Filling AWB. Air waybill: document confirming the existence of a contract for transportation Air waybill number

Cargo transportation aircraft has a number of features and must be carried out taking into account certain requirements. One of the features of such transportation is the air waybill. This document does not refer to waybills in the full sense of the word and does not have a transfer function.

Essentially, it contains information certifying the existence of a contract for air delivery and the conditions under which such delivery is carried out. There are also situations in which an air waybill can act as a customs declaration - in this case it should contain the maximum amount of data about the product. Unfortunately, in our country there are no simplified procedures for moving goods internationally and this rule does not apply.

The international name for the air waybill in English is (abbreviation AWB). To transmit information, check the status and track the current position of shipped products, an eleven-digit number is used. The three digits at the beginning of the number indicate the airport to which the transport takes place, according to IATA. The next seven digits form the actual serial number of the air waybill, and the last digit is a control number and is calculated using a certain formula.

Features of the air waybill

An air waybill is a document consisting of several copies. Usually their number varies from 8 to 12. Including three original documents, on the reverse side of which the text of the contract is printed. The remaining copies are their copies.

Original air waybills are intended for the following cargo transportation participants:

  • For the sender of the cargo or consignment.
  • For the recipient of the goods.
  • For a transport company (carrier).

Copies of air waybills are provided to other transportation participants, including:

  • Transit carriers.
  • The airport from which the cargo is sent.
  • The airport receiving the cargo.
  • Transit airports.
  • Authorized Agent.

IN modern form the invoice can be issued as a main or home invoice. Main has the prefix “Master” and is designated by the abbreviation MAWB. Home includes the English prefix “House” in its name and, accordingly, is denoted by the abbreviation HAWB. The master waybill has the number of the aviation company indicated by this company, as well as information about agents in the state from which the goods are shipped and in the state to which it is shipped. Home option, on the contrary, is not appointed by the airline, but by an agent, and contains information about the supplier and recipient based on the attached invoice. There is also a third option, in which the data of the master invoice and home invoice are combined.

An air waybill intended for sending goods must contain the following stamps:

  • Warehouse stamp.
  • A stamp confirming approval by the flight safety control service.
  • The agent's stamp confirming that he is familiar with the characteristics of the shipment.
  • Stamp of the customs authority.

What information does the air waybill contain: sample

There are certain rules and regulations for filling out air waybills. Decor of this document requires knowledge and experience, but in general the diagram looks like this. The shipper of the cargo submits an application in a certain form (for dangerous goods the application differs from the standard one). The application does not apply to strict reporting documents and can be filled out in Russian or international language (English).

  • IATA code of departure airport.
  • Carrier details.
  • Details of the sender of the cargo (including a two-letter state code).
  • Sender's account number (indicated if necessary).
  • Data of the cargo recipient (address, name, country code, etc.).
  • Recipient's account number (indicated as necessary).
  • Agent code according to IATA classification.
  • IATA code of departure airport with transportation route.
  • IATA code of the receiving or transit airport.
  • Data on payment type and calculations.
  • Currency code of the sender's country.
  • Cost and fee information.
  • Information about the actual value of the shipment, including for customs authorities.
  • Flight number and other data for the carrier.
  • Insurance information.
  • Information about special measures that must be observed during transportation and storage of cargo.
  • Information about the number of spaces occupied by cargo.
  • Information about the weight of the cargo.
  • Data on the tariff level (indicated in the form of one letter in accordance with the international classification).
  • Other technical data and data on payment for shipment and various fees.

A well-drafted air waybill allows you to avoid errors in the process of transporting goods by air. To do this, it is necessary to have information about existing international designations, technical specifications cargo, the presence of certain customs and other fees, as well as other information, without which transportation may be difficult. Our highly qualified specialists with extensive experience will help you understand these issues.

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IATA standards for completing an air waybill



CSC (17) 600a


For international cargo transport, IATA members must use air waybills in the form specified in Annexes A and B.

An air waybill is a document that can be designated either as an airline air waybill with a printed issuing carrier identification code, or as a neutral air waybill without an issuing carrier code, which can be used by carriers other than air carriers.

3. The issuing carrier is either:

3.1. in the case of a "carrier air waybill", the carrier whose form of air waybill is used, or

3.2. in the case of a neutral air waybill, either:

3.2.1. the first carrier, or

3.2.2. the intended participating carrier on the route, or

3.2.3. a carrier acting as a handling agent or selling agent for the first carrier in the country of origin.

4. The Neutral Air Waybill can only be used if completed by a computer system.

5. Proposals for changes to Annexes A and B may be submitted by any IATA Member to the Cargo Systems and Procedures Committee (CSPC).

6. The Committee (CSPC) accepts all proposals or either accepts, rejects, or refers the proposals to the next meeting.

7. Both members of the CSPC and other IATA Members participating in CSPC meetings with voting rights may vote on proposals to amend the annexes to Resolution 600a. Abstention is counted as a vote for acceptance of the proposal.

8. If changes to Appendices “A” and “B”:

8.2. If the changes are not adopted unanimously, but only by a majority vote, the Secretary will include the proposals on the agenda of the next Freight Transport Conference (CSC).

9. Any IATA Member may, within 45 days after the Notice of Change is sent, protest the changes to the Secretary of the Committee (CSPC), indicating specific reasons for his disagreement, the Secretary of the Committee will immediately notify all IATA Members of receipt of the protest.

