Drawing notes are my favorite. “My Favorite Animals” notes on drawing, middle group

Drawing lesson “My favorite pets”.

(With children of senior preschool age.)

Target . Teach children to depict objects of different shapes and sizes in drawings, based on the results of their impressions; navigate the space of a sheet of paper.



Learn to depict animals from rounded shapes: highlight the main shape of large parts in an object, convey their position (an animal in motion, add small details, convey proportions).

Practice the skill of voluntarily regulating the pressure on a simple graphite pencil when creating a preparatory drawing.

Teach children to paint over an image of an object along its outline.

Correctional and developmental

To develop the eye and mental activity of children. Strengthen children's knowledge about domestic animals, pexpand active and passive vocabulary.


To cultivate in children responsiveness, attentiveness, kindness to others, the ability to empathize and help them in case of trouble.

Dictionary: four-legged friends, help out, body parts, silhouette.

Equipment. Cards – silhouettes depicting pets; demonstration material - pictures depicting the same domestic animals; easel; magnetic board; album sheet for each child; envelope with letter; riddle about a dog; simple and colored pencils.

Methodical techniques:

motivation for activity; telling a riddle; questions for children; problematic situation; exercises to develop fine motor skills; finger gymnastics; exercises to develop lexical and grammatical categories; exercises to develop logical thinking; physical minute; conversation with children; surprise moment; result of the lesson.

Relationship with other activities .

Cognitive and research: observations of a dog and a cat while walking; reading books, learning finger exercises about pets, looking at illustrations in books, asking riddles about pets; designing buildings for pets. Musical: singing songs and learning musical scenes about pets.

Progress of the lesson .

Look what the postman brought us. What is this? (letter)

Guys, do you want to know who the letter came from? Then guess the riddle:

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarded
Lives under the porch
Tail in a ring.

The teacher praises the children: “You guessed the riddle correctly. The letter came from our friend – the dog Sharik. How can you find out what is in this letter? (You can read it. You must first open the envelope). Who will read the letter? (You can ask an adult). How can you ask, with what polite words? (Please help us read the letter) I am happy to help you and of course I will now open the envelope and read it. This is what he writes: “Dear guys! I woke up in the morning in my booth and immediately went to visit my friends. Yes, what grief! It turns out that while I was sleeping, an evil wizard bewitched them all and turned them into silhouettes (outlines). The owner will return soon and will be very upset. What should we do now? I know that you are great friends with pets, which is why I am turning to you for help. Please help me disenchant all my friends. Thank you in advance, faithful dog Sharik.

Well, children, let's help our four-legged friends, pets.

Guys, the dog Sharik sent us silhouettes of all the enchanted pets. Let's look at them carefully.

Did. game "Contours".

Please come to the first easel.” The teacher puts pictures with outlines of enchanted animals on the easel and asks questions: “Who is this? Why do you think so? What do you know about a cow? What benefits does it bring? How can you call her affectionately? (Cow). Etc. about all domestic animals: horse, pig, goat, cat. dog.

Children, we have looked at all the silhouettes. Well done, did you immediately guess whose they were? Since we all love our four-legged helpers, pets, we are friends with them and know everything about them, we can easily help them. To do this, we need to draw them with magic paints and pencils. Let's cast a fairy spell so that miracles will come to us."

Children say the words:

Clap, stomp, bow,

Turn around yourself.

Let the brush become magical!

Draw and don't be lazy.

Let your pencils

They will try their best.

Overcome the evil spell,

Free all your friends! »

The teacher continues: “So, children, our paints, brushes and pencils have become magical, but not everyone can draw with them. Only those who can and know how to draw. Only then will miracles appear. But you and I know how to draw animals, right? Let's remember the basic rules for drawing pets.

Go to the second easel, look, who do you see here? (pictures with illustrations of pets.)

Tell me, what body parts do all animals have? “Children list: “torso, head, paws (legs), ears, tail.” At the same time, the teacher shows these parts in pictures and asks the children what shape they are. Which part of the body will we start drawing the animal from? That's right, from the largest one, from the body. And when we draw small details? At the very end of your work. Well done! You remembered everything, you know everything. For the magic to happen in your drawings, your fingers must do exercises.

Finger gymnastics "Pets".

One two three four five,

What should we call animals? (we bend the fingers on the left hand one by one)

The closest, the most faithful -

Everyone probably knows them (clap our hands).

Horse, cow, goat, dog and cat (use the index finger of the left hand to bend the fingers on the right hand).

What should we call them?

Think a little (we spread our arms to the sides, as if asking others).

They live together in the house with the owner (we depict the roof of the house above our heads with our hands),

So, everyone calls them home.

Guys, think about who you will draw, what pet you like best. Well, now let's go to the tables. It's time to rescue animals from trouble.

