Will a comet fall this year?

And so, when this asteroid was discovered is also known. It was discovered by researchers at the Hawaiian Observatory back in 2012. Then same heavenly body passed near our planet at a distance that is considered quite dangerous, it was 95 thousand kilometers from the globe. By the way, this distance is covered by spaceships landing on the closest satellite of the Earth - the Moon. Scientists believe that asteroid TC4 will fly at its maximum dangerous distance from Earth on October 21, 2017.

Sample size depends on calculations. It can be said that the total number of nearby bodies with a perihelial distance of less than 1.3 astronomical units is close to two thousand. This is probably the upper limit of where one can think about the potential dangers in the long term. We must be prepared for any risk of collision. Greatest danger threatens us in March. Therefore, there are many different hypotheses on how to prevent the collision and work on some projects that could give us important ideas.

The first of the probes would reach very high speeds at very high speeds. The second probe must also measure the small change in the body's path that may cause an impact. Scientists will learn how strong an attack will be to deflect a potentially dangerous asteroid.

Preliminary calculations performed by a female astronomer from the United States show that the radius of a celestial body flying directly to Earth is about 20 meters. at the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. The asteroid was named TC4. It is noted that the meteorite poses a greater danger than the celestial body that collided with the Earth in the city of Chelyabinsk in February 2013.

But this will not happen soon, and in 2017 another “space alien” is expected to arrive on planet Earth. A group of researchers discovered an asteroid with a diameter of 40 meters in space, which high speed moves towards Earth. According to their calculations, the collision with planet Earth will occur on October 12, 2017.

These experiments are primarily scientific, it must be emphasized. Their main goal is not to know how a comet or asteroid reacts to the impact and how much it deviates from the track. In particular, we want to know something about the object itself; what material and what does the material have when it comes to impact - exactly what geologists do on Earth with a hammer or perhaps with pine cones to figure out the structure of rocks and earth's crust. In the case of a comet or an asteroid, this is not so simple, and the experiments mentioned are such a first sign in trying to make a truly active experiment; influence the body and see how it reacts.

The astronomer states that in the event of a collision of a celestial rock with the surface of our planet, the consequences may be greater than those that occurred after the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which fell to Earth in the winter of 2013.

An asteroid flying towards Earth in 2017, what is the probability of a collision? Detailed information.

It is of course waiting to deviate from the track because the impact will give it a good boost. Well, this will be an important by-product, and the data we get will certainly be very useful for the future development of body deflection techniques. But of course some of them are not needed because they need a different structure and/or track.

Apart from destructive methods, there are also several other things to say. For a dangerous asteroid, we could fix the sail to the solar wind, or we could paint half the asteroid black and change its albedo. Both of these methods would likely have changed his course.

A study of meteorite matter showed that Chelyabinsk asteroid belonged to the ordinary chondrite type LL5, its age is about 4.45 billion years, around the time of its birth it experienced a powerful collision with another object. Chemical analysis showed that the meteorite contained traces of organic compounds containing sulfur and oxygen.

Still at the stage of theoretical considerations and calculations, very few experiments have been carried out so far, because of course they are expensive and complex. Some considerations also look quite strange. However, these non-destructive methods have their justification because, according to the research we contributed to us at Ondřejovo, most of these bodies are not solid. In fact, this is not one thing, and such an object consists of many more small bodies, which are essentially held together only by gravity.

The surface is also covered in fine dust called regolith, so it may look like a solid body from a distance, but it is not. If such a loose piece of bodies and most of asteroids are subjected to brute force, possibly an explosion, and it may happen that the body collapses into pieces. And then we would be worse, because instead of one body we would need dozens of smaller, but still dangerous bodies. When exposed to such a cluster, there may be the same damage to a single big body, and we couldn't do anything about it.

Judith Rees, an astronomer and also an employee of the University of Texas, says that an asteroid that is approaching the Earth is a very serious problem and poses a potential danger to humanity. The diameter of this approaching object is approximately 40 meters.

The “Chelyabinsk event” also became significant for politics: it forced the authorities of the United States, Russia and the European Union to once again return to the problem of the asteroid-comet danger.