10. Upon receipt of the protest, the secretary does not declare the change accepted and the proposed changes are included in the agenda of the next Conference (CSC).

11. Changes to Appendix A adopted by the Committee (CSPC) shall not come into force until the next production of air waybills, but not later than 18 months after the declaration of validity of these changes.


* This resolution has been served on all IATA freight agents.

See also:

OST 54-8-233.78-2001Transportation documents of strict reporting on air transport. Requirements and procedure for their registration

OrderMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 1995 N DV-104 On approval and registration of forms transportation documents strict reporting


Appendix "A"

Air waybill - technical requirements


1.1. An air waybill is a document that can be designated either as an airline air waybill with a printed issuing carrier identification code, or as a neutral air waybill without an issuing carrier code, which can be used by carriers other than air carriers.


The external dimensions of the air waybill must be from 208 mm to 230 mm wide and from 274 mm to 305 mm long. The dimensions of the columns and their distance above and to the left must be made in strict accordance with addition "A".


The carrier's air waybill package must be printed as follows:

3.1. Original 3 (for the sender) must have the layout, filling and shade in accordance with Appendix “B”;

3.2. Copy 4 (receipt of receipt) must have the layout, filling, and shade in accordance with Appendix “C”;

3.3. Original 1 (for the issuing carrier) and Original 2 (for the recipient) must have the layout, padding and shade as specified in Exhibit "D".

3.4. All other copies must have the layout, padding, and shading as specified in Exhibit "E";

3.5. The carrier's air waybill must consist of a minimum of eight copies in the order, color and markings as follows:



Copy 8 (for agent)

Original 1 (for issuing carrier)

Original 2 (for recipient)

Copy b (additional copy)









3.6. Additional parts having the location, description and shades in accordance with Attachment "E" may be included in the carrier's air waybill in a maximum of 5 copies printed on white paper marked "Copy XX" (additional copy for the carrier), where XX shall indicate the carrier's air waybill copy number and should be located immediately after Original 1 (for the issuing carrier);

3.7. Despite the conditions described in paragraphs. 3.5. and 3.6. if the air carrier uses automated system air waybill issuance:

3.7.1. The carrier's air waybill must contain at least 3 originals.

3.7.2. other parts of the carrier's air waybill may be issued automatically at the point of departure, intermediate transfer point or destination airport, if necessary.

3.7.3. when transferring cargo to another carrier, the latter must be provided with at least 5 copies, of which 1 is Original 2 (for the recipient) and 1 is Copy 4 (receipt receipt).

3.7.4. The special parts of the carrier's air waybill must be the same color as the corresponding parts of the carrier's hand-issued air waybill, except for Original 3 (shipper) and Original 1 (issuing carrier), which may be white.


The Neutral Air Waybill must be printed as follows:

4.1. Original 3 (for the sender) must have the layout, filling and shade in accordance with Appendix “B”.

4.2. Copy 4 (receipt receipt) must have the layout, filling and shade in accordance with Appendix “C”.

4.3. Original 1 (for the issuing carrier) and Original 2 (for the recipient) must be laid out, filled and shaded in accordance with "D".

4.4. All other copies must have the layout, filling and shade in accordance with Appendix "E".

4.5. A neutral air waybill may consist of either a minimum of 8 copies in the order, color and markings shown in clause 4.5.1., or of 2 parts of at least 4 copies in the order, color and markings shown in clause 4.5.2.:

4.5.1. One set of 8 copies: Title



Original 3 (for sender)


Copy 8 (for agent)


Original 1

(for issuing carrier)


Original 2 (for recipient)


Copy 4 (receipt receipt)


Copy 5 (additional copy)


Copy 6 (additional copy)


Copy 7 (additional copy)


4.5.2. Two sets of 4 copies each:

First set



1. Original 3 (for sender)


2. Copy 8 (for agent)


3. Original 1 (for issuing carrier)


4. Copy 7 (additional copy for the carrier)


Second set



1. Original 2 (for recipient)

2. Copy 4 (receipt receipt)

3. Copy 5 (additional copy)

4. Copy 6 (additional copy)





4.6. The paper and carbon copy must be of such quality that each copy can be read.

4.7. The fastening of sheets should:

4.7.1. provide strength so that they will not disintegrate during normal processing, and

4.7.2. be cut so that any copy can be easily torn off without disturbing the overall bond.


5.1. In addition to the information illustrated in Attachments "B" through "E":

5.1.1. the air waybill number must be located in the upper left corner, upper right corner and lower right corner on all copies of the carrier's air waybill as shown in Attachment "A";

5.1.2. The air waybill number consists of a three-digit numeric code of the IATA member airline (issuing carrier) and an eight-digit serial number, including the test mark - the last digit of the number.

5.1.3. the check digit is calculated using the conditional module of the seven-digit system;

5.1.4. the serial number must be in numbers of the same size and style as the airline code;

5.1.5. Separating hyphens are located between the airline code and the number in the upper right and lower right corners of the air waybill.

5.1.6. in the “signature of the sender” column, the part concerning the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, starting with the words “if...” should be printed in bold.

