (St. Petersburg).

Banks working with the card

By becoming a member of the Priority pass club, you can purchase a package of services on the company’s main website. Apply for a payment card at banks (list below) and receive the service as a gift or order additionally.

In order to become a member of the club you must:

  • visit ;
  • select country of location;
  • purchase a package with a list of services and fill out detailed information About Me.

There are three types of club membership:

  1. The “standard” annual membership fee is $99, includes: member visit $27, guest visit $27.
  2. “Standard Plus” annual fee is $249, includes: 10 free club member visits, after $27, guest visit $27.
  3. “Prestige” annual fee is $399, which includes free visits to the VIP lounge on an ongoing basis, a guest visit is $27.
Important! You can apply for a Priority pass at VTB 24, Sberbank, Uralsib, Avangard, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisen Bank. It is possible to purchase a card either as a separate package of services or in combination with a payment card from named banks.

How to use the service

To gain access to the VIP lounge you need:

    • present your Priority pass card along with your air ticket;
    • fill out the visit form;
    • After scanning the card by the administrator, you will receive a slip for signature confirming your visit to the hall.

At this point, the mandatory procedures are over, and you will go to the comfort and relaxation room.

Priority Pass is an international program that provides its members with the opportunity to wait comfortably in VIP lounges at more than 600 airports around the world. It is enough to present an air ticket and a Priority Pass card, which is actually a pass to privileged lounges. It doesn’t matter at all what class or airline you fly with.

The largest airports in more than 100 countries (and, accordingly, more than 300 cities) are participants in this program. In Russia there are currently only three partner airports: in Moscow - Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo, in St. Petersburg - Pulkovo.

What does Priority Pass give?

The owner of a Priority Pass card does not have to languish while waiting for a flight in the general lounge - he will be taken to a cozy VIP lounge, where he can calmly make calls, receive faxes, chat on the Internet or just relax and read a magazine. Many airports will offer their guests free snacks and drinks, and some will even offer a shower and bed. You can also invite friends or partners who are flying with you to the elite lounges. Some airports provide the opportunity to conduct business negotiations.

Certain services in different VIP rooms can be either paid or free. The number of guests and age restrictions (including conditions for accepting children) are also regulated by the rules of a particular hall.

Holders of these cards are provided with discounts in companies with which Priority Pass has partnership agreements (for example, in hotels).

Where can I get Priority Pass?

The card can be ordered directly through Priority Pass on the official website. In this case, you will need to pay a membership fee and pay for delivery (you will have to wait about a month for the card).

Priority Pass offers 3 tariff plans:

  1. $99 per year + $27 per visit;
  2. $249 per year: 10 visits included, then $27 each;
  3. $399 per year, unlimited number of visits.

For each guest at any rate you will have to pay $27.

You can get a Priority Pass card from banks . Many of them offer it “in addition” to other banking products - usually premium cards (credit or debit): Platinum, Gold, etc. You must leave an application with the bank, and after 5-30 days (depending on the credit institution) you will be issued the ordered Priority Pass card. The client is also given a directory that contains information about the location of VIP rooms and what services are provided in them. Most banks do not charge a fee for issuing such a card.

Priority Pass cards are offered by the following banks: UniCredit Bank, CB Garant-Invest, Metcombank, Raiffeisenbank, MosKomPrivatbank, SNGB, Avangard, Rosbank, Absolut Bank, RosEvroBank, Izhkombank, CB BRT, InterProgressBank, Uralsib, etc.

Priority Pass: how to use

The Priority Pass card can only be used by the owner (must be signed upon receipt) and is valid until the date printed on the front of the card. Without presenting this card, access to the VIP rooms will not be possible (even if you have a payment card with you). They may also deny entry to those who are dressed inappropriately (i.e. they definitely won’t be allowed in if they’re wearing torn jeans) or who behave inappropriately.