(Children sit at tables and draw, the teacher reminds how to sit at the table, helps with advice.)

Children, a magic spell helped us. You all did wonderful work (portraits). Let's take them to the exhibition and look at them. Slowly, don’t rush, bring your drawings to the table (to me).

Analysis of finished works .

The teacher calls 2-3 children for analysis. Children show the drawing they like and explain why they liked it.

Summary of the lesson.

Who did you help today? Why did pets become our four-legged friends?

Summary of a drawing lesson in middle group

Topic: “My favorite fairy-tale hero”


Involve children in the revival of folk traditions, through artistic creativity.



To consolidate an understanding of the features of depicting fairy-tale images of animals.

Learn to create collective work - illustrations for the book.

Continue learning how to mix paints to get different shades.


Develop children's creative imagination


To cultivate a sense of patriotism for folk art.


Illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” by artist E. Rachev.

Toys: bunny, bun.

White A4 paper.

Gouache, brushes.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale Kolobok

Tinting paper with kids

Drawing trees, paths, sun, grass and buns

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher on the carpet (fairy-tale meadow)

Educator: Guys, close your eyes and now we will find ourselves in a fairy-tale meadow.

There are many different fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

But to live in the world

We can't live without them.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead

A fairy tale will knock on the door -

Let's say to the guest: "Come in."

V.A. Steklova

Educator: Open your eyes and here we are in a fairy-tale meadow.

The teacher shows an episode of a meeting between a bun and a bunny. (puppet show)

Educator: The fairy tale has already come to us. What fairy tale came to visit us?

Children: Kolobok

Children: with wolf, bear, fox.

Children look at illustrations for a fairy tale.

Educator: What shape is the body of a wolf, bear, fox?

Children: (oval)

Educator: What shape is the head?

Children: (round)

Educator: What color is the bear?

Children: Brown

Educator: What color is the wolf?

Children: Gray

Educator: What color is the fox?

Children: Red

Educator: Let's see how else animals differ from each other? What kind of ears does a bunny have?

Children: Long

Educator: What about the bear?

Children: Short

Educator: What kind of tails do animals have? What kind of tail does a fox have?

Children: Long fluffy

Educator: What about the wolf? The hare?

Children: The wolf has a gray one, the hare has a small, short one.

Educator: Now let's warm up a little

Physical education for a minute

Like our animals (Clap your hands.)

The paws are knocking merrily:

Top-top-top, top-top-top. (Stamping feet.)

And my legs are tired,

Hands clap:

Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. (Clap your hands.)

And then squat down (Squats.)

Animals dance nearby. (Jumping in place.)

And when they start running - (Running in place.)

No one can catch them.

Educator: And when the bun met the fox, what happened? The fox is cunning, what did she do with Kolobok?

Children: She asked the bun to sit on her tongue and sing one last time. And she ate it herself.

Educator: Do you remember the fairy tale “Kolobok”? Do you like this fairy tale?

Children: Yes, I like it

The teacher offers to draw pictures for this fairy tale and make a book out of them.

Finger gymnastics

There is a house in a clearing,

Well, the path to the house is closed,

We are opening the gates

We invite you to this house.

Educator: “What animal from a fairy tale do you want to draw?

Children: Bear, hare, fox, wolf

Educator: Who will draw a bear?

Children: I (Varya)

Educator: Who will draw a hare?

Children: I (Ksyusha)

Educator: Who will draw a wolf?

Children: Me (Andrey)

Educator: Who will draw a fox?

Children: I (Alexey)

Educator: Guys, now I will give you our prepared works. On them we will continue to draw animals from the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

The teacher and the children lay out the drawings on the table in a certain sequence.

Educator: When the drawings are dry, we will make a book.

Educator: Guys, you are great. What wonderful illustrations you have created.

Educator: Do you know that miracles happen in fairy tales?

Educator: Oh guys, here’s a miracle, some kind of basket. I wonder what's in it? (there is a basket on the stump)

Educator: Shows the children what is in the basket. It's probably the fairy tale characters who left you some treats. Let's say thank you to them.

MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 436

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group

“My favorite hero from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Compiled and conducted

Educator: Nikitina L.V.


To improve the artistic, speech and visual skills of children through the creativity of K. I. Chukovsky.