5.2. In addition to the information illustrated in Attachments "B" - "E", the following details may be reflected at the airport at the discretion of the carrier:

5.2.1. There may be a space between the fourth and fifth digits of the number.

5.2.2. The carrier's emblem may be printed in the "name and address of issuing carrier" column.

5.2.3. information containing the terms of the carrier's contract may be printed on all copies of the air waybill that are not originals, except for copy 4 (receipt receipt).

5.2.5. The “Flight/Date” and “For Carrier Use Only” columns may not have headings.

5.2.6. the words “also notify” can be placed in the “Payment Information” column and are intended only for transportation on internal lines.

5.2.7. The columns “Insurance Amount” and “Insurance” may be shaded and not named.

5.2.8. to the right of the “Insurance” column there may be a “TC” column (transaction correction), the size of which is limited to the size of two letters.

5.2.9. The Processing Information column can include up to five printed subheadings. A box called "SCI" ​​(for special customs information), measuring 8 mm by 30 mm, is located in the lower left corner of this box (filling in this box is mandatory)

5.2.10. When an air waybill is issued in the United States, the Handling Information column may include the phrase: “These items are licensed by the United States to their final destination... Any contravention of United States law is prohibited.”

5.2.11. The designation of the most frequently charged fees and charges may be printed on the first two lines of the “Other fees” column.

5.2.12. “Tax” columns may be shaded and untitled.

5.2.13. Any special services provided may be listed in the shaded boxes under "General Other Carrier Charges."

5.2.14. The language(s) or notes may be printed at the very bottom of the air waybill and indicate that the air waybill verbalization may be in another language and where this may be done.

5.2.15. Barcoded air waybill numbers may be printed in accordance with Recommended Practice 1600t but should be distributed in the locations specified in Annexes F/l, F/2.

5.2.16. no additional information should be printed and/or overprinted on the numbered air waybill.


6.1. In addition to the information illustrated in Appendix "B" - "E":

6.1.1. in the column “Signature of the sender”, the part concerning the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods with the words “if...” should be printed in bold type;

6.1.2. In the lower left corner on all copies of the air waybill, a link to the manufacturer must be printed in the following sequence: manufacturer's name date of manufacture

6.1.3. Contents of the following columns of the neutral air waybill, which can be printed: issuing agent of the air carrier, column "Name", "City" indicating the city and name of the issuing air carrier column "IATA Agent Code" indicating the IATA agent code number the column “Signature of the sender or his agent” with the name of the agent.

6.2. No additional information may be printed and/or reprinted on the neutral air waybill.


7.1. The valid terms and conditions of the Contract must be printed on three originals of the numbered air waybill.

7.2. Local Contract Conditions, separate from the valid IATA Contract Conditions, may be additionally printed on the numbered air waybill at the carrier's option.


Appendix A Appendix A


Appendix "B"



1.1. An air waybill is a document that can be designated either as a carrier's air waybill with pre-printed identification of the issuing carrier, or as a neutral air waybill without any form of identification, and used by carriers other than air carriers.

1.2. The issuing carrier or agent must ensure that all required entries are made when issuing the air waybill.

1.2.1. Any changes (including additions) to the information shown or required to be shown on the air waybill made by any subsequent participant in the carriage must be made on all copies of the air waybill and clearly show by which carrier the changes were made. Carrier identification should be placed as close to the change as possible without obscuring other information. This identification must include official name or the designation of the carrier and the accepted abbreviation of the airport or city indicating the location of the change. Changes in the number of air waybills must be in accordance with Resolution 612.

1.3. When cargo is returned due to non-delivery, the new return air waybill must contain:

1.3.1. the number of the original air waybill, located in the "Payment Information" column;

1.3.2. all fees that should have been collected but were not collected from the actual recipient are indicated in the "Other Charges" column, and the total amount is indicated in the "Total Other Charges in Favor of the Carrier" column in the "Payable" column.

1.4. The issuing carrier must not place or cause to be placed on the air waybill any instructions regarding charges that are payable by the recipient and that may be paid by a person other than the recipient; provided that this will not prevent that other person from paying the charges on behalf of the recipient to the carrier receiving the payment.

1.5. In the case of a neutral air waybill, the party issuing the air waybill on behalf of the issuing carrier must first ensure that its use is authorized by the issuing carrier.


The fields on the front of the air waybill must be completed correctly according to the examples contained in this textbook.

Boxes shaded and captioned are used only by the carrier.

Columns that are shaded or untitled are not used.

The numbers circled to the right of the titles of the text below refer to the air waybill illustration shown in Exhibit "A".

2.1. Air waybill number.

If the number is not printed, the number assigned by the issuing carrier is located in the upper left corner, upper right corner and lower right corner. The number must be of sufficient size for easy reading and must contain:

2.1.1. Air carrier code number

The airline's three-digit IATA code must be inserted.

2.1.2. Separating hyphen.

The hyphen is placed between columns 1A and 1B and only in the upper right and lower right corners.

2.1.3. Serial number. The serial number, consisting of eight digits including the check digit, must be indicated in the rightmost position; the check digit is calculated using the conditional module of the seven-digit system; a space may be placed between the fourth and fifth digits of the serial number.

2.2. Departure airport.

The three-letter IATA code of the departure airport (or city when the name of the airport is unknown) must be indicated, which must coincide with the information set out in paragraph

2.3. Name and address of the issuing carrier.

If the name and address of the main office corresponding to the code number (clause 2.1.1.) are not printed, then they must be indicated in accordance with the instructions of the issuing carrier.