Having received your Priority Pass card, airport staff will make a print of it and offer you to sign a slip that contains the date of your visit, the number of accompanying persons, the name of the lounge, etc. All expenses incurred by the Priority Pass cardholder (including guest fees) will be debited from the linked payment card account at the end of the month.

If you are at an unfamiliar airport, you can send an SMS with its code to +44 7624 809977 and receive information about the availability of VIP lounges.

Conclusion: if you fly often and are willing to pay for comfort, the cardPriority Pass is for you.

It's good when planes fly strictly on schedule. Then it is enough to show up at the airport at the time of check-in for the flight (and for those who managed to do this online, at the time of boarding) and not languish over a long wait. But force majeure circumstances occasionally arise, and you have to wait for a flight for several hours. Then the question arises, how to spend this time more comfortably?

Waiting rooms

Air terminals have publicly accessible departure lounges. But not all of them are convenient for a long stay there. The places in them are usually sedentary, and you won’t be able to truly relax. It will be especially uncomfortable for people with health problems, pregnant women and passengers with children.

To have a snack while the plane is delayed, you will have to leave the waiting room and go in search of a cafe or at least fast food outlets. It is not a fact that during this time your chair will not be occupied, and you will not have to look for a new one.

The common halls of airports are, in fact, a “passage yard” where people are constantly scurrying about and there is a din. Such conditions cannot be called comfortable - neither relax in silence, nor concentrate on reading. And not all waiting rooms have free Wi-Fi.

Another thing is the lounges. Among airport lounges, the business lounge is the most comfortable place for relax. VIP persons who can rightfully use the services of such waiting rooms are business class passengers.

The delights of business lounges

Priority fares for air tickets apply to the creation of amenities not only in the cabin of the aircraft, but also while waiting for the flight in the terminal. Business class passengers can visit special lounges that provide the opportunity to enjoy maximum comfort:

  • there are comfortable soft chairs and sofas where you can relax;

  • in the prestigious recreation area there is a buffet where cold or hot snacks, aromatic coffee and other drinks (including alcohol) are served, for which you do not have to pay - everything is included in the ticket price;
  • being in silence and solitude, you can read entertaining literature or watch TV, which is installed in the business lounge;
  • VIP passengers are provided with showers where they can freshen up free of charge;
  • some lounges offer the services of a hairdresser, cosmetologist or massage therapist;
  • Children have not been forgotten here either - most business lounges have game rooms;
  • The lounge will also provide a comfortable stay for nursing and pregnant women.

The prospect of such a break during a long wait attracts many passengers. Business lounge services at the airport may also be available to holders of economy class tickets (subject to availability and availability) if they pay for this service to the lounge administration at the rate established by the specific airport.

Note! One of the options for gaining access to business lounges around the world is to become one of the members of the Priority Pass “club”.

Comfort with Priority Pass

Having economy class tickets in hand, but being the owner of Priority Pass or its electronic version in the smartphone application, passengers begin to enter the lounge area of ​​a number of hubs.

All the delights of such a holiday become available to them. At the same time, the passenger can relax here with his family or invite friends with him (no more than 10 people in total), who will help brighten up the waiting time.

People on a business trip will find it more comfortable to work here. They will be provided with office equipment: a computer (if you don’t have a laptop with you), a copy machine and scanner, and a fax. Free internet is available in all business lounges.

The lounges have a conference room where you can hold a business meeting, negotiations or arrange a meeting with colleagues. To be able to enjoy the benefits of priority lounges, you should inquire about how to obtain a Priority card.

How to apply for a card

The Priority Pass card itself is neither a credit nor a debit card. This is something akin to a club business card confirming participation in the priority recreation program. There are several options for purchasing it:

  • Most Russian banks offer it to their clients who are holders of Gold level plastic and above;
  • The client can take the initiative by submitting an application for membership in the program to his bank;

Important! Registration of Priority Pass by the bank is free for the client.

  • Another option to get a card is to visit the website and apply for its issue; this will already cost money and will cost from 99 €/year. To do this, you need to have a cash account of one of the banks participating in the program, from where annual fees and payments for lounge visits will be withdrawn in the future (if this implies a tariff).