- Educational: Strengthen the ability to convey the emotional state of fairy tale characters using various expressive means (voice, facial expressions, gestures). Learn to display in a drawing character traits favorite hero. Strengthen the skills of carefully painting images on a sheet of paper.
- Developmental: Improve visual skills in working with colored pencils and felt-tip pens. Develop creative imagination when creating the image of a fairy-tale hero.
- Educational : Cultivate interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky, love for his fairy tales.
Equipment: Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, books with his works and illustrations for them. Elements of costumes, masks, attributes. Sheets of paper (A 4 format), colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Methodical techniques:
Verbal: Game motivation - traveling through fairy tales, pronouncing proverbs, the game “Say a word”, musical accompaniment.
Visual: Illustrations for fairy tales by various artists, drawings.
Practical: Looking at books, dramatizing an excerpt from the fairy tale “Fly - Tsokotukha”, holding a dynamic pause, drawing fairy-tale characters.
Preliminary work:Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky.
Watching cartoons based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky. Listening to fairy tales, looking at illustrations, conducting a conversation on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

Progress of the lesson:
Organizational part. Exercise “Zoo Confusion”
- Guys, today we are going to visit Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was a cheerful person and loved jokes. Therefore, in order to visit him, you need to get a joke ticket. Take a look at these pictures and guess which animals, birds or insects you know these creatures resemble.(The teacher shows pictures of strange animals. The children guess what animals they resemble.) The teacher gives the children tickets.

Main part. Conversation about fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.
- Now that you have all received your tickets, come in and make yourself more comfortable. Take a look at the portrait, it depicts Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. What a gentle and cheerful look he has. He loved children very much and composed fairy tales and poems for them. For this they called him “Grandfather Korney” - by his first name, or “Grandfather Chukovsky” - by his last name.
What fairy tales of Grandfather Chukovsky do you know? (Children's answers).
- That's right, the most famous children's works:
"Fly Tsokotukha"
"Stolen Sun"
"Fedorino grief"
(The teacher pronounces the names of fairy tales and shows the children illustrations of the corresponding books.)
- K.I. Chukovsky loved animals, so his fairy tales always contain a lot of animals, birds, and insects. Let's remember some of them. Remember the heroes of the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly”. (An excerpt from a fairy tale is staged.)

The game “Say the Word” is played.
- Now we’ll play with you. I will read excerpts from fairy tales, and you will complete the words. And if you remember the name of the fairy tales, be sure to tell me. And choose among the illustrations those that were drawn specifically for this fairy tale.
And with him the mother hare
I also went dancing.
And she laughs and shouts:
“Well, thank you, ... (Aibolit)!” "Aibolit"

And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They are jumping along ... (path). "Fedorino grief"

The Bear approached quietly,
He pushed him lightly:
“I’m telling you, villain, Spit out the sun... (quickly)!” "Stolen Sun"

Suddenly a Little Mosquito flies from somewhere,
And in his hand the Little ... (flashlight) is burning. "Fly Tsokotukha"

And then the bunnies called:
- Is it possible to send... (gloves)?
And then the monkeys called: - Please send... (books)! "Telephone"

Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,
Bowlegged and lame,
The washbasin runs out and shakes... (his head). "Moidodyr"

But one morning a kangaroo galloped up, saw a barbel, and shouted in the heat of the moment: “Is this a giant? (Ha ha ha) It's just... (cockroach)! (Ha ha ha) "Cockroach"

Dynamic pause “Visiting”
The teacher shows pictures depicting heroes of fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky. Children perform movements in accordance with the text and as shown by the teacher.
To visit Moidodyr: Hurry up everyone,
Together with Moidodyr
Dance merrily. La-la-la-la-la-la-la.
To visit Fedora: Hurry up everyone,
Together with Fedora
Dance merrily.
To visit Tsokotukha: Hurry up everyone,
Together with Mukha
Dance merrily. Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa.
To visit Aibolit: Hurry up everyone,
Together with Aibolit
Dance merrily! Well, well, well, well, well, well, well.
Pure speech
He-he-he - my phone rang,
yr-yr-yr – loves Moidodyr water.
Il-il-il - The crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky.

MAOU "School No. 201 of the city of Belogorsk"

"My favorite animals"

OD drawing summary


Target: development of visual skills and artistic and aesthetic abilities of children 4-5 years old.


2. Learn to draw a cockerel by recognizing it by its voice;

3. Develop thinking and imagination through the ability to distinguish a familiar image by listening to a soundtrack,

4. Cultivate positive emotions and friendly relationships between peers in the process of joint activities.

Equipment: Music center, Pencils (plain and colored),

album sheets.


    visual - illustration: rooster.

    literary - puzzles;

Scenario educational activities:

Greeting children. The musical composition sounds: “Sounds of Nature.” The teacher asks riddles about pets, and the children guess.

Educator. Children, there are also musical riddles. Listen. Who does this look like?

Children guess who can make such sounds.

Teacher (explains the rules). Having recognized the “owner” of the voice, you need to raise your hand. When the answer is correct, everyone claps.

The musical theme song “Cockerel” plays.

Children start drawing.

Educator. When you draw, you need to maintain proportions.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher places the drawings in a row for easy viewing. Together with children, he analyzes works and gives encouragement ("Young Artist" medals).

The musical composition sounds: “Sounds of Nature.”