This column is not filled in.

This column is not filled in if not used

at the discretion of the issuing carrier.

2.6. Sender.

2.6.1. Sender's name and address. the name, address and country (or two-letter country code) of the sender are indicated; One or more contact methods (telephone, telex or fax) may be indicated below.

2.6.2. Checking account.

2.7. Recipient.

2.7.1. Recipient's name and address The name (title), address and country (or two-letter country code) of the recipient must be entered; One or more contact methods (telephone, telex or fax) may be indicated below.

2.7.2. Recipient's bank account is for carrier use only.

This box is left blank unless used at the discretion of the last carrier.

2.8. Agent of the issuing carrier.

2.8.1. Name and city. the name or location (airport or city) of the IATA freight agent to whom the commission is intended is entered in the column; If commissions are paid to an IATA freight agent in the country of destination, then, in accordance with the Freight Agency Rules, the name and location (airport or city) of such IATA freight agent are entered in the box, accompanied by the note “Agent is entitled to commission.”

2.8.2. IATA code.

If the IATA code of the freight agent mentioned in clause is not printed, it must be entered as follows: In non-CASS territory, a seven-digit IATA code must be entered. In a CASS territory, the seven-digit code must be followed by a three-digit CASS code and a check digit. This check digit is defined as the conditional module of the seven-digit system.

2.8.3. Current account number.

This box is left blank unless used at the discretion of the issuing carrier.

2.9. Route.

2.9.1. Departure airport (first carrier address) and requested route the departure airport is indicated, which must correspond to that specified in clause 2.2; any proposed route must be indicated.

2.9.2. Route and destination airport. to (first carrier)

The three-letter code of the destination airport or the first transfer point (or city, if the name of the airport is unknown because there are several airports in the city) may be indicated; by whom (first carrier)

Name of the first carrier (either Full name or two-digit IATA code): where (by second carrier)

The three-letter code of the destination airport or the second transfer point (or city, if the name of the airport is unknown, since there are several airports in the city) may be indicated; by whom (second carrier)

The second carrier's two-digit IATA code may be specified; to (third carrier)

The three-letter code of the destination airport or third transfer point (or city, if the name of the airport is unknown, since there are several airports in the city) may be indicated; by whom (third carrier)

A two-digit third carrier code may be entered.

2.9.3. Destination airport.

The destination airport of the last carrier must be indicated (or the city if the name of the airport is unknown, since there are several airports in the city).

2.9.4. "Flight/date - for carrier use only

To be completed only by participating carriers at their discretion.

2.10. Payment information.

Only payment information required by transportation participants may be provided, such as;

2.10.1. payment by cash or check;

2.10.2. Payment under a Miscellaneous Charges Order (MCO) is only acceptable for baggage transported as cargo; MCO number and coupon value in the same currency as the air waybill; next to it, if provided, the amount deducted from the MCO of the coupon must be indicated, and, in any case, the passenger’s ticket number and route, indicating the flight and date of departure.

2.10.3. payment by government bill of lading

(GBL) indicating its number.

2.10.4. When the cargo is returned as a result of non-claim, the number of the original air waybill must be indicated here on the new air waybill for return transportation.

2.10.5. The sender code number provided by the sender or his agent.

2.10.6. payments by credit card; The credit card number must be provided.

2.10.7. the words “Also Notify” may be printed after the title of the “Payment Information” column (applies to domestic shipments only).

2.11. Currency.

2.11.1. The three-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code of the currency accepted in the country of departure must be entered in accordance with the rules for applying tariffs.

2.11.2. All amounts indicated in the air waybill, except for those indicated in the column “Charges levied in the currency of the country of destination” (columns ZZA to 33D) must be indicated in the currency specified in clause 2.11.1.

2.12. Charge Codes - (for carrier use only).

If air waybill data is transmitted electronically, this field must be completed using one of the following codes:

SA - partially on credit - partial prepayment in cash.

SV - partially on credit - partially paid loan.

CC - collection of all fees

CE - partial payment by credit card - partial prepayment in cash.

CG - collection of all GBL fees

CH - partial payment by credit card - partially paid loan.

SR - cash on arrival

CX - on arrival on credit

CZ - collection of all fees on the credit card

NC - free

PC - partially prepaid in cash - partially collected in cash

PD - partially paid loan - partially collected in cash

RE - partial prepayment by credit card - partial cash collection

PF - partial prepayment by credit card - partial collection by credit card

PG - prepayment of all fees under GBL (Government Bill of Lading)

RN - partially paid by credit card - partially on credit

RR - prepayment of all fees in cash

РХ - payment of all fees on the loan.

PZ - prepayment of all fees by credit card

2.13. Fees.

2.13.1. Weight fee/advertised price the sender or agent must mark the appropriate box 14A or 14B with an "X". the fees indicated in boxes 24A, 25A or 24B, 25B must be, respectively, either fully prepaid or fully collected from the recipient;

2.13D. Other charges at the point of departure the sender or agent must mark "X" in box 15A or 15B as appropriate. fees entered in boxes 27A, 28A or 27B, 28B must be paid in full by the sender or collected from the recipient;

2.13.3. If the information specified in accordance with clause 2.13.1. and 2.13.2., does not correspond to the information specified in accordance with the requirements set out in paragraphs. 2.20. and 2.21., the latter takes priority.