In the future, in order to enter the priority lounge and use its services, it is not necessary to present the card itself - you can download the application to your smartphone from the same website.

How to use the card

When visiting the business lounge, you do not have to pay in cash - at the entrance you scan the code of your Priority Pass card (or application on your smartphone). This is followed by the debiting of funds from the bank client’s main card according to the tariff in force in a particular financial institution. Each bank sets its own conditions for using the service, which need to be clarified in advance:

  • some cards provide a fixed number of visits to the business lounge by the client himself free of charge;
  • other banks reward customers with free unlimited data for a year;
  • third option - each visit is paid, with a fixed price of 24 € / person.

When visiting airport business lounges using a card received online, slightly different rates apply (they are chosen by the client):

  • basic option - 24 € will be debited from the main account (and for guests too) for each visit to the business lounge; This tariff costs 99€ per year;
  • the average level, the price of which is 249 € / year, gives the cardholder 10 free visits to the lounge throughout the year, but for each guest you will have to pay 24 €;
  • the third tariff is the highest, for 399 € per annum, which allows the client unlimited access to the business lounge throughout the year without payment, but guest visits are paid here too.

Note! The opportunity to enjoy comfort for free many times throughout the year at airports around the world is quite a profitable purchase for those who often use airplanes.

Some nuances

Before ordering a Priority Pass card, you should take into account some of the nuances associated with this program:

  • Not all airports in the world (and in Russia as well) participate in the program, so you should first go to the website and carefully study the list of hubs with available prestige lounges;
  • Some largest airlines(such as Emirates) have international airports own lounges, and here the Priority Pass program will not be effective;
  • Each airport has its own list of amenities for such lounges; It’s better to know in advance what you can expect; to do this, you should visit the website of the hub where you plan to wait for the flight;
  • When planning a relaxation in the business lounge, you should take into account the time of day - some lounges are not open at night (for example, in Spain);
  • You should also take into account the waiting time for your flight - a standard visit to the business lounge is usually determined by 4 hours; after they expire, the countdown for the next visit begins, which is not very profitable with paid tariffs.

Note! The priority lounge card is linked to your main bank account.

If the Priority Pass tariff involves paying for your own visits, as well as for invited guests, then you need to monitor the availability of funds on the main card. Due to their shortage, the lounge administration has the right to refuse to provide you with comfortable services.

Rules for using business lounges

The lounge is a comfortable area for waiting for a flight. And the conditions here are created not only by the airport administration. It’s not enough just to get into a comfortable zone - visitors must follow the rules of behavior in it:

  • the main advantage of these recreation areas is silence; if the company accompanying the visitor becomes noisy, the administration has the right to remove them from the lounge;
  • Passengers with small children may be asked to leave the VIP lounge if they cause discomfort to others;
  • the availability of free alcohol may affect the inadequacy of some visitors - they will also have to leave the business lounge early;
  • the very name of the lounge determines the dress code in appearance - women in swimsuits, men in shorts and beach slippers have the right not to be allowed into the business lounge;

  • Fans of “nicotine sticks” should check whether there is a smoking area before relaxing in the lounge.

Important! Each violation of the rules has its own moral or material consequences. If a Priority card holder who violates the conditions suffers damage, then neither the administration of the business lounge nor the airport operating company will be held responsible for this.

Review of business lounges at major Russian airports

A number of Russian airports participate in the Priority Pass program and provide services to passengers under various conditions. The table below provides a brief overview of the lounges of some Russian hubs, indicating a number of restrictions.