In 2013, a meteorite fell to Earth and landed in Chelyabinsk region, Russia. But this situation did not bring such a great apogee as predicted about the TC4 Meteorite. US scientists have found that this asteroid is moving towards us at great speed and, according to calculations, on October 12, 2017, it will collide with the Earth with unknown consequences.
When did scientists discover this asteroid? And when were they going to report it? It was studied at the Hawaiian Observatory, USA. In 2012, it became known that this object passed near the Earth at a very dangerous distance - 95 thousand kilometers from our globe. This distance identified the so-called spacecraft on the Earth's satellite - the Moon.

Therefore, a potentially dangerous asteroid must first examine the structure. If it were hard, we could use a little more sophisticated means. If the structure was fragile, it is necessary to have even more subtle methods that do not lead to the destruction of the asteroid. Maybe, in layman's terms, a fancy painting of half the asteroid to white or black would change the albedo distribution. An asteroid is irradiated by the Sun, and if it is asymmetrically colored, there will be asymmetrical radiation.

And this emission of infrared rays will provide a small but lasting impulse that will push the asteroid out of its path for a long time. Even such methods are being considered and may work, but it is necessary to investigate the problem and, most importantly, do some kind of experiment in space to see if it really works. Currently, we still only have theoretical models based on observational data, but not tested in practice.

An asteroid is flying towards the Earth today 2017: NASA scientists about the asteroid flying towards the Earth on October 12, 2017, have already given some comments about the celestial body. An object approaching the Earth is called potentially dangerous; Judith Rees, an employee at the University of Texas, says that the diameter of the circle is about 40 meters.

How big is the TC4 meteorite compared to other meteorites, for example the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which fell to Earth in February 2013, or the Tunguska meteorite, which also fell to earth in 1908. You can also comment on the fact that the Tunguska meteorite, or as some scientists called it a comet, which fell to Earth in June 1908, also on Russian territory, and most likely the explosion occurred in the air, but it was very strong. Scientists equate it with the explosion of the most powerful hydrogen bomb. There were also rumors that this comet had a characteristic content of various minerals, including diamond-containing ones, and three days before, silver clouds and bright twilight were observed.

Frederick Welinsky spoke with Peter Pravch. Although it is very far from astronomical point of view, there is nothing to worry about. There is no space traveler hitting our planet, and there are no apocalyptic scenarios. But his transition to humanity will be extremely important. The results of the flight observations could provide scientists with valuable information needed to create a planetary defense system.

He works to develop technologies and procedures aimed at detecting imminent threats and protecting our planet. And in October, when scientists use a real object for the first time to practically protect planets. The test will test asteroid detection and observation, computer modeling, trajectory calculations, fallout estimation, planetary defense participation and worst-case scenarios, and asteroid impact predictions. There will be dozens of observatories, universities and research centers around the world.

Note that this is the largest celestial body that collided with Earth since Tunguska meteorite– he fell to Earth in 1908.

It should be noted that all of the above asteroids are included in the list of objects potentially hazardous to life on Earth (Potentially hazardous asteroids).

An asteroid flies towards Earth on August 1, 2017. Breaking news.

Therefore, think about what to do when some cosmic bodies fly directly towards us. Even here, there is speculation that both asteroids could have been avoided by Earth. However, there is some risk of collision, and scientists don't want to leave anything behind by accident. The deviation from the trajectory should take it out of its collision course with the Earth.

The current plan to save humanity? 12 favorites. As soon as the Earth approaches an asteroid capable of destroying humanity, 12 scientists will receive a warning of imminent danger. And they will have to save all the living on our planet together with other experts.

It is not yet known what the probability of a real collision of a celestial stone with our planet is, because it is now flying from the Earth at a distance of several tens of thousands of kilometers. However, for example, researchers from the field of studying near-Earth space objects working at the European Space Agency say that chance of collision meteorite with Earth - 1 in 1,000,000.

At the start of the work scenario, there is a threat report that is accepted by a maximum of 12 selected scientists. They begin to examine an object captured by one of the interstellar space imaging telescopes, and if it confirms that an asteroid is indeed on its way to planet Earth, we're only days away from a devastating impact.