2.14. Declared value for carriage.

2.14.1. The value declared by the sender for transportation is indicated.

2.142. If no value is declared, the letters “NVD” (no value declared) are entered.

2.15. Declared value for customs.

The sender or agent may declare and indicate the customs value, or the letter "NCV" if none is declared, or leave the field blank.

2.16. Amount insured.

2.16.1. Filled in if the column is not shaded and if

the issuing carrier offers this service.

2.16.2. If the column is not darkened and the service is not

offered by the carrier or insurance not

required, enter "XXX".

2.17.Information on processing.

Only clear and brief information as required by participating carriers.

2.17.1. When transporting dangerous goods, the box must print either "Dangerous Goods as per attached Shipper's Declaration" followed, if applicable, by "Cargo Aircraft only" or "Dangerous Goods Shipper's" Declaration Not Required" (Dangerous goods - the sender's declaration is not required).

2.17.2. You can specify, using Cargo-IMP system codes and abbreviations, other cargo handling information such as; marks and figures relating to consolidated cargo and packaging methods; name, address, country or two-letter country code and contact telephone, telex or fax numbers of the organization or person who must be notified of the arrival of the cargo in addition to the recipient; the name of the documents accompanying the air waybill, such as the "Sender's Certificate for Live Animals"; special cargo handling instructions that may be required; if not pre-printed and, if the air waybill is issued in the United States, the statement "These items are licensed in the United States to their final destination. Failure to comply with U.S. laws will not be tolerated"; the customs status of the cargo using the customs code of the point of departure of the Cargo-IMP system (basic element 906) is located in the lower right corner of column 21A

2.18.4. Cargo and tariff application details

For each group of tariffs, a separate group of entries is made, each group on a new line, starting with the paragraph on dangerous goods, if any.

Each group of entries must comply with Appendix B, and the contents of each column must be as shown below.

2.18.1. Number of seats and fare combination the number of pieces of cargo transported; When the tariff or charge shown in box 22G is the result of a combination of tariffs or charges, the box will include the IATA Three-Letter Rate Combination Point (RSP) code in an additional line.

2.18.2. Gross weight. the column indicates the gross weight of the cargo for applying the tariff; The tare weight of packaged cargo is indicated in the additional line of the class X tariff.

2.18.3. Kilograms/lbs

The unit of weight used (kg or lb) is indicated on only one line.

2.18.4. Service code.

Completed at the discretion of the issuing carrier in accordance with Recommended Practice 1600d.

2.18.5. Fare class.

One of the following codes is placed:

M - minimum fee N - basic tariff

Q - weight tariff B - basic fee (at discretion) K - tariff per kilogram (at discretion) C - special product tariff R - reduced class tariff S - increased class tariff U - basic tariff or charge for packaged cargo E - additional tariff for packaged cargo X - additional information on packaged cargo

Y - discount on packaged cargo W - increase in tariff for weight

2.18.6. Product number.

This column is filled in as follows: if a special commodity tariff is applied, then its number according to the IATA tariff directory is indicated in the class “C” or “U” tariff line; if a reduced class fare is applied, the amount of the discount is indicated in the “R” class fare line, preceded by the corresponding fare code, for example, a 33% discount from the basic fare is indicated as N67; when applying an increased class tariff, the surcharge is indicated in the “S” tariff line, preceded by the corresponding code, and, if a 50% surcharge is applied to the minimum charge, Ml50 is entered; When applying tariffs for packaged cargo, an “X” must be indicated in the tariff class line.

2.18.7. Paid weight. the chargeable weight calculated in accordance with the Tariff Application Rules is indicated; when applying the tariff for packaged cargo:, if it is based on a set charge - the set weight is indicated in the class "U" fare line; if it is based on an established fee and tariff, increased for weight is indicated in the class “E” tariff line; if a fee is charged for containers, then the container weight is indicated in the “X” class tariff line; if a discount is applied, either a one-time discount or a discount per unit of weight, then the weight to which it relates is indicated in the class “Y” fare line

2.18.8. Tariff/fee.

The indicated rates or fees are paid as follows: if a minimum fee is applied, it is indicated in the “M” class fare line; if the basic tariff is applied, it is indicated in the class “N” tariff line; if a weight tariff is applied, it is indicated in the “Q” class tariff line; if the "Intra-Europe Experimental Special Tariff" applies: the basic fee is indicated in the class "B" fare line; the applicable tariff for 1 kg is indicated in the class “K” tariff line; if a special product tariff is applied, it is indicated in the class “C” tariff line; if a tariff reduction is applied, it is indicated in the “R” class fare line; if a surcharge is applied to the fare, it is indicated in the “S” class fare line; when applying the tariff for packaged cargo: if it is based on a set fee, it is indicated in the “U” class fare line; if it is based on a tariff per unit of weight, it is indicated in the class “U” tariff line; if it is based on an established fee and a tariff in excess of the established one, then the excess tariff per unit of weight is indicated in the class “E” tariff line; if a reduced tariff is applied, either a direct discount or a discount per unit of weight, then the reduction is indicated in the “Y” class tariff line, preceded by a (-) sign; when applying a weight allowance this

the surcharge must be indicated as the last line in the tariff field.

2.18.9. Total. the total fee or discount for each line is placed along the same horizontal line; if a general discount is applied, it is marked with an O.