Brief overview of business lounges at a number of Russian airports

Airport nameLounge locationOpening hours, hours of stay and number of guestsTo whom is it available?Terms and restrictions
Pulkovo-1Sector V on the 3rd levelAround the clock
3 hours stay
no more than 2 invitees
For passengers from domestic and charter flightsThe card can be used for 1 child under 2 years old
Smokers are not allowed in the lounge
DomodedovoOn the 2nd floor in the departure areaAll day long
6 hours visit
the number of guests is unlimited
Children under 2 years old - no charge
Children under 12 years old – 50% discount
There is a games room
Transfer delivery to a remote ramp
VnukovoIn Terminal B, on the 3rd floor in the departure areaAround the clock
the number of visitors is unlimited
For passengers on international flightsPreschoolers (under 6 years old) can enter for free
There is a games room in the hall
There is a duty free area next to the lounge
There is a special corner for smokers
SheremetyevoOn the 2nd tier of Terminal C, gate No. 11 (at the Irish Bar)Around the clock
visiting time – 3 hours
For passengers on international flightsChildren under 2 years old are admitted free of charge
There is a separate area for smokers
On the balcony in the left wing of the 3rd floor of Terminal F, at gate No. 3Around the clock
passengers are allowed to visit the lounge 2 hours before departure
Hall with maximum amenities
There is a smoking area
On the 3rd tier of Terminal E, at gate No. 37 (next to passport control)Around the clock
Duration of visit – 3 hours
Children under 12 years old are admitted free of charge
Available game Zone and the child's mother's room
There are special rooms for smokers

Business lounges are an opportunity to brighten up the hours while waiting for a plane with maximum comfort, which you should not refuse.


There are several types of airport terminal lounges. The first is the regular area, in which all passengers from economy to business class are located. The second is the lounge area, which can be accessed using a special card or for guests who have a high class of service on the plane.

Business lounges provide passengers with additional privileges. VIP clients relax, work and have lunch in peace and quiet. Every avid traveler should know how to get to the business lounge at the airport. To do this, you need to buy a business class ticket or become a member of the international Priority Pass program.


The best lounges in the world offer passengers an excellent opportunity to visit the lounge area using the Priority Pass card.International program participants can use premium service while waiting for their flight.

At airports in business lounges with Priority Pass you can get the following privileges and services:

  1. Passengers relax on comfortable armchairs and sofas. Lounge areas provide slip boxes. This option is paid separately and is not available in all luxury lounges.
  2. Free press and newspapers are freely available. There are magazines in national and English languages.
  3. Meals in the halls are free. In most cases it is a buffet. Some lounges offer restaurant menus and food is delivered.
  4. Coffee, tea, water and carbonated soft drinks are free. Alcohol is only available to persons over 18 years of age and is available for a fee. Only local beer or wine can be taken for free.
  5. Before departure, you can freshen up in the shower room and put your thoughts in order. But the shower is not always free, and you will also have to pay for swimwear.
  6. Most lounges offer meeting space if you need to hold business meetings that weren't previously scheduled. The meeting room is always provided for a fee. In rare cases, business class passengers can use it for free. It all depends on the administrator of the hall, who sets the restrictions.

Particular comfort is felt in the business lounge when there are connecting flights and you need to wait a long time for the next boarding of the aircraft.

Travelers also have a toilet, flight display, TV, telephone, copy equipment and areas for charging electronic gadgets at their disposal.

Economy class

Access to airport business lounges is possible when flying in economy class.How to get to the business lounge?

To do this, you need to become a member of the international Priority Pass program.

If you travel frequently and use regular lounges, sign up for a Priority Pass card soon and get additional privileges.

Economy class passengers have two options for accessing terminal lounges. Namely, apply for a card included in the premium package, or register yourself on the company’s official website.

Registration of a package of services at the bank

It is better to get access to business lounges through a financial institution. It gives you not only the opportunity to use all premium services, but also additional benefits.

Such as an insurance policy, participation in loyalty programs, receiving discounts in some stores, the ability to accumulate miles and exchange them for air tickets with a high class of service or passes to premium lounges.

To gain access to business lounges, you will need to meet certain conditions that the financial institution will require. Passengers who have paid for annual service can access the lounges using Priority Pass.