Once scientists calculate the size and trajectory of the space object, they send a message to the White House, which will issue an official statement to the public. This is when people are likely to know something is going on. Information can leak into the medium, and many amateur astronomers may notice this.

Chelyabinsk meteorite half the size of TC4, its diameter is almost 20 meters, and before entering the planet’s atmosphere its weight was 13 thousand tons. Only about 35 percent of the total volume of space rock collided with Earth. Eyewitnesses claim that they noticeably noticed a shock wave. Its radius reached approximately 130 kilometers in length and about 50 in width.

Finding such an object is only the first step. Another, and equally important, thing is to destroy or distract the object from the path to avoid the Earth completely. Although there have been large meteorites on our planet in the past, modern history nothing has happened, and experts don't expect us to be at risk right away. However, this risk cannot be completely eliminated, and therefore space organizations are trying to find a solution that would save humanity.

Speculates, for example, a laser that can remove an asteroid from its trajectory. Theoretically, it could also be possible to destroy or deflect the asteroid, such as a foreign body impact, but that's only hypothetical and he's not sure it could work. As mentioned above, an asteroid impact this October is very unlikely. However, some of us had an idea of ​​what such an encounter might look like. It must be added that such a great meteorite would not have hit the Earth. The one that destroyed the dinosaurs was about 15 kilometers away.

Threat Another dangerous asteroid is flying towards Earth. New details.

On October 19, 2017, a potentially dangerous asteroid TC4 will fly near the Earth, The Mirror reported. University of Texas astronomer Jujit Rees believes the asteroid is about 40 meters wide. A collision of a moving body with the Earth can cause greater consequences than the meteorite crash in the Chelyabinsk region in February 2013.

However, this “crumb” of several tens of meters can cause a disaster. For example, we don't have to go far. Since the explosion occurred in an uninhabited area, he did not ask for any casualties. But if such an explosion occurred in densely populated areas, it would undoubtedly be the worst mass tragedy in history. Even the fall of nuclear bombs in Japan at the end of the war would probably not compare with the death toll from this explosion.

Explosive force is mainly due to the property damage caused by the explosion. The explosion was recorded by seismologists around the world, and a powerful fire occurred at the epicenter of the explosion, which was observed hundreds of kilometers away. The consequences of the explosion were felt by the world for several days. There was black rain from the clouds, and for several nights the skies were unusually bright in Europe. People who were caught in the explosion ended up in the hospital with severe burns and worked for several more months. In addition, all the animals disappeared, the one that was not killed by the explosion simply ran away.

Still, scientists believe that this TC4 Meteorite will fly at a very dangerous distance and will not bring us terrible losses and perhaps even losses on October 12, 2017.

An Amur-type asteroid, called 2017 NB7, will fly near the Earth on August 6 at a distance of 6.8 Earth-Moon distances, or 2.6 million kilometers. The astroid flies at a speed of 5.98 kilometers per second, the PolitExpert portal reported.

Thus, a number of hypotheses have emerged from scientific expeditions, the most likely of which is a collision of the Earth with an asteroid, comets or other cosmic body. Accordingly, its explosion in the atmosphere will be more accurate. This indicates the radioactivity of the soil and plant tissue samples taken and the shape of the forest area destroyed.

Although experts are likely to bow to this possibility, they are not sure what happened. If it really was a cosmic event, that would explain the force of the explosion, but it still lacks a crater. However, the scientific community does not believe that the lake will be a crater.

Preliminary calculations performed by a female astronomer from the United States show that the radius of a celestial body flying directly to Earth is about 20 meters. The research was conducted at the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. The asteroid was named TC4. It is noted that the meteorite poses a greater danger than the celestial body that collided with the Earth in the city of Chelyabinsk in February 2013.

According to American experts, there is no reason to panic; he calculated that the probability of the Earth collapsing with this almost 400-meter asteroid called Apophis is very low and 250,000 to one. In addition, the inhabitants of the Earth will learn about the threat of collision seven years in advance. So for a long time they either have to use up the remaining time or theoretically move on to another planet if possible after 25 years.

First, the asteroid would have to fly through a narrow gravitational "keyhole," which is a small region in the universe that regulates the path of asteroids according to Earth's gravity. The force of Earth's gravity is so strong that when an asteroid passes through this hole, its path can be "twisted", which this space object can send directly to Earth.