2.18.10. Contents and quantity of cargo (including dimensions or volume)

This column must be completed as follows: the column includes descriptions of the goods contained in the cargo; if dangerous goods are contained in a consignment of non-dangerous goods, they must be described separately first; for dangerous goods, entry is made in accordance with this manual and the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. for live animals, the information must be given in accordance with this manual and the instructions published in the IATA Live Animals Regulations; for consolidated cargo, the note “Consolidation according to the attached list” must be made; if volumetric weight is accepted as the paid weight, then, in accordance with the Rules, indicate either: greatest length, width and height, units of measurement and number of places with such dimensions, or volume and unit of measurement; if packaging means are used, their identification codes are indicated in the “X” class fare line; when the number of seats indicated in column 22A differs from the actual number of seats, then the actual number of seats is marked “SLAC” (sender loading and recalculation); the sender or his agent can enter the appropriate description of the goods or number according to the coding system and, where necessary, the country of departure of the goods;

2.18.11. Total number of seats

If in column 22A the number of places is indicated in several lines, then the total number of places is indicated here.

2.18.12. Total weight.

If several entries are made in column 22B, the total weight of the cargo is indicated in this column.

2.18.13. Total amount.

If there is more than one entry in column 22H, the total amount is indicated here.

2.19. Other fees.

2.19.1. Other charges levied upon departure must be indicated at the time of issue of the air waybill as either paid in full or payable in full by the recipient;

2.19.2. Other charges levied en-route or at the destination airport are also shown when the air waybill is issued, either as fully prepaid or fully payable;

2.19.3. Other fees payable should be understood as requirements dictated by Resolution 614;

2.19.4. Other fees payable along the route or at the destination airport and not specified in column 23 can be collected only upon arrival of the cargo and are indicated in accordance with paragraphs. 2.25.3.;

2.19.5. A description and amount of fees, excluding taxes, must be provided;

2.19.6. If air waybill data is transmitted electronically, the following fee codes must be used:

AC - container for animals

AS - assembly service

AT - conductor

AW - air waybill fee

BL - black list

BR - banking permit

CD - cleaning and processing - upon arrival

CH - cleaning and processing - upon departure

DB - fee for collection of expenses

DF - distribution fee

FC - collection fee

GT - government tax

HR - human remains

IN - insurance premium

LA - live animals

MA - miscellaneous fees - in favor of the agent (see Note 1)

MB - miscellaneous fees - unspecified (see Note 2)

MS - miscellaneous fees - in favor of the carrier (see Note 3)

MD - MN - different fees in favor of the last carrier

MO - MZ - various fees in favor of the issuing carrier

RK - packaging

PU - receipt from warehouse

RA - dangerous goods charge

RC - transfer of collection for consideration

RF - refund of fee due

SD - ground handling fee - upon delivery

SI - stop at a transit point

SO - storage fee - upon departure

SP - separate quick receipt

SR - storage fee - upon receipt

SS - certificate of inscriptions

ST - state sales tax

SU - ground handling fee

TR - transit

TX - taxes

UH - packaged cargo handling

Note 1: The MA code is used if the fee is levied in favor of the agent and is not subject to subsequent determination.

Note 2: Code MB is used if it is not determined whether the fee is being charged to the agent or the carrier.

Note 3: The MC code is used if the fee is levied in favor of the carrier and is not subject to subsequent determination.

The indicator for whose benefit the fee is charged are the letters: A - for the agent, C - for the carrier.

2.19.7. If the air waybill data is not transmitted electronically, it is recommended that the same system be used, otherwise a clear description should clearly indicate whether the charge is being applied to the agent or the carrier.

2.19.8. The amounts of miscellaneous other fees shown in Box 23 must be entered in Box 27A, 27B, 28A or 28B.

2.19.9. If the cargo is returned due to non-delivery, then the new return air waybill must include in this column all fees that should have been collected, but were not collected, from the original recipient.

2.20. Prepayment.

2.20.1. Fully paid weight fee. A fee for weight/volume for transportation must be indicated corresponding to the amounts discussed in paragraphs. or 2.18.13. Weight/volume fee, declared value fee, tax must either be paid in full in advance or collected in full upon receipt;

2.20.2.Prepaid declared value fee. a declared value fee is payable, if applicable. The amount of the fee for declared value depends on the value declared to the carrier in accordance with paragraphs. 2.14. and Rules for the application of tariffs; Weight/volume, declared value and tax charges must either be paid in full in advance or payable in full upon delivery.

2.20.3.Prepaid tax any applicable tax is indicated; Weight/volume, declared value and tax fees must either be paid in full in advance or payable in full upon delivery; detailed tax information is not indicated in column 23.

2.20.4. Total of other prepaid fees.

The prepaid amount of "Other Fees" must match the total of the prepaid fees indicated in the "Other Fees" column. In favor of the agent.

This column is not used if not filled in

by local agreement; In favor of the carrier.

The amount of prepaid other fees collected in favor of the carrier is posted (see clause 2.19.);

2.20.5. Untitled column.

This box is left blank unless used at the discretion of the issuing carrier.

2.20.6. Total prepayment.

The sum of all other prepaid fees must be paid: weight/volume fee, declared value fee, other carrier fees, tax (if applicable), other agent fees.