Also, these conditions may be different. For example, maintaining an average monthly balance on all card accounts of a package of services in the amount of 2 million rubles. or spending on the card in the amount of 50 thousand rubles + the average monthly balance should be 500,000 rubles.

The conditions in each bank are different, so read them carefully and choose for yourself the best option. How much the service costs should be checked with the employees of the organization itself.

The card, which is issued by the issuing bank, as part of the service package, can be debit and credit. Credit cards are issued only to solvent clients who are already 18–21 years old.

The Priority Pass club card itself is issued free of charge. No money will be charged for its reissue in case of loss, theft, damage or expiration.

To visit the business lounge, you only need to present your club membership card; no payment product is needed. If a client has 2 to 8 visits per month available, but not all passes are used, they are not transferred to the next month.

Neither the airport terminal nor the Priority Pass program is responsible for the number of lounge passes issued by the bank. Therefore, all such issues should be resolved with the financial institution.

The Priority Pass card can be obtained when registering for a package of services or connecting premium cards of the Mastercard/Visa system in the following Russian banks: VTB 24, Rosbank, B&N Bank, Alfa, Raiffeisen, Promsvyaz, Unicredit, Sberbank and many others.


Economy class passengers can also gain access to airport business lounges by registering in the program themselves.

Becoming a member of the club is easy and simple. You need to go through a simple registration, select the appropriate tariff plan, pay for the service and receive a Priority Pass card by mail in a month.

Business Class

The third way to gain access to airport lounge areas is to purchase a high-class ticket on the plane.

Visiting the lounge area is free, the cost is already included in the amount paid for the air ticket. An additional entrance fee may be charged to accompanying persons.

Preferred Client

The airport lounge also accommodates passengers traveling to other countries via Star Alliance, SkyTeam and Oneworld.

These airlines provide the opportunity to visit lounge areas for free; you just need to issue a plastic card, which gives you the right to receive privileged service at the airport terminal.

These cards accumulate miles, which can be spent not only on passes to the lounge area, but also on other good services. For example, to upgrade the class of service on an airplane, to check in at business class counters (without queues).


You can get free airport lounge access with the right travel companion.

To visit the lounge area, you can ask your companion if he has a Priority Pass card. Some banks allow access to business lounges not only for holders free of charge, but also for one accompanying person or the person with whom he is flying.

To visit the lounges, the holder just needs to provide a Priority Pass card and mention his companion. This applies not only at Sheremetyevo Airport, but all over the world.

If the card holder passed for free, plus he was charged $27 for a companion, he should contact the issuing bank’s hotline and resolve this issue peacefully. The hall staff do not have sufficient qualifications to help you with this.

There are many ways to visit airport lounges for free. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and use it, enjoying the comfort and aromatic coffee alone in a large airport.

Many passengers have to wait for their flight at the airport. For a comfortable stay, employees offer a business lounge and a VIP lounge, which differ from the standard ones nearby. additional services. A logical question arises - how to get to the business lounge at the airport? There are several methods, including free and paid entry.


In the terminals of each air terminal there are rooms where passengers wait for their flight. Standard sectors are not intended for long stays - uncomfortable chairs and a constant sitting position. This is not entirely convenient for pregnant women, passengers with spinal problems and people with small children.

In order to have a snack or drink a cup of coffee, you will have to leave the sector and go in search of a food outlet. It is not a fact that during this time the chair will not be occupied, and you will not have to look for a free one.

In standard rooms it is impossible to completely relax, unwind and concentrate on doing anything. Some airports do not provide free wireless Internet to general passengers.

Airport business lounge

Many people prefer to wait for their flight in the lounge area, where there is everything for a comfortable time. Premium lounges at airports are designed for everyone who values ​​high-quality service.

Note! An airport building usually has one VIP lounge, while there may be several business lounges. They are served by the airport itself and carrier companies. For example, when flying with one carrier, a person cannot get into the luxury lounge of another company. He has access to the business lounge of the airport itself or the carrier whose flight he is waiting for.