Residents of neighboring regions managed to notice the strong glow; in addition, it was seen even in Kazakhstan. As a result of the powerful shock wave, glass cracked in about 7 thousand houses. The emergency incident did not take human lives, but about one and a half thousand citizens were injured, and 52 people had to be hospitalized.

If an asteroid hits our planet, it can destroy the entire city, if it hits the sea, it can lead to a destructive wave. According to Donald Yeomans of the Earth's Space Objects Program, there is little chance that an asteroid will hit Earth. But this is very unlikely, it is reassuring.

The goal would be to disrupt the asteroid's track

Professor Leonid Sokolov from the University of St. Petersburg told RIA Novosti unpacked: Apophis is approaching Earth at a distance of 37,000 to 38,000 km in April. It is likely that the Earth will collide in April. Our task is to consider various alternatives and develop scenarios and action plans about the results of further observations of Apophis.

A "death asteroid" is approaching Earth. Exclusive.

In contact with


Astrophysicists have found that an asteroid is approaching the Earth, which can radically change the appearance of our planet. Despite the fact that the celestial body is relatively small in size, its contact with the Earth threatens natural disasters on a global scale and almost the end of the world.

Experts are panicking because a space object with a diameter of 40 m could fall to Earth and lead to catastrophic destruction.

The impact of such a colossus will form a huge crater, and a global catastrophe will occur on Earth as a result of which all living things will die. After the collision, changes in climate will begin - the destruction of the Earth's ozone layer will begin.

The first reports of a possible collision with an asteroid called 2012 TC4 appeared back in 2015, although even at that time their primary sources were not always trustworthy, and some experts were quite skeptical about this information. However, at least the asteroid in question is not fictional - it was discovered in 2012 and its orbit has so far been studied only approximately. Diameter of a cosmic body different estimates, reaches from 12 to 40 m. This means that the asteroid may be even larger than the famous meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region - then 1,613 people were injured, and material damage amounted to almost half a billion rubles, and the consequences could have been much greater if it fell on a populated area.

However, some scientists are skeptical about this forecast and promise salvation to those who do not focus on this at all.

According to some experts, the planet is not at risk of a collision with extraterrestrial objects for hundreds of thousands of years. And accordingly, they recommend focusing less on dubious news about the imminent end of the world and more often minding your own business and loved ones.

In principle, these calculations by specialists may not be confirmed. Dangerous asteroids are reported frequently, but every time solar system There is enough space for them to successfully pass each other. So, in September 2015, they predicted the last “apocalypse” due to a cosmic catastrophe.

Before this, scientist David Mead suggested that planet Earth would be destroyed in October 2017 after colliding with planet X Nibiru, but did not specify the date of the disaster.

“I think everything will work out, as it has happened many times. A space object will fly past us. Such fast-flying objects are usually quickly detected. In Russia and the United States there are means for monitoring asteroid hazards. If scientists don’t say anything about this, then these are all horror stories that are born in the inflamed brain of the average person. In addition, if something happens, we have something to counter such an object with. You need to launch a rocket towards him, which will push him a little with ordinary explosives. It is not necessary to arrange a nuclear explosion in space for this. And if you push the object a little, even 10 centimeters, it will change its orbit and fly far, far away from the Earth,” says Alexander Galkin, a scientific observer for the Kultura TV channel.

Astronomer Igor Lopin noted that despite the fact that the probability of the orbits of the Earth and an asteroid intersecting is extremely low, the danger still exists. “If it falls to the surface, we can talk about destruction at a distance of several hundred kilometers. This will not be a global catastrophe, but locally it can lead to serious consequences,” the specialist said. Despite this, many say that the end of the world will still come on October 12, 2017.

One way or another, the vast majority of scientists are inclined to believe that the probability of 2012 TC4 falling to Earth, at least until 2020, is virtually zero. It is worth noting that the asteroid, despite this, is included in the list of “potentially dangerous”, but this status, just in case, is assigned to any found cosmic body, the distance from which to the Earth at any stage may be less than 20 times greater than the distance from our planet to the Moon.