2.21. Payable

2.21.1. Weight fee payable The weight/volume charge for air transportation must correspond to the amounts discussed in clauses. or 2.18.13.; Weight/volume, declared value and tax charges must be shown as either fully prepaid or fully payable upon receipt.

2.21.2. Declaration fee payable The declared value charge, if applicable, must be indicated. Depends on the amount of value declared for transportation (see clause 2.14.) in accordance with the Tariff Application Rules; Weight/volume, declared value and tax charges are shown as either paid in full or payable in full upon delivery.

2.21.3. Tax payable. if the column is not shaded, it indicates any tax levied; Weight/volume, declared value and tax charges are shown as either paid in full or payable in full upon receipt; detailed tax information is not indicated in column 23.

2.21.4. Amount of other fees payable.

The amount of "Other Fees" payable shall consist of the fees indicated in the "Other Fees" column. in favor of the agent.

The amount of fees is paid in favor of the agent (see clause 2.19.). in favor of the carrier.

The amount of fees is paid in favor of the carrier (see paragraph 2.19.).

2.21.5. Untitled column.

This box is completed unless used at the discretion of the issuing carrier.

2.21.6. Total payable.

The sum of all fees payable upon receipt: weight/volume fee, declared value fee, other agent and carrier fees and, if applicable, tax.

2.22. Box for the sender's signature.

If not pre-printed, the signature of the sender or his agent is included (printed, hand-written, or stamped).

2.23. Execution of the air waybill by the carrier.

2.23.1. Issued (date).

The air waybill issuance date is indicated in the following order: day, month and year. The month is indicated in words or abbreviated.

2.23.2. Place.

The name of the airport or city where the air waybill was completed.

2.24. For carrier use. (Only at destination airport)

This column is not filled in.

2.25. Charges payable in destination currency For carrier use only.

The last carrier can complete Original 2 (for the recipient) as follows:

2.25.1. Currency conversion rate.

Enter the currency code of the destination country and the conversion rate.

2.25.2. Fees payable in the currency of the destination country.

The amount indicated in column 30B is converted into the currency of the destination country at the rate indicated in column 33A.

2.25.3. Taxes at destination airport.

Charges levied at the destination airport in favor of the last carrier are quoted in the currency of the destination country.

2.25.4. General credit fees.

The amount of fees indicated in columns 35B and LZS.

2.26.Linear code of the air waybill number.

To be completed in accordance with Recommended Practice 1600.

2.27. If a neutral air waybill is used, any changes to the airline code number, air waybill serial number, airline name, and head office address will automatically invalidate the air waybill.


Appendix B Appendix A


Validation checks for input data


Airport code from-


Must be a three letter airport or city code


according to the IATA code list.


Aircraft code number


Must be a three-digit airline code


according to the IATA code list.


Serial number


There must be eight digits, the eighth verification number is

air waybill

check digit of the conditional module of the septal system


Name and address


For the name and address of the airline's head office,


company issuing the air waybill,

The same checks apply as to the data in column 2.


Name (title) and

sender's address


- title - text up to 35 characters;


- street, house number - text up to 35 characters;


- city-text up to 17 characters;


- state - text up to 9 characters;


- two-letter country code according to the IATA code list;


- postal code - text up to 9 characters;

- one or more communication methods. For each:


type (two letters),


contact number (text up to 25 characters).


Name (title) and


To the data of the name (title) and address of the recipient

address of the recipient

The same checks apply as for the data in column 2.


Agent name

The entered information is checked separately:

issuing carrier


- name (title)

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the postal item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon for international postal items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... Parcels go on different routes, in different ways, they can wait for 1 day to be sent by plane, or maybe even a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

Air Waybill- a document issued by the shipper or an authorized agent, which confirms the existence of an agreement between the shipper and the carrier on the carriage of goods on the carrier’s airlines. The air waybill is neither a document of title nor a transfer document. The air waybill certifies: the conclusion of the contract of carriage, the acceptance of goods for transportation and the conditions of transportation. In some cases, since the air waybill contains fairly complete information about the goods, it can be used as a customs declaration.

Air waybill (AWB) has an 11-digit number that is used for booking, checking the status of cargo transportation, and determining the current location of the cargo. The first three digits make up the airline's IATA prefix (for example, the prefix Turkish Airlines Airlines – 235), the next 8 digits are the serial number.

Air waybill (AWB) is a set consisting of 8-12 copies (3 originals, with the text of the agreement on the reverse side, and copies). The originals are intended for the carrier, consignor and consignee. Copies are intended for the carrier (or carriers), departure and destination airports during customs inspection, transit airports and the authorized agent.

There are 2 types of air waybills - main (master) MAWB (Master Air Waybill) and home HAWB (House Air Waybill). The MAWB (master or master waybill) carries a serial number with an airline prefix and is assigned by the airline itself. This waybill indicates the names and addresses of agents of those countries from where the cargo is sent and where it arrives. HAWB - (house or domestic waybill). Bears a serial number with the prefix HAWB, which is assigned by the agent himself. This invoice contains all information about the sender and recipient according to the attached invoice.

The air waybill issued for the shipment of cargo must bear a warehouse stamp and a service stamp aviation security flights, a customs stamp and an agent's seal stating that he knows the nature of the cargo for which the air waybill was issued.