The VIP lounge resembles a miniature airport. Inspection and customs control services are available for passengers. A departing person enters the business lounge only after he has gone through all the registration procedures independently in the airport building. Baggage and hand luggage the passenger also moves it himself. Employees of the VIP lounges meet departing passengers at the parking lot, pick up their belongings and promptly deliver them to the waiting room, and then on board the aircraft.

The VIP lounge, unlike the business lounge, serves not only departing passengers, but also arriving guests. The mourners may come to the sector together with the passengers. The business lounge does not have such privileges, as it is located in a clean area of ​​the airport.

Important! One of the benefits of the business lounge is free food. Passengers in the VIP lounge can also dine in a comfortable restaurant located in the sector, but for an additional fee.

Premium passengers can take a shower in the business lounge. In the VIP room, this service is provided only with additional reservations.

VIP lounge Domodedovo

Advantages of the lounge area:

  • soft and comfortable sofas in the airport building;
  • free light snacks, drinks and alcohol;
  • TV that works quietly;
  • access for those accompanying the passenger;
  • services of a cosmetologist, hairdresser;
  • playrooms for children;
  • personal escort to the runway of the airfield where the aircraft is based;
  • separate area for pregnant women.

Important! For business people all conditions for work have also been created. The sector has a desktop computer, fax, copier and scanner. There is free wireless Internet throughout the airport.

In the lounge area it is possible to rent a conference room where you can hold a meeting with partners or employees. Entrance to the VIP lounge of each airport can be granted to any person accompanying the passenger.

In the leisure sector, every passenger must comply with the rules of conduct. If the departing citizen or his entourage behaves noisily, the administration has the right to ask them to leave the area. The same applies to passengers with small children. Since alcohol is available in the recreation area, if a passenger drinks a lot and begins to behave inappropriately, the administration also has the right to ask him to leave the premises.

There is a specific dress code for entering the lounge area. Men, for example, in beach shorts, flip-flops and women in only a swimsuit cannot enter the sector.

Attention! The passenger bears all financial responsibility for damage to property, even if admission was free.

How to get to the lounge area

Lounge area Sheremetyevo

If a passenger wants to get into the VIP lounge, they must book the service a few days before the intended trip. In order to do this, you need to call the airport administration or send an application by email. If payment has been made in 100% volume, services will be provided upon arrival. If a passenger arrives at the airport terminal and has already decided to use the lounge area, he needs to contact the administration. If the flight is more than 2 hours away, the service will be provided.

To find the administration or a map for access to the cozy business lounges of airports, you can use the information desk, where the passenger will be explained where to go.

Note! In order to get into the business lounge, passengers with an economy class ticket must be a Priority Pass holder or participate in the Lounge Pass loyalty program.

These are club cards that can be obtained in several ways:

  • Russian banks offer such a card to all credit or debit card holders with statuses above the Gold level.
  • A bank client can independently apply for participation in the program.
  • Order a card through the official website. In this case, the annual service is 99 euros*. Removal Money occurs through partner banks.

Important! To enter the luxury lounge, you must present a card. In Moscow, all airports are served by them - Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Pulkovo.

Each bank sets its own conditions for using the program:

  • fixed number of free visits;
  • unlimited visits for 12 months;
  • fixed cost for each visit - from 24 euros*.

Banking institutions that offer Priority Pass include Sberbank, Bank of Moscow, Raiffeisen, Tinkoff, Promsvyaz Bank, Unicredit Bank and many others.

Priority Pass card

The Sberbank Premier program from Sberbank involves:

  • service cost - 2500 rubles* monthly;
  • if the turnover of funds on all cards and accounts of the client is more than 2.5 million rubles, no commission is charged;
  • free access to business lounges for the cardholder and four accompanying persons.

Russian Standard Bank and Imperia Platinum card (MasterCard World Signia):

  • annual fee - 15,000 rubles*;
  • free access to business lounges throughout the year for program participants; a separate fee is charged for accompanying persons.