The air waybill must contain the name and full address of the shipper, the consignee and the agent who issued the air waybill. Indicate the three-letter code of the destination (IATA airport code) or transfer when transporting cargo along a complex route, the name of the carrier, reservation, date, currency and transportation tariff, value of the cargo, amount of insurance, number of seats and weight.

    Contents of the air waybill:
  1. Departure airport(Airport of departure)
    Indicate the three-letter IATA code of the airport (city) of departure.
  2. Issued(Issued by)
    The name and address of the Carrier shall be indicated.
  3. Shipper's name and address(Shipper's name and Address)
    The name of the organization, surname, detailed postal address and country (two-letter country code) of the shipper are indicated. contact number, telefax, telex.
  4. Shipper account number(Shipper's Account Number)
  5. Name and address of the consignee(Consignee's Name and Address)
    The name of the organization, surname, detailed postal address and country (two-letter country code) of the consignee are indicated. Contact phone, fax, telex.
  6. Consignee's bank account number(Consignee's Account Number)
    To be filled in if necessary.
  7. The carrier's agent who issued the waybill, his name and address(Issuing carrier's agent, name and city)
    The full address and name, location of the IATA agent is indicated if they issue the air waybill.
  8. IATA Agent Code(Agent's IATA code)
    The agent code assigned by IATA is indicated.
  9. Departure airport (address of the first carrier) and cargo transportation route(Airport of departure (Address of fist carrier) and requested routing)
    Indicate the three-letter code of the departure airport (code of the first carrier) and the cargo transportation route.
  10. IN(That)
    The three-letter IATA code of the destination airport is indicated; in the case of a transfer, the first, second, third point (airport) of reloading (transfer) of another airline.
  11. First carrier/route and destination(By first carrier/Routing and destination)
    The full name of the first carrier or its two-character IATA code is indicated.
  12. By whom(Woo)
    The code of the Carriers (airlines) participating in the transfer is indicated.
  13. Calculation information(Accounting information)
    Instructions for calculations and type of payment are entered.
  14. Currency(Currency)
    The three-letter code of the currency of the country of departure of the goods is indicated.
  15. Charge code(Chugs code)
    Not filled in. (Used by the carrier when transmitting AWB data by electronic means).
  16. Weight and declared value fee Paid...Collect...(Weight charge and valuation charde Prepaid... Collect...).
  17. The nature of payment is indicated with an X on departure (Prepaid) or on arrival (Collect).

  18. Other Shipping Fees Paid...Collect...(All other charges at origin Prepaid... Collect...)
    Indicate amounts that are fully paid at the point of departure or are indicated in the column Collect on arrival>.
  19. Value declared for carriage(Declared value for carriage)
    Indicated in currency by the sender and should not exceed the actual cost of transportation.
    If there is no indication of the declared value, the column is not filled in. For international transport, indicate NVD(without declaration of value).
  20. Sender's declared value to customs(Declared value for customs)
    Indicated in currency by the sender.
    If there is no indication of the declared value, the column is not filled in.
    For international transport, indicate NCV(without customs value).
  21. Destination airport(Airport of destination)
    The full name of the destination point (airport) is indicated.
  22. For carrier use only(For carrier use only). Flight / Day.
    Indicate the flight number and departure date (2 digits), month (3 letters), year (last 2 digits).
  23. Sum insured(Amount of issue)
    The amount of cargo insurance is indicated in numbers. Cargo insurance must be issued only by an insurance company.
  24. Service Information(Handling information)
    - special measures for handling and storage of cargo;
    - accompanying documentation for the air waybill;
    - surname, address, methods of contact of a person other than the recipient to notify about the arrival of the cargo.
  25. Number of cargo pieces(No packages)
    The number of pieces of cargo accepted for transportation is indicated.
    NOTE: If there is no through fare, the IATA letter code of the fare combination point (RCP) must be indicated.
  26. Total weight (gross)(Actual gross weight)
    The total weight of the items is indicated.
    Rules for rounding weight to the nearest 0.5 kg.
  27. Kilograms/lbs(Kg/Lb)
    - Kg/kg. - if in kilograms;
    - Lb/ - if the mass is in pounds.
  28. Fare class(Rate class)
    The designation of the tariff code is indicated
    M - minimum tariff (fee);
    N - regular tariff;
    Q - quantitative tariff;
    B - basic tariff (by agreement);
    K - tariff per kilogram (by agreement)
    C - special freight tariff;
    R - preferential class tariff;
    W - tariff for weight gain.
  29. Special cargo category code(Commodity item No)
    The alphabetic or numeric rate code is indicated when applying a special tariff, or in cases of applying a discount or surcharge when using class tariffs, a percentage of the normal tariff is indicated.
  30. Paid mass(Chargeable Weight)
    The weight of the cargo to be paid for each item of cargo is indicated.
  31. Tariff/Fees(Rate/Charge)
    The tariff for transportation of 1 kg of cargo is indicated.
  32. Total(Total)
    The amount of payment for transportation of accepted cargo is indicated.
  33. Name and quantity of cargo (including dimensions and (or) volume)(Nature and quantity of goods)
    - detailed description and name of goods;
    - the presence of dangerous goods as part of non-dangerous goods;
    - dimensions and (or) volume, if the volume is calculated;
    - maximum length, width, height, units of measurement and number of seats.
  34. Prepaid Bulk Fee(Prepaid weight charge)
    The amount of the weight fee paid by the sender from the point of departure to the point of destination is indicated.