Privilege package from VTB 24:

  • annual fee 30,000 rubles*;
  • free access to luxury lounges for the entire duration of the program.

First Class package from RosEvroBank:

  • monthly payment - 2500 rubles*;
  • free service if the turnover of funds in bank accounts exceeds 200,000 rubles;
  • free visit to the VIP lounge for the card holder and access for one accompanying person.

Aeroflot Gold Card

PRIME package from UniCredit Bank:

  • monthly payment for participation in the program - 30,000 rubles*;
  • there is no monthly payment if the amount of funds on all deposits opened with UniCredit Bank exceeds 2,000,000 rubles;
  • free access to the lounge area for a program participant and one accompanying person.

Raiffeisenbank and Visa Platinum and MasterCard World Black Edition cards:

  • Priority Pass is issued as part of the provision of services at the Premium tariff;
  • monthly service 3,000 rubles*;
  • free card servicing if the monthly turnover on cards exceeds 2,000,000 rubles;
  • free unlimited access to the lounge area by the program participant and one accompanying person.

If the club card was ordered through the official website, the client chooses one of the payment options:

  • Basic tariff. Annual fee 99 euros*, each visit 24 euros* per person.
  • Economy tariff. The annual fee is 250 euros*, during the year the passenger has 10 free visits to the business lounge, however, for each guest you are required to pay up to 24 euros*.
  • Premium tariff. Annual fee 400 euros*. Throughout the year, visiting the lounge area by the cardholder is free, but there is a fixed amount for each guest. Guests can enter only after withdrawing a certain amount of money from the card.

Note! The cost of using the Lounge Pass card depends on the airport. For example, in Domodedovo, service under this program is about 1,800 rubles*; a discount system has been developed for children - 1,000 rubles*. As for the latter, this cost is only for children under 7 years old. You must present a passport or birth certificate to confirm your age.

If you buy a ticket for a business class flight, you do not need to pay anything to get into the VIP zone. The cost of a comfortable stay is already included in the ticket price.

Diners Club Lounges

Citibank has developed a loyalty system. Conditions: 3,000 rubles* per month, if the balance is up to 2.5 million rubles. If the amount is higher, servicing the Citigold Loyalty Card is free. With its help you can get into a room of increased comfort in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don.

The Diners Club Lounges program was developed by Russian Standard Bank. With its help you can get into the VIP lounge at 96 airports around the world. In the Russian Federation, several types of cards are issued for visiting the lounge area:

  • 3 visits per year free of charge upon payment of an annual fee of 10,000 rubles*;
  • 1 visit per 12 months is free when you pay an annual fee of 3,000 rubles*.

Important! If all the conditions for receiving a card are met, but the banking institution has not issued it, you must contact an employee.

Free access to VIP

Some airlines, as part of their loyalty program, offer their passengers free access to VIP lounges:

  • Aeroflot - gold card, as well as SkyTeam Elite Plus. Valid not only in Moscow, but also at other airports where the company serves.
  • "Transaero" - silver and gold cards.
  • Air France-KLM - Gold and Platinum cards, as well as SkyTeam Elite Plus.
  • British Airways - Silver and Gold cards, as well as Oneworld Sapphire and Oneworld Emerald.
  • Lufthansa - Frequent Traveler cards (access only to Lufthansa Group's own lounges), Senator and HON Circle cards, as well as Star Alliance Gold.
  • S7 Airlines (Siberia) - gold and platinum cards, as well as Oneworld Sapphire and Oneworld Emerald.

Important! To obtain the card, you must fly a large number of flights with one of the companies mentioned above. The validity period of the card depends on the company, on average 1 year.

Whether to wait for your flight in comfortable conditions or not is everyone’s personal choice. Many people prefer to pay for high-quality service. It is worth remembering that you can also get into the business lounge for free if you have been a passenger of a certain company for many years.

*Prices shown above are current as of July